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Who is engaged in civil defense. How to conduct mandatory Go training for new employees. What is civil defense

Greetings, dear friends! At the peak of the popular topic about the introductory briefing on civil defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations decided to please us with a new regulation on civil defense, namely the regulation on structural divisions (employees) of organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense.

The new regulation on those authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense was approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of May 23, 2017 No. 230. The regulation enters into force on July 14, 2017. The document was properly registered with the Ministry of Justice and published on the official Internet portal of legal information.

According to the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 230, the following order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated July 31, 2006 No. 440 “On approval of the Regulations on those authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense structural subdivisions (employees) of organizations” (with all the orders that made changes). Since July 14, 2017, we have been guided by the new regulation on civil defense.

Since the content of the new regulation on those authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense is small, I will give its text in its entirety.


1. The Regulations on the structural divisions (employees) of organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) determine the tasks and number structural divisions(employees) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense (hereinafter - structural units (employees) for civil defense), organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal form and jurisdiction (subordination) (hereinafter - organizations), as well as the number of individual employees for civil defense as part of their representative offices and branches.

2. Structural units (employees) for civil defense organizations, as well as individual employees for civil defense as part of their representative offices and branches, are intended to implement tasks in the field of civil defense and are guided in their activities by legislative and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation regulating issues of civil defense, administrative acts of the relevant leaders, as well as this Regulation.

3. The main tasks of the structural units (employees) for civil defense organizations, as well as individual employees for civil defense as part of their representative offices and branches are:

3.1. Organization of planning and carrying out civil defense activities.

3.2. Organization of creation and maintenance in a state of constant readiness technical systems civil defense department.

3.3. Organization of the creation and maintenance of local warning systems in a state of constant readiness for use in organizations operating hazardous production facilities of I and II hazard classes, especially radiation and nuclear hazardous industries and facilities, hydraulic structures of extremely high danger and hydraulic structures of high danger<2>.

3.4. Organization of training of employees of organizations in methods of protection against dangers arising from military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature.

3.5. Participation in the organization of the creation and maintenance of stocks of material, technical, food, medical and other means for the purposes of civil defense.

3.6. Organization of planning and implementation of activities to maintain the sustainable functioning of organizations in war time.

3.7. Organization of the creation and maintenance in a state of constant readiness of emergency rescue teams in organizations operating hazardous production facilities of I and II hazard classes, especially radiation and nuclear hazardous industries and facilities, hydraulic structures of extremely high danger and hydraulic structures of high danger, as well as organizations operating hazardous production facilities of hazard class III, classified as civil defense categories.

3.8. Organization of the creation and maintenance in a state of constant readiness of non-standard formations to ensure the implementation of civil defense measures in organizations classified as civil defense.

4. In accordance with the main tasks and requirements imposed by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of civil defense, structural units (employees) for civil defense:

4.1.1. They organize the development (develop), clarify and correct civil defense plans.

4.1.2. Provide methodological guidance for planning civil defense activities in representative offices and branches (if any).

4.1.3. Organize the planning, preparation and implementation of activities for the dispersal of workers who continue their activities in wartime, and workers who ensure the implementation of civil defense activities in areas of possible danger, as well as the advance preparation of safe areas and production base in safe areas.

4.1.4. Develop draft documents regulating work in the field of civil defense.

4.1.5. Form (develop) proposals for civil defense measures that ensure the implementation of the mobilization plan of organizations.

4.1.6. They keep records of protective structures and other objects of civil defense, take measures to maintain them in a state of constant readiness for use, monitor their condition.

4.1.7. Organize the planning and implementation of civil defense activities aimed at maintaining the sustainable functioning of organizations in wartime.

4.1.8. Organize the development and implementation of civil defense engineering and technical measures.

4.1.9. Organize the planning and implementation of events for light and other types of camouflage.

4.1.10. Organize the creation and maintenance in a state of constant readiness for use of communication and warning systems at the control points of these organizations.

4.1.11. They organize the reception of civil defense signals and bring them to the heads of organizations.

4.1.12. Organize notification of employees of organizations about the dangers arising from military conflicts or as a result of conflicts, as well as in the event of natural and man-made emergencies.

4.1.13. Organize the creation and maintenance of local warning systems in a state of constant readiness in organizations operating hazardous production facilities of I and II hazard classes, at especially radiation hazardous and nuclear hazardous industries and facilities, hydraulic structures of extremely high danger and hydraulic structures of high danger.

4.1.14. Plan and organize civil defense training for heads of organizations.

4.1.15. They organize, plan and exercise control over the creation, equipping, training of non-standard emergency rescue units, non-standard units to ensure the implementation of civil defense measures, rescue services of organizations and keep records of them.

4.1.16. Participate in emergency planning.

4.1.17. They organize the training of employees in ways to protect themselves from the dangers arising from military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as in the event of natural and man-made emergencies.

4.1.18. They plan and organize civil defense exercises and trainings, and also participate in the organization of mobilization training exercises and trainings.

4.1.19. Form (develop) proposals for the creation, accumulation, storage and refreshment of stocks of material, technical, food, medical and other means for the purposes of civil defense.

4.1.20. Organize the creation of an insurance fund for civil defense documentation.

4.1.21. Organize control over the implementation decisions taken and approved plans for the implementation of civil defense measures.

4.1.22. Submit proposals to the head of the organization to improve the planning and conduct of civil defense.

4.1.23. Other structural divisions of the organization are involved in the preparation of plans, administrative documents and reporting materials on civil defense.

4.2.1. Organize interaction with authorities local government on the issue of obtaining information about the predicted dangers that may arise during military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature.

4.2.2. Participate in the planning of civil defense activities municipality regarding the part.

4.2.3. Organize training of workers in ways of protection and measures to protect workers from the dangers arising from military conflicts or as a result of these conflicts, as well as in emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature.

5. The number of employees of structural divisions (employees) for civil defense organizations, as well as individual employees for civil defense as part of their representative offices and branches is determined according to the following standards<4>:

<4>Clause 4 of the Regulations on the creation (appointment) in organizations of structural units (employees) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, approved.

5.1. The number of civil defense employees in the structural unit of the organization, taking into account the number of its representative offices and branches:

  • up to 500 people inclusive - 1 released worker;
  • from 501 to 2000 people inclusive - 2 - 3 released workers;
  • from 2001 to 5000 people inclusive - 3 - 4 released workers;
  • over 5001 people - 5 - 6 released workers.

If necessary, the number of civil defense workers can be increased by decision of the head of the organization.

5.2. The number of individual employees in civil defense as part of representative offices and branches that correspond to the indicators for classifying organizations as civil defense categories:

  • from 200 to 500 employees inclusive according to staffing— 1 released worker;
  • from 501 to 1000 employees inclusive according to the staff list - 2 released employees;
  • from 1001 to 2000 employees inclusive according to the staff list - 3 exempt employees;
  • from 2001 to 5000 employees inclusive according to the staff list - 4 exempt employees;
  • from 5001 and more employees according to the staff list - 5 exempt workers.

6. When determining the number of employees in structural divisions for civil defense of an organization or individual employees for civil defense as part of its representative offices and branches operating in the field of education, the total number of full-time students is taken into account, and in the field of healthcare, the number of people undergoing treatment is taken into account patients in the hospital.

7. The number of structural units (employees) for civil defense of the organization, as well as individual employees for civil defense as part of its representative offices and branches authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, is established by the local normative act.

8. The heads of structural divisions (employees) for civil defense of organizations are subordinate to the heads of organizations.
Individual civil defense employees as part of representative offices or branches of the organization are subordinate to the head of the representative office or branch.

9. Persons with appropriate training in the field of civil defense are appointed to the positions of employees of structural divisions (employees) for civil defense of the organization, as well as individual employees for civil defense as part of its representative offices and branches.<5>.

<5>Clause 5 of the Regulations on the creation (appointment) in organizations of structural units (employees) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/10/1999 No. 782.

End of document.

You can download the new regulation on civil defense in MS Word format below.


Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 23, 2017 No. 230 “On approval of the Regulations on structural divisions (employees) of organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense”

If anything, with us you can always undergo training under the 72-hour program "Training for managers and specialists in the field of civil defense and protection against natural and man-made emergencies" and obtain the appropriate certificates. All the necessary information for making a decision, as well as an application form.

That's all. If the information came in handy, don't forget to put rating stars a little lower 😉 Thank you for your support!

To be continued...

Since May 2017, many organizations have understandably wondered; who is responsible for organizing civil defense briefings. Previously, this procedure was often regarded as a pure formality, but recently it has become possible that employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can issue an impressive fine. This material briefly covers the legal side of this issue. In addition, it provides information on which candidate should be appointed responsible for the civil defense and introductory briefing. WHAT THE LAW SAYS As the analysis showed, there is a gap in the legislation today regarding a fixed specialist in civil defense, who would be directly involved in briefing at the enterprise. The only thing that can be found in this part concerns the powers assigned to the civil defense enterprise: (clause 5 of the Regulations of 02.11.2000 No. 841):

  • preparation of the training program;
  • for new employees, events to study the features of civil defense and emergency situations;
  • scheduling the study and approving successive workouts.

Take into account: as a rule, none other than the person responsible for conducting the induction briefing additionally develops its program at the internal level and, at the same time, is directly involved in conducting trainings with the team. What should the work of a CSO responsible look like:

  • this is an independent position that understands at a professional level in this area;
  • may be responsible for labor protection;
  • other specialist, preferably retired with experience in military service.

It seems that for a company, an employee in this area should understand, in addition to issues of civil defense and emergency situations. Of course, in the absence practical experience He will need to undergo retraining. On the basis of a strictly regulatory decree number 841 of November 2, 2000, the assigned one must undergo training every five years. Training can be carried out in the form of: Professional development; Preparation within the framework of a specialized course. Before personnel or management team the enterprise is obliged to take care of the timely sending of its specialist to study, while depending on the state and responsible for this direction, in exceptional cases, the head may be personally. The legislation establishes clear deadlines that must be met during retraining for the first time; they should not exceed one year from the date of employment. If the conditions are not met, sanctions are provided for the impact on the enterprise by the controlling authorities. In addition, I would like to recall that within the framework of the legislative requirements for civil defense in the Code of Administrative Offenses, everything is described in sufficient detail. First of all, if the norms of operation, maintenance and notification of civil defense are not observed, a fine of 5 to 10 thousand rubles is imposed in relation to the assigned official, and even larger amounts are provided for by legal entities. person, here already the amounts vary from 50 to 100 thousand. Secondly, when not preparing to protect the population and various objects of material or cultural value, the legislator provides for a fine in respect of an official in the amount of 10 to 20 thousand, and legal. persons and even more from 100 to 200 thousand. In this connection, it is necessary to draw appropriate conclusions on what is more profitable for the enterprise from an economic point of view: constantly pay administrative fines or take care to comply with all requirements and ensure timely training of employees. For the organization, the legislator leaves the opportunity to show creativity and independently establish the requirements of his order and the sequence of fulfilling its requirements in order to secure a responsible person from among the permanent staff. Some enterprises approach this issue more responsibly and issue a separate internal order to assign a specific specialist, but a more simplified approach is also possible in which, within the framework of one order, together with a specialist, they also register a fixed log to record all events, after which it becomes internal or local governing document. For everyone, we provide competent assistance in obtaining special certificates, as well as in training specialists for the company in the field of civil defense and emergency situations.

In April 2017, amendments to the regulation on civil defense came into force. Employers now have even more responsibilities in training employees. And the directors of even small firms far from all these defense affairs will have to undergo paid training and pass exams.

If you do not do everything as expected, any employer can be fined 100 and even 200 thousand rubles. And the director and responsible for civil defense - for 20 thousand.

Civil defense: who does it concern?

In Russia there is a law on civil defense and a regulation on preparing the population for all sorts of bad deeds. These documents explain who, what, how and when should do it, so that in case of force majeure there are less unpleasant consequences.

Some requirements apply to organizations and entrepreneurs. Since May 2, 2017, these requirements have increased.

Here is what all employers must do now:

  • organize an introductory briefing for newcomers;
  • conduct training courses for employees;
  • develop internal documents: orders, plans, action programs;
  • conduct training and exercises;
  • create a material and technical base.

These duties do not depend on the number of employees, turnover, type of activity and plans to work in case of war. If there is a business, its leader must be trained and receive a crust. If there are employees, they also need to be trained. You still need to develop a lot of documents, keep briefing logs, follow the action plan and re-approve everything in the Ministry of Emergency Situations if you moved to new office or opened a branch in another region.

What happens if all this is not done?

The Code of Administrative Offenses has Article 20.7 on fines for violating the law on civil defense. Fines are issued by the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations. It controls how entrepreneurs comply with civil defense requirements.

If you do not conduct an introductory briefing on civil defense or do not develop a coursework training program for employees, they can issue a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles to the company and another 20 thousand to the director. For comparison, if you do not use the online cash register, you will be fined 30 thousand rubles; if you do not publish a personal data processing policy on the website - a fine of 40 thousand rubles.

A fine can be issued after a scheduled or unscheduled inspection. Planned inspections are carried out according to the schedule. An unscheduled one can be carried out at any time: the law is full of reasons for an unexpected visit by an inspector from the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

For the first time they can write out a prescription, then they will be fined. But even if a prescription is issued, it is still necessary to eliminate violations: undergo training and prepare documents. And not just how, but taking into account guidelines which still needs to be explored and understood. If you do not prepare in advance, then you can not have time and run into fines.

Who needs this civil defense? We live in peacetime. Or are we being prepared for something?

Civil defense is not necessarily related to war, although it is also related to this. All people should know how to behave in an emergency. If there is a flood, earthquake, fire or terrorist attack, you need to understand what you can and cannot do, how to provide first aid and reduce damage. Children should be taught this at school, and adults at work.

I am IP. All this does not concern me and can I relax?

Better not relax. The government decree mentions organizations, and in the regulations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Civil Defense there is a breakdown that organizations are legal entities and entrepreneurs. Therefore, everyone who has employees must comply with the law, conduct training and draw up documents.

How to comply with the requirements of the law? What needs to be done to avoid fines?

The list and content of documents, the list of employees who need to be trained, and the civil defense action plan depend on the type of activity and the number of staff. There are standard recommendations, but they should not be used thoughtlessly. We'll have to adapt, and then approve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Here's where to start to avoid a fine:

  1. Find a training center in your area that provides training in civil defense. Their activity is not licensed, so check if they can give out crusts. Training of one employee costs from two to five thousand rubles. You can study remotely: it will take nine days or less.
  2. Arrange for training.
  3. Order a package of documents for your organization. In Moscow, it costs 20-40 thousand rubles, subject to approval by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. If you change offices, the documents will have to be re-approved, but it will be cheaper.
  4. You can draw up the documents yourself, but you will have to learn how to do this and then go through the authorities. Such training is also paid, but if necessary, you can make changes, change programs, draw up orders and not pay anyone.
  5. If you do not know what to do and do not want to pay money, call the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. They have counseling centers where they will explain how to be in your case.
  6. Arrange induction training for new employees in a timely manner and update documents. Due to a forgotten signature or an incorrect date, you can lose tens of thousands of rubles.

If they come to you with a check, but there are no documents, admit your guilt, convince you that you will improve, and eliminate the violations. In Russia, ignorance of the law is no excuse, but an admission of guilt can lessen the consequences. Or maybe not reduce.

This is another feeder! How long can you come up with reasons for fines and stifle business?

It is up to the people themselves to behave correctly in an emergency so that they can protect themselves, their children and property. It will not work to force every person to undergo training, therefore this duty was assigned to employers. They have to organize and pay for everything.

In order for employers to comply with the law, they introduced fines. They operated before these amendments and were just as large. Since May 2, there have been more reasons for fines, but it was necessary to comply with the law even earlier.

If you honestly get a crust and train employees, this will do more good than harm. But even if you approach the issue formally, it is not difficult to avoid a fine. When the verification comes, the documents will be required first of all. If everything is done correctly and on time, nothing threatens you.

Look on the websites of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations for a list of questions that you need to have an answer to when checking on civil defense, and prepare documents on this list. This may turn out to be much easier than you think. But it still takes time and money.

Why isn't this being trumpeted on every corner? Maybe you mixed up something and this is some kind of formal piece of paper, but in reality this will not affect anyone?

The government decree is not a formal piece of paper, it has officially entered into force. the federal law- also an official and valid regulatory document. And administrative fines of 200 thousand rubles are also very real.

It can be assumed that tomorrow the inspectors from the Ministry of Emergency Situations will not go to small offices with checks, but first of all they will pay attention to factories that should work even if there is a war, or to a water utility with mezhraygaz. Preparing employees for work during war or natural disasters is important for hospitals, banks, bakeries, schools and nuclear power plants. And for online stores and sellers of information courses, maybe not so important.

But there is no restriction in the law that only companies with a large number or a strategically important type of activity should comply with it. This law applies to everyone. And everyone can check.

Since May 2017, all enterprises have sharply attended to the question of who conducts civil defense briefings. If earlier it was possible to formally treat this procedure, now there is a threat to run into a large fine from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. From this consultation, you will learn what the law says on this issue and who can be appointed responsible for civil defense and induction training, in particular.

What the law says

Unfortunately, who conducts the introductory briefing on civil defense in the organization is not directly stated in the current legislation. The latest changes only say that each enterprise (subclause “d”, clause 5 of the Regulations on the organization of public education in the field of civil defense, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841):

  • develops a program for conducting an introductory briefing on civil defense with personnel;
  • organizes and conducts an introductory briefing on civil defense with new employees during the first month of their work;
  • plan and conduct civil defense exercises and drills.

Keep in mind: usually it is the person responsible for conducting the induction briefing who also develops the program for its implementation for the enterprise, and also facilitates the conduct of exercises and trainings with personnel.

Requirements for a person responsible for civil defense

In practice, this is who should conduct civil defense briefings:

  • specialist in civil defense and emergency situations (as a separate staff unit);
  • labor protection specialist;
  • another employee (usually a retired military man).

Of course, who conducts civil defense briefings must be competent in matters of civil defense, emergencies, first medical care etc. That is, to undergo appropriate training (a separate course or additional professional education). And in this regard, the legislation has special requirements for such workers.

Read also Records in the labor on the transfer

So, on the basis of paragraph 4 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.11.2000 No. 841, who conducts briefings on civil defense and emergency situations, is obliged to update their knowledge in this area. At the same time, the frequency is set - at least once every 5 years. By law, this can be:

  1. Training.
  2. Training in a special course.

When the enterprise has decided who should conduct civil defense briefings, it is sent to study at the regional department of civil defense and emergency situations under the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There he will receive a document that gives the right this specialist conduct instruction. By the way, the head of the organization may well be so responsible.

Let's name 2 regulatory documents that should be followed when appointing a person responsible for conducting an introductory briefing on civil defense and emergency situations:

  1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1999 No. 782 "On the creation (appointment) in organizations of structural units (employees) authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense."
  2. Regulations on the structural divisions (employees) of organizations authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense (approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated July 31, 2006 No. 440).

But let's just say: according to these documents, persons with appropriate training in the field of civil defense are appointed to positions in civil defense. There are no other requirements.

How can an employer organize civil defense work in an organization and train employees


From May 2, 2017, all organizations must conduct introductory civil defense briefings with new employees. And with everyone else, you need to conduct coursework once a year. If the organization does not conduct training, then it will be fined. The amount of the fine is up to 200 thousand rubles.

All organizations, irrespective of their form of ownership, should conduct briefings and training. To do this, you need to appoint a person responsible for civil defense. The number of employees who will do this depends on whether the organization has a civil defense category and whether it will continue to work in wartime.

In order to provide induction training and coursework, organizations need local acts. In this answer you will find samples of introductory briefing and coursework that comply with the recommendations of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Obligation to carry out civil defense measures

Which organizations are required to carry out civil defense activities

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, are required to carry out civil defense activities and train their employees in the field of civil defense (Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ).

Thus, organizations must:

  • plan and conduct civil defense activities;
  • carry out activities to maintain its sustainable functioning in wartime;
  • train their employees in the field of civil defense;
  • create and maintain in a state of constant readiness for use local systems notifications if they are available in the organization;
  • create and maintain stocks of material, technical, food, medical and other means for the purposes of civil defense.

This procedure is established in Article 9 of the Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ.

Civil defense and emergency protection systems (civil defense and emergency situations) are needed in order to:

  • save the lives of workers and the public in case of accidents and natural disasters;
  • to carry out emergency rescue operations and other urgent actions in the seat of the disaster;
  • ensure the stable operation of the facility in an emergency and prevent an increase in the scale of the disaster.

Question from practice: what means of individual and collective protection in emergency situations the organization must have for employees

What personal protective equipment an organization should have, as well as the norms for issuing them, depend on which pollution zone the territory where the organization is located belongs to.

Organizations located in territories within the boundaries of zones of possible radioactive and chemical contamination and where radiation, nuclear and chemically hazardous facilities are located must provide employees with personal respiratory protection equipment, as well as medical equipment in case of emergencies (clause 6).

The standards for providing personal protective equipment in emergency situations are prescribed in paragraph 9 of the Regulation, which was approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of October 1, 2014 No. 543. Organizations purchase personal protective equipment at their own expense (clause 4, article 18 of the Law of February 12, 1998 No. 28-FZ).

Information about which pollution zone the territory where the organization is located belongs to, the employer can request from the territorial department for civil defense and emergency situations.

If the territory on which the organization is located is not classified as a zone of radioactive, chemical contamination, then it does not need to purchase and store personal protective equipment in case of emergency for employees.

If the organization is located in a zone of chemical contamination, then it is obliged to provide all employees with the following personal protective equipment:

  • gas masks at the rate of 105 percent of the total number of employees;
  • medical personal protective equipment at the rate of 30 percent of the total number of employees.

If the organization is located in a zone of radioactive contamination, then it is obliged to provide all employees with the following personal protective equipment:

  • respirators at the rate of 100 percent of the total number of employees;
  • medical personal protective equipment at the rate of 30 percent of the total number of employees.

Such requirements are established in paragraphs and order of the EMERCOM of Russia dated October 1, 2014 No. 543.

Responsible for civil defense

Who in the organization is responsible for civil defense

In order to carry out civil defense activities, employers are required to create a civil defense structural unit in the organization or appoint an employee who will be responsible for civil defense (,).

The number of employees in a civil defense unit depends on the total number of employees of the organization and on whether the organization is classified as civil defense or not.

To find out which category an organization belongs to, it is necessary to write a request to the civil defense and emergency department of the territorial body of local self-government with a request to clarify the authority of the organization to address issues in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations. Make a request in any form .

So, in organizations that are not classified as civil defense, it is not necessary to appoint a separate employee authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, so the functions of such an employee can be issued to another employee of the organization in combination or combination. For example, entrust the work of civil defense to a labor protection specialist or a personnel specialist.

Similar explanations are given by specialists of the Russian Emergencies Ministry in a letter dated June 22, 2017 No. 817-1-1-8.

Attention: it should be noted that in any case, it is necessary to introduce the position of an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations in the staffing table, regardless of how the employee authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense will be formalized: internal part-time or combined positions.

Since for the registration of a combination of posts, the position must also be provided for in the staffing table (). The only difference is that with an internal part-time job, the employee performs additional work in his spare time from his main job (Article and Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, the employer enters into a separate agreement with the employee labor contract(). And when combining positions, the employee is engaged in additional work during his normal working day. In this case, additional work is subject to payment and is possible only with the written consent of the employee ().

In organizations that belong to the civil defense categories with the number of employees:

  • up to 500 people - 1 individual worker;
  • from 501 to 2000 people - 2-3 separate workers;
  • from 2001 to 5000 people - 3-4 separate workers;
  • over 5001 people - 5-6 individual workers.

The number of individual employees in representative offices and branches of organizations that belong to the civil defense categories:

  • from 200 to 500 people according to the staff list - 1 employee;
  • from 501 to 1000 people according to the staff list - 2 employees;
  • from 1001 to 2000 people according to the staff list - 3 employees;
  • from 2001 to 5000 people according to the staff list - 4 employees;
  • over 5001 people according to the staff list - 5 employees.

The number of structural units or individual employees authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, in representative offices and branches of the organization, is established by a local regulatory act.

The heads of structural divisions (employees) for civil defense of the organization are subordinate to the head of the organization.

This is stated in the paragraphs and Regulations, approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of May 23, 2017 No. 230.

When determining the number of civil defense workers in organizations, as well as in their representative offices and branches that carry out their activities in the field of education, they take into account the total number of full-time students, and in the field of healthcare, they take into account the number of patients undergoing treatment in a hospital (paragraph 6 Regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated May 23, 2017 No. 230).

Persons who have appropriate training in the field of civil defense are appointed to the positions of civil defense workers (clause 9 of the Regulation, approved by order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry of May 23, 2017 No. 230).

Additional professional education or coursework in the field of civil defense can be completed:

  • in educational organizations that have the appropriate license, including in educational and methodological centers for an additional professional program in the field of civil defense;
  • in civil defense courses.

This is stated in paragraph 23 of the annex to the order of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated November 13, 2006 No. 646.

Attention: the head of the organization cannot fulfill the duties of the authorized person for civil defense and emergency situations, but at the same time he is also obliged to undergo training in civil defense and emergency situations. Therefore, the organization must have at least two trained: the head of the organization and the employee responsible for civil defense (clause 3 of the Regulation, approved).

Qualifications to civil defense workers are established in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 10, 2009 No. 977, as well as in the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 3, 2013 No. 707n. Thus, an engineer for civil defense and emergency situations must have a higher professional (technical) education and training in a special program for civil defense and emergency situations.

If a civil defense department is created in an organization, then the deputy director of the organization can be appointed as the head.

Such a procedure is provided for in paragraph 5 of the Regulations approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1999 No. 782, and paragraph 5 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2003 No. 547.

Appoint an employee who will be authorized to solve civil defense tasks in an organization by order.

Employee training

Is the organization obligated to train civil defense employees

One of the duties of an employer in the field of civil defense is to train employees of a civil defense organization. Such training is carried out to prepare employees for skillful and adequate actions in case of threat and danger during emergencies and military conflicts.

The order of training is established in the Regulation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841.

Thus, all organizations must:

  • develop a coursework program in the field of civil defense employees;
  • conduct course training for employees according to the approved program;
  • develop a program for conducting introductory briefings on civil defense with employees;
  • organize and conduct an introductory briefing on civil defense with newly accepted employees within the first month of their employment.

This is stated in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 5 of the Regulation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841. A similar position is taken by the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in a letter dated May 31, 2017 No. 23-10-676.

Develop coursework and introductory training programs based on.

Induction training

How to conduct an introductory briefing on civil defense with an employee

To conduct an introductory briefing with an employee when applying for a job, develop an introductory briefing program based on the approximate program of the Russian Emergencies Ministry dated February 22, 2017 No. 2-4-71-8-14 subparagraph "c" paragraph 5 by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 2 2000 No. 841).

Based on the program, create an instruction on civil defense and emergency situations.

An introductory briefing with new employees is carried out by an employee who is responsible for civil defense in the organization.

The briefing must be carried out within one month after the recruitment of a new employee.

During the introductory briefing, the responsible officer introduces the new employee to the instruction and communicates general knowledge of civil defense, in particular:

  • damaging factors of sources of emergency situations that are typical for the territory of residence and work, as well as weapons of mass destruction and other types of weapons;
  • the procedure for the signal "ATTENTION ALL!";
  • rules for the use of personal and collective protection equipment in emergency situations, as well as fire extinguishing equipment available in the organization;
  • the procedure for action in case of a threat and the occurrence of emergencies, military conflicts, the threat and commission of terrorist acts;
  • first aid rules.

This is stated in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 5 of the Regulation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841.

At the end of the briefing, the responsible employee verbally checks the knowledge acquired by the employee. After the briefing, the employee signs the instruction and receives one copy of the instruction in his hands. The employee is obliged to keep his copy of the instruction at the workplace.

Enter the data on the introductory briefing in the log of the introductory briefing on civil defense. The form of the journal is arbitrary. In the log, make a note about the date of its holding with the signatures of the instructed and instructing. based on the exemplary program of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated February 22, 2017 No. 2-4-71-8-14. Coordinate the developed program in the department of civil defense and emergency situations of the territorial body of local self-government (subparagraph “c”, paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the training of the population in the field of civil defense, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 2, 2000 No. 841).

Conduct training according to the program annually in the amount of at least 16 hours.

Divide the employees of the organization into study groups. The number of employees in the group should be no more than 25 people, taking into account the positions of employees, as well as the characteristics of their professions.

Conduct classes monthly throughout the year, excluding the months of mass vacations of employees of organizations work time. Conducts classes employee who is responsible for civil defense in the organization.

Approve the training plan for the academic year by order in any form.

Training consists of theory and practice. In theoretical classes, employees need to tell the material on the topic orally, as well as visually, using modern training programs, videos, posters and other visual aids.

Practical classes consist of training and complex classes. Conduct training to develop, maintain and improve the necessary practical skills for workers in the use of individual and collective protective equipment, primary fire extinguishing equipment and first aid.

Conduct a comprehensive lesson to prepare employees for action in various conditions. During a complex lesson, employees consistently work out the correct and monotonous actions in a specific situation.

The employee responsible for training keeps records of the presence of employees in the classroom in the register. The form of the journal is arbitrary. Journals are kept for each training group and kept in the organization for a year after the completion of training.

At the end of the academic year, issue an order on the results of employee training in any form. To make learning effective, remember a few recommendations:

  • build training on civil defense and emergency situations on the simulation of emergency events that can really happen in an organization;
  • use modern training methods. For example, when employees independently solve the proposed tasks. Then it will be easier for them to orient themselves in an extreme situation and think over their behavior;
  • in order not to distract employees from work for a long time, do not waste time on general information. Distribute it to employees in advance for self-study. To do this, you can use, for example, a memo for actions during emergencies. And directly during the training, work out actions in situations that may develop in the organization during an emergency event. Each employee must clearly know what to do in the event of an accident or other emergency.

Responsibility for violations

What is the responsibility for violating civil defense requirements

Failure to comply with the requirements and measures in the field of civil defense provides for administrative liability.

So, if the employer does not take measures to prepare for the protection and to protect employees from the dangers that arise during military operations or as a result of them, then he will be fined. The amount of the fine is:

  • for officials of an organization, for example, its head, - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • for an organization - from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles.

This is stated in article 20.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Checks of compliance with the requirements and measures in the field of civil defense are carried out by the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Inspections can be scheduled or unscheduled.

During scheduled inspections, a risk-based approach is taken into account. Therefore, scheduled inspections are carried out in organizations that are classified as civil defense. For example, organizations that are unique cultural objects or have protective structures on their balance sheet.

For an unscheduled inspection, serious grounds are required, for example, an order from the President of the Russian Federation or an order from the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. The head of the organization will be notified in advance of an unscheduled inspection.

If, during an unscheduled inspection, unfair performance by the employer of his duties in the field of civil defense is revealed, then, provided that such a violation has been committed for the first time, the inspector may make an oral remark or issue a warning.
