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Images for a New Year's photo shoot for the family. What clothes to choose for a family New Year's photo shoot, fashion ideas. Good old New York

Photos on New Year yours can turn out wonderful! A celebration, beloved and anticipated by many, is coming soon. New Year is a wonderful time when you can gather in a warm family circle and have fun. In addition, there is an opportunity to capture joyful, unforgettable moments of life and fill a family photo album with photographs. So, doing a photo shoot on New Year’s is a great idea and I would like to offer some interesting stories on this occasion.

The last Christmas tree decoration found its place on the branch, the lights of the garlands began to blink, and the eyes of friends and family sparkled. The best occasion for a festive photo near the Christmas tree! The idea is great, but requires a little preparation.

For a successful photo shoot with a Christmas tree, here are some simple and impressive posing ideas.

Photo session “Celebrating the New Year with your family”

The best photos are spontaneous ones, when the family is busy preparing for the ceremonial event. This could be table setting or home interior decoration. You can hang up festive garlands or flags, gather in a noisy company where children and invited friends are present. As a result, you will have such pleasant pre-holiday chores great mood, which will be reflected in the photographs. Check out articles on how to look your best on New Year's Eve: and

In addition, you can also capture the moments when New Year's gifts are given to each other. Of course, this will especially please the little participants in the celebration. It's a good idea to create colorful gift wrappings and take some photographs as they are given.

"Snow" photo shoot

This idea is tempting, especially if snow falls during this period. After all, then you can take wonderful photographs as a souvenir! The family album will be replenished with funny photos of family members sledding, building a snowman and simply throwing snowballs.

For lovers of extraordinary ideas, there are also new proposals for New Year's photo shoots.

Photo shoot with numbers

In this case, as an option, you can offer a photo with numbers showing the coming year. Such a photo will look very original. It will be most convenient to cut out numbers from foam plastic or colored cardboard.
The created image can be “diluted” with a Santa Claus hat or funny horns. Those who do not want to use numbers can simply take a glass of champagne.

New Year's tangerines

For many, these fruits are directly related to the New Year celebrations. Together with a decorated Christmas tree, they will become a real symbol of the celebration and will also add brightness and variety to the photographs.

Photo session “New Year's holiday near the Christmas tree”

This plot is completely win-win. The photo will reflect a magnificent picture - the whole family is located near the Christmas tree and a peaceful atmosphere reigns around.
To provide a special uniqueness to the photographs, you need to choose clothes that would be in harmony among the family members; you can also wear Santa Claus hats.

Christmas tree decoration in the photo

The footage in which a child, together with his parents, or grandparents, helps decorate the Christmas tree, will be very impressive and touching.

Every person considers the New Year to be one of the most significant holidays. The most fabulous and inspiring memories, wonderful emotions and feelings are associated with him. Also, this holiday provides an opportunity to experience the family warmth that any person needs.

Since childhood, we have been instilled with the expectation of miracles, magic, and surprises. Do you want to arrange a real fairy tale for your child? A New Year's photo shoot will perfectly contribute to this. The child will be captivated by this interesting fun game, and parents will have the opportunity to save it bright emotions, captured by a specialist photographer.

Family home photo shoot for the New Year

Atmosphere New Year's photography for the baby are various holiday accessories, original outfits, laughter, smiles, fabulous sensations. There are a large number of different ideas. An older child can already express his desires independently. The nuances of the proposed photography should be discussed with the photographer in advance.

A festive photo shoot, taking place in a friendly family atmosphere, can bring people even closer together. And it doesn’t matter which location is chosen for filming - a house, a studio, a street. The most important thing is that there is a wonderful opportunity to turn the most fantastic ideas and wishes into reality. Everything can be done to provide an atmosphere that matches the spirit of the most important celebration of the year.

On New Year's Eve, almost all photo studios involved in professional activity, create the most interesting and original interiors. And you should take advantage of such a good opportunity. Just don’t be surprised if you suddenly see a large number of photographs of these interiors on the Internet.

Another option, also very interesting, is to create a photo shoot at home. It will be warm, comfortable, and the furnishings of the home will reflect the individual style of the family.

But if it turns out that you didn’t have time to organize a photo shoot for the New Year, then you shouldn’t be too upset - you still have a chance to do it during the Christmas holidays. Here you can choose the style personally, using your own imagination. You can use the peculiarities of national traditions when celebrating Christmas, or just take a walk on a frosty evening, going to a quiet and cozy restaurant to relax and warm up.
And don’t limit your own imagination; build on the desired number of photos and the volume of the entire photo shoot. As an option, a modest, cozy shoot within a certain location. You can also change places and create a varied plot. Just keep in mind that such a photo shoot will tire your baby.

A little about the surroundings and costumes. There are a number of common color combinations that can appropriately emphasize the holiday atmosphere. These are colors such as white, red, green, white with gold, white with a milky tint, soft pink, silver.

A New Year's holiday photo shoot for a child is always inspiring. After all, you want to do the best for your baby, so that he can visit a fairy tale and remember it for a long time. Choosing the right photographer is important. Maybe you should choose baby suit Goats for a child? Then here you go:

Interesting offers for a photo shoot for the New Year

Once the snow falls, it's time for holiday photo shoot! Photographers just starting their own careers have to solve the following problem - where and how to conduct a photo session?

I would like to offer a few simple ideas that will make the photo shoot impressive.

The most entertaining photographs are those taken in a photo studio. And it doesn’t matter who the participants in the photo shoot are - a married couple, friends or children. The photographer needs to find a studio equipped with holiday accessories. There must be a decorated Christmas tree there, but you can take Santa Claus's hat, costumes and tinsel with you.

If you, as a photographer, have to photograph a cheerful friendly company, a romantic couple, a guy, a girl, then an informal atmosphere of fun is suitable here. We need to prepare champagne and glasses. A red cap on your head and a glass of wine are simple but quite appropriate accessories for a photo shoot. During filming, the glass of champagne can be exchanged for a red bag or boxes containing gifts. Someone might even dress up as Santa Claus.

Some ideas for photos with a large company present:

- you can take a photo with glasses;

— record the exchange of gifts, joy and surprise on their faces;

— photograph friendly kisses;

- “models” lie on their stomachs and take a photo at their eye level;

- “models” should lie on their backs in a “head to head” position and photograph the entire company from above;

— capture jumps;

- record a merry round dance around the Christmas tree...

Family New Year photo

At taking a family New Year's photo It is best to use poses and images of a more restrained nature. Naturally, children are the leading faces of the shooting. If the photo is shared, then the children should be seated between the parents. The photographer needs to focus on conveying maximum positive emotions and the feeling of love and warmth that reigns in the family. To do this, if necessary, change the dark background to a light one. A family photo will look great on a white background. If the photo is taken in the style of a New Year's love story, then it is necessary to use red and blue colors in the general background.
For very young children, place a small rug around the decorated Christmas tree and place toys and gifts. You need to focus on taking pictures where kids play with toys against the backdrop of a colorful Christmas tree and touch it. The most important thing is to give them freedom and not ask them to pose for the camera. During filming, parents should join in the child’s games. And at the end of the shooting, you can ask everyone to pay attention to posing in front of the camera. Then it will be standard general photo family, which must be present in any family photo album.

Personal photo can be created using a wide variety of ideas. You just need to imagine a little. For example, dress the “model” in a unique Snow Maiden dress, a cheerful costume of Santa Claus, a gray bunny or any desired fairy-tale hero. Use pieces of furniture, gifts, Christmas tree decorations, and artificial snow while shooting. If it is not possible to find snow, then it is enough to cut finely silvery rain and cover the floor with it.


Any woman will win over a lush green beauty and will favorably emphasize the dignity of her figure, boldly posing against the background of a Christmas tree in full height. In this case, it is important to understand that the shy silhouette of the Venus de Milo is unlikely to create a feeling of festive relaxedness and charm.

Allow yourself to relax a little, play with different images, using the rich New Year's surroundings. It could be:

· a glass of champagne;

· shiny Christmas ball;

· gift in bright packaging;

· hat with pompoms;

· loud cracker.


One of the most successful angles in a portrait is considered to be turning the head in a three-quarter position. In this way, passport formality disappears, the structural features of the eyes, nose, ears, and facial contours are smoothed out.

For a photograph against the background of a Christmas tree, it is better to start with a half-length portrait, placing the soft focus of fluffy green branches, Christmas tree decorations and merging lights in the background of the frame.

· We find a natural rotation of the body towards the camera;

· open the face and part of the side of the head;

· we arrange our hands beautifully in the frame or hug a large teddy bear, a favorite pet: a decorative rabbit, a puppy, a kitten;

· do not forget about favorable lighting of the face, using additional light sources.


Who said you can't take pictures of your back? What if it’s an open, silk back framed in flowing fabric?

· We turn our whole body towards the tree;

· create a slight turn of the head back;

· a slight lift of the chin, lowered eyelashes and the image of a mysterious stranger is complete;

· the muted flickering of candles, night lamps and Christmas tree garland will complement the mystery.


The photo will turn out unusually “alive” if the model freezes in a flying pose of a jump or expressive dance. Freedom, movement, happiness – perhaps the most suitable epithets of the “floating” image.

· Stand with the whole family around the Christmas tree, hold hands and jump as high as possible;

· tango for two against the backdrop of flashing garland lights. What could be more beautiful?

· flying artificial snow in the frame, showering hair and eyelashes, white snowflakes blown from the palms;

· maybe someone will be inspired by a floating skirt a la Marilyn Monroe.

Don’t forget that the New Year is a holiday with your family; photographs with parents, children, and loved ones enrich the stories and create an aura of warmth and serene happiness.

Showing a little creative imagination, you can achieve impressive images and a great New Year's mood.

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New Year is a great reason to create new series joint photographs with their household members. After all, there is nothing better than a harmonious magical atmosphere, festive decor, general fun and joy, and all this in high-quality beautiful photographs? But original and creative ideas are not always possible due to weather conditions. Therefore, a family New Year's photo shoot in the studio is a popular and successful alternative.

Ideas for a New Year's photo shoot in the studio

Family photography is the flavor of the most relevant and desirable subjects. Ideas for a New Year's family photo shoot include children's photography and, sometimes, the baby's waiting line. The studio area allows you to realize original and unusual ideas, often reminiscent of a home environment or the atmosphere of a country house. The current decorations in a photo studio are a Christmas tree, wrapped gifts, a fireplace, a rocking chair, and a blanket. A family New Year's photo shoot in the studio will help you perfectly capture the most desirable and cozy ideas, while remaining warm and comfortable compared to shooting outside.

Family New Year photo session with gifts

One of the original and popular ideas for modern photography in the studio was a plot with beautiful surprises under the Christmas tree. Opening gifts together, passing them to each other, moments of joy, surprise and tenderness - what could be more beautiful for a close-knit happy family? A New Year's studio photo shoot, as a rule, involves dummy boxes wrapped in beautiful packaging. But your plot will be more pleasant and unusual if the gifts are real. In this case, they will be genuine.

Poses for a New Year's photo shoot in the studio

To make the shooting rich and varied, you need to use different ideas in different positions. Poses for a family New Year's photo shoot in the studio should be casual, relaxed, and casual. Don't worry about being photographed all the time. It’s better to turn your attention to communicating with your family. Then all the pictures will turn out natural, which is considered much more beautiful than a stiff and constrained posture. Professionals call the most relevant body positions the following:

  • lying down. This position is most comfortable, especially for children. Photographers suggest having fun on the floor or lying down together on a large bed decorated with New Year’s decor, doing something together - reading a book, telling interesting stories, etc. A popular solution would be a pyramid - dad, mom, children. Such pictures look very unusual, interesting, playful;
  • sitting. A family New Year's photo shoot in the studio is mischief, a joint immersion in childhood, behavior that is atypical for everyday life. In a sitting position, you can ride a sleigh together, open gifts under the Christmas tree, sit by the fireplace in a blanket with a cup of hot drink;
  • subject shooting. You don't have to take one specific pose. Best pictures– capturing the moment of relaxed joint actions: opening boxes with gifts, funny stories by the fire. If your family has special skills, you can use your talents, for example, acrobatic performances. But this must definitely concern New Year's theme. That is, as an option, all household members stand in a high pyramid to put a star on the Christmas tree.

Family New Year's photo session by the fireplace

What can be called more beautiful than reading an interesting book together near a cozy fire? Suitable poses for a family New Year's photo shoot in the studio by the fireplace are lying and sitting. Don't strain such a sweet atmosphere with your movements. Here you get the impression of a homely environment, severe frost and snowfall outside. Comfort in such photographs can be emphasized with the help of a large warm blanket that wraps all family members and a cup of delicious cocoa. Only photographs of feet in knitted socks against the backdrop of a blazing fire will be original. But this is the case if your family New Year’s photo shoot in the studio takes place with a functioning device.

New Year's photo shoot in pajamas

Often the main focus of cohesion and happiness in a family is the wardrobe. Popular clothing for a New Year's family photo shoot in the studio is pajamas. This simple sleep outfit makes the atmosphere even more homely. It’s better if your wardrobe is the same – in color, style, cut. An original idea would be with pajamas for men and a nightgown for women. The image for a New Year's photo shoot in the studio does not have to correspond to the holiday. This is compensated by the decorative zone. But it’s better if your night wardrobe complements the New Year’s picture.

How to dress for a New Year's family photo shoot?

Choosing a wardrobe for holiday photography requires special attention. You can also come in your usual clothes. But then your photographs will not convey the fullness and richness of the plot. Family clothes for a New Year's photo shoot in the studio should emphasize the harmony and unified style of people who are related to each other. Today, there are many diverse and stylish options - a paired wardrobe, identical cut and color, the same material and finish. In modern fashion, designers never cease to produce exclusive collections for the family, which is great for photography.

Family look for a New Year's photo shoot

Your plot will be the most original, interesting and stylish if all family members wear the same clothes. Sweaters have become a popular wardrobe item. The New Year theme will not be out of place in the design of these attributes. For female representatives, a sweater dress is often an alternative to a pullover. A New Year's studio photo shoot can have a more elegant direction. In this case, evening and evening wear will be relevant. business style. Fashionistas often make this choice for mother-daughter shoots and couples without children.

Looks for a New Year's photo shoot

You can choose a non-identical wardrobe for everyone in the household for the shoot. But in this case it is important to follow the general style of the bow. Then you will be original, individual, but united and harmonious. The best image for a New Year's photo shoot in the studio is represented by the following ideas:

  • romantic. Suitable clothing for such a look would be exquisite wedding dresses, as well as elegant sets, which may include an openwork blouse and an elegant top. The festive atmosphere is emphasized by Santa Claus hats and rain trim;
  • business. A formal wardrobe is not just for the office. Often the general style of a family is distinguished by such qualities as restraint, conciseness, and neatness. A business suit and sheath dress will be the ideal clothing solution for a photo shoot, especially for couples without children;
  • home. Such images are considered the most relevant. After all, comfortable clothes at home allow you to relax as much as possible and indulge in festive fun with your family. From a robe to a practical warm sweater - any option will be relevant. But it is important to make a joint decision.

New Year's photo shoot with a child in the studio

Often holiday photography is driven by the desire to capture the moment when children are still very tiny and mischievous toddlers. Little robbers allow adults not to wear daily gloomy images, but to continue to believe in fairy tales and magic. In a New Year's photo shoot with a baby in the studio, the main attention should be paid most of all to the youngest member of the family. If there are several children, focus the angle on everyone equally. Family New Year's photo shoots with children should convey the magic of the holiday as much as possible. Capture your child's natural surprise and admiration by creating a snowfall, riding a sleigh, or decorating a Christmas tree.

How to prepare for a New Year's photo shoot in the studio?

Preparing for professional photography must be mandatory. In order for New Year's photo shoots with children to bring maximum pleasure, it is necessary to take into account the opinions of all household members, even the smallest ones. Before ordering a place and a master, you should:

  • walk through several studios and decide on the most beautiful, cozy and attractive area for you. You may want several set pieces in one studio;
  • choose a wardrobe. Decide on the desired style, color, finish. Pay attention not only to clothes, but also to shoes;
  • communicate with several masters. It is important that the photographer is good-natured and gets along well with children. Otherwise, the time spent will be wasted;
  • get yourself in order. Get a good night's sleep on the eve of the shoot, eat delicious food, do make-up and hairstyle for all family members, and be cheerful. But the bottom line is - expect only the most positive impressions from the shooting, and this will definitely be the case.

Among dozens of holidays, New Year is special for everyone, almost magical meaning. New Year, moreover, for the vast majority is the most homely and warmest family celebration. That is why family New Year's photo sessions are becoming more and more popular every year. It’s so nice to look at beautiful professionally taken photographs, where everyone is so elegant, smiling and everything around is so solemn, just like in a fairy tale. Any family photo session strongly brings together and gives everyone who participates in it unique happy emotions and memories. And if it’s not just a photo shoot, but a family New Year’s photo session, then all the positive emotions are tripled. If you have the opportunity and desire to capture your own family New Year's tale as a keepsake, now is the time to make an appointment with the photographer. If you live in Kiev, then professional family/children's photographer Kristina Bessolova arranges New Year's photo sessions in Christmas decorations in interior studios, as well as at your home or outdoors (the main thing is that there is snow).

By the way, having decided on a photographer, discuss with him the place where the photography will take place. Every city has its own photo studios, but preference, of course, is best given to those with a thoughtful and stylish New Year's interior. However, if there are no such interior studios in your city, then even in the simplest studio on a white background you can take excellent photographs if you prepare well. Interesting and well-chosen accessories for a photo shoot may well overshadow the stylish decor. Interesting ideas You can see it in the photographs from this article.

Another important point that many people forget about is correct and harmonious clothing for all family members. Family unity will be more expressive if everyone is dressed not just tastefully, but also in the same style. The first thing to consider is how many images do you plan to shoot? This could be a photo shoot in the same clothes, or, on the contrary, you plan to change clothes several times (this parameter mainly depends on the paid time). Second, but no less important, your wardrobe should go well with the interior of the photo studio where you will be filming.

There are several classic color schemes for a family New Year's photo shoot:

  • The classic combination is white + red + green. It is not necessary that these colors be in the clothes; the spruce tree in the studio can be green. Try not to overdo it with red. It's better to use it as an accent.
  • Another popular and winning combination: bright white with milky, pale pink, beige, gold, silver or blue. In this case, if spruce is used, it should not be bright green, but preferably white or silver.
  • Homemade Pajamas: This approach isn't used often, but kids look especially cute in cute Christmas pajamas with reindeer, snowmen, or snowflakes. The main thing: pajamas should be in the same style and match the background.
  • White + gold + red. Effective and stylish. Primary colors: white and gold, red as an accent.
  • White and gold, also a classic option. You can use golden Christmas balls and garlands as accessories.
  • Vintage style. Use red, brown, beige and dark green tones. The background can be a dark wood wall. Decor: antique or antique Christmas decorations, rocking horses, vintage postcards, embroidered pillows.
  • Scandinavian style. The main color of such photography will always be white. It can be diluted with beige and red, sometimes blue, even blue. This style is typically characterized by the use of decor made from natural materials - twigs, pine cones, + natural fabrics - usually linen with traditional Scandinavian patterns. With such decor and background, cozy sweaters knitted in the same style with patterns of deer or snowflakes, as well as discreet clothes made from natural fabrics in calm colors are appropriate.

All photographs below were taken by Russian and Ukrainian photographers.

Photographer: Kristina Bessolova

Photographer: Kristina Bessolova

New Year is a special holiday for each of us, which is associated with the fulfillment of desires, lots of sweets, gifts, and unforgettable emotions. This day unites everyone: both adults and children, and surrounds them with magic and enchantment. On New Year's holidays a miracle happens that we all, without exception, believe in.
On the eve of the holidays, every family rushes to decorate the Christmas tree, prepare a delicious dinner, and pick up gifts. Of course, it’s better to keep the festive mood in beautiful photos. The best way to do this is to have a New Year's photo session with an experienced family photographer. Photos with the right light and a beautiful angle will highlight the specialness of the event. New Year's photos filled with laughter, joy and magic can be placed in a family photo book, a beautiful photo frame or social networks.
Every New Year's photo shoot is interesting project with the search for individual solutions. You can organize a magical shoot for children, parents with children, couples expecting a baby, several generations (photo shoot with grandparents). If you wish, you can also take your pet with you so that the whole family can be present in the photo.
A New Year's photo shoot is a creative process during which different lighting sources, props, backgrounds, and decorations are used. You can also suggest your own ideas for shooting. A New Year's photo shoot can be held in different rooms and studios. All nuances of photography are discussed in advance. That is why a new New Year's photo shoot is always different from the previous one.
The goal of a New Year's photo shoot is to show the family's individuality, create a suitable mood and a relaxed atmosphere so that each family member can open up. Therefore, in the photographs you can see the sparkle in the eyes, a reverent attitude towards each other, joy and many natural emotions.

I want to capture every moment of family New Year’s Eve in a photo, remembering the holiday atmosphere and festive mood throughout the year. Do you want your photos to be imbued with the spirit of the New Year holidays? Don't always have time to fully decorate your home, hang garlands and other decorative elements? And how can you save time, money, and effort on decorating a room, but create and convey in the photo a real New Year’s atmosphere? Make your own photo corner!

A New Year's photo shoot in a pre-prepared photo zone will unite the family, charge you with the atmosphere and set you in a festive mood. We will provide photo ideas, fresh interesting compositions for creating a photo zone!

DIY New Year photo background: idea 1

You will need White background and garlands. For the background, you can use either a press or an ironed sheet. The main thing is that the borders of the frame end at the border of the background. Hang the garlands in any order and connect to the network. We recommend experimenting with white or gold bulbs in a garland. They will create a soft, muted glow that will appear fabulous in the frame. What does this background at home look like for a photo with family and children:
Photos with this background for a photo shoot look like this:

DIY photo corner for the New Year: idea 2

The best ideas for a photo zone are those that are made with your own hands. We propose to create a minimalist Christmas tree that will benefit the interior. You will need: several wooden blocks or regular sticks of different sizes (the quantity depends on the desired height of the tree), any new Year decoration. Place the sticks parallel to each other as they increase (like a pyramid), decorate with garlands, balls, and favorite toys.

You can photograph the decoration of the Christmas tree and the room for the holiday. The photos will turn out “alive” and sincere.

You can make a Christmas tree for a photo shoot with your own hands from a garland, as in the photo below:
From other materials:

Photo corner for a New Year's photo shoot: idea 3

Create a minimalist backdrop for your photo shoot with your own hands. Scatter or systematically place pillows in traditional Christmas colors (white/red/green), gift boxes, paintings and posters on the sofa. Create a classic photo studio style at home!

Background for a New Year's photo shoot at home: idea 4

Let's consider the simplest option, thanks to which you can get a lot of original shots. Clear out a corner of the room (having previously covered it with a beautiful piece of fabric or a white sheet), put a Christmas tree there (preferably a real one), and put a blanket on the floor. Place beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree and sit next to them. You should be the center of the composition, the most valuable and expensive New Year's gift.

A good idea is self-adhesive film (only if your corner consists of tiles). Carefully stick the film with New Year's motifs and get an excellent background for New Year's shots.

Photo corner for a New Year's photo shoot: idea 5

Tribute to the classics – New Year's photo by the fireplace. Both a real and a decorative fireplace will look great in the frame. You don’t have to buy such a piece of furniture just for one photo shoot. Do it, saving time and budget (you will already spend money on new Year gifts). Decorate the fireplace with your favorite toys, garlands, glass or inflatable balls.

DIY photo corner for New Year 2017: idea 6

Don't want to create a photo corner for the New Year? Take a photo with minimal New Year's paraphernalia that (at least vaguely) resembles New Year's. Place a New Year's garland, a spruce branch or a Santa Claus figurine in the foreground. Focus on the foreground and blur the background (you can darken/lighten, make bokeh or insert a congratulatory inscription).
