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What services are popular in autumn. Harvest time and big profits. Sale of school supplies

What to offer the consumer, and to profit from it? What is more profitable to implement on the market in the coming years will be discussed in this article.

What is a hot commodity

A hot commodity is a product that is in high demand, it is easy to find a buyer for it. However, not in every case, popular goods can be unequivocally recognized as reliable and profitable for the seller - those that a person will come for, even if he is limited in cash. Therefore, before choosing products for sale, it is always necessary to take into account not only the level of marketability in this moment, but also in the future, as well as to calculate the profit for one unit of goods sold at the checkout.

Good selling item- this is a product that will be equally taken both in a crisis and in moments of economic development.

It is easier and more reasonable for an entrepreneur to get a little less income by selling reliable products (always needed) than expensive risky products that are purchased ad hoc. Compare cereals and delicious seafood: a person can eat buckwheat several times a week, while he will take caviar or shrimp only on holidays.

The simplest examples of in-demand goods

If you sit down for a moment and think about the most frequently bought in Russia goods, bread, cigarettes and alcohol come to mind. So it is, but this does not mean at all that opening a business selling any of these products is guaranteed to bring high and stable incomes or any advantages compared to other products.

Take, for example, cigarettes - one of the most popular products in the Russian Federation. The cigarette business is far from the most profitable. It's all the fault of the system, which is aimed at the formation of maximum prices in this particular niche.

Or consider alcohol.

Not every drink from a huge variety will be on the list of popular leaders. Expensive elite drinks - wines, cognacs, whiskeys, in rare cases, will be able to bring a stable income to the business owner in the same way as cheaper and more affordable drinks do. The most popular drink is beer. For the past 5 years, its sales have been steadily holding their positions at the same high level. But the success of sales of low-alcohol products is influenced by many additional factors: place, assortment, competition, brand.

But no matter how high and massive the sales of alcoholic and tobacco products are, there is another most profitable product for a business that every person acquires whenever they go shopping. And this place of honor belongs to the ordinary plastic bag. Starting polyethylene production is not so easy, but people make millions of rubles on this insignificant product.

Popular hot goods in Russia (in examples)

Now in the Russian Federation, the population is interested mainly in simple bakery products, vodka and cigarettes. But here, at the start, an entrepreneur needs to be careful: all specified positions are subject to certain restrictions provided for by law when pricing. Thus, it is necessary to ensure an extremely large turnover in order to make a profit, and this is difficult in the sales market, since competition in these segments is very high.

To those in demand in the territory Russian Federation currently include:

  • shallow Appliances, budget electronics;
  • electrical goods;
  • household chemicals and personal care products;
  • Kids toys;
  • simple foods (mostly bakery products, semi-finished products, oils, cereals and cereals, vegetables, tea).

However, a hot commodity and a profitable one are not the same thing.

The latter includes everything that the buyer is willing to spend his money on, without thinking too much about the amount. Such products, small and rather banal at first glance, can be sold with good revenue. Typically, the range of this retail " cheap stuff”is presented in small shops and stalls, and is purchased for free in China: dishes, hygiene products, stationery, small things useful in the household (clothespins, hangers, coat hangers, adhesive tapes, etc.). Thus, a profitable product is everything that surrounds us every day, which a person uses regularly.

The buyer will always need food, so even in a crisis, the leading positions in terms of sales do not give up food. Consumers try to avoid expensive offers and look for affordable analogues, for example, instead of natural cheese, they take a cheese product.

Another profitable position is gastronomic products by weight. Nuts, teas, dried fruits, dried seafood and other trifles that are purchased in large quantities in China or Asian countries, and then sold in small containers at a premium. So much and cheap turns into little and expensive.

How to choose a hot product for your niche in business

Everyone chooses a certain strategy for himself:

  • the sale of risk-free goods with a smaller but stable profit;
  • trade goods from the high-risk group and receiving unstable, but sometimes high profits.

Most entrepreneurs will choose reliability, that is, the first option. Starting in search of goods for commerce is not from the most popular varieties, but from promising and profitable ones.

Most purchased goods in the country can be grouped into the following categories:

  • small household appliances - among them are kettles, irons, mixers, blenders, hair dryers and others, without which life is basically possible, but with them it becomes more comfortable and simple;
  • electrical goods - this includes sockets, switches, light bulbs, adapters and other similar items that a person needs;
  • sanitary items - plumbing and accessories that tend to be damaged - these are gaskets, valves, taps, showers and others;
  • tools of daily use - include hammers, saws, nails, screws, screwdrivers, axes and many other things necessary in the household;
  • household chemicals - includes various cleaning, detergents, personal hygiene items that people acquire with regular constancy;
  • clothing and footwear - goods that a person will not buy every day, but cannot do without them;
  • goods for children - clothes, toys, shoes, accessories, everyday life accessories, etc.;
  • other everyday items.

There are also leaders among food products. According to statistics, the most purchased over the past year in the country were:

  • meat, including chicken, pork, beef and turkey;
  • chicken eggs;
  • semi-finished products - are in great demand among women;
  • frozen seafood and fish;
  • vegetable oil and butter;
  • cow's milk;
  • pasta, flour and flour products;
  • salt, sugar;
  • cereals - rice, buckwheat, oats;
  • Black tea;
  • fruits - bananas, apples;
  • vegetables - onions, potatoes, cabbage, carrots.

Among all the variety, some products are in great demand, others are less. How to do right choice and stop at a certain type?

  1. Orientation to own knowledge, interest and command of the heart. Not every product will equally bring satisfaction from working with it. Somewhere there will be a lack of knowledge, somewhere experimental knowledge, somewhere the frequency of implementations. The key to the success of any sales should not lie in the thirst for an early profit. First of all, you need to love your own business.
  2. Comparison of the most suitable product groups for you. If you are torn between several varieties of goods and do not know which one to prefer, then a detailed analysis will help determine.

First steps on the way to a big business

After you have decided what to sell , you need to answer a number of questions that will help develop a business strategy. So this is:

  • where to sell;
  • who to sell.

The solution to the first question can be found in two ways:

  1. Open a shop, go to the market , rent a room for a shop, rent a stall or trading area and so on.
  2. Trade over the Internet. This method will reduce the price of goods and attract more buyers.

Each of these options has both advantages and disadvantages. Not every product can be successfully sold on the Internet, and not every product on the shelves of the store is able to interest you in the same way as in the open spaces of the network.

Now back to the second question - to whom we will sell goods. If the products are in demand mostly among the elderly population, then it makes no sense to organize trade via the Internet. Regarding real trade, it is also important to decide on buyers in order to profitably place your sales markets in the future.

The next step will be to take into account all your capabilities in the following aspects:

  • the availability and volume of start-up investments for starting a business;
  • when opening a retail outlet, it is advisable to carry out preliminary marketing research in the proposed territory: demand opportunities, traffic flow, likelihood of competition, etc.;
  • it is necessary to take care of the maximum demand in the chosen place, as well as the stability of demand for the goods even with changes in the economic situation.

With a detailed study of the listed aspects and the correct answers to the proposed questions, starting a business will not seem so complicated and intimidating.

Internet trading

The offer of products on the Internet is beneficial for several reasons. First, cover global network in the Russian Federation is over 70% and this number is growing every year. One way or another, almost all residents of the country have access to online stores. Secondly, if earlier online shopping was popular among young people, now these people are getting older, and the “army” of young site visitors is constantly replenished, that is, sales volumes are also growing. And finally, thirdly, the rhythm of life makes us look for faster ways to purchase the necessary products, so online stores come to the rescue (they are visited from computers, and 1/3 of users from tablets and smartphones). In addition, merchandise in them becomes more profitable and to save the budget.

Hot goods on the Internet

On what to build a business on the network, what more required by users who prefer to shop online?


The first group includes all kinds of electronic devices and electrical goods that are compact in size: home and kitchen appliances, mobile gadgets, laptops, readers, tablets. As for various teapots, toasters and coffee makers, it is better to organize their sale on well-known sites, since opening your own online store is a costly business, and you will also need to constantly compete with major players.

Perfumes and cosmetics

This group includes toilet and perfumery water, cologne, face and body skin care products, cleansing serums and gommages, decorative cosmetics. Also, the range can be supplemented with accessories for applying and removing funds.

Gift items and toys

Even in the absence of money, people tend to pamper a close present. Unusual gizmos are purchased for adults, and toys (plush, plastic, radio-controlled) - for children. Quadcopters and their accessories are becoming popular.

Clothing and footwear, accessories

To turn to online stores for such a seemingly simple product, people are forced by the high price in ordinary outlets. Often on the Internet it is possible to find a similar product much cheaper, plus with free shipping- a double benefit, and a person does not need to leave the house once again.

Green tea, coffee

Trade in these products is promoted by customers seeking to healthy lifestyle life, advocating for cleansing the body and saturating it with useful elements. Despite the crisis, many people cannot deny themselves a cup of delicious drink.

Online shopping prices

Any person organizing a business is interested in what kind of cost premium can be made on the assortment, how much revenue will be received in the end by selling all the purchased goods.

For the most everyday goods, the margin cannot be large, from 5 to 35%, and only large stores. But even they, like smaller entrepreneurs, strive to find goods with a high mark-up from 100% (umbrellas, bags, gifts) to 300% (gadget cases, seasonal products). It is most advantageous to purchase cheap Chinese products, and only after that to sell them on the territory of the Russian Federation is many times more expensive.

If you plan to open a store from scratch, then it is better to refuse to sell equipment and electronics, since they must be purchased in large quantities, and customers may experience breakdowns during operation.

At the start of opening a business, it is quite possible to engage in the trade of wow goods (purchases of impulse demand). This includes various items that will help a person do something without much effort (a slimming belt, simulators for certain muscle groups, devices for savingelectricity, fuel). The main thing is that such products should not be classified as perishable (since the percentage of disposal of expired raw materials is high), they do not require special conditions storage (humidity, temperature), as you will have to look for additional premises and spend money.

Statistical data

As an illustrative example, we will give information collected using the well-known Avito portal, where both individuals and companies are involved in the sale. So, over the past year, users spent almost 34 billion rubles on the purchase of products from 5 categories:

  • personal goods - 6.5 billion;
  • products for home and summer cottages - 5.5 billion;
  • products for recreation and activities - 3.5;
  • household appliances - 15.2;
  • all for pets - 4.7.

The leaders in statistics were seasonal goods (for example, fans, tents were well bought in the summer), gadgets and accessories, and clothes.

general Statistics for 2016 allowed to create the following list of the 10 most frequently bought goods on the Internet:

  1. Small household appliances became the leader of sales on the Internet.
  2. In second place are cosmetics and perfumes.
  3. Honorable third place Cell phones. Moreover, about 10% of citizens RF regularly update their gadgets by purchasing phones on the Internet at better prices. On average, people buy models worth up to 600 US dollars.
  4. Then come tablets and laptops.
  5. Toys and original gifts.
  6. Licensed software.
  7. Shoes, clothes, accessories.
  8. Books. Quite interesting is the fact that, despite the free, easy accessibility and convenience of the electronic version of books, paperback literature is being sold at a good pace via the Internet.
  9. Order and pay for tickets online.
  10. Large home appliances.

But most of the hot goods not suitable for opening trading via the Internet from scratch. For example, even if you have enough money to invest in a large household. equipment, then you need to buy it only in bulk and in large quantities. Damage costs cannot be ruled out. A market already crowded with large entrepreneurs, with whom it will be difficult to compete.

Regional difference

In many ways, demand depends not only on how much money the client has in his wallet, but also on seasonality. The keyword selection service will help you evaluate this parameter. On this site, you must enter the query of interest and select the region. Next, the system will show how many times the word was requested during the month. To assess the seasonality of a product, just switch to the “request history” and view the data provided. Based on the information received, it is easy to conclude which product will be more interesting to people in summer or winter.

Of course, one can make assumptions based on life experience, but statistics are much more reliable than subjective hypotheses.

For example, a rain umbrella should be needed by a person in autumn or spring, but in reality this product is most bought from May to September.

Another direction for local trade - regional branding. This implies the production and sale of T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs and other souvenirs with the logos of the district, city or region, or, for example, clothing for Siberians.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to determine the most profitable product, because in fact all these products are everything that we need almost daily. Those things that a person cannot refuse even in a crisis will always be in the shopping cart at the exit of the store.

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From September to December, many different businesses work out the growing interest of users. And not only to strictly seasonal goods, such as heaters and thermal underwear. Even if you sell swimwear and flippers, you should prepare for a surge in demand in December, on the eve of the January holidays. Yandex analysts spoke in more detail about consumer trends for the next two to three months.

Autumn is the time for parties and shopping. When the Indian summer gives way to darkness and cold, people are actively looking for an alternative to walking and a way to cheer themselves up. Usually at this time, interest in posters for cultural events, tickets for matches, concerts, musicals and movies reaches its peak.

In addition, users are actively looking for warehouses to store everything summer (tires and wheels, crops, and so on), shoes and clothes for children for the winter, hunt for seasonal sales and buy heaters.

In November, they are very actively interested in sheepskin coats. Surely people not only replenish their own wardrobe for the winter, but also look for gifts for New Year for loved ones.

Among the popular gifts that people start looking for in advance are home theaters and smartphones. Users are already reading reviews and, if possible, pre-ordering new models.

Interest in equipment for New Year's events begins to grow. They are looking for everything: acoustic sets, flower arrangements and other decorations, accessories for catering, of course, wholesale purchase of souvenirs, chocolate and delicacies.

Here are some examples of categories that usually peak in November: wholesale Christmas goods, sleds and snow scooters, ready-made clothes, heat guns, etc.

In December, everyone wants a Christmas tree... and a solarium! In winter, you especially miss not only the warmth, but also the sun. In this darkest month of the year, users are becoming interested in solariums, and salons are becoming interested in equipment for them. Interest in this category continues to grow after the New Year holidays and peaks in the spring.

Also in December, the demand for goods for fishing and hunting begins to grow, Mobile Internet in roaming and simulators for home.

And, of course, the most active interest of the audience in December is gifts. And not only for the New Year, but also for all subsequent holidays, up to March 8.

Someone loves a seasonal business, others are wary of it, citing the fact that it does not bring a permanent income. But one thing can be said with certainty - such ideas of your own business are popular both in our country and abroad. Some time ago, we published a material in which we talked about the most interesting, in our opinion, summer business ideas. Judging by the number of views, our readers liked the material. Therefore, we decided not to stop there and created a review of the best autumn business ideas.

1. Harvesting and selling walnuts. Although, by implementing this idea business, you will receive profit only in winter, it can still be attributed specifically to the autumn period. Because you need to start in the fall. If you often visit supermarkets, then you probably notice that prices for some products skyrocket in winter. Take, for example, walnuts. This is an incredibly nutritious and very healthy product. Widespread in many regions of our country. For example, in Krasnodar Territory. Very often, walnut trees grow in the wild, and no one even pays attention to them. But the collection and further sale of walnuts can become a very profitable business.

You can collect them either on your own or with the help of local residents. To do this, it is enough to organize a nut collection point and give a small ad in the local newspaper. Unpeeled nuts can be taken at 50 rubles per kilogram (wholesale). The final price depends on your region. If you have walnuts at every step, then the cost of admission may be even lower.

Next, you need to peel the nuts from the shell. Neighbor boys who are not averse to earning a few hundred rubles will help you with this. You can, of course, on your own, but you won’t be able to master large volumes. From 10 kg of crude product, you can get about 5 kg of goods ready for sale. The cost of peeled nuts in supermarkets in winter is from 150 to 350 rubles per kg. That is, an average of 250 rubles / kg. Of course, the wholesale price at which you will sell nuts to supermarkets will be lower, but even this can significantly improve your financial situation. In addition, you can organize your own point of sale or open an online store selling walnuts.

2. Housing for students. Autumn, as you know, is the time when students from all over the country rush to their home universities. Someone continues their studies, and someone is just preparing to plunge into the crazy world of students. And he faces one of the main questions. The issue of choice of housing. There are not enough dormitories for everyone, and even such conditions do not suit everyone. And the search for apartments and cottages begins, where one could spend several years of his youth.

Two business ideas flow from this need. First, you can offer housing for rent. But, it is difficult to attribute this to a seasonal business. Second, you can help students find suitable housing. But this is a full-fledged autumn business. Yes, some students think about housing at the end of the summer, but there are many others. Those who start looking for a place to live already during the first semester. This is how they become your customers.

For implementation, you will need a database of apartments with prices, phone numbers of owners, a description of the condition and equipment. You can personally walk around the houses located within a kilometer from the university and chat with the owners.

You will receive income from both students and landlords. You will help one to rent a house, and the other to rent. And for this you can take 3-5% of the transaction amount.

3. Point of sale of school supplies. Most relevant in late August early September (although you can continue trading all year round). So we will also attribute this idea to the autumn types of business. You must have noticed this trend. Before each school year in the markets, in shopping malls, hypermarkets are beginning to expand their activities point of sale of all kinds of school supplies. The range of products is impressive - everything is here - from school uniforms and shoes to erasers, pencils and notebooks.

It must be said that parents who are always in a hurry to equip their children sweep away everything in a few short weeks. It remains only to choose what to trade and rent the area.

4. Making bouquets from autumn leaves. It turns out that you can earn on the leaves. You just need to approach the matter correctly and show all your creative potential. If you go to the forums of those who like to make crafts with their own hands, you can find a lot of interesting things there. And some of the ideas seen there can be implemented as a business.

Take a look at the image. Isn't this a masterpiece of manual craftsmanship? Isn't it possible to sell something like that, like ordinary bouquets of flowers? It seems to us that such crafts are simply obliged to be in demand among lovers of giving unusual, creative gifts. In addition, the material for such bouquets lies under our feet. It remains only to learn how to collect bouquets. And this will help you with step-by-step lessons that can be found all on the same forums.

5. Leaf Cleaning Business. Autumn is the time when the leaves on the trees turn yellow and then fall off. Undoubtedly, carpets made of multi-colored leaves look very, very beautiful. But a few days pass, the leaves lose color and shape and turn into heaps of rotting mass. Which needs to be removed. And faster. Especially in yards.

Why not a business idea? There is a need for the population to clean their plots from dry leaves. It remains only to purchase the equipment necessary for cleaning (vacuum cleaner for cleaning leaves, shovel, broom), negotiate with the "garbage truck" and order an ad in the local newspaper.

If you do the work well, and take a small fee, then there will be a sufficient number of applicants.

6. Buying and selling vegetables and fruits. Autumn is the harvest time for a wide variety of crops. If we talk about vegetables, then potatoes will hold the palm. And as for fruits, then in the fall great amount apples. All this is presented in abundance in villages and villages. And most of all they want to receive - residents of cities.

So why not become a mediator? You go to the village, buy, for example, potatoes, at 10 rubles per kg. Then you return to the city and sell the root crop for 25-30 rubles per kg (the price depends on the variety). The same scheme works as in the case of nuts, only here you can act without waiting for winter.

7. Dry leaves as fertilizer. We have already talked about the leaf harvesting business above. Here it is worth continuing. Instead of taking the “fall litter” to the landfill, it can be recycled, bagged and sold as fertilizer. Gardeners will become the main consumer audience. If you can pull large volumes (and here you will need workers and special equipment), then you can find customers in the face of large agricultural enterprises.

The leaves contain a huge amount of all kinds of nutrients and minerals that many knowledgeable gardeners have long used in their gardens. And the best part is that leaves are completely free. Moreover, many are willing to pay you to take the material for your future product.

On this, our TOP of autumn business ideas has come to an end. It remains only to wish the implementation of the plan and the achievement of great success in business. And very soon (in a few months) you will find the top of the best winter ideas business.

What is "locust strategy" and "range adjustment"? How does the seasonal factor affect retail sales and how to maximize revenue during this period? Find answers to these questions in our next article.

Seasonal factor in trading

All companies have different business strategies, but it is not uncommon for stores when sales are affected by a seasonal factor.

At different times of the year, demand for certain products drops to zero, and then novice entrepreneurs start to get nervous, but experienced retailers are no longer surprised by this seasonal factor in trading.

Some stores rely specifically on the high season: for example, a fireworks company, just a few weeks before and after the new year, can make revenue comparable to the year of operation of the trade enterprise.

At the peak of consumer activity of seasonal goods, businessmen receive "surplus profits". Other stores are trying to sell goods in accordance with the season or switch to other activities.

A decrease in demand for goods under the influence of seasonal factors is noted by almost 90% of stores in various directions.

“Seasonality” in marketing refers to an economic process that is directly related to the change of seasons, as well as holidays, weather factors, shopping habits and consumer stereotypes.

Marketers distinguish three main types of "seasonality":

  • "hard" seasonality - is directly related to certain events, events, dates, and after their onset, the product loses its relevance.
    For example, this is the Easter holiday, when the population buys Easter cakes and chicken eggs in large quantities, or St. Valentine's Day, when valentines are popular, Stuffed Toys, image of hearts, etc.;
  • "moderate" seasonality - does not cause significant damage to the business, since the decline in demand within the framework of such seasonality is no more than 20%, and the enterprise will remain "afloat".
    But in any case, it is correct to take into account moderate seasonality in the annual accounting planning of the store;
  • “Bright” seasonality is the most common type of seasonality among stores. The decline in demand in such a "bright" seasonality can be up to 40%.
    In this case, it is necessary to take measures to increase sales in the off-season, so that the store remains afloat and does not go bankrupt.

During the season, it is important to serve customers quickly and without errors, the program for automating the work of the Business.Ru store will help you with this. Thanks to it, you will be able to sell both in stock and arrange goods on order. Automatically calculate sales prices, set individual discounts and markups for products.

How to manage sales in a seasonal business. Video

Sale of seasonal goods: how to support sales in the off-season

We diversify activities

One of the most effective ways to support sales of goods in the off-season is to reorient business, markets, expand the range of products in order to obtain economic benefits.

In order to survive in the harsh conditions of the economic crisis, a trade enterprise today needs to sell goods in several different directions, in other words, the business needs to be diversified.

But in order to make sense of business diversification, an entrepreneur at the initial stage must assess all the risks, set clear goals and determine the resources that are planned to be attracted. good example diversification are shops that sell Christmas trees in winter, seedlings in spring, and flowers in summer.

Keep in mind that seasonal items may lose demand. This risk is especially true for food products that will expire if they are not purchased on time.

Notify customers about the seasonal sale through the built-in email client. This service is available in the Business.Ru store automation program. The system will prompt the results of the mailing - the number of sent letters, the percentage of delivered and read.

Launching new items for sale

If you are facing a seasonal drop in demand for items sold in your store, it is not a bad option to take care of the launch of new products or unusual seasonal offers in advance.

The best months for this are July and January - they are the most "dead" in the winter and summer seasons, there are no special events and events, which means that your new bright product or product will attract more attention from buyers.

It is during these months that you can try to interest buyers with discounts or gifts, drawing their attention to the fact that the sale of a unique new product begins, accompanied by nice bonuses. By “promoting” new items in this way, it will even be possible to overestimate their prices a little.

We hold sales

It is also widespread among enterprises retail method of selling goods during the off-season. Many retailers believe that it is better to sell all goods that are “dead weight” in warehouses during the off-season, put them into circulation even at a slightly lower price.

Bright signs: "Sales of seasonal goods!" attract the attention of buyers and sell snow shovels in the store non-food items it will be possible in summer, and swimwear in a clothing store at attractive prices - in winter.

Adjusting the assortment of goods

Another rather profitable way to stimulate demand for goods in the off-season is to adjust the assortment. To do this, the company must "adjust" its range of goods for each season.

For example, for an enterprise Catering this is the introduction of "warming" drinks and dishes in the winter, or vice versa, the sale of cooling drinks, okroshka and jelly in the hot winter months.

That is, a trade enterprise should not focus on selling "illiquid" goods during the off-season, it is necessary to devote all its efforts to the sale of "trading" products. It is due to its sale in the off-season that the store will be able to stay afloat.

On modern market new products appear almost every day. Under such conditions, the winners are those companies that determine future bestsellers even before their mass popularity. After all, once a product becomes a hit, competition turns the industry into a real battlefield.

Gradients have taken the digital design world by storm and are now transforming the offline world. So, rainbow cutlery is starting to sell at a crazy rate. If you work in a related topic, be sure to add this unusual product to your assortment.

2. Weight loss clips

Could you think that the day will come when earrings will help you get rid of extra pounds? These clips on biomagnets press on a specific point on the earlobe and stimulate blood circulation. Experts in the field of acupuncture confirm that this effect can help you lose weight.

In any case, if you decide to sell this product, do not make big promises. Remember, the result will largely depend on the diet and lifestyle of the buyer.

3. Wooden alarm clocks

In many modern interiors, standard alarm clocks simply do not fit. An excellent solution is a laconic wooden clock.

You say that most people set alarms on their smartphones. However, they are very popular as a decorative item. Offer consumers this unusual alarm clock and evaluate their reaction.

4. Innovative backpacks

A backpack is a hit of the beginning of autumn. But they are different. Offer consumers stylish and innovative designs that your competitors don't have. For example, backpacks with USB for charging gadgets.

5. "Smart" doormat

Puddles and slush are the hallmarks of autumn. To keep the house clean, encourage consumers to buy a “smart” rug that is non-slip and absorbs dirt from shoes.


Traditionally, at the end of autumn, the demand for ski equipment rises sharply. Use this trend and offer consumers attractive and high-quality products from this niche.

And again dirt. Products that help protect against it will be especially popular in the fall.

Such a cape when folded does not take up much space, while it is easy to fix it. This product will be especially relevant for dog owners.
