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Demanded creative professions list. What high-paying professions are in demand now? Educational workers

Demanded professions 2017-2020 - the list of such professions is important not only for high school students who choose a profession, but also for those who decide to change their profession to a more promising, demanded and higher paid one.

Therefore, before making a decision on obtaining or changing a profession, it is necessary to study the issue of trends and trends in the economy, what professions are in demand now and will be in demand in the coming years. Moreover, it is important that the pay for these professions is high.

For you - an overview of promising and in-demand professions based on the results of 2017 for the period up to 2020 from leading recruiting agencies. How do recruiting agencies assess the demand for specialists? They analyze the number of job offers on the labor market, plus the dynamics of salary increases.

1. Overview of in-demand professions from leading recruiting agencies based on the results of 2017 for the period up to 2020.

The demand for IT specialists is still high.

Some believe that there are already too many of these specialists, like lawyers and economists. But this is a myth. According to many studies, the need for IT specialists is covered in the world by no more than 20%. So feel free to go learn to be a programmer!

Other helpful articles:

The demand for online marketing specialists is growing.

Marketers are still needed, but companies are moving to search for customers on the Internet, so the emphasis is on Internet marketing. Now we need not bright and catchy advertising, but delicate and competent promotion of goods and services. Today, a marketer is a specialist who owns the tools of smm, digital and viral marketing, who knows how to work with big data.

There was a demand for engineers.

The market for these specialists was lost, and therefore now specialists for real production are valued very highly and are especially expensive. In the context of rapid development technical progress design engineers, process engineers, and specialists in the field of robotics are in great demand. Moreover, we need specialists who know foreign languages ​​and follow world technologies.

There is also an increase in demand for agricultural specialists.

A boom in the agricultural sector is expected in the near future, so professionals will be needed for high-quality cultivation, storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products. There is also a high demand for specialists in the field of animal husbandry, technologists in this field, and veterinarians.

There is a great demand for PR-specialists and GR-managers.

If earlier large companies cared about the formation of a positive image of the company, brand, product and did this PR managers, now many companies have a new line of business. GR managers (Wikipedia) responsible for communications in the political environment.

All professions related to online education and coaching have become more in demand.

Please note that not trainers (there are many of them) are in great demand, but producers who can package online courses, as well as those who can monetize them.

Doctors and pharmacists will be in demand.

This is a sustainable trend - people strive not only to live longer, but also to remain energetic, beautiful and healthy as long as possible. Views on the quality of life have changed dramatically. As a result, cosmetology, private medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry are rapidly developing.

The demand for sales professionals continues to grow.

This is explained by the crown. that during a crisis, sales are not easy, good specialists are needed to sell goods and services.

Professions in the media sphere.

This is a relatively young profession (director, video designer, video editor, screenwriter), so there is not much in this area professional workers. Demand for them is growing and will soon reach a high level.

2. Areas where you should not go to work.

Don't go to work in banking.

Problems in this area will get worse. This is due to the fact that today there are many services that are alternative to traditional banking services. And in the future, the number of projects in the financial service will only grow.

You should not go into the fields of gas and oil, energy, telecommunications and transport.

You should not go, at least not in the near future, because. in these areas there is now a big crisis.

Don't go to print media.

If you are a specialist in the field of printing, you should reorient yourself to online publications and online advertising. After all, everything that is connected with the press is gradually fading into history.

Decreased demand for civil servants.

The number of resumes exceeded the number of vacancies in this field by several times.

In the not too distant future, professions that will be replaced by machines will cease to be in demand.

Professions that will be replaced by robots, machines and software will cease to be in demand - controllers, postmen, security guards, drivers, including taxi drivers, train drivers, packers, couriers and others.

3. Resume.

I want to say that in our information digital age, when the world is changing so rapidly, and with it professions, it is normal when people are not just NOT afraid to change jobs, but even not afraid to change their profession every 5-7 years. And this is fair.

Do not grumble about the crisis! It is better to realize new opportunities and engage in self-education. In the articles of the rubric you will find many FREE services, where you can take online courses in Russian from the best teachers of the most famous universities in the world.

Now you do not need to study for 5 years to master new knowledge and new profession . You can study online courses, including free and with a certificate. And get a new one interesting profession and then high paying job. Or build your own business.

I believe in you and wish you inspiration and a lot of strength for all your affairs and projects!

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The choice of a profession is a question that everyone faces. From early childhood, a person tries to understand what place he will occupy in adulthood. Someone sincerely believed in the career of a firefighter, someone wanted to become a ballet actor, and some dreamed of selling sweets to children. Unfortunately or fortunately, not all children's wishes come true. With age comes understanding: the ideal profession is not only a favorite, but also a demanded business. Current schoolchildren and applicants must anticipate changes in the labor market. In this regard, you should deal with the list of professions in demand in 2020-2025. It should be capacious and justified - then it will be possible to use the freedom of choice.

What was relevant before

The first professions appeared before the rise of civilization. Then among the ancient people had a clear, concrete character. The task of the man was to ensure the safety of the "home", women and children. He also had to provide the tribe with food. Women, on the other hand, raised children and made sure that the fire in the family hearth always warmed the household. The redistribution of responsibilities appeared when humanity began to change habitual image life. The nomadic tribes became sedentary, the development of agriculture began. There was such a profession as a farmer.

Heavy physical work, with which people cultivated the land, pushed society to the invention of more convenient devices. There was a craft. Over time, the specialties of potters and blacksmiths were born - these were professions associated with the future. Dynasties of masters constantly improved their skills, which triggered progress. Eventually, this led to the fact that there are currently about forty thousand different professions.

Emergence of a narrow specialization

Already in the twentieth century, there was an urgent need for a division of labor. If earlier "jacks of all trades" were indispensable and in great demand, then in the conditions of congestion in the labor market and a constant increase in demand for goods, narrow specialists were needed. The first to understand this was Henry Ford, who divided the production of cars into conditional workshops. In each of them, a separate part of the general mechanism was produced. People worked where they were more successful. The result was an increase in output finished products several times. Ford's example was adopted by other major manufacturers, and now every enterprise uses the assembly line method.

How was the progress

In industrial Russia, throughout the twentieth century, traditional factory workers were popular and received a good salary, and young people, wanting to be useful, went to work for large enterprises with pleasure. However, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many factories lost their stability. A new era has begun in the labor market - the development of the service sector. Construction developed no less actively - large cities were built up with high-rise buildings. Thus, at the beginning of the 2000s, the professions of a builder, a bricklayer, a plasterer, as well as managers, waiters, specialists in the field of restaurant and tourism business and other service workers.

In 2007, society was increasingly wondering what professions would be in demand in 10 years. Applicants understood that the whole subsequent life depends on their choice. Then the ratings of the professions of the future were full of sales managers, marketers, customer service specialists, IT engineers, lawyers, economists and some others. This suggests that at that time the service sector continued to develop and the demand for qualified specialists was constantly increasing. But even then the trend of development in the field of scientific research began.

Scientific development today

Now scientific research is given a decisive place. The future development of the country and society depends entirely on the daily achievements of scientists. Peculiarities scientific development consist in the fact that there is a clear division of science into several independent disciplines. This makes it possible to address relevant issues in more detail. Research and experiments on this stage development of mankind are aimed primarily at solving environmental issues. So, an expert in the field of alternative energy will be in great demand on the labor market in a few years. Equally important is the field of medicine, since the extension of life and the improvement of its quality are paramount issues of our time.

Medical Professions

The development of technology allows specialists to constantly improve. However, this medal has another side: employees need to improve their skills and undergo retraining programs. Undoubtedly, the results pay off all efforts - after all, they prolong human life.

The future is theirs

It is easier to present a list of professions in demand in 2020-2025 as a list:

  1. Surgeon. This specialist must keep up with the times. So, already in 2012, an operation was performed to implant the implant of the lower jaw, which was previously printed on a 3D printer. Operations to implant artificial organs, such as kidneys, liver, and even the heart, are not unknown. The ability to use completely new technologies is the most important skill of a successful specialist of the future.
  2. Health Manager. A representative of this profession will have to select a team of scientists, engineers, developers and researchers and coordinate their joint work to achieve commercially promising goals.
  3. Medical device architect. This is a symbiosis of the profession of engineer and medical worker. This specialist will develop the design of medical equipment, as well as ensure its normal functioning. This profession is also called "bioengineer". Where to study? In universities that have areas of "medical photonics", "biotechnical and medical devices and systems", " Computer techologies in medical physics.
  4. genetic consultant. This is a specialist in the field of genetics, which reveals hereditary diseases, determines individual characteristics metabolism and examines diseases that cause viral and bacterial infections.
  5. Molecular nutritionist. The duties of a representative of this profession will include the study of the molecular composition of food and the development of an individual diet for each patient.


In order to understand the question of what professions will be in demand in 10 years, one should analyze economic development countries at present. The leading sector of the economy in Russia is industry. This is the most important factor influencing the development of the state. A specialist who has connected his life with this area will never be left without work.

Where to go?

Types of industry:

  • Food.
  • Light.
  • Chemical.
  • Mining.
  • Metallurgy (ferrous and non-ferrous).
  • Mechanical engineering and metalworking.
  • Fuel and electric power.
  • Coal, oil and gas.
  • Lesnaya.

Thus, industry provides society with everything that is necessary for its normal functioning. The food industry of the future, for example, is developing new varieties of plants that humanity eats. The number of vacancies in industry is always higher than in other industries. In addition, there is a need to optimize production, so that, in addition to representatives of working professions, the work of economists, biologists, and many other specialists will be useful here.

Indispensable in industry

So what are the most in-demand professions in 2020-2025? The list will look like this:

  1. Design engineers who will design new equipment and invent more modern technology.
  2. Nanotechnologies whose field of work is ultra-modern nanotechnologies.
  3. Chemists, biotechnologists, petrochemists, employed in all sectors chemical industry: from household chemicals to complex chemicals used in production.
  4. Seamstresses, textile workers, cutters whose labor will always be in demand in
  5. Lumberjacks, locksmiths, sawyers that ensure the correct distribution of forest resources.

Occupations in demand in 2020-2025: list for men

Many primordially male professions were also mastered by women over time. So, now ladies can be not only drivers and bosses, but also politicians, policemen, assemblers. But, despite the wide distribution of such professions among the fairer sex, some areas are much more suitable for men. These include the professions of a sailor, pilot, miner, lumberjack, plumber, bodyguard, security specialist, firefighter, military, as well as a builder or scientist. The most promising areas for men are:

  • Programming.
  • Design.
  • Engineering.
  • Cyberprosthetics.
  • City-farming (organization of production of farm products in a metropolis).
  • Space industry - piloting spaceships, cosmogeology and galactic architecture.

It so happened that more men than women are endowed with a technical mindset. This plays into the hands of the stronger sex: the rapid development of science and industry requires not only an increase in the number of workers, but also the involvement of technical minds. Design, drawing, planning, organization and optimization of production require a strong and strong-willed person at the head of the table. Often these positions are held by men.

In-demand professions in 2020: a list for girls

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are not inferior to the male part of the population. Diligence, punctuality, clarity of action and a non-standard approach distinguish women specialists from the vast majority of male colleagues. The ability to adequately overcome difficulties at work in our time is also inherent in ladies. Thus, the areas of work for women are very diverse: from creative specialties, in which girls are traditionally considered professionals, to complex technical sciences. This includes the work of a teacher, a marketing, tourism or advertising manager, a realtor, a designer in all areas, as well as a psychologist and even a security specialist.

The most demanded "female" professions in ten years will be the following professions:

  • Journalist.
  • Editor.
  • Nanomedica.
  • Space travel manager.
  • Game teacher (specialist in teaching children in a playful way).
  • Mind fitness trainer (brain training).

Women will not be left without work. sustainable life position, activity, enterprise, which coexist calmly with tenderness and complaisance, will always come in handy in the labor market. Not a single direction is complete without the participation of a female hand. In addition, among the students of the country's leading universities, the overwhelming majority are representatives of the weaker sex. Educated girls are able not only to build a brilliant career, but also to teach important knowledge to their children.

How to choose the ideal profession?

Applicants are faced with a difficult choice: to go to study in the direction to which the soul lies, or to choose an unloved, but demanded profession? Everyone decides this for himself. However, careerists who are successful in their field advise finding a middle ground. Not a single profession, even the most relevant in the future, guarantees complete financial security. How a person’s future life will turn out depends only on his desire to move and develop within the framework of his direction. But do you want to grow in an unloved business? Definitely not. Therefore, you need to go where it will be interesting to work in the first place, and the rest will follow.

Development of science and technology

The rate of progress is impressive. Literally ten years ago, mankind could not imagine what the science of today would be capable of. And even now it is difficult to believe that implants of vital organs can be printed on a 3D printer, that the space tourism industry not only exists, but is also actively developing. That nanotechnologies occupy a leading place in the development of industry. It is difficult to imagine what the professions in demand will be in 2020-2025. The list can only be conditional. But one thing is clear for sure: the future will not be able to do without qualified specialists. So, you need to learn, develop and work on yourself a lot.

Hello dear readers! I am very glad to you!

In previous articles, we started talking about alternative education, especially in IT professions and new professions that are not yet taught in universities (article), about the most popular and highly paid professions today (article). In this article, you will learn how choose the right professions of the future new and promising in our rapidly changing information, digital world. To be in demand by specialists in the next decade.

What profession do you need to master today in order to be a sought-after specialist in the future?

Now every schoolchild, but not every adult, knows that humanity has stepped over from the industrial era to the post-industrial (or digital, informational) one. A new technological revolution has taken place. High technologies are changing the needs of mankind at an ultra-fast pace. Therefore, many professions of the industrial age have become unclaimed.

They were replaced by new professions that no one had heard of 5 or 10 years ago, for example, trend hunter, life coach, QA engineer, SMM manager and many others.

If so many new professions have already appeared today, what will happen in 10-20 years? Whom to study today to be a sought-after specialist in the future, to be in a trend?

What skills will the professions of the future require from specialists?

We will answer this question with ease, noticing the trend of shortage in the labor market of specialists at the intersection of specialties. Analysts of recruitment companies speak about the lack of such universal specialists.

Examples from my experience: in an IT company, a business analyst and a system analyst work together, on TV - a video designer and editor, in the field of Internet marketing - a web site designer and layout designer. There are many examples of the work of specialists at the intersection of professions. So, more and more often, the labor market requires professionals who can cover both professions.

We see that IT-, bio- and other technologies have rapidly entered our lives, so analysts, researchers, futurologists predict the emergence of many professions at the intersection of sciences: molecular nutritionist, bioengineer, energy auditor, city farmer, etc.

The trends are such that the professions of the future will require such skills from specialists:
  • Cross-functionality, work at the intersection of professions
  • Ability to think creatively
  • Willingness to retrain for life
  • Willingness to change profession every 10 years
  • Knowledge of several languages
  • Readiness for cross-cultural movement (willingness to work in different countries due to globalization)
  • Basic knowledge of IT technologies
  • Ability to work remotely
  • Be a big date professional (collect and work with a large amount of information)
  • Be able to self-study, tk. technology development will be rapid
  • Possess soft skills (think softly, positively, patiently, benevolently achieve goals)

What professions will be needed in the next decade according to "Sparks & Honey" - an American research company

The findings from this research company's report have made many parents wonder if they are giving their kids the right knowledge. Over 60% of the most in-demand jobs of the coming decade don't exist yet!

So, in the next 10 years there will be demand for:
  • productivity consultants
  • Corporate disruptors
  • Traders of alternative currencies
  • Managers of social media accounts after death
  • Personal digital curators
  • Specialists in the treatment of network and gadget addiction
  • virtual reality architects
  • Drone managers (delivery service)
  • 3D printing template designers
  • 3D Printers

Interested in learning more about each of these professions? You can read In this article .

Amazingly, many of these jobs of the future have already become our reality. In the video, watch the story about 5 such super new professions.

What 25 professions will be in demand in the next 15-20 years according to Forbs magazine?

25 new and promising professions of the future - according to Forbs - these are professions at the junction of different fields of knowledge.

  1. Composite engineer. Has knowledge in the field of composite materials for production, which are used, among other things, in 3D printing, in robotic technological complexes
  2. IT geneticist. Engaged in genome programming for the treatment of diseases that are inherited.
  3. Urbanist-ecologist. Engaged in the design of new environmentally friendly cities.
  4. Smart road builder. It is engaged in the construction of roads using new technologies, installs a "smart" road surface using sensors to monitor the condition of roads, installs "smart" signs and markings, and video surveillance systems.
  5. Appraiser intellectual property . Engaged in evaluating the cost of ideas, inventions, etc.
  6. Manager of crowdinvesting and crowdfunding platforms. Coordinates the interaction between contributors and project authors.
  7. Space tourism manager. Engaged in the development of tourism programs.
  8. Molecular Nutritionist. He is engaged in the development of individual nutrition schemes in accordance with the molecular composition of food and the results of the human genotype.
  9. genetic consultant. Engaged in genetic analysis for the conclusion and recommendations for the treatment regimen.
  10. city ​​farmer. Engaged in growing vegetables and fruits on the walls and roofs of houses and skyscrapers.
  11. Virtual world designer. Engaged in the creation of virtual worlds with individual culture, architecture, nature, laws.
  12. healthy aging consultant. Creates for the elderly optimal complexes of physical activity, recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition system.
  13. Foreman watcher. Construction consultant, evaluates and corrects the construction progress with the help of digital projects buildings.
  14. eco-preacher. Teaches children and adults an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
  15. Coping Specialist environmental disasters . He is engaged in the prevention of disasters that can be gradually realized by people: pollution of nature around large industrial centers, melting glaciers, radiation dumps.
  16. IT medic. Engaged in design software for diagnostic and medical equipment, creates a database of physiological parameters of patients.
  17. Cosmobiologist and Cosmogeologist. Cosmobiologist studies the behavior of organisms in space, creates ecosystems for lunar bases and orbital stations. A space geologist is engaged in mining on asteroids and the Moon.
  18. Smart environment designer. Generates and implements ideas for technological solutions, thanks to which homes and offices respond to user requests.
  19. Network Lawyer. Engaged in the development of legislation for networks and the virtual world, solves issues of protecting virtual property.
  20. Multicurrency exchanger. Engaged in mutual settlements of traditional and alternative electronic currencies.
  21. Medical robot designer. Engaged in the design of robots for medicine: surgical robots, diagnostic robots, cyber prostheses.
  22. Electric tanker. Engaged in the maintenance of refueling electric vehicles.
  23. 3D printing designer in construction. Engaged in the design of layouts, structures, selects the optimal components for their printing.
  24. Mining system engineer. Fully controls the development of deposits, from prospecting and exploration to the closure of the deposit.
  25. Linguist digital. Engaged in the development of new interfaces for communication between a computer and a person, the processing of textual information (semantic search on the Internet).

Where can you get knowledge on these professions of the future today?

Do you want to know where you can already get knowledge (basic) in these professions in Russia today? The authors of Forbs magazine, Russia analyzed modern educational institutions where you can get knowledge for these professions of the future. You will find a list of educational institutions for each of the 25 professions of the future in this Forbs magazine article, Russia.

What 20 professions will be in demand by 2030 according to the British research company "Fast Future"

"Fast Future" presented a report on scientific work with sensational data about the professions of the future:

  1. nano medic
  2. Specialist in the creation of artificial organs
  3. Farmer working with gene technology
  4. memory augmentation surgeon
  5. Senior Citizens Consultant
  6. Scientific Ethics Expert
  7. space pilot, space guide
  8. Vertical Farm Specialist
  9. Climate Change Specialist
  10. weather police
  11. quarantine specialist
  12. Virtual lawyer
  13. Avatar manager and virtual teacher
  14. Developer of alternative transport
  15. broadcasting specialist
  16. Utilizer of data, information
  17. virtual space manager
  18. Trader, time bank broker
  19. Social social worker networks
  20. Personal brand manager

Curious about each of these mysterious jobs of the future? Can you find out from this article.

So, an unimaginable future awaits us all, which we now already see in science fiction films. The main thing to understand is that there will no longer be a profession for life and you will need to be prepared to constantly retrain. In no era there are no professions with a great future, but only professionals with a great future. And one more thing: at all times one should choose a profession according to one's soul and vocation. Then the whole life will be bright and full and work will not be a burden, but a joy!

Read about how to choose a profession according to your talents and inclinations in this article.

See you soon!

Choose a profession to your liking!

I wish you courage and inspiration when choosing!

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P.S.2 Write your questions and thoughts in the comments.

P.S.3 Subscribe to the blog - there is a subscription form below - there will be many more articles on this topic. Be aware of the latest trends in the labor market for yourself and for your children!

Modern applicants, when choosing a profession, most often choose the trends of this year. And they do not think at all what will happen in 5-7 years, when they become graduates.

Another factor may be the country of residence. After all, the labor market is quite different in different countries. Sometimes Russia is late and after some time professions from abroad also become in demand in our country. But for the most part, we go our own way.

Portal "" conducted a small study among the professions in demand. The main data is taken from job search and personnel websites. All information is provided in the public domain and is current at the time of writing.

The most demanded industries

It is quite difficult to predict which specific professions will be in demand in a few years. The same cannot be said for industries in general.

Unfortunately, in Russia in the first place is the sales industry. The main field of activity is the provision of any services or the sale of goods. But that's just now.

In second place is industry. Literally in a few years, if there are no new crises, this industry can take first place. It is for her that many technical and technologists various industries.

Of course, there is another side to the issue. The more high-tech production, the fewer jobs it creates. People are easily replaced by computers and robots.

Third place deserved information Technology. Programs, databases, Internet projects and everything related to computers belongs to this industry. At the moment, the media is actively penetrating into this area.

These are industries that are only growing every year. We hope they help right choice professions.

The most demanded working professions

Number of specialists with higher education several times higher than workers. As a result, Russia does not have enough workers. Some workers' wages equal or exceed wages office workers.

Below is a ranking of current this moment working professions. The criterion of demand was the number of open vacancies. Medium wage is indicated as reference information and does not affect the position in the rating.

The first place in terms of the number of vacancies among working professions is occupied by a storekeeper. But it cannot be said that this work is highly valued by employers. The average salary in the country is 29,000 rubles. And this is no less than 4th place from the end.

The loader takes the second position. Vacancies are slightly less than those of a storekeeper. But the salary is 14% less.

The three leaders are closed by an electric and gas welder. This profession requires special knowledge and skills, unlike the first two. And very much in demand construction organizations. The average salary is already 38,000 rubles, which is 31% more than that of a storekeeper.

The top ten also included: a turner, an electrician, an electrician, an electrician, a mechanic, a technician and a milling machine.

The window installer, who ranks 19th on our rankings with 367 jobs, may be making the biggest paycheck of all. His average salary in the country is as much as 54,000 rubles.

Most in-demand tech jobs

Technical professions need new staff. But so far, demand has not been able to generate a decent supply. The tech industry is rapidly aging, and newly minted specialists are not up to the mark.

Although it's a problem modern education generally. Many employers admit that they take students from the third year and nurture them within their walls. This is the only way to form a staff of specialists with the "necessary" knowledge, skills and, subsequently, skills. After all, our science for the most part is divorced from reality. And too little and rarely devotes time to relevant practical exercises.

The rapid development of information technology, the widespread automation of business processes, the creation of applications for various needs have led the profession of a programmer to the first place. There are currently 19,326 vacancies open.

This is the rare case when the first place in vacancies coincides with the first place in the average salary. Not a single technical specialty is yet able to compete with a programmer.

The second and third places are occupied by a design engineer and a design engineer. These are the leading professions in construction business. One might even say that this is its foundation. Without these engineers, any building or structure cannot even be in the plan.

The most demanded creative professions

There is a creative element in many professions. Programmers and other intellectual workers, without knowing it, are engaged in creative work.

Traditionally, creative professions include professions related to art, where you need to draw, sing, dance, or use some other talent.

The first place is taken by the editor with an average salary of 40,000 rubles. A large number of publications, including Internet projects, have created a demand for all vacancies in the publishing industry.

Five places in the ranking are occupied by such professions: editor, content manager, journalist, copywriter, proofreader. (). The downside is the high competition in this area. On average, 13 people apply for one vacancy, which is quite a lot.

Web designers are valued and required in the labor market. They occupy the second line with 847 vacancies and an average salary of 52,000 rubles. It's just quite predictable. The more sites, the more web designers are needed.

The producer is required only in 63 companies. But they are willing to pay an average of 65,000 rubles. No other creative profession even comes close to this bar.
