Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Modern aspects of management, health care economics. Regulations on specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education What is the organization of nursing


All-Russian Educational-Scientific-Methodological Center

for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education

2.16. Providing first aid in emergency conditions.

2.17. Participation in carrying out activities to organize the activities of a medical institution in extreme conditions.

3.1. Have access to the information necessary for quality performance functional duties nursing and junior medical personnel.

3.2. To improve the system of organizing the work of middle and junior medical personnel on the basis of best practices and the introduction of new technologies.

3.3. To improve the system for evaluating the work of middle and junior medical personnel in the new economic conditions.

3.4. Make suggestions to management for quality improvement medical care population.

3.5. Apply (public influence or verbal disciplinary action, recommend to the administration of the medical institution other measures of influence for violations in the work of middle and junior medical staff.

3.6, Apply to the administration for the issuance of moral and material incentives for middle and junior medical personnel.

3.7. Participate in the work of professional medical associations.

3.8. Improve qualifications and be certified for the assignment of qualification categories.


Specialist for non-compliance professional duties bears the responsibility provided for by the legislation.

Cycle: “ Modern Aspects management, health economics”

Specialty: “Organization of nursing”

Position: “Chief nurse, head nurse of an outpatient clinic acting as departments within a medical institution”

1. T E O R I A

Health system and policy in Russian Federation for the protection of public health. Concepts for the development of health care in the Russian Federation. Primary health care. The role of the chief nurse in the implementation of federal programs to protect the health of the population. Determination of population health indicators. Analysis of statistical indicators of public health. and analysis of indicators of medical and social efficiency of medical institutions.

Application of the basics of office work in the work of the chief nurse of health care institutions in the analysis of the activities of health facilities: analysis of annual statistical reports and primary medical documentation reflecting the activities of middle and junior medical personnel.

Planning a system of measures to organize and control the activities of the nursing service in an outpatient setting, in a specialized hospital.

Efficiency mark management activities. Carrying out marketing research and adjusting the needs of the population in various types of nursing care based on the results marketing research, and their implementation in practical health care.

Organization of work on personnel planning for specialists with secondary medical education, placement, use, training and qualification assessment. Monitoring the implementation of the nursing process during the internship.

Management of material resources of health care. Accounting and liability. Participation of the chief nurse in the inventory of material assets in health facilities. Receipt, implementation of proper storage, accounting, spending and delivery to the state fund of products containing precious metals.

Rationing of work of average medical personnel. Calculation of the standard number of positions of middle and junior medical personnel.

Budgeting for major items. Carrying out calculations for items of expenditure. Calculation of the cost of medical care,

Conducting an analysis of the quality of medical care by paramedical personnel.

Infection control and infection safety. The role of the chief nurse in the organization and control of the sanitary and epidemiological regime in health care institutions, in structural divisions: quality control of the processing of medical instruments and care items; in the prevention of occupational infection with viral hepatitis and HIV infection and nosocomial infection of patients.

The role and participation of the head nurse in the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, in the organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime in the detection of especially dangerous infections.

The system for organizing the interaction of health care institutions with institutions of a sanitary and epidemiological profile: for the sanitary condition of medical facilities, a catering unit and canteen departments.

The role and participation of the chief nurse in the organization of medical support for the population under emergency situations and disasters.

2. P R A C T I C A.

Planning a system of measures on the prospects for the development of the nursing service of medical institutions using scientific and managerial approaches to improve the quality of nursing care for the population.

Analysis of statistical indicators for assessing the health of the population and correction of the needs of the population in various types of nursing care, taking into account the analysis data. Analysis of performance indicators medical institution.

Analysis of the form of annual statistical reports and primary medical documentation, reflecting the activities of middle and junior medical personnel. Control over the correct maintenance of medical records in the structural divisions of healthcare facilities. At practical classes, analyze the performance indicators of health facilities and various forms annual reports(Note: based on the results of homework or in seminars).

Organization of nursing care for patients on the basis of the nursing process and the implementation of control over the care of incurable patients. In the classroom, analyze nursing histories.

Organization and control to ensure medical and protective, sanitary and epidemiological regimes in a medical institution. At a practical lesson, provide for a visit to the central sterilization, procedural and other departments of the hospital with a subsequent analysis of the results.

Organization of control over sanitary-educational and anti-epidemic work with the population of paramedical personnel.

Acquaintance with the organization of work of institutions of a sanitary and epidemiological profile. Implementation of current and preventive sanitary supervision in health facilities. Control of the sanitary condition of the catering department, food preparation technology, food storage. At a practical lesson with a visit to the catering department, conduct a hygienic assessment of the prepared food, establish the compliance of the prepared dishes with the diet number. To study the regulatory documents regulating the activities of dairy kitchens.

Planning a system of measures for organizing the work of the nursing service of outpatient clinics, specialized hospitals, FAPs, health centers, emergency and emergency medical care, medical institutions for the protection of maternal and child health.

In practical classes, all educational questions in this section should be studied and developed in the relevant health facilities.

Organization of work on personnel planning for specialists with secondary medical education for advanced training and retraining, attestation and certification. Monitoring the implementation of individual professional job descriptions for nursing and junior medical personnel. Organization of industrial practice for students of colleges and schools.

Analyze in class typical mistakes By personnel work, on attestation, etc. (Note: based on materials submitted by the attested to the central attestation commissions, on the analysis of listeners' answers).

Management of material resources of health care, pharmaceutical provision of medical institutions; regulation of labor of middle and junior medical personnel.

In practical classes, study the issues of receiving, accounting, storing, using, inventorying material assets, medicines, study the regulatory documents. Use and study the regulatory documents for the operation of medical equipment and equipment, safety and labor protection.

Calculate the number of positions planned for hospitals and polyclinics. Make a budget for the main items. Calculate the cost of medical care with the application of labor standards. Assess the quality and effectiveness of nursing care against standards.

In practical classes on the basics of medical informatics, study the principles of computer operation, work with the Norton Commander program, with files, text editing, printing texts, and work with spreadsheets. Familiarize yourself with the ACS of the hospital, polyclinic.

At practical classes in disaster medicine, develop training activities on medical support for the activities of a medical institution; provision of first aid in emergency situations.






Fundamentals of social hygiene and healthcare organization.

Theoretical foundations of nursing.

System and health care in the Russian Federation.

Fundamentals of medical and preventive care for the population.

Health system management.

Fundamentals of legislation and law in health care.

Organization of planning, economic and financial activities medical institutions in the new economic conditions.

Infection control and infection safety.

Fundamentals of medical informatics.

The use of a personal electronic computer in medicine.

Modern principles of organizing medical support for the population in emergencies and disasters.

regional component.

Population health statistics.


Statistical indicators for assessing the activities of health care institutions.

Fundamentals of business.

health statistics.

Nursing, nursing process.

Medical ethics, bioethics.

Fundamentals of general and medical psychology.

Priorities of the concept of healthcare development in the Russian Federation.

Fundamental documents for the protection of public health.

Fundamentals of PHC.

Fundamentals of the organization of medical care for the urban population in outpatient settings.

Fundamentals of the organization of medical care for the urban population in the conditions of specialized hospitals.

Fundamentals of the organization of medical and preventive care for the rural population.

Organization of nursing in medical institutions for the protection of maternal and child health.

Fundamentals of the organization of medical and preventive care for children.

Organization of work on medical care for workers of industrial enterprises.

Organization of work of ambulance and urgent medical care.

Fundamentals of the organization of drug treatment, oncological and anti-tuberculosis care for the population of the Russian Federation.

Technologies and standards for the performance of work by a nurse in the admission and diagnostic department, ward and procedural nurses.

Fundamentals of organizing the work of the operating room, toxic-reanimation department.

Fundamentals of the organization of medical and diet food in medical institutions.

Personnel management.

Management of material resources.

Accounting and liability.

Medical technology and safety in healthcare facilities.

Rationing of labor of paramedical personnel.

Fundamentals of professional and legal regulation of nursing, legal responsibility in the field of health care.

Fundamentals of planning and financing of medical institutions in a market economy, budget, estimates, pricing and taxation.

Examination of the quality of medical assistance to the population.

Sanitary and epidemiological regime in health care facilities.

Processing of medical devices.

Prevention of occupational infection with infectious diseases.

Particularly dangerous infections.

Regulatory orders and instructions.

Fundamentals of medical informatics. The principle of computer operation, keyboard, external devices.

Work with programs. Editing and printing of texts.

Application of PC in medicine.

Fundamentals of disaster medicine.

1. Actual health problems.

2.Targeted regional programs in the field of health protection.

3. An in-depth study of specific sections or relevant for a given region (at the discretion of the methodological association of the school.)

Analyze statistics population health assessments. Adjust the need of the population for various types of nursing care based on the analysis of criteria and indicators of the state of health of the population.

Analyze indicators of medical and social efficiency activities of medical institutions.

Analyze the forms of annual statistical reports and primary medical documentation reflecting the activities of middle and junior medical personnel. Monitor the correctness of maintaining medical records in the structural divisions of the medical institution.

Organize the introduction of nursing and nursing care based on the nursing process, taking into account violated human needs, bioethics.

Organize work taking into account the basics of general and medical psychology, pedagogy; use communication skills.

Carry out teaching and mentoring activities.

Organize the work of medical institutions for rehabilitation treatment and rehabilitation with the implementation of the basic principles of PHC.

Carry out sanitary and educational work with the population of paramedical personnel.

Use scientific and managerial approaches to organizing and improving the quality of nursing care for the urban population.

Plan a system of measures for the prospects for the development of nursing services in polyclinics.

Adjust the need of the population for various types of nursing care based on the analysis of criteria and indicators of the state of health of the population.

Monitor the correctness of maintaining medical records in structural units. Organize health check-ups for the population.

Reception of the population, work with letters and appeals of citizens.

To use modern office equipment for the activities of the polyclinic, to introduce the scientific organization of labor into the work of polyclinics.

Use regulatory documents regulating the activities of outpatient clinics.

To study, use and popularize the best domestic and Foreign experience organization of nursing in outpatient settings.

Use managerial functions planning, organizing and coordinating the work of the nursing staff of hospitals.

Use directive documents regulating the activities of hospitals in the new economic conditions.

Organize nursing care for patients based on the nursing process.

Organize nursing care for incurable patients based on the nursing process.

Master the technique of nursing manipulation.

To study, use and popularize domestic and foreign nursing organizations in health care facilities.

Provide advisory assistance to nursing staff serving rural areas. Organize control of their activities in all aspects.

To organize and control the work of the medical staff of the obstetric and gynecological service. Monitoring compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime. Organize work to prevent nosocomial infections.

Organize and supervise the work of the nursing staff of the children's hospital.

Provide assistance and control to the paramedic of the health center in planning and conducting preventive and therapeutic work at the industrial site.

Carry out activities for the medical and social rehabilitation of patients.

To organize and exercise control over the middle and junior medical personnel of stations (departments) of emergency and emergency medical care in timely obtaining information about the patient, the use of modern equipment, transport.

To organize the defect-free work of the middle and junior medical personnel of the narcological, oncological and anti-tuberculosis services.

To organize and control the work of the ward and procedural nurse in accordance with technology and standards.

Organize the work of middle and junior medical personnel of the surgical dressing and resuscitation department in accordance with regulatory orders and instructions.

Prepare medical nutritional documentation.

Develop a food catalogue. Create menus, layout menus.

Monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the catering departments of healthcare facilities, food products.

Identify the causes of food poisoning and implement preventive measures.

To organize work on personnel planning for specialists with secondary medical education in a medical institution. Organize work on the placement, use, training and assessment of the qualifications of paramedical personnel.

Organize work on advanced training and retraining, development professional career, attestation and certification of paramedical personnel, provide medical care and advice to nursing and junior medical personnel.

To control the main actions of a nurse undergoing an internship in the implementation of the nursing process. Data collection for nursing medical history. Conducting a physical examination of patients. Collection of laboratory data. Interpretation of data, assessment of their significance, formulation of a nursing diagnosis. Determining the needs of the patient, the necessary measures. Priority actions. Consultations. Writing a nursing diagnosis.

Rationally use the resources of the medical institution. Use in the work documents regulating the procedure for issuing, receiving, accounting, storing, especially the use and inventory of material assets in health facilities. To organize and control the work of the sisters of the housewives of the departments.

Use in the work documents regulating the procedure for prescribing, receiving, accounting, storing, using medicines and materials. Proper storage of medicines in hospitals. Organize training and control the storage, prescription and accounting of narcotic drugs.

Provide therapeutic medical equipment.

Conduct occupational health and safety measures, training sessions on the operation of medical equipment and equipment.

Calculate the normative positions of paramedical personnel per 1 position of an outpatient doctor. Calculate the number of positions planned for one round-the-clock post in hospitals. Calculate the number of posts to ensure the operation of a round-the-clock post, to ensure the operation of the post at night, on holidays and. Calculate the number of posts of middle and junior medical staff in the therapeutic and pediatric departments, taking into account the 3-degree and 2-degree system.

To carry out professional and legal regulation of the work of the middle and junior medical staff of health facilities.

Use the fundamental policy documents governing the activities of the medical institution. Make a budget for the main items. Make calculations for each item of expenditure.

Assess the quality and effectiveness of nursing care. Compare actual and standard settings. Conduct an analysis of the quality of medical care in terms of structural, procedural and resultant analysis.

Organize and control work to ensure sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological regimes in a medical institution ( admission department, treatment room, sterilization department, etc.). Organize control over anti-epidemic work with the population of paramedical personnel.

To organize training and control of the prevention of occupational infection of medical personnel, the prevention of nosocomial infection.

Train and monitor the knowledge and skills of medical personnel in identifying especially dangerous infections.

Use electronically - computing machines in the activities of the medical institution and in the work of the head nurse.

To issue the main activities in peacetime in the event of major accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters and other extreme situations. Carry out activities to protect the population, sick, injured and personnel of the disaster medicine service. Provide first aid in emergency situations. Improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities. Prepare medical facilities to receive patients in case of mass catastrophes and accidents.

The role of the head nurse in the organization of nursing in health care facilities

In modern conditions, when the healthcare reform in our country has begun, the tasks of the main nurses medical institutions to organize the work of nursing staff in accordance with the new complex problems being solved in the reformed health care institutions.

Improving the quality and efficiency of the management activities of chief nurses is possible only through the use of modern science about management.

Nursing personnel management is a purposeful activity of the heads of nursing services of medical institutions (HCIs) and their departments, using various management mechanisms and communication channels to ensure well-coordinated, qualified work of nursing personnel to provide patients with nursing care of the appropriate quantity and quality. Thus, outpatient clinics should ensure the work of nursing staff in the newly organized day hospitals, hospitals at home, outpatient surgery centers, doctors' services. general practice and others. Very difficult tasks are facing the nursing staff of hospitals after their restructuring into hospitals for intensive observation, rehabilitation treatment, as well as hospitals for the treatment of patients with chronic diseases and hospitals for medical and social care.

In health care facilities, the organizational structure of nursing staff management includes:

subjects of nursing staff management, i.e. those who manage nursing staff;

objects of management, i.e. nursing staff managed by the subjects of management;

management mechanisms - various types of managerial influences, with the help of which the effective management of nursing staff and the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them are ensured;

Methods and channels for transmitting information (direct - management decisions and reverse - information on the progress of management decisions) between subjects and objects of management. Relationships of elements organizational structure management of nursing staff to solve the problems of nursing in health care facilities can be represented as the following diagram:

3. Control mechanisms


1. Subjects of management

Nursing in health care facilities

2. Control objects

direct connection Feedback

4.Methods and channels for transmitting information

Performance standards

Job Descriptions

Inspection materials

Bypass materials

Statistical reports

Raid materials

As can be seen from this diagram, all four elements of the organizational structure for managing the nursing staff of the health facility closely interact with each other to ensure the high quality of nursing in the institution.

There should be constant two-way communication between the subjects and objects of management: the subjects of management bring management decisions to the objects of management, and the objects of management send information, reporting and other information about the progress of these decisions to the subjects of management. The most important obligatory feedback channel of objects of management with subjects of management is control over the implementation of management decisions and the effectiveness of the nursing staff.

The management mechanisms used by the head of nursing services make it possible to determine the goals of management in relation to the work of this health facility, to clarify the main directions (functions) of the management activities of chief nurses, to carry out management activities based on the most important management principles and to widely use organizational and administrative, socio-psychological and economic management methods.

Thus, the organizational structure of the nursing staff management of the health facility is a complex, interconnected management system that can successfully function and provide high quality nursing in health care facilities only if all the potential capabilities of each of its elements are effectively used.

Let us consider sequentially what each of the elements of the organizational structure of the management of the nursing staff of the healthcare facility is.

Subjects of nursing personnel management

nursing staff management

The subjects of management of the nursing staff of health facilities are the heads of nursing services of medical institutions:

chief nurses or deputy chief physicians for work with nursing and junior medical personnel, directors of hospitals (houses) of nursing care and hospices.

In recent years, in a number of large health facilities, the positions of deputy chief physicians for working with nursing and junior medical personnel have been introduced, which has contributed to improving the quality of nursing staff management and raising the authority of the heads of nursing services of health facilities.

As for nursing homes (hospitals) and hospices, they are institutions that mainly employ nurses and junior medical staff, and, therefore, the heads of these institutions are also the heads of nursing services for these health facilities. Unfortunately, these much-needed institutions are still not openly enough.

The chief nurses, as well as the chief midwives and chief paramedics, are the main group of heads of nursing services of the healthcare facility, who manage the work, first of all, of the senior nurses of the healthcare facility units: senior nurses, senior operating room nurses, senior midwives, senior paramedics, etc. and provide a strategy for improving nursing in healthcare facilities.

In the clinics of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov introduced the positions of chief nurses of clinics while maintaining the position of chief nurse in the management of all clinics, and in each individual clinic there are also positions of senior nurses.

In accordance with the Nomenclature of positions of medical and pharmaceutical personnel and specialists with higher professional education in healthcare institutions, the positions of heads of institutions include the main nurse. Consequently, the head nurse is an official of the institution with all the ensuing rights and responsibilities.

The tariff and qualification characteristics for the chief nurse (Appendix 2 to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 27, 1997 N ° 43) provide that a higher education is required to occupy this position medical education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary medical education and work experience in the profile of at least 5 years.

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 19, 1997 No. 249 "On the nomenclature of specialties of nursing and pharmaceutical personnel" established that persons holding the positions of chief nurses must have the specialty "organization of nursing". This order approved the Regulations on specialists in the organization of nursing (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) and the Qualification characteristics for these specialists.

The Regulation specifies the requirements for admission to work in the specialty "organization of nursing". TO professional activity as a specialist in the organization of nursing, persons with a higher medical education in the specialty "Nursing" or a secondary medical education in the specialties: "Nursing", "General Medicine", "Obstetrics" and a certificate in the specialty "Organization of Nursing" are allowed.

Along with the general requirements, the Regulation sets out in detail the duties, rights and responsibilities of these specialists, which allows it to be used as a basis for developing job descriptions for chief nurses.

The qualification characteristic for specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education in the specialty "Organization of Nursing" includes a detailed list of general and special knowledge and general skills that these specialists must possess.

The same requirements are provided for attestation and certification of chief nurses.

The head nurse is appointed and dismissed from work by order of the head physician of the health facility.

To improve the efficiency of the management activities of chief nurses, services of chief nurses have been established in a number of large health facilities. So, the services of chief nurses include the so-called. chief specialists in certain areas of activity - chief (senior) nurses of hospitals for surgery, pediatrics, etc.; on work with ward nurses, procedural nurses, operating nurses; on training nurses and monitoring their work, etc. In a number of health facilities, methodological rooms for training have been created, etc. *

The following basic requirements are imposed on the subjects of nursing personnel management, that is, mainly on the chief nurses.

When appointing chief nurses to the post, it is necessary to take into account their desire to engage in managerial activities and not appoint them to this position against their will.

Candidates for the positions of chief nurses must have a certain set of personal universal qualities, without which it is impossible to manage people.

Managers must have sufficient vocational training in accordance with the requirements of the Qualification characteristics for specialists in the organization of nursing and to own detailed information about the activities of the health facility in which they work (or will work).

Chief nurses should have knowledge about the activities of the mandatory health insurance funds (CHI) and especially about the requirements they impose on health facilities.

Effective work of managers is possible only if there is a clearly defined range of duties, rights, responsibilities and subordination. It is especially important to determine the immediate superiors of the chief nurse who have the right to give her orders and instructions. As a rule, it is advisable to limit them to the chief physician, and in his absence - to the person replacing him. As for other heads of health facilities, the head nurse should cooperate with them on an equal footing, that is, on partnership terms.

The circle of persons reporting to the head nurse should be limited to senior nurses (midwives, paramedics, pharmacists).

6. Comprehensive, systematic, purposeful work of chief nurses, their coverage of all urgent problems of the activities of the nursing staff of health facilities is possible only if there are detailed and approved work plans and regulations for their activities for a month.

The activation of the work of the Council of Nurses and especially the creation of a management apparatus in the form of introducing the positions of chief specialists of health facilities in areas (in surgery, pediatrics, etc., senior nurses for training and control, senior ward, procedural, operating room, district nurses of the institution, etc.), the creation and organization of the work of educational and methodological rooms, etc. their routine functions to senior nurses and chief specialists.

7. In connection with the work begun on healthcare reform - the restructuring of inpatient care, the redistribution of inpatient care to the outpatient level, the development of a network of day hospitals, outpatient surgery centers, consultative and diagnostic centers, the creation of a general practitioner service and other areas for the development and transformation of medical services - it is extremely important to intensify work on organizing and adapting the activities of nursing staff to work in reformed and transformed health facilities.

9. Effective management of the work of nursing staff is possible only under the condition of constant care for them: about their health, labor protection, creating a favorable psychological microclimate in work collective, load optimization, convenient work schedule, providing those who wish the opportunity to receive additional income, etc.

10. Heads of nursing services should constantly improve their qualifications, study new normative materials, literature on the development of nursing, the experience of leading heads of nursing services and other healthcare facilities, implement their positive experience in their work.

11. Nursing leaders should seek leadership in their organizations and influence others in such a way that they work effectively to achieve the goals of effective nursing care for patients, while subordinates should firmly know that their efforts will be known to the leader and he will duly evaluate them.

12. When evaluating the effectiveness of the leadership of nursing leaders, it is advisable to use the “management grid modified by Blake and Mouton. This grid uses two main criteria: the degree of consideration of the interests of people and the degree of consideration of the interests of production, while the degree of “concern for the person” and the degree of “concern for production” are ranked on a scale from 1 to 9.

The management grid of Blake and Mouton, indicating the middle and four extreme positions, is shown in the following diagram.

Consider the positions indicated on the "grid" as assessed by the heads of nursing services:

1.1 - impoverished management (fear of poverty) - the manager makes minimal efforts just to avoid being fired. Such a style essentially cannot be called leadership, since there is practically no leadership of nursing staff;

9 - management in the spirit of a country house (rest home) - the head almost completely focuses on creating favorable conditions for subordinates, but practically does not care about improving the performance of nursing staff to provide them with full-fledged nursing care;

1 - power - subordination (authority - subordination) - the leader completely ignores the concern for subordinates and is focused on ensuring the effectiveness of the work of nursing staff, using their authority. This is a very rigid management style;

5 - organizational management (organization) - effectively managing nursing staff and taking care of subordinates, the head of nursing services achieves both an acceptable quality of nursing care for patients and a favorable moral and psychological climate in the work team and satisfaction of subordinates with caring for them;

9.9 - group management (team) - the most effective leadership style, because due to increased attention to subordinates, caring for them and ensuring effective management of nursing staff, the leader ensures that subordinates consciously participate in the implementation of the goals of the health facility and provide effective nursing care for patients. This style of leadership also provides an excellent moral and psychological climate in the work team and satisfaction of subordinates with the constant care of their leaders.

Therefore, every head of nursing should strive for a management style consistent with positions 5.5 and 9.9. At the same time, leadership styles corresponding to positions 1.1, 1.9 and 9.1 are unacceptable for heads of nursing services, which should be taken into account by the first heads of health facilities.

It is advisable to use the indicated criteria for the "management grid" to assess the leadership style of senior nurses.

13. Effective managerial activity of the heads of nursing services at health facilities is possible only on the condition that the first heads of medical institutions will fully support the chief nurses in their efforts to develop nursing at health facilities and skillfully adjust their work. It is very important that the leaders of the nursing staff have optimal working conditions: comfortable working premises, reliable communication with all services of health care facilities, personal computers and the necessary office equipment, decent wages, etc.

Nursing personnel management objects

The objects of management of nursing and junior medical personnel include positions of paramedical and pharmaceutical personnel, junior medical and pharmaceutical personnel listed in the Nomenclature of positions of medical and pharmaceutical personnel and specialists with higher professional education in healthcare institutions *.

In a number of health facilities, along with the above, new positions have appeared: nurses - consultants for patient care, nurse coordinators, day hospital nurses, etc.

In recent years, special services have been created in health care facilities to analyze and record work with insured persons under compulsory medical insurance, where nurses carry out a large and complex work, medical statistics and medical registrars.

Operational departments (dispatch services) have been organized in a number of health facilities, where medical registrars and nurses are successfully working.

1. Employees employed in the positions of paramedical and pharmaceutical personnel must have the appropriate education, confirmed by a state diploma, a specialist certificate and, preferably, an attestation category.

2. Workers must clearly know their official duties, rights and responsibility.

Employees must perform nursing manipulations in strict accordance with the performance standards approved in the prescribed manner and brought to the attention of employees.

The workload of employees, set by the head of the institution, must correspond to the physiological capabilities of employees to perform their duties in a quality manner.

It is necessary to create favorable conditions for employees: draw up optimal work and vacation schedules; to provide them with means of small-scale mechanization of labor; create dispatching (operational) and transport (interdepartmental) services; to enter positions of couriers in the institution; organize a centralized drug service (CSN); introduce a unified computer network, which unites automated workstations (AWP); effectively organize the work of the centralized sterilization department (CSO) and other services that provide assistance primarily to the average medical workers medical departments. It is especially important to introduce the most important principle of work organization in institutions: all health care facilities work to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of medical departments.

It is necessary to provide workers with safe working conditions, protection of their health, etc.

It is extremely important that managers use all available opportunities of the current legislation for decent remuneration of employees (increases, allowances, additional payments, bonuses, use of compulsory medical insurance funds, etc.).

The most important factor in ensuring effective work paramedical and pharmaceutical workers - creating conditions for continuous improvement of their qualifications, self-training, certification and certification, as well as the inclusion of the best and promising workers in the personnel reserve to fill the positions of managers and other most important nursing positions in healthcare facilities.


1. Kheifets A.S. Article "Management activities of the chief nurses of hospitals to monitor the work of nursing and junior medical personnel." - Chief nurse, 2000, No. 1, p. 29; No. 2, p.7.

2. Articles: L.V. Spirin and G.I. Panasyuk (Chief Nurse, 2000, No. 0, pp. 41-43); N.D. Lada and Zh.V. Yoon (Chief Nurse, 2000 No. 1, pp. 41-43); T.I. Kareva and M.G. Leushina (Chief Nurse, 2000, No. 1, p. 44-47).

Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Heudori F. Fundamentals of management / Per. from English. - M.: Case LTD, 1944, p. 493 - 498.

Report on the topic:
International nursing organizations, their role and participation in the development of nursing in the world
Completed by: Nosova O.V.

International Council of Nurses(International Council of Nurses, ICN) was established in 1899 as the first professional organization for women. Now the International Council of Nurses (CSM) is actually the largest and most authoritative international professional organization that unites national nursing associations from 136 countries, including the Russian Association of Nurses (RAMS).
In the world there are a large number international sister organizations. One of them - Sigma Theta Tay International - ranks 2nd in the world after the International Council of Nurses in terms of representativeness and scale of activity.

Sigma Theta Thai International (STTI) is International Organization of Nurses which aims to develop the nursing profession through education and nursing research.

The mission of the Honorary Society of Nurses Sigma Theta Tay International is to support the education, competence and professional development of nurses; STTI is a global community of nursing leaders who, using their knowledge, education, erudition, improve the health of people around the world.

The organization was founded in 1922. Its origins were 6 students of the sister school of Indiana State University in Indianapolis (USA). It all started with the fact that Dorothy Garrigus Adams, Elizabeth Russell Belford, Edith Moore Copeland, Marie Hippensteel Lingeman, Elizabeth McWilliams Miller, Mary Tolle Wright decided to create a women's club in which education and high achievements in nursing were very welcome and encouraged. The then director of the sister school, Ethel Palmer Clarke, gave permission for the organization because she believed that such professional communities should be based on universities or colleges.

The founders chose a name for their organization, consisting of the initial letters of the Greek words Storge, Tharsos and Time, meaning love, courage and honor.

When the students left high school and left Indianapolis, Dorothy Ford Buschmann, who had previously been very active in helping the students register their organization, decided to continue developing STTI. She believed that one of the main steps in the development of the organization was the creation of 5777 branches throughout the country. But this step was not easy to implement due to the small number of sister schools at US universities at that time. Despite this, the society continued to develop, and in 1927, on the first board of directors, Dorothy Bashman was elected the first president of 5777. By 1929, the organization had only two chapters: Alpha (Indiana Univecsity School of Nursing) and Beta (Washington Univecsity at St. Louis).

In those years, because of the small number of university nursing schools, nursing research has not yet received the same recognition in the US as the research of other health care professionals. Considering that nursing research has a positive impact on the status of the profession, STTI members decided to create a nursing research fund. In 1936, for the first time in the country, the society allocated a grant for their implementation.

Today, the honorary society of nurses annually allocates more than 600 thousand dollars for nursing research. These are various grants, scholarships, and cash prizes. Each year, the Nursing Research Congress is held to discuss the most recent research on nursing from around the world.

To date, STTI has over 405,000 members from 114 countries, of which 130,000 are active. Of those active, 61% hold a master's or doctoral degree, 26% are hospital nurses, 20% are independent prescribing nurses, nurse midwives, anesthetists and clinical specialists, 16% are administrators or supervisors, and 23% are teachers or researchers.

There are 463 chapters on university and college campuses in Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Japan, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Wells and the United States. Among the members of several branches of STTI located in the United States, there are also representatives from Russia. But in the Russian Federation, a regional branch has not yet been created. American colleagues strongly support nursing reforms in Russia by organizing joint Russian-American nursing projects.

For example, one of the departments of STTI - Epsilon Beta Chapter, created at Fitchburg College (Fitchburg, Massachusetts), maintains links with the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education and Psychological and Social Work of the First Moscow state university them. THEM. Sechenov from the day of its foundation.

One of the most important activities of the organization is periodicals aimed at supporting the education and professional development of nurses.

The most famous publication is the Journal of Nursing Scholarship.

It is issued quarterly with a circulation of 125,000 copies. On the society website for STTI members and subscribers is available electronic version magazine. The journal publishes the results of research by the world's most famous and respected nursing professionals.

One of outstanding contributions in the development of nursing is the creation International Library on nursing. Virginia Henderson (Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library). The library is unique in its kind. On its server, a database (Registry of Nursing Research database) has been created with more than 30 thousand studies and collections of abstracts from various conferences from around the world. The database is freely available.

International Council of Neonatal Nurses(Council of International Neonatal Nurses, COINN) is a new organization of nurses specializing in newborn care. Four of the oldest associations of neonatal nurses were involved in founding the International Council of Neonatal Nurses (ICNM): the UK Neonatal Nurse Association, the US National Neonatal Nurse Association, the Australian College of Neonatal Nurses (formerly the Australian Neonatal Nurse Association) and the New Zealand Neonatal Nurse Association.

The goals of the International Council of Neonatal Nurses are to draw attention to the health of newborns at the global level; helping countries develop standards of neonatal care acceptable to those countries; development of recommendations and guidelines for the provision of assistance based on existing ones; improving the quality of care for newborns around the world, spreading best practices practices; dissemination of printed information on common problems in newborn care; health policy development.

The ISOM plans to achieve these goals through joint work with the World Health Organization, the International Council of Nurses, other organizations, including corporate sponsors, that have influence in the international arena, simplifying and facilitating the work of representatives of developing countries with representatives from other developing countries. Building on existing information dissemination channels within WHO will assist the International Council of Neonatal Nurses in its work.

The latter approved the charter, organizational mission and goals, constantly expanding its regional ties, having representatives of more than 50 countries around the world. Contact points in the regions are nurses who want to work with other health professionals, ministries of health, nongovernmental organizations to address issues and problems specific to the region. The rationale for this approach is that such a nurse has a better understanding of the culture and values ​​of her country, as well as the health care system, than a person on the other side of the Earth. For the mission of the International Council of Neonatal Nurses, it is extremely important not to set its own values ​​and standards, which may be alien to any country or institution, but to respond to needs and provide the necessary assistance, taking into account the cultural characteristics and values ​​inherent in a given country.

The International Council of Neonatal Nurses was officially registered in March 2005. In April 2005, the ISM website was launched. During the first two months of its existence, the ISOM became a partner of the WHO Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health program launched in 1999, and a partner of the International Council of Nurses. While the ISOM does not have direct financial support from organizations or the right to vote on the International Council of Nurses, the ISOM can work through these two organizations to improve maternal and newborn health, influencing global health policy.

The partnership with the World Health Organization connects the MCH with the International Council of Midwifes (ICM), the International Pediatric Association (IPA), and the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (FIGO) to ensure continuity of care for women of childbearing age from adolescence. The purpose of the work in this group of four, as well as all cooperation with other organizations such as the Save the Babies Foundation, USAID, the UN, UNICEF, MSM, is to solve problems that are aimed at improving maternal and child mortality rates, reducing child and maternal morbidity in the world.

The neonatal associations of Australia and New Zealand, as active members of the MSNM, use their links with national nursing organizations in their countries to support the work of the International Council of Neonatal Nurses. In the future, it is necessary to expand the search for other organizations that can help the MOS with resources, as well as to initiate projects without duplicating existing ones. In the future, health system performance evaluation studies will be needed to identify deviations from baselines in relation to factors influencing maternal and child mortality and morbidity. Finally, using all the connections of the International Council of Neonatal Nurses to influence strategies for the care of mothers and children at the global level is the most important long-term goal of the MCHM.

MSNM work with national nursing associations of various countries (New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Finland, Denmark, Great Britain, Scotland, Singapore, Sweden, South Africa, etc.), advises nurses from various countries, helping in the organization and development professional organizations, sponsors neonatal nurses to participate in conferences, allocates grants for research. This support was provided to Russian nurses - leaders of the global neonatal community from the MSNM took part in the First All-Russian Conference of Neonatal Nurses, held in October 2006 in St. Petersburg.

What is the "Institute of Medicine"?

The Institute of Medicine is a distance learning system of the National Academy of Modern Technologies.

The Academy is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Among the teachers of the Academy are doctors, candidates of sciences and practitioners with extensive work experience. The Academy recruits students for additional professional programs, actively cooperates with both physical and legal entities, provides services on the provider portal.

How to apply for advanced training and training?

The form of training in advanced training programs is part-time (with the use of distance technologies, via the Internet). You can complete the training program without leaving your home. The Institute of Medicine provides all students with access to a unique educational system that contains all necessary materials.

  • select the desired program
  • register for it
Making a personal file. After submitting an application, the course student must fill out a questionnaire in their personal account to receive the proforma of the Application and the Agreement for a personal file. The signed set of documents is sent to in electronic format through a personal account.
After the formation of a personal file and payment for training, each student on the site has access to the educational system through a personal account. All the necessary materials for the study and implementation of the curriculum are placed in the personal account.

Materials. We provide our students with up-to-date educational materials, so you don’t have to look for anything extra. Lecture materials are presented in pdf format, they can be studied through Personal Area(online viewing), download to any electronic devices and media, and print if necessary.

Training schedule. For each student in his personal account, a schedule of the educational process will be presented, containing recommendations for mastering the disciplines. Since the training is remote, each student can adapt the training schedule, determine the order of studying the materials and performing tests for self-control. You can start training on any convenient business day. After the training materials are posted in your personal account, they will be stored throughout the entire training period.

Syllabus. In order to fulfill the established curriculum and successfully complete the training, careful study of the materials is necessary. The final examination (answers to five tasks) compiled on the basis of the course materials is provided as an attestation event.

If the student, for good reason, does not have time to complete the curriculum for the entire period of study, he can be extended the course for some more time, and this is completely free of charge.

Completion of training and receipt of documents. The program can be considered completed if the student does not have an academic debt by the end of the study period and all documents necessary for a personal file are provided. Preparation of qualification documents after completion of the course is carried out within 1-10 working days (usually 3-4 days). Students can receive documents either by Russian Post (sending by registered mail), or in person.

How to apply for vocational retraining and training?

The form of education in professional retraining programs is part-time (with the use of distance technologies). You can complete the training program without leaving your home. The Institute of Medicine provides all students with access to a unique educational system, provides unlimited access to all necessary materials during the training period.

To enroll in the program, you must complete the following steps:

  • select the desired program
  • register for it
  • make a payment (online or by bank receipt)
After submitting an application and paying for it, each student on the site has access to the educational system through a personal account. All the necessary materials for the study and implementation of the curriculum are placed in the personal account.
Making a personal file. The student of the courses must fill in the Questionnaire in his personal account to receive the proforma of the Application and the Agreement for a personal file. The signed set of documents is sent electronically through the personal account.

Materials. We provide our listeners with up-to-date materials, so you don't have to look for anything extra. Lecture materials are presented in pdf format, they can be studied through a personal profile (online viewing), downloaded to any electronic devices and media, and also printed if necessary.

Training schedule. Since the training is distance learning, each student can adapt the training schedule, determine the order of studying materials, passing tests and exams. You can start training on any convenient working day. After the training materials are posted in your personal account, they will be stored throughout the entire training period.

Syllabus. In order to fulfill the established curriculum and successfully complete the training, it is necessary to study the materials and timely completion of certification activities. For each discipline, testing is provided, compiled exclusively on the basis of lecture materials. Each test can be taken several times (the main attempts are three, it is possible to receive additional attempts for free). Of all the attempts to pass, the best result is recorded as the final one.

In addition to testing by disciplines, the implementation of the Final control work(answers to five tasks), also compiled on the basis of the course materials, and the Final interdisciplinary exam (testing).

In the event that the student, for good reasons, does not have time to complete the curriculum on time, he can be extended the training for some more time, and this is completely free of charge.

Completion of training and receipt of documents. The program can be considered completed if the student has no academic debts by the end of the period of study and all documents necessary for personal affairs are provided. Preparation of a diploma of vocational retraining with the assignment of a qualification after the completion of the course is carried out within a maximum of 10 working days. Students can receive documents either by Russian Post (sending by registered mail) or in person.

What documents are required for admission to professional retraining?

For persons wishing to study under the professional retraining program, the following set of documents is required:

  • copy of passport (without registration page);
  • a copy of the document on the change of surname / name / patronymic (if required);

What documents are required for admission to advanced training?

For persons wishing to enroll in the advanced training program, the following set of documents is required:

  • a copy of the diploma of secondary vocational or higher medical education
  • a copy of the document on the change of surname / name / patronymic (if the full name in the diploma does not match the current ones);
  • contract and application (generated automatically).
The contract and the application are automatically generated in the student's personal account after filling out the questionnaire (the action is available after registration for the program). Documents must be sent through your personal account in electronic (scanned) form.

Will there be qualifications on the diploma?

Graduates who successfully completed their studies and provided a diploma of higher or secondary vocational education, a diploma of vocational retraining with the assignment of qualifications is issued. In the issued document, the qualification assigned to the graduate must be reflected in a separate entry. The exact titles of the qualifications are reflected on the individual course pages. Other options for recording qualifications are not allowed.

No you can not. The current legislation establishes single requirement for applicants for additional professional programs: a diploma of medical education.

What to choose: advanced training or professional retraining?

The website of the Institute of Medicine presents additional professional programs, which include professional retraining programs and advanced training courses.

Professional retraining ends with the issuance of a Diploma of professional retraining with the assignment of qualifications. This type programs are designed for those who need to obtain a medical qualification for employment or to meet educational requirements at work.

Refresher courses are programs that systematically (every 3 years) must be taken by all doctors to confirm qualification category, compliance with the current educational standard. Unlike professional retraining programs, advanced training programs do not award qualifications, they are designed for people who are doctors. The courses end with the issuance of a certificate of advanced training established in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the sample.
