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Types of remote work via the Internet. Types of remote work from home. Differences between remote work and freelancing

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For successful work any website and getting the desired income from it, you need to be able to present it beautifully and competently. Work on the text content and content of the site must be done at the highest level. This is why freelance work is so common nowadays.

There are many freelancers. However, the fastest way to earn money is through texts. You can do a lot of things for customer sites; they require very different content. These include information sites, news magazines, and blogs. Some sites need master classes, some need paparazzi photography. There are sites - large communities with forums or interest groups that must be constantly updated.

By capitalizing on the exclusivity of the text, you can achieve popularity among a wide audience and receive high-quality and in-demand content.

Modern, professional copywriters create several types of content.

Not unique articles

Low uniqueness of the content or its complete absence will entail disrespect for the site as an information resource.

Copywriters try to write unique texts, since site owners themselves can copy the necessary text and pass it off as their own, which is unacceptable for good site performance.

The profession of a copywriter is necessary for searching for news, interesting information, and thematic reviews.

However, some website owners are looking for freelancers specifically to fill their websites with copy-paste. The work is very simple, but it is not expensive.

Content parsing

Syntactic and grammatical analysis of text or its parsing is called parsing. A freelancer analyzes the topics of websites, forums, guest pages, advertisements, blogs, and he also selects the necessary addresses, which he provides to the site owner for posting spam.

Only beginners engage in this type of work; good copywriters refuse it, since it is considered to be “black” promotion. This work is poorly paid.


If there is a need for an article that would be unique, and when processing someone’s text, available source texts are taken, this work is called rewriting. The idea of ​​the text and content are as close as possible to the original, but the article is written using different words and phrases. this work is not a copyright infringement. Processing and modifying articles is not entirely easy. Not all content of the text can be replaced with synonyms; in some places knowledge of scientific terms or statistical data is required.

Often the text is rewritten in order to simplify its presentation and provide the reader with an understandable form. To do this, the rewriter replaces complex formulations and terms with the correct description.

There are two types of rewriting: simple and complex. With “regular” rewriting, it is enough to take one source of information and process it. In the case of a deep or complex rewrite, it is necessary to have several articles to create one text that includes components of all the previous ones. The result should be a full-fledged text with the presence of compilation and generalization, and the preservation of all the facts mentioned in the source texts.

Rewriting can be used for any type of content. This could be, for example, articles, biographies of celebrities, car reviews, or content on.

Text translation

To post information from foreign sources that is understandable to Russian consumers, high-quality and correct translation is necessary. The translated text can also be called an excellent product and unique content.

This type of work is as important as copywriting, since not all users are fluent foreign languages and are able to read articles on websites of other countries. The translator must be competent in order to maximize short term cope with the text, preserving its essence and content, without deviating from the given topic.

Good translators are expensive. However, if you speak a rare language, then the demand for your services will be small. In this case, your work will not be paid as much as translation, for example, into English.

Copywriting or original texts

The text created by competent copywriters must be exclusive and unique in its content. Information used in the text must not have been previously published. Rewriting should not be confused with copyrighting, since for the first one, ready-made source texts are taken, and for the second one, you need to research many topics and tasks before writing your own text with personal conclusions.

For example, you can explore the topic public transport in the city, having read several articles, taking statistical data on its work, independently conducting a survey among drivers and passengers.

High-quality copyright can be based on various sources, but their content should not be repeated in the future text and the conclusions should be their own, and not the authors of previous articles. Press releases, announcements, analytical articles, consumer reviews and various master classes serve good example unique text.

The cost of a copywriter’s work is valued an order of magnitude higher than the work of a rewriter. Typically, large media outlets, city and thematic portals use the services of high-quality copywriters.

Interviews occupy an important place in the field of copywriting. It is a survey of the person being interviewed to obtain answers to questions asked. The price of such work depends on the relevance of the interview topic and the popularity of the respondent. The value of information from the reader's point of view also plays an important role.

Interview with famous people are highly valued and can be bought for a decent price. However, as a rule, this type of content is provided at the request of large media outlets.

Press release

A review of upcoming events for advertising purposes is called a press release. This is a list of information points about some product or action in the near future. Product presentation, advertising campaign, a scientific discussion, a congress of doctors, an upcoming concert, and the like - can easily be called a press release. This type of information provision is becoming more and more popular in various Internet spaces.

Where to start working as a freelancer?

deserve good reputation It is very difficult in this niche due to the huge competition. You need to have an extensive portfolio and a lot of positive customer reviews. We recommend starting at , where you can easily find customers who will offer you work first for minimum payment, or for your feedback.

If you do not yet have regular customers, and you are new to the system, then do not hesitate to work for a small payment, or simply for a positive review. When you have accumulated a sufficient number of positive reviews, you can raise your prices, and it will be easier for you to find a customer who will work with you on an advance payment.

Be sure to ask for feedback, and be willing to leave feedback for customers you have worked with. Don’t lose their contact information, congratulate them on holidays and periodically notify them of new content.

An experienced copywriter should be able to present their product in the best light, attracting the attention of consumers. And this significantly increases the need for a specific site, which brings financial profit to it.

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What does remote work mean?

Remote work (in another way it can be called remote work) is a form of work in which the performer and the customer are located at a distance. In this case, all tasks and results are transmitted via the Internet.

A remote worker is a person who performs work remotely, for example, from home. He receives assignments from the customer in in electronic format, and sends the results in the same form.

Types of remote work

There are two main types of remote work:

  1. Working for a regular customer. For example, a person works in a particular company, but he performs his work duties at home, or in another place convenient for him (but not in the office).

Currently, this form of employment is becoming increasingly popular. After all, the employer will be able to save on renting a remote worker’s workplace, as well as give him more space for creativity.

  1. Freelancing. Phys. or a legal entity hires a freelancer to perform some one-time tasks. This type of remote work has a large number of advantages for performers:
  • The ability to complete orders anywhere with Internet access;
  • Large selection of different orders;
  • Flexible work schedule;
  • No one can fire a freelance worker.

Types of freelancing

Freelancing is a broad area of ​​remote work, which includes:

  1. Programming.
  2. Web design.
  3. Creation and maintenance of your own website.
  4. Promoting someone else's website.
  5. Working with social media networks.
  6. Writing articles.
  7. Translation of texts.
  8. Work with clients (calling, sending letters, notifications).

Differences between remote work and freelancing

Remote work is official employment in a company for a vacancy remote employee. The employer assigns him tasks and sets specific deadlines for completion.

Freelancing, although it is a type of remote work, is to a greater extent a type of private business. The freelancer finds suitable assignments for himself. No one can force him to carry out an order that he does not like.

Due to population growth and global economic crises, work is becoming more and more difficult to find every year. Every day, the same question revolves in the minds of schoolchildren, students, and older people: where to start making money? With the development of the Internet, it became possible to work remotely via the World Wide Web, that is, an employee does not have to be somewhere in the office at a desk to perform his work duties. So, today we will talk about remote work on the Internet.

    • Types of remote work on the Internet
    • Who could be a potential employer?

Types of remote work on the Internet

Website content considered one of the most simple types work and full-time employment on the Internet. There are two types of website content - copy-paste and rewrite. Copy-paste - copying information on a given topic and posting it on the owner’s website from other web resources; Rewriting - rewriting copied information in your own words. Getting started in this field is quite simple: post your resume on popular job search sites or search for a similar vacancy manually. Job openings can be found on news, educational, or shopping sites. Oddly enough, but for this type of activity workers receive pretty good money. It is worth noting that employers have no special skill requirements for this vacancy; all you need is literacy and the ability to correctly express your thoughts.

Where and how to learn freelancing?

Creation of SEO texts- this is a slightly more complex work, which differs from the mentioned rewriting and copy-paste. You will have to write unique texts using “keywords” for search engines. This type of income is considered more difficult, so it pays better. In order for readers to get into the “up to date” of the matter, it is necessary to bring specific example: Most tasks will have next view- you need to describe the TV model using the given “keys” (words whose use in the text is simply necessary). The description of the model should not be similar to others, therefore the written texts are checked by the anti-plagiarism program. In Russia, SEO texts are paid on average from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Moderator vacancy. This type of online earnings is fundamentally different in essence from rewriting and SEO copywriting. The moderator checks published comments/announcements for their compliance with the site rules. For example, if some random user left an offensive comment with obscenities and not the most best wishes to the purchased product, then such messages are subject to “moderation” - correction or deletion. This does not mean that moderators delete or correct all comments; on the contrary, they welcome criticism, but it must be objective. On average, such work does not take more than 3 hours a day. This type of income is suitable for all categories of citizens - young and old. It is worth noting that the work of a moderator can be combined with offline work.

Filling Internet sites with content. This type of income refers to remote work, that is, it can be done without leaving home. By filling online sites you can earn good fees - from 9 to 15 thousand rubles. The essence of the work is to fill selling sites with information about the product. That is, you need to find a description of this product category on the Internet and copy it. Every day you need to fill out no more than 200 positions, which takes an average of 3-4 hours.

Watch a video with an overview of the most popular freelance professions

Promotion in in social networks. This type of activity is great for those who like to hang out on social networks. Promotion implies an increase in the number of visitors and the activity of the group as a whole. Social networks such as VKontakte, Facebook and Twitter consist of a large number of groups, blogs and communities, the owners of which do not have enough time to promote them. They are willing to pay users to promote their creations. In this case, “promotion” means filling a group or community with interesting information that can be obtained in other groups or on the Internet. You also need to remember to answer user questions and maintain order in the group. In a word, a job that requires you to spend 2-4 hours a day can provide a stable income of 4 thousand rubles every month.

Who could be a potential employer?

  1. Various sites with advertisements for remote work.
  2. Owners of groups and communities on social networks that publish options for working from home.
  3. Young entrepreneurs who are starting to form a team around themselves.
  4. Online stores.
  5. Copyright and rewriting exchanges.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money freelancing

Some tips:

  1. The idea that working at home is easier is a big misconception. It is very difficult to concentrate at home, especially if you are not alone.
  2. Do not rush to take orders on copyright and rewriting exchanges immediately after registration. Better try to write a few texts for yourself and give them to someone to read for evaluation.
  3. Don't expect a quick response, send your resume to different sites. Thus, you will increase your search circle, and, accordingly, the chance of getting a job in a shorter time.

It is no exaggeration to say that most of the working class would like to work from home. No traffic jams, no meaningless conversations with colleagues, nothing distracting. It seems that this is the ultimate dream. The only problem is that in our country this is not yet developed and remote work is not so easy to find. But time does not stand still, and soon working from home will be quite common, because it is beneficial for both the employee and the employer. Of course, working at home can sometimes throw you off your rhythm and make you despondent, and it doesn’t hurt to control yourself. There was already an article about this “”
But how much money can you really make working in your pajamas? I will prove that it is possible. You just need to set yourself in the right direction, and you can create a full-time income for yourself without leaving your bed. Here best ways earn money without leaving home:

1. Document management manager

When working as a document management manager, you will be assigned responsibilities for planning and supporting transactions, supervising related documentation, maintaining a document journal, etc. This job pays quite well, and you can earn somewhere between 30,000–45,000 rubles. per month.

2. Legal consultant

Not all lawyers and attorneys spend their time in court. Many certified lawyers act as consultants. For example, attorneys may focus their efforts on taxes or real estate instead of criminal cases. Using telecommunications programs such as Skype, you can expand your clientele throughout the country. Although you will still likely have to be a member of the Bar. If you go this route, you can earn from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month. Much, of course, depends on you.

Like any other editor, a medical editor can also work remotely. In your responsibilities
will include editing translations of medical and pharmacological documents, reviewing documentation created by colleagues, searching for typos and errors. Attention to detail is the most important part this work, and, of course, you must have the appropriate medical education. If you are a qualified specialist, then as a medical editor you can earn from 50,000 rubles. per month.

4. Environmental engineer

An environmental engineer is not necessarily a homebody, but many of his tasks can be solved at home. Such as development of permitting and project documentation, preparation of action plans for municipal authorities, consultations. Of course, sometimes you will have to work in the field to collect data, but then you can calmly document everything in comfortable conditions, without leaving your room. Just like a medical editor, the salary is about 50,000 rubles. per month.

5. Quality Control Manager

Regardless of their line of business, all companies try to be better than they are. The tasks include: analyzing and collecting data on how to improve the company’s activities, product quality and safety; control of negotiations between managers and buyers and provision of reports to company managers. Quality Control Managers are typically natural leaders in their field and keep abreast of the latest market trends in quality, safety and reliability. By working remotely to improve quality, you can earn RUB 25,000–50,000. per month.

I guess it won't be a surprise that programmers can work from home. You will be expected to design and create computer programs, monitor existing programs, work as part of a development team, and solve problems that your colleagues will encounter throughout the process. Online collaboration can be even more productive for programmers, since they won't have to leave their desk to discuss the process. On average, a software engineer earns about 60,000 rubles. per month, but a talented programmer can easily earn up to 150,000 rubles. per month.

7. Business Development Director

When working as a Director of Business Development, you will be responsible for expanding sales channels, maintaining stable revenue, while seeking to increase the company's revenue. You will need to maintain contact with other managers and directors of other departments and build communications between them. A business development director must travel frequently and do things in person to increase sales, but a lot can be done remotely. Working as a director can bring you about 70,000 rubles. or more depending on your qualifications.

8. Research biologist

One of the advantages of working at home as a biologist is that no one will force you to save beached whale. More seriously, research biologists usually specialize in certain areas of biology, such as microbiology or wildlife research. They conduct research, analyze the results, and report the results to their company. Just like environmental engineers, they sometimes have to go “into the field” to conduct research, but then they can do everything research work at home in comfortable conditions. Science is not yet held in high esteem in our country, and therefore large salaries are offered only to very large specialists, but you can find a salary starting from 22,000 rubles.

© Translation and editing by Alexey Pruslin 09/18/2015 (via)

When using material, an active link to the source is required.

If you liked the article and blog, p write on social networks for new articles.

Hello, dear friends! While I was busy filling out the blog and strictly following the goals within my hundred days, my knee suddenly started to hurt. Because I’m actively preparing for a half-marathon distance, and my body, apparently, is slowly starting to act up because of this.

I'm not going to give up, but can anyone tell me what to do about it? Please write in the comments.

In the meantime, I’ll tell you a little about what remote work on the Internet is, how it’s done and “what it’s used for.” In short, you will learn everything you need to understand the essence of the phenomenon. I hope that the information you read will help you decide whether this type of employment is suitable for you specifically.

A girl-copywriter helped me in working on this post. Here's what she wrote about herself as her own review:

“I’m 20 years old, and I’ve been working as a copywriter for a year now (that is, I write articles to order). As for me, this is not such a long work experience, but quite enough to develop a deep sympathy for remote work. At the same time, I study at the university, music school, in general, I do everything that interests me and helps me to realize myself. Working 3-4 hours a day (or about 25 a week), I earn 3,000 hryvnia per month - that’s a little more than $120. Overall, quite modest, but proportionate to the time and effort expended.”

It doesn't seem thick. But for a full-time student, this is a very good increase in the scholarship, and without the need to unload train cars or run around for days as a promoter with leaflets at the ready.

Remote work (synonyms: telework, remote work) - form labor activity, in which the employee and employer are located at a significant physical and geographical distance from each other. At the same time, everything Required documents, tasks and results are transferred by the parties to each other using modern means communications (previously - fax, today - Internet).

It is clear that with such an organization of work, a lot of technical and psychological features arise, which, upon certain consideration, may turn out to be both pros and cons.

In my consulting practice, I distinguish 2 types of remote work.

Types of remote work

In general, remote work is a very broad concept that combines many different types of activities. But the essence is always the same - you are removed from the employer, office, “workplace”, i.e. you are at a certain physical distance from them. This means that you can work almost anywhere: at home, on a bed or chair, in a park or cafe, on the beach or even on a hike.

I would like to immediately dispel the stereotype that remote work is... This is wrong. It can be different: with or without a standardized schedule, with inclusion in the staff and complete independence, with varying degrees of responsibility and workload. Everything, as always, depends on what you do, how and under what conditions.

Workplace in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka

Working for one permanent employer

For example, you can be an employee in a certain company and perform your work duties at home or another place convenient for you: take calls, program, draw, or even sew.

Many companies today are switching to this form of employment, especially from the IT sector. Thus, the employer can save the cost of renting your workplace and give you more space for creativity and self-organization.

Most often, you will not have a free schedule; work will need to be completed during specific hours. But there are also cases when it is necessary to complete a specific task in a certain time.

When, after my enchanting experience, I switched to a new one workplace, one of the ways we organized work was remote collaboration. However, I only used it in moments when I didn’t want to go to the office at all.


A free worker hired by individuals or legal entities to perform one-time tasks. I wrote a separate detailed article about that, please take a look.

I must say, this is my favorite type of remote work:

  • maximum freedom in choosing activities, customers, scope of tasks and deadlines for their completion.
  • the ability to work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access
  • independence from impermanence economic markets(it is simply impossible to fire you)

For reference, with in English“freelance”, if you break the word into two parts (free and lance), then you get a free spear or, without mocking, a free spearman, a hired worker (freelancer). That is, a person with certain skills and abilities who is hired for long-term projects or one-time work.

Today this is the most famous type of remote work, especially popular for IT specialists, rewriters, SMM and SEO specialists.

What are the advantages of freelancing?

In my opinion, it is very important to change the relationship between employer and employee. They are transformed into customer-performer or client-performer relationships. Did you notice the point?

That's right, in the hierarchy, there is much less of it or none at all. Ideally, the client and the contractor are equal partners working on a project or task, where everyone plays their role.

When working from home on the Internet, you independently choose the type of activity that corresponds to your interests and skills, choose the customer, project, payment, and deadlines. You are an equal participant labor relations and all aspects of your work are now coordinated directly with the client.

Pros of freelancing:

  • more more degrees freedom
  • the ability to choose projects for yourself
  • maximum opportunity for self-realization
  • freedom of movement and mobility
  • absence of superiors, bosses, hierarchies and offices

Favorite photo that reflects the essence of remote work

Another important detail is communication with customers, which most often occurs through online correspondence (less often a Skype interview), which means your gender, age, appearance and other aspects of your personality that may be grounds for discrimination in actual employment.

I also talk about what problems older job seekers face.

By the way, when looking for a job, be aware that indicating the gender or age of the applicant in the advertisement is illegal.

How to find your dream job?

Sometimes it’s enough to google “freelancing” and in response you will get a lot of links to different ones. Another option is regular job search sites. On most of them, you can select the type of employment in the search filter. I think you have already guessed that you need to check the box next to “remote work”.

However, everything is not simple! Newcomers cannot get into the exchanges, and no one responds to the response letters sent... The hardest part is always the start. Therefore, we recommend starting not from scratch, but by learning from professionals. To do this, I spend 1 time per month. Sign up!


I told you what remote work is and what it can be like. As a summary, I would like to separately highlight the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity.


  1. The ability to work in any comfortable place, and if you work via the Internet, you can be located almost anywhere in the world.
  2. The savings in time and money on travel are quite significant: 1-3 hours every day. What to do with so much free time? You decide!
  3. The ability to independently organize your work day (in most cases), and ideally full control over the work process.
  4. Lack of control from superiors, which causes a wonderful feeling of freedom and an influx of inspiration.
  5. Save on the dress code, even work in slippers and shorts!


For example, not all people find it so easy to organize themselves and force themselves to work. For me, this is periodically a real disaster, because of which I delay completing the work as far as possible. An important nuance for many people is the lack of colleagues with whom they can communicate and consult.

It also entails other disadvantages, such as the lack of a sense of involvement in a common cause, a sense of team. According to many experts, professional growth also slows down through remote work, since Feedback from the employer does not always arrive on time.

Weigh, choose, analyze and decide! In addition to free working conditions, remote work will provide you with an excellent opportunity to find your own business and develop professional skills.

Or it can become a real way of life for you, when you build your life not around your working time, but in the intervals between your favorite activities.

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