Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Production characteristics for biochemistry paramedic. Positive characteristic of a senior laboratory technician (sample sample). Neutral characteristic of the senior laboratory technician

An example of a positive characteristic of a senior laboratory technician In his position since November 2010. He performs his duties at a high professional level, proactively, in strict accordance with the job description. Firmly knows and strictly complies with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for laboratory research, analysis and testing. Able to work independently on all types of equipment available in the laboratory, incl. newest. Skillfully organizes the performance by other technicians of research, analysis and testing to determine the characteristics, composition and properties of materials in accordance with the requirements of standards and specifications. Carefully studies the results of research, analysis and testing of technological samples and specimens, prepares on their basis and submits appropriate conclusions for consideration by the laboratory management.

Positive characteristic of a senior laboratory technician (sample sample)

The diagnostic department consists of:

  1. departments of radiation diagnostics (fluorography room), magnetic resonance tomograph, ultrasound diagnostics room, obstetric and gynecological ultrasound room);
  2. functional diagnostics room (ECG, ECG stress system, audiometry, vibration analyzer, FVD with a computer program, pneumotachometry, computer tonometry);
  3. endoscopic rooms (fibrogastroscopy, colonorectoscopy, hysteroscopy);
  4. puncture biopsy room (thyroid and mammary glands);
  5. clinical diagnostic laboratory (hematology, biochemistry, ELISA, cytology, fluorescent microscopy and general clinical studies);
  6. reflexology.

The polyclinic works in the system of compulsory medical insurance (CHI).

Positive characteristic of the senior laboratory technician

Effectively controls the record keeping of the work performed by the laboratory by types, volumes and terms, as well as the timeliness of informing the relevant departments and officials of the enterprise about the results of research, analysis and testing. With knowledge of the matter, manages the implementation of auxiliary and preparatory operations for carrying out particularly complex laboratory work, and, if necessary, performs them personally, with high quality and within the allotted time limits. Competently coordinates the actions of technicians as part of the working group in the development of new research methods, analyzes and tests.
Takes appropriate measures to maintain facilities, instruments, tools and other laboratory equipment in good condition.

Characteristics of the clinical diagnostic laboratory of a medical institution


In 2004, she completed advanced training courses at the State Educational Establishment SPO "Barnaul Basic Medical College" in the cycle "Modern Physical and Chemical Research Methods". qualification category majoring in laboratory work. In February 2007, she was admitted to the medical unit of OAO Altai-koks as a medical assistant-laboratory assistant in the clinical diagnostic laboratory of the polyclinic. On December 21, 2010, in connection with the reorganization, she was transferred to the Medical Unit of the Medical Unit of OAO Altai-koks as a laboratory assistant in the clinical diagnostic laboratory, where I still work. In 2008, she completed advanced training courses at the Basic Medical School of the Altai Territory under the advanced training program on the cycle "Modern methods of clinical research in laboratory diagnostics."

Increasing uniqueness

Report for 2010-2011 on the work of a clinical laboratory assistant

RF participating in the CHI program. The polyclinic, and primarily its diagnostic services, provide paid services the population of the city of Zarinsk and the nearest settlements. Basically, this is a study of hormones, urogenital infections, screening for the detection of antibodies to helminths. In terms of incidence, respiratory diseases are in the first place (acute respiratory infections predominate), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis) are in second place, diseases of the genitourinary system are in third, followed by diseases of the circulatory system (hypertension predominates). Cox” 4600 people are subject to annual medical examination and 375 medical examinations of decreed groups.
Igorevny Zarinsk Contents:

  1. Short biography.
  2. Characteristics of the place of work.
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory.
  • Job description of a paramedic - laboratory assistant.
  • Documentation KDL.
  1. System of infection control, infection safety of patients and medical personnel.
    • Hand processing.
    • Toolkit processing.
    • Current and spring-cleaning offices.
    • Quality control of disinfection and sterilization.
    • First aid kit in case of emergency.
    • Especially dangerous infections.
  1. Sanitary educational work.
  2. Work performed and practical skills.
  3. Conclusions.
  4. Tasks.

BRIEF BIOGRAPHY I, Anna Igorevna Zaprudskikh, graduated from the Biysk Medical School in 1992 with a degree in laboratory diagnostics.

Characteristics for a paramedic laboratory assistant for certification

Qualified medical assistant-laborator. In August 1992, she was accepted as a laboratory assistant in the chemical laboratory of the Zarinsky Regional Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. In December 1998, she completed advanced training courses at the Barnaul Basic Medical College on the cycle "Laboratory assistants in sanitary chemical methods for researching laboratories of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision". I received a certificate of a specialist in the specialty of laboratory science.


In February 1999, I was awarded the first qualification category in laboratory science. In May 1999, she was hired as a laboratory assistant in the sanitary-chemical laboratory of the Zarinsky City Center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. In March 2002, I was awarded the highest qualification category in laboratory science.


In accordance with the established requirements, he maintains the technical documentation of the laboratory, regularly makes proposals aimed at improving the forms of documents. Conscientiously and responsibly performs other official duties of a senior laboratory technician. Constantly improves personal professional training.

Knows and applies best practices in the field of research, analysis and testing of materials in daily work. He is diligent in carrying out assigned work. Possesses high performance work time uses highly rationally.
Neat, meticulous. Physically healthy. With sudden changes in the working environment, he acts energetically and confidently. Submits motivated, comprehensively considered proposals for consideration by the laboratory management.
There is water supply, sewerage, supply and exhaust ventilation, basement for storage of reagents. In addition, a room has been allocated, near the main entrance, for receiving blood tests. The laboratory has two entrances for employees and for receiving material. Accordingly, two zones "clean" and "conditionally clean" are distinguished. The laboratory is open from 8.00 to 16.00. reception of biomaterial is made from 8.00 to 11.00 (for the period of professional examinations from 8.00 to 11.00). Blood sampling is also carried out at the health center on the territory of the OJSC Altai-koks plant and delivered to the laboratory by 10:00. Delivery of results to the registry from 15.00 to 16.00.

The equipment is presented in Appendix No. 2. The laboratory employs 2 doctors, 3 laboratory assistants and 2 nurses. The average annual load is 150 - 170%. The laboratory was organized in 1996 in the newly opened polyclinic of the medical unit of OAO Altai-koks.
I received a certificate of a specialist in the specialty of laboratory diagnostics. 15 years of work experience in laboratory science, 4 years in laboratory diagnostics, 19 years of general medical experience. MY AWARDS In June 2002, I was awarded a diploma from the Chief State Physician for the city of Zarinsk N.A. Ponkratiev "For merits in the field of public health, many years of conscientious work and in connection with the celebration of the Day of the medical worker." In September 2002, I was presented with an acknowledgment by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor for Altai Territory"For hard work, high professionalism, loyalty and devotion to the cause of strengthening the health of the population of the region."
Dryomova O.V. born in 1974 In 1992 she graduated from the Kemerovo Medical School with a degree in Laboratory Diagnostics, qualified as a paramedic - laboratory assistant. Prior to joining the KDL, OKGVV acquired work experience in her specialty in several medical institutions. institutions of the city of Kemerovo. He has been working in the OKHVV laboratory since 2006. The certification cycle in laboratory diagnostics took place in 2006 on the basis of the Kemerovo Medical College. During her work at OKGVV, she mastered all the methods according to the specialty and profile of the health care facility provided for by the regulation on the “paramedic-laboratory assistant” of Appendix No. 6 to Order No. 380MZRF of 12/25/1997. for laboratory service. Performs all laboratory tests in accordance with established norms workload and qualification requirements (blood sampling, preparation of biological material for research, analysis, preparation of reagents, possession of equipment, etc.).

Extract from Order No. 380 dated December 25, 1997 "On the improvement and measures to improve laboratory support, diagnosis and treatment of patients in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation." Regulations on medical laboratory equipment.

The position of a medical laboratory technician is assigned to a specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialty “Laboratory Diagnostics” and the qualification “Medical Laboratory Technician” (“medical laboratory assistant”) and a certificate of a specialist.

1.1. The medical laboratory technician is appointed and dismissed by the head of the medical institution in accordance with the current legislation Russian Federation.

1.2. Medical laboratory…
the technician reports to the head of the CDL, as well as the doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics.

1.3. The medical laboratory technician in his work is guided by the current regulatory documents, job descriptions, by this provision.

2. Responsibilities of the medical laboratory technician:

2.1. Performs laboratory tests in accordance with qualification requirements and established load limits.

2.2. Prepares reagents, chemical glassware, equipment, disinfectant solutions for work.

2.3. Registers the biological material entering the laboratory for research, including using a personal computer, processes and prepares the material for research.

2.4. Takes blood from a finger.

2.5. Sterilizes laboratory instruments in accordance with current regulations.

2.6. Leads necessary documentation(registration, entries in journals, forms of analysis results, etc.).

2.7. Fulfills the instructions of the head of the CDL for the material and technical support of the laboratory.

2.8. Takes part in classes for employees with secondary medical education.

2.9. Complies with the rules of safety and industrial sanitation, in accordance with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological regime.

2.10. Improve professional qualifications in the prescribed manner.

3. Medical laboratory technician has the right to:

3.1. Make proposals to higher officials on improving the organization and working conditions.

3.2. Periodically, in accordance with the established procedure, pass certification for the assignment of a qualification category.

4. A medical laboratory technician is responsible for failure to fulfill his obligations under this regulation and the internal labor regulations.

Head of Organization Department

medical care to the population of A.I. Vyalkov

Methods of disinfection, pre-sterilization preparation, sterilization; requirements for the preparation of laboratory glassware and instruments for sterilization, rules for the preparation, storage and use of disinfectant solutions.

I. General provisions.

1. This Instruction is intended for medical and technical personnel of departments laboratory diagnostics medical institutions.

2. In each subdivision associated with laboratory diagnostics, taking into account the specifics of its work, location features, anti-epidemic regime, the presence of certain biological hazard factors, the heads of laboratories develop the necessary additions to this instruction, agreed with the epidemiologist of the health care facility, the labor protection engineer and safety.

3. A responsibility for the organization and observance of the anti-epidemic regime when working with potentially hazardous materials is assigned for department heads. V in order to prevent occupational diseases, incl. nosocomial and intralaboratory infections, as well as occupational injury all laboratory workers are instructed on safe techniques and methods of work, which is subdivided to the introductory(when hiring) primary workplace and periodic(repeated).

Briefing of medical personnel at the workplace and bringing the provisions of this instruction and additions to it is carried out (against signature) by the heads of laboratory departments upon employment and in the future at least 1 time per year. The briefing must be recorded in a special journal.

4. In accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated September 29, 89 No. 555, dated March 14, 1996 No. 90 and dated August 16, 2004 No. 83, all persons employed in the laboratory and working in them must undergo the necessary medical examinations, laboratory and functional examinations.

In addition, all medical workers, by the nature of their activities, having contact with blood or its components, are examined (at the time of employment and then once a year) for markers of viral hepatitis B and C (HBs antigen and anti-HCV), and are also subjected (during the period of employment) to mandatory vaccination against viral hepatitis V.

5. Medical staff of the infectious immunology laboratory conducting research on HIV infection additionally examined for the presence of antibodies to HIV.

Despite the fact that many consider the reference from the place of work a relic of the past, this document is still in demand. The characteristic from the place of work is an assessment by the employer of professional and personal qualities in relation to the current or retired employee. The ambiguous attitude to this document is explained by the fact that most employers approach its content quite formally and such characteristics, as a rule, do not have any real individual affiliation. Accordingly, the content of such a characteristic may be questionable.

There is no specific form of characteristics from the place of work, but there are generally accepted rules for its compilation. So, the characteristic usually contains the following information:

  • Data on the person to whom the characteristic is issued, which include the full name of the person, information about the date of birth, marital status, military service, education, and the presence of various regalia.
  • Information about work. This section contains information about the length of service, about the beginning of work and its completion (if the employee no longer works in this organization), about personnel movements within the company that issues the characteristic. It is necessary to note the labor achievements and professional skills of the person. If an employee was sent for training, advanced training, etc. in the course of work, then this should also be indicated in the description. If the employee has various merits (gratitude, encouragement, etc.) or a disciplinary sanction, this information should be indicated.
  • Personal characteristics. This information, is probably the most significant part of the whole characteristic. It may contain various information relating to the personal qualities of a person. If the employee is the head of a department, then it is worth noting his organizational qualities, the presence or absence of responsibility for subordinates, the degree of readiness to make difficult decisions, exactingness towards himself and subordinates, and other qualities. If the employee is a performer, then you can indicate the degree of his readiness to carry out the instructions of the head, initiative, striving for excellent results, etc. Also in this section, you can indicate the relationship of the person with labor collective: whether he enjoys authority and respect, or relations in the team do not develop due to the complex nature or other characteristics of the employee.

Depending on the internal rules in force in the organization, the characteristic can be drawn up both on a form in which the details of the organization are indicated, and without a form, but the details in this case must also be indicated. If a reference from the place of work is provided at the official request of an institution, then it should be indicated where this characteristic provided. To give the characteristic legal force, it is signed by the person responsible for issuing such a document. It can be either an employee of the personnel department, or directly the head of the organization. In addition, it is necessary to put down the date of issue of the document.

Examples of characteristics from the place of work

Here are some examples of ready-made testimonials from the workplace.

1. (on the letterhead of the organization)

"______" _______________ twenty___


Issued by ______________________________________________

(Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, position)

Full name work(s/-l) in ____________________________________________ starting from "______" _______________ 20___. During his work, he was repeatedly sent to advanced training courses, which he successfully completed, according to the programs: ___________________________.

The full name has a vast amount of knowledge in the existing specialty and is always up to date with the latest developments in his field. Possesses excellent business negotiation skills.

FIO has established himself as a responsible employee focused on excellent results, always ready to quickly make innovative decisions and bear responsibility for their adoption and for the actions of subordinates. Ready to work in any conditions, including after hours.

Differs in punctuality, delicacy in communication with subordinates and colleagues, for which he has respect in the team. Demanding of himself.

___________________ ___________________

Don't know your rights?

    Professional path………………………………………………………..3
    Priority National Project “Health”……………………….....4
    Characteristics of MUZ "MSCh No. 7"………………………………………….....5
    KDL characteristic………………………………………………………………7
    Working hours of the emergency service………………………………………….....11
    Organization of work………………………………………………………….. 13
    The list of studies that I use in my work……………….15
    Analysis of the work done by me in the emergency service for 2008-2009………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17
    Quality control………………………………………………………… ….21
    Sanitary and epidemiological regime……………………………………….24
    HIV - infection……………………………………………………………….28
    Occupational safety…………………………………………………………………………31
    Sanitary - educational work and propaganda healthy lifestyle
    Health insurance………………………………………………… ….34
    Disaster Medicine Service………………………………………………... 38
    My main tasks for the future………………………………………………44
          1.Professional way.
I, Pilipenko Alena Vadimovna, graduated from the Omsk Republican College in 2005, Department of Laboratory Diagnostics, specializing in Medical Laboratory Technician.
Since 2005, she has been employed in the KDL of the hospital of the MSU "MSCh No. 7".
In 2008, she completed advanced training courses at the Omsk Regional CTC for health workers in the specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics", received a certificate.

2. Priority National Project "Health"
It aims to improve the quality of affordable effective medical care.

1. Development of primary medical and social care:
    training and retraining of doctors general practice and local doctors;
    cash payments to district doctors, nurses, taking into account the volume and quality of assistance provided;
    equipping outpatient facilities with medical equipment;
    provision of ambulance services with ambulance vehicles.
2. Strengthening the preventive focus of health care:
    formation of a culture of health among the population, increasing motivation for its preservation;
    carrying out additional immunization within the framework of the national calendar (vaccination against hepatitis B, influenza, rubella, poliomyelitis);
    carrying out activities for the prevention, detection and treatment of those infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C;
    additional examinations of newborns for cystic fibrosis, galactosemia and adenogenital syndrome;
    medical examination of the working population under additional programs.
3. Characteristics of the Municipal Healthcare Institution "Medical and Sanitary Unit No. 7".
"Medical and Sanitary Unit No. 7", established in 1970, is currently an "Medical and Sanitary Unit" of an open type. Provides specialized outpatient and inpatient medical care to the attached population and workers of industrial enterprises, institutions, schools, colleges, higher educational institutions belonging to the territorial principle. Carries out preventive examinations, clinical examination and necessary health measures for the above categories of persons and institutions.
The tasks of the MSC also include:
- examination of temporary disability;
- registration of those in need in a sanatorium;
- systematic work on hygienic education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
MUZ "MSCh No. 7" includes a polyclinic and a hospital. The polyclinic serves 25 territorial sites with a population of 43,000, 32 industrial enterprises with 5,741 workers. The polyclinic is designed for 360 visits in one shift, the hospital - for 190 beds.
The hospital is located in an adapted five-story building at the address: Omsk, st. Tvarkovskogo, 8. The hospital is designed for 190 beds. Reception and specialized departments function here:
    Cardiology - for 60 beds, resuscitation - for 6 beds;
    1-therapeutic - for 40 beds and 10 beds of a day hospital;
    Neurological - for 25 day hospital beds;
    2-therapeutic - for 40 beds.
In 2009, the number of visiting days for emergency care in the 2nd therapeutic department increased.

Auxiliary services:

    Clinical diagnostic laboratory;
    Cabinet of functional diagnostics;
    Physiotherapy department;
    Physiotherapy room;
    massage room;
    Ultrasound room;
    Endoscopy room;
    X-ray room;
    Autoclave for centralized autoclaving of sterile material;
    Administrative and economic part;
    Food unit.
    4. Characteristics of the clinical diagnostic laboratory.
The clinical diagnostic laboratory is located on the third floor, occupies 160 m2 and consists of:
    Cabinet for the development of capillary blood (general, detailed hematological tests);
    Cabinet for cutting urine and feces;
    Cabinet for cutting sputum;
    Cabinet for the development of venous blood for biochemical analyzes;
    Doctor's office of biochemistry;
    Cabinet for immunological research;
    Office of the head of the laboratory;
    washing room;
    Warehouse where reagents are stored;
    10) Household room for eating.
According to SP 1.3.2322-08, during the reconstruction, the laboratory was divided into dirty and clean zones. The dirty zone includes rooms where the reception, research, disinfection and disposal of biomaterial are carried out. The clean zone includes a household room, an office for the manager, an office for storing reagents.
The walls in the laboratory are tiled to the ceiling. The ceiling is painted with oil paint. The floor is covered with seamless linoleum, in the office for cutting sputum and washing it is tiled.
The lighting of the laboratory premises is mixed: natural and artificial.
The laboratory has centralized heating, water supply, sewerage.
Ventilation supply and exhaust and natural through transoms. There are drawers.
Reagents are stored in a special room. There is and is maintained a notebook for accounting for the use of reagents. Twice a year, employees of the department are instructed in safety and labor protection.
Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the set of CDL premises and areas are insufficient in the light of modern requirements. There are no rooms for staining smears, a weighing room, or a room for centrifugation.
All rooms are equipped in accordance with the requirements of SAN EPID SUPERVISION. During the reconstruction, a fire alarm system was carried out.
The tasks of the laboratory department include:
    meeting the needs of health care facilities in the volume and range of studies necessary for the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the disease;
    ensuring the quality and timeliness of research;
    introduction of new unified research methods;
    advanced training of middle managers;
    control over the conduct of intra-laboratory quality control and constant participation in the FSQA.
Today, the introduction of computerized programs for processing information, research results and laboratory management is becoming relevant.
The types of studies carried out in the laboratory comply with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 9 "An approximate list of laboratory studies for CDL of medical institutions." They are either unified or carried out with instructions approved by the Ministry of Health, which helps to improve the quality of laboratory information, improve the comparability of results, ensure the rationalization of laboratory examinations, and increase the efficiency of the CDL.
CDL is equipped in accordance with the list of devices, equipment and medical instruments.

Basic laboratory equipment.

Hematological analyzer "ERMA" 1
Urine analyzer "Rainbow A-FM-10" 1
Glucose analyzer "AGKM-01" 1
Biochemical semi-automatic analyzers 4
KFK-2 2
KFK-3 1
binocular microscope 2
Monocular microscope 6
Express photometer "RAMP" 1
Belur 1
Water bath with thermostat 2
Pipette dispenser of different volumes 15
Electronic scales 1
Torsion scales 1
Libra is equal 1
Centrifuges 4
Thermostat 1
Distiller 1
Dry heat cabinet 2
Ultrasonic unit 1
weights 1
Stopwatch 2
Refrigerator 2

The material and technical equipment of the CDL corresponds to this category of health facilities.
The positive thing is that all the equipment is registered by the company "Medtechservice" and control over the operation of the equipment is carried out regularly. All equipment subject to metrological maintenance is taken into account. According to the established deadlines, technicians from the department of metrology and standardization check the equipment, issue a certificate for admission to work or stamp it.

5. Emergency service mode.
The clinical diagnostic laboratory of the MSU "MSCh No. 7" of the hospital is divided into clinical, biochemical and emergency services.
I take my shift at 8 am, prepare the work table, dilute the disinfectants, check the sterile material, note the date and time of the autopsy. Sterile material (cotton wool, capillaries, tweezers) are used during the working shift.
I must be ready at any time to go to the department for capillary blood sampling and immediately perform the necessary tests. I conduct research on other biological fluids: venous blood, urine, effusion fluids, cerebrospinal fluid. A wide range of research in the emergency service allows me to maintain my professional level. At the end of my work shift, by 8 a.m. the next day, I have to prepare everything for the work of the next laboratory assistant on duty and pass on the shift that was unusual in my work, report on the serviceability of instruments, apparatus and other laboratory equipment. All comments and problems that occurred during the work are recorded in a special journal.
To check my research, I conduct quality control for reproducibility, correctness. In my free time from research, I am engaged in reporting documentation.
In the process of work I use special literature.
I take part in ongoing laboratory conferences, which discuss topics on all types of clinical diagnostic studies. Topics are distributed among laboratory assistants according to the existing plan drawn up by the head of the laboratory. I also attend hospital-wide conferences of nurses, which are held to improve the level of professional knowledge. Once every 5 years, we go through an improvement cycle at the RH CTC.

      6. Organization of work.
Reception of analyzes is carried out strictly in the direction of the attending physician on standard forms. The results are logged.
The analyzes carried out by the department are auxiliary methods in the overall complex of the patient's diagnostic study. My work is carried out in accordance with the job description, hourly schedule and the main regulatory orders:
    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 380 dated December 25, 1997 “On the state and measures
    improvement of laboratory support for the diagnosis and treatment of patients in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation”.
    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 408 of July 12, 1989 "On measures to reduce the incidence of viral hepatitis in the country."
    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 45 dated February 7, 2000 “On the system of measures to improve the quality of clinical laboratory research in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation”.
    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 220 dated May 26, 2003 on approval of the industry standard "Rules for conducting intralaboratory quality control of quantitative methods of clinical laboratory studies using control materials."
    Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 64 dated February 21, 2000 “On approval of the nomenclature of clinical laboratory studies”.
    Sanitary Rules of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 1.3.2322-08 "Safety of working with microorganisms of III, IV groups of pathogenicity and helminths."
    Industry standard OST 42-21-2-85 "Sterilization and disinfection of medical devices".
    Order of the GUZAO No. 30 dated February 24, 1998 “On improving the efficiency preventive work on HIV infection in medical institutions of the Omsk region.
Proper organization of workplaces makes it possible to rationally use working time, competently and accurately perform research, carry out high-quality sanitary and anti-epidemiological measures and thereby ensure a higher level of diagnostic process in the department.
Increasing the prestige of the profession, creating favorable working and living conditions for medical personnel is of great importance in each team.

7. List of studies that I use at work.

    Hematological types of research:
    (collection of capillary blood)
    determination of hemoglobin;
    count of leukocytes, erythrocytes;
    ESR setting;
    blood sampling, hematocrit research technique;
    technique for taking and staining for platelets, reticulocytes;
    calculation of the leukocyte formula in stained smears according to Romanovsky.
2. Immunological types of research:
    Statement of microreaction with cardiolipin antigen.
3.Coagulological types of studies:
    determination of clotting time;
    determining the duration of bleeding;
    determination of PTI, APTT, INR, PO from venous blood plasma.
4. Chemical-microscopic types of research:
    general urinalysis in normal and pathological conditions;
    urinalysis according to Nechiporenko;
    Zimnitsky test;
    cerebrospinal fluid examination: definition physical properties, quantitative determination of protein, Pandey and Nonne-Apelt reactions, preparation of a stained preparation according to Romanovsky for counting formed elements;
    examination of the pleural fluid: protein determination, Rivolta test, microscopic examination of the preparation.
5. Microbiological types of research:
    I examine biological material for the presence of helminth eggs;
    I know the technique of preparing a native sputum preparation, staining sputum smears using the Ziehl-Nielson method.
6. Biochemical types of research:
    determination of blood glucose;
    determination of alpha-amylase in blood and urine;
    determination of ALAT, ASAT in blood serum.

8. Analysis of the work done by me in the emergency service for 2008-2009.
In connection with order No. 145 of 1997, all initially applied persons are examined for a microreaction with cardiolipin antigen. For greater accuracy and confidence in the final result of this study, reactions are necessarily carried out with negative, weakly positive, positive control sera.

Immunological studies of MRSK
(microreaction with cardiolipin antigen)
( in absolute terms )

                      Table No. 1
Analyzing the data in the table, it can be seen that the number of microreactions increased in 2009 due to therapeutic emergency care.
Table number 2
Hematological research
(in absolute numbers)
Based on the data in the table, we can say that the number of studies has increased due to the influx of patients in emergency care, the range of studies on the hematological analyzer and the control of the treatment process during the treatment and discharge of patients.
Table No. 3
Chemical-microscopic studies
(in absolute numbers)

According to the data given in the table, studies on OAM have increased due to the influx of patients in emergency care. An increase in the number of studies on ketone bodies has occurred at the expense of patients with diabetes mellitus.
Table No. 4
Coagulation studies
(in absolute numbers)
Research types 2008 Total / me
2009 Total / me
BTC (blood clotting time) 5244/1318 5480/1511
TBV (Bleeding Time) 58/17 69/21
PTI (prothrombin index) 875/301 2206/602
APTT (activated partial thrombin time) 400/104 956/217
INR (international normalized ratio) 336/97 451/117

The table shows that the number of coagulation studies has increased, as the number of patients taking anticoagulants has increased. Patients taking heparin are prescribed VSK, APTT, wolfarin - INR, PO.
                      Table No. 5
Biochemical research
(in absolute numbers)

The number of glucose tests has increased due to incoming patients with diabetes mellitus and control during treatment.
During the reporting period, an increase in the number of analyzes (hematological, chemical-microscopic, biochemical, coagulological) was noticeable: it is associated with an increase in the flow of patients, as well as an increase in the number of patients with diabetes mellitus, pathology of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, pancreas, etc. d.

9. Quality control.
On the basis of order No. 45 dated February 7, 2000. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the system of measures to improve the quality of clinical laboratory research in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation" developed a quality control manual in the laboratory.
In the first section of the guide, much attention is paid to the preanalytical stage of the analysis. The laboratory has instructions on the rules for preparing patients for clinical trials in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, methods and terms of delivery of material for the study.
The second stage of intralaboratory quality control is analytical control: technology standards and rules for performing clinical trials have been developed, where all unified methods are given. A list of used reagents has been compiled, with a mandatory certificate of compliance with the parameters of the GOST standard.
When carrying out new methods, after verification of instruments, the use of sets of a new series, an approved sequence of procedures is carried out when conducting intralaboratory control.
The next stage is the current intralaboratory control, which is carried out regularly and constantly. In this case, the constructed control charts and graphs are used, on which the average values ​​of the control materials are plotted. For each laboratory assistant, a control chart is kept for the reproducibility and accuracy of blood sampling for hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes (parallel sampling method, duplicate sampling method).
Our laboratory annually undergoes external control, with results close to the target indicators, which guarantees the accuracy and correctness of the results issued and is one of the indicators of the work of the clinical laboratory.
An independent external quality assessment helps to identify systematic and random errors.
An important means of counteracting the very tendency to errors is to increase the reliability of laboratory research by choosing the most reliable methods, using high-quality reagents, ensuring accuracy in the operation of measuring instruments, and error-free work of personnel.
All these activities contribute to improving the quality of research, characterize the level of laboratory work, and inspire confidence of both patients and clinicians.
The research results are recorded in the journals of the established form, reporting and accounting documentation is maintained on monthly, quarterly, annual indicators of the laboratory's activities.
The laboratory annually passes federal quality control.
Orders regulating the activities of the CDL for quality control:

    Etc. No. 45 dated 07.02.2000 "On the system of measures to improve the quality of clinical laboratory research in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation"
    Etc. 3545 from 23. 04. 1985 "On further improvement of quality control of clinical laboratory research"
    Order No. 9 dated January 26, 1994 “On improving the work on external quality control of clinical laboratory studies”
    Project No. 117 dated 03.05.1995 "On the participation of clinical diagnostic laboratories of healthcare facilities of Russia in the federal system of external assessment of the quality of clinical laboratory research"
    10. Sanitary and epidemiological regime.
Currently, there is a tense epidemiological situation in the city in terms of hepatitis and HIV infection. Medical personnel, especially those who work with blood, have a great responsibility for maintaining sanitary and hygienic standards. When applying for a job at the CDL, a laboratory assistant must pass a commission and donate blood from a vein for carriage of Abs Ag, provided with overalls and personal protective equipment.
When working with blood and other biological fluids, there is a great responsibility for observing sanitary and hygienic standards, fulfilling all the requirements of the anti-epidemic regime aimed at the effectiveness of the fight against nosocomial infection in the provision of medical care and medical manipulation.
The laboratory works according to the following orders:
- Order No. 30 “On Improving the Efficiency of Measures and Prevention of HIV Infection in Healthcare Institutions of the Omsk Region”;
- sanitary safety rules for working with III, IV groups of pathogenicity and helminths (SP 1.3.2322-08).
To effectively combat the risk of contracting occupational infections, I strictly follow preventive measures, considering each patient as a potential source of infection.
When working with blood and other biomaterials, I follow safety precautions - I carefully handle sharp medical instruments, do not use stabbed laboratory glassware. In emergency cases, according to order No. 30, I use an anti-AIDS first aid kit to provide emergency medical care.
For registration epid. dangerous situations in the laboratory there is a journal "Registration and accounting of emergencies in the workplace."
Recently, we have been able to use disinfectants of a new type, which are classified as low-hazard and combine disinfection and pre-sterilization cleaning. A prerequisite for disinfection is the complete immersion of the used instruments in a disinfectant solution with filling of internal channels and cavities. In the laboratory of the hospital, a modern ultrasonic unit "UZO" was purchased, which greatly facilitates the processing of instruments. The quality of pre-sterilization cleaning of medical devices is checked for the presence of blood residues (azapyram test) and detergent (phenolphthalein test). Further, the instruments are packed and sterilized in a centralized autoclave. I mark the packing - I mark the date of laying and the date of opening, I control the shelf life of the sterile material. The opened sterile material is used during one working shift. Used scarifiers that have been processed are disposed of in solid disposable packaging according to the instructions of S.P. 1.3.2322-08 - disposal of honey. waste.
In case of contact with blood and other potentially dangerous biological fluids on the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, eyes, on the surface of the skin, if the integrity of the skin is damaged, I carry out the treatment in accordance with Order No. 30.
      Actions of a medical worker in case of:



by specialty:

"Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics"

for 2015-2017

Ryskuzhin Lina Ramilevna

A protocol of a meeting

Department No. _5_ of 09/05/2015

head department: d.m.s., professor

Gilmanov A.Zh

Individual schedule of residency
for 2015-2016 academic year year of resident 1st year of study

Ryskuzhin Lina Ramilevna

Name of the discipline WE semester dates
B1.B Basic part 9 + 15 SE
B1.B.1. 1-2 Legal, organizational and economic foundations of laboratory service in the Russian Federation. Actions of medical personnel at the stages of laboratory analysis autumn 01.09 – 14.09.15
B1.B.1.3 General clinical (chemical-microscopic) studies autumn spring 15.09 - 05.10.15 02.02 - 15.02.16
B1.B.1.4 Hematological research spring 16.02 – 22.03.16
B1.B.1.5 Cytological studies spring 23.03 – 19.04.16
B1.B.2 Public health and healthcare autumn 20.10 – 02.11.15
B1.B.4 Emergency Medicine autumn 03.11 – 16.11.15
B1.V.OD Variable part (compulsory disciplines / modules) 0 + 4 SG
B1.V. OD.1 Quality management of clinical laboratory research spring 20.04 – 03.05.16
B1.V. OD.2 Laboratory Information Systems spring 04.05 – 17.05.16
B2. Practices 15 + 21 SG (10 + 14 weeks)
B 2.1 Production (clinical) practice (stationary, field) 12 (8 weeks) 15 (10 weeks) autumn spring 17.11-28.12.15; 12-25.01.16 18.05 – 28.06.16
B 2.2 Simulation training course 3 (2 weeks) autumn 06.10 - 19.10.15
B 2.3 Specialized practice (lab. diagnosis of urogenital infections) 6 (4 weeks) spring 29.06 – 26.07.16

Head Department of Laboratory Diagnostics IDPO

____________________________________________________________/ A. Zh. Gilmanov/

Educational and thematic plan of training in residency in the specialty

Qualification characteristic of a doctor

(Order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated July 23, 2010 N 541n Moscow "On approval of the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of workers in the field of health care")

Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Job Responsibilities . Conducts laboratory tests in accordance with the standard of medical care; organizes workplace for laboratory research; carries out activities to ensure and control the quality of laboratory research at the pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical stages; masters and introduces new methods of laboratory research and equipment; maintains medical records in the prescribed manner; plans and analyzes the results of its work, prepares reports on its work; supervises the work of middle and junior medical personnel; observes the principles of medical ethics; conducts sanitary-educational work among patients and their relatives on health promotion and disease prevention, promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Improves professional qualifications in accordance with the established procedure.

Must know: The Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws and other regulations legal acts Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, consumer protection and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population; theoretical basis chosen specialty; organization of the activities of clinical laboratories; a territorial program of state guarantees for the provision of free medical care to citizens; modern methods diagnostics and treatment; morphology, physiology, biochemistry of organs and systems of the body; fundamentals of pathomorphology, pathogenesis of syndromes and diseases; labor protection rules when working with laboratory equipment; modern trends development of medicine; preanalytical and analytical technologies for laboratory research; principles of operation and rules for the operation of laboratory equipment; labor protection rules and fire safety when working in clinical laboratories; basics of the quality management system for clinical laboratory research; rules of action upon detection of a patient with signs of especially dangerous infections; rules for first aid in emergency conditions; medical ethics; basics of disease prevention and health education; basics labor law; internal labor regulations; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification Requirements. Higher professional education in the specialty "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Stomatology", "Medical and Preventive Business", "Medical Biophysics", "Medical Biochemistry", "Medical Cybernetics". Internship and (or) residency in the specialty "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics" or professional retraining in the presence of one of the main specialties and (or) a specialty requiring additional training, a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics", without presenting requirements for work experience.
