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Talent management on the example of an organization. Talent management. Download free HR policies and procedures in the field of talent management

Brilliant ideas, lofty goals, innovative production, a popular product and a well-known brand - none of this will work if you don't have a good team. World business leaders Apple, IBM, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Toyota would not be such if they did not use Talent Management tools.

Talent management, as a term, appeared in 1990 to refer to innovations in the field of management by human resourses based on human potential management. This is a targeted activity to identify, develop and use employees with high potential, able to solve complex business problems in order to achieve the strategic goals of the organization on the path to success.

This is not a program or a project, it is - a system that should be part of the daily business strategy of any company at all levels.

Let us dwell on the description of the applied personnel assessment methods in practice, in particular those described in the work of Mark Efron and Miriam Orth “Talent Management: a short course (One Page Talent Management - OPTM)”. These techniques are easy to automate using the software products "1C: Goal and KPI Management" and "TopFactor: Talent Management", with the help of which you can conduct regular staff assessment and full-fledged talent management.

Practical methods of Marc Efron and Miriam Orth

Consider a revolutionary approach to human resources developed by Harvard HR professionals Marc Efron and Miriam Orth. The proposed model helps to conduct research without complex analysis and intricate scoring system. Its goal is to increase the potential and quality of staff in the simplest and easiest way.

What an OPTM talent wheel would look like:

The key dogma is that managers are responsible for the talents of their subordinates and should not need additional motivation.

Performance management

Organize the activities of employees in accordance with the needs of the business:

    Specific goals increase efficiency more than a call to "do your best";

    The more difficult the goal, the higher the motivation

    Goal overload scatters effort (focus on what matters most)

    Use simple forms

Properly evaluate their effectiveness:

    Encourage formal and informal feedback (360 Degree Method), collect information from each stakeholder or client. The average opinion will be closer to the truth

    Behavior assessment as part of the process performance management. It balances out What is done with How is being done. Required Qualities can be added as measurable indicators

Performance management can dramatically improve clarity, goal orientation, and reduce employee time. While the steps in the entire process (setting goals, monitoring, measuring results) may differ from what you currently use, a lot will change. simple form performance management focuses on the only important elements - the task and its meter.

We give, which will allow you to organize the activities of your employees (setting, task description, time to complete it, criteria), regardless of their number, to evaluate their effectiveness with the least amount of time.

Through automation, such a tool will allow you to "one-touch" to get information about the performance of employees and departments. Through such a system, the staff is informed about the existing goals of the organization, the role of employees and their responsibility in the implementation of these goals.

For each department and employee, a matrix of indicators is formed for which they are responsible. Based on this matrix, a personal performance ratio can be calculated.

The system has all the information on the tasks set and completed, with comments on what was done, what was not done, the performance of quantitative indicators, assessments, with comments from the relevant manager or expert, the algorithm and the result of calculating the financial bonus.

On the basis of the assessment of personnel performance, the system makes it possible to form ratings for the period, to identify high-potential employees, leaders and outsiders.

This decision allows you to see the load on each employee, how they cope with it and how much time they spend.

Circular Feedback– irreplaceable employee evaluation method, his personal and professional qualities based on an analysis of the opinions of people with whom this employee interacts in the course of work. She provides a critical important information how the qualities of the employee correspond to the needs of the organization. The results of the assessment can be used for the preliminary formation of a personnel reserve, in order to identify the need for training and evaluate its results, as well as to create plans for individual development, if the existing professional competencies of the employee are assessed.

    Determine the valued competencies, for example, based on the competency model of your company's leaders, or based on the competency model of a specific position. Choose the main ones, make up questions for each of the competencies.

    Define groups of assessors. When choosing participants in the “360 degrees” procedure, it is important to make sure that when interacting with these people, the employee has the opportunity to demonstrate the assessed qualities (professional and personal competencies).

    Spend preparatory work with staff. Preparatory explanatory work is carried out with all employees of the company participating in the 360 ​​degree evaluation procedure. They should have a good understanding of the purpose of the assessment, how it will be carried out, the benefits of the assessment for the company and employees.

    Ask as few questions as possible, long questionnaires make it difficult for assessors to do their job and may reduce their willingness to participate.

    Establish which forms of behavior need to be eliminated first of all, i.e. capture a concise set of key qualities of your organization's leadership competency model.

Ask direct questions about behavior rather than general questions, i.e. about specific forms of behavior with a gradation of "more - less". Use the 360-degree method for both assessment and development. The information can be used for both evaluation and succession planning, and in the selection of assignments and projects.

Results tracking:

A priority given to key business issues. The survey participant receives data for, say, 30 different positions. But it is known that some of these positions are more important than others. You can build a survey in three stages:

Stage 1. Respondents are asked to choose answers using the “more-less” gradation.

Stage 2. Selected questions on which the respondents noted the need for changes. Of these, you need to select only three positions that require changes in the first place.

Stage 3. For the three selected positions, it is proposed to write comments, recommendations for improving behavioral qualities.

The Comment field for each assessment will be a guide to action on the path to improvement.

Comments are important, specific proposals for action submitted for each priority issue. Based on this assessment, we can generate a survey report that will present three priority questions with information for immediate action.

If your company is serious about improvement, managers should report improvements in their 360-degree scores.

Automating this process allows you to create a catalog competencies company and on its basis to develop a profile for each position. After the assessment procedure, it is determined what skills and competencies each employee has.

1С: Management by objectives and KPI: Report on the implementation of the competency development plan

In the 1C: Goal and KPI Management software product, you can use an arbitrary rating scale and assign the necessary weight for the criterion (standard) being evaluated. With it, you can regularly evaluate competencies and interactions with colleagues and subordinates from different departments, the figure below shows how one employee can be evaluated by many others, even if they work lower in position.

Evaluation of 360 degrees in the system "1C: Management by objectives and KPI" (through the assessment "by standards"):

In addition, all standards are taken into account in the overall employee performance matrix.

Thus, managers will see how the employees of the company correspond to their positions. In the course of such an assessment, a competence gap is identified, which can be eliminated through the passage of in-house training.

As we can see, the formation of an individual development plan occurs after the employee assessment procedure. The fulfillment of an individual development plan will become an independent criterion for assessing an employee in the future.

Talent assessment and succession planning

Grid "Results - Potential" (Performance and Potential, PP)

There is no better way to differentiate between employees than a PP grid (or 9 box grid).

For authenticity results(efficiency) must be evaluated in dynamics. Those. consider the average results of an employee over the past few years, tk. A single year for anyone can be successful or not very good.

Potential can be determined using two approaches:

    The first is carried out with the help of induction: generalized criteria are established that describe what abilities people with high potential should have; then, based on these criteria, the leaders are evaluated.

    The second approach uses deduction, i.e. moving from the general to the particular. Managers are asked to name those who, in their opinion, have high potential, and then clarify what criteria they relied on when making a choice, identify several critical traits that distinguish them from those employees who simply have good advancement potential. These factors point to high potential.

the main objective evaluation process is to reliably predict which employees will grow and become successors over time. The more effectively this task is carried out, the more likely it is that worthy personnel will be at the right time in the right place.

This ensures that the best will be in the most important positions. The appraisal should provide the information needed to wisely select a leadership pool and direct the company's investment in potential successors, the very people you need to run your company effectively.

Engagement and its research

An employee is engaged if he is ready for more than is usually expected from his position. Growth in engagement brings all sorts of benefits to businesses. The Engagement Method is one of the most powerful tools for building a highly effective organization. high-engagement organizations grow revenue faster.

Factors affecting engagement:

Working environment. Employee satisfaction depends on the ability to achieve results, gain recognition, do interesting work, be responsible and have potential. career development.

The work itself. The individual involvement of an employee will be higher if he performs tasks that make it possible to:

    apply different skills

    to complete the work from start to finish, and not just part of it,

    to do a job in which he sees the meaning,

    organize your own work

    receive feedback on the effectiveness of their activities.

Leadership style. Leaders can influence employee engagement in many ways. Concern for subordinates, clear vision of goals and effective communication, charismatic leadership inspires dedicated followers by appealing to their feelings and values, transforming the essence of the job in such a way that it appears more impressive, morally correct and meaningful.

Individual characteristics character. Some personality traits contribute to a natural level of engagement:

    how often the person is in good mood(positive affectivity);

    how purposefully he gives himself to his work (conscientiousness);

    whether he is inclined to shape the work environment according to his own preferences (proactive personality);

    how much pleasure he gets from work as such (autotelic personality).

When conducting an engagement survey, ask as few questions as possible. It is necessary to balance the amount of data requested and the benefit we derive from it. Therefore, when conducting an engagement survey, create as few questions as possible to get the answers you want. Back in 2006, the Conference Board, in a review of engagement research, listed eight factors that influence satisfaction on which there is agreement.

    1. Trust and honesty. Do I trust that the leaders of the organization will be fair to me?

    2. The nature of the task. Do I care about my job?

    3. Focus on results. Is what I work on essential to the company?

    4. Career growth. Will I be able to grow in my career here?

    5. Pride in the company. Do I enjoy being associated with the company?

    6. Colleagues and team members. Do I like the people I work with?

    7. Employee development. Am I getting better at this job?

    8. Relationship with the leader. Do I appreciate my leader?

By asking just two or three questions for each of the factors, you will end up with a simple but complete list of answers that reveal the degree of involvement.

Ask questions that prompt action. They should encourage responses as easily as possible.

Do your research annually. If the last assessment was a year and a half or two years ago, today managers hardly think about engagement.

"1C: Management by Objectives and KPI" and "TopFactor: Talent Management" are two flexible tools that allow the company to implement a methodology for full-fledged talent management on the 1C: Enterprise platform. At the same time, integration with 1C: ZUP KORP is possible to reload personnel data.

By supporting the interaction between the manager and employees during joint planning and evaluation of results, software products make it possible to identify talented employees, increase their efficiency and create conditions for the growth of their motivation and involvement.

Talent management allows you to identify and retain key employees in leading positions, motivate them to achieve high results, and not only individual ones.

From the article you will learn:

Talent management in an organization is an area of ​​HR management that deals with attracting qualified specialists and integrating them into the company, searching for talents among existing staff, developing them, motivating and retaining them in jobs to meet current and future business goals.

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The history of the term "talent management" began in the 1970s, but talent management took hold only in 1990, when a direct link was established between personnel development and effective work enterprises. The need for purposeful activities to create, develop and use a group of capable workers who can effectively solve complex business problems and capable of taking leadership positions when needed.

The purpose of talent management

The purpose of talent management is to identify the special abilities of employees and use them in the best way for the employee and the company.

The key idea of ​​talent management is to change attitudes towards staff. The management of the enterprise needs to move from the ideology of equality to a differentiated approach. This approach lies in the fact that special employees are singled out from the general mass, in them invest and bet on them.

According to the new ideology, it is necessary to build the entire talent management system. It is necessary to work not only on the selection of the most promising specialists, but also to plan their appointments and career advancement. At the same time, it is important to use the tools of comprehensive development, to motivate and retain talented employees.

When managing talent in an organization, it must be taken into account that a capable employee not only demonstrates a high level of existing competencies, but also has a strong development potential.

There are two categories:

    talents in the profession. These employees have unique knowledge and abilities in their professional area.

    Talented managers. Employees who have managerial competencies, important for a particular company, and the potential for its growth.

A capable manager demonstrates the following qualities:

  • developed systems thinking;
  • big vision;
  • the ability to think ahead;
  • readiness for change;
  • accept new circumstances;
  • powerful motivation to achieve the goal.

Such an employee is focused on his development, open to new ideas and innovations.

What is a talented employee and how to identify it

In some domestic companies A small group of managers (about 1%) are considered talents, since business results directly depend on their actions. And it is for them that a talent management program is being created.

For more democratic managers, key specialists for the enterprise also fall under this definition, but even they occupy no more than 10% of the total number of employees.

Experts consider the most optimal approach to talent management, in which any employee with a high potential for development, an employee who makes a significant contribution to the development of his enterprise, can be considered talented.

Some executives go to great lengths to find and attract new talent through elaborate headhunting. At the same time, they spend insufficient time and money on retaining and developing their own talents that are already working in the company.

As part of the talent management system, the growth of employees can be carried out not only by moving them up the career ladder, but also by involving them in new promising projects, expanding areas of responsibility. At the same time, the enterprise, in turn, receives the result from the fullest use of creative ideas, experience and capabilities of employees.

The effectiveness of talent management can be assessed by the turnover rates of key employees in leading positions. If the turnover is low, then the system for attracting, developing and retaining capable employees in the company is well-formed.

Talent Management Program

The talent management program should include career development opportunities for employees. To do this, you need to create a transparent system for filling vacancies in the company. This will be a serious motivating and holding factor.

For example, if you conducted an assessment of employees as part of talent management, then employees who received high scores as a result of it should be included in the development program and in career reserve. They should have priority in career advancement. This procedure must be prescribed in the "Regulations on the personnel reserve". Encouragement for capable employees can be the attention paid to them by top managers: conversations, discussions with them about issues important to the company.

It is a mistake to think that since an employee is a talent, it is not necessary to train and develop him. Development is the main motivator for the younger generation. Otherwise, he will quickly lose interest in work.

Include talented employees in promising projects and startups. This is a challenge for a talented person. Give them responsibility and authority.

determine what exactly the existing employees are talented in, and move them to the position that is best for their skills.

When choosing such a talent management strategy in an organization, management must be prepared for a large number of internal rotations.

The essence of the second talent management strategy lies in the idea that talent is a great potential for professional growth, development of at least one of the competencies (professional or managerial).

The talent management strategy can use competency-based management methodologies to implement the enterprise's long-term plans.


The philosophy of any approach to talent management should be based on the following idea - in the context of the struggle for personnel the best strategy is to provide opportunities for employees to do what they do best, from which both the company and the employee benefit.

Talent is like a thoroughbred horse,

you need to learn how to manage it

and if you pull the reins in all directions,

the horse turns into a nag...

Maksim Gorky

situation on modern market labor (both in Western and Russian) is characterized by a capacious definition of "war for talent", introduced in the late 90s. This process occurs for objective reasons:

The increased role of intangible assets of companies (brands, technologies, knowledge) in the post-industrial era determined a sharp increase in demand for competent employees;

The globalization of business and the consolidation of enterprises have increased the need for top managers;

Significantly decreased employee loyalty to companies, modern workers(especially talented ones) tend to build a career, moving from one organization to another in search of better places for self-realization.

All this forces employers to actively search for talents inside and outside their companies, and then ensure their development and worthy use in solving priority business problems. There is a need for systematic talent management.

talent management- purposeful activity in the company to create, develop and use a cohort of talented employees who can effectively solve complex business problems and are able to take leadership positions in the future. The term "talent management" was first introduced by McKinsey & Company in 1997. Subsequent studies have confirmed that this phrase characterizes current trend in world management, which will remain in the next 15-20 years.

Talent management allows you to identify and retain key people in key positions, motivate them for high individual results.

The goal of talent management is to identify the talents of employees and apply them in the best way for the employee and the company.

The key idea of ​​talent management is changing attitudes towards staff. The company must move from the ideology of equality to the idea of ​​differentiation, when talented people are singled out from the general mass, they are betting on them, they are investing in them. It is necessary to build the entire management system in the company according to the new ideology. Work not only on the selection of the most promising employees, but also plan their appointments, use development tools, and engage in their retention (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17 - Elements of an organization's talent management system

A talented employee not only has a high level of current competencies, but also a strong development potential. There are usually two categories:

1) talents in the profession - people who have unique knowledge and abilities in their field;

2) talented managers - people who have managerial competencies that are important for a particular organization and have the potential for growth. A talented manager must have systemic thinking and a large-scale vision, the ability to think ahead and have a powerful motivation to achieve the goal, readiness for change, and the ability to accept new circumstances. Such a person is focused on his development, ready for new ideas, innovations and innovations.

Talent management has two key strategies.

The essence of the first lies in the expression: "Find the best use of the natural talents of each employee." Adherents of this approach believe that every person (employee or candidate) is talented in some way (has outstanding abilities). The task of the HR manager is to identify these talents and make sure that the employee can show them for the benefit of the company.

Managers implementing this strategy follow two paths:

1) They reveal the candidate’s talent at the entrance to the company, i.e., in fact, they are not even tied to a specific position, conducting an interview, selecting a position for a person’s talent;

2) Determine what exactly the existing employees are talented in, and move them to the best position for them.

When choosing this talent management strategy, the company must be prepared for a large number of internal rotations.

This path was chosen by the German branch of Deutsche Bank. Their Talent Management Program meant identifying the talents of employees and rotating them to the position in the company where the ability would manifest itself in the best way. The bank's T&D specialists conducted hundreds of interviews with employees and managers throughout the year to identify the true talents of the staff, as a result of which many employees changed their field of activity within the bank. The philosophy of this approach is simple - in the conditions of the struggle for personnel, the best strategy is to provide opportunities for employees to do what they are talented in, from which both the employee and the company benefit.

The essence of the second talent management strategy is the expression: "Talent is a great potential for professional growth." Most often, the talent of an employee is not understood as his natural talents, which are sometimes not visible or not needed at the current workplace, but a great potential for the development of at least one of the corporate competencies (managerial or professional). With this approach, managers have the concept of "key" personnel, to which the company pays maximum attention, and the "other" personnel. This strategy is popular both in Russia and abroad.

There are other approaches to managing the talents of the organization, presented in Table. eleven.

Table 11

Organizational Talent Management Approaches

Concept The essence of the approach
Strategy "Focus - on talents" The company refuses to treat all employees equally and focuses on talent. The key criteria for selecting talents are the employee's potential for growth (self-realization) in a given company and its performance. Potential allows measuring corporate competencies, which are determined by strategic goals firms and set requirements for personal characteristics and motivation of each employee. Evaluation of performance takes place according to key performance indicators (KPI) or other criteria existing in the company.
Talent development is a priority and takes place not for the position, but for the next managerial level From the selected talented employees, a close-knit corporate group is formed, which the company provides as a priority for the development that takes place in an atmosphere of transparency and openness. Its goal is not to prepare a person for a specific position, but to raise him to a higher managerial level, to help develop the thinking and leadership skills, and strategic vision. Thus, the use of talents is not limited to a typical career path and, if necessary, it is possible to direct them, for example, to managerial positions in a new business.
Immediate investment in identified talent Without waiting for appointments, the potential of the selected employees begins to be used as intensively as possible (in addition to performing direct official duties): - they are in priority order strategic projects; - they are entrusted with mentoring and passing the best experience; - they become "agents of change", on which the company's top management primarily relies when introducing innovations or carrying out all kinds of reforms.
Closing vacancies and replacing weak managers with top talent candidates Over the next 1-2 years, the strongest of the selected talents are promoted to higher positions, replacing weak incumbent managers. At the same time, the development of all corporate talents is openly being developed to a new managerial level. For specific positions, the best are closed and purposefully trained. Their selection, tracking of vacancies and planning of replacements is carried out by the personnel department.

Within the framework of the talent management system, the growth of people can be carried out not only by moving them up the career ladder, but also by involving them in new projects, providing new areas of responsibility, etc. At the same time, the organization, in turn, benefits from the fullest use of the bright ideas, experience and capabilities of its staff.

The effectiveness of the talent management system can be assessed by the turnover of key employees in key positions. If the turnover is low, we can assume that the attraction, retention and development of key employees in the company is built correctly.

In organizations Special attention should be given to identifying and developing talented young professionals with leadership potential. The regulation on the Presidential personnel reserve "New Elite of the Nation" provides that this personnel reserve is formed for the purpose of selection and preparation for work in the fields government controlled, which are of priority importance for achieving the goals of socio-economic development, the most gifted citizens of Ukraine.

Under the term " talent" understand a high level of giftedness, a person's natural talent for a certain type of activity. Talent testifies to the development of a person's outstanding abilities in specific types of educational, creative and economic activity, turn out to be in such features as independence, creativity, originality, innovativeness, and the like. The presence and level of development of talents of employees is determined by the results of their activities. Talents can develop in childhood, but for the most part they appear in adults under the age of 35-40.

This is the reason for the importance of timely identification and targeted development of talented young professionals with leadership potential in organizations. The factors that determine the development of talented workers include not only natural qualities (human inclinations), but also living conditions and the social environment, measures to manage and plan the career of personnel, and the formation of a personnel reserve of the organization. Therefore, talent management processes are becoming important, since the knowledge economy, high tech among the factors of production, the most important human factor, especially talented-intellectual person.

talent management - purposeful activities of the organization aimed at identifying, selecting, developing, using, maintaining, motivating and career growth of talented employees that it needs today and in the future to solve new complex non-standard tasks in order to increase its competitiveness in the market. Talent management is one of essential elements career management systems and the formation of a personnel reserve.

A feature of talent management in an organization is that it is limited to a few selected talented employees. Whereas the management of the personnel career should cover all employees of the organization, and the personnel reserve is a smaller group of employees selected for promotion to managerial and key positions. Talented should be considered employees whose performance evaluation results significantly exceed the expectations of the enterprise. The combination of outstanding abilities enables them to create a product of activity that is distinguished by novelty, a high level of perfection and social significance.

Therefore, talented workers require special forms and methods of planning their career. It is advisable to consider specialists with high leadership potential to a certain extent as part of the organization's strategic reserve. The talent management process should be based on the fact that talented employees can achieve outstanding results in their work, working in a team with other capable competent colleagues.

The talent management strategy is determined by the organization's overall management strategy and personnel development strategy. M. Armstrong refers to the elements of talent management: a policy and program to attract and retain talent, talent audit, role development, relationship management with talented employees, performance management, training and development management, career and successive shift management, creating a "wonderful place of work" .

The Talent Acquisition and Retention Policy and Program aims to develop measures to identify and select talented employees for the organization from both internal and external sources. The talent audit should show the number of employees whose performance evaluation results significantly exceed the organization's expectations, and compare this number with the talent needs. The audit should be carried out on the basis that planning the career of talents requires not only increased attention from the organization, but also requires significantly more funds for their further development.

If there is not enough talent in an organization, it will not be able to realize its full development potential. At the same time, the organization’s spending on career planning for an excess number of talents will not only lead to unjustified spending on staff development, but will also increase staff turnover among talented employees whose high potential will not be properly used by the company, since it will not be able to retain them and intends to prevent go to competitors.

In the process of talent management, it is important to pay attention to the development of the role of talented employees. The organization must create favorable conditions for them to feel responsible for their talent and prestige among colleagues, to be satisfied and passionate about their role in the team, motivated to further develop and reveal their own outstanding abilities.

Management of relations with talents should be aimed at building normal social and labor relations with other team members, creating a healthy socio-psychological climate in the team, a fair and responsible attitude to the development of talents on the part of the leaders of the organization and ensuring, on this basis, the disclosure of their abilities and fostering loyalty to your company.

Managing the performance of talented employees in an organization contributes to building fair relationships with managers and colleagues, identifying unused opportunities and developing on this basis measures to improve planning for their development and career growth. The performance management department also has to ensure an increase in the responsibility of talents for the assigned work and adequate material and non-material motivation.

A decisive role in the processes of talent management in the organization is played by activities for planning their training and career, which should ensure further development. Therefore, in the process of talent management, types of work should be identified where the employee achieves the greatest results in order to develop his professional competencies and leadership qualities. The training of young professionals with leadership potential in some cases is not targeted, because educational institution or the organization may train them for assignment to specific position in the hierarchy of control, and for leadership position at all.

Thus, American multinational corporations pay special attention to understanding the specifics of the corporation's activities and its corporate culture, fostering a corporate spirit and a sense of loyalty to the company. Corporate leaders provide an opportunity for young professionals to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the features of managing an organization, work in several structural divisions, branches in different geographical regions of the world.

Many presenters American companies carry out targeted selection of persons with leadership potential even during the training of students in senior courses. To this end, company representatives travel to leading universities and business schools, where they conduct interviews with future graduates. For example, the American corporation "UTC" has a special program for the development of future leaders, designed for two years. The corporation recruits graduates from leading business schools, first studying at the corporate headquarters and then working in its various branches, moving to a new division every six months.

The development of young talented employees with leadership potential is also carried out during their independent learning, work in projects for which new non-traditional knowledge and skills are used, communication with a coach and other competent colleagues in the course of solving complex problems using various forms and non-formal and informal learning methods. An important role should be played by the participation of talents in trainings, discussion round tables, scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, competitions, international internship programs, exhibitions, fairs, etc.

It is advisable to train talented employees in accordance with the requirements professional standards, profiles professional competence the positions they currently occupy, and the more responsible and complex ones to which they are planned to be transferred in the near future, the expected changes and challenges of the external competitive environment.

The management of the career and successive change of work of talents should be aimed at the further development of outstanding abilities and the fuller use of their intellectual potential, the influx of talented workers and their maintenance in the organization. Career management should ensure that talents pass through the three stages of a career: expansion, strengthening and improvement. This is aimed at preventing a decline in their labor activity, to a consistent change in the work of talents and professional and qualification advancement due to the performance of more complex creative and responsible work and the introduction of innovations.

In order to attract and retain talented employees in an organization, it is important to create "great places to work" for them. This is due, in part, to the fact that talents may be under the scrutiny of such recruiting agencies as executive search and headhunting, which seek to lure them to competitors. Under great place to work is understood as a position where a talented employee wants to work and stay as long as possible in a company that meets the requirements of quality working life standards.

Among the factors that contribute to the creation of "great places to work" in the organization, first of all, is the competitive salary of talents in the labor market. Since the results of the assessment of the activities of talented employees significantly exceed the expectations of the company's managers, they can count on a correspondingly higher level wages. However, the possibilities of organizations in this case are not unlimited in terms of the content of talents. Therefore, other factors must also be used.

These include the following: the formation of an employer brand, the benevolent attitude of the leaders of the organization towards talented employees, the recognition of merits and the delegation of their powers to them, the involvement of talents in the management of the company, proper support in domestic matters, ensuring a balance between work and family responsibilities, an effective personal development program etc.

For talent, in addition to a high level of competitive wages, the following factor is of great importance for creating "great jobs" non-material motivation as an effective program for their personal development. This is due to the fact that it ensures the further development of the outstanding abilities of talented workers, creates conditions for meeting the needs of a higher level, and increases their competitiveness in the labor market. The lack of an effective personal development program can be one of the important reasons for the turnover of talent even in the presence of highly competitive salaries in the organization.

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    Planning as a function of management, goal setting and strategic planning. Setting goals, their types. Stages of strategy development. Structural units of functional subsystems. Mission vision and goal management. Key competencies of the firm.

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    The essence of strategic management and its key concepts. The procedure for developing and implementing an enterprise development strategy. Analysis of the factorial impact of the external environment on the organization, its internal environment. Planning activities and ways of development.

    term paper, added 04/24/2012
