Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

What are electrical workers responsible for? Which rooms are wet?

Workers directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for improper elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area.

For what violations in the operation of electrical installations are employees carrying out equipment repairs personally responsible?

equipment repair workers- for violations in work caused by low quality repairs

For what violations in the operation of electrical installations are managers and specialists of the energy service personally responsible?

managers and specialists of the energy service - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory Maintenance and failure to implement emergency measures

For what violations in the operation of electrical installations are managers and specialists of technological services personally responsible?

managers and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical technological equipment.

What is the frequency of visual inspections of the visible part of the grounding device?

Visual inspections the visible part of the grounding device must be carried out according to a schedule, but at least once every 6 months, by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer or an employee authorized by him.

During the inspection, the condition of the contact connections between the protective conductor and the equipment, the presence of anti-corrosion coating, and the absence of breaks are assessed.

The inspection results must be entered into the grounding device passport.

What is the duration of load testing for major electrical equipment that has passed major renovation?

The main equipment of electrical installations that has undergone a major overhaul is subject to load testing for at least 24 hours, unless there are other instructions from the manufacturers. If defects are detected that prevent the normal operation of the equipment, the repair is considered incomplete until these defects are eliminated and the test is repeated.

How long should the internship be?

The internship is carried out under the guidance of a responsible training employee and is carried out according to programs developed for each position (workplace) and approved in the prescribed manner. The duration of the internship should be from 2 to 14 shifts.

How long should duplication last?

The duration of duplication is from 2 to 12 work shifts. For a specific employee, it is established by a decision of the knowledge testing commission, depending on his level vocational training, length of service and work experience.

What is the frequency of inspections of grounding devices with selective opening of the soil in places most susceptible to corrosion?

Inspections with selective opening of the soil in places most susceptible to corrosion, as well as near the grounding points of power transformer neutrals, connections of arresters and surge suppressors must be carried out in accordance with the planned schedule. preventive work(hereinafter referred to as PPR), but at least once every 12 years.

What is the permissible air temperature inside the indoor switchgear in the summer?

The air temperature inside the indoor switchgear in the summer should be no more than 40 degrees. C. If it increases, measures must be taken to reduce the temperature of the equipment or cool the air.

What is the frequency of inspections of each overhead line along its entire length?

The frequency of inspection of each overhead line along its entire length should be at least once a year.

What are required forms working with maintenance personnel?

With maintenance personnel:

introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor protection, as well as briefing on fire safety;

training on new position or professions with on-the-job training (internship);

testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, these Rules, fire safety rules and other regulatory documents;

professional additional education for continuous professional development.

A. For failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the Rules and job descriptions

b. For improper elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area

V. For violations in the operation of electrical installations due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to implement emergency measures

d. For violations in the operation of electrical equipment

In terms of ensuring the reliability of electrical receivers, which electrical receivers belong to the first category of electrical receivers?

A. Electrical receivers, the interruption of power supply of which may entail: a danger to human life, a threat to the security of the state, a significant material damage, complex disorder technological process, malfunction especially important elements utilities, communication and television facilities

b. Electrical receivers, the interruption of power supply of which leads to massive undersupply of products, massive downtime of workers, mechanisms and industrial transport, disruption of the normal activities of a significant number of urban and rural residents

V. Electrical receivers, the uninterrupted operation of which is necessary for an accident-free shutdown of production in order to prevent a threat to human life, explosions and fires

What electrical safety group should the person responsible for electrical facilities in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V have?

A. Second

b. Third

V. Fourth

In which electrical installations can work be performed as part of routine operation?

A. In electrical installations up to 1000 V

b. In electrical installations with voltages up to and above 1000 V

V. In any electrical installations

5. What prohibitory posters are hung on the drives of switching devices to prevent voltage supply to workplace during repairs or routine inspection of equipment?

A. "Don't turn it on! People are working"

b. "Don't open! People are working"

V. "Work under voltage! Do not turn it on again!"

In what cases is it permissible to use non-standardized measuring instruments?

A. If there is permission from the manufacturer

b. If there is permission from Rostekhnadzor authorities

V. If these means have passed metrological certification in the prescribed manner

d. If there is permission from the Consumer’s manager

Related information:

  1. Administrative liability for land offenses
  2. Ticket number 2. 1. General duties of railway transport workers and responsibility for traffic safety. (PTE clauses 11-15)
  3. Departments or specialists from universities where the author of the manual works cannot be involved as reviewers for the textbook.
  4. At the same time, objections convey information about the values ​​and criteria by which a given client evaluates your proposal

Answer. Personal responsibility is borne by:

the manager of the consumer and those responsible for the electrical facilities, as well as the workers replacing them - for creating safe working conditions for electrical workers, staffing the staff with trained and certified electrical personnel, as well as for fulfilling the requirements stipulated by the norms and rules of work in electrical installations and job descriptions. In accordance with the requirements of PTEEP, these persons must monitor the compliance of working conditions in the workplace with safety and industrial sanitation requirements. The manager of the electricity consumer is obliged to organize training, knowledge testing, and instruction of personnel in accordance with the requirements of GOST, norms and rules for working in electrical installations, labor protection rules and local instructions;

workers directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for their improper elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area;

workers carrying out equipment repairs - for disruptions caused by poor quality of repairs;

managers and specialists of energy services - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to implement emergency measures;

managers and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical technological equipment.

Question 365.

What are the responsibilities of the person responsible for electrical equipment and (or) the employee replacing him?

Answer. In general, they are obliged to organize and maintain rational operation and safe maintenance of electrical facilities entrusted to them and the entire electrical installation as a whole in accordance with current rules and regulatory and technical documents. These are employees from among the administrative and technical personnel who are appointed by order of the head of the enterprise (organization) after testing their knowledge of the norms and rules of work in electrical installations and assigning them the appropriate electrical safety group (IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 IN).

Question 366.

Which workers are responsible for safe work in electrical installations? Answer. Are responsible:

issuing order, giving orders, approving the list of works performed in the order of current operation; responsible work manager; permissive; work producer; watching; brigade members.

Question 367.

What is responsible for issuing the order, giving the order?

Answer. Responsible for the sufficiency and correctness of the safety measures specified in the work order (order), for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the team and the appointment of those responsible for safety, as well as for the compliance of the electrical safety groups of workers listed in the work order with the work being performed and for conducting targeted briefing of the responsible work manager (work manager) , observer);

Question 368.

What is the responsible work manager responsible for?

Answer. Responsible for the implementation of all safety measures specified in the work order (order) and their sufficiency, for the additional safety measures taken by him, necessary under the conditions of the work, for the completeness and quality of the targeted briefing of the team, including those carried out by the permitter and the manufacturer of the work, as well as for the organization safe work performance.

Question 369.

What is the admitter responsible for?

Answer. Responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the measures specified in the work order (order), the nature and place of work, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the targeted briefing.

Question 370.

What is the work contractor responsible for?

Answer. Answers:

for compliance of the prepared workplace with the instructions of the work order, additional safety measures required by the conditions of the work;

for the clarity and completeness of targeted instructions to team members. It should be taken into account that the targeted briefing of the work foreman differs from the targeted briefing conducted by the supervisor, who does not instruct team members on work technology, the use of tools and devices, the use of lifting machines and mechanisms;

for availability, serviceability and correct use necessary funds protection, tools, equipment and devices;

for the safety of fences, posters, grounding, and drive locking devices at the workplace;

for the safe conduct of work and compliance with safety rules in electrical installations by himself and members of the team;

Access control equipment
From the analysis carried out in Chapter 10, it is clear that the checkpoint system cannot do without the participation of operators. However, automatic recognition of “necessary” and “unnecessary” ...

Alec Thomson OBE, Security Consultant This book comes at a time when governments, businesses and industry...

Reliability: causes and recognition of false alarms
Finding an intruder is easy, but the skill of being a guard lies in avoiding false alarms. How to acquire such skill? The fact that false alarms remain a problem means that either...

PTEEP clause 1.2.9. For violations in the operation of electrical installations, the following bear personal responsibility:

the head of the Consumer and those responsible for electrical facilities - for failure to comply with the requirements provided for by the Rules and job descriptions;

Topic 2. Requirements for personnel and their training

Which document defines the procedure for technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers electrical energy To electrical networks?

Resolution No. 861 clause 1. These Rules define general principles and the procedure for ensuring non-discriminatory access to electric energy transmission services, as well as the provision of these services.

What procedure is not established by the rules of technological connection?

Resolution No. 861 clause 1. These Rules determine the procedure for technological connection of power receiving devices of electrical energy consumers, electrical energy production facilities, as well as power grid facilities owned by grid organizations and other persons (hereinafter referred to as power receiving devices) to electrical networks, regulate the procedure for connecting power receiving devices to electrical networks of the network organization (hereinafter - technological connection), determine the essential terms of the agreement on the implementation of technological connection to electric networks (hereinafter - agreement), establish requirements for the issuance of technical conditions, including individual ones, for connection to electric networks (hereinafter - specifications), criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical possibility of technological connection and features of technological connection of power receiving devices of consumers through the redistribution of connected power between legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Who has the right to technologically connect the power transmission lines they have built to electrical networks?

Resolution No. 861, clause 4. Any persons have the right to technological connection of power lines they have built to electrical networks in accordance with these Rules.

What administrative fine can legal entities be subject to for commissioning energy-consuming facilities without permission from the relevant authorities?

(Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) Article 9.9. Commissioning of fuel and energy consuming facilities without permission from the relevant authorities

[Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses][Chapter 9][Article 9.9]

Commissioning of fuel and energy consuming facilities without permission from the authorities exercising state supervision at these facilities -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; on persons carrying out entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity - from one thousand to two thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; on legal entities- from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days.


1.2.1. Operation of Consumers' electrical installations must be carried out by trained electrical personnel.

Depending on the volume and complexity of work on the operation of electrical installations, Consumers create an energy service staffed with appropriately qualified electrical personnel. It is allowed to operate electrical installations under an agreement with a specialized organization.

1.2.2. The consumer is obliged to provide:

  • maintenance of electrical installations in working condition and their operation in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, safety rules and other regulatory and technical documents (hereinafter referred to as NTD);
  • timely and high-quality maintenance, scheduled maintenance, testing, modernization and reconstruction of electrical installations and electrical equipment;
  • selection of electrical and electrical engineering personnel, periodic medical examinations workers, conducting briefings on labor safety, fire safety;
  • training and testing of knowledge of electrical and electrical engineering personnel;
  • reliability of operation and safety of operation of electrical installations;
  • labor protection of electrical and electrical engineering personnel;
  • security environment during operation of electrical installations;
  • accounting, analysis and investigation of violations in the operation of electrical installations, accidents associated with the operation of electrical installations, and taking measures to eliminate the causes of their occurrence;
  • submission of reports to state energy supervision authorities about accidents, fatal, severe and group accidents associated with the operation of electrical installations;
  • development of job descriptions, production instructions and labor protection instructions for electrical personnel;
  • equipping electrical installations with protective equipment, fire extinguishing equipment and tools;
  • accounting, rational consumption of electrical energy and implementation of energy saving measures;
  • carrying out the necessary tests of electrical equipment, operating lightning protection devices, measuring instruments and electrical energy metering devices;
  • compliance with the instructions of state energy supervision authorities.

1.2.3. To directly fulfill the responsibilities for organizing the operation of electrical installations, the head of the Consumer (except for citizens who own electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V) appoints with the appropriate document the person responsible for the electrical facilities of the organization (hereinafter referred to as the person responsible for the electrical facilities) and his deputy.

For Consumers whose installed capacity of electrical installations does not exceed 10 kVA, a replacement employee for electrical equipment may not be appointed.

The person responsible for electrical equipment and his deputy are appointed from among the Consumer's managers and specialists.

If the Consumer has the position of chief power engineer, the responsibilities of those responsible for electrical facilities are usually assigned to him.

1.2.4. For Consumers who are not engaged in production activities, whose electrical equipment includes only an input (input-distribution) device, lighting installations, portable electrical equipment with a rated voltage of no higher than 380 V, the person responsible for the electrical equipment may not be appointed. In this case, the Consumer's manager is responsible for safe operation electrical installations may be assumed by written agreement with the local state energy supervision authority by drawing up the appropriate statement of obligation (Appendix No. 1 to these Rules) without testing knowledge.

1.2.5. Individual entrepreneurs Those performing maintenance and operation of electrical installations, carrying out installation, adjustment, repair work, testing and measurements in them under the contract, must undergo a knowledge test in the prescribed manner and have an appropriate electrical safety group.

1.2.6. The person responsible for electrical equipment is obliged to:

  • organize the development and maintenance necessary documentation on issues of organizing the operation of electrical installations;
  • organize training, instruction, knowledge testing and permission for electrical technical personnel to work independently;
  • organize the safe performance of all types of work in electrical installations, including with the participation of seconded personnel;
  • ensure timely and high-quality performance of maintenance, scheduled maintenance and preventive testing of electrical installations;
  • organize calculations of the Consumer's need for electrical energy and monitor its consumption;
  • participate in the development and implementation of measures for the rational consumption of electrical energy;
  • control the availability, timeliness of inspections and tests of protective equipment in electrical installations, fire extinguishing equipment and tools;
  • ensure the established procedure for admitting into operation and connecting new and reconstructed electrical installations;
  • organize prompt maintenance of electrical installations and emergency response;
  • ensure that the power supply diagrams comply with the actual operational ones with a check mark on them (at least once every 2 years); revision of instructions and schemes (at least once every 3 years); control of measurements of electrical energy quality indicators (at least once every 2 years); advanced training of electrical technical personnel (at least once every 5 years);
  • control the correctness of admission of personnel of construction, installation and specialized organizations to work in existing electrical installations and in the security zone of power lines.

IN job description The person responsible for electrical equipment should additionally indicate his rights and responsibilities.

1.2.7. The appointment of the person responsible for electrical facilities and his deputy is made after testing knowledge and assigning the appropriate electrical safety group:

  • V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V;
  • IV - in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000 V.

1.2.8. Upon the recommendation of the person responsible for the electrical facilities, the Consumer's manager may appoint those responsible for the electrical facilities structural divisions(branches).

The relationship and distribution of responsibilities between those responsible for the electrical facilities of the structural units and those responsible for the electrical facilities of the Consumer must be reflected in their job descriptions.

1.2.9. For violations in the operation of electrical installations, the following bear personal responsibility:

  • the head of the Consumer and those responsible for electrical facilities - for failure to comply with the requirements provided for by the Rules and job descriptions;
  • workers directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for the incorrect elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area;
  • workers carrying out equipment repairs - for disruptions caused by poor quality of repairs;
  • managers and specialists of the energy service - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory maintenance and failure to implement emergency measures;
  • managers and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical technological equipment.

1.2.11. Violation of these Rules entails liability in accordance with current legislation.

Each employee who discovers a violation of these Rules, as well as notices malfunctions of the electrical installation or protective equipment, must immediately report this to his immediate supervisor, and in his absence, to a superior manager.

1.2.12. State supervision over compliance with the requirements of these Rules is carried out by state energy supervision bodies.
