Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Introduction. Household services (dry cleaners, laundries) Pollutant emissions from laundries and dry cleaners

    Dry cleaning companies

    Currently, the following types of factories have become widespread: large factories for dry cleaning and dyeing clothes industrial type, medium and small dry cleaning factories, special factories for cleaning carpets, overalls, hats, etc., factories for urgent dry cleaning and laundry, micro-dry cleaning.

    Large industrial type dry-cleaning and dyeing factories have production capacity from 1000 and more kg/shift. The composition of enterprises of this type is as follows: a washing shop in organic solvents, a processing shop in aqueous surfactant solutions, a dyeing shop, a stain removal shop, a wet heat treatment shop, a primary sorting department and batch acquisition, and an expedition.

    Large and medium-sized enterprises usually use several types of solvents: perchlorethylene, trichlorethylene, solvent naphtha, white spirit, freons, which makes it possible to process an almost unlimited range of clothing and products. These factories use dry cleaning machines with a large capacity (60 - 150 kg). Small enterprises use dry cleaning machines with a capacity of 25 - 30 kg.

    Micro dry cleaners operating on electric heating are among the smallest enterprises. They are located on the first floors of residential buildings without their own boiler plants. Their capacity is in the range of 80 - 160kg/shift. The most suitable types of machines for such enterprises are "Spetsima-212", KX-010, KX-010A.

    Dry cleaning and dyeing enterprises accept for processing various clothes and products that differ in fiber composition, manufacturing methods, purpose, finish, degree of soiling, wear, etc.

    The technological process of dry cleaning of clothes includes the following main operations: receiving clothes from the population, primary sorting of clothes, preparing clothes for washing in an organic solvent, washing and drying in dry cleaning machines, removing water-soluble stains, sorting cleaned clothes, wet-heat treatment, tailoring, quality control.

    Processing of products with chlorohydrocarbons is carried out by machines of periodic action. In them, not only cleaning of products takes place, but also their extraction, drying and cleaning with a solvent.

    The process of processing clothes in machines can be carried out both with manual control of the machine and with automatic control.

    The convenience of carrying out the process with manual control lies in the fact that it is possible to carry out almost any washing option in relation to a specific batch of clothes.

    To prevent pollution environment vapors of organic solvents released during technological processes at the enterprises of dry-cleaners, gas-cleaning installations "D8 POTOK" are used.

    A mixture of solvent vapors (white spirit, solvent and process gasoline) enters the gas cleaning complex "D8 POTOK" through the air duct, in which the molecules of harmful substances are decomposed into atoms and radicals, followed by oxidation and removal. The purified air enters the duct through the damper.

    Calculation of the amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere by dry cleaning enterprises

    The calculation of gross, t/year, and maximum, g/s, emissions is carried out for specific sources using the balance method.

    Distribution of solvent vapors by technological operations:

    Name of the technological process

    % emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere


    Transportation, storage

    The smell is removed to the ventilation system, removed in the D8 POTOK group of companies

    Washing and spinning

    Odors, harmful substances are released into the room through non-density machines, are removed by the D8 gas cleaning system built into the ventilation

    Drying and airing clothes

    Chemical removal of stains and dirt on clothes

    Odors, harmful substances are removed through the technological ventilation system using D8 POTOK Group of Companies

    Separation in the ironing room

    Odors, harmful substances are removed through the technological ventilation system using D8 POTOK Group of Companies

    The percentage of volatile harmful substances included in stain removers:




    ethyl cellosolve in technical

    (volatile) 75%

    benzyl alcohol

    (volatile) 20%

    equalizer A


    sintanol DS-10

    sodium chloride

    sodium sulfate

    monochloroacetic acid

    ethanol (ethyl alcohol)

    (for cleaning carpets)

    catamine AB

    synthamide - 5

    sintanol DS-10


    ethylene glycol

    (volatile) 10%

    isopropyl alcohol


    catamine AB

    isopropyl alcohol

    (volatile) 75%

    detergent progress

    synthamide - 5

    isopropyl alcohol

    (volatile) 10%

    ethylene glycol

    ethyl cellosolve



    sodium chloride

    sintanol DS-10


    White Spirit

    (volatile) 24.88%

    (volatile) 15%

    isoamyl acetate

    (volatile) 25%


    alizorin oil

    industrial oil

    oleic acid

    potassium hydroxide


    (volatile) 10%


    (volatile) 10%


    protosubstylin TZx-1

    amylosubstilin G10x-1


    potato starch

    manganese chloride


    (volatile) 8.1%

    isopropyl alcohol

    (volatile) 91.9%

    ethyl cellosolve


    (volatile) 45%

    isoamyl alcohol

    benzyl alcohol

    (volatile) 12%



    sintanol DS-10

    equalizer A


    ethyl cellosolve

    (volatile) 20%



    (volatile) 54%

    isoamyl alcohol

    equalizer A

    OS-20 (grade B)


    sulfanol tv.

    sintanol DS-10

    ethyl cellosolve

    (volatile) 30%


    (volatile) 30%


    (volatile) 45%

    ethyl acetate

    (volatile) 40%


    sintanol DS-10

    Yutan MKIS


    (volatile) 20%

    ethyl cellosolve

    (volatile) 30%


    (volatile) 48%

    sintanol DS-10



    sintanol DS-10

    (volatile) 10%

    Considering individual characteristics technologies of each enterprise, our design and technological departments, develop gas cleaning complexes "D8" according to terms of reference The customer to clean exhaust, recirculated air or air from working areas from harmful (toxic) substances and odors to the maximum allowable concentration, maximum allowable concentration, as well as to reduce the tonnage of total harmful concentrations up to 98%.

    The use of additional standard gas cleaning modules (scaling) allows for highly efficient gas cleaning of any volumes and quantities of pollution.

    Application gas cleaning complexes "D8 Potok" will allow:

  • avoid sanctions from public and state environmental control related to the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • avoid exceeding the MPC of harmful substances in working areas;
  • ensure that all sanitary and hygienic requirements at work are met;
  • avoid fires in exhaust duct systems;
  • ensure the possibility of returning warm purified air to other rooms (when the required indicators are reached).

Gas treatment plants "D8 Potok" have all the necessary certificates and permits:

  • Declaration of Conformity TR CU 010/2011 Customs Union CU N RU D-RU.AB24.V.02458
  • Declaration of Conformity TR CU 020/2011 Customs Union CU N RU D-RU.AB24.V.02459
  • Product Type Certificate No. ТС RU T-RU.AB24.00300
  • Certificate of Conformity, serial issue №ТС RU CRU.AB24.B.04310
  • Hygienic certificate Expert opinion No. 402 and Protocols
  • Certificate fire safety No. NSOPB.RU.PR.063/3.N.01094

graduate work

1.1.3 Pollutant emissions from laundries and dry cleaners

Today, 4-5 star hotels practically cannot do without their own laundries and dry cleaners. Having your own laundry or dry cleaning in a hotel is today a high level of service, a serious service.

For dry cleaning and laundry enterprises, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for a number of requirements and restrictions. The building in which the dry cleaner is located must be located at least fifty meters from residential buildings. Since dry cleaning and laundry are “households” thematically related to each other, focused on providing related services to the guest, they are usually located not far from each other. As a rule, in a hotel they can even be united by one room, but it is still desirable to separate them and allocate a separate room for dry cleaning. This is dictated by the peculiarities of working with chemicals, interaction with which should, if possible, be excluded. In addition, there are smells of chemicals in the air, and, consequently, the requirements for the ventilation system are also increased.

It should be noted that dry cleaning is subject to more stringent environmental conditions: a good hood, a high threshold (since many chemicals are heavier than air and settle at floor level), etc. In addition, dry cleaning requires a place for waste disposal - sludge, because, unlike a laundry, where the water flows directly into the sewer, here the used chemicals should not enter the environment. For the laundry, an area of ​​​​about 45-50 m2 should be allocated for every hundred hotel rooms, and if dry cleaning is also added, then a room is required with total area 100 m2.

Dry cleaning is the process of cleaning clothes using a
solvent (other than water). The main purpose of dry cleaning is to remove dirt and stains that are not amenable to normal washing.

In the beginning, oil products were used for dry cleaning. Their easy flammability led to frequent fires and explosions. By far the most common is dry cleaning with perchlorethylene, it is stable, non-flammable and perfectly removes dirt, practically without damaging clothes. Also, wet cleaning is used as an alternative, where instead of a solvent, water and detergents - surfactants (surfactants) are used. Cleaning with hydrocarbon (petroleum) solvents is less used. Until recently, specialized enterprises that processed leather and fur products used trichlorotrifluoroethane (valklen, or freon) as a solvent - due to its less aggressiveness. However, due to the ban on its production, freon is now giving way to hydrocarbon solvents and chilled perchlorethylene. Refrigerated perchlorethylene is less corrosive and its use reduces the risk of damage to products in the dry cleaning machine. Among the new directions is cleaning with liquefied carbon dioxide, but this technology is still in its infancy, and its effectiveness will be determined by time.

In addition to solvents, other chemical materials are involved in dry cleaning: stain removers and detergents. The selection of chemical materials depends on the technology used (perchlorethylene, hydrocarbon solvents or wet cleaning) and on the processed assortment (leather, fur, textiles, etc.).

There are five main stages in the dry cleaning process - receiving products, sorting incoming products, pre-cleaning, machine cleaning (including wringing and drying) and finishing operations, which include subsequent stripping, ironing and packaging. For leather and suede products, finishing operations may also include fatliquoring, toning, and applying (restoring) film coatings.

Perchlorethylene is a non-combustible compound that is stable at temperatures up to 500°C in the absence of a catalyst, moisture and oxygen, but slowly decomposes on contact with water to form trichloroacetic and hydrochloric acids. It has a strong unpleasant odor. Perchlorethylene is toxic, has a narcotic effect, belongs to moderately hazardous substances (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007). MPC in the air of the working area is 10 mg/m3.

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2. Guidelines for the calculation of emissions of harmful substances from the enterprises of repair and maintenance equipment

2.1. Characteristics of enterprises and technological processes

2.2. The main pollutants emitted from equipment and materials used during repair operations:

2.3. Determination of emissions of pollutants from various technological processes associated with repairs household appliances

2.4. Repair of faulty components, parts and products

2.4.1. Soldering of metals and alloys

3. Finishing cases of complex household appliances and metal products

3.1. Painting with varnishes and paints

3.2. Finishing by etching and anodizing surfaces

4. Guidelines for the calculation of emissions of harmful substances from enterprises for the repair of household radio-electronic equipment

4.1. Enterprise characteristics

4.2. Calculation of emissions of harmful substances

4.2.1. Soldering of metals and alloys

4.2.2. Cleaning parts before soldering

5. Guidelines for the calculation of emissions of harmful substances from dry-cleaners and laundries

5.1. Characteristics of dry cleaning enterprises

5.2. Technological process of dry cleaning clothes

5.3. Calculation of the amount of harmful substances emitted into the atmosphere by dry cleaning enterprises

5.3.1. Calculation of emissions of harmful substances that are part of stain removers

5.4. Characteristics of laundries

5.4.1. General information, technical equipment and organization of production

5.4.2. Detergents, finishing agents and chemicals used in the processing of linen

5.4.3. Washing machines and washer-extractors

5.4.4. Preparation of solutions for washing materials

6. Guidelines for the calculation of emissions of harmful substances by enterprises for the repair and tailoring of shoes

6.1. Characteristics of enterprises

6.2. Characteristics of workshops, sections and technological processes

6.3. Manufacture of leather goods

6.4. Determination of emissions of harmful substances during various processes of repair and tailoring of shoes

6.4.1. Adhesive operations, coloring and dressing shoes

6.4.2. Grinding and milling of shoe parts.

Annex to Chapter 6

Annex A.6.1. Compositions of substances used in shoe repair

7. Guidelines for the calculation of emissions of harmful substances by enterprises for the production of garments

8. Guidelines for the calculation of emissions into the atmosphere of substances formed in the process production work in furniture factories and DCS

8.1. Characteristics of enterprises

8.2. Determination of pollutant emissions from various technological processes of repair and furniture manufacturing

8.2.1. Mechanical processing of wood

8.2.2. Furniture panel veneering

8.2.3. Finishing of furniture boards.

8.2.4. Areas for gluing and veneering wood and wood-based materials

8.3. Distribution of emitted harmful substances by sites and technological operations

8.3.1. Sites for the production of plywood and bent-glued furniture parts

8.3.2. Sites for the production of particle boards (chipboard) and parts from wood-adhesive composition (DCC)

8.3.3. Production sites for synthetic veneer

8.3.4. Production of upholstered furniture elements from polyurethane foam

8.3.5. Adhesive thread production

9. Calculation of emissions of harmful substances during the mechanical processing of metals and non-metallic materials

10. Calculation of emissions of harmful substances during welding and cutting of metals

11. Calculation of emissions of harmful substances in film and photo laboratories

11.1. Immersion printing

11.2. Processing machines hall

11.2.1. Etching of parts of processing machines

11.3. Compilation

11.4. Tanning of zinc plates

11.5. Etching of zinc plates

11.6. Mechanical subtitling

11.7. Physico-chemical subtitration

12. Ways to clean the air from dust
