Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Project on the theme of 25 years of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Presentation "Seven Wonders of the Karachay-Circassian Republic." What does the cup mean on the coat of arms of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic?

Slide description:

Ring Mountain Mountain Ring is a unique creation of nature. It is located on the Borgustan ridge, which consists of sandy rocks. It is a through grotto, shaped like a ring, with a diameter of about 8 meters. Next door, in the ridge, a whole family of different grottoes are blown out by the winds. They were formed due to weathering processes: wind, sun, water, frost destroyed the calcareous compounds between grains of sand, loosening the surface layer of the rock. Temperature fluctuations also play a big role in loosening sandstone. As for the identical spherical shapes of the niches, this fact is explained by the fact that the sandstone has a shell-like structure and is therefore subject to peeling. The sedimentary rocks of ancient seas contained many mollusks, fossilized mollusk shells, and bones of ancient sea animals. With the emergence of land here and the peeling of the slopes, fossils fell from the niches. Archaeologists discovered a settlement near Mount Ring Bronze Age, ancient kilns were found. Much later, this mountain began to be considered sacred, since people could not yet explain the origin of such rocks. They worshiped the ring and made offerings to it. Echoes of people’s attitude towards Mount Ring have reached us in the legend of the stone ring. It was believed that if a warrior on a horse rushes through it without touching anything, then in a battle with enemies he will emerge victorious. There is also a more modern belief that if you stand (or walk) under the ring, you will definitely get married. There is also a legend explaining the formation of the Ring. which says that the hole in the rock was made by a powerful arrow from a shepherd who won a competition with other suitors for the hand and heart of the princess; it became his gift to his bride; “ was from then on that lovers began to give rings to each other as a pledge of fidelity and eternal Love.” Mount Ring is not only a natural monument, but also one of the objects of the State Museum-Reserve M.Yu. Lermontov. Lermontov climbed here himself more than once and brought the heroes of his book “Heroes of Our Time” to the Ring Mountain. Unfortunately, numerous inscriptions have disfigured the primeval beauty of this “aeolian town,” as Academician V. A. Obruchev called the Ring Mountain and the neighboring row of niches. But, nevertheless, one inscription attracted the attention of Lermontov and local historians. It is painted in the largest niche with dark blue paint. Under the curly bracket is written: “I visited your sacred grotto by virtue of this vow... I yearn with my soul for you, priceless, But I have no answer from you...” It is believed that the inscription was left by M. Yu. Lermontov’s friend M. I. von Zeidler. The inscription is badly damaged.

My Native Land Karachay-Cherkessia

Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Karachay-Cherkess Republic; ab. Karcha-Cherkess Republic, Karachay-Balk. Karachay-Cherkess Republic, foot. Karashay-Sherkesh Republics, Kabard-Cherkess. Kereshey-Sherdzhes Republic) - a republic consisting of Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, is part of the North Caucasus Federal District. The capital is the city of Cherkessk.

Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the foothills of the northwestern Caucasus. It borders in the west with the Krasnodar Territory, in the north with the Stavropol Territory, in the east with the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in the south along the Main Caucasus Range with Georgia, as well as with Abkhazia (which is partially recognized state; at the same time, according to the administrative-territorial division of Georgia, it is part of Georgia). It consists of 10 municipal districts - Abaza, Adyge-Khablsky, Zelenchuksky, Karachayevsky, Malokarachayevsky, Nogaysky, Prikubansky, Urupsky, Ust-Dzhegutinsky, Khabezsky and two cities of republican subordination - Karachayevsk and Cherkessk. The climate is moderately warm, winters are short, summers are warm, long, and fairly humid. The climate is characterized by a long duration of sunshine. The average temperature in January is −3.2 °C, in July +20.6 °C, the most heat+39 °C, low −29 °C. Geography and nature

Most (about 80%) of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is located in mountainous areas. Within the republic there are 3 zones: the foothill plain, the foothills and the Caucasus mountains. In the north stretch the leading ranges of the Greater Caucasus, in the south - Vodorazdelny and Bokovoy, their height reaches 4000 m. The Marukhsky and Klukhorsky passes lead to the Black Sea coast. The Military-Sukhumi road, passing through the Klukhorsky pass, connects Karachay-Cherkessia with Abkhazia. On the border with Kabardino-Balkaria is Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in the Caucasus. The republic has an abundance of water resources: about 130 alpine lakes, many mountain waterfalls. There are 172 rivers flowing through, of which the largest are the Kuban, Bolshoy and Maly Zelenchuk, Urup, Laba; There is a Kuban reservoir. The Bolshoi Stavropol Canal system operating in the republic is the source of water supply for the Stavropol Territory. The subsoil is rich in natural resources: coal, granite, marble, various ores and clays. There are large reserves of medicinal mineral waters, and there are many thermal springs. Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the zone of mountain steppes and deciduous forests. Rich flora and fauna have been preserved in the forests and highlands. There are a number of specially protected natural areas on the territory of the republic, including the Teberda Nature Reserve and part of the Caucasus Nature Reserve

History The territory of Karachay-Cherkessia at the end of the first millennium AD was part of the state of the Alans; separate architectural monuments of that time: Zelenchuksky, Sentinsky, Shoaninsky Christian churches, settlements. Since the first half of the 19th century (according to the Russian-Turkish Treaty of Adrianople in 1828), the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia has been part of Russia as the Batalpashinsky department of the Kuban region. Since 1918, Soviet power has been established here. From April 1, 1918, the territory was part of the Kuban Soviet Republic, from May 28, 1918 - part of the Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic, from July 5 to December 1918 - part of the North Caucasus Soviet Republic. From December 1918 to April 1920 - controlled by the White Guard AFSR. Since January 20, 1921 - part of the Mountain Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On January 12, 1922, the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region was formed as part of the South-Eastern (since 1924 - North Caucasus) region, with its center in the village of Batalpashinskaya (later renamed the city of Sulimov, Ezhovo-Cherkessk and finally received the modern name Cherkessk). On April 26, 1926, by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the KChAO was divided into the Karachay Autonomous Region, the Circassian National District (from April 30, 1928 - an autonomous region), Batalpashinsky and Zelenchuksky districts. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Karachay Autonomous Region was liquidated on October 12, 1943, and the Karachays were recognized as accomplices of the fascist troops and on November 2, 1943, deported to Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The southern part of Karachay went to Georgia (as the Klukhorsky district), and most of it was annexed to the Stavropol Territory. On January 9, 1957, in connection with the rehabilitation of the Karachais and permission for their return to their native lands, the territories transferred to Georgia in 1943 were returned to the RSFSR, the Circassian Autonomous Region was liquidated, and the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug was recreated within the borders of 1922 as part of the Stavropol the edges. At the end of the first millennium AD, the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia was part of the state of the Alans; individual architectural monuments of that time have been preserved: Zelenchuk, Sentinsky, Shoanin Christian churches, fortifications. Since the first half of the 19th century (according to the Russian-Turkish Treaty of Adrianople in 1828), the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia has been part of Russia as the Batalpashinsky department of the Kuban region. Since 1918, Soviet power has been established here. From April 1, 1918, the territory was part of the Kuban Soviet Republic, from May 28, 1918 - part of the Kuban-Black Sea Soviet Republic, from July 5 to December 1918 - part of the North Caucasus Soviet Republic. From December 1918 to April 1920 - controlled by the White Guard AFSR. Since January 20, 1921 - part of the Mountain Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On January 12, 1922, the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region was formed as part of the South-Eastern (since 1924 - North Caucasus) region, with its center in the village of Batalpashinskaya (later renamed the city of Sulimov, Ezhovo-Cherkessk and finally received the modern name Cherkessk). On April 26, 1926, by a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the KChAO was divided into the Karachay Autonomous Region, the Circassian National District (from April 30, 1928 - an autonomous region), Batalpashinsky and Zelenchuksky districts. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Karachay Autonomous Region was liquidated on October 12, 1943, and the Karachays were recognized as accomplices of the fascist troops and on November 2, 1943, deported to Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The southern part of Karachay went to Georgia (as the Klukhorsky district), and most of it was annexed to the Stavropol Territory. On January 9, 1957, in connection with the rehabilitation of the Karachais and permission for their return to their native lands, the territories transferred to Georgia in 1943 were returned to the RSFSR, the Circassian Autonomous Region was liquidated, and the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug was recreated within the borders of 1922 as part of the Stavropol the edges.

People Number in 2012, thousand Karachais 194,324 (38.5%) Russians 150,025 (33.6%) Circassians 56,466 (11.3%) Abazins 36,919 (7.8%) Nogais 15,654 (3.4%) Ossetians 3,142 Ukrainians 1,990 Armenians 2,737 Tatars 1,696 Chechens 1,800 Greeks 1,276 Azerbaijanis 1,000 nations with a population of more than 1,000 people are shown Population

Economy Karachay-Cherkessia is an industrial and agricultural republic. The territory can be divided into 2 areas. More developed in the north chemical production, mechanical engineering and light industry. In the south, mining and wood processing industries and livestock farming are more typical. Hydroelectric power is generated at the Kurshavskie (780 million kWh/year), Zelenchukskaya hydroelectric power station (501 million kWh/year) and several small hydroelectric power stations. Tourism, mountaineering (the south of the republic) and resort activities (the resorts of Dombay, Arkhyz) are also of great importance for the region , Teberda and others).

Yuri Popov (b. 1929) - opera singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1978) was born in the republic. Vladimir Khubiev (b. 1932) - Chairman of the Karachay-Cherkess Regional Executive Committee (1979-1990)

Vladimir Semenov (b. 1940) - Army General, Commander-in-Chief Ground forces(1992-1997), President of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (1999-2003). Dima Bilan (b. 1981) is a popular Russian singer, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest (2008).

Work of a 9th grade student. Baytokova Eldara

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Stavropol, 2014

Karachay-Cherkess Republic General information

The Karachay-Cherkess Republic is a republic within the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, and is part of the North Caucasus Federal District.

The administrative center, capital of the republic is the city Cherkessk .

Square - 14277 km²(77th place in the Russian Federation)

Population - 469,837 people(75th place in the Russian Federation)


  • At the end of the first millennium AD, the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia was part of the Alan state.
  • Since the first half of the 19th century, the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkess Republic has been part of Russia as the Batalpashinsky department of the Kuban region.
  • Since 1918, Soviet power has been established.
  • On October 12, 1943, the Karachay Autonomous Region was liquidated and the Karachais were deported to Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
  • After the rehabilitation of the Karachais, on January 12, 1957, the Cherkess Autonomous Region was transformed into the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug as part of the Stavropol Territory. Zelenchuksky, Karachaevsky and Ust-Dzhegutinsky districts of the Stavropol Territory were also transferred to her.
  • November 30, 1990 secession from the Stavropol Territory and transformation into the Karachay-Cherkess Soviet Socialist Republic
  • Since December 9, 1992 – the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

The uniqueness of the KCR heritage

Natural heritage

There are more than 70 officially registered natural monuments on the territory of the republic

Southern Elephant Cave

Sofia Glacier with a group of waterfalls

Ring Mountain

Cultural heritage

Sentinsky Temple (first half of the 10th century) (village of Nizhnyaya Teberda)

Shoan Temple (10th century)

Adiyukh Watchtower

Cathedral in honor of the Holy Great Martyr

and Victorious George, 10th century (gorge of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River)

Khumarin settlement - a former Alan fortified city

Stone women at the entrance to the local history museum of the republic

Natural conditions

  • Karachay-Cherkessia is located in foothills northwestern Caucasus in the zone mountain steppes And deciduous forests.
  • Soils mainly black soils And gray forest Rich flora and fauna have been preserved in the forests and highlands. There are a number of protected areas on the territory of the republic, including Teberdinsky Reserve and part Caucasian Nature Reserve .
  • The climate is moderately warm, winters are short, summers are warm, long, and fairly humid. The climate is characterized by a long duration of sunshine. The average temperature in January is −3.2 °C, July is +20.6 °C, the highest temperature is +43 °C, the lowest is −29 °C. The average annual precipitation is from 500 to 2000 mm.
  • About 80% of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is located in mountainous areas.
  • Within the republic there are 3 zones:
  • foothill plain,
  • foothills
  • Caucasus mountains.

Natural heritage of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

The system of specially protected natural areas of Karachay-Cherkessia is quite developed.

It includes the Teberda State Biosphere Reserve and 9 reserves.

Dautsky State Nature Reserve

Teberda State Biosphere Reserve

Water resources :

  • About 130 alpine lakes, many mountain waterfalls.
  • 172 rivers flow, of which the largest are the Kuban, Bolshoy and Maly Zelenchuk, Urup, Laba;
  • Kuban reservoir.
  • The Bolshoi Stavropol Canal system operating in the republic is the source of water supply for the Stavropol Territory.

Mineral resources

  • The subsoil is rich in natural resources: coal, granite, marble, various ores and clays.
  • In large reserves - healing mineral waters, there are many thermal springs.

Population and labor resources

  • Karachay-Cherkessia is a multinational republic: representatives of more than 80 nationalities live on its territory. The population of the republic, according to Rosstat, is 469,837 people. (75th place in the Russian Federation) (2014). Population density - 32.90 people/km2 (2014). Urban population - 43.07% (2013).
  • Islam, Orthodoxy and traditional beliefs are mainly represented in the republic


Economy Analysis

Karachay-Cherkessia is an industrial and agricultural republic. The territory can be divided into 2 areas:

In the north chemical production, mechanical engineering and light industry are more developed

In the south, mining and wood processing industries and livestock farming are more typical.

Hydroelectric power is generated at Kurshavskie (780 million kWh/year), Zelenchukskaya hydroelectric power station (501 million kWh/year) and several small hydroelectric power stations

Gross regional product

In total, at current prices – 43.3 billion rubles. (2010) Per capita – 82.5 thousand rubles.

Geography of industry


1. JSC ChZ RTI (449) Production of rubber products

2. Factory LLC (22) Production of paint and varnish products

3. JSC "NVA Plant" (243) Production of low-voltage circuit breakers

4. OJSC "Kholodmash" (158) Production of refrigeration equipment

5. JSC "Kaskad" (348) Production of rectangular electrical connectors

6. LLC “Circassian enterprise Kavkaz-packet” (44) Production of low-voltage equipment, heat-resistant film

7. Bumfa Group LLC (500) Production of sanitary and hygienic, perfumery and cosmetic products

8. JSC Kavkazcement (855) Cement production

9. LLC Automotive Company "Derways" (1784) Production of golf cars, sedans, SUVs and pickups

10. LLC "Quest-A" (57) Production of (tops) wool tape and yarn.

11. JSC "PTSHF "INE" (60) Production sewing products(clothes)

Geography of industry

Urupsky district:

12. CJSC Urupsky GOK (764) Underground mining of copper and pyrite ores, production of copper concentrate (Mednogorsky village)

13. KCHRGUP “Beskessky Forestry” (79) Harvesting commercial wood, manufacturing carpentry (Kurdzhinovo village)

14. OJSC "Flora of the Caucasus" (56) Procurement and packaging of medicinal herbs, production of medicinal tinctures, procurement of wild fruits and berries, production of canned vegetables, fruits and berries (Pregradnaya station)

Zelenchuksky district:

15. JSC “Kardonik plant “Electroizolit” (16) Production of heat-resistant electrical insulating tubes (Kardonikskaya station)

16. KCHRGUP "Urupsky Forestry" (44) Harvesting commercial wood, manufacturing carpentry (Storozhevaya station)

17. KCHRGUP “Zelenchuksky forestry enterprise” (32) Harvesting commercial wood, manufacturing carpentry (Zelenchukskaya station)

Other enterprises:

18. Selena LLC (226) Production of padding polyester, textile products, soft toy(Ust-Dzheguta)

19. JSC "Eliya" (150) Production of wirewound resistors for the military-industrial complex (Malokarachaevsky district, Uchkeken village)

20. JSC "Gidropneumonormal" (49) Production of hydropneumatic equipment (Khabez district, Besleney village)


Tourism is of great importance for the region, mountaineering in the south of the republic and resort activities in the resorts of Dombay, Arkhyz, Teberda.

Summer camp Arkhyz Park


Investments in fixed capital, in actual prices, million rubles. (1995 – billion rubles)


  • in housing from 2009 to 2012 decrease slightly ( 10,9)
  • in other buildings and structures increased almost threefold in 2011 and 2012 ( 55,9% )
  • in machines, equipment, vehicles and household inventory almost doubled in 2011 and 2012 ( 28,3 )

Other investments, although they occupy a small part, doubled in 2012 ( 4,9 )

Sources of financing, billion rubles (2012)



profit remaining at the disposal of the organization





bank loans

borrowed funds from other organizations

budget resources

federal budget


subjects of the Russian Federation

extra-budgetary funds

1656,0 (11,6%)

What are they investing in?

Investments in fixed assets by type of economic activity

million rubles


Agriculture, hunting and forestry


Manufacturing industries

of them:

production food products; including drinks and tobacco

pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities

production of rubber and plastic products

production of other non-metallic

mineral products

Production and distribution

electricity, gas and water


Wholesale and retail; repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items

Hotels and restaurants

Transport and communications


Financial activities

Real estate transactions, rental and provision of services

Public administration and military security; mandatory

social Security


Health and social service provision

Providing other utilities, social and personal services

Famous people

Yuri Lazarevich Popov

Vladimir Magomedovich Semenov

Mikhail Abdurakhmanovich Eskindarov

Territory development scenarios Optimistic

  • Increasing investment by the state, attracting other investors.

Agro-industrial complex: increase in the number of small cattle and cattle, extensive development of cattle breeding

Industry: creation of new enterprises chemical industry and mechanical engineering, etc. industrial enterprises

Social sphere: increasing the number of health workers and medical institutions, improving the quality of housing and communal services

Tourism: development of the main resorts of the republic, creation and improvement of infrastructure for recreation and tourism

Mining: increasing production volumes, developing new deposits

Popularization of resorts in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Territory development scenarios Innovative

  • Development Unified strategy development of the republic with priority in the field of tourism
  • Creating a favorable environment and attracting individual entrepreneurs for the development of the tourism cluster of the republic in accordance with the Unified Strategy
  • Attracting foreign investors
  • Nature conservation, identification of new protected areas

Agro-industrial complex: development of livestock breeding - return to transhumance, improvement of previously bred breeds, creation of a favorable economic and legislative environment for the development of livestock breeding

Mining: resource development with conservation in mind

Industry: Creation of industrial enterprises based on local raw materials

Social sphere: increasing the number and quality of medical institutions, improving the quality of housing and communal services

  • creation of modern ski slopes, jumps, etc. Development of new types of extreme sports.
  • Carrying out international level sporting competitions.
  • Involvement of the local population in the tourism sector
  • Development of the republic's infrastructure as a whole

“The Karachay neutral people living at the foot of Elbrus are distinguished by their loyalty, beauty and courage.” L. N. Tolstoy, Complete Works. “The Karachays... are a free, brave, hardworking people, excellent rifle shooters... Nature itself, with its beauties and horrors, elevates the spirit of the strength of the mountaineers, the love of glory, contempt for life, and gives rise to the noblest passions...” A. Yakubovich “Northern Bee”, 1825, “The peoples of the right flank, knowing the belligerence of the Karachais and their fiery character, are afraid to touch them and live peacefully with them.” I. Zabudsky, “Military Statistical Review Russian Empire“Karachay shepherds are rarely armed only with a dagger, and now give the impression of quiet people, kind to infinity, direct and honest. You boldly trust these ruddy, plump faces with a gentle smile on their thick lips. They don’t look at you like a beast, on the contrary, they are glad of your arrival and are ready to treat you with whatever they can... Respect for elders is the basic law of the Karachai moral code... The position of women in Karachay is much better than that of other highlanders.” V. Teptsov, “Collection of materials for describing the localities and tribes of the Caucasus”, Tiflis, 1892 “And that the Karachais will never offend women, according to folk traditions, this is beyond any doubt.” K. Khetagurov, Collected works “Karachais are the most beautiful people.” Jean Chardin, traveler

Territory of residence: modern territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The Karachais inhabit mainly its mountainous and foothill areas along the valleys of the Kuban, Teberda, Podkumok, Malka, Bolshoy and Maly Zelenchuk rivers. A certain number of Karachais live in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan (4-5 thousand people), where they ended up as a result of the forced deportation of the entire people in 1943. They also live in Turkey, Syria, Egypt, European countries and America, where they are descendants of the Muhajirs who left the Caucasus in the 19th century.

Ethnogenesis. In the formation of the Karachai ethnos, which presumably ended in the 13th-14th centuries, mainly Alans, Bulgars and local mountain tribes of the Kuban culture took part, passing on many features of their culture to their descendants. In pre-Mongol times, in the territory inhabited by the Karachais, there was an Alan union of tribes. The earliest Karachay-Balkarian monuments are considered to be the burial grounds of centuries in the conventionally designated territory of Karachay and Balkaria. After the Mongol invasion, the supposed ancestors of the Karachays, the Cumans, were pushed into the mountain gorges of the Central Caucasus. On the territory of the present Karachay-Cherkess Republic, according to some authoritative scientists, the capital of medieval Alania was located, called Meuse in the chronicles of that time. Over the course of many centuries, the Karachais and Balkars became mixed with the Ossetians, from whom they are anthropologically indistinguishable [ [

The traditional dwelling of the Karachais is a rectangular (sometimes polygonal) one- or two-chamber log building with a gable earthen roof. Lived and household the buildings formed a complex of a closed courtyard (image). From the end 19th century Multi-chamber, two-story buildings appeared, the roofs of houses were covered with planks, iron, and later slate.

The interior of the home was reminiscent of the ancient culture of nomads. The living chamber was divided into wives. and male, honorary and non-honorary parts. The walls were covered with felt carpets, and the shelves with applique. Inside the dwelling there was a wall fireplace (odzhak) with an open chimney. A fireplace smoker protruded above the roof. The roofs of the houses are earthen and of complex construction. Usually, rooms for young families (otou) were added in a row to a single-chamber dwelling. Dept. a house or room was reserved for receiving guests (kunatskaya).

The main traditional occupation of the Karachais was and is currently transhumance, as well as arable terrace farming with artificial irrigation. Livestock farming continues to be the main occupation of the mountain and foothill part of the population. Among the crafts, cloth making, making felt hats, felt cloaks, the production of patterned felts, carpets, wood and stone carving, and gold embroidery are developed.

Leading cultural figures. Bayramukova, Khalimat Bashchievna () poet, prose writer, playwright, member of the Writers' Union since 1939. Batchaev, Mudalif Karakezovich () political and public figure. Dzhaubaev, Khusey Mukhadzhirovich, famous poet and journalist of Karachay-Cherkessia. Krymshamkhalov, Islam Pachaevich () poet, artist and educator, enthusiast of public education. Semenov, Ismail Unukhovich () poet and singer, author of the famous song “Elbrus”, which became the anthem of the Caucasus. Uzdenov, Albert Magometovich (born 1957) author and performer of more than 600 songs, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Poet of Karachay-Cherkessia, People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia, Honored Artist of Ingushetia, Honored Worker of Culture of Kabardino-Balkaria. Urtenov, Azret Lokmanovich () writer, translator, public figure, folklorist, poet. Khubiev, Osman Akhyaevich () writer Bidzhiev Hasan Yakubovich - Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the KCR, director of the Russian Drama and Comedy Theater of the KCR, actor, theater and film director.

Military Badakhov, Khamzat Ibraevich Hero of Russia. Bayramukov, Jadtai Kaitbievich full Knight of St. George, national hero. Bidzhiev, Soltan-Hamit Lokmanovich Hero of Russia. Bogatyrev, Harun Umarovich Hero of the Soviet Union. Gerbekov, Magomet Chomaevich Hero of Russia. Golaev, Janibek Nanakovich Hero of Russia. Izhaev, Abdulla Makhaevich Hero of Russia. Karaketov, Yunus Kekkezovich Hero of Russia. Kasaev, Osman Musaevich Hero of the Soviet Union. Krymshamkhalov, Magomed-Geri Azamat-Gerievich participant in the First World War, Knight of the Order of St. George. Magometov, Soltan Kekkezovich Colonel General of the Armored Forces, Chief Military Advisor in Syria and Afghanistan. Famous military leader and diplomat. Uzdenov, Dugerbiy Tanaevich Hero of Russia. Khairkizov, Kichibatyr Alimurzaevich Hero of Russia. Chochuev, Harun Adameevich Hero of Russia.

Scientists Baichorov, Kurman Umarovich Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences and BPA, Honored Scientist of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Bidzhiev, Askhat Basiyatovich is an outstanding surgeon, organizer, and leader. Poet and translator. Tekeev, Alimurat Abuyusufovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of an international prize and three UN gold medals, Honored Doctor of Russia, three times laureate of international scientific competitions. Author of a number of patents for inventions, including: “Method of production of fermented milk drink Ayran Karachaevsky”, “Method of production of kefir (gypy-ayran)”. In 2003, according to ITAR-TASS, for the first time in history North Caucasus awarded the UN International Prize and the gold medal “For outstanding achievements in the field of informatization of the world community.” Urusova, Baidymat Iskhakovna professor, the first doctor of physical and mathematical sciences among women in the North Caucasus. Goguev, Nany Tomaevich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician, Honored Doctor of Russia, Head of the Department of Internal Diseases of the State Medical Academy. Laipanov, Islam Mekerovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, doctor of the highest category, chief urologist of the Stavropol Territory. Dzhaubaev, Murat Hadzhi-Osmanovich Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, well-known surgeon in the Stavropol Territory. Semenov Umar Aubekirovich Candidate of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director of Sochi national park Bayramukov Salis Khamidovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department construction production and real estate examination of SKGGTA.

Athletes Renat Akbaev 5-time world champion in belt wrestling. Bayramukov Mukhtar Khuseevich (Alan Berkov) racer, contender for participation in Formula 1. Islam Bayramukov, silver medalist of the Olympics in freestyle wrestling, Sydney Saryev, Ruslan, 5-time absolute world champion in arm wrestling. Chomaev, Robert Honored Master of Sports, Master of Sports of International Class, 7th World Champion in Arm Wrestling. Chotchaev, Rasul, five-time world champion in arm wrestling. Tebuev Dakhir is a two-time world champion in arm wrestling. Tekeyev Soltan - nine-time absolute champion of the North Caucasus in national wrestling

A little about the character of the people The isolated way of life in the mountains for many centuries served as the reason for the formation of the unique national character of the mountaineers. Karachais live in communities that are divided into clans and surnames: Yuidegi, Ataul, Tukum, Tiire. Karachais are very independent in their behavior and are supporters of freedom. The Karachais have strong, historically established customs and traditions that regulate almost all aspects of life: weddings, funerals, family decisions, etc. The Karachais will never offend their guest. Unquestioning obedience to elders is a centuries-old law. They continue to have a special attitude towards women (girls). The fact of insulting the parents of a Karachay is a fatal offense for the offender. There are known cases of blood feud to this day. Great emphasis is placed on compliance with requirements and regulations code of ethics“YOZDEN ADET”, which is a set of customary laws, moral precepts and rules of etiquette

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Seven wonders of the Karachay-Circassian Republic Completed by: Albotova Albina, 8 “B” grade, MCOU “Secondary School No. 6 named after. A.A. Tambieva, Pervomaiskoe village" Head: teacher of history and social studies Kubanova Mariam Khuseevna

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Goals and objectives: 1. Formation of a holistic idea of ​​the historical past of the region, the current state of the native land and the prospects for its development. 2. Formation of ideas about various aspects of life in one’s region and population; acquaintance with the history and modern culture and nature of your region. 3. Development of cognitive interest in studying the history of the native land. attracting attention to the restoration and preservation of unique objects on the territory of our republic. Relevance of the work: man, living on Earth, destroys nature, monuments of human civilization; without the past there is no present and future; In an effort to preserve the best creations of human hands, people choose the wonders of the world.

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Once at school we were told about the encyclopedia by E. Grigorieva and E. Guglina “Wonders of the World”. After reading this book, we learned a lot about the wonders of the world. We had a question: Why not find “miracles” in our republic? We conducted a survey among 6th grade students aimed at identifying and identifying unique places. Under the guidance of the teacher, the survey results were analyzed, systematized and summarized. While working on this topic, we visited the sights of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, read books by modern historians, and found a lot of materials on the Internet. Introduction.

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Seven wonders of the Karachay-Circassian Republic: 1) According to the survey results, the first miracle is Mount Elbrus. 2) The second miracle is the Kuban River. 3) The third miracle - Dombay. 4) The fourth miracle is the Teberda resort. Teberda Nature Reserve. 5) The fifth miracle is Arkhyz. 6) The sixth miracle is the Zelenchuk Astrophysical Observatory. 7) The seventh miracle is Ayran.

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Seven wonders of the Karachay-Circassian Republic: 1) According to the survey results, the first miracle is Mount Elbrus. 1) Mount Elbrus. 2) Kuban River. 3) Dombay – the land of legends and sun. 4) Teberda resort. Teberda Nature Reserve. 5) Arkhyz is the pearl of the Caucasus. 6) Zelenchuk Astrophysical Observatory. 7) Ayran is the drink of the Narts.

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Mountain Elbrus. Elbrus (kar - balk - Mingitau) is the highest mountain range of the Greater Caucasus. It is a cone of an extinct volcano, composed mainly of andesites, on a high base of granites and crystalline schists. Elbrus has two peaks: the western peak of Elbrus (height 5642 m) and the eastern peak (5621 m). They are separated by a deep saddle (5325 m). Elbrus is covered with a cap of ice. This is the highest peak of the Caucasus and Europe, located on the border of the republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. To the East of Elbrus in the mountainous regions of the Central Caucasus, along the gorges of the Baksan, Malka, and Chegem rivers, the Balkars live. To the West of Elbrus, similar areas along the gorges of the Kuban, Teberda, Zelenchuk and Laba rivers are inhabited by blood-related Karachais. The powerful glaciers of Elbrus give rise to the rivers Kyukyurtlyu, Ullu-Khurzuk, Ullu-Kama, which, merging with each other, form the Kuban River, the largest in the North Caucasus. At the foot of Elbrus there are many healing mineral springs, the waters of which restore health to sick people. This mountain is amazingly beautiful. Words from a Karachai folk song: “The handsome Elbrus looks through the clouds, in a white hat, into the blue. I can’t stop admiring the proud peak, bold, powerful.”

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Magnificent paintings! Thrones of eternal snow, Their peaks seemed to their eyes like a motionless chain of clouds, And in their circle, a two-headed colossus, Shining in an icy crown, Elbrus, huge, majestic, White in the blue sky. A.S. Pushkin

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Gray Elbrus is young at heart. Powerful and passionate - just touch him. There is a universal cold in his brow. There is a crazy fire in his chest. He is formidable, as of old, today And his beauty is high. The Underworld and the heavens united forever in it. V.L. Belilovsky

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Water resources of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Kuban River The republic has an abundance of water resources. There are 172 rivers flowing through, of which the largest are the Kuban, Bolshoy and Maly Zelenchuk, Urup, Laba; There is a Kuban reservoir. The Bolshoi Stavropol Canal system operating in the republic is the source of water supply for the Stavropol Territory. There are about 400 lakes in Karachay-Cherkessia. Karachay-Cherkessia is rich in its various mineral springs: about 20 springs are concentrated in the Ullu-Khurzuk river basin. The most popular are the Jamagat ones. Kuban is one of the most important and largest rivers in the South of Russia and the North Caucasus. It flows through the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, in Stavropol and Krasnodar region. The river originates on the slopes of Elbrus, where the mountain streams Ullukam and Uchkulan merge. Its total length is 870 kilometers. There are 14 thousand rivers in the Kuban basin that give it their water. In the 1970s, the Krasnodar reservoir was created in the Kuban, and now river ships sail along it from Krasnodar to the mouth. The large cities of Karachaevsk, Cherkessk, and Armavir are located in the Kuban.

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Dombay is a country of blue skies, generous sun and snowy peaks, a country glorified by poets. This is a ski and tourist resort glorified by Vizbor. It is interesting primarily because many famous peaks (Belalakaya, Zub, Sofrudzhu, Ertsog, etc.) are visible directly from the village in all their glory. If there is a place in the world that is “better to see once,” then this is, of course, Dombay - a country of blue skies, generous sun and snowy peaks, a country sung by poets. Throughout the history of Dombay, quite a few of them have visited here, as have artists and musicians, or even just people in love with the mountains, “sick” of the mountains. The word “dombai” (dommai) means “bison” in Karachay; once upon a time, entire herds of mighty giants roamed the Dombay forests. Dombay is one of the modern recreation and sports centers and the tourist center of the Greater Caucasus. Currently, a tourist complex of several dozen hotels, including modern mini-hotels, operates in Dombayskaya Polyana.

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Teberdinsky Nature Reserve Teberdinsky Nature Reserve is located within the Karachay, Zelenchuksky and Urupsky districts of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. There are 157 lakes in the reserve. The Baduk Lakes, in particular, are famous for their beauty. The maximum depth of the lakes is 30-50 m. The age of the lakes is 200-1000 years, with the exception of Lake Karakol in the city of Teberda, which arose during the retreat of the ancient Teberda glacier approximately 8000-10000 years ago. The largest rivers: Teberda, Amanauz, Alibek, Dombay-Yolgen, Gonachkhir, Baduk. There are 109 glaciers on the territory of the reserve with total area 74.3 sq. km. The reserve is home to 1,207 species of plants, 470 species of mosses, more than 300 species of lichens, more than 100 species of terrestrial algae, and 500 species of fungi. 272 are endemic to the Caucasus. 26 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia. The rich fauna and virgin vegetation are natural monuments. The beech forest is of particular value (the trees are more than two hundred years old, and the girth of the trunks is 3 m). The sunny slope of the valley is covered with giant pine trees. Opposite are 70-meter fir trees, some of which are about 7 centuries old. Among all this plant splendor, representatives of the fauna roam freely: bears, snow leopards, Caucasian deer and other rare species.

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TEBERDA Teberda is a resort town in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, 105 km south of Cherkessk. The name comes from the Teberda River, in the valley of which the city is located. The resort town of Teberda today is a center of tourism and climatic and balneological treatment. There are many tourist centers and sanatoriums located here, and there are also sanatoriums designed for joint recreation between parents and children, equipped with modern equipment. But " chief physician“Here there is the purest air, saturated with ozone.

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Arkhyz resort Arkhyz resort today is the main one tourist centre Caucasus. It would be strange not to use a place with such natural beauty for its intended purpose. The Arkhyz resort grew up next to the village of the same name. This is a place that is distinguished by its picturesque nature and unique topography. Quality rest is ensured by a favorable climate: mild winters and mass sunny days. The Arkhyz Valley is located at an altitude of 1450 m above sea level, surrounded by high mountain ranges - Abishir-Akhub and the Main Caucasus Range. Mountain hikes of varying difficulty, rafting on the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River and horse riding are the main entertainment for tourists in the warm season. But as soon as the first snow falls, skiers and snowboarders flock here. They hit right on the territory of the reserve healing springs. Biologically active mineral water Arkhyz is known for its unique composition. Thanks to this, the Arkhyz resort is not only a center of active tourism, but also a place of balneological treatment.

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ZELENCHUK ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY A large azimuthal telescope is located in the mountains of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia. Its mirror, 6 meters in diameter, was once the largest in the world. Located at an altitude of more than 2000 meters, the astroclimate is suitable for space exploration: an almost ideal atmosphere, a large number of clear nights and the necessary distance from industrial production. The uniqueness of the 6-meter telescope is in its alt-azimuth mount: the telescope can move along the horizontal and vertical axes, and this allows scientists to more accurately define the desired area of ​​the sky for studying galaxies and stars. The telescope is one of the components of the special astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as is the radio telescope - RATAN-600. These instruments for exploring outer space are called the eyes and ears of planet Earth.
