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Miracle in feathers. The magical meaning of bird feathers in our lives. What does black pen mean. Does pen color and size matter?

”, in the practice of working with the forces of nature. Feathers help the practitioner to cause significant changes in the world around him, in addition, they are an excellent means of tuning to the desired “working wave”

Also, feathers are used in the manufacture of varying degrees of complexity. So, for example, a feather fan is an excellent tool for working with the element of air, just like a ritual attribute of the element of air, it is decorated with feathers, which symbolizes the support of air.

Feathers that are sewn onto clothes are not just decorations, but also powerful means of protection from the evil eye. Due to their unique form, they dispel the negative, which is sent by an evil person, when concentrated on them. This magical property of feathers is widely known in folk magic, and therefore quarrels between spouses are often scattered with a feather. A ritual is known in which she chalked with a pen from a girl's feather bed to the groom's house in order to cleanse the relationship of lovers from the dust of petty quarrels.

In magic, feathers are used both in their natural form and processed. The author of this article prefers to interact with this magical tool in its original form, while other practitioners may prefer different kinds processing feathers for their own purposes.

It is worth remembering that each feather you find has special properties that largely depend on the color and on which bird the feather belonged to. Also important is the place where the pen was found and the reason why the pen was lost.


hawk feathers

Lucky and skilled hunter. This is not necessarily a hunt in the literal sense of the word - it can also be a hunt for knowledge, for mastery. In skillful hands, however, hawk feathers can also be used to send illnesses, failures.

crow feathers

Are the Dark Goddess, Warrior Goddess. satellites of Odin. Perhaps that is why crow feathers are used in curse magic and divination magic. Crow feathers in skillful hands are no less powerful predictive tool than tarot cards. If you are creating a dream catcher and decide to use crow feathers, then keep in mind that, most likely, this catcher will drive away unwanted dreams and / or evoke prophecy dreams.

swan feathers

Magnificent love talisman, swan fidelity. It is clear that lost feathers should be used, but not the feathers of a dead bird. With the help of swan feathers, the premises are cleaned, they are placed in talismans.

Bird feathers are often used in various magical items such as amulets, dream catchers, fans. Feathers are associated with the element of air, and therefore carry the energy of lightness, purity and wisdom. It is believed that birds are closest to the divine sphere, they, flying in the sky, are able to touch the gods themselves and be their messengers. Therefore, in magical items, it is advisable to use only those feathers that the bird dropped right under your feet. You can also use a feather that you accidentally found on the road - it may be a sign given to you by higher powers.

It is strongly not recommended to use feathers that have already been obtained from a dead bird to create a magical item: such an item will carry the energy of death. It is also undesirable to use the feathers of birds that are incapable of flight: ostriches, chickens, etc. Although there may be exceptions here: for example, a turkey feather can be perfect for writing and be a talisman of a poet and writer, or this pen can be used to make entries in magical books, and peacock feathers can work successfully in conspiracies for beauty and be used in fans.

Best for dream catchers feathers of an eagle (for a man) and an owl (for a woman). The feathers of these birds have a pronounced yang (eagle) and yin (owl) energy, and great strength. They will be able to best tune in to their owner. However, any feather that appeared to you in the form of a find or fell from a flying bird near you can be woven into a dream catcher. This indicates that the spirit of this bird is ready to patronize you.

Feathers can be used for amulets different birds based on the purpose of the amulet:

Jay feathers- enhance personal charm, tune in to happiness, relieve depression and give the owner of the amulet emotionality, fill his life with bright colors. Also, these feathers protect against love spells, love spells and other magical influences.

swan feathers- personify purity and fidelity. Swan feathers work well in the talismans of love and family happiness, as well as motherhood. They cleanse the mind of negativity - jealousy, suspicion, resentment and create a favorable atmosphere for love relationships. However, it should be noted that feathers white swan they add energy, and the black swan is reduced. Therefore, it is better to use black swan feathers if your union is excessively stormy and restless, and white swan feathers if there is not enough “spark” in the union.

parrot feathers- are more often used in dream catchers than in amulets. Used in dream catchers, these feathers can help you get an honest answer to an important life question in your sleep. Parrot feathers, worn in the form of amulets and talismans, enhance intuition, tune in to insight, a person begins to see the hidden side of things. A person with a parrot feather amulet is very difficult to deceive.

sparrow feathers- able to bring health to their owner. If you have ailments, wear an amulet with sparrow feathers, and the more of them in the amulet, the stronger its effect.

Raven feathers (and any black bird except swan) - good for rituals associated with blocking an event or quality. In dream catchers, these feathers are able to bring prophecy dreams, which will not always be easy and pleasant. In amulets, raven feathers are able to drive away evil spirits and evil spirits, protect from damage, in talismans - to bestow the gift of prophecy.

kingfisher feathers- It is believed that they bring good luck and joy to their owner. Very good for mascots.

robin feathers- these feathers are good for making wishes and making wishes come true. Moreover, one pen can only make one wish. If you find a robin feather - higher powers seem to let you know that they are ready to fulfill your cherished desire. Therefore, the robin feather is used only once, and after the fulfillment of the desire, it is better to bury it.

pigeon feather- can be used in dream catchers as a catcher of good news. If you want to get good news more often, decorate your dream catcher with a pigeon feather. Also, dove feathers are a symbol of tender affection between spouses. It is good for a married couple to have a double amulet with pigeon feathers.

In talismans for attractiveness are used swallow feathers, they are able to give a woman a feeling of youth and happiness, her gait will become light and airy.

It is very good for travelers to have an amulet with seagull feathers. They give good luck on the way, protection from dangers that may lie in wait on the road, and also give the ability to feel the direction well, it will be impossible to get lost with such an amulet.

Talismans with feathered titmouse and partridge, and to gain wealth in other ways - with cuckoo feathers. Serious business will bring good luck eagle feather. In general, eagle feathers are one of the most powerful male talismans, it gives a huge flow of energy to its owner, promises strength, power, prosperity and powerful protection. It is the feathers of the eagle that are used primarily for the dream catcher, for magical staves and objects that personify strength and power.

Owl feathers they give wisdom, and are also conductors of female Yin energy, therefore amulets and dream catchers with such feathers are recommended mainly for women. It is the owl that personifies the wisdom of a shaman woman. The energy of owl feathers is closely related to the night and the moon. All lunar rituals and mysteries aimed at awakening female power are performed using owl feathers. Owl feathers are able to protect a woman from unkind looks, from envious people and gossips. Also protect from evil tongues magpie feathers.

If you want to defeat the enemy and win the battle - use the feathers that fell during the battle between two birds. Also, feathers of any birds of prey, especially hawks, are good for these purposes.

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No wonder our ancestors wore bird feathers on their clothes. This is not just a decoration that makes the outfit more attractive, first of all, it is a powerful and very effective way to protect yourself from failures and attract happiness. There are many signs about what to find a bird feather for. Therefore, if a person wants to use this magical item to achieve his goals, it is worth carefully studying what and how to do it.

Omen - find a feather

If a person accidentally finds a bird feather, the first thing to do is look at the color of this item. A black, often crow's feather, indicates that dark forces can help a person. But whether it is worth contacting such assistants, everyone decides for himself. If such a feather was found near a cemetery or churchyard, you should beware of taking it at all. An ordinary person is unlikely to be able to cope with such forces.

Finding a dove feather, on the contrary, is a good omen. Especially if it's white. This suggests that everything planned will be fulfilled, and peace and tranquility will reign in life. You can take this pen with you and carry it in your pocket or purse. This will bring in deeds and undertakings.

A multi-colored feather can also be used as a talisman. If a person wears it with him, then he is protected from the evil eye and envy.

The feather flew into the window - a sign

It happens that a person is not specifically looking for a talisman, but it may appear in his life by accident. A feather that has flown through the window should be saved, as a rule, it is our guardian angels who send us a symbol of protection. Popular belief says that such amulets are sent to people in difficult situations and help to resolve them with the least loss.

Such a pen must be kept at home, hidden away from human eyes. This will normalize the situation in the family, as well as eliminate envious people and those who wish misfortune.

A sign about a peacock feather

This exotic bird is considered a symbol of wealth. The feather of this bird good omen. True, in order to attract only good luck, this object cannot be sought on purpose. Only a peacock feather accidentally found or donated will attract prosperity to the house. In all other cases, it is unsafe to keep such items in the apartment. A streak of failures may begin, which will lead to quarrels and conflicts.

A careful attitude to manufacturing will allow you to use magical powers only for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

Finding a bird feather is a sign that has a different meaning, depending on the color of the feather and the type of bird. The nature of the sign also depends on the place where the bird's feather was found, and the personal impression of the find.

The meaning of signs

Positive values

Finding a bird feather on the street is a good omen. It means good luck, the help of higher powers or good news.

Folk signs about feathers found on the road speak of the successful completion of the affairs that a person is considering at this time.

If a feather flying in the sky falls right under your feet, luck will help you succeed in business.

Fallen directly on the head - speaks of unexpected news or an incident, which, nevertheless, will be joyful and useful.

If you managed to catch flying bird fluffs - dexterity and observation will help to attract good circumstances.

Negative values

Finding a black bird feather near the house is a bad omen.

Bloodied feathers tangled or tied with black thread. they talk about the damage that someone is trying to inflict on the residents of the house - it is dangerous to bring such feathers inside and touch with bare hands.

Feather color

The best sign is a white bird feather - it promises positive changes in life and good luck. In addition, a white feather means good luck in love and quiet family joys. If an unmarried girl found him, a sign of attention or a gift from a young man awaits her.

The plumage of a black bird has no negative value, if it is not thrown under the door, as an attribute of black magic. If it is found on the road, it promises to gain useful knowledge, financial luck and make wise decisions.

When ruffled feathers come across - a sign speaks of creative inspiration, new ideas and vivid impressions.

bird species

Interpretation of signs about depending on the type of bird whose feather you found:

  1. If the Crow dropped the feather, this promises to receive valuable information. The large feather of the black Raven is a warning sign. You have a serious discussion or meeting with an opponent.
  2. If a Magpie feather is found - wait for the news. Such a find will be a good amulet against thieves. A bunch of magpie feathers is advised to sweep the house to protect against unwanted intrusion.
  3. Hawk feathers are rarely found in the city, but if you find it in nature, get ready for the journey. This is a gift of fate: using this feather as a charm on a trip, you will get the maximum pleasure (The gull feather has the same meaning).
  4. If you find the feather of the Dove, it means that the desired will soon come true, and relationships with loved ones will improve significantly.
  5. The one who found the feather of the Swan will be lucky in love. A charm from it will store and protect mutual love. It is recommended to take a feather into the house only if you happen to see how a living and healthy swan left it. Feathers of dead birds should not be used, so as not to attract misfortune and not destroy your destiny.
  6. If you find a bright Peacock feather, do not rush to pick it up and bring it into the house. Such a find is a good sign that promises wealth and prosperity, but it cannot be kept in the house. Admire a little and leave it where you found it.
  7. A duck feather found on the street promises a quick profit. If they are white, they can be sewn into clothes so as not to get sick.
  8. Feather Pheasant promises a renewal of strength and an influx of energy. Good luck will fly to you and a white streak will come in life.
  9. The feather of the Owl or Owl symbolizes higher knowledge, intuition, clairvoyance. If it fell under your feet - pay attention to dreams and premonitions.
  10. Feather Stork promises family happiness to those who are already married. Lonely promises a quick marriage.
  11. If the Woodpecker dropped a feather, expect improvements in work, successful completion of projects started and career growth.

From street to house

If the pen flew out the window - expect unexpected support and improvement in life circumstances. It is believed that the feather flew in with a message from the Guardian Angel or deceased ancestors. Soon the difficulties and problems will be safely resolved. The same is said by a feather that falls on a balcony or window sill.

By folk omens, the feather flies into the house for a reason - it must be left and made a talisman, as a reminder of support and supreme protection.

It is worth leaving it, only knowing for sure that it flew in on its own and was not planted by someone for the purposes of black magic.

When making a decision, rely on your intuition. If the “gift” inspires sympathy and bright feelings, keep it with you, if it’s alarming, throw it away.

  • Also, the found feathers are recommended to be tied in a bundle and used instead of a broom, dusting off talismans and objects symbolically valuable to you.
  • Be sure to thank the bird that left the feather as a messenger of higher power. Say mentally: "Thank you for the good news and good luck." The next time you go outside, grab grains or cereals and feed the birds you meet.
  • Suspecting black magic, do not take the found feathers with your bare hands - only with gloves. Take what you find away from home and burn it, and bury the ashes. Perform a purification ceremony in the house - wash the floors and wipe objects with water and Thursday salt, light a candle on the window and read a prayer.
  • Conclusion

    According to signs, if a bird's feather flies out the window or was found on the road, this means various events that may soon change a person's life. The interpretation depends on many circumstances, if you determine the value in time, you can get the desired effect.

    Many signs and superstitions are associated with bird feathers. They are widely used for the manufacture of magical attributes, charms from the evil eye and amulets to attract good luck. Finding them is considered a good sign, portending success in business and good news. However, in the interpretation of signs, much depends on the type of bird and the color of the feather.

    On the street

    Every person has ever found a bird feather lying on the ground. Such a sign promises a happy event in the near future. Especially lucky for those who see how the bird sheds its feathers.

    The meaning of the sign largely depends on what in Lately a person's thoughts are busy, and may refer to:

    • Good luck in business, successful business development, making a profit or paying bonuses.
    • Getting news from loved ones, meeting with an old friend.
    • Young girls can count on a sign of attention from a fan.
    • A feather found by a child often symbolizes the arrival of dear guests or the purchase of furniture.

    If you can’t take a pen with you, you need to say the following words: “The bird is a pen, I (name) are good luck in business. So be it!”, and on the same day feed any birds with bread crumbs. In this way, you thank the higher powers for a good sign, and show that you accept it.

    At home

    Sometimes it happens to find a bird feather in your house - on a balcony or windowsill, and even see how it flew into a window or an open door. Such feathers are considered news from deceased relatives or guardian angels who want to report something important. The feather is sent as a talisman and a sign of support in difficult times for a person and symbolizes the early resolution of problems in a favorable way.

    Having received a feather, you should listen to intuition, she will tell you the best solution. You also need to be careful - the pen can be a warning that someone is trying to influence you, including with the help of black magic.


    To grab a feather flying through the air means to catch luck by the tail, and portends success in business. If a feather fell on a person from above, he should be prepared for good news or happy events that literally fall on his head.


    A small feather or fluff of a bird symbolizes a small incident or news, for example, phone call or receiving a letter. A large pen means more important events in life - the successful conclusion of a contract, the easy and quick progress of repair work, a quick wedding, a major purchase.

    Light feathers are symbols of happiness and good luck. From the found feather, you can make a charm - weave a wreath from leaves, herbs and branches, symbolizing the nest, and hoist the feather in its center. You need to keep the amulet at home - it will become the keeper of comfort, strengthen family relationships, protect against negative impact and will help in any undertakings. Even sorcerers use white feathers exclusively for light deeds.

    If you sew such feathers on clothes or insert them into earrings, you can protect yourself from the evil eye - due to their color, they are able to dissipate bad energy. Also, with their help, you can place quarrels and misunderstandings between spouses.


    The night-colored feather usually belongs to a raven - a symbol of wisdom, courage and longevity. It is very useful to keep it in the workplace, among business papers, where it will contribute to making the right decisions and success in business. Also, through black feathers, you can ask for help from the dark forces, but to cope with them ordinary person it will be hard. Dark feathers are most often used in black magic to induce damage.

    It is impossible to pick up, and even more so carry into the house a black feather found near the cemetery, at the gate or on the threshold of the house. After such a find, it is necessary to carry out a purification ritual - wrap the feather in a scarf, tie it with a red thread, take it out into the street and say: “An evil person harbored a grudge, he decided to kill me, I don’t wish evil to anyone, I just clean myself from blackness. As it came to me, so it passed by! Then the bundle should be burned, and the ashes scattered to the wind. After returning home, you need to wash your hands under running water, and shake off the drops from them over the threshold - to consolidate the cleansing effect.


    A feather of mixed color or spotted is considered neutral, it can carry both positive and negative messages. It is used in magic for various purposes - both for good and for evil deeds. If you paint such a feather in gold, it will be set to attract wealth to the house.

    Also, from the pockmarked feathers of wild birds living in the wild, helper amulets are made to help find a way in life and bring the fulfillment of a dream closer. To do this, in the evening after sunset, you need to free the kitchen table, including from the tablecloth, put an open new handkerchief on it, a feather on top, and put two burning wax candles on the sides. Then bring the third candle to each of the burning ones, thus obtaining a double fire.

    Taking a pen in your left hand, and a candle with a double fire in your right hand, go around the kitchen clockwise, then reach front door to the apartment and back. Put the feather in a scarf and tie the opposite ends, getting a nodular amulet. It should be carried in your pocket or kept at home.


    Depending on which bird the found feather belongs to, you can understand what area of ​​\u200b\u200blife it symbolizes and how it can help:

    • Stork. The feathers of this bird bring happiness and prosperity to family life. If an unmarried girl finds 2 stork feathers, she will have a wedding within a year. By keeping them, you can strengthen marital relations and avoid problems with conceiving and bearing a child.
    • Crow. These birds are often companions of sorcerers and symbolize dark forces. Therefore, crow feathers are widely used to send curses. They are also used in divination magic, where they successfully compete with Tarot cards. When making a dream catcher (a talisman that protects a sleeping person from evil spirits) with raven feathers, you can get rid of unwanted dreams and the arrival of prophecy dreams.
    • Pigeon. It is believed that evil spirits cannot take the form of doves - this bird is associated with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, finding a dove feather is a good sign, portending peace and harmony, the resolution of disputes, the fulfillment of the plan. You can safely lift it and use it to protect against any manifestation of evil.

    • Woodpecker. The feather of this bird brings happiness in all endeavors, especially in matters related to a career.
    • Vulture. An amulet made from vulture feathers improves susceptibility to energy and is able to endow its owner with the ability to foresee potential danger. By hanging a feather in the house at the front door, you can protect your home from the penetration of evil people and negative energy.
    • Goose. Goose feather talismans sharpen intuition, protect against deception, help to recognize enemies and their intrigues in time.
    • Kite. The found feather of a kite will be able to protect a person from theft and extortion, save money deposits, save unnecessary financial costs.
    • Hen and rooster. Chicken feathers are used as a talisman against the evil eye. Feathers left after cockfights are often used to induce damage.
    • Swan. One or more feathers are a wonderful love talisman, symbolizing swan fidelity. Such feathers must be lost by a living bird, and not taken from a dead swan. Also, with the help of this material, the rooms are cleaned from negative energy.
    • Eagle. Feathers of this bird of prey are sacred and store a huge supply of energy. They embody calmness and strength, confidence and stability, serve as an excellent tool for protection.
    • Peacock. The specific color of the peacock feather resembles an eye and is often identified with the devil's eye. Therefore, in many cultures, keeping it in the house is not recommended - it is considered a bad sign that brings trouble and misfortune. However, finding such a feather on the street is a good omen, portending wealth and prosperity. In witchcraft rituals, peacock feathers are used in love and sexual spheres, for love spells, and also as symbols of deception.
    • Owl. This bird is considered a symbol of knowledge, the embodiment of the spirit of ancestors and the messenger of the gods. Owl feathers are used to decorate ritual attire - they stimulate intuition, enhance the ability to clairvoyance, and are also a powerful protective amulet.

    • Magpie. Magpie tail feathers protect the house from thieves. To do this, you need to symbolically sweep your home with them. They also bring good luck in business.
    • Ostrich. It has long been customary to decorate items of clothing and high ladies' hairstyles with ostrich feathers. The ostrich feather attracts wealth and is a symbol of wealth and success.
    • Duck. It is believed that the feather of this bird can protect against colds. To do this, it must be stuck into the window frame, then the disease will not enter the house. It also brings prosperity to the house, prevents the onset of poverty.
    • Pheasant. The image of the pheasant was transformed into the mythical Phoenix bird, capable of being reborn from the flame. Pheasant feather amulet gives inexhaustibility to vitality, promotes assertiveness in business, brings good luck and prosperity.
    • Gull. An amulet made from a seagull feather will become an indispensable tool for travelers and people whose activities involve constant traveling. It will prevent troubles on the road, make the trip successful and comfortable.
    • Hawk. The feathers of this bird symbolize skill and good luck in hunting - not only in the literal sense of the word, but also in work, study, and love relationships. Another meaning of such a find is the upcoming victory in various disputes, the suppression of competitors. In bad hands, this material can be used to send sickness and trouble to an objectionable person.

    dream interpretation

    Finding a bird feather in a dream portends the discovery of a loss or the achievement of a cherished goal.

    The color of the dreaming pen is also important:

    • White - symbolizes good thoughts, receiving good news, meeting good people.
    • Black - sad news, partings, financial losses should be expected.
    • Red - means changes in personal life, love adventures.
    • Multi-colored feather - promises bright and eventful events, a time filled with happiness and positive emotions.