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Where do they accept aquarium fish for sale? How to organize a business for breeding aquarium fish for sale? How to breed aquarium fish for sale

Aquariums with original and exotic fish in Lately Not only private offices, but also halls and offices are increasingly being decorated large enterprises.

This is not surprising, because they add a certain atmosphere of calm and balance to any room. We should not forget about private lovers of this kind of interior decoration. In this regard, the aquarium fish business now looks very attractive and promising.

What you need to know

For successful implementation This kind of business idea requires certain knowledge. At a minimum, it is necessary to distinguish between predatory and herbivorous species, as well as the subtleties of proper care for them. Like breeding pet fish, raising them for sale should take place in good lighting that matches natural levels.

Among other things, you need to place various aquatic plants in the aquarium. The main thing is that they are familiar to fish of one species or another. Another important thing to remember is the presence of a carbon dioxide dispenser.

The water in the aquarium must have a stable temperature. As for fish, they (especially tropical varieties) need not only food, but also the constant addition of various mineral supplements.

Installation of aquariums

Breeding aquarium fish should begin with organizing a habitat for them. As practice shows, it would be very advisable to install a rack. It can consist of either two or three tiers. This is where the aquariums themselves will be installed. The main requirements for the rack are its high reliability and durability, because each container holds several hundred liters of water.

It is recommended to place an aquarium intended for breeders on the top shelf, a spawning aquarium on the middle shelf, and a nursery aquarium on the bottom shelf. This placement will make care much easier. The fact is that in this case, you can add water from the upper aquarium to the lower ones - this has a beneficial effect on the biological state inside the container, as well as on the growing fry.

Which fish is best to start with?

As practice shows, it is best to start a business with aquarium fish by breeding the simplest and at the same time popular species. In addition, it is necessary to take into account some nuances such as peacefulness, omnivorousness, and the speed of development. All this will allow you to gain certain skills and experience, which will help to significantly expand the range of the enterprise in the future.

Choosing fish for business

Very important issue In this type of business, it is important for the novice entrepreneur to understand what breeds of aquarium fish he will breed. Here everything depends purely on the initial financial investment. If, in addition to tens of thousands of rubles, you have the opportunity to devote all your time, you can start breeding expensive breeds costing up to 500 US dollars per individual. The clear advantage here is that there will be few such fish in the aquarium.

However, there is another side to the coin. The point is that such species require special care, and their living conditions must be ideal. In this regard, there is every reason to assume that businessmen who are just starting this type entrepreneurial activity, it is better to give preference to growing simple and at the same time unpretentious breeds.

Simple types of fish

As noted above, unpretentious fish are much easier to breed. However, this does not mean at all that you cannot make money from them. Quite the contrary. The most common simple breeds that do not require too much from their owner are bettas, guppies, and gouramis.

The first of these varieties is popular all over the planet and is a rather peaceful fish. Its only drawback is that it is impossible to allow more than one male in one aquarium.

Gupia is the most popular breed. Their key feature, besides the beautiful appearance, is that they reproduce quickly and independently. Moreover, for this you do not need to create any special conditions.

As for gourami, their breeding requires only timely cleaning of the aquarium and changing the water. The cost of one individual individual of each of the mentioned breeds of unpretentious fish ranges from thirty to seventy rubles.

Feed and its varieties

Fish farming as a business is impossible without the use of feed. There are two types of them: live and artificial. The first type allows for much better results compared to even the highest quality and modern artificial feed.

As for the second variety, beef heart is considered one of the best. It just needs to be cleared of the film, then cut into small pieces and frozen. Later, such food is grated and added in small portions. Important feature It is believed that water practically does not deteriorate under its influence.

Required investment

The lion's share of the entire initial budget is allocated to the purchase of an aquarium. It can be either one large one or several small ones. As entrepreneurial experience shows, it is most advisable to first purchase two or three aquariums, the total volume of which is about three hundred liters. The cost of this pleasure is approximately 60 thousand rubles.

In addition to this money, approximately 15 thousand rubles are needed to purchase the fry and another 5 thousand for care products. With all this, do not forget about food and various specialized literature. Thus, at the initial stage of business development, breeding aquarium fish will cost about 100 thousand rubles. It should be noted that in the future, certain types of food can be grown independently, which will allow significant savings.

Selling fish

Until recently, entrepreneurs in this area faced such a problem as selling fish. Now everything is much simpler with this, because there are many pet stores, markets and the Internet, which is used more and more from year to year.

It should be noted that the sale of aquarium fish through a store can only be carried out if there is an appropriate permit issued by the veterinary service. When selling on the market, you will need to obtain a trade permit. In both the first and second cases, certain financial costs are required.

There are two ways to sell fish. At the first of them they are still sold in adolescence. In this case, the cost of one individual will be on average 10 rubles. When using the second method, older fish are sold. Then you can earn up to 100 rubles for one.

You need to be prepared for the fact that, no matter what sales method is used, the initial investment will pay off no earlier than in five to six months. At the same time, one cannot help but note the fact that if an aquarium fish business is organized and run effectively, then you can earn at least 25 thousand rubles a month.

Aquatic plants as a way to increase profits

If an entrepreneur is actively involved in breeding aquarium fish, it would be quite advisable to simultaneously grow aquatic plants. The fact is that they are in high demand in poultry markets. Moreover, some of them can fetch significant money. A clear confirmation of this is Echinodorus, the cost of which is on average 17 dollars in domestic equivalent. However, for most plants you can charge the client about $2.

Be that as it may, growing aquatic plants, as well as breeding fish, is done in an aquarium. Nutrient soil should be laid at its bottom, and a lamp should be installed on top. After this, you can start planting plants. A very important condition in this case is to ensure the proper level of humidity inside the aquarium. This can be achieved by completely covering the soil layer with water. Another mandatory requirement is to cover the top of the container with glass.

Plant care for sale

Before planting aquarium plants intended for further sale, they must be washed clean water room temperature. In addition, it is advisable to give preference to young seedlings, since there is a high probability that a large species will not take root. It is also recommended to pre-disinfect them by placing them in a two percent manganese solution for up to ten minutes.

We must not forget that aquarium plants do not like crowded spaces. In this regard, it is recommended to maintain a distance between seedlings. As for the soil, it should be loose, which will ensure comfortable and permanent water flow. To avoid paleness of aquatic plants, you can use special supplements containing iron and other nutritional beneficial elements.

Fish diseases

The main problem faced by a person who has organized a business with aquarium fish is the occurrence of various diseases in them. Most often they appear due to weakened immunity, which is usually associated with the lack of the proper amount of live food.


To summarize, it should be noted that aquarium fish as a business look very attractive. This type of business activity is supported by its high profitability and stable income. Moreover, in the future it can be expanded by increasing the assortment with similar products - varieties of fish, aquatic plants, food, and so on.

The AQUA-SHOP online store offers a huge selection - on our website you will find a single catalog of aquarium fish and other live goods from the largest aquarium wholesale base and AQUA LOGO supermarkets.

The supplier of the AQUA-SHOP online store is the Aqua Logo aquarium complex, officially registered by the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor, in a special quarantine department of which fish undergo adaptation to living conditions in aquariums of amateurs and professionals. For over 20 years we have been making sure that you can buy aquarium fish of the highest quality!

This section presents aquarium fish for freshwater aquariums. Here you can find both common and exotic breeds that will interest beginners and experienced aquarists. Well-known guppies and mollies, barbs, many varieties of goldfish, characins and cichlids, discus, freshwater butterflies (pantodons), exclusive arowanas, stingrays - today there are 531 names of only freshwater fish in stock. Our assortment also includes 567 species of marine fish.

Can't decide what kind of fish you need for your aquarium? Find your choice among popular species among other aquarists with the help of our selection assistant. Use the filter in which you can select fish by price, type of food, temperature or habitat layer, find suitable fish for an aquarium with live plants or nurse fish (which will help in the fight against algae or pests).

Breeding aquarium fish has become a favorite hobby for many. If you also decide to engage in this business, familiarize yourself with the laws underwater world, learn more about its inhabitants and learn to take care of them. Our “Articles” section is regularly updated with reviews of various breeds of fish, in each of which you will find information on breeding, housing and feeding conditions, and compatibility in an aquarium.

How to choose and buy fish in an online store

You can buy fish for your aquarium through our website retail stores, choose them personally and pick them up yourself, having received detailed advice on the spot. Just place your order through the shopping cart at your convenient Aqua Logo supermarket.

In Moscow and the immediate Moscow region, our online store delivers to your home or office at a pre-agreed time (select “online store” in your cart).

Do not deny yourself the pleasure and be sure that the fish from AQUA-SHOP will certainly decorate your aquarium.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Published 02/10/2020

One of the most promising and profitable options for organizing own business advocates breeding aquarium fish for sale. In this area, budding entrepreneurs will not meet major competitors, will find significant unmet demand and will face minimal initial investment. Moreover, within six months you can expect your first profit.

Features of organizing a business for breeding aquarium fish

Why do many entrepreneurs choose the path of aquarium fish breeding business?

Its main advantage is the simplicity of organization, which boils down to:

  1. Purchasing rare and expensive fish specimens.
  2. Creating conditions for their life and reproduction.
  3. Realization of emerging offspring.

It is worth adding that these are not the only features that attract businessmen to this underdeveloped industry in Russia; It is also important to point out:

  • Absence of large competitors (neither in Russia nor in the CIS countries are there large enterprises for breeding aquarium fish).
  • Relatively small investment (aquariums and other equipment can be purchased at wholesale prices, and only a few fish will be needed at the initial stage).
  • An ordinary apartment can be used as a premises.
  • A large number of distribution channels (private aquarium owners, pet stores, markets).

If the business turns out to be successful, then the small company can gradually be transformed into a full-fledged retail chain. Availability of information on fish breeding on the Internet is an opportunity to engage in this business even for those who do not have necessary knowledge entrepreneur.

Important point: Selling aquarium fish allows you to diversify your business and provide other types of services. For example, cleaning aquariums, selling algae and bait, etc.

Which aquarium fish are profitable to breed: types of fish and approximate prices

When buying the first batch of aquarium fish (for divorce), you should rely on several important rules, namely:

  1. Conduct a demand analysis in city pet stores : Under the guise of a buyer, find out which fish are most in demand by buyers.
  2. Do not try to purchase well-known, easy to care for and maintain, relatively inexpensive fish : this market segment is already oversaturated and will not bring the required profit.
  3. You should also not be too original and buy overly rare types of fish. – they may not find demand, not produce offspring, or have difficult living conditions.

What kind of fish can be stocked in your aquariums at first; experienced aquaists pay attention to several main species:

  • are widely demanded in the market due to their bright colors. They have a low ability to reproduce and can be sold at a price of 500 to 1200 rubles per piece.
  • Goldfish are in great demand, reproduce at an active pace and are traded in a wide range of prices - from 200 to 3000 rubles per individual.
  • Synodontists with leopard spots on the body, they reproduce at an average rate and are sold for 200-500 rubles, but at the same time they are very unpretentious in care.
  • Cichlids give rich offspring, have a pleasant color, which is highly valued by experienced aquarists and hobbyists. You can sell such fish for an average of 350 rubles per specimen.
  • Nothopteridae fish , a prominent representative of which is the Chita Knife, are sold at 600-900 rubles apiece.

What equipment is needed for breeding aquarium fish at home?

The purchase of equipment for breeding aquarium fish depends on what type of fish the entrepreneur will breed (certain species require cooling or heating of water, etc.).

However, at the initial stage, you can limit yourself to purchasing such devices and mechanisms that can create optimal conditions for the life of fish:

  1. Aquariums with a capacity of 200-250 liters (for freshwater fish).
  2. Compressors for pumping water.
  3. Filters for water purification and oxygen saturation.
  4. Fluorescent lamps.
  5. Water temperature regulators.
  6. Sticker thermometers.
  7. Automatic fish feeders.

At the initial stage, you will need from 8 to 12 units of each type of equipment (in some stores it can be purchased as a set, which will be cheaper).

Which room is best for breeding aquarium fish?

One of the main advantages of a business for breeding aquarium fish is the ability to organize it even in a standard city apartment.

To do this, it will be enough to select just one room and arrange it properly, namely:

  • Darken the windows , since daylight is contraindicated for most aquarium fish. The aquarium is illuminated by fluorescent lamps, the power of which can be adjusted.
  • Install aquariums away from heating radiators , and, if possible, even provide the premises with electric heaters with microclimate control.
  • Arrange aquariums strictly in one tier , having previously checked the strength of the floor coverings (the total weight of 10-12 aquariums with equipment, water and fish will be about 2.5 tons).

How to properly keep aquarium fish: housing conditions, nutrition and care

If the room in which you plan to keep the fish is properly equipped, then further maintenance of these pets does not require significant effort. In fact, all you need to do is feed the fish in a timely manner, clean the aquariums, and change the water.

How to place fish in aquariums? If an entrepreneur has purchased 10 aquariums, then it is most advisable to allocate 5 of them for adult fish and 5 for fry. It is recommended to place 2 males and 6-7 females in one tank.

There are a number of fish care measures that are important for any aquarist to follow:

  1. Once a week At least 1/5 of the water in each aquarium should be changed.
  2. Once a month In aquariums, global cleaning is carried out: glass, stones and other aquarium decorations are cleaned of fouling using special brushes.
  3. Once a month it is also necessary to clean the soil, for which it is driven through a special funnel.

Important point: It is not recommended to fill aquariums with water directly from the water supply - the chlorine content in it can adversely affect the health of many fish. It should be left in a separate container for 2-3 days or enriched with special solutions that are sold in pet stores.

The fish should be fed 2-3 times a day. When using an automatic feeder, this problem does not arise for the aquarium owner.

Where can I send aquarium fish for sale?

There are three main sales channels for aquarium fish, namely:

Important point: In all three cases, you can also offer algae and food for sale, and offer aquarium cleaning as an additional service.

How to draw up a business plan for breeding aquarium fish: calculating costs and payback periods

As mentioned above, profits from the sale of aquarium fish will begin to flow approximately 6-8 months after the creation of the business.

If you give a detailed breakdown of the costs of organizing a business, it looks like this (based on 10 aquariums):

  1. Purchase of equipment – ​​180,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of adult fish (30-40 pieces) – 50,000 rubles.
  3. Purchase of fish food – 5,000 rubles.
  4. Other costs (registration on a patent basis, purchase of decoration for an aquarium, water purification products, etc.) – 20,000 rubles.

In this situation, the total costs will be 265,000 rubles. If 250 fish are hatched in aquariums in a month, then if each one is sold for 300 rubles (average price), the entrepreneur will receive 250x300 = 75,000 rubles.

Monthly operating costs will be about 15,000 rubles (4,000 for water and electricity, 5,000 for feed, 6,000 for other costs). As a result, the monthly profit will be at least 60,000 rubles.

The business of breeding aquarium fish has a lot of advantages: it is easy to organize, is created in a market with significant demand, and does not require significant costs, guarantees significant profits. So far, the industry is not oversaturated with supply and acts as a springboard for budding entrepreneurs.

The business of breeding aquarium fish consists of selling rare species and related materials, that is, food, plants and necessary equipment. You can also offer clients maintenance and cleaning of their aquariums - home or office.

Advantages of this business idea

  • Little competition.
  • Minimum costs, which allows you to start a business from scratch.
  • Possibility of breeding fish at home.
  • Ease of implementation.
  • You don't need to have any special education. There is a lot of literature on this topic, which you just need to study on your own.

How to choose the right aquarium fish?

  1. Study supply and demand by visiting specialized stores.
  2. Study photos, names of species and breeding conditions for those fish that you are ready to breed at home.
  3. Do not buy cheap and common fish; it is almost impossible to sell them, since people even sell such fish for free in order to get rid of them.
  4. Do not buy fish about which there is little information.
  5. Do not buy fish that are imported from India, Australia and Asia. They are not suitable for breeding as they do not produce offspring.
  6. Suitable fish for the aquarium business are cichlids, notopteridae, synodontis, barbs, and goldfish.

Breeding aquarium fish as a business

Like any business, a fish breeding business begins with studying the necessary information. Having decided on a species, you need to study everything related to its reproduction and care rules. Then buy equipment, namely:

  • aquariums with a volume of 200 - 250 liters;
  • compressors;
  • filters for water;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • thermostats for heating water;
  • automatic feeders.

To begin with, you can get by with one aquarium, and then increase the number.

  • The room in which the aquarium fish will live should be protected from sunlight, that is, shaded. They will receive the necessary light from lamps.
  • Do not place aquariums near heating appliances.
  • For safety reasons, arrange the aquariums in one row. A three- or two-story structure can collapse and is also difficult to maintain.

Aquariums are distributed in this way: if an entrepreneur has 12 of them, then five aquariums for adult fish, for example, six females and two males in each. Seven aquariums for raising fry.

Sale of aquarium fish

The fish will bring their first profit only after six months, if everything is done correctly, namely, the teenagers begin to produce offspring. Selling fish is easy. There are three ways to sell aquarium fish. First. Meet fish lovers. Over time, their number on the list will grow, thanks to word of mouth. Second. Pet Shop. Although the price of the fish is small, it is stable and reliable. You can even enter into a supply agreement. Third. Submit information on the Internet. Most often this option works very well. It happens that a person is looking for exactly the fish that is not in the store, and turns to private advertisements for help. This is how you can earn regular customers, however, a little. When selling fish, both age groups must be taken into account. Sell ​​both fry and juveniles. In addition to the main income, you can also receive additional income from sales of live food, algae, and so on. A fish breeding business will bring a profit of about 44 thousand rubles per month if you have 12 aquariums and proper organization. The capital investment to start your own business will be about 230 thousand rubles, which will pay off in six months.

Suppliers of fish are ready to make special requirements for their maintenance; most often they are specified in the contract. Conventionally, the rules for trade in ornamental fish can be divided into two categories: official - established by law, and informal - they are observed by associations of representatives of the pet business. The latter can be very different. If suppliers specify special conditions for keeping aquarium fish in the contract, you must comply with their requirements, otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

What legislative acts to rely on while working?

When trading any pets, it is necessary to follow the rules Civil Code, since in accordance with its provisions they are subject to general rules, like any other property. Accordingly, the following legislation applies to the trade in aquarium fish:

  1. Federal Law No. 381 – describing the basics of regulation of trading activities. In particular, entrepreneurs need to familiarize themselves with Article 2, paragraph 3, which describes the concept of retail trade. Since fish are used for domestic purposes, they can be sold individuals through retail points of sale.
  2. Government Decree No. 55 of January 19, 1998 establishes special sales rules for animals and aquarium fish. The tenth section is completely devoted to them. Its article 78 states that the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with the following information:
    • license number for catching certain types of fish;
    • information about permission to import exotic representatives into the country.

Article 79 states that animals and fish must be kept in accordance with their needs and care must be provided. It is imperative to give the buyer a sales receipt and confirmation of the health of the fish (Article 80 states this).

In addition to proper content, it is necessary to train staff point of sale. This is required by the law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. The buyer is obliged to obtain complete information about the type of fish being purchased. He needs to provide information about the species of the future pet - the Russian and Latin name of the fish. The seller must be competent. He needs to recommend special literature to future aquarists and inform them about some of the features of the fish, for example, the possibility of them staying together in the aquarium. It is also necessary to briefly talk about the contents of the future pet.

Issuing a sales receipt when trading ornamental fish means that the buyer has received information about:

  • fish species;
  • features of maintenance and breeding;
  • responsibility for the further well-being of the aquarium inhabitant;
  • the health of the fish.

It is best to add a short explanation to the receipt for buyers, reminding them of the need to care for the fish, the procedure for challenging the transaction, and the responsibility for their further well-being. It is also worth adding a line according to which the buyer confirms with his signature that the seller has fully advised him and answered all questions. This will avoid claims in the future.

Trade rules for returning goods

Due to gaps in the legislation regarding the return of aquarium fish, two mutually exclusive rules apply. On the one hand, they are included in the “List of Goods of Good Quality,” which prohibits their return and exchange at the buyer’s request. At the same time, Article 18 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” directly indicates the possibility of returning, exchanging or reducing the cost of goods if defects are discovered, if the seller did not disclose them.
