Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Responsibilities of the Deputy Chief Physician for Preventive Work. Job description of the deputy for the medical unit. Job description of the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs

1. General Provisions
1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the deputy chief physician for the medical unit.
2. A person who has a higher medical education, postgraduate training and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of deputy chief physician for the medical department.
3. The deputy chief physician for medical affairs must know the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation on health care; legal documents regulating the activities of healthcare institutions; fundamentals of social hygiene, organization and economics of healthcare; organization of economic and financial activities health care institutions; the basics of the activities of health care institutions and medical workers in the conditions of budget-insurance medicine; population health statistics; criteria and indicators characterizing the state of health of the population; organization of examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination; organization of social and medical rehabilitation of patients; basics of organization of disaster medicine service; basics of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision; organization of drug supply for the population and health care facilities; theoretical basis, principles and methods of clinical examination; organization of health education, hygiene education and promotion of a healthy lifestyle; foundations of medical ethics and deontology; legal aspects medical activities; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
4. The deputy chief physician for medical affairs is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the chief physician in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5. The Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs reports directly to the Chief Physician.
2. Job responsibilities
Supervises medical and diagnostic departments, offices and laboratories. Ensures the quality of the diagnostic and treatment process and the organization of all work on the examination, treatment and care of patients. Conducts scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the state of the diagnostic and treatment process, based on their results, takes the necessary measures to eliminate deficiencies. Analyzes the quality indicators of the health care institution. Carries out checks of medical documentation, the quality of its maintenance, the correctness and expediency of the applied methods of examination and treatment of patients. Organizes and conducts clinical, clinico-anatomical and morning conferences, hospital councils. Organizes advanced training of doctors and paramedical personnel, clinical reviews, consultations and councils. It introduces into practice effective methods and means of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, new organizational forms of work to provide medical and preventive care. Ensures the continuity of medical care. Monitors compliance with the requirements of the internal labor regulations, safety, labor protection.
3. Rights
The Deputy Chief Medical Officer has the right to:
1. give orders that are obligatory for execution by employees subordinate to him;
2. participate in the selection and placement of personnel for their activities;
3. make proposals to the management of the institution to encourage and impose penalties on employees of the institution in their activities;
4. make proposals for the development and improvement of medical care;
5. request from the management, receive and use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties;
6. to take part in conferences and meetings at which issues related to its work are considered;
7. pass certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to obtain the appropriate qualification category;
8. improve your skills.
The Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs enjoys all labor rights in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
4. Responsibility
The Deputy Chief Medical Officer is responsible for:
1. timely and high-quality implementation of the duties assigned to him;
2. organization of their work, timely and qualified execution of orders, orders and instructions from higher management, regulatory legal acts on their activities;
3. rational and efficient use of material, financial and human resources;
4. compliance with internal regulations, sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, anti fire safety and safety precautions;
5. maintaining the documentation provided for by the current regulatory legal acts;
6. providing, in accordance with the established procedure, statistical and other information on their activities;
7. Ensuring compliance with executive discipline and performance of their duties by employees subordinate to him;
8. readiness to work in emergency situations.
For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory acts, the deputy chief physician for the medical unit may be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the misconduct.
Research Institute of Public Health and Management
health care MMA them. I.M. Sechenov

Monitors compliance with the requirements of the internal labor regulations, safety, labor protection. 3. Rights The Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs has the right to: 1. issue orders that are binding on subordinate employees; 2. participate in the selection and placement of personnel for their activities; 3. make proposals to the management on encouraging and imposing penalties on the employees of the organization in their activities; 4. make proposals for the development and improvement of medical care; 5. request from the management, receive and use information materials and legal documents necessary for the performance of their duties; 6. to take part in conferences and meetings at which issues related to its work are considered; 7.

Job description of the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs


Participate in the development of administrative, regulatory and methodological documents related to the activities of the Branch and the Institution, timely familiarize the staff of the branch of the Institution with orders relating to the activities of the Institution; 2.19. Monitor compliance with standards, quality and delivery procedures medical services in branches located on the territory of the branch of the Institution. Systematically conduct an expert assessment of outpatient cards; 2.20.


Timely identify and expediently use hidden reserves, as well as introduce the latest achievements of science and technology aimed at improving the quality of personnel work and service culture; 2.21. Participate in claim work together with the administration of the Institution. Timely analyze citizens' appeals and provide answers to them to the administration of the Institution; 2.22.

Job Descriptions

Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of its professional duties and exercise of rights. 3.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence. 3.6. Receive information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.



Improve your professional qualifications. 3.8. [Other rights under labor law]. 4. Responsibility The Deputy Chief Medical Officer is responsible for: 4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For causing material damage employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3.
Systematically improve their professional qualifications in the field of clinical disciplines and healthcare organization. 2.16. Coordinate the work schedules of nurses and doctors. 2.17. Bring to the attention of employees in the part concerning them orders, orders, instructions and other documents of higher bodies and officials. 3. Rights The Deputy Chief Physician of the hospital for the medical department has the right to: 3.1. Give orders on the organization of the work of the subordinate departments of the hospital. 3.2. Receive information necessary for the performance of their duties. 3.3. Make decisions within their competence. 3.4. Make changes and additions to the duties of employees of directly subordinate units in agreement with the trade union committee in accordance with applicable law.

Job description of the deputy chief physician for the medical unit

In his activities, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer is guided by: 1.6.1. University charter. 1.6.2. By the orders of the university administration. 1.6.3. Collective agreement of the University. 1.6.4. Clinic regulations.
1.6.5. This job description. 1.7. Chief Physician medical organization subordinates directly to 1.8.1. During the absence of the deputy chief physician for the medical part (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.
II. Job Responsibilities Deputy Chief Medical Officer: 2.1. Develops annual plans medical and preventive work of the institution and submits them for approval to the chief physician. 2.2.
State state-financed organization health care of the city of Moscow "City Polyclinic No. _ of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow" Agreed by the Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of the GBUZ "GP No. _ DZM" "" 20 I approve the Chief Physician of the GBUZ "GP No. _ DZM" "" 20 Job description Deputy chief physician for the medical part of the branch 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Deputy Chief Physician for the medical unit of the branch of the GBUZ "GP No. _ DZM" (hereinafter referred to as the Institution) and is an annex to employment contract. 1.2. The position of Deputy chief physician for the medical department of the branch of the Institution belongs to the category of managers. 1.3.

Job description of the Deputy Chief Physician

Organize and ensure the holding of scientific-practical and clinical-anatomical conferences; seminars and ten days for doctors, clinical reviews of patients. 2.5. Develop promising and current plans organization of medical diagnostic and preventive work in the hospital, systematically monitors their implementation. 2.6. Provide correct setting statistical accounting and submission of relevant reports on the activities of the hospital in a timely manner.
2.7. Control the procedure for admission and discharge of patients, as well as their transfer to other medical institutions. 2.8. Organize consultations and lead the councils of hospital specialists and invite consultants from other medical institutions. 2.9. Coordinate duty schedules for heads of departments and attending physicians in the hospital, including on weekends and holidays.

2. position on the deputy chief physician for the medical part

To carry out direct management of the activities of the branch of the Institution through the Heads of departments in accordance with the Regulations on the structural unit, its functions and tasks, as well as in accordance with the order of the Chief Physician on the distribution of powers between the Chief Physician and his Deputies; 2.2. Organize and control the work of the medical personnel of the branch of the Institution in providing them with medical care to the population, as well as check the quality and availability of the medical care provided. The Deputy Chief Physician for the medical department of the branch, by order of the Chief Physician of the Institution or the Deputy Chief Physician for the medical department, may be involved in such work on the territory of other branches of the Institution; 2.3. To exercise control over the activities of other personnel of the branch of the Institution when they carry out work to ensure the activities of the branch; 2.4.

Deputy chief physician for medical work job description

During the absence of the Deputy Chief Physician for the medical part of the branch of the Institution (vacation, illness, etc.), he is replaced by a person appointed on the basis of the order of the Chief Physician, with the transfer of all powers, rights and responsibilities. 1.9. The deputy chief physician for the medical department of the branch of the Institution, in accordance with the Regulations on the permanent medical commission, is a member of the permanent medical commission as part of subcommittees: - on the organization of medical support; - according to the examination of temporary disability; - on the organization of drug supply; - on the study of lethal outcomes; - to provide high-tech medical care.

Job description of the deputy chief physician for medical work

To take part in the work of meetings held in the hospital, at which issues related to his competence are considered.3.3. Receive information necessary for the performance of their duties.3.4. Make decisions within their competence.3.5. Make proposals to the head physician of the hospital on the promotion and imposition of penalties on employees subordinate to him. 3.6.

Submit proposals to the head doctor on improving the organization of medical care in the hospital. 3.7. Cancel the orders of the heads of subdivisions subordinate to him if they cannot be carried out or contradict the instructions of higher bodies and officials. 4. Responsibility of the Deputy Chief Physician The Deputy Chief Physician is responsible for: 4.1.

For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their official duties. 4.2.
To improve professional knowledge in the system of institutions (organizations) providing postgraduate training of doctors. 3.6. Work in the specialty within the working hours for the main position up to 0.25 of the doctor's rate, in agreement with the head physician of the hospital. 3.7. Give orders and instructions to subordinate employees in accordance with the level of their competence and qualifications and monitor their implementation. 3.8. To take part in the work of meetings held in the hospital, at which issues related to his competence are considered. 3.9. Make proposals to the head physician of the hospital on the promotion and imposition of penalties on employees subordinate to him. 3.10. Make proposals to the head doctor on improving the organization of medical care in the hospital.

Organizes and ensures the holding of scientific-practical and clinical-anatomical conferences; seminars and decades for doctors, clinical reviews of patients.5. Develops long-term and current plans for the organization of treatment, diagnostic and preventive work in the hospital, systematically monitors their implementation.6. Ensures the correct setting of statistical records and the submission of relevant reports on the activities of the hospital in a timely manner.7.

Controls the procedure for admission and discharge of patients, as well as their transfer to other medical institutions.8. Organizes consultations and heads the councils of medical specialists of the hospital and invites consultants from other medical institutions.9. Coordinates duty schedules for heads of departments and attending physicians in the hospital, including on weekends and holidays.10.

JOB INSTRUCTIONS of the Deputy Chief Physician of the sanatorium for the medical part

1. General Provisions

1.1. The job description was developed based on the requirements.

1.1.1. Art. 17 of the Law of Ukraine "On labor protection"

1.1.2. Directory qualification characteristics professions of workers, approved by the Ministry of Labor Protection and social policy Ukraine dated February 16, 1998, No. 24.

1.1.3. Regulations No. 1 on the organization of work on labor protection and safety in CJSC "Ukrprofzdravnitsa", approved in 1993

1.1.4. Regulations on functional duties, the rights and responsibilities of officials in health resorts and farms of the Yaltakurort association, approved on 18.06.96 in matters of fire safety

1.1.5. Regulations (charter) on the sanatorium

1.2 Deputy ch. the doctor for MCH reports directly to the head doctor of the sanatorium, and on the issues of the method of setting up work, the medical department of the YADP of CJSC "Ukrprofzdravnitsa"

1.3. Appointment to the post of Deputy Chief doctor for MCh, transfer and dismissal of the post is made by the chief doctor of the sanatorium, in agreement with the deputy. CEO on the medical part of the YaDP CJSC "Ukrprofzdravnitsa". Acceptance, transfer and dismissal are issued by order of the enterprise

1.4. Deputy ch. a medical doctor upon admission to work, and then periodically (once every three years) must undergo training and knowledge testing on general issues of labor protection, as well as training and knowledge testing in accordance with the “Fire Safety Rules. in Ukraine"

1.5. Deputy ch. MCH doctor in his work is guided by: the current legislation of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, government decrees and state bodies executive power, orders, instructions and other governing documents of higher organizations, regulations (charter) of the enterprise, regulations on labor protection and fire safety, instructions and instructions of state supervision bodies, etc.

1.6. Deputy Ch. doctor on MCH, in the absence of Ch. the doctor of the sanatorium (vacation, illness, business trips, etc.) performs his duties (by order).

1.7. Deputy ch. doctors for MCh directly report to the heads of departments, doctors of specialized offices.

2 Tasks and responsibilities

2.1. The main tasks of the Deputy ch. medical doctors are:

2.1.1. Management of medical and diagnostic measures.

2.1.2. Introduction and widespread use in the practice of the work of the department, offices and services modern methods diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

2.1.3. Ensuring the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime of the sanatorium.

2.2. Responsibilities Deputy ch. doctor for MCh in accordance with the tasks assigned to him is obliged to:

2.2.1. Provide practical assistance in the workplace, monitor the implementation of orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the provisions of the decisions of the trade unions of Ukraine, decisions of higher authorities and state executive power on the organization of medical and preventive, sanatorium-improving and cultural-mass work.

2.2.2. Organize and control the implementation of scientific and practical work on balneology, therapy, cardiology, neurology and pulmonology.

2.2.3. Summarize and implement measures to introduce into practice the latest achievements of medical science and best practices in the work of sanatorium-and-spa institutions.

2.2.4. Organize and control the rational use of natural resources for medicinal purposes: climatic factors, beach, therapeutic mud, water procedures, etc.

2.2.5. To introduce into sanatorium-resort practice the recommendations of scientific research and medical institutes on organizing and improving the diagnosis of treatment, as well as therapeutic and rational nutrition.

2.2.6. To exercise control over the formulation of medical and preventive work in the sanatorium, the validity of the issuance sick leave persons who have lowered their eyes to the sanatorium stage of treatment.

2.2.7. Systematically check the quality of diagnosis of treatment, as well as the timing of treatment of patients. Head a medical advisory council and monitor compliance with the rules for the medical selection of persons for sanatorium-and-spa treatment and make suggestions for its improvement.

2.2.8. Monitor compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in all structural divisions of the sanatorium.

2.2.9. To introduce new methods of diagnostics and treatment into the practice of the sanatorium.

2.2.10. Manage and organize the accreditation of the sanatorium.

2.2.11. Realize general leadership for the organization and conduct of medical and preventive, sports and recreational and cultural - mass work in the sanatorium.

2.2.12. Supervise the work of heads of departments and offices.

2.2.13. Organize systematic advanced training of medical personnel on the basis of the sanatorium, by holding medical and nursing scientific and practical conferences, lectures and reports on topical issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases

2.2.14. Organize the training of nurses, housewives, cooks, waiters, cult organizers, etc.

2.2.15. Organize seminars and open days.

2.2.16. Compile and submit established reports to the higher organization.

2.2.17. To exercise control, selection, placement and education of medical personnel, catering workers, cultural workers, library workers.

2.2.18. Control the efficiency and safety of the use of medical equipment and equipment

2.2.19. Ensure control over compliance with instructions and rules on labor protection, fire safety by employees of the medical departments of the sanatorium.

2.2.20. Analyze the experience of the best departments and offices, provide the chief doctor with proposals for the implementation of this experience.

2.2.21. Lead, control and take personal part in sanitary and preventive work among patients.

2.2.22. To be a member of the medical council of the sanatorium, to take personal part in the preparation of its meetings.

2.2.23. Conduct educational and explanatory work on issues of medical ethics.

2.2.24. Conduct a reception of visitors on the quality of treatment, diagnosis, qualification of medical personnel.

2.2.25. Regularly, according to a special schedule, bypass the wards, treatment and diagnostic rooms, departments, etc. The bypass of the wards should be carried out together with the heads of the departments, who report to the deputy. ch. doctor on MCH about the work of the department and the condition of patients, and receive from him the necessary comments. Doctors, nurses, housewives, etc. also participate in the bypass.

2.2.26. Organize and control the work on medical statistics, ensure the correct setting of medical records.

2.2.27. To control the correct organization of medical nutrition and the sanatorium-hygienic state of the catering department.

2.2.28. Organize scientifically - research work doctors of the sanatorium and supervise their work.

2.2.29. Supervise the proper maintenance, execution and storage of medical records and other medical records.

2.2.30. Organize specialized, consulting assistance to doctors of the sanatorium.

2.2.31. Monitor the implementation by patients of the established regimen of treatment and rest in the sanatorium.

2.2.32. Lead a commission to investigate accidents among vacationers.

2.2.33. Provide timely, qualified examination and treatment of patients, the necessary care and monitoring of them.

2.2.34. Control the work of medical and diagnostic departments, offices, laboratories and the beach, etc.

2.2.35. Manage and supervise the medical examination of the employees of the sanatorium in order to prevent their diseases.

2.2.36. Supervise the work of a trusted doctor and provide him with assistance.

2.2.37. Develop a comprehensive plan for the prevention of diseases of the workers of the sanatorium.

2.2.38. Supervise the organization of emergency medical care.

2.2.39. Organize investigations of all complaints received from patients and take measures to eliminate the causes of their causes

2.2.40. Participate in the development of the collective agreement, comprehensive plans for labor protection, fire safety, and the second stage of operational control.

2.2.41. Constantly improve your skills.

2.2.42. Participate in the work of the permanent commission of the sanatorium, including labor protection, certification of workplaces.

2.2.44. Supervise the work of subordinate departments to ensure safe operation medical equipment, objects of increased danger in subordinate units

2.2.45. In the absence of heads of departments, offices, etc., performs work in accordance with the requirements: Section No. 4 "Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection and fire safety in CJSC "Ukrprofzdravnitsa", approved in 1993 Section No. 8 "Regulations on the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of officials of health resorts and farms of the Yaltakurort association in matters of fire safety", approved on 18.06.96

3 Rights

3.1. Deputy The chief doctor for MCH has the right to:

3.1.1. By order of Ch. doctor to represent the enterprise in state organizations

and other various organizations, institutions, enterprises.

3.1.2. Require from leaders structural divisions compliance established norms special sanitary and anti-epidemic regime

3.1.3. Give tasks, instructions (in writing or orally) to the medical staff, through the heads of structural units subordinate to him, and in their absence - directly.

3.1.4. Require the heads of structural divisions to comply with the approved job descriptions for labor protection, fire safety, instructions for the operation of equipment and medical equipment.

3.1.5. Demand the provision of the sanatorium with quality food and in sufficient quantity

3.1.6. Demand that the sanatorium be provided with a sufficient amount of medicines and medicines.

3.1.7. Require timely repair of buildings, structures, equipment.

3.1.8. To give applications and proposals for the purchase of modern equipment for conducting medical and diagnostic work

3.1.9. Participate in various meetings, meetings, etc.

3.1.10. To give proposals for the improvement of medical and diagnostic, cultural - mass work and other issues in order to fulfill their official duties.

3.1.11 Give performances Ch. doctor about the need to encourage or impose a penalty on subordinate employees.

3.1.12. Require written or oral explanations from the heads of subordinate structural divisions of the sanatorium in case of violation of regulations on labor protection, fire safety, etc.

3.1.13 Suspend work in certain areas (food unit, laboratories, offices, etc.) in case of an immediate threat to the life and health of workers and patients.

3.1.14 Reject low-quality or expired products, medicines, etc.

3.1.15 Require careful attitude to equipment, inventory, buildings, structures, etc.

3.1.16 Monitor the implementation by patients of the prescribed treatment and regimen.

3.1.17 By order (order) Ch. sign the doctor of the sanatorium various documents by spending and receiving Money, material assets, checks, invoices, warrants, acts, contracts, statements, etc.

4 Responsibility

4.1. Deputy Ch. The medical doctor is responsible for:

4.1.1. Non-compliance in their activities with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine and the ARC

4.1.2. Poor organization of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in the sanatorium

4.1.3. Low quality medical and diagnostic work

4.1.4. The state of training of subordinate employees, including on labor protection and fire safety.

4.1.5. The general state of labor protection and fire safety ensuring safe working conditions for employees, subordinate services.

4.1.6. Untimely and unreliable reporting

4.1.7. Improper maintenance and storage of medical records.

4.1.8. Proper storage and use of poisonous and potent drugs, etc.

4.1.9. Organization of medical nutrition.

4.1.10. Failure to comply with orders, orders for the enterprise and higher organizations, decisions of the state, executive authorities, as well as instructions from the State supervision bodies.

4.1.11. Organization of medical examinations of employees of certain categories

4.1.12. Non-fulfillment, or improper fulfillment, of the job description.

4.1.13. Non-compliance of storage and use of material assets of the sanatorium with normative acts

4.1.10 Failure to comply with internal labor regulations, rules of conduct, compliance with instructions on labor protection and fire safety, provisions of the collective agreement.

5 Must know

5.1 Current legislation of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

5.2. Decree, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies related to the activities of the sanatorium.

5.3. Profile, specialization and features of structural divisions.

5.4. The procedure for the development and approval of plans for the production, economic and financial activities of the sanatorium

5.5. Economics of labor organization and management

5.6. Methods of management and enterprise management.

5.7. Domestic and foreign achievements of science and technology in sanatorium - resort construction, medical equipment.

5.8. Organization of medical and diagnostic work, medical nutrition, cultural and mass and sports and recreational work, etc.

5.9. Normative acts on labor protection, fire safety (standards, regulations, rules, instructions, building codes, etc.)

6 Qualifications

Higher medical education and at least 5 years of work experience in the profile

7 Relationships (connections by position)

7.1. Deputy ch. doctor for MCH works in close cooperation with the heads of all structural divisions of the sanatorium and the management of the sanatorium (chief doctor), maintains close contact with scientific research and medical institutes on issues of methodological guidance of scientific - practical work doctors of the sanatorium and assistance in the organization of medical and preventive work

7.2. Deputy ch. MCh doctor receives from:

7.2.1. Ch. doctor of the sanatorium: oral or written instructions, instructions, as well as

written orders, orders other documents (in person or through a secretary)

7.2.2. Specialist of the labor protection service of the sanatorium: prescriptions, comprehensive plans for labor protection, certificates, regulations on issues of labor protection, forms of existing magazines, orders - tolerances.

7.2.3. organizational and personnel work: copies of orders for hiring, dismissal of employees of subordinates to the deputy head. doctor for PM, approved vacation schedule, copies of orders to change the working day, information about the preliminary medical examination and etc.

7.2.4. Deputy Ch. doctor for TC (Chief Engineer) technological and operational documentation (instructions, maps, etc.), extracts from the protocols of measurements of resistance, grounding and insulation resistance, etc.

7.2.5. Accounting: normative documents for inventory management, write-off of equipment, equipment, inventory and their accounting. Requirements for reporting to the accounting department, forms for confirming the expenditure of funds, etc.

7.3 Deputy ch. doctor on MCH transmits:

7.3.1. Ch. to the doctor of the sanatorium: memorandums, explanatory notes, draft orders, contracts, instructions, action plans, letters, etc., for consideration, resolutions or approval (signatures).

7.3.2. Specialist of the OT service of the sanatorium: proposals for a comprehensive plan for labor protection, instructions for labor protection, job descriptions for approval and approval.

7.3.3. Specialist in organizational and personnel work: proposals for the vacation schedule, endorsed applications for employment or dismissal of employees for consideration and transfer to the head doctor, proposals for drawing up a collective agreement, applications for training.

7.3.4. Deputy Ch. doctor for ACH. : applications for the purchase of materials, equipment, inventory, PPE, posters and safety signs, etc.

7.3.5. Deputy Ch. doctor for TC (chief engineer) of the sanatorium: applications, proposals for repairs of equipment, buildings, structures, tools, etc.

7.3.6. Accounting: waybill, invoices, checks, acts and other documents confirming the validity and legality of the consumption of materials, cash, write-off of equipment, tools, materials, etc., established at the enterprise, reporting to the accounting department, materials on the write-off of equipment, materials, Required documents for reporting to higher and government organizations.

7.3.7. To the Occupational Safety and Health Service of the YaDP CJSC "Ukrprofzdravnitsa" - "Plan for the prevention (prevention) of diseases of the workers of the sanatorium"

7.4. Deputy instructions. ch. a medical doctor to ensure the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime are mandatory for all employees of the sanatorium

Deputy ch. medical doctor / /

organizational specialist

And personnel work / /

OT Specialist / /

Chairman of the trade union committee / /

The effectiveness of a leader depends to a large extent on how
his duties, rights and powers are clearly defined in the official
instructions. The article that opens the section is devoted to the issues of compiling
job description of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs.
The next issue of the journal will contain material on the job description
position of the Deputy Chief Physician for CER.

Regulatory regulation
activities of the Deputy Chief Physician
on the medical side​

V.B. Sokolov,
Head of the organizational and methodological department of the City Clinical
Hospital No. 31, Moscow​

The main document that determines the regulations for the activities of the Deputy Chief Physician for the Medical Department is the Regulation on this position. Treatment and prophylactic institutions of various profiles (city hospital, central district hospital, children's hospital, city polyclinic, etc.)
have relevant orders on the organization of activities, each of which has a Regulation on the Deputy Chief Physician for the Medical Department (see Annexes 1–3). Based on this document chief physician approves the job description for his deputy.

Most of the orders approving the Regulations on the Deputy Chief Physician were issued 20 or more years ago. Therefore, using them in the preparation of job descriptions, adjustments should be made taking into account the current conditions of the operation of health facilities. At the same time, one should not forget that the position of the deputy chief physician for the medical department is similar to the position of the deputy production director or chief engineer at the plant. All of them are responsible for manufacturing process, for compliance with the achievements modern science and technology, for its organization, efficiency, as well as for the quality of products (works, services).

The production process is the subject of activity of the deputy head of production at the plant. The treatment and diagnostic process is the subject of activity of the deputy chief physician for the medical unit in a medical facility, which determines his functional duties.
The treatment and diagnostic process must be modern and efficient, and the deputy chief physician for medical affairs analyzes medical technology in order to timely abandon outdated and ineffective methods of diagnosis and treatment and replace them with modern and effective ones,
organization of continuous improvement of personnel activities.

The treatment and diagnostic process must be well organized, and the deputy chief physician for the medical department is carrying out colossal organizational work, including planning, including the provision of resources, the creation of an optimal organizational structure and distribution of functions between its elements, development of regulations and control over their execution.
The treatment and diagnostic process must be effective and provide quality medical care. The Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs analyzes the results of activities, evaluates the “price / result” indicators, develops ways to optimize them in order to continuously improve quality.
All this work is carried out by the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs in accordance with personal plan activities for the year, broken down by quarters and months.

In modern conditions, for the successful implementation of the above functions, the Deputy Chief Physician
in the medical part, it is advisable to have your own apparatus and a group of units that would interact directly with it. So, a department can be subordinate to him medical statistics, clinical pharmacologist, operational department, group of interaction with insurance companies (computer operator, expert doctor), medical library, etc. It is very important that the deputy chief physician has computer skills. It is equally important that he has at his disposal a secretary - a PC operator for at least 0.5 rates.
Modern management science considers subordination to the deputy head of production to be effective.
information support groups, since this subordinates the process of informatization to the interests of the main production. Therefore, in healthcare institutions, the personnel responsible for the computerization of health facilities should be subordinated to the deputy chief physician for medical affairs.
The National Research Institute of Public Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences developed a job description for the Deputy
chief physician for the medical department of the city hospital. Compiled on the basis of the Regulations on the Deputy Chief Physician, approved by orders of the Ministry of Health, it reflects the modern requirements for the activities of the Deputy Chief Physician and can be used in the development of a local document in a particular medical institution.

Job description of the Deputy Chief Physician
in the medical department of the hospital

Click to reveal...

I. General part

An experienced doctor is appointed to the position of deputy chief physician of the hospital

clinician with a higher or first qualification category, work experience in the position of the head of the department and possessing organizational skills.

Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with applicable law.
Directly reports to the head physician of the hospital.
Manages the organization of medical care in the hospital, usually through the heads of the relevant

departments and the chief nurse.

In its activities, it is guided by the current legislation, the regulation (charter) on the hospital

tse, resolutions, decisions, orders and instructions of higher health authorities and you
sixth governing bodies (by subordination), according to the section of work performed, orders and orders
zheniya chief physician, this instruction.

The orders of the Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs are binding on the head

medical and diagnostic departments, as well as the head of the pharmacy and the cabinet of medical
tistics, head nurse.

In the absence of the chief physician (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), he performs duties and uses

the rights provided for the head physician of the hospital.

II. Responsibilities

1. Organizes the provision of medical and diagnostic care to patients in the hospital at any time

time of day and days of the week.

2. Directly manages the activities of the heads of medical and diagnostic

departments of the hospital.

3. Carries out systematic control over the quality of examination, treatment and care of patients,

performance appraisal through:
- planned survey of the state of work of departments, offices, laboratories with subsequent
a full discussion of the results of the audit at the hospital Council;
- systematic analysis of qualitative indicators of the activity of medical and diagnostic structures;
– evaluation of the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic and preventive measures, as well as systematic
study of discrepancies between hospital diagnoses and polyclinic and pathoanatomical diagnoses;

– continuous review of case histories and other medical records regarding the quality of their maintenance,
the correctness and timeliness of the implementation of medical prescriptions and applied methods of treatment, quality
conducting an examination of the ability to work, the correctness and timeliness of referring patients to VTEK.

4. Organizes and ensures the holding of scientific-practical and clinical-anatomical conferences;​

seminars and ten days for doctors and nurses, clinical reviews of patients.

5. Develops long-term and current plans for the organization of medical diagnostic and preventive

clinical work in the hospital, systematically monitors their implementation.

6. Ensures the correct setting of statistical records and submission in a timely manner

appropriate reporting on the activities of the hospital.

7. Controls the procedure for admission and discharge of patients, as well as their transfer to other medical and prophylactic

cal institutions.

8. Organizes consultations and consultations of specialist doctors of this hospital and invites consuls

tants from other medical and preventive institutions.

9. Approves the duty schedules of the heads of departments and attending physicians in the hospital, including on weekends

days and holidays.

10. Develops and implements activities aimed at:​

– for the timely and widespread introduction into practice of new methods of examination and treatment of patients,
principles of medical and protective regimen, clinical nutrition, methods physiotherapy exercises and resurrection
innovative therapy;
– improvement of immediate and long-term results of treatment;
– rational use and use of modern medicines in the treatment of patients;
– ensuring a strict and sustainable sanitary and epidemiological regime in the hospital and preventive
nosocomial infections.

12. Designs perspective plan advanced training of doctors and paramedical personnel.
13. Contributes to the comprehensive development of mentoring, organization and conduct of public reviews

ditch and contests for the title of “Best in the profession”.

14. Systematically improves professional qualifications both in the field of clinical disciplines,​

as well as in the field of health care.

15. Approves the work schedule of doctors and paramedical personnel.
16. Conducts the reception of visitors and hospital staff on the days and hours established for this.
17. In the absence of the chief physician, certifies with his signature the will of the patient at his request.
18. Brings to the attention of employees in the part concerning them, orders, orders, instructions, etc.​

higher authorities and officials.

III. Rights

The deputy chief physician of the hospital for the medical part has the right to:
1. Give orders on the organization of work of subordinate departments of the hospital.
2. Give orders and instructions to subordinate employees, in accordance with their level of competence

tions and qualifications and monitor their implementation.

3. Participate in meetings held at the hospital to discuss issues

falling within his competence.

4. Receive information necessary for the performance of their duties.
5. Make decisions within your competence.
6. Make changes and additions to the duties of employees directly subordinate to him

divisions in agreement with the trade union committee, in accordance with applicable law.

7. In cases related to the need for operational management, give direct orders to

employees of the hospital, bypassing their direct supervisors, but informing the latter for
verification by them of the execution of the given orders.

8. To carry out the selection of candidates for the position of heads of medical and diagnostic subdivisions

and services of the hospital, as well as the head nurse.

9. Make proposals to the chief doctor of the hospital about encouraging and imposing penalties on subordinates

him employees.

10. Submit proposals to the head doctor on improving the organization of medical care in the hospital.
11. Cancel the orders of the heads of departments subordinate to him if they cannot be executed

neny or contradict the instructions of higher bodies and officials.

12. Improve professional knowledge in the system of institutions (organizations) that carry out

postgraduate training for physicians.

13. Work in the specialty within the working hours for the main position up to 0.25 doctor's rate,​

in consultation with the head physician of the hospital.

IV. Responsibility

Responsible for the quality of the diagnostic and treatment process and the organization of all work on

following, treating and nursing patients; for unclear or untimely performance of duties,
provided for by this instruction and the internal labor regulations of the hospital; for not-
correct actions and failure to make decisions within the scope of his competence.

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When adapting the above instructions to the conditions of a particular health facility, attention should be paid to the clearly defined vertical subordination of employees and the delimitation of powers horizontally. Otherwise, failure to resolve these issues may give rise to unnecessary conflicts among management team. The instructions must clearly state:

How do the rights and obligations of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs and for clinical and expert work correlate in matters of quality control of medical care; which of them performs voluminous and very routine work on daily checking of discharge histories, etc.;
how the responsibilities for the prevention of nosocomial infection are distributed between the deputy chief physician for the medical unit and the main nurse in medical facilities where there is no epidemiologist;
what functions of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs can be transferred to the deputy chief physician for work with paramedical personnel with higher nursing education, etc.​

Supervisory authorities check whether the functions of the management staff of health facilities overlap and whether they comply with job descriptions. For this, special analytical tables are compiled.
Thus, the deputy chief physician is interested in a well-written job description, which clearly defines the boundaries of his powers and responsibilities. The content of the instruction cannot be approved once and for all, but must change in parallel with changes in the structure of the healthcare facility, the creation of new services, the introduction of new positions (especially from among the leaders), changes in external conditions affecting the work of the healthcare facility, the requirements of inspection authorities for certain areas of the institution's activities etc.

Appendix 1

Regulations on the deputy chief physician of the city hospital
on the medical side
Approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health of July 31, 1963 No. 395 (as amended and supplemented). The position is still in effect. - Note. ed.

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1. The deputy chief physician of the city hospital for the medical part directly manages all the treatment and diagnostic departments, offices and laboratories of the hospital, as well as the activities of the pharmacy and the office of medical statistics and the council nurses responsible for the quality of diagnostic and treatment
process and setting up the entire work of the hospital for the examination, treatment and care of patients.

2. A qualified doctor with experience in medical and organizational work is appointed as the deputy chief physician of the hospital for the medical part.

3. Appointment and dismissal of the deputy chief physician of the hospital for the medical department is carried out by the chief physician of the hospital in agreement with the health authority of the relevant executive committee of the Council of Workers' Deputies.

4. The deputy chief physician for medical affairs reports to the chief physician of the hospital.

5. The deputy chief physician of the city hospital for medical affairs is guided in his work by the Regulations on the city hospital, on the chief physician of the city hospital, these Regulations and other official documents approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, as well as instructions and orders from higher authorities.

6. The Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs has the right to:
a) give orders and instructions to the heads and employees of the structural units of the hospital subordinate to him;
b) present employees subordinate to him for incentives and make proposals for the imposition of penalties on persons who violate labor discipline and unsatisfactory performance of their duties;
c) resolve issues of admission and discharge of patients from the hospital;
d) in the absence of the chief physician (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.) use all the rights provided for by the Regulations on the chief physician of the city hospital.

7. Deputy chief physician for medical affairs:

a) is directly responsible for:​

- for the organization, organization and quality of the medical and diagnostic work of the hospital in accordance with the level of modern achievements in medical science and technology;
- for the correct placement and organization of the work of medical personnel and the implementation of measures to systematically improve the skills of medical and paramedical personnel;
- for the expedient and full use of the existing bed fund (reduction of the time for examining patients, maximum use of the bed fund and treatment and diagnostic rooms and laboratories during all days of the week, etc.);
– for ensuring technically competent operation of medical and diagnostic equipment and other medical equipment by personnel;
– for establishing and ensuring proper continuity in the examination and treatment of patients between the clinic and the hospital;

b) develops and implements activities aimed at:​

- for the timely and widespread introduction into practice of new methods of examination and treatment of patients; principles of medical and protective regime; medical nutrition; methods of physical therapy and rehabilitation therapy;
- to improve the immediate and long-term results of treatment;
- to reduce postoperative, hospital-wide mortality, as well as postoperative complications;
- rational use and use in the treatment of patients with modern medicines, as well as blood substitutes, bacterial and other medicinal preparations;
- to ensure a strict and sustainable sanitary and epidemiological regime in the hospital and the prevention of nosocomial infections.

8. The Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs is obliged to:
a) to directly manage the activities of the heads of departments, offices and laboratories of the hospital;
b) to systematically monitor the quality of examination, treatment and care of patients by:
- scheduled survey of the state of work of specialized departments, offices and laboratories, followed by a discussion of the results of the audit at the hospital council;
– systematic analysis of qualitative indicators of the activity of medical and diagnostic structural units of the hospital;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of ongoing therapeutic and preventive measures, as well as a systematic study of discrepancies between outpatient diagnoses and hospital and hospital diagnoses with pathoanatomical ones;
– conducting systematic rounds of medical and diagnostic structural units of the hospital;
– constant checking of case histories and other medical records regarding the quality of their maintenance, the correctness and timely fulfillment of medical prescriptions and the methods of treatment used;
c) organize and ensure the implementation of the achievements of medical science and practice at the modern level:
– hospital scientific-practical conferences of doctors and nurses;
– clinical and anatomical conferences;
– seminars and ten days for doctors and paramedical personnel;
– clinical analysis of patients;
d) organize consultations and consultations, paying attention to Special attention diagnostically difficult and severely ill;
e) ensure the proper procedure for the admission and discharge of patients, as well as their transfer to other medical institutions;
f) plan and ensure the implementation of measures for the sanitary and hygienic education of the population;
g) develop a plan for the work of a hospital hospital; internal regulations, as well as instructions on the activities of medical personnel;
h) ensure the correct setting of statistical records and the submission of relevant reports on the activities of the hospital within the established time limits.

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Annex 2

Regulations on the Deputy Chief Physician of the Children's Hospital
on the medical side
Approved by order of the USSR Ministry of Health of July 31, 1963 No. 395 (as amended and supplemented). The position is still in effect. - Note. ed.

1. The position of the deputy chief physician of a children's hospital for the medical department is established in accordance with staff standards approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.
2. A qualified pediatrician with experience in medical and organizational work is appointed as the deputy chief physician of the children's hospital for the medical department.
The appointment and dismissal of the deputy chief physician of the children's hospital for the medical department is carried out by the chief physician of the hospital in agreement with the health authority of the relevant executive committee of the Council of Workers' Deputies.
3. The deputy chief physician of the children's hospital for medical affairs is guided in his work by the regulations on the children's hospital, the chief physician of the children's hospital, these regulations and other official documents, as well as instructions and orders from higher authorities.
4. The Deputy Chief Physician of the Children's Hospital for the medical department reports to the Chief Physician of the hospital. All orders and requirements of the deputy chief physician for medical affairs within his competence are binding on all medical and housekeeping personnel and can only be canceled by the chief physician of the hospital.

5. The deputy chief physician of the children's hospital for the medical department directly manages and is responsible for the quality of the treatment and preventive and sanitary and anti-epidemic work of the hospital (hospital, polyclinic) (If there is a deputy chief physician for the outpatient section of work in the hospital staff, all responsibility rests with him).

6. Deputy Chief Physician of the Children's Hospital for Medical Affairs:
a) provides systematic management of the activities of the heads of departments and doctors of the hospital;
b) monitors the quality of diagnostics, treatment, nutrition and care for patients in the hospital and at home, conducts regular rounds of the hospital and polyclinic for this purpose, eliminates the identified shortcomings;
c) checks the history of the disease and the history of the development of children in relation to the quality of their management, the correctness and timeliness of medical prescriptions and the methods of treatment used; pays special attention to the provision of qualified treatment and care for seriously ill children;
d) checks the timeliness of hospitalization, the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive measures, analyzes cases of discrepancy between outpatient diagnoses and hospital and pathological anatomical diagnoses and studies long-term results of treatment;
e) analyzes each case of death in a hospital and at home and, based on the data obtained, develops the necessary measures to improve the quality of medical care;
f) ensures the correct organization of feeding, therapeutic nutrition and the regimen of sick children, as well as educational and pedagogical work;
g) organizes advisory assistance to patients in a hospital, polyclinic and at home;
h) personally observes the results of the application in the department of new methods of treatment allowed in the hospital with the permission of the head physician;
i) controls the procedure for admission and discharge of patients, their sanitization, transfer of patients from department to department, as well as to other medical and preventive institutions;
j) organizes and provides work to improve the sanitary culture of the population (conversations and lectures at medical topics, speeches on radio, television, in wall and large-circulation print, etc.);
k) ensures the implementation of measures to improve the skills of medical and paramedical personnel; develops a plan for medical conferences (clinical and pathoanatomical), classes with doctors and, upon approval by the chief physician of the children's hospital, ensures the implementation of these plans and manages the council of nurses;
l) controls the work of the hospital pharmacy and, through its manager, ensures the timely supply of the necessary medicines, serums, dressings, instruments and items for patient care;
m) ensures the correct setting of medical records and reporting, analyzes quality indicators and draws up medical reports in a timely manner.

7. The deputy chief physician for medical affairs in the absence of the chief physician (vacation, illness, departure) may perform his duties.

4. In the absence of the head (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), the deputy chief physician enjoys all his rights and duties.
5. The deputy chief physician for medical affairs is guided in his activities by the Regulations on the polyclinic, these Regulations, orders and other regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health and current legislation.
6. The Deputy Chief Physician manages and is responsible for setting up the treatment and diagnostic process and carrying out preventive measures. To accomplish these tasks, he must:
7. The Deputy Chief Physician has the right to:

- take a direct part in the selection and placement of medical and paramedical personnel;
- make proposals for the promotion and imposition of disciplinary sanctions on the staff of the clinic;
- prepare draft orders, give orders and instructions to the staff of the clinic.​

8. The deputy chief physician attracts a wide public activist to the
niyu preventive measures among the population.

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