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How positive. How to be positive. The force of attraction in action

Man is a product of his thinking, what he thinks is what he becomes

Mahatma Gandhi

I often hear such phrases from those around me: “be positive”, “you need to think positively” and others. But do people really understand the meaning and essence of what how to think positively and why? Putting on the mask of a positive "superman" and being one are completely different things. Looking around, you can see the faces of people who express various emotions, for example: concern and joy, sadness and happiness, anger and peacefulness, boredom and interest ... But seeing sincere happiness or satisfaction in the eyes is a rare occurrence. “Be positive” is now in trend. And few people want to communicate with a negatively minded person or a dull crybaby. And yet everyone under the positive understands something of their own. Many can put a smile on their face, but not everyone can put a smile, happiness and positivity in their heart. You can put on a positive mask as much as you like, if at the same time “cats scratch at your soul”, and you are engaged in self-flagellation or self-abasement, then the mask will forever remain a mask and sooner or later will subside. All these are just different ways of deception, we can successfully deceive others or even ourselves, but this will not change the fact that positive thinking and qualitative internal and external changes are best achieved through self-awareness and deep inner work.

Let's figure out how to think positively, how positive thinking can affect your life and why, if you think positively, thoughts materialize.

How to think positively and achieve peace of mind

How often do you hear the phrase “thoughts are material”? And indeed it is. Many of you must have noticed that when the mood is “on the rise”, then life becomes easy, simple and pleasant. All problems are solved as if by themselves, there are positive-minded people who are ready to help and support, everyone around is friendly and nice, and the world seems to be smiling at you. And vice versa, when the mood and thoughts leave much to be desired, then life is not a joy, the space around seems to confirm your sad thoughts and contributes to their realization. That is why it is so important to think positively! Positive thinking helps to change your life for the better, achieve inner peace and harmony.

IN Lately I had to communicate with a large number of negatively inclined people, I really wanted to help them and make it clear that sometimes their troubles and sufferings flow and materialize from their own heads. Trying to convey the idea of ​​positive thinking and looking at people, I saw the following: some people say: “Yes, everything is bad with me, but Vaska’s neighbor is even worse and this makes me feel good (easier), because my problems are compared to the problems of others not so scary - you can live.

Others say: “Everything is bad with me and I don’t give a damn about bad or good for others, I only care about my own life, my problems and my experiences.”

Still others say: “Everything is bad with me and it won’t get better, everything good has already been chopped off by those rich people who are mad with fat, or those sectarians who are out of their minds, or those who have a higher salary, or those who have grass the lawn is greener, and so on.”

And there are also those who understand the power of positive thinking, but cannot control their thoughts, saying something like this: “Yes, you need to think positively in order to change your life, but I don’t know how, because I have a lot of problems; I don’t know where to start, or I don’t know how to remake myself, break it, or where to find time to work on myself; yes, you need to think positively, because Katya thinks positively, and she succeeds and everything is fine with her, which means I can too, but what can I do for this? Is there anything else that needs to be done to do this? And I’m too lazy (it’s difficult, scary, there’s no time) ”... Did you recognize yourself somewhere?

And now, based on the categories described, let's figure it out, how to think positively to change your life.

So, let's start ... We found out that people can plunge into negativity in different ways, some begin to elevate themselves above those who are worse off than themselves, others envy those who are better off, others are generally indifferent to everything and everyone except their own person. Shantideva's words immediately come to mind:

« All the happiness that exists in the world comes from wanting happiness for others. All the suffering that exists in the world comes from the desire for happiness for oneself.»

Based on these words, we can conclude that the more you wish and do good to others disinterestedly, the more good then returns to you, and in the end everyone is happy and everyone wins. But for this it is necessary to say goodbye to such obscurations as envy, anger, pride, laziness, fear, and bring more altruism, compassion and awareness into your life.

Reach peace of mind an analytical and evaluative approach to the current situation, sincere faith in the best and awareness of the law of Karma also helps. I know that when negative events happen to me, it just boils away negative karma. This process can be accelerated or slowed down, but karma will still have to be exhausted. And when positive events occur in life, I understand that this is a reward for my good deeds and actions. This helps to let go of any feelings and move on, working on yourself.

Of course, sometimes awareness is not enough to sensibly assess the situation and draw the right conclusions from the lessons that have happened. Then I switch to "standby mode". I just do what I have to do, what I need to do, block negative thoughts (just don't let them get into my head) and do practices that can make it easier. internal state, - it can be hatha yoga, taking a hot bath or listening to lectures on yoga and a healthy lifestyle, reading spiritual and educational literature. Gradually, inner heaviness and fatigue subside, it becomes easier physically and energetically, there is a desire to do something for the good and strength for awareness and conclusions.

Sometimes this phrase inspires me: “If there is a goal - go to it, if you can’t walk, crawl, if you can’t crawl, lie down and lie in the direction of the goal.” The main thing is not to give up, difficulties are always temporary, and if you give up and give yourself an indulgence or 100 indulgences, it will not get easier, you just have to go through these lessons and this path again, because every indulgence, weakness or negative thought is a step back from the goal, from a sense of inner happiness and wholeness. This does not mean that you should not relax and rest. But even rest can be chosen such that it will please and reinforce a positive attitude towards life, and at the same time bring good.

All this helps to shift the focus of concentration from one's own suffering and experiences to actions to change and process the current situation. When you realize that everything that happens to you is the result of your actions and deeds in the past, then the question no longer arises: “WHAT FOR ME?” Now you can stop and understand WHY this situation has come to you, and draw appropriate conclusions. With the realization of these simple things comes peace of mind and balance, because everything happens as it should, but there are always ways to change your life, karma and thoughts for the better, redirecting your actions in a more benevolent direction.

How to start thinking positively

In fact, to start thinking positively, you just need to start! Start celebrating positive moments in life: celebrating what makes you happy, instead of celebrating what makes you sad; focus on what you have, instead of wishing for endless blessings and experiencing envy; it is important to praise yourself for successes, even for the smallest, but also to perceive adequately constructive criticism in order to change the negative points! You can also make a list of positive thoughts that support and inspire you. Getting started can be difficult, but anything is possible! Try to start the day with a smile and gratitude for the precious birth, and in the evening before going to bed, remember what good happened in your life today and what good you did. Gradually, you will learn to celebrate the positive without even thinking about it, you will see the good in people or see in their actions an example of how to behave and how not to behave, to learn lessons even from unpleasant situations. Feelings of guilt in front of this world, other people and yourself will be replaced by awareness of your causality and calmness. And if think positively, thoughts materialize in a positive way, and life in general will become easier and more enjoyable.

A very important point in positive thinking - do not draw bright pictures for yourself, how everything is fine with you and how wonderful you are, how wonderful everyone is around and how you love everyone, and they love you. To think in pictures means to leave your energy and part of yourself in the imagination. In fact, when our attention is stuck in what is no longer there (past), in what is not yet (future) or simply in the non-existent present (imagination), then the energy simply flows away, and there is no sense in these visualizations, but there is harm. For our mind, it does not matter in which reality you will be happy, in the real or in the imaginary, and it will happily fantasize everything for you! And when you return to the real reality (I apologize for the tautology), it will be painful to realize the discrepancy between the imaginary and the real, sad from the useless waste of time and mental energy. Approach visualization consciously and meditate. To really start changing your life, raise your consciousness to a different, qualitatively new level, stop running away from reality, accept it as it is and start acting! Any action starts in the head, allow yourself to think positively. The world will not collapse if you become a little happier! Define a goal, create a plan to achieve that goal, and start thinking positively as you achieve it! Start small and move on to bigger. Feel small positive feelings within yourself and big positive thoughts will arise. Then you will understand how to think positively in any difficulties. In this practice of positive thinking, as in many other activities, experience and practice are important. After all, if you want to pump up the press, then you will perform exercises to strengthen it and make great efforts to achieve your goal, so in this particular case, hard practice is needed to learn to think positively and do it right.

How to force yourself to think positively

Our life is sometimes unpredictable, and sometimes it is not possible to predict when and where the next lesson will lie in wait for you. How to think positively in any difficulties? Start small, because "a journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step."

  1. Learning to let go of negativity. The practice of yoga and concentration will help you with this. When we do asanas on the mat, it increases our awareness and releases hidden energy resources. Redirect your energy in a good direction - learn how to perform concentration on an object, a candle flame, water ... The practice of concentration helps you to be more collected and teaches you to control your attention. Thus, you will learn how to quickly and painlessly switch to positive thinking.
  2. Learn to accept the positive. The problem with some people with a lack of positive thinking is that they consider themselves unworthy of better. Therefore, it is extremely important to accept yourself as you are without undue self-flagellation. Try to evaluate yourself in terms of positive qualities and qualities that need to be worked on. Highlight the main thing and start working on yourself, praise yourself for your successes - this will help to form the habit of positive thinking and save you from a number of unnecessary complexes. Accept the positive and change the negative. There is such Eastern wisdom: “If you don’t like the situation, change it, if you can’t change it, then change your attitude towards it.” And indeed, if you are not able to change something, then what is the point of lamenting about this?
  3. Learn to ask the right questions for yourself. Listen to people who complain about life... What are they talking about? Of course, about YOUR unhappy life, about YOURSELF! Do you think these people have nothing more to say? Of course have! Try asking this person a question: “What good thing happened to you today?” And the person immediately switches his attention to the positive. You need to ask yourself this question more often. If the answer is not satisfactory, then ask another question: “What can I do to change the situation? What lessons have I learned today? What conclusions can be drawn? What can I do to be happier? What is true happiness for me? What can I do for family, friends, the world to experience happiness?” By answering these or similar questions, you will realize many interesting things about yourself.
  4. We learn to rest. Inner work, like external activity, can be tiring, so take care of providing yourself with quality rest. Do yoga, take a walk in nature, chat with like-minded people. At the same time, rest is not lying on the couch in front of the TV, various parties with the use of intoxicating and intoxicating substances, as well as communication with people who lead you to degradation and even greater immersion in negative thoughts. If you want to have more energy and more high quality life, rest properly.
  5. Learn to do well for yourself. Do the things that benefit you. This is where asking the right questions can help. For example: eating 5 chocolates may be delicious, but how good is it for your body? Eat right, get enough sleep, do exercises that energize you. Try to associate with sane, positive-minded people who have a positive influence on you.
  6. We learn to praise ourselves, to celebrate the good in ourselves. Celebrate positive events in your life more often and your good deeds that have benefited other living beings. This will guarantee your good mood and inner uplift. Over time, you will find that your mood will be difficult to influence. external factors in a negative way.
  7. Learning to be good to others(selflessly). Try to just smile at people. Studies have shown that when we meet a smiling person, we involuntarily begin to smile ourselves, as if we are “infected” with his good mood. It is always pleasant for me to see a smile in return, and at the same time, my own happiness does not become less if I share it, but it becomes very pleasant in my soul from the realization that it has become easier for someone, and he better mood will go into the world and, perhaps, also “infect” someone with happiness. Over time, you will want to do good things for other people more and more often.
  8. Learn to celebrate the good in others. To make the world brighter, kinder and more pleasant, try to notice in the people around you their good qualities, thus you give them the opportunity to express themselves from the best side.
  9. Recharging in nature. For me, yoga and nature are the best recharge and inexhaustible sources of energy. With the help of yoga, you can change your inner energy and raise it up, and in nature you seem to be saturated with the energy of the sea, forest, ocean, mountains, rivers, earth and clear sky ...

I hope this story will be useful for you and help you start thinking positively through self-awareness. Get Started! And you will understand for yourself how to think positively and live to the fullest.

What good thing happened in your life today?

In the article "how to become a positive person", I will tell my personal experience how I came to this, but first, let's define what it means to be a positive person, and why it is needed at all.

Why you need to be a positive person

First, feeling positivity and fulfillment will improve your health, both physical and psychological. This has been proven many times, and many people know and almost everyone has heard about it. Moreover, if you communicate with people, you give them your (attention), and if the positive is health, then you give healthy energy to people. If a person experiences negativity, he gives away the unhealthy. Accordingly, what happens is what I will talk about next.

Trying to figure out the question of why some people can be attractive to me for no reason, I came to the conclusion that when you communicate with them, they seem to charge you with positive energy. After communicating with such people, the mood rises very much, and therefore you want to communicate with them more than with others. With them it is somehow easy, there is no tension, you are relaxed.

When I myself was told that communication with me cheered up, it happened at a time when I was in a very good mood. But usually I have a positive-neutral state, and it usually looks like I'm very serious. In such cases, people usually communicate with me quite calmly, dryly, in a businesslike way. The conclusion is obvious, people are drawn to positive people, and vice versa, they try to communicate less with those who make them sad. Therefore, every person needs to try to be positive if he wants to win over people.

What does it mean to be a positive person

To do this, it is enough to be in a good mood, and have a respectful, kind attitude towards others. It would seem simple, but at the same time, many are wondering how to achieve this.

How to be a positive person forever

The good news is that it's easy. Being a positive person is just a habit, and like any habit, it can easily be formed. This requires a few things.

  1. You need to teach yourself to track your condition, this is necessary in order to learn how to control it.
  2. You need to form positive habits. This is done through the constant repetition of certain thoughts and actions.

It remains the case for small things, to determine what and how to do, and what should not be done.

Let's start from the very beginning. When you wake up in the morning, your task is to start each morning in a good mood. Start every morning with a smile, it's very simple, but this is what is very important.

Learn not to focus on negative points, and if someone offended you with something, learn not to be offended in any way, and take it calmly.

Personal example.

Even now I sometimes have difficulties with this, but I learned to cope much faster than before. When you do business that is related to money, it happens that people let you down. And it infuriates me a little :) They can promise one thing, but when it comes to money, they can suddenly become petty and not keep their word. And even when it comes to ridiculous amounts. I've always been hurt, and even now it hurts a little, when people don't keep their word. Especially in business, where such kindergarten not allowed at all. For several years now I have not risked significant amounts for myself, and am limited to those that are not afraid to lose, but by doing this I protect myself from people who have not passed the test at small limits. This will help me avoid more serious losses in the future. I was offended by this, it seemed to me unfair that they deceived me, that they threw me. But I learned not to be angry at people, and after a few hours (and sometimes minutes), I can already remember it with a smile. After all, these are also people, they just cannot control their actions, they do not have control over themselves, and they should be forgiven and pitied. But of course not to deal with them, it is better to learn to identify them in advance.

What needs to be eradicated?

We are talking about such feelings as anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, self-pity. You need to get rid of all this by any means, and for this, first learn to track these feelings, and cut them off at a very early stage, not allowing them to develop.

How to become a positive person - habits

Let's get back to habits. After you train yourself to start each morning with a smile, you add to this the right questions.

Find the good in everything

Ask yourself what is good in your life, and you can always find a lot of this, if there is a desire. Even I could always find the good in my life, although I didn't talk much about it on this blog so as not to shock the readers. By the fact that in my life there was a real tin, but I learned a lot. I learned to see the positive moments in the most difficult moments of life. I have learned to be a happy, positive person. I, out of self-pity. It is in the most difficult times that I , . It was during these times that I felt strength in myself, although everyone put an end to me, and no one believed in me. But I had my own opinion on this matter. I knew that I didn’t need to feel sorry for myself and cry, I just needed to solve my problems. You need the right attitude and action. Many people are in a much worse situation than most of us, some have health problems. Therefore, you can not blame and be offended by your life, this is not right.

Feel gratitude

Once you get into the habit of finding positive things in your life, get into the habit of thanking the universe for everything you have. For what you live, for what you breathe, for everything around. For the fact that you can see the trees, feel how the flowers smell. If you have a place to live, then thank the universe for the fact that you have a place to live, even if it is not your home. You have a roof over your head, and thank you for this, and the people who make this possible. Thank yourself, your parents, just always carry a feeling of inner gratitude. Be grateful for people who selflessly give you their time, communicate with you and share joy, filling you with energy. They certainly deserve your gratitude.

Look for humor in everything

Look everywhere for something funny that makes you smile, and you will notice how easily and naturally you develop a sense of humor. Just do not laugh at the feelings of other people, do not offend them, respect them.

Get into the habit of smiling often (can be implicit)

I only talked about the morning smile, but that was just the beginning. It is the beginning of each day that is the most important, start it with a smile, with pleasant and beautiful music, and this will give you a charge for the whole day. After that, it will be easier not to fall out of the flow. Throughout the day, continue to have an inner smile (this is suitable for those moments when smiling is inappropriate). Smile in a subtle or inconspicuous way and you will see how much it can lift your spirits. In short, form the habit of smiling often.

More tips on how to become a positive person

  • think up and use for yourself useful words- affirmations, repeat them every day, and
  • listen to pleasant and melodic music more often (an article about that)
  • watch comedies more often (especially if it is difficult to restore a positive state)
  • give up horror films and any other that cause negative emotions
  • having a goal will greatly help to become a positive person (tested personally)
  • rejoice in any pleasant little things and achievements (it is not necessary to jump and dance at the same time, although if no one sees, then I can anneal)
  • create your social circle of positive people, always avoid dissatisfied people and whiners, be very responsible in choosing your environment.
  • figure out what most often provokes negative emotions, and describe in detail a plan for how you can solve these problems.

Positive state - natural in the presence of energy

In order to become a positive person, you need to have enough. Then you will not have depressive states, which are caused just by a lack of energy. I wrote about this in an article about the development of inner strength.

Additional Information. If you not only want to understand how to become a positive person forever, but also firmly consolidate the knowledge of what exactly to do next, then be sure to read the feature articles "", and "".

Negativity affects ourselves and those around us. It limits our potential to become someone truly important and live a full, colorful life. Negative has strong influence to our health. Studies have shown that people who cultivate negativity are more stressed, sicker more often, and less able to see positive opportunities than those who choose to live in a positive light.

When we make the decision to be positive, to experience joy, we attract the same people into our lives. All the negativity is covered by those positive events that begin to occur around. It works like a snow globe. Negative and positive thoughts will always exist, the difference is in what we fill ourselves with. Here are some ways to shed the negativity and become more positive.

1. Be grateful for everything

When we put ourselves at the center of the universe, we are convinced that everything we have is deserved by us. This creates unrealistic expectations that others should serve us, should guess our desires and satisfy our needs. This view of the world inevitably leads to a whirlpool of negativity. People who live by this belief are energy consumers, they are always looking for something to profit from others.

People who do not know how to be grateful for what they have in their own lives live in constant lack. And it's really very hard to live with such a mindset and remain happy.

When we choose to be grateful for everything that happens to us, from small failures that help us become better, to a car that helps us get from point A to point B, we switch from a selfish perception of the world to a view full of gratitude, love and acceptance. Changes are necessarily visible to others, which begins to transform our relationships with other people. We begin to receive more of what we are grateful for because we switch from the idea of ​​taking to the idea of ​​receiving. Believe me, it will revive your life and make it fuller and more positive.

2. Laugh more, especially at yourself.

Life is getting busier. Our free minutes are filled with tasks and chores, and work can be boring and routine. It may seem that being a human is the same as being a robot. But the inability to relax, enjoy life and laugh at simple things sometimes turns into negative thinking. Being positive means taking life less seriously and letting yourself slip off the hook sometimes. This is the only life you have to live, why not live it in a good mood?

Laughter makes us more positive and creates an easy mood, helping us not to complicate life. Are you sensitive to light sarcasm? Do you rarely find it funny when someone jokes? As a rule, people under stress and too serious are most often offended by sarcasm, because their life is all work and no play. When we learn to laugh at ourselves and our mistakes, life becomes an experiment in finding what brings the most joy. And to find joy means to see everything through the prism of optimism.

3. Help others

Negativity tends to go hand in hand with selfishness. People who live only for themselves do not have a higher purpose in their lives. If the meaning of life is to satisfy your needs and take care of yourself, the road to lasting happiness and satisfaction will be long and lonely.

Positive and joy accompany the road to the goal. The main way to create meaning and positivity in your life is to start doing things for others. Start small, hold the door for someone else, ask how your day was before you tell how yours was. Helping others will give you a sense of real value, which will turn into positive. And people will just be grateful to you in the process.

4. Change your mindset

We can either become our coaches or our enemies. Change comes from within. If you want to become more positive, change the words you say to yourself. The strictest judges for ourselves are ourselves, and a wave of negative internal dialogue corrodes life. The next time you have a negative dialogue, write it down and rephrase it in a positive way. For example. “I can't believe I did so poorly on my exam” to “I didn't do as well as I hoped. I know I can do better, and next time I will succeed!”

Changing the internal dialogue is the strongest tool.

5. Surround yourself with positive people

We become like those around us. If our group is full of energy thieves and drama queens, we will emulate their behavior and become like them over time. It's hard to become more positive when people who are around are not supportive and show a negative attitude.

As you become more positive, you will notice that your friends either accept your changes and change with you, or resist them. This is a natural reaction, change is always scary. And eliminating negative people from your life is a huge step towards a positive life. Positive people influence and share perspectives with each other. Positivity is a process that requires certain steps and that you have to go through yourself, but a group of positive people can bring much more results and much faster.

6. Take action!

Negative thoughts can be absorbing and difficult to manage. Negativity, as a rule, is accompanied by a negative interpretation of the environment, especially if you are worried about the future. And attempts to change lead to a snowball effect with a lot of worries, stress and negative dialogue.

Turn negative stress into positive action. The next time you are in similar situation, get out of it or take a break. Close your eyes, take a deep breath. Once you calm down, work on the situation with pen and paper. Write down four or five possible solutions to the situation. Moving away from the impact of a negative situation and moving into the stage of action and problem solving in a rational way will bring much more positive into life.

7. Take responsibility. You are not a victim

You are responsible for your thoughts. People who believe that life does not depend on them are easily captured by negative thinking. Phrases like "I have to work" or "I can't believe he did this to me" are clear indicators of negative thinking. Blaming circumstances and people is the destiny of those who will not find it easy to turn their eyes from the negative side to the positive.

Taking responsibility for your life, thoughts and actions is the biggest step towards a positive life. Each of us has an unlimited potential to create our own reality, to change our lives and our thoughts. When you truly realize this, you understand that no one can make us feel something, cause a reaction, or do anything. We and only we choose what will be our reaction to people and circumstances.

Make positive choices for your own happiness. Come to the live training of Yitzhak Pintosevich! Charge and charge!

Anzhelika Politaeva is a family psychologist, group therapist, EAGT (European Association of Gestalt Therapy) gestalt therapist. Married, has a daughter.

“Everything is just me-me-cha-tel-but!”, “I am delighted with my work”, “Life, after I went in for sports, completely changed and sparkled with new colors!”. Are there people among your acquaintances who say such phrases more than several times a day? Agree, when you first meet them, you literally envy the gushing energy, but very soon you begin to wonder: if everything is so good with you, why does it seem that you want to convince me of this? Positivism is gradually becoming epidemic. And today I want to tell you why it is often harmful to live “on the positive” both for the psyche and for your health.

One of my patients lived in New York a few years ago. Together with her friends, who also came to the Big Apple from the post-Soviet countries, she built a lonely bright future. At some point, the woman met the man of her dreams and left with him for a small European town. They, as they say, everything worked out: a great family, warm relations. She and her husband very quickly found themselves in each other's lives. The woman returned to New York a year later. I met a friend and was surprised to see in her a completely different person.

She excitedly told how she spends all her free time on healthy lifestyle life and does not get out of the gyms, but at the same time looked literally exhausted. She listed the elite beauty salons and reported on the benefits of each of them, but it seemed that she had aged three years in a year. Frequent changes of badly paid and hated jobs, unsuitable men did not seem to bother her at all. The woman spoke with slight disdain about the European outback and praised the rapid life pulse of the American metropolis. At the same time, she constantly repeated: “I have everything just for-me-cha-tel-but!” But the eyes were empty, and longing lurked in them.

My patient's friend really wanted to present her life in a positive way, primarily for herself. Because if she looked at her differently, she would see a lonely, torn, unsettled woman. The desire to see her failures in this light did not allow her to correct mistakes, accept the inevitable, survive disappointment and finally begin to change what she did not really like.

This is the trap of positive thinking. The phrase "everything will be fine" is inherently monstrous. Firstly, it contains a denial of real feelings, and secondly, it inspires false hope. In my practice, as a rule, seriously ill patients use this phrase, and they are very surprised when, in response to this, they hear not the usual “Of course!”, but the unpleasant “How do you know how it will be?”.

Let's look at just a few of the reasons for positive thinking. The first of these is that positive thinking is directly related to physical health. Like, the body, which is rarely subjected to psychological stress, rests more, endures adversity more easily and ages later. Obviously, if you do not solve the problem, but simply forget about it, it will not disappear anywhere. With the same success, you can cut off an old festering wound with painkillers, “treat” it with foundation and powder, and wait for a miracle of healing. There will be no miracle - there will be sepsis and, as a result, death. And this is not a beautiful image, but a reality. Look into surgical wards around the country, you will see hundreds of such “optimists” who are now preparing for amputation of limbs, and could survive just a little surgery or even just a course of antibiotics.

It seems to me that everyone knows this, but I will repeat myself. Emotions that we deny continue to circulate in us and, not finding an outlet in experience, go into the body, which begins to hurt. According to my observations, lovers of positive are increasingly coming with complaints of vegetovascular dystonia or panic attacks. Where does it come from? After all, everything is good!

I also often hear something from the same opera, they say, positive thinking allows you to enjoy life here and now. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is important to clearly distinguish between causes and effects. The order put in work and personal affairs, the experienced and meaningful past and a clear understanding of what awaits you in the future - all these are the reasons that lead to a stable and good mood. A good mood is just a consequence. Without a solid foundation, it turns into an artificial synthetic joy - tasteless and devastating.

And finally, the main argument - positive thinking makes our life easier and more convenient. No, first of all it makes our life easier, and simplification is not always good. It is common for a person (especially an immature one) to turn a blind eye to existing problems when possible. That is why people who are constantly in debt often look like cheerful carefree hussars - they do not want to keep track of the balance in their accounts.

Based on the theories of conspiracy theories, we could develop the idea further and suggest who it might be beneficial to constantly maintain in us the state of a careless spender, a healthy lifestyle fan, an inveterate fashionista. But let's not do this - think for yourself at your leisure.

Here are more examples for you.

Entrepreneurs who, having heard a lot of motivational trainings, with a meaningless smile bang their heads against the ceiling of their business opportunities, could do otherwise - for example, restart life or look at the situation from a completely different angle. The principles (or rather, the mantra) “think positive, and everything will be fine” and “thinking about myself rich, I create myself rich” are nothing more than a fairy tale for adults. Hiding a part of their life from themselves, regardless of what emotions it causes, such people do not become richer and more successful. Debts are growing, anxiety is twisting inside a snake, and sooner or later all this, as they say, will come out sideways.

You have noticed that all invitations to trainings related to personal growth begin with a promise to change your life in a short period of time - a few days or even hours. This attracts only those who are ready to believe in a miracle and deny that any qualitative changes require real effort.

Another fresh phenomenon is mega-positive athletes. These are such terminators who, having realized at the age of 40-50 that they lived somehow wrong, and having become infected with an unhealthy positive, suddenly decide that it is not too late to become omnipotent. This is how they become Ironmen, run super marathons, go to the mountains for the most difficult ascents. Believe me, in most cases, if you observe the situation in the future, it will not lead to anything good. At least - problems with a driven heart, torn ligaments, worn out joints, etc. Without calculating their strengths, many, only slightly flashing, will leave the race ahead of time.

Positivists are aggressive in their positivity and are like a speeding armored train. Any of your thoughts, attempts to build real forecasts will surely stumble upon reproaches: “why are you so depressive?”, “Stop making melancholy!” etc.

But as in a real meeting with an armored train, it is better to step aside here. Don't let people be unhappy. Understand, for them to stop and reflect is a chance to face their own inner world full of bitterness and longing. Hence the frantic turns and speeds. But do you remember that happiness does not tolerate fuss?

A good, high spirits is a pleasant emotion. No wonder we want to experience it again and again. Some would even be ready to give up all other feelings and emotions for her sake. But nature cannot be deceived by motivational mantras.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you all the best in the coming year. And give you a positive mood. 10 tips on how to learn to think positively. So, let's begin. You do not need to be a psychologist or an expert in the field of transerfing, esotericism, in order to be able to clearly trace the pattern between how a person thinks, what he thinks, what he talks about, and his state on this moment(physiological, psycho-emotional, material, financial, and so on). That is, it turns out, if we systematize everything, that our thoughts predetermine it (this state) and have a direct impact (both mediocre and immediate) on our lives. To put it quite simply: we have what our thoughts have led us to (negative - to the negative, and, accordingly, positive - to the positive).

That is why it is so important to always think positively. And how to learn it? After all, not every person is an outspoken and convinced optimist from birth.

And those who were such, taking into account the realities of our life, quickly change their views on life to radically opposite ones. We hope that this article will help you with this. So, are you ready for positive thinking and the same changes in your life? Then - let's go!

Why is it important to learn to think positively and live?

Answer this question for yourself. And this will be the first, but one of the most important, incentives to do just that. What is important for you? After all, everyone has their own priorities, goals in life. Someone wants the good (regardless of what he considers as such) for himself, others - for their loved ones, those around them, and so on. But without positive thinking, this is unlikely to be achieved.

Have you noticed that successful people rarely pay attention to various little things, annoying troubles?

They are focused on their goal and never complain about the circumstances that have developed. And 90% of them are always optimistic about the world. Those who are used to obsessing over annoying troubles, sorting everything out bit by bit (what happened, why exactly, what influenced it, and so on) rarely achieve success in business. This is especially true for perfectionists. They can perfectly perform single tasks, concentrating all their attention and energy on them, but they are not capable of systematic management of their lives.

That is, they are excellent performers, but not leaders (including their own destiny and life), which consist of a mass of such trifles, and you need to pay attention to each of them, but it is important to be able to choose what really makes sense and " weight"!

Conclusion! Why is it important to learn to think positively and live? Without this, it is impossible to achieve major goals. In order not to lose your positive attitude, not to sprinkle it on dozens of annoying little things, just do not get hung up on them. A very bright and good, appropriate expression here: "Dogs bark - the caravan moves on!"

And one more thing: our thoughts are the beginning of actions, each of them, without exception. And without positive thinking, a positive, high-quality (in every sense) life simply will not work. But you need to achieve a radically opposite result! In this case, the following practical tips will come in handy.

10 important tips on how to learn to always think positively

On the blog, we have already considered the topic:. The article contains important tips, perhaps they will also help you tune in the right way. But it is important not only to learn to think positively, but also to live positively.

1 Do not wait for positive from the outside, create it yourself. Do not rely on random luck, but make it find you - that's the main message. Do you want to see the world better? Start with yourself. It will not be easy, but you will be able to fully enjoy the result. Ask yourself, “What did I do today to improve my life?” When answering this question, follow your emotions. They will prompt. You will feel positive - you are on the right track. The negative is a signal that you need to look for options, work, build your own destiny, and not rely on outsiders.

2 Get rid of the excess. Many are “pulled to the bottom” by the burden of the past. Get rid of it. Let go of bad memories, stop getting angry and holding a grudge against those who once hurt you or did something bad. You are probably thinking about these people right now. Remember: what was then has forever lost its relevance. Don't let it affect your life now. Negative emotions take a lot of energy and steal your time. And all this you need to achieve your goals. Don't live in the past, but let the good moments from it warm you up and give you strength for even greater accomplishments.

3 Believe in yourself. Despite everything! Remember: you are who you think you are, not who others think you are. Even if you are told that what you have in mind is impossible, do not give up! After all, it is impossible in their opinion, not in yours. So let that be their problem. And you, thus, will only have an advantage: while others are afraid to do this and do not believe in their success, you have already begun to move towards it!

4 Give yourself only positive attitudes. It is like a program that you can write into your subconscious and use at the same level at the right time. So, waking up in the morning after a good healthy sleep, you should not be lazy to remind yourself that “I am smart and beautiful, I am full of strength and energy to achieve my plan, I have all the knowledge and skills necessary for this, and those that I have no at the moment, I can find when I really need them, all circumstances contribute to my success, and I myself have tried to make it so. Do not limit your imagination! Systematic “programming” every day is a powerful argument in your hands in “communicating with circumstances”.

5 Thank the world, and yourself personally, for what you have. Positive emotions, attitudes in the morning and obligatory gratitude in the evening, this is very important. Without learning to appreciate, you will not be able to realize the true importance of what and who surrounds you, which means that you will always be little and little. Happiness cannot be found in this cycle. Those who know how to enjoy the crumbs always achieve more. After all, the state of happiness is very abstract. See life as a treasure chest full of wonders.

6 Focus on your features and benefits. Instead, very, very many focus on their limitations. And this is fundamentally wrong. "I have no start-up capital to start your business. I don't have time to learn new skills. I do not have the opportunity to ... I do not have ... ". Stop! Look at what you already have now and you will be surprised how much you have. This will enable you to be successful.

7 Surround yourself with positive information. She is the source of wealth. Do you see only one negative around? So you just don't look there. There is a lot of both in the world. But what to receive is exclusively yours conscious choice. Don't believe? It's easy to check. Unsubscribe from groups in in social networks, in the discussions of publications of which you always participate so violently and emotionally. This is the first step, one of a hundred. But you will see how much time you have freed up, and how much nerves you managed to save by stopping unnecessary disputes with strangers.

8 Don't let fears affect your life. Do you want to start something new, something that you have been dreaming about for a long time? Think you can't do anything? And you are absolutely right! But not because you are incapable of this, or circumstances may turn out somehow wrong, but only because you predetermined the result in advance, even before the start! Maybe you are on the contrary confident that everything will work out for you, and everything will be in the best possible way? And here you are absolutely right! Do you get the gist? Do you think that you can do it, or you, on the contrary, will not succeed - you are right in both cases. And only you can decide how it will be in reality.

9 Smile more often and spend more time with positive people successful people. Staying in a good mood is the key to success. And communication, in itself, is a great anti-stress move, and if it happens with those people who can teach you something you need, or simply set you on the right “wave”, then this is generally gorgeous.

10 Don't forget about responsibility. For yourself and your life, for those people who are dear to you, for what is happening next to you. But, let it be a powerful constant incentive for you, and not a heavy burden. This is the fundamental difference!

And also, maintain your health at the proper level (do exercises, go in for sports), eat right, strive for new knowledge, work on yourself. All these are fundamental principles that successful people adhere to.

Success is not necessarily fame, popularity, recognition, a dizzying rise in career and business. For everyone - he is his own. And his final goal- happiness. Are you happy with what you have? Then you can consider that you have achieved success. But, no one said that it should stop there. Everything depends on your desire. By the way, doing exactly what you want is also one of the components of happiness. But only if "it" benefits you.

From negative to positive

Negativity is all around us. This is not surprising, because, most likely, you were not taught to see reverse side life. Or you didn't want to. In any case, everything that happens to you is the result of your activity alone (or vice versa - inactivity).

Negativity breeds negativity. It's a vicious circle. And it's not easy to get out of it. But, if you are already reading this, then you have undoubtedly taken the first step, small but very important. Accept this information or move on, it's your choice. And the result, as in 100% of all other cases, will depend only on your decision.

How to change negative thoughts? Yes, just do not leave them a place, taking all your attention with a positive. And they will help you with this 10 practical advice above. Analyze what annoys you the most. And then - track which channels these signals come from.

If this is bad political or economic news, stop watching these channels, replacing them, for example, with scientific, educational or entertainment ones. If these are conversations with a neighbor who is constantly dissatisfied with life, limit your communication with him to greetings and wishing you a good day with a smile. If it is a constantly creaking door, it is not very difficult to lubricate it.

Unsatisfactory financial situation - it's time to look for alternative sources of income. And so on and so forth. Everything, as has been repeatedly said, is only in your hands! Starting to change now is very important. After all, postponing everything for "tomorrow", you do not notice how the years pass.

The benefits of positive and positive thoughts or how to attract success?

Paying attention to those who were able to achieve something, people wonder how they did it. After all, by and large, the initial conditions were almost equal. Factors - a lot. But, one of the most significant is the way of thinking. While some were afraid, doubted, lazy and did everything to move themselves away from their dreams, others, thanks, among other things, to their positive thinking, jumped ahead and continue to grow and develop.

How to attract success? It's very simple: think positively and act! Everything is possible! But only thanks to the right attitude and positive thinking. This is its main benefit.

Incredibly, it (positive thinking) is available to everyone. That is, right now you can start thinking exactly like those who have money, good health, good relationships. What are you waiting for? Its time to begin! Hope this information will help you always think positively and live, as well as attract success)))
