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License for transportation of goods by road. Do I need a license to transport passengers and cargo? Issuance of permits for road transport by heavy transport

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Southern Federal District

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North Caucasus Federal District

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Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

Ural federal district

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Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District

Central Federal District

Northwestern Federal District

Southern Federal District

Volga Federal District

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Far Eastern Federal District

North Caucasus Federal District


List of license registers/ permitting documents issued by Rostransnadzor

Motor transport and road facilities

Water transport

Railway transport

Air Transport

Search for permits

So, stop, yours freight car on the highway to check documents. We checked and they require a license for . Confidently say that the Federal Law “On Licensing individual species activities" dated 08.08.2001 N 128-FZ does not provide for obtaining this very license. The inspector begins to argue, do not succumb to provocation, let him draw up a protocol indicating the reason for the detention... will not indicate..., because according to the law the following types of transportation are licensed :

56) transportation of passengers by sea;

57) transportation by sea

58) transportation of passengers by inland water transport;

59) transportation of goods by inland water transport;

60) transportation of passengers by air (except for transportation carried out aircraft state aviation, experimental aviation, civil aviation, including general aviation, without charging a fee); (edited) Federal Law dated 08.11.2007 N 258-FZ) (see text in the previous edition)

61) transportation of goods by air (except for transportation carried out by aircraft of state aviation, experimental aviation, civil aviation, including general aviation, without charging a fee); (as amended by Federal Law No. 258-FZ of November 8, 2007) (see text in the previous edition)

62) transportation of passengers by motor transport equipped for the transportation of more than eight people (except for the case if the specified activity is carried out to meet one’s own needs legal entity or individual entrepreneur);

63) transportation of passengers and luggage by rail;

64) transportation of goods by rail;

65) transportation of cargo luggage by rail;

66) transportation of goods (movement of goods without concluding a contract of carriage) along public railway tracks, with the exception of the removal of arrived goods from the railway exhibition tracks, their return to the railway exhibition tracks;

That. If you are not engaged in the transportation of passengers (according to paragraph 62.), you do not need to license activities related to the transportation of goods, except, perhaps, in one more case.

Now, in more detail about this one point. Let's say you contracted to work at a pharmaceutical warehouse, to deliver medications to pharmacies in your car. Everything would be fine, but some drugs may contain narcotic drugs. Here it is necessary to have a transportation license (according to paragraph 52 activities related to the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances production, production, processing, storage, transportation, sale, distribution, acquisition, use, destruction), and either you or your car must be included in the enterprise’s license card, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided during the inspection.

Transportation of goods is regulated by 99-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities”. There are three types of road transport permits:

  • Standard license. Gives the right to transport commercial cargo throughout Russia. It also provides the opportunity to transport goods, the delivery of which is carried out within the framework of the enterprise’s activities.
  • General International License. Required for cargo transportation outside Russia.
  • Limited license. It only allows you to deliver goods across the Russian Federation that are necessary to support the company’s production.

Please note that these three types of permits only apply to motor vehicles. Separate licenses are required for cargo transportation by air, rail or water.

When you don't need a license

The legislation provides for two cases in which permission is not required:

  • Transportation is carried out for personal purposes.
  • The weight of transported cargo is no more than 500 kg.

Both conditions must be met simultaneously, i.e., for example, moving objects weighing more than 500 kg. even for personal purposes is already work without a license with an appropriate level of administrative responsibility.

License cards for road transport

Multi-colored cards are required for each license. They determine what type of cargo the enterprise has the right to transport.

  • Red card – transportation of goods within Russia.
  • Green – international transportation.
  • Blue – delivery of own products.
  • White with a red diagonal - transportation of dangerous goods across the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • White with green diagonal – international transport dangerous goods.
  • White with a blue diagonal – delivery of dangerous goods necessary for the company’s activities.

Each card is issued for a specific car and must be kept by the driver.

Requirements for a licensee

To be eligible to obtain a license for road transport, the enterprise must:

  • Have your own or leased vehicles, approved for road traffic and appropriate technical requirements for transportation of goods.
  • Have your own or rented premises and equipment necessary to provide Maintenance cars. It is also permissible to instead enter into partnership agreements with a contracting organization that will take on these functions.
  • Comply with the requirements for ensuring road safety, approved by 196-FZ “On Road Safety”.
  • Appoint someone responsible for ensuring safe traffic, which has passed certification.
  • Have on staff specialists who have the right to drive vehicles, transport goods, repair and maintain vehicles in good condition technical condition. Employees must have appropriate qualifications and work experience.
  • Register everything for vehicles Required documents, provided for by the Russian traffic rules.
  • Have insurance for each vehicle owner.

Required documents

The license is issued by the transport inspection of the Ministry of Transport of Russia. To do this, the organization must provide the following to local authorities:

  • Application for a permit.
  • Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or legal entity. faces.
  • Copies of statutory documents and orders on the appointment of positions of persons in the organization.
  • Damaging information that the company has at its disposal vehicles that are suitable for transporting goods and have passed state registration.
  • Certificates of successful completion of technical inspection for these vehicles.
  • Data confirming the qualifications and education of company employees who need to meet these requirements for the position held.
  • Information confirming certification by the person responsible for road safety.
  • Documents confirming that the company's drivers have the necessary clearance to drive transport and work experience, and have passed the mandatory medical examination, registration of insurance policies.
  • Data confirming that the enterprise has places for carrying out vehicle maintenance or contracts with companies providing car repair services.

The validity period of the license is 5 years.

Amounts of state duties

Art. 333 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:

  • For issuing a license for cargo transportation by road – 7,500 rubles.
  • For re-issuance of a permit due to a change in the place of work of the enterprise or a change in the direction of activity - 3,500 rubles.
  • For re-registration in other cases – 750 rubles.

The transport inspection also issues certificates:

  • For issuing a certificate confirming the qualifications of an employee - 1,300 rubles.
  • Making changes to the certificate due to a change in full name – 350 rubles.
  • Issuance of a duplicate certificate due to its loss – 1300 rubles.


According to Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, cargo transportation without a license provides for administrative liability:

  • For citizens - a fine of 2000-2500 rubles.
  • For officials – 4000-5000 rubles.
  • For legal entities – 40,000 – 50,000 rubles.

In all cases, the confiscation of the instrument of production is also assumed, i.e. car.

Liability also arises for violation of licensing requirements:

  • For citizens - 1500-2000 rubles or 4000-8000 rubles if the violation is serious.
  • For officials - 3000-4000 rubles or 5000-10000 rubles in case of a gross violation.
  • For legal entities – 30,000 – 40,000 rubles. In case of gross violation - 100,000 - 200,000 rubles.

Transport activity is an important service sector involving the transportation of goods and passengers. This type of occupation, which is closely related to, and also affects the environment and, requires the relevant government agencies. Transport activities can only be carried out after training employees, passing specific checks and obtaining permission.

In what cases is licensing of transport activities required?

First, let's find out what types of transportation are subject to licensing. The list of activities in the transport sector that require licensing is constantly changing and being updated with new items. Today, it is mandatory to obtain permission (pass licensing) if an organization plans to engage in:

  • Transportation by road of more than 8 passengers (except for official needs and);
  • transportation of passengers and goods by rail, sea and river transport;
  • commercial transportation of passengers in passenger vehicles;
  • transportation of goods over 3.5 tons (except for the official needs of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities);
  • loading and unloading of dangerous goods in ports and on railways;
  • air transportation of goods and passengers;
  • towing on water transport.

And although licensing passenger transportation road transport (motor transport), bus, sea and rail is an important topic for discussion, but we will consider the procedure for licensing activities that are related to road transport services in the field of freight and passenger transport.

A specialist will talk about the concept and features of passenger transportation licensing in the video below:

How licenses are issued

To obtain the necessary license, an organization must go through several steps and ensure compliance important conditions, which are put forward by the state to legal entities planning to engage in transport activities.

Responsible authorities

Rostransnadzor is responsible for licensing transport activities. It is to this government agency that the organization should submit documents if you plan to carry out commercial transportation of passengers and cargo.

In addition to approving and issuing licenses, Rostransnadzor also monitors the activities of those organizations that have been authorized to do so. , the organization's transport will lead to inspection by inspectors of this government agency and - possibly - revocation of the license.

The conditions for licensing activities for the transportation of passengers and goods are described below.


A license for transport activities is issued to organizations only if they comply with certain conditions. Such strictness in the control of legal entities is due to the importance of their work.

So, you can apply for licensing if:

  • You have your own or rented premises in which vehicle maintenance and repair will be carried out, or you have entered into an agreement with an organization that will do this;
  • you have on your staff certified, qualified, experienced drivers who have passed;
  • you have a licensed medical professional on your staff who will conduct pre- and post-trip checks of drivers (or you have entered into an agreement with a specialized organization);
  • you have the necessary vehicles and technical means passed and approved for passenger transportation;
  • vehicles are equipped with means to control traffic, work and rest regimes;
  • vehicles are equipped with certified satellite navigation equipment;
  • motor transport.

We will talk about licensing of children's transportation in this video:

Required documents

To start the procedure for granting your organization a license, you should collect a package of documents for Rostransnadzor.

  1. Application in the prescribed form.
  2. Copies of TIN, tax registration and registration certificates of the organization. For individual entrepreneurs, instead of the last document, you will need.
  3. Copies of qualification and certification certificates of regular drivers.
  4. Copies of recent physical examinations of regular drivers.
  5. Information about the vehicle ( , and ).
  6. Certificate of ownership of the specified vehicles or.
  7. Certificate of ownership or lease agreement for the premises where vehicle maintenance and repair will be carried out.
  8. A diploma of education and a medical worker's license or an agreement with an organization that will conduct pre- and post-trip examinations of regular drivers.
  9. Notification of the inclusion of the organization’s vehicle in the Register of Categorized Transport Infrastructure.
  10. Receipt for 7500 rubles.


You can find the application form for a license on government services in the section dedicated to the activities of Rostransnadzor. There you can also check the list of documents required for filing an application.

The application indicates the name of the organization or individual entrepreneur, as well as other details important for verifying and filling out documentation. For each type of service that the organization plans to provide, you need to fill out an application form, collect a package of copies of documents, and also pay a state fee.

You can download the application form for a transportation license.

Application form for a transportation license

Application form for a transportation license - 1

Application form for a transportation license - 2

Application form for a transportation license - 3

Application form for a transportation license - 4

Application form for a transportation license – 5

Application form for a transportation license - 6

Stages of obtaining a permit

To obtain a license for transport activities, you need to collect the specified package of documents and take it to the Rostransnadzor office in your city.

  1. The submitted package is reviewed by the inspector and accepted.
  2. Rostransnadzor must respond to your application within two weeks. If your organization has not complied with the licensing conditions, or the documents contain errors, your permit will be denied in writing. Otherwise, the receipt procedure will go further.
  3. Within three days after making a positive decision, Rostransnadzor must provide the organization with a corresponding notification.
  4. If necessary, an examination of your organization's compliance with licensing conditions will be assigned. You will either bring the original documents to the Rostransnadzor office, or the commission will come directly to you for inspection and conversations with management, medical workers and drivers.

A completed license for transport activities is issued by Rostransnadzor no later than the 45th working day from the date of submission of the package of documents.

This video will tell you the dangers of transporting without a license:

In order to strengthen legal regime operation of certain types of transport and the establishment of additional state control in the field of transportation in the Russian Federation, licensing of transport activities is used. The essence of this licensing mechanism is the issuance of a document on the basis of which permission to use vehicle to carry out a certain type of transportation.

This issue affects the scope of activity and market regulation transport services, has distinctive features of the legal regime and an established procedure for obtaining such a license. We will analyze in detail the key issues of licensing and certain types of transportation (primarily passengers and cargo), and also consider the regime for regulating transport issues on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Let's understand the Federal Law "On licensing of certain types of activities" dated May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ

The key regulator of licensing of transport activities on the territory of the Russian Federation is the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities” dated May 4, 2011 No. 99-FZ ( Further- Law No. 99-FZ). The following key issues are resolved within the framework of Law No. 99-FZ:

  • activities are regulated government agencies on licensing (Article 7);
  • the types of services in the field of transport that require a license are determined (Article 12);
  • the procedure for acquiring a license has been established (Articles 13-14);
  • the procedure for organizing control over licensing of transport transportation is regulated (Article 19);
  • the basics of functioning of a single information resource - the register for issuing a license - have been determined.

In general, the issue of licensing concerns the following types transport transportation of passengers and cargo:

  • in inland water transport;
  • by air transport;
  • road transport;
  • railway transport;
  • on maritime transport.

It should be noted that at the moment only the established list of transport-related services is licensed on the territory of the Russian Federation. The sphere of transportation of passengers and goods requires obtaining a license only if the activity is carried out by rail, air, water (including on sea vessels) modes of transport.

Transportation of passengers

The issue of transporting passengers by road is carried out on the basis of a license only if there are more than 8 seats in the car, with the exception of performing such work on orders or to meet one’s own needs (both a company and an individual entrepreneur).

Obtaining a license to engage in transport activities is of an application nature. An application on behalf of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur must be submitted to the licensing authority. The application must be accompanied by a package of documents with an inventory, the list of which depends on the type of licensed activity.

The issue of certification of transport activities within the framework of the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation” dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ concerns standards for confirming that a specific object related to transport activities complies with official standards adopted in the territory of the Russian Federation. For example, it is necessary to confirm the conformity of the quality of urban and suburban transport cars and electric transport before direct operation.

Cargo transportation or freight forwarding activities

Freight forwarding activities are the provision of services in the field of cargo transportation. A feature of this type of activity is the responsibility of the forwarder to accept the cargo, transport, deliver and perform a number of additional duties related to transportation. Additional responsibilities established within the framework of the transport expedition agreement are accepted to fulfill the customer’s needs, for example, for cargo storage, customs procedures, etc.

In accordance with the current version of Art. 12 of Law No. 99-FZ, the list of types of activities requiring a license does not contain any mention of transport and forwarding activities, and this is due to changes in the provisions of the Federal Law “On Road Safety” dated December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ. The fact is that in the version of the presented law, until January 12, 2003, there was Article 7, according to which transport forwarding services belonged to one of several types of activities related to road safety. In accordance with this provision, an obligation to license this type of activity was provided. Currently, this article 7 of the law in question has lost force. Thus, in accordance with current legislation, transport and forwarding activities in the Russian Federation do not require licensing.

How does transportation licensing work in the Russian Federation?

Summarizing the above, we will highlight the key points based on what criteria and how transportation is licensed in the Russian Federation.

The license is issued by the authorized territorial licensing body and is carried out at the request of the interested person, if such services are subject to licensing.


Transportation of goods by road on the territory of the Russian Federation does not participate in licensing, as well as transportation of passengers up to 8 people, or to meet their own needs.

It is necessary to take responsibility for the implementation of the types of activities specified by Law No. 99-FZ, to obtain licenses in a timely manner, information on which must be included in the state information register. The importance of this procedure lies in the increased degree of danger associated with the involvement in the implementation of activities of an object of increased danger - a vehicle.

If you have no experience in carrying out the licensing procedure, we strongly recommend that you use the services of specialized specialists who will help you collect the required package of documents, draw up an application and send it to the territorial licensing authority.

Appeal to legal services accompanied by the payment of remuneration established by a bilateral agreement. The cost of services will depend on the scope of the proposed work, the lawyer’s time spent, his experience and reputation, as well as the region where the services are provided. Obviously, in Moscow the amount of remuneration will be significantly higher than in the periphery, which is due to the higher standard of living of the working population.

Please note that there is no need to contact a lawyer in person for advice on licensing transport activities - such assistance can be provided remotely. Our legal resource has the ability to provide online consultations in short time, and our qualified lawyers will help you carry out the licensing procedure within the framework of current legislation.
