Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Internal and external logistics of the enterprise. Logistics - what is it in simple words, types, optimization, efficiency and principles of logistics. Main types of logistics

Before considering the issues of organization, planning and management of the logistics service in enterprises and organizations, let us dwell on its main components. In logistics (global scale), two main sections are distinguished - the management of material resources and their distribution.

In this case, material resources include primary and secondary, basic and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, spare parts, final finished products, packaging materials, stocks.

The distribution of material and technical resources is carried out by the movement of goods of intermediate and final finished products in two directions. The first is the movement directly (direct distribution channel) to the intermediate consumer for the implementation of the further production process or to the final consumer. The second is the movement to the intermediate or final consumer through an extensive network of intermediaries (indirect distribution channel) - in large, medium or small lots.

Logistics at the enterprise, depending on the areas of its activity, is divided into internal and external. Internal provides for the solution of production issues directly at the company. External solves the problem of ensuring the movement of goods to the market.

The challenges facing internal logistics come down to logistics and resource management. This is the purchase of raw materials for the enterprise, their warehousing and storage, transportation both from the supplier and at the enterprise itself between departments, constant monitoring of the volume of stocks of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, and their adjustment.

The tasks facing external logistics are to distribute the final finished product through various distribution channels. This is the transportation of the finished intermediate or final product to consumers; identification of their stocks in their own warehouses, intermediate logistics platforms and consumers; storage, packaging and picking of orders for the entire range of products; monitoring the demand for manufactured goods, adjusting their production volumes if necessary.

6.2. Organization Chart

The logistics service at the enterprise has several mandatory levels of management. At the same time, it includes some part of the administration responsible for the decisions made (on the tasks, goals and problems of the company) and staff members of the logistics department and its service as a whole.

The organization and management of the logistics service at the enterprise includes the following main structural links:

Executive Director for Logistics. He is a member of the board of the firm or is one of the deputy general directors.

    Managers responsible for the activities of departments and their subordinate personnel.

    Groups for the implementation of individual logistics projects - planning new distribution centers for the final finished product, expanding existing and organizing new logistics platforms, designing the projected logistics information systems.

    Personnel managers. They conduct operational work, are responsible for the distribution centers of the final finished product, for the delivery of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, their storage and packaging.

As for the group for the implementation of individual logistics projects, there are several most common ways to form such groups at the enterprise, both within the logistics service and independent:

    groups function as an integral part of the logistics service at the enterprise, for example, such as project control, engineering in transport and warehousing, in information logistics systems;

    groups exist as separate, independent units with their own staff, organized at the enterprise and performing certain functions of the logistics system, for example, organizing the delivery of material and technical resources; formation of logistics platforms,

    groups are formed promptly from personnel employed in certain areas of logistics, for example, in the field of transport or warehousing - in this case, the group fulfills its responsibilities for the implementation of projects as the need arises for this kind of work.

Any industrial firm seeking to achieve high efficiency in procurement, production, warehousing, storage and stockpiling of material and technical resources, as well as distribution of the final finished product, must have a properly organized logistics service.

6.2. 1. Main kinds activities services logistics Butfirm

The logistics service at the enterprise is divided, as a rule, into five main functional groups responsible for transportation; structure of fixed assets, stocks, material handling

resources, communications and information. In accordance with the purpose of the functional groups, a list of their activities is provided, namely:

    transportation - internal, external and international transportation, choice of mode of transport, vehicles and options for their service;

    planning and management of warehouse facilities and equipment, distribution centers, warehouse production areas;

    supply of raw materials and materials; formation of stocks (insurance, preparatory, production) and finished products, processing of returned products;

    material resources maneuvering, sorting, processing, packaging;

    order processing, demand forecasting, production planning, communication with distribution centers; expansion of the information network of communications; database update.

It should be noted that such a formation of functional groups of the logistics service at the enterprise does not correspond to the traditional organizational structures of firms, since all these activities were delegated for quite a long time by the supply department of material and technical resources (purchases), which belonged to production; processing orders and communication with customers, engaged in marketing; transport operations (existed as an independent); warehouse and container management (also independent).

6.2.2. Practical achievement success

A company engaged in industrial production or the provision of various kinds of services in the logistics system should be guided by the practical achievement of success. To do this, every company must meet three important conditions.

First - the exact wording and list of functions of each individual employee of the logistics service in the enterprise is necessary. Namely, the title of the position, organizational ties (accountability), boundaries of responsibility, duties and rights.

Second - the company must have the necessary information about how many logistics personnel will be required in the near and distant future; what knowledge and skills they should have; what organizations and firms can provide the required number of employees in the near and distant future. In this case, the following information is needed: the scope of the proposed work, the scale of expansion of the company, the required number of employees, the position in the labor market.

Third - the company must find and select a future manager (employee) of the logistics service for a specific, specific position, and not select a position for a future employee. In the latter case, his incompetence can lead to negative consequences. Directed recruitment is required; Compliance of candidates to the position in terms of knowledge and skills, competence.

  • Question 8. Logistic channels and locistic chains. The problem of choosing a distribution channel.
  • 9. Prerequisites for using the logistics approach to managing material flows in the areas of production and circulation.
  • 11. Problems and prospects for the development of domestic logistics
  • Question 13. The main categories of logistics: logistic function, l operation, l chain, l link.
  • 14. Transport services in logistics.
  • Question 15. The concept of a logistics system. Logistics systems by depth and boundaries of logistics. Micro-, meta-, meso-, macrologistic systems. Examples of l systems in trade.
  • Question 16 The role of inventories in logistics.
  • Question 17. Flows in logistics and their classification.
  • Question 18.
  • Question 20
  • 22. Warehouses in logistics: concept, classification, main functions. The role of warehouses in logistics.
  • 23. Logistics as a type of business activity. Conceptual basis and philosophy.
  • 5.5. The effectiveness of the use of logistics in trade
  • 24. Making a decision about the location of the warehouse in the service area.
  • 25. The main logistics functions and their distribution among the various participants in the logistics process at the macro level.
  • 26. Deciding on the number of warehouses in the distribution system
  • 26. Deciding on the number of warehouses in the distribution system
  • 2. The dependence of the cost of maintaining stocks on the number of warehouses in the distribution system.
  • 3. Dependence of the costs associated with the operation of storage facilities on the number of warehouses in the distribution system.
  • 27. Intermediation in logistics.
  • 29. Organization of logistics at the enterprise.
  • 30. Research of operations in warehouse logistics.
  • 31. Commercial logistics. Functions, goals and objectives of logistics.
  • Question 32. Information systems in logistics: concepts and types, principles of construction.
  • 33. The task of "buy or make" ("Make-or-Buy Problem"). Examples of solving the "buy or make" problem in commercial logistics.
  • Question 34. The use of automated barcode identification technology in logistics.
  • 35. Tasks and content of procurement logistics, logistics principles for building relationships with suppliers.
  • 36. Logistics strategy: concepts, key issues. The influence of the external and internal environment on the logistics strategy of the company.
  • 38. Strategic, tactical and operational planning in logistics: time intervals, goals, objectives, decision-making models.
  • Strategic logistics planning
  • 39. Research of operations in procurement logistics.
  • Question 43
  • 45. Pulling control systems mp in the areas of production and circulation. Kanban system.
  • 47. Coordination of logistics and marketing strategies in the management of the enterprise.
  • Question 50. The concept of a basic module. The role of the base module in logistics.
  • 51. Functional cost analysis (FSA) in logistics
  • Difference from traditional methods
  • Advantages and disadvantages of functional cost analysis compared to traditional methods
  • Question 52. Cargo unit: concept, role in logistics. Main characteristics.
  • 29. Organization of logistics at the enterprise.

    The use of a logistics system in a small enterprise provides for the management of all operations as a single activity. To do this, the company needs to organize a special logistics service that will manage the material flow, starting from the formation of contractual relations with supplies and ending with delivery finished products consumer. The material flow on the way from the warehouse of material resources to the warehouse of finished products passes through a number of links in the main production. Management of material and information flows at this stage has a number of specific features and is called production logistics.

      planning and control - planning for the release of finished products, - planning of transport processes, - planning warehouse network, - budget control, - information systems.

      operations management - in warehouses, - in transport, in the process of servicing production processes.

      inventory management - demand forecasting, management and control of stocks of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, - selection of containers and packaging.

    The production process consists of a large number of elementary and complex logistics activities, united by a given objective function. This objective function is usually formulated on the basis of marketing strategy and lies outside the immediate production cycle. Therefore, an isolated consideration of logistics in the production of finished products (FP) is possible only if the goals and limitations of the external macro- and micrologistics environment are set. These limitation goals are the basis for the operational volume-calendar planning of the release of a certain range of products.

    These prerequisites allow us to formulate a certain set of tasks for intra-production micro- logistics system within the framework of a given (forecasted and planned demand and orders) production program.

    The logistics service created at the enterprise in the person of a department or one person must perform the following functions:

      operational-calendar planning with a detailed schedule for the release of finished products;

      operational management of technological processes of production;

      overall quality control, maintenance of product quality standards and related service;

      strategic and operational planning supply of material resources (MR);

      organization of in-house warehousing;

      forecasting, planning and regulation of MR consumption in production;

      organization of work of intra-production technological transport;

      control and management of stocks of MR, NP and GP at all levels of the intra-production warehouse system and in the technological process of production;

      intra-production physical distribution of MR and GP;

      information and technological support for the management of intra-production material flows;

      automation and computerization of management of material (information, financial) flows in production.

    The listed set of tasks should be solved within the framework of the corporate logistics strategy for optimizing the management of material and related flows in terms of:

      optimization (minimization) of the levels of all stocks of MR, NP, GP within the production and technological cycle and the warehouse system;

      reducing the time of the production and technological cycle;

      reduction of all logistics costs in the production of GP;

      optimization of the work of the intra-company transport and warehouse complex.

    The proposed structure makes it possible to allocate a single function of managing end-to-end material flows at the enterprise. The complexity of implementing a logistics concept in production largely depends on the current technological specialization, and primarily in the field of transport and moving operations.

    Cost accounting in the production process involves:

      identification of all departments involved in the production process;

      determination of the change in costs caused by the abandonment of this business process;

      identification of costs that can be avoided if this product will not be manufactured and brought to the client.

    To improve the efficiency of modern production, the following tasks are solved at the enterprise:

      the problem of full capacity utilization is replaced by the problem of minimizing the transit time working capital through an enterprise

      the task of reducing costs is complemented by the task of faster satisfaction of demand.

    The dynamism and uncertainty of demand in the market makes it impractical to create and maintain large stocks. At the same time, manufacturers are very interested in receiving each new, even a small order. All this leads to the need for flexible production facilities that can quickly respond to demand conditions. At the same time, cost reduction in the face of growing competition is achieved not by a traditional increase in the number of products, but by a logistics organization. production process in conjunction with the entire complex of logistics operations of material and commodity distribution systems as a whole. Material flow management should be end-to-end and coordinated from one center. All logistics operations must be fully interconnected and interdependent. They should constitute a single process for managing material, information and other types of flows that arise in the production process.


    Most businesses various forms running a business needs the organization of logistics, as this allows you to competently make the delivery of various products and goods to the final consumer. Not everyone knows that properly organized work of the logistics department will significantly reduce the cost of products, avoid production downtime, and minimize costs, which ultimately affects the increase in net profit.

    What is logistics in simple words?

    Logistics is a science that studies the rational transportation of various resources from the producer to the final consumer at the lowest cost. It is an essential tool for managing profitable business every company. Today, without logistics, it is impossible to imagine the stable operation of most trade and manufacturing enterprises.

    Logistics (like Practical activities) is a system of planned management of information, material and cash flows any company. Let's take a closer look at the definition of each of them.

    Under the material flows it is customary to understand the raw material base, components and all kinds of materials that are used in production. For its smooth operation, the purchasing and supply department is obliged to purchase everything necessary in advance, and it is also important that the delivery of raw materials is carried out strictly in certain period. This should also include intra-production transportation and movement of materials and equipment.

    The distribution of money and their receipt on the accounts of the company are financial flows. Control over production costs, displacement Money, paying bills and profits financial department any company.

    With regard to information flows, in simple words this can be explained as follows: logistics provides a system for distributing the necessary information in such a way as to establish a relationship between the company's divisions and with the end consumer.

    As a result, logistics determines the method of transportation (delivery) of the necessary products at the appointed time to the right place, while ensuring the optimal cost of services and the proper conditions for their provision. At the enterprise, the logistics department performs a number of important functions, which include:

    • choice transport companies and suppliers, conclusion of cooperation agreements with them;
    • conclusion of contracts with supplier companies on certain conditions;
    • consumer segment analysis;
    • organization of work with public services and regulatory authorities (customs, traffic police, etc.);
    • conclusion of contracts for cooperation with buyers;
    • organization of transportation of products and raw materials to the enterprise;
    • delivery of goods to the buyer.

    The activities of the logistics division are aimed at improving the operation of the enterprise and increasing profits. It is important to understand that most companies invest in the efficient operation of logistics, and these costs are the most significant part of the cost item, which emphasizes the exceptional importance of working in this direction.

    Who are logisticians?

    Logisticians are specialists who organize the delivery of products from the manufacturer to the end consumer, while ensuring minimal waste of time and financial resources.

    Without fail, the logistician takes into account the interests of the manufacturer, consumer and carriers, because the quality of the services provided and the profit of the company ultimately depend on this. This specialist also deals with:

    • resource management and technical means enterprises;
    • registration of accompanying and customs documentation;
    • control and organization of warehouse activities;
    • organization of delivery and forwarding of transported goods;
    • search for optimal solutions for the sale of finished products.

    In addition, the logistician manages a complex of information and services associated with his activities. One of the most important skills that a logistician must possess is the ability to anticipate possible risks. For example, when working with a supplier located at a considerable distance from the enterprise, the probability of a failure in the delivery of raw materials increases. This means that traffic accidents and breakdowns are possible along the way. trucks. Therefore, for the fastest delivery required by the company raw materials, the logistician will select the supplier closest to her in order to eliminate the risk of production downtime.

    Important: the specifics of doing business, the features of production and its location, weather conditions, the remoteness of suppliers from the company and many other factors directly affect the development of the work of the logistics department. For this reason, there are no standard schemes for distributing funds, organizing delivery, optimizing routes, and other important functions that logisticians perform. This leads to the fact that specialists, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise, develop optimal logistic models of work, aimed primarily at minimizing costs and making a profit.

    Tasks and goals of logistics

    Speaking in simple terms about the goals and objectives of logistics, it must be understood that they are aimed at optimizing the movement of products from the manufacturer to the buyer. To do this, the specialists of the logistics department take a comprehensive approach to solving all kinds of issues even at the stage of production of goods, their storage, delivery and marketing.

    Production logistics is designed to ensure the planning of the manufacture of various products in accordance with consumer demand. This data and a detailed market analysis are provided by specialists from the sales and marketing departments.

    This should also include the solution of problems aimed at ensuring necessary conditions for the smooth operation of the enterprise and the release of the required quantity of goods. This obliges logisticians to ensure the purchase of equipment and raw materials in the right amount required at all stages of production.

    The main tasks of the logistics department should also include the optimization of the work of the warehouse and the delivery of products to the warehouses of the final consumer. Specialists without fail plan the volume of warehouse stocks and monitor the shelf life of goods.

    Logistics plan routes for trucks, aircraft and ships, which is necessary to minimize the cost of transporting goods. They also draw up the necessary documentation for transportation, including waybills and customs declarations.

    Types of logistics services

    Let's take a closer look at the varieties logistics services.


    Considering the types of logistics services, it is necessary to start with the logistics of production, since it is designed to manage the flow of cash, raw materials and finished products directly within the company. Besides this species activity has an impact on the development of the technological process.

    The logistics of production pursues the most important goal, aimed at optimizing the costs of the enterprise. Professionals in the industry do:

    • consumer demand analysis;
    • production volume planning;
    • optimization of work and plans of all production departments;
    • tracking the interaction of production departments with the supply and marketing departments of finished products.

    Logisticians exercise control over the production process at the enterprise. If necessary, they can make adjustments aimed at optimizing work and increasing profitability.


    This type of logistics activity is aimed at the competent management of information flows, which in parallel accompany the material ones. This is due to the fact that the correct work with information (timely notification of employees about various delivery problems, changes in production activities, ensuring interaction between departments, etc.) is just as important as the proper management of financial resources.

    Specialists in this area are engaged in the optimization of internal and external information flows, channels for their receipt and transmission, as well as the development of internal regulatory documentation.


    These services are aimed at optimizing and developing the routes used to deliver finished products, raw materials and equipment for a manufacturing enterprise. The logistics of road transport is the most relevant, since most of the transportation is carried out by trucks. One of the most important goals of this direction is advice, which consists in the delivery of products to the final consumer strictly on the agreed date and time.


    With regard to customs services in logistics, it is worth noting that this industry is one of the most important in companies that carry out international shipping various cargoes. Specialists bear a great responsibility for their activities, since the timeliness of cargo delivery depends on the quality of their work.

    Logisticians are responsible for accompanying products to the place of delivery, as well as the availability of all necessary documentation. In addition, specialists are savvy in many legal issues, which allows them to competently draw up customs declarations and accompanying sheets. This makes it possible to avoid cargo delays, production downtime at the enterprise, as well as loss of products.


    Procurement logistics services are essentially the work of the supply department, since this industry deals with material flow management. This should include the purchase and distribution of component materials, equipment, raw materials and other components that are necessary for a smoothly running production. Specialists in this area also perform the following functions:

    • organize the delivery of raw materials for production;
    • looking for suppliers;
    • conclude cooperation agreements;
    • ensure proper storage of raw materials prior to their direct use in production units.

    The responsibilities of logisticians also include optimizing the purchase of raw materials and auxiliary materials so that they are enough for all production cycles (including continuous ones) and there is no downtime. Specialists in this industry play an important role in the development of the company, since the amount of expenses and the cost of goods produced ultimately depend on the quality of their work.


    This industry is necessary for the management of warehouse processes. These include the receipt, issuance of materials and raw materials from the equipment warehouse, their storage, as well as the shipment of finished products. Warehouse logistics specialists are directly involved in the selection for organization and construction storage facilities, selection of special equipment.

    Also, the responsibilities of the logistics department in this area include organizing the work of industrial warehouses, maintaining accounting activities and monitoring the processes of receiving and shipping products.

    Inventory Logistics

    The efficient operation of production at an enterprise directly depends on the organization of processes for managing stocks of finished products, raw materials and necessary materials. This is what inventory logistics does. The specialists of the department calculate the required volume of stocks of raw materials and finished goods (products) in the production as a whole and form them. The main task of this industry is to ensure the continuous operation of production processes at the enterprise.

    Problems of logistics in Russia

    As practice shows, the logistics system in Russian Federation an order of magnitude more difficult and requires significant costs in comparison with other countries. This is due to certain reasons and the specifics of the state.

    First of all, it should be noted that the territory of the country is vast, so enterprises that are engaged in the transportation of goods have to face the problem of overcoming significant distances. This leads to significant costs for the purchase of fuel and lubricants, spare parts, and repair work. It is easy to guess that even those logistics companies that carry out cargo transportation within their region incur significant costs due to the need for long distances.

    The next major problem of all logistics enterprises is low quality pavement in Russia. The performance of repair and service work cannot but affect the final cost of transporting products.

    Logisticians are also not happy with harsh climatic conditions, because winter time in most regions is quite long, which leads to significant fuel consumption and an increase in the cost of services for storing products in warehouses. This is due to the fact that the cost of heating large areas is significant, and without providing the necessary temperature conditions, the storage of most goods is simply not possible.

    Logistics problems also include shortcomings in legislative framework RF. For example, companies are often faced with the impossibility of obtaining monetary compensation (of course, by decision of the judiciary) from suppliers or transport organizations guilty of disrupting the supply of products or raw materials, as well as idle production.

    Important: due to some gaps in the legislation, the legal department of the enterprise is obliged to provide for possible force majeure circumstances and write down a penalty clause in the cooperation agreement with suppliers.

    How to choose the right logistics company?

    In order to choose the right company that can competently organize all logistics processes, the management of enterprises needs to take into account several important factors. These should include:

    • reputation of a transport and logistics company;
    • the possibility of providing professional assistance in general logistics issues;
    • the cost of the services provided;
    • delivery time of goods;
    • condition of the applicant's car park;
    • professionalism of drivers and forwarders;
    • guarantees for the services provided.

    When choosing a logistics company, you need to find out reviews about its work and the quality of services. To do this, you can ask colleagues or find user opinions on the Internet.

    An important factor to consider is the time and distance of product delivery. Some companies carry it out only within the city, while others, on the contrary, specialize in regional and international cargo transportation. It is very important at the initial stages of cooperation to discuss the delivery time and the nuances of the work ahead.

    It is important for every enterprise to receive qualified assistance in solving various situations. For this reason, it is necessary to ask the applicant for cooperation whether there are specialists in the state who are able to quickly solve logistical problems of any complexity and provide assistance in case of any questions.

    When looking for a transport and logistics company, you should pay attention to the cost of the services provided. This is an important factor, since it directly affects the expense item of the enterprise. Perhaps it makes sense to turn your attention to organizations providing rail freight services. As practice shows, such transportation is cost-effective, especially when it comes to delivering products or raw materials over long distances.

    Pay attention to the condition of the applicant's fleet. A large number of trucks and special equipment in proper technical condition, speaks of the seriousness of the logistics company's business.

    It is also necessary to inquire about the classiness of drivers and the experience of forwarders who will accompany the goods during transportation. If constant transportation of oversized items is required, it would be useful to learn about the skill and experience of drivers.

    Every businessman interested in cooperation with a transport company wants to receive guarantees for the services provided. They consist in the fact that the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods, maintaining its integrity. This should also include the exact time of the order. It is not recommended to cooperate with logistics companies that cannot guarantee safe transportation.

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    As you can see, logistics in the enterprise is the most important division, whose scope is multifaceted. Not only uninterrupted operation of production, timely delivery of products to the end consumer, but also the amount of profit depends on its work.

    In contact with

    Consider the features of the classification of logistics, the functions and main tasks of a representative of the profession of a logistician and specialized logistics companies in general. Forms of providing logistics services, their features.

    Logistics is the science of supply, supply, control, organization of transportation. It is based on the rules of law and the laws of the functioning of the market. The work of a logistician requires competent planning and optimization of activities in the field of transportation. So, what is logistics and the profession of "logistics"?

    Full overview of the concept

    Logistics is an economic discipline, a section of management aimed at studying the features of supply, supply, transportation, control over all processes associated with transportation, and their management. The literal translation of the word from Greek subtly reflects the essence of the concept - "the art of counting" .

    The Russian Academy of Sciences has proposed its own definition, which provides a more complete explanation and understanding of the term, clarifies fundamentally important points.

    Fact! American researchers consider logistics as a process aimed at realizing the interests of the parties, as well as controlling transportation and delivery.

    In addition to the processes that are listed in other existing formulations of this concept, the definition of the Academy of Sciences also includes a listing of the ways of movement of goods or services that are in the area of ​​interests and activities of the logistician:

    • Raw materials and production plant.
    • Finished products and consumer.
    • Processing of raw materials at the enterprise and intra-production movement: from entering the enterprise to the final result.

    Tasks, functions and goals

    Logistics, as a service sector, began to take shape at a time when manufacturers realized that irrational transportation costs had an extremely negative impact on the company's performance, reducing its profitability.

    Logistics services are an extensive set of operations, processes that are aimed at fulfilling the request of the company's client, meaning:

    • Storage.
    • Transportation.
    • Purchase.
    • Delivery.
    • Planning.
    • Transport optimization.
    • Treatment.
    • Certification.
    • Documentary support and others.


    Three main functions: optimization, control, efficiency improvement.

    A simple option for obtaining high-quality logistics services is to choose a specialized outsourcing company. A logistics company is a professional performer who will ensure the rational, efficient provision of a number of services for transportation, storage, transportation optimization, and documentation. This is a specialized company that optimizes the movement of products and information flows from the manufacturer to ultimate goal- customer, customer How to create it? It is required to have not only resources, but experience, knowledge in this field of activity. Only specialized education or availability significant funds does not guarantee successful work enterprises. Most companies have grown from small forwarding firms.

    The scope of services provided by the company includes:

    • Informing and documenting cargo.
    • Shipping.
    • Warehousing.
    • Registration of goods, if necessary, transportation across the border.
    • Delivery directly to the consumer of the product.
    • Sorting, packing.
    • Formation of parties, creation of a distribution network.
    • Insurance.

    Services of a specialized company allow minimizing the cost, simplify transportation and paperwork, save time.

    Logistician - who is it?

    If you are interested in who logisticians are and what they do, then first of all it is important to understand that there are three main basic processes in the work of these specialists: optimization, planning, control.

    Expert opinion! The specialist needs to plan the transportation of a batch of cabinets from the manufacturing plant. He needs: to ensure the completion of the operation on time, to provide transport, to take into account and minimize the likely factors that could harm the product. We have natural wood cabinets. Therefore, in order to harm from external factors was minimal, it is necessary to choose transport according to the basic requirements: the goods must be protected from moisture, securely fastened in the body.

    • Choosing the right transport.
    • Proper planning of the transportation process.
    • Joint work in the field of planning, taking into account the work of the warehouse and production.
    • Transport route optimization.
    • Formation of unity in planning with other departments.

    Customs logistics

    A type of logistics, the goals of which are aimed at delivering goods from the manufacturer to the buyer (customer) by optimal routes between countries. the main objective of this type - optimization foreign economic activity, which requires a high level of professionalism of a logistics specialist.

    As part of customs-type logistics, the following works are performed:

    • The logistics company ensures the storage of products in optimal, well-thought-out conditions.
    • Organization of transportation.
    • Documentary support.
    • Checking the cargo.
    • Cargo escort from customs to the direct customer.

    The profession of a logistician, what is it in the field of customs? This is an activity that requires a wider range of knowledge in the field of international economics and law. In addition, it is necessary to be able to classify goods. The goal is to minimize risks, maximize efficiency. Professional services help to bring the company to the world market, to purchase profitable raw materials or products from a foreign manufacturer.

    Production logistics

    It implies the process of control, management, systematization and optimization in the production of a particular product. The specialist is engaged in the management of material flows - starting with raw materials, ending with the delivery of products to the customer.

    Fact! Purpose of activity: who are logisticians in this area? These are specialists who are aimed at increasing the efficiency of production at minimal cost.

    The function of control over production processes allows you to:

    • Monitor deadlines.
    • Coordination of work schedules.
    • Optimization of procurement processes.
    • Analysis of consumer needs.
    • Fast troubleshooting in production.

    At the macro level, production logistics serves as a mechanism for controlling the operation of an enterprise, at the micro level it provides control over compliance with standards and deadlines, planning each stage of work, and cost analysis.

    Inventory Logistics

    Required for control, analysis of existing stocks of products and resources. The goal is to ensure the optimization of production, the smooth operation of the company. Who is the logistician? In this case, this is the controller of risks, the specifics of the season, supplies.

    Purchasing logistics (Supply logistics)

    It is the process of controlling existing financial resource flows. The goal is to provide the company with the resources necessary for high-quality and efficient work.

    As part of its activities, the logistician must competently solve a number of issues:

    • From whom to buy resources?
    • What do you need to buy?
    • What conditions of purchase will be optimal?
    • How many resources are required to keep the company running?
    • How to link purchasing with product manufacturing and distribution systems?
    • How do you link a resource provider to a manufacturing plant that needs the resource?

    Information logistics

    A kind of logistics, which is aimed at organizing the information flow. It is a link that forms bridges between supply, distribution, production processes. How to work as a logistician in the field of information?

    The specialist is engaged in the organization and management of transportation, warehousing, delivery, picking, controlling communications between departments. Information flows, well-planned by logisticians, allow you to optimize costs, increase efficiency, and organize a high-class service.

    "Three pillars" of information logistics: the flow of information, information Technology, systems.

    Logistics in the field of information is engaged in:

    • Collection of information.
    • The movement of the information flow.
    • Analysis, accumulation of information.
    • Management, control.
    • Separation of information flows.
    • Filtering information based on certain criteria.

    Information flow is data and messages that operate within the logistics system and outside, between the system and external objects. Information flow control contributes to the optimization of all logistics operations.

    Warehouse Logistics

    This set of actions, which are directed for product storage. The terms of warehousing, product features are important. The concept includes storage, acceptance, issuance of materials, raw materials, products, the optimal location of storage facilities, accounting for the work of the warehouse.

    The goals of warehouse logistics:

    1. Cost minimization;
    2. Safe storage conditions for products with a variety of specifics;
    3. Reducing the cost of goods due to proper accounting;
    4. Increasing the level of competitiveness of production and business in general.

    What is warehouse logistics: Wikipedia and other sources define this type as directed control over the movement of finances.

    The main directions and concepts of this type:

    • Warehouse classification.
    • Functionality of warehouses, complexes.
    • Methods for the development of the warehouse system.
    • Operations and processes in the territory of warehouse systems.
    • Planning the location and structure of the warehouse.
    • Competent organization of work of employees.
    • Storage optimization.
    • Reducing the likelihood of risks.

    Logistics services: what is it in the framework of the work of warehouses? This is the work of a specialist storage optimization, placement of goods, reducing the likelihood of product defects, protecting it from external risks. A professional approach ensures the creation of links between departments of the company, increases the level of efficiency of business processes.

    Multimodal transportation

    In practice, the problem of cargo delivery may be deeper, wider. Often it is necessary to move goods from a distant state, sometimes from another mainland. To carry out such transportation, it is required to attract transport of different types.

    How to choose a logistics company - TOP-8 selection criteria

    Logistics services: what is it and how to choose? It is not easy to choose companies from a wide range of existing ones, therefore, let's discuss in more detail, what should you pay attention to?

    1. Professionals always give a guarantee of quality. Working with dubious enterprises jeopardizes the integrity of products, the benefit of the manufacturer, the safety of the cargo during transportation, and the timing of the order. The contract must clearly indicate: delivery time, transportation time.
    2. The carrier must have its own fleet of vehicles. In extreme cases, a car on lease. If this is just an intermediary between the supplier and the transport company, you should refuse.
    3. Not bad if there are services of a customs broker. This is not necessary - there is not always a need for transportation abroad. It's just a nice extra service.
    4. Estimate the cost, analyze the spending.
    5. Compare: on this moment specialized companies a lot, so it pays to be a little capricious in order to get the most efficient result, high class service.
    6. Must have cargo insurance This is the liability of the carrier.
    7. Pay attention to how the company treats strange or non-standard orders, emergency situations.
    8. The Internet provides ample opportunities in the search for information. Use this powerful resource to explore user reviews.

    The main problems and features of Russian logistics

    Russian logistics can hardly be called an example to follow - this service sector is in a neglected state. Why?

    • Poor quality of road surfaces.
    • Long haul distances.
    • Use of transport with low technical capabilities.
    • Lack of a wide range of qualified employees.
    • Unfavorable climatic conditions in a large area of ​​the country.

    These reasons increase the cost and risks.

    Features of Russian logistics

    • Relatively high prices for the services of transport companies, expensive transportation.
    • Disregard for the fulfillment of the terms of the contract.
    • Spending transparency.
    • Unstable market.
    • Lack of staff.
    • Low level of transport infrastructure development.

    The crisis situation on the market brought the leaders of the industry to the fore - these are large, reliable companies.

    TOP-5 companies in the Russian market of logistics services

    There are many large logistics companies and private carriers on the Russian Ferration market that provide a full range of services throughout the country and abroad.

    Business Line

    Consistent industry leader with more than 10 years . Business Line guarantee of quality, reliability, compliance with deadlines. The company offers transportation by different modes of transport. Branches are represented in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia successfully developing cooperation with foreign partners. The minimum possible delivery time for any type of cargo, including groupage.

    Business lines offer transportation of special cargoes requiring specific storage and transportation conditions. The location of the cargo can be controlled, tracked.


    Large Logistic company With 10 years experience . The company opened more 100 branches and representative offices and is constantly expanding its spheres of influence.


    • Extensive private car park.
    • Acceptable prices.
    • Delivery prompt, timely, targeted.
    • The customer has the ability to control the transportation process.
    • Work with complex cargoes, a wide choice of packaging.
    • Perform unloading and loading.
    • Professional staff.

    What is transport logistics from PEC? These are high-quality services, professional approach.


    This is an old-timer of Russian logistics. The company offers specialized services to the market over 17 years provides quality assurance. Main feature - a large private car park for the transportation of goods of almost any volume and weight ( up to 20 tons). Delko's arsenal includes refrigerators, semi-trailers with an awning, and other cars.


    A young company providing specialized services in the territory Russia and CIS countries . Own fleet includes more than 5000 models technology that allows you to transport goods over long distances. Clients guaranteed reliability, efficiency, quick response in case of emergency. According to user reviews, the company has high ratings in the market.


    A specialized company that provides a wide range of logistics services. Works on site Russia and not only.


    • Delivery "to the door".
    • Attractive value.
    • Ability to transport cargo of different types.
    • Extensive car park.
    • Fulfillment of non-standard orders.


    What is the specialty of logistics? This is a broad concept that includes knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of coordination, control and optimization of the process of transporting products. Success in the profession depends on the level of knowledge in the exact sciences, economics, law, the ability to use theory in practice, and use modern technologies.

    Who is a logistician? A professional who is able to use all available resources for the benefit of the company, ensuring an increase in the efficiency and profitability of activities.

    On Russian market logistics is under development. Main areas of work: performance optimization transport companies , improving the quality of infrastructure, training of professional specialists.

    Introduction 3
    1. The concept of enterprise logistics. The essence of the logistics process 4
    2. Types of logistics in the enterprise 5
    3. Logical operations and their types 8
    Conclusion 11
    References 12


    Materials management has always been an essential part economic activity. However, only relatively recently has it acquired the position of one of the most important functions of economic life. The main reason is the transition from the seller's market to the buyer's market, which necessitated a flexible response of production and trade systems to rapidly changing consumer priorities.
    In the context of the transition to market relations unified systems of standards for improving the material and technical base are losing their former significance. Each business entity independently assesses a specific situation and makes decisions. As world experience shows, leadership in competition acquires today the one who is competent in the field of logistics, owns its methods.
    Activities in the field of logistics are multifaceted. It includes the management of transport, warehousing, stocks, personnel, organization information systems, commercial activity and much more. Each of the listed functions is deeply studied and described in the corresponding branch discipline. The fundamental novelty of the logistics approach is the organic interconnection, the integration of the above areas into a single material-conducting system.

    1. The concept of enterprise logistics. The essence of the logistics process.

    Logistics is the process of planning, organizing and controlling all types of movement and storage activities that ensure the passage of material and related information flows from the point of purchase of raw materials to the point of final consumption (5, p. 21).

    Consider the specifics of the logistics approach to managing material flows, both at the micro and macro levels.
    At the macro level, the chain through which a certain material flow passes sequentially consists of several independent enterprises. Traditionally, each of these enterprises is managed separately by the owner. At the same time, the task of managing the end-to-end material flow is not set and is not solved. The category "through material flow" is also not distinguished. As a result, such indicators of this flow as its cost price, reliability of receipt, quality, and others, at the exit from the chain, are formed largely randomly and, as a rule, are far from optimal.
    In the logistic approach, the object of control is a through material flow. At the same time, the isolation of enterprises - links of the material-conducting chain is largely overcome in order to coordinate the management of the through material flow. Required cargo begins to arrive at the right place, at the right time, in the required quantity, required quality. The promotion of the material flow throughout the chain begins to be carried out at minimal cost.
    At the micro level, the chain through which a certain material flow passes sequentially most often consists of various services of one enterprise. With the traditional approach, the task of improving the end-to-end material flow within the enterprise, as a rule, does not have a priority for any of the departments. The indicators of the material flow at the exit from the enterprise, as in the first example, have a random value and are far from optimal (5, p. 24).
    With a logistic approach, a service is allocated and receives significant rights at the enterprise, the priority task of which is to manage end-to-end material flows, that is, flows that come from outside, go through supply warehouses, production shops, warehouses of finished products and then go to the consumer. As a result, the indicators of the material flow at the exit from the enterprise become manageable.
    Generally, fundamental difference the logistic approach to managing material flows from the traditional one is to single out a single management function for previously disparate material flows; in the technical, technological, economic and methodological integration of individual links of the material-conducting chain in single system providing effective management through material flows (6).
    In the areas of production and circulation, the use of logistics allows:
    reduce stocks along the entire path of material flow;
    reduce the time it takes for goods to pass through the supply chain;
    reduce transport costs;
    reduce the cost of manual labor and the corresponding costs of handling cargo.
    A significant share of the economic effect is achieved by reducing stocks along the entire path of the material flow. According to the European Industry Association, end-to-end monitoring of material flow provides a reduction in inventories by 30-70% (according to the US Industrial Association, the reduction in inventories occurs in the range of 30-50%) (5).
    The logistics service at the enterprise closely interacts with production planning. This is due to the fact that production depends on the timely delivery of raw materials, materials, components in a certain quantity and quality. Accordingly, the logistics service of the enterprise, which ensures the passage of the end-to-end material flow (and therefore organizes the supply of the enterprise), must participate in making decisions about launching products into production, since it will have to provide production with resources.

    2. Types of logistics in the enterprise

    The enterprise distinguishes purchasing, production, distribution, transport and information logistics.
    In the process of providing the enterprise with raw materials and materials, the tasks of procurement logistics are solved. Suppliers are studied and selected, contracts are concluded and their execution is monitored, measures are taken in case of violation of the terms of delivery. Any manufacturing enterprise has a service that performs the listed functions. The logistical approach to material flow management requires that the activity of this service, associated with the formation of the parameters of the through material flow, should not be isolated, but be subject to the through material flow management strategy. At the same time, the tasks solved in the process of bringing the material flow from the warehouses of the supplier's finished products to the workshops of the enterprise-consumer have certain specifics, which was the reason for the allocation of a separate section of logistics - procurement logistics.
    In practice, the boundaries of the activities that make up the main content of procurement logistics are determined by the terms of the contract with suppliers and the composition of the functions of the supply service within the enterprise (7).
    In the process of material flow management within an enterprise that creates wealth or provides material services, the tasks of production logistics are mainly solved. The specificity of this stage lies in the fact that the bulk of the work on the flow is carried out within the territory of one enterprise. Participants in the logistics process, as a rule, do not enter into commodity-money relations. The flow comes not as a result of concluded contracts, but as a result of decisions made by the enterprise management system.
    The area of ​​production logistics is closely related to the areas of procurement of materials and distribution of finished products. However, the main range of tasks in this area is the management of material flows in the process of implementing production.
    When managing material flows in the process of selling finished products, the tasks of distribution logistics are solved. This is a wide range of tasks, which are solved by both manufacturing enterprises and enterprises engaged in trade and intermediary activities. Power structures are related to the solution of these problems, since the state of the region's economy significantly depends on the organization of distribution. For example, in the event of an unsatisfactory organization of the distribution system food products in the region, the position of local authorities will be unstable.
    Implementation of the distribution function on manufacturing plant otherwise known as product marketing. In the sphere of attention of distribution logistics, the material flow falls while still in the production workshops. This means that issues of container and packaging, the size of the manufactured batch and the time by which this batch must be manufactured, as well as many other issues that are essential for the implementation process, begin to be resolved at earlier stages of material flow management.
    When managing material flows in transport areas, specific tasks of transport logistics are solved. Cumulative volume transport work, performed in the process of bringing the material flow from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer, can be divided into two large groups (approximately equal):
    work performed by vehicles belonging to special transport organizations (transport common use);
    work performed by the own transport of all other (non-transport) enterprises.
    As well as other functional areas of logistics, transport logistics has no clearly defined boundaries. Methods of transport logistics are used in the organization of any transportation. However, the priority object of study and management in this section is the material flow that occurs in the process of transportation by public transport (5, p. 28).
    Information logistics. The results of the movement of material flows are in direct connection with the rationality of the organization of the movement of information flows. In recent decades, it was the possibility of effective management of powerful information flows that made it possible to set and solve the problem of end-to-end management of material flows. The high importance of the information component in logistics processes has led to the allocation of a special section of logistics - information logistics. The object of study here is information systems that provide management of material flows, the microprocessor technology used, information technology and other issues related to the organization of information flows (associated with material ones).
    Information logistics is closely related to other functional areas of logistics. This section considers the organization of information flows within the enterprise, as well as the exchange of information between various participants in logistics processes located at significant distances from each other (for example, using satellite communications).

    3. Logical operations and their types

    One of the fundamental concepts of logistics is the concept of logistics operations.

    The decomposition of the logistics process to a specific set of operations is a complex and time-consuming task, which is usually solved at the level of an individual company.
    Logistics operations are carried out mainly by operational management units in the relevant functional divisions of the company and its partners. The expediency of allocating a logistics operation should be dictated by the practical possibility and the need to take into account the cost of resources for its implementation.
    In modern logistics, there are many classifications of logistics operations. The classification of logistics operations is shown in table 1.
    Logistics operations with material flow include loading, transportation, unloading, picking, warehousing, packaging and other operations. Logistics operations with material flows in the sphere of circulation are operations of loading, unloading, transportation, picking, warehousing, distribution, packing. Logistics operations with material flows in the field of production are reduced to placing orders, managing warehousing, selecting equipment, producers and suppliers, planning and scheduling the production process, accounting and inventory management.
    Logistical operations with information flows are reduced to the creation of information systems and the implementation within these systems of actions to collect, store, process and transfer information accompanying material flows and initiating and managing these flows. The costs of performing logistics operations with information flows constitute a significant part of logistics costs.
    Table 1
    Classification of logistics operations
    Classification sign Types of logistics operations
    Transfer of ownership Unilateral
    Changing the properties of the loading unit With the addition of value
    No added value
    Relation to the system External operation
    Domestic operation
    Logistics operation object Material flow
    Information flow
    financial flow

    The performance of logistics operations with the material flow entering or leaving the logistics system differs from the performance of the same operations within the logistics system. This is due to the ongoing transfer of ownership of the goods and the transfer of insurance risks from one legal entity to another. On this basis, all logistics operations are divided into unilateral and bilateral.
    Some logistics operations are essentially a continuation of the technological production process, for example, packaging. These operations change the consumer properties of the goods and can be carried out both in the sphere of production and in the sphere of circulation, for example, in the packaging shop of a wholesale base (2).
    Logistics operations performed in the process of supplying an enterprise or marketing finished products are classified as external logistics operations. Logistics operations performed within the logistics system are called internal. Uncertainty environment, first of all, affects the nature of the implementation of external logistics operations.


    So, summing up the results of the work, we draw conclusions.
    Logistics is the process of planning, organizing and controlling all types of movement and storage activities that ensure the passage of material and related information flows from the point of purchase of raw materials to the point of final consumption.
    The specificity of logistics lies in the allocation of a single management function for previously disparate material flows; in the technical, technological, economic and methodological integration of individual links of the material-conducting chain into a single system that ensures effective management of end-to-end material flows.
    The enterprise distinguishes purchasing, production, distribution, transport and information logistics.
    A logistical operation is any elementary action or set of actions that leads to the transformation of the parameters of the material and / or related information, financial, service flows, which is not subject to further decomposition within the framework of the task.
    Logistics operations with material flow include loading, transportation, unloading, picking, warehousing, packaging and other operations. Logistics operations with material flows in the sphere of circulation are operations of loading, unloading, transportation, picking, warehousing, distribution, packing.


    1. Albekov A.U., Fedko V.P., Mitko O.A. Commercial logistics. Series "Textbooks, teaching aids". Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2001.
    2. Belousov A.G., Stakhanov D.V., Stakhanov V.N. Commercial logistics Series "Textbooks of the XXI century". - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2001.
    3. Gadzhinsky A.M. Basics of logistics: Tutorial. - M .: IVTs "Marketing", 1999.
    4. Golikov E.A. Marketing and Logistics: Textbook. - M .: Dashkov and Co., 1999.
    5. Kanke A.A. Logistics. – M.: FiS, 2003.
    6. Logistics / Ed. B.A. Anikina. 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2000.
    7. Novikov O.A., Uvarov S.A. Logistics: Textbook. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: "Izd. House "Business Press". 2000.
    8. Fundamentals of logistics. Textbook / Ed. L.B. Mirotina, V.I. Sergeyev. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000.
    9. Rodnikov A.N. Logistics. Terminological dictionary. - M.: INFRA-M, 2000.

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