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The act of visual inspection of welds. Technology of visual-measuring methods for testing welds

Annex G to the Instructions for visual and measurement control (recommended)

ACT No. _____ from __________ visual and / or measuring quality control of welds in the process of welding the joint ______________________________________________________________________ (product name and joint number) 1. This act certifies the fact that the welder ______________________________________________________________________ has completed the full name, the mark _______________________ of the joint _________ (see the welding log), the type (types) of joints made by ________________________________________________________________________ indicate the welding method and position in accordance with the requirements of the welding technology ______________________ ______________________________________ ________________________________ indicate the code of the technology and unavailable for control __________________________________________ indicate the method of control prescribed by ________________________________________________________________________ design documentation Skill level, Surname, initials, signature No. qualification certificate Supervisor of visual and measurement control: ____________________________________________________________ Surname, initials, signature Note. The act is drawn up for each welded structure (joint or group of joints) subjected to control during the welding process. Requirements for the execution of the "Dimension Protocol _____________" (product) The protocol of dimensions is drawn up only if it is indicated in the RD or PKD for the controlled product. The protocol of product dimensions (table) must contain the actual dimensions of the product, made in certain sections, which are specified by the "Measurement Scheme ____________". The form of the Protocol of dimensions is determined (product) during design and technological preparation control works. The protocol is signed by the persons who performed the measurements and the head of the work on visual and measurement control, indicating the surname and initials.

Requirements for the content of the "Journal of work accounting and registration of the results of visual and measurement control"

The results of the control of products, products and objects are recorded in the "Journal of accounting for work and registration of the results of visual and measurement control", which indicates:

1) name and type (type) of the controlled object, its number or code;

2) the location and, if necessary, the size of the controlled areas at the control object;

3) conditions for conducting control;

4) production control document, its number;

5) the method of measuring control and the instruments (tools) used;

6) brand and batch number of the material of the object of control, as well as the designation of the standard or specifications on the material and drawing number of the object (the latter only for parts and assembly units);

7) the main characteristics of the defects identified during the inspection (shape, size, location or orientation relative to the base axes or inspection surfaces);

8) name or ND code, according to which the quality assessment was carried out;

9) assessment of control results;

10) date of control.

Note. It is allowed to use instead of the given other forms of documents developed by the organization in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation, which provide identification and traceability of parts, assemblies, products in the manufacturing process (installation, repair), fixation of controlled parameters, volumes and methods of control, execution of reporting and accounting documentation for visual and measurement control.

1. Clause 1 indicates the type of control - visual, measuring or visual-measuring, as well as the name of the controlled object: semi-finished product, workpiece, part, structure, preparation of the edge of the part for welding, joint assembled for welding, finished welded joint, sampling of a defective area in the material and / or welded joint, product, as well as the name and / or codes of the production control document (Incoming inspection program, Control card or scheme, Technological control card, Card or operational control scheme) and a regulatory document that regulates the requirements for assessing the quality of a controlled object during visual and measurement control.

In the control of materials (semi-finished products, blanks, forgings) in paragraph 1, the material grade, dimensions (diameter, thickness) and lot number are indicated.

When checking parts and assembly units, in paragraph 1, the drawing number, dimensions, material grade (only for parts), its code according to the drawing (standard) are indicated.

When controlling the preparation of the edges of parts, the assembly of a joint for welding and finished welded joints, in paragraph 1, the numbers of the joints are indicated according to the welding list or the layout of welded joints, as well as the dimensions of the joint parts (diameter, thickness), material grade and welding method (for finished welded joints).

When checking samples of defective places, the name, brand of material and dimensions of the object (diameter, thickness), as well as the location of the sample are indicated.

2. When filling out clause 2 of the Act, it indicates all deviations from the norms of normative documents identified during the control of specific objects (sections, connections, etc.) in relation to their numbers according to the welding log, layout diagram or control scheme.

In cases where the object of control complies with the requirements of ND, a note is made in the act - "There are no defects." At the same time, the numbers of specific objects are indicated in accordance with the documents cited above.

Note: It is allowed to issue one Act for a batch of the same type of semi-finished products, blanks, parts, structures.


ACT No. _____ dated _____

visual and/or measurement quality control

welds in the joint welding process

(product name and connection number)

1. This act certifies the fact that the welder has performed

full name, brand


(see welding log)

connection type(s)


indicate welding method and position

in accordance with the requirements of welding technology

indicate technology code

and out of control

indicate the method of control prescribed

design documentation

2. With layer-by-layer visual and measuring control with quality assessment according to the standards ___________________ for the category

(code or name of ND)

it is established that the welded joint is recognized as fit and meets the requirements

(specify ND or design documentation)

Control fulfilled

Qualification level, number of qualification


Surname, initials,

Note: The act is drawn up for each welded structure (joint or group of joints) subjected to control during the welding process.

The need for high-quality visual inspection and control of the welded joint is explained by the fact that, for the most part, any mechanisms and structures in which welding is used are designed to withstand heavy loads.

Welding machines are widely used in construction, in the manufacture of durable metal structures, so the slightest deviation from technical standards that occurred during their creation can carry significant risks. If the welds cannot cope with the load and break, there will be not only inevitable financial losses, but also human casualties both at the construction stage and during the commissioning of the structure.

Often, welded joints are checked already during the construction process. This need is due to the fact that the seams, depending on the operating conditions, may be subject to corrosion and other adverse effects.

Timely checks are especially required in the case when layers are deposited on old worn or structures. In this situation, each applied layer is inspected and checked, the thickness is measured, the length of the connecting seam, and all the data obtained are compared with the established standard for this section, taking into account its load.

Regular and high-quality visual inspections help to detect damage to the seam in time, in as soon as possible eliminate defects, as well as understand what is the cause of the destruction, and find ways to eliminate and further prevent damage.

By whom and how is a visual inspection carried out, and an act is drawn up

After the work is done, the initial quality check of the seam is carried out, which made this connection. After the initial check, control is carried out by others technical specialists: for example, foreman-head of the site, engineer, etc.

It is very important that the specialists who carry out necessary knowledge on the technique of visual inspection of welded joints. Employees must have necessary tools and fixtures. In addition, they must know how to correctly draw up an act of visual inspection of welded joints, and draw it up in accordance with the regulations.

Thus, visual control is carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

  1. Visual control. Preliminary check of the connection for corrosion and possible defects with the implementation of the simplest measurements: width, thickness of the seam, etc.
  2. Weld control. Quality control is carried out in order to obtain the exact parameters of external defects (after the conclusion of the preliminary inspection report), the size of the damage to the welds is measured as a percentage deviation from the acceptable standard.
  3. Detailed (instrumental) examination of the seams and fixing the results. On this stage deep defects are checked and ultrasonic testing of welded joints is used.

Specialists who carry out visual inspection of welded joints use several types of instruments and tools.

Necessary appliances

The following devices are required for monitoring under various operating conditions:

  1. Shop equipment. Such tools can work at a temperature of +5 °C to +20 °C at normal atmospheric pressure and moderate humidity.
  2. Field instruments. Such devices can operate in the temperature range from -55 ° C to +60 ° C, withstand moderate shaking and precipitation.

In the implementation of measuring control, the following tools are used:

  • measuring magnifiers;
  • calibration squares;
  • goniometers;
  • calipers and calipers;
  • probes;
  • pipe wall gauges and thickness gauges;
  • micrometers;
  • calibers;
  • roulettes, rulers;
  • special templates etc.

How to draw up an act of visual inspection of welds

Currently, the act of visual inspection is drawn up in an arbitrary form. It is drawn up on the basis of a template that is developed and approved by the organization conducting the work.

Registration procedure

The act can be drawn up by hand or printed on a printer; to draw up the act, you can use a form with the company logo of the organization and its details; a simple sheet of paper is also allowed.

Without fail, the act must be certified by the signatures of the responsible persons, and it is drawn up in only one original copy and receives a unique number.

All data about the act are registered and a special register is entered, in which a mark is made on the number of the document and the date of its creation. The act must be kept in accordance with the regulations and rules of the organization, store it in a separate folder in the company's archive.

Information to be included in the act

Despite the fact that the legislation does not regulate a clear form for drawing up an act, there is some information that must be recorded in it without fail:

  1. The name of the organization is written at the beginning of the document, date of creation of the act.
  2. Positions and data of specialists are registered who inspected the welded joint.
  3. In the main part of the act, information about the performer of the work is entered: position of specialist, full name. Also, the main part of the document contains information about the examined welds: their numbers, brand, etc.
  4. All tools and devices that were used during inspection and control fit in, all the applied methods, the results of the inspection and the work performed are prescribed, brief recommendations are given on the methods of monitoring and inspection.
  5. The results of the inspection and control carried out are summed up signed by the responsible parties.
Sample act

In order to carry out a qualitative and complete assessment of the performance various systems and structures on industrial enterprises be sure to carry out control of welds using several methods, for example,. All methods are divided according to the principle of impact on the object under study into two broad groups: non-destructive testing methods and destructive testing methods. The methods of the first group are preferable and more practical to use, but many of them are quite expensive and have their own characteristics. Therefore, it is more economical to start any weld inspection with the simplest method - visual quality control.

This method of control is considered the most accessible and efficient, and therefore is a mandatory, preliminary examination method before any other method of testing the seam.

A simple optical method for confirming the quality of metal welding

The control of any welding joint begins to be carried out even with the direct creation of the weld. Visual control is part of the work of the welder, and he periodically conducts an external inspection (for lack of penetration, undercutting and fidelity of the leg) several times until the entire scope of work is completed. It is also the oldest method of monitoring the final work and its essence has not changed significantly, but the implementation methodology has improved in recent years. Weld Check

Theoretical definition and tools for implementation

Visually - measuring control(VIC) of welds is an external examination of sufficiently large welded structures, both with the naked eye and with the help of various technical devices to detect smaller defects that are not amenable to initial visualization, as well as using visual information to telemetric converters. VIC refers to organoleptic (conducted by the senses) methods of control and is carried out in the visible spectrum of radiation. A visual inspection in search of theoretical defects is carried out from the outside of the weld, where, if they are detected, it is possible to perform minimal measurements using optical instruments and tools, to conclude an act of visual inspection.

When conducting visual inspection of welded joints, inspectors use several types of tools.

  • Survey, telescopic, floor magnifiers;
  • lenses;
  • microscopes;
  • endoscopes, etc.

For monitoring under various working conditions:

  1. Workshop equipment. Operating temperature range from +5 °С to +20 °С, conditions of complete rest, normal atmospheric pressure, moderate humidity.
  2. Field devices. Operating temperature range from -55 °С to +60 °С, conditions of moderate shaking, vibration, weather precipitation.

The use of these devices allows for a more accurate search for defects and visual-optical control of the quality of welds on any objects.

Visual-optical control is the second stage of visual control with a wider, increased range of research through the use of optical instruments. Depending on the application, the method is intended for three main groups:

  • To search and analyze hidden objects. Devices are used: endoscopes, borescopes, video systems, periscopic flaw detectors.
  • For inspection of objects remote from the workplace of the flaw detector operator. The range of application is a distance of no more than 250 mm from the controller's eye. Instruments used: telescopic magnifiers, binoculars, spotting scopes.
  • For inspection of small nearby objects. Application range from the eye of a specialist to a distance equal to or less than 250 mm. Devices used: magnifiers, microscopes.

Visual control of welds is also required in conditions unsuitable for the work of the human senses. In such areas as: elevated temperatures, dangerous radiation background, external chemically active environment and others. And also in conditions when the configuration of the object under study and its design does not allow to fully analyze the quality and measure the defects of welds (for example, due to the high height of the object or its underground location). Then, in addition to optical instruments for the search and analysis of hidden objects, the following are used:

  • platforms remote control;
  • thermal imaging installations;
  • lighting devices;
  • automatic conveying systems;
  • controlled robots.

Thus, visual information converters make it possible to control the welding seams of a hot metal pool during the remelting process.

Measuring control is an important component of VIC, which is carried out in accordance with strict control rules and regulatory documents governing quality. It consists in assigning a category or type to a defect according to one of the characteristics in the form of a specific physical quantity obtained by practical measurement. Measuring instruments and their metrological indicators are indicated in regulatory documents.
measuring tool

During measurement control, the following tools are used, which may be included in the mandatory set of the technical supervision inspector or supplement it:

  • measuring magnifiers;
  • calibration squares 90 0 curved;
  • goniometers with vernier;
  • calipers, height gauges and depth gauges;
  • probes;
  • micrometers;
  • pipe wall gauges and indicator thickness gauges;
  • micrometers;
  • calibers;
  • metal length gauge (tape measure, steel measuring rulers);
  • internal micrometric and indicator gauges;
  • templates: special, radius, threaded, etc.;
  • UShS-2, UShS-3 (templates for the geometric parameters of the seams);
  • calibration plates;
  • set of special accessories.

This method of control, VIC refers to methods that can be implemented with a minimum set of tools. It consists in collecting information and is based on the qualifications of a specialist, human factor, but allows you to draw up an act of visual inspection of welds, which is considered an objective document.

The essence of external control

The quality of the formation of welds on the surface can be well evaluated when professional examination. The characteristic “high-quality” or “not high-quality” seam is rather conditional, since this is a comparative value.

Quality control of welds and inspection of structures, pipelines, buildings is carried out in three interrelated stages.

Step-by-step procedure for holding a VIC

  1. Visual (measuring) control. Preliminary control of the seam for corrosion and possible defects with primitive measurements: width, thickness, leg.
  2. Quality control of welded joints. Quality control is carried out to clarify the parameters of visible defects (after the conclusion of the preliminary inspection report), the size of defects and distortions of welds (percentage deviation from the permissible norm).
  3. Detailed (instrumental) examination and recording of results. More precise methods are used:
  • eddy current method for determining the degree of wear of the weld and metal fatigue on bends;
  • ultrasonic testing of welded joints to detect serious deep defects;
  • capillary flaw detection for surface and through defects and so on.

Timely and high-quality inspections make it possible to detect the destruction of a seam or a marriage of weldability at an early stage and then clarify the causes of the defect by any non-destructive method of flaw detection.

Advantages and disadvantages of this technique

Advantages of the VIC method:

  1. A simple and affordable method.
  2. When collecting information about the quality of the design, it allows you to get up to 50% of the total volume.
  3. Not labor-intensive and does not require expensive equipment.
  4. Easily tested and re-tested.

Disadvantages of VIC:

  1. The human factor that affects 100% of the results.
  2. Low reliability of the obtained results, subjectivity.
  3. It is used only to search for large defects (at least 0.1 - 0.2 mm) and suspicions of possible ones.
  4. The study is limited to only the visible part of the structure.
  5. The technical literacy of employees is important, who must correctly select the measurement methodology, comparative template or standards and give an accurate assessment of the measurement results.

According to the method and quality of diagnostics, even imperfect visual inspection of sutures is a necessary method, both at the stage of complex diagnostics, and throughout technological process.
Universal Welding Template

Possibilities of the method for detecting defects

visual control exposed welds:

  1. when performing surfacing work at the stage of “acceptance - delivery”, an act of visual inspection is mandatory;
  2. when testing a multilayer welded joint (layer-by-layer testing);
  3. during the final inspection of the places where the welding arc touches the surface of the base material.
  4. when assembling parts from assembly units under;
  5. in the automatic production of welded parts and technical assessment of the quality of the material according to the technical process;
  6. after the expiration of the specified service life of the welds.

Visual control of welds requires mandatory measurement and elimination of the following defects:

  • surface cracks;
  • visible gross defects;
  • poor quality of metal cleaning in welding zones (especially technological fasteners),

as well as control and confirmation of the presence of:

  • branding (marking) of the seam and the fidelity of its production;
  • width and height of the seam, convexity and concavity of the seam;
  • the correct dimensions of the legs of the fillet weld.

Detectable Defects

When examining welds with the naked eye, one can evaluate:

  • uneven height and width of the seams;
  • excessive scaly;
  • influxes;
  • undercuts;
  • excessive strengthening or weakening of the seams;
  • not brewed craters;
  • burns;
  • parameters of fillet weld legs.

Magnifiers and microscopes allow you to detect: - a mandatory step in working with metal.

Turning of metal sheets and parts is used with the help of special equipment. Read more about this.

Do you need high-quality and fast cutting of metal? Effective method described in the link.

Areas of implementation of this methodology

External inspection of the weld is carried out before the cleaning, heat or treatment procedure, as well as after its implementation.

When assessing the quality of a weld, VIC is used:

  1. As an informative method of describing the general external state.
  2. As a theoretical evaluation method internal state seam and as a reason for recommending a more accurate check.
  3. As an evaluating method for the operating conditions of a given seam, structure, system and the entire product.
  4. As a control method for detecting gross violations of the technological process.
  5. As a method for pre-trial detention during decommissioning or fixation emergency.
  6. As a predictive method of possible places of destruction of structures for a specific set of visible defects found.
  7. As a final method for assessing and concluding about the correctness, safety and stability of the technological process of manufacturing or repairing a structure.

Visual and dimensional control is very effective method checking and re-checking the quality of industrial materials and welded joints when performing construction works and upon receipt of an act of completion of construction, an act of commissioning, as well as various other technical acts.

Weld control is a necessary part of the tolerance various designs before operation. The methods and results of verification actions are reflected in a special act.


How to check welds

In fact, a variety of methods can be used to study welds, for example, ultrasonic, magnetic, chemical, capillary and other high-tech methods. However, the classic, to this day relevant and in demand - the usual visual inspection. Its purpose: to make sure that the seam is of high quality, well welded, has no undercuts, sagging, burns, excessive scaling and other flaws. The advantages of this type of study are quite obvious: it does not require large expenses, while it is accessible and quite informative, but along with this, there are also disadvantages: the subjectivity of the examination, low reliability, the ability to examine only the visible part of the seam.

Visual inspection can be carried out both with the naked eye (usually if we are talking about large, well-visible seams), and with the help of various devices, such as lenses, microscopes, endoscopes, flaw detectors, etc.

They are used to reveal the smallest hidden defects that are difficult to detect with a simple inspection of the outside of the weld (for example, microscopic cracks, nicks, delamination, fractures, etc.). At the same time, there are devices that are intended only for use in laboratories and those that can be used “in the fields”. The latter are able to withstand any temperature and weather conditions (including those that have an increased coefficient of radiation, chemical, bacteriological, etc. hazard to humans).

Why Weld Inspection is Necessary

The purpose of such an in-depth examination is quite obvious: as a rule, any structures that use welding are designed to withstand a certain, fairly serious load (especially for building structures). And any deviation from technical standards that occurred during their manufacture threatens that the structure will not withstand and break, which in turn can lead not only to financial losses, but also to a threat to life and health of people.

Often, welds are checked not only after the manufacture of the structure, but also during its operation - this is due to the fact that they can be subject to corrosion and other adverse effects. Also, regular checks are necessary when surfacing several layers on a worn structure, while each completed layer is controlled, the length of the seam, the thickness of the base metal are measured, and these data are compared with the established standard for this section, taking into account its load.

The frequency of inspections is determined by the norms of the law, as well as the internal regulations of the company.

Timely and high-quality visual inspections make it possible to detect the destruction of the seam as early as possible, as well as to understand the causes and find a way to eliminate them.

Who carries out the inspection and draws up the act

The initial check of the quality of the weld is done by the welder who performed it. Further control is carried out by other employees: for example, the site manager, engineer, etc. It is important that these persons have the necessary knowledge of the technique of visual inspection of welds, as well as be equipped with the necessary instruments and fixtures. They should also have an idea of ​​how to form a visual inspection certificate for welds.

Act format

Today there is no single standard of the act, which means that it can be done in any form. However, if the organization has its own document template, which is developed and approved by management, then it should be used. It is good if the format of the act is indicated in the accounting policy of the enterprise.

Features of the execution of the act of visual inspection of welds

With regard to the execution of the act, there are also no requirements, that is, it can be written by hand or typed on a computer, a form with a company logo and details and an ordinary piece of paper are suitable for it. The only thing: if an electronic form was made, then it should be printed out for the signatures of the responsible persons in it. The act is made in one original copy, which must be assigned a number.

Registration and storage of the act

Information about the act must be entered in a special register, in which it is enough to make a note about its number and date of creation. The period of storage of the finished act is determined by the administration of the enterprise individually, based on the norms established by law, as well as the internal needs of the company.

The act must be stored in a separate folder or in structural unit, in which it was formed, or in the archive of the organization.

If you need to draw up a weld inspection report that you have never done before, use the sample below and read the comments on it - they will help you make the required document without errors and ambiguities.

  1. First of all, enter the name of the enterprise into the act, then assign a number to the document, indicate the date and place of its creation.
  2. Next, enter in the act of position, the full name of the employees who inspected the weld (if they are representatives of different enterprises, indicate the names of each of them).
  3. After that, go to the main part: include information about the performer of the work: position, full name, then enter here the data on the welds that were examined: their number, steel grade and other identification values.
  4. Indicate the devices and devices that were used during the test, all the methods used, their results, and also give recommendations on additional methods of examination.
  5. At the end, be sure to sum up the current control, put signatures.