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Basic rules for photographing babies at home. Can newborn photos be taken? Basic rules for photographing babies at home In the bright sun

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How should children be photographed? This question is asked by many parents, so we dedicate this lesson, in which we will help you with the choice of equipment and shooting parameters, give advice on layout and work with light, and also reveal the basics of communication with children necessary for photographing them.

Traditionally for our photo school, all tips are divided into 2 parts - camera settings and shooting practice itself. And don't be confused by the number of the lesson - you will succeed! :)

Let's start with some tips for setting up your camera for photographing children.

aperture priority mode. Shooting in this mode and fast optics will allow you to control the depth of field (DOF), which is important for portrait photography to blur the background of your photos, focusing on the subject. The optimal value will be f / 2.2-2.8 (according to shooting conditions) for a portrait close-up, and f/2.8-4 for shooting full-length portrait. These values ​​are arbitrary, used personally by the author of the lesson, and you can practically determine the settings of your camera that you consider more correct.

If your camera does not have aperture priority mode (i.e. your camera does not have manual settings), you can use the "portrait" mode. When using this mode, the camera's automation will open the maximum aperture for the focal length you have chosen, reducing the depth of field.

ISO- depending on where the photo is taken (indoors or outdoors) and on what kind of light, set the ISO value to the lowest possible value to prevent noise. ISO at 100-200 - if the lighting is good enough. If the lighting is insufficient and the shutter speed at low ISO turns out to be long, you can compensate for this by increasing the ISO, but I recommend no more than 800.

Excerpt- try to use 1/200 for a static portrait when your child is posing, and if the children are not sitting still - turn up to 1/500 or higher. As mentioned above, if there is not enough light and the shutter speed in aperture priority mode is set longer than 1/125, increase the ISO or open the aperture slightly. If your camera does not have manual settings, use the sport settings mode.

Focus mode- set the focus mode to one point - with children who are constantly moving, this will be the optimal mode. In simple soap dishes, unfortunately, you cannot select the camera focus mode (maybe you should think about changing the camera?).

Image format when shooting- if you have the time and skills to process photos, then try to take pictures in RAW format. This will give you more options for post-processing. And again, I state that digital compacts do not allow you to choose the format for saving images.

Flash / Lighting- if there is a "hot shoe" connector in the camera, it is better to immediately refuse to use the built-in flash. If photography is taking place indoors, use an external flash to bounce light off a wall or ceiling (if they are white) or use a diffuser to get indirect light. If external flash no, or the camera doesn't allow one - try to shoot in natural light and don't worry about flash (except when you're shooting into the sun and you'll need a fill flash).

Lenses. If your camera is with interchangeable lenses, then the choice is determined from the condition that was described at the beginning of the lesson - a large aperture. When shooting children in dynamics, it is necessary to use a zoom lens, while static shooting - the best option there will be, of course, a lens with a fixed focal length. A TV zoom lens allows you to shoot casual scenes from a distance, while a wide-angle lens allows you to take panoramic shots.

This is done with the settings, it's time to go directly to the practice of shooting.

Children photography practice

Before giving specific advice on photographing children, it should be mentioned that the child in the process of photographing should feel as comfortable and at ease as possible. You can show your child the photos you have taken, let the camera look at them, or let them take some pictures themselves.

The place where you will take pictures, if it is situational, but try to think in advance of 2-3 scenes that you would like to capture. Shoot outdoors (for example, in a park or forest) and indoors (for example, a bedroom or a room where a child plays). Find a spot with a simple, low-key backdrop for posing (and make sure there's no carpet in the back!). Choose places where children will have fun and interest, then you can take pictures of them in a relaxed atmosphere in the game.

Hidden photography- try to photograph children as discreetly as possible. They can do their favorite things at this time. Use a TV lens.

Avoid staged shooting where, for example, a child sits among toys with a sour face and stares blankly at them. The picture is called "Happy Birthday", but another name suits it best: "I got this photographer and all your gifts." Unfortunately, social media just teeming with just such photos.

posing- older children love to pose, but small children are not very attentive to this and the photos in which they pose may look a little unnatural and forced.

The best time to shoot babies is between 6 and 9 months. Then we have the most angelic faces, wide eyes and the most controlled mood. During this period, babies look at what they are shown, lie where they are laid, touch what they are given. All in all, ideal models. In a year or two, character begins to appear. Here, as luck would have it. Maybe all the games that you have prepared for him will be completely uninteresting to him. At three or four children, it is difficult to make them stand in one place. Do not even hope that you will put a small child in front of the lens, and he will smile at you radiantly, turn in different directions and react to everything you say. Will not be. 100%. The film set turns into a platform for active games, and you always want to play not where you take pictures. But closer to 5 years, the child can already pose well.

Take pictures at the level of the child's face- ordinary Small child not higher than half of your height, and if you photograph it from your height, the pictures will turn out to be ordinary and not expressive, and the proportions of the child’s body will be violated. Therefore, sit down at the level of the child's eyes.

Using the zoom. Can be enlarged focal length zooming, but do not forget that in this case, lenses with a variable aperture value reduce aperture, and, accordingly, the shutter speed increases and the depth of field increases. It's best not to use the zoom, leaving the lens at wide angle and taking pictures in the surrounding context, while remembering that the pictures should also be dominated by the children's faces, and not just the surroundings.

Focus on the eyes. Pay maximum attention to the eyes of the child. Clear eyes in the picture will always draw the attention of the viewer to it.

Background. Pay attention to the background of your photos. The background gives context to photos, but it can also detract from the main subject. Before shooting, remove all unnecessary objects from the frame. Experiment with backgrounds of different colors and textures, or vice versa, take a picture so that the background is not visible at all.

Cloth- choose clothes in which the child will be comfortable and which will reflect his personality. It's also good to have a few different costumes if you're filming in different locations. Avoid bright, flashy colors and accessories in the frame - they distract attention from the child's eyes and create a kind of color spot - the visual center of the photo.

For original pictures use continuous shooting mode.

Include other people in the frame as another way to help the child to be liberated - add parents, brothers, sisters, friends, etc. This will add intent to the relationship in the frame and distract the child from the photographer. Shooting two children is more interesting than one, but also more difficult. Here the emotions of one child must coincide with the emotions of another, otherwise there will be complete confusion. Here, too, it is easier to give them some kind of task and film what they will do. Only then the photo will not look simulated.

Make your photo session as fun as possible. Try to cheer up the child, ask him to do some funny things, this will make the pictures more energetic and help the child to relax. The more fun the child is, the more sincere and original his pictures will be.

Light scheme, which you will apply indoors, should not be complex and heavily customizable. Tell the children to stand here, and they will move half a meter to the side. And it is on the side that the best shots will be. If your light is set to a specific point and a specific angle, you will not succeed much. It is easy to shoot children against a white background, where a step to the right, a step to the left does not play a big role, although, of course, you still need to follow the light, and, if possible, correct it.

Separate photography in kindergartens and schools

The production process of school photography requires careful organization. The fact is that taking a photo of one class, usually, you can spend time comparable to one lesson. There are twenty-five to forty-five students in a class. The lesson lasts forty-five minutes. Therefore, the photographer has only one minute for each portrait.

A portable studio in a miniature version consists of a studio flash with a power of 150 joules (with a distance of 130 cm from the umbrella to the eyes of a child, it gives aperture 8), an umbrella with a diameter of 100 cm (it is bad to move the umbrella more than thirty meters from the eyes. At the same time, it ceases to give soft black and white drawing, and it is impossible to use large-diameter umbrellas: they take up too much space), a reflector to the right of the photographer (twenty cm from the child’s shoulder) and a source of drawing light (ideally, it should stand so that during the shooting process you don’t need it too much move frequently, about 20 cm above the child's head, angle - 45 degrees to the axis of the lens).

Opening a hole even more than 8 is bad, because there is no margin for depth of field, and in the event of the slightest mistake, you can get a marriage. Given the pace of shooting, it's best not to risk it.

Children at recess break loose, rush like meteors, now and then knocking down the fence of chairs built around the studio. It costs them nothing to fill up any of the flashes on the floor. Therefore, at breaks, shooting stops, the photographer retrains as a security guard.

The lens should allow you to shoot a half-length portrait from an arm's length. This is important, because now and then children have to straighten shirt collars, ties, and bangs. Portrait lenses are distinguished by their soft pattern, shallow depth of field, and usually large aperture.

When shooting a class, turn off autofocus and frame the frame so that the head of the person being portrayed occupies three-quarters of the frame, there is not too much body, and there is little space above the head blurred background. Now focus on the child's eyes and seal the focusing ring with tape. The main thing is that the scale of the image of the heads does not change in the process of work. When they all come together on one cool vignette, heads of different sizes will look ugly. You will have to focus by changing the position of your own head: either approaching the client’s eyes, or moving away from them. Not very convenient, but the product is guaranteed standard at the output. Another one important little thing. At the moment of shooting, the camera mirror is raised, and you lose sight of the person for a brief moment. And it is at this moment that he strives to blink. There is only one way to avoid this during the shooting process: you need to look with one eye into the lens, and with the other - directly at the child and, if necessary, shoot a take. To insure against mistakes, now and then looking at the camera display, is not an option - the pace of work gets lost.

On the eve of shooting, children usually receive a lot of “useful” advice from their parents. A trained child, sitting on a chair in front of the photographer, inflates like a bubble, begins to straighten her hair, collar, chew her own lips, or gives out such a wry smile that it is just right to burst out laughing. A lot in this case depends on the behavior of the photographer. You can't let a child recover. As soon as you sit him down and straighten his hair, clothes, immediately ask him some stupid question that has nothing to do with shooting, but requires switching attention. For example: “How much will kvazhda kva?”, “What is your cat’s name?”, “Turn your nose a little to the left”, etc. You should have quite a lot of such blanks in stock so that for each next child the question is unexpected.

Children usually stand in line near the studio and watch everything that happens like a small performance in which the photographer is both the director and the actor at the same time. And because of whether the children are interested in the performance, their behavior during the shooting depends. At the moment when the child hears the question, he willy-nilly shifts his attention from the desire to be beautiful and control the muscles of the face to thinking about an unexpected question. His physiognomy at this time acquires a natural expression. This is the moment of truth, catch it, press the trigger. After a moment, the child will think about the question and respond: he will begin to speak, smile and begin to play “handsome” again.

You should not shoot talking children, squeeze smiles out of them if they themselves do not smile at you with full confidence. Uneven teeth or all sorts of glands in the mouth are very ugly. It's better for these guys not to open their mouths at all.

Children should not be allowed to stand directly behind you. They begin to make faces, show horns, in a word, entertain the one who is already filming. This knocks down the rhythm of shooting, interferes with the creation of the optimal mood of the whole class. Confidence, benevolence, calmness, mild tolerance for children's pranks and at the same time firmness in organizational requirements are absolutely necessary. If you manage to persuade the teacher to tidy up her tomboys, and you do not waste time combing recalcitrant tufts and putting collars and ties in order, you will be able to remove the entire class in forty-five minutes and not "produce" marriage.

Senior classes are more difficult to shoot. The girls are all fashion models. They may sit in a chair with their back to the light because that side of their face seems better to them. Asking to move is useless. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the rearrangement of the light and mark on the floor the installation site of the rack with an umbrella. Large guys will have to shoot while standing. Conversations with them and distractions should be more sophisticated and humorous. Commands in an orderly tone do not pass. In a confrontational environment, filming goes badly. Many guys have teenage acne. Therefore, stock up on good covering powder and masking pencils. Under the friendly laughter of the guys, they will have to paint their cheeks and foreheads at a fast pace, not listening to objections. The result is quite decent portraits without pimples and freckles. The alternative is computer retouching.

That's all for today. I hope the materials in this lesson were interesting and useful for you. Good luck and all the photographic to you!

The birth of children is a real miracle. Trembling excitement, waiting for the birth of a baby, the first cry, a smile. These are unforgettable moments in the life of a new person, which many parents want not only to keep in memory, but also in a photograph. And it is best to entrust the first photo session in the life of a baby to a professional.

Getting ready to shoot

So, you have made an order for a photo session for a newborn. What should you think about first? Of course, about coming to the shooting fully armed: do not forget the camera and all the things necessary for photography.

Preparing for a baby photo session is very close in responsibility to preparing a wedding photo shoot.

It is important to take into account numerous nuances, not to forget anything. Sometimes even an experienced and popular photographer can be confused by shooting a newborn if he had little contact with children before. The little man still does not know how to pose, to express different emotions, which the photographer would like to see in the picture. This is the charm and purity of the kids, but this is the problem for the photographer. At any moment, the child may cry, refusing to take at least one frame. So you need to stock up on patience and ingenuity in order to make a truly beautiful and reverent photo shoot that will delight the baby's parents and relatives for many years.

List of necessary things for shooting

  • Main and spare chambers;
  • New memory cards;
  • lenses;
  • Rattles and other toys (needed in order to attract the attention of the baby);
  • Background stand and clips;
  • It is advisable to take a heater with you to keep the baby from freezing if you shoot in the studio and not at home;
  • Comfortable chair (it is desirable that he can control the height);
  • A place where you can put the baby (it can be a beautiful pillow, a cocoon, a bean bag chair);

  • Additional clothes that you can change into in case of a child's surprise;
  • Necessary decor (depends on the concept of shooting);
  • Background for photo;
  • Various accessories: diapers, ribbons, bows, etc.

Don't forget to eat well before the photo session because it can take an unpredictable amount of time.

You can take a small mattress or blanket with you, which can be placed under your knees during shooting, so that you are comfortable and your legs do not get numb. Carefully select clothing for this event: it should be light and comfortable, not restricting movement. Remember that you will have to work with a very tiny baby, so it is very difficult to guess how long it will take to shoot. Perhaps the baby will sleep all the time and you will be able to shoot all the good shots in a short time. But it may also be that you spend several hours looking for successful shots. Therefore, be prepared for anything and carefully gather for a photo session.

Yours is also very important positive attitude. For parents, as a rule, the first photo session of their child is very exciting, causing a lot of feelings and anxiety. And you should be smiling, calm. This will be felt not only by the parents, but also by the child himself. More optimism, everything will definitely work out!

Features of shooting children of different ages

When the photo shoot bag is assembled, you are set, it's time to think about what the specifics of the upcoming photo shoot will be. Indeed, in different months of life, children manifest themselves in different ways, so it is important to know these nuances.

Newborn photography up to 4 weeks

As a rule, during this period of time, the baby sleeps for the most part. You have a wonderful opportunity to choose the right angle for a long time, calmly use the scenery, invent plots. You can ask the parents to stand in the frame with the baby, offer to hold him in his arms. There are many options, connect your imagination.

Baby photography at 4 weeks

At this age, the baby still needs to support the head, and you can take advantage of this by doing family portrait. Let one of the parents take the child in such a way that he lies on his hands, like on a pillow, with his tummy down. In this position, the baby will be calm and relaxed, and you will get great shots.

Photographing a 3 month old baby

You will have to be patient to really catch good shot such as a yawning baby.

Photographing a 4 month old baby

You have almost the last opportunity to take a picture of a baby who sleeps on his arm. Further, the baby will be more mobile and less prone to static frames.

Baby photography at 5 months

During this period, the child is already making the first attempts to sit, which you can use. Involve parents in the photo, who will support the baby in his desire to sit, and you will get a great shot.

Before 6 months, you need to have time to take a photo of the baby's arms and legs, while they are still tiny.

Photographing a 6 month old baby

From this time on, the child is already sitting on his own and is more in contact with people, including with a photographer. Much will depend on the ability to establish a connection with the baby, to interest him, he will like it. Your charm, friendliness, smile, sincerity will certainly be needed here. Become a child's friend, and you will definitely get unforgettable, touching shots.

  • Advice:
    be attentive to details, they will help to create unique and original shots.

Photographing one year olds

First birthday. So many opportunities for great shots! Surely the parents were preparing for the holiday, decorating the room, dressing up, baking or ordering the main attribute of the holiday - a cake. In foreign countries, for example, a very common trend is a tortola, when kids eat a cake and smear themselves with this sweetness. It turns out funny, very lively shots! Try to arrange such a shoot with your parents and you will be provided with fun, cheerful photos.

Shooting children 2 years old

At this age, the child willingly contacts with an adult, if he himself finds an approach to him. You need to learn how to play with the baby, behave directly, take pictures between times, but catch cute moments, funny, when, for example, the child makes faces or plays catch-up with you.

Knowing the specifics of children of each age period, you are more likely to be able to avoid undesirable consequences from a photo shoot when neither you nor your parents are satisfied with the shooting. Therefore, use our advice, replenish your portfolio great shots and amaze the parents of your little one with amazing pictures of your child.

  • Take multiple shots from different angles. Some frames may turn out to be blurry, unsuccessful, but the kids still do not know how to pose. Therefore, your skill and dexterity are very important for this photo shoot plan. It is better to take more photos so that later there is plenty to choose from.
  • Photograph babies during the day. It is at this time of day that newborns are more inclined to shoot. A huge plus is the fact that daylight is better than electric. Also, you will most likely have the opportunity to photograph the baby both sleeping and after waking up. Thus, you will get a different photo plan, which is undoubtedly better than monosyllabic ones.

  • One of the most important tips is to turn off the flash. The child may simply be afraid of her, and bright light adversely affects the retina.
  • Be sure to include family members in the shoot. Babies will feel much more comfortable next to mom, dad, brother, sister and other close relatives.
  • Choose beautiful, unusual props for a photo shoot, with which you can make even the most ordinary shot incredible.
  • Don't panic if your baby starts crying. You can also take pictures of a crying baby, so don't be afraid of the baby's tears and screams.
  • Take detailed pictures. Let only the legs, arms, head of the baby be in the frame. Such an enlargement makes the frame very cute, allows you to focus on the touchingness of a small creature.

Ideas for shooting babies

We will offer you some ideas on how to shoot babies.

Idea 1. Arrange a photo shoot of how the expectant mother is going to the hospital. Try to convey in the photograph the atmosphere of pleasant excitement of the mother before meeting with the child. Very soon she will not have the opportunity to take a picture of herself with a tummy, so you need to seize the moment.
Idea 2. The first days of a baby's life. Take pictures of the baby in the crib in the hospital, next to the mother. The child is just beginning to explore this wonderful, big world.
Idea 3. Try to photograph the moment when the child's father sees him for the first time. It's very touching! After all, even the most brutal and serious men break into a smile at the sight of their baby, some may even shed a tear. This wonderful transformation of a male father will not leave anyone indifferent!

Idea 4. First family gathering. The moment when grandparents and other close relatives arrive. This is an important day for the first meeting with a new family member.
Idea 5. Be sure to take a photo of the tag from the hospital. It may be lost over time, but here is a photograph that contains such important information will be safe and sound.
Idea 6. You can arrange a photo shoot for a newborn with other kids in the hospital. Be sure that the pictures will be touching and cute.
Idea 7. A mother feeding her baby is also a touching and unusual shot. You can take a series of shots, and then choose the angle that you like best.

Idea 8. Preparation for discharge from the hospital. Those moments when a mother dresses her baby in elegant clothes that were bought especially for this occasion.
Idea 9. Discharging from maternity hospital. The first exit of the baby into the world and the way home. Very soon, the baby will get acquainted with his room, bed, find out where he will have to live and grow.
Idea 10. Photo session at home immediately after returning from the hospital.
idea 11. Measuring the growth of the baby. To do this, you can use a toy that you need to put next to the crumbs in order to understand in contrast how small and defenseless the new little man is.
Idea 12. Kid and toys. You can arrange a separate photo session of the baby and his toys. It will be so nice after years for a grown child to remember the wonderful first moments of life surrounded by his toys.

idea 13. Photos of baby clothes. She is so tiny, delights and tenderness. The baby's things can be held by parents, for example, to make it clear how small and delicate everything is. You will certainly get beautiful, cute shots that can be reviewed several times.
Idea 14. It is worth trying to shoot the baby's first bath. Many children love to swim, it makes them delight.
Idea 15. Baby facial expressions. Of course, here you cannot be sure that in one photo session you will take pictures with different facial expressions of the baby. You can do this type of shooting in several visits.

Your efforts will not be in vain, because a child's smile caught, frowning eyebrows are worth a lot.

We hope that you will be inspired by our tips and ideas, and will be able to catch more than one successful shot. Let the photo session you made bring joy not only to you, but also to the relatives of the baby, for whom each photograph of their beloved child is very important and valuable.

Get ready - there will be a LOT of photos))))))
1. My very first realized idea it's from the series "What do children dream of". I couldn't get past her. The idea is not mine at all, but it is so beautiful that it has found a sea of ​​​​followers. I embodied all this for the monthly Glebasha, who did NOT sleep during the entire photo shoot!) But he should have)
My husband asked me to do a similar series for my youngest son, but I so terribly dislike repeating myself that other ideas came into play for Timka (charging for the brain))))

2. "Animal Photoshoot"))), as I called her ...... Everyone who came to visit our house brought soft toy and in the end there were so many of them that it was possible to group them by families: this is a bear, this is a bull, a hare, a mouse, a tiger ....

So another photo experiment came up)

The other day, by the way, I donated almost all these toys and other soft toys to charity - children do not play, but they take up a lot of space. May they bring joy to others.

2. "hat party" .... Reviewing and folding children's hats according to the seasons, we intended and took plenty of pictures))) Applying some knowledge of Photoshop, we got funny collages with memory)

4. Regular restless readers of my blog know my love for angels) A small part of them took part in "Angelic photoshoot". The plots were selected according to the theme - sleeping angels and sleeping Glebasha, reading angels and reading Glebasha)))), angels with spoons, mugs and fruits and Glebasha, ready for dinner)))))

Now the collection has grown VERY, and the photo shoot would be very long)))))

5. By the time Timka was born, I already imagined what newborn photography was like, having seen enough photos from my favorite photographers). the child refused to sleep at all! And then for the first weeks my back hurt terribly, and also my chest ... In general, it didn’t turn out quite newborn photography, and already a 15-day-old awake baby)))) I don’t show heels and fingers)), only “costume” ideas))) Everything herself - accessories herself, amused herself ... I sent all the other residents of the apartment with my dad for a walk on the street) )) Not everything worked out, but still)

6. Photos with numbers.

Up to a year old, we celebrate every mini-birthday of a child - the first month, two, three .. Somehow Karina even asked me: "Why does Gleb have a birthday every month, and mine is once a year?" ....

Numerical photographs are very popular. Moms add up a number from diapers, from jars of fruit puree, from oranges, from maple trees, from rattles .... Anything that just doesn’t come across)))

Well, of course, since I sew, my numbers turned out to be textile)

7. In addition to numbers, of course, you can use letters!) Here, too, you can roam your fantasies - letters from the alphabet of plastic, wooden, textile letters, write on the board. And now the words wooden for decor are very popular, if you have a jigsaw, you can buy plywood or chipboard in a hardware store and make a super decor from the word.

And I found these pictures in our photo archive)

8. The following series of pictures belongs to the category "The clothes suggested the idea")))

For a long time, fashionable mothers have been trying to dress their children fashionably, stylishly, and then take pictures of them and show them in a topic such as "Fashionable kids", "Children's look" - I like to browse such topics, I honestly admit) Pictures in family-look are very popular.

Now there are so many different fashion clothes that photos in any case with the right wardrobe will look awesome.

It is important to know the stages of development of children when photographing. Shooting a newborn baby, for example, is completely different from shooting a 6 to 9 month old baby. It's such a fun transition from a tiny newborn baby ball to a giggling, nimble little person. Photographing a baby at six months old can be a real joy! The family has already formed, everyone is used to the fact that there is a child in the house, and individual family traits are reflected in it.

Set yourself up for success.

Be sure to talk to the parents before shooting, make sure you choose the right time to shoot when the child is rested and has eaten well. There is nothing worse than trying to make a tired and capricious child smile - he will writhe, cry, act up. Believe me, nothing good will come of it.

Often if different people trying to draw the attention of the child in different directions, he will look confused, you will spend much more time shooting, and the child will be more tired. If the child is acting up, have mom or dad hold him to calm him down, and you can take a picture over your shoulder. Focus on the eyes, they reflect curiosity and a great desire to explore the world.

Quick game.

Babies between six and nine months old do not have much patience. You can take a toy and "make noise" at it, and then take a picture. If you try to get the perfect appearance, you will lose the patience of the child and parents, and be the most unpopular person in the room.

What else can you do with a six month old baby?

First of all, let's talk about a six month old baby. Most children have difficulty sitting still at this stage. You must take care that the child does not fall and hit. If the child is already sitting, make sure that he is well balanced and has a safety net - whether it is a soft pillow or a mother who is next to the child. Never leave a child unattended. If the child is not yet sitting, you can seat him in a corner or against a pillow and put toys next to him.

Can you afford older sister hug a child to take an adorable picture of a sibling. Make sure you are on their level and photograph their points of view as well.

Another one interesting idea for a child who is not yet walking, it is to lie on the tummy. This can be tiring for the baby, so make sure you take pictures and move the toys quickly to get his attention. If you're shooting indoors, you may want to use a flash, make sure it doesn't get in the way of your child.

Nine months is fun in the sun.

It is very interesting to photograph a child of nine months, he already knows about many things, but still remains obedient. They don't even realize they're taking pictures so they're just having fun with mom and dad. Many babies are not yet walking by 9 months, but they are trying. Try to go downstairs to take a picture of a child taking their first steps while their parents are holding their hands.
