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What services bring good profit. Ideas for business with minimal investment. What determines the profitability of a business

What is profitable to trade in small town? What is the best business to do at home? How to open your business with minimum investment?

Working for yourself is like growing up. Anyone who wants to gain independence sooner or later leaves his familiar place - leaves the hired service and begins to work exclusively for himself.

Good, the choice of directions for personal business is not limited by anything. The only problem is to find the kind of activity that will really reveal your talents and abilities to the fullest.

Denis Kuderin is with you - an expert of the HeatherBober portal on economic and financial matters. In a new article, I will tell what business to do to earn a lot and consistently, what business ideas are the most promising today and now, and what is more profitable - a YouTube channel or a home photo studio.

Do not switch - you will learn a lot of interesting things.

1. Business with minimal investment - stop work and start earn

There is an opinion that successful businessman need to be born. Like, this requires a special mindset, extraordinary abilities and a specific character. Millions of people believe that entrepreneurship is not for them. That they can't work for themselves. That their business will burn out. That they don't know how to count money, etc.

Of course, we are born into the world with different abilities and inclinations, there is no doubt about that.

However, I personally prefer this point of view: every person from birth is an entrepreneur. When he comes into the world, he already has ready-made company- himself. It depends only on you whether this company will become successful. You are the manager of this firm, its general manager and a controlling shareholder.

Thousands of people are working for themselves right now. They do not expect a salary from the employer, they are not afraid of being fired, they themselves regulate their working day.

This does not mean that their life is a continuous euphoria. There are enough problems in the life of a businessman. Perhaps there are even more of them than a hired worker. But all the disadvantages of "free swimming" outweigh the fat plus - you become the master of your life and your time set your own goals and prioritize.

And a few more benefits:

  • a wide range of destinations for commercial activities - if you want, teach everyone who wants to paint in your own studio, if you want, make soap in the garage;
  • income is unlimited– you yourself set the upper limit in accordance with your ambitions and goals;
  • free schedule, vacation not when allowed, but when they wanted- you independently manage your main asset - time;
  • you are not tied to the workplace- work where you want: at home, in the garage, in an Internet cafe, on a personal plot;
  • you set the rules yourself– no one obliges you to follow strict rules and schedule.

If in one direction of business it was not possible to achieve results, you always have the right to change the direction of activity to a diametrically opposite one. The online business didn’t work out, get involved in purely earthly technologies - open a shawarma diner or get busy.

I have a friend who has dealt successively in: pet food, video equipment, Indian gems and jewelry (he brought from India himself), equipment for private (home) cinemas, commercial real estate, information products.

Not to say that in every type of activity he suffered a fiasco - on the contrary, reaching a certain level, he realized that he was losing interest in the chosen topic, and saw broader prospects in another area.

But do not confuse freedom with slovenliness, indifference and projectionism. A naturally lazy and undisciplined person is unlikely to achieve serious success in business. Money will not be transferred to your account on its own– simply because you declared yourself an entrepreneur.

You will definitely have to work hard and persevere. Perhaps even more than in the office or at work. You will need self-control, self-confidence, the ability to calculate options and make decisions independently.

Being an entrepreneur means working hard and multitasking.

Is it necessary to have initial capital? It all depends on the type of activity you plan to do. If you open an online store, you will have to buy goods and launch a website. And this requires money.

Similarly with production - consumables and equipment require investments. But there are different options - to lease, rent, find investors.

But if you sell exclusively intellectual services, capital is not required. All you have to do is waste your time. But time does not pay off immediately. It is necessary to acquire clients, develop skills, ideally - undergo training.

Throw away the hope that after a couple of weeks or even months after starting a business, gold coins will fall into your wallet. Business, especially a small one, requires patience and hard work. Everything will be, but not immediately - remember this phrase!

And for those who need a reliable and proven option with a guarantee of profitability, we suggest investing in ready business- purchase a franchise from a company. Co-owner of a network of restaurants of Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisine - Alex Yanovsky, entrepreneur with 20 years of experience, owner own School"Business behind Glass".

The founders of HeatherBeaver magazine know Alex personally - his business schemes really work and generate income.

Moreover, our good friend Sergey opened a business in the city of Maikop under this franchise - he launched a point in the "island" format. His investment of 1.5 million rubles paid off in six months. So we can safely recommend his franchise to both beginners and experienced businessmen.

Alex Yanovsky on the benefits of a franchise:

2. 5 popular business directions

In fact, there are more directions, but these five are proven and well-trodden paths, along which thousands of novice businessmen like you are successfully and confidently walking right now.

Let's take a look at all the pros and features the most popular areas of small and medium business.

1) Resale of goods

The most public type of business.

Its principle is simple and has not changed since ancient times: buy goods in bulk in one place at a low price and resell in another place for a higher price.

Stable incomes bring those goods that everyone needs - food, clothing, shoes, household chemicals, cosmetics. In the consumer goods market, there are billions of turnovers and the same profits.

Another thing is that large corporations take the lion's share. Beginners are left to look for narrow niches and maneuver between mass-market products and exclusive goods.

Selecting your business profile focus not only on demand, but also on the state of the economy. For example, during a crisis, most people are not up to luxury - Swiss fountain pens with a platinum nib are unlikely to be sold quickly and profitably in small town, where the average salary is equal to half the cost of this fountain pen.

In such settlements it is worth choosing more hot commodity – for example, open a stock store with inexpensive branded clothing. Or a smartphone store - analogues of well-known companies, but originally from the People's Republic of China.

Small towns, on the one hand, offer excellent prospects, on the other hand, they are unpredictable in terms of business development.

The table will outline the trade situation in small towns more clearly:

Universal salvation for anyone modern trade- the Internet. Here the audience is not limited geographically. Live in Torzhok, and send goods even to Moscow, even to Nizhny Novgorod.

2) Service provision

It is not necessary to sell material things. Professional services are no less in demand than clothing or food.

Many examples:

  • accounting services;
  • printing center;
  • Interior design;
  • writing texts to order;
  • organization of banquets;
  • creation and promotion of sites;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • Pizza delivery;
  • repair of bicycles or household appliances;
  • writing term papers etc.

Any business that you understand or want to understand will do. Modern world- differentiated and belongs to narrow specialists. The family lawyer, tutor, commercial writer and other specialties are no longer a curiosity and are constantly required.

3) Production

More and more small enterprises are opening in the Russian Federation: in the context of the crisis and sanctions, domestic producers entered new markets.

They are in stable demand natural food. If we focus on quality, then even the relative high cost of production will pay off due to a higher price. The modern consumer is ready to overpay for healthy and environmentally friendly products.

More details about production activities can be found in the article "".

4) Real estate transactions

An option for those who have a solid start-up capital. The real estate market, despite gloomy forecasts, continues to bring profit to owners of liquid housing. Earnings on rent, sales and other transactions with residential and non-residential premises are traditionally high.

5) Online business

The most promising modern direction. And the least expensive if you sell not a product, but your skills or services via the Internet.

But first you need to master at least one of the most sought-after professions - a website designer, SEO specialist, copywriter, social network administrator. Or earn on your website, affiliate programs.

This is not as difficult as it seems - the main thing is not to be lazy and not stay too long in the status of a beginner. If you want to succeed - read great article on our website, which is called "".

3. What kind of business you can do - TOP 10 ideas for a novice businessman

Let's get down to specifics.

A dozen promising ideas for beginners with minimal experience.

1) Homemade soap making

The first private soap makers of our time made soap right in their apartments. Some still do this, but it is better to have a separate room for these purposes.

I have a friend who lives in Chisinau. Katerina started her own soap making 7 years ago. The first experiments - multi-colored ellipses of soap with herbal scents, which she sent me as product samples - cost her too much. In addition, in Moldova, the demand for this product was almost zero.

Gradually, she improved the technology, accumulated client base and now has a full-fledged online store, where, in addition to author's soap, it is full of other exclusive and natural products. The high price does not bother buyers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They care about quality original performance and purely natural ingredients.

2) Tutoring

If you are fluent in foreign languages, six-string guitar, school disciplines, other useful skills and knowledge, no one will forbid you share your experience with others for money.

Thanks to Skype you can teach people all over the world

3) Conducting corporate parties and holidays

An idea for people with organizational skills and public speaking skills. Creative thinking, self-confidence and a little courage, and you will become the soul of any audience.

The components of success are as follows: constant practice, original scenarios, competent design of the premises, constantly changing repertoire.

4) Equipment repair

If you were born with a screwdriver in your hands, clearly understand how household appliances work, understand electronics, why not turn your skills into a source of income?

Modern technology has a low margin of safety. Most people find it cheaper to fix their washing machine than to buy a new one. Meanwhile, the repair of one "washer" costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles . Several orders a day, and the income will be enough not only for bread and butter, but also for annual vacation on Bali.

Minimal costs - tools, diagnostic equipment, spare parts. If there is a garage, then the problem of renting a room disappears. Large equipment can be repaired at the customer's home.

5) Food delivery

In Novosibirsk, where I live, you can order anything to your home or office, from hot corn to a full meal from a Chinese restaurant.

Such a business requires investments - renting premises and vehicles, purchasing raw materials, paying employees. Permits from the sanitary services are needed: the room must have ventilation, all the necessary communications, and employees must have sanitary books.

6) Cargo transportation

Are you a truck owner? Take care of the transportation of oversized cargo. You don't even have to buy a car rent or lease it.

You will need 2-3 responsible workers, and not people from the street, but experienced riggers who know how to properly transport furniture and household appliances, how to pack fragile goods, how to lower a piano from the third floor.

7) Video channel on YouTube

The YouTube channel has over a billion viewers. This is every third Internet user on the planet. Promoted TV channels bring their owners millions of dollars in profits. Some of the presenters are not even 15 years old.

The ingredients for success are:

  • popular destination– video games, beauty blog, TOPs and lists, entertainment;
  • branded chip– original image, unique format;
  • competent promotion- use professional methods.

Most Internet users are young people brought up on gadgets. They prefer to see once rather than read a long text, which is why vlogs are so popular.

A small "educational program" from popular YouTube video bloggers:

8) Home photo studio

You will learn how to take satisfactory pictures in a couple of weeks. You will need professional equipment for shooting and equipment for printing photos. And then work in the format that you prefer - a photo for documents, a wedding photo-video filming, prom albums, image processing and photomontage.

Already six months after the start of her career, she was invited to major city events as an official photo chronicler. I don’t know why, but customers like her photographs even more than those of experienced professionals.

9) Growing vegetables and fruits in a greenhouse

An idea for those who are interested in gardening and horticulture. One greenhouse will give you several crops a year, and people need fruits, herbs, vegetables and flowers every day.

Before buying a greenhouse and seedlings, take care of the product market, study competitive environment, price, read special literature and thematic sites.

Greenhouse is a great tool for your own business

Additional income: canning, processing and freezing of vegetables, sale of seedlings and seeds.

But this is a long-term business for the patient and sensible. If you want, read the special publication.

10) Seasonal storage of tires, skis, bicycles

Income close to passive. A very cute idea. You just need to prepare the room: an empty garage is best suited for these purposes. Install shelves, insulate the room, install a security system. Store here winter tires, sleds, skis, snowboards in summer, bicycles, scooters, summer tires, etc. in winter.

4. Franchise business - minimum risk, maximum benefit

A restaurant franchise is a ready-made business model with a guaranteed payback and a well-established scheme of work. You acquire not only the right to open a restaurant under a sign known throughout the country, but also operating technologies marketing, unique recipes and licensed equipment.

At the time of this writing, 125 franchise restaurants have already been opened in 80 cities of Russia, China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other countries.

Sushi Master outlets are several modern formats of restaurants with high-quality glass and natural wood finishes. Thoughtful design and delicious dishes guarantee a constant influx of visitors. If hundreds of other people have done it, it will definitely work for you!

The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. You get acquainted with the activities of Sushi Master on the official website of the company and apply for franchising.
  2. Pay lump sum and sign a contract.
  3. Get trained and instructed in the training center of the company (Krasnodar).
  4. Together with your assistants, you select a place for a restaurant and build it.
  5. Open a point of sale, implement marketing and management strategies.
  6. Analyze the results of the work, correct it under the guidance of mentors.
  7. Bring the restaurant to a stable monthly profit.

Approximate investment size 1.4 to 4 million rubles . Opening period - from 3 to 6 months. If necessary, you will be assisted by a professional start-up team.

Multi-format is another unique feature of the company. You yourself choose the desired format of the restaurant - "food court", "street", "island" or classic - depending on the location, region, characteristics of the local public.

A predictable business with a well-thought-out structure is an investment tool, the effectiveness of which has already been proven. Choosing this option, you immediately insure yourself against hundreds of risks that are relevant for all entrepreneurs who open their business from scratch.

The universal advice that I give to all, without exception, novice businessmen: the business you are doing should, as they say, “warm” you. If you like the direction, economic wisdom will open up by itself, along the way.

And remember - in any case there is a risk of failure. Even a great idea doesn't always work. Great amount established businessmen started with failures. Failed projects - best school business.

Tip 1. Analyze the popularity and relevance of the niche

The Internet will help you - use the achievements of civilization. In particular, the Wordstat resource will help you find out the number of key questions for certain products and services in your area.

Starting your own business is not an easy, but very promising way to secure a secure and financially stable future for yourself and your family. The advantages of business, although they exist along with considerable disadvantages, are still very attractive: this is both a certain social status and the absence of an upper bar wages, and the ability to independently direct the vector of future development.

To open profitable business, you need to understand which business will now be the most profitable. Given the current difficult economic situation, right choice especially important. We'll talk about which direction to go next. And to minimize the risks financially, you can get.

One of the most profitable business lines of recent years is the opening of a coffee shop. Coffee is in high demand, especially the drink good quality. Many people love it, but do not have the opportunity to make themselves a cappuccino or latte in the morning or at lunchtime. That is why there is a profitable niche - mobile coffee shops.

The first mobile coffee shop was opened in America, in the UK its counterpart was tricycles, which fit a small coffee machine. Among the CIS countries, Kiev businessmen were the first to pick up the idea, and it quickly became popular.

The main advantage of a mobile coffee shop is the ability to move from place to place, each time ending up where the demand for products will be higher. For example, during the holidays, parks and the main streets of the city are profitable places, and on weekday mornings, places near the subway and public transport stops. In Moscow, such vans can often be found near the Moscow Ring Road - where especially long traffic jams are collected. In general, wherever there are people who want to drink coffee, you can be on time, which you can’t do when you open an ordinary coffee shop.

Other business benefits:

  • Fewer permits to collect.
  • Lower (relative to a regular coffee shop) project start-up costs.
  • The opportunity to look at different outlets and subsequently open a regular cafe in a place with high traffic.
  • Fast payback. Invested funds can be returned in a year or a half.
  • Low competition. There are far fewer mobile coffee shops than high-traffic outlets, and ordinary cafes are only partly competitive - not everyone will find time to go there on their way to work.
  • Free advertising. If a regular coffee shop requires advertising in order to get customers into it, then a coffee shop on wheels is advertising in itself (the aroma of a freshly brewed drink that comes from your outlet and spreads across the street will attract enough customers).

Important: the key to the success of a coffee shop on wheels is the product High Quality. Coffee should be really tasty, but not very expensive. Also, a lot will depend on the barista - he must be able not only to prepare a drink very quickly, but also to create a friendly atmosphere. This is how your point of sale will acquire regular customers.

There are several ways to open a mobile coffee shop:

  1. Buying a franchise with everything you need to start a business. Such a purchase will cost you from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles, in addition to which you will pay royalties to the franchisor from the monthly profit. This will significantly delay the moment when your business pays off, but the risks will be lower, and everything for a successful start, including equipment and recommendations, will be provided to you.
  2. Renting a mobile coffee shop. Another way is to build a business on your own, but rent a van that is ready and fully equipped for a coffee shop. It is also a way to start a business quickly, but at first you will have to work hard to recoup the cost of rent. They will amount to about 50-70 thousand rubles a month.
  3. By buying a car and equipping it for a coffee shop on your own. This is the most difficult, but also the most profitable way in the long run. It is best suited for those who have already had business experience. This method requires costs at the initial stage, but will make it possible in the future to work only for yourself.

When organizing a mobile coffee shop on your own, you will need:

  • Register a business.
  • Buy a car and equip it with everything necessary in accordance with sanitary standards.
  • Think over the range of products and purchase raw materials.
  • Choose suitable trading points.
  • Hire staff.

Documents that will need to be issued:

  • Trade Permit. You can get it from the district administration.
  • Documents for the car. In the event that you converted it yourself, you need to re-register the vehicle with the MREO.
  • Permission from the district SES.
  • Certificate for a coffee machine.

The cost of processing all documents will be about 25 thousand rubles.

Making florariums

Interesting and profitable business, which can be opened now, is a workshop for the manufacture of florariums. These handmade decorative ornaments are in demand both among interior designers and ordinary buyers looking for a gift or interested in outlandish things.

Florarium is a small garden inside a glass vessel: a flask or a polyhedron. It looks very aesthetically pleasing and is one of the eco-friendly products that are in fashion right now. At the same time, the cost of florariums is much lower than their prices with retail, which will quickly recoup the costs of organizing a business. In addition, competition in this niche is low - there are very few workshops specializing in the production of such products.

Important: the cost of manufacturing one florarium is about 900 rubles, while the cost of the finished product at retail starts from 2000 rubles. With a good organization of distribution channels, already at the start, you can earn monthly from 35 to 70 thousand rubles. With the expansion of production and an increase in the number of employees, the amount will triple.

It should be borne in mind that the manufacture of florariums requires special knowledge and skills - not only working with various materials but also plant care. You also need to have an aesthetic taste and be familiar with the basics of composition in design, and even better - learn floristry. Then you will get interesting and creative mini-gardens that will delight customers for many years.

Advice: if you are more of a businessman than a creative person, do not like flowers and needlework, it is better to hire an experienced florist designer. Quality, durability and attractive appearance products are the key to the success of this business.

Register this business you can not immediately, but when you build up a client base, it is best to open an IP. In this case, you will need to select the following OKVED codes:

  • 01.19.21 "Cultivation of flowers in open and protected ground".
  • 01.19.9 "Cultivation of other annual crops not included in other groups."
  • 52.61.2 " Retail through teleshopping and computer networks(electronic commerce, including the Internet)”.

To organize a profitable business in the production of florariums, a workshop is required. The more free space you have for growing flowers, the more florariums you can make. You will also need comfortable workplaces if you hire craftsmen and assistants.

The cost of starting production will amount to about 50 thousand rubles and will include the costs of the following components:

  • Glass container.
  • The basis for planting plants (soil or hydrogel).
  • Charcoal.
  • Seeds and seedlings.
  • Soil drainage.
  • Decorative elements.
  • Branding (logo, packaging).
  • Auxiliary tools for crop production.

As for plants for florariums, a prerequisite is that they be unpretentious. Most often used:

  • Succulents.
  • cacti.
  • Orchids.
  • Mini ferns.

Children's consignment store

Opening thrift storegood business for a novice entrepreneur who does not have a large start-up capital. And specializing in children's goods is always a profitable business. You can sell both clothes, toys and other goods: strollers, cribs.

Children grow up very quickly, often just not having time to wear out this or that thing. In addition, goods for children are quite expensive, especially high-quality and durable clothes. Not every parent can afford to buy a good children's overalls for 1500-2000 rubles, especially knowing that in a few months it will become small for the child. That is why the resale of children's goods is a relevant and profitable business (especially during a crisis).

Advice: when starting a business, do not rush to rent a room, it is better to create an online store for children commission goods. This will reduce costs and avoid additional risks. In a few months, when the business is up and running, it will be possible to think about opening a real store.

When choosing a room, pay attention to outlets located near metro stations or bus stops public transport. It is very important that you can be easily reached without having your own car.

As for the assortment, it is most profitable to sell goods in the following categories:

  • Shoes.
  • Cloth.
  • Kids toys.
  • Strollers.
  • Walkers.
  • Tables for feeding.
  • Cribs.
  • Arenas.

Thrift stores accept things, concluding an agreement. As a rule, the following conditions are stipulated:

  • Items must be clean and in good condition.
  • The store owner or staff, while inspecting the item, reserves the right not to accept it for sale without explaining the reasons.
  • The price of a used item must not exceed 50% of the value of a similar new item.
  • Money for goods sold paid no earlier than three days after its purchase.
  • If the product is not sold within 20 days from the date of receipt in the store, the seller reserves the right to reduce the price by 20%.
  • If the goods given for sale are damaged or lost, the entrepreneur bears full responsibility and must reimburse the consignor for 100% of its value.
  • If the goods have not been sold within three months from the date of receipt, they are written off and the committent must take them back.

Advice: in order to fill the store and increase the number of sales (especially in the first time after launch), it is best to combine goods accepted for sale from consignors with goods bought in the children's departments of second-hand stores.

As for the equipment for the store, it can be found on the Internet, for example on Avito and Youla. You will also need to take care of advertising. Quality promotion is the key to the success of your business. You can combine the work of a regular store and an online store, duplicating goods in it, posting photos, providing descriptions and prices. It also does not hurt to use social networks and advertise the store on forums for moms. Another way is leaflets, which are recommended to be left in playrooms, clinics, and handed out at playgrounds.

At the start, you will need to invest at least 90 thousand rubles to open a store. This amount will include:

  • Business registration and registration costs.
  • Room rental.
  • Purchase of equipment and initial assortment.
  • Employee salaries.
  • Advertising.
  • Monthly utility bills.

If we talk about profit, then from the sale of commissioned goods you will receive 15-20%. Monthly income depends on the level of sales.

dog training center

Creating a specialized center for training puppies and dogs is one of the ideas for or suburbs. Training is a sought-after business, since not every dog ​​breeder has the opportunity to raise a four-legged friend on their own. In addition, not everyone has the skills and patience necessary for this.

To open such a business, you will need:

  • Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Take out insurance that will cover possible damage and injuries that occurred during training.
  • Rent a large enough space for classes.
  • Buy the equipment and gear you need for training.
  • Hire a trained trainer. In order to train dogs on their own, a specialist must have an education and work experience of about 3-4 years, as well as undergo a year of training in the Russian Cynological Federation, if the main education was received abroad.

The cost of starting a business is 250-700 thousand rubles.

Advice: if you own or rent a large enough plot, you can increase income by doing it in parallel.

There are various areas of training that your center can offer clients:

  • general training;
  • protective guard service (security, search, detention);
  • search service (search of the area, search by smell);
  • search and rescue work;
  • social work (guide dog, rescue dog).

With a good organization, an excellent reputation and an experienced team of trainers, you will be able to contract with various security companies or social companies for dog training. You can also prepare animals for sports competitions.

The territory for the training center must meet certain requirements:

  • The area is at least 50 square meters.
  • High fence - about 2-3 meters.
  • The presence of training structures.
  • Covered storage area.

Main Inventory:

  • Stairs - 45,000 rubles.
  • Springboards - 20,000 rubles.
  • Single barrier - 8,000 rubles.
  • Triple barrier - 20,000 rubles.
  • Inclined slide - 21,000 rubles.
  • Balancer - 9,000 rubles.
  • Labyrinth - 19,000 rubles.
  • Fabric flags - 700 rubles.
  • Boom - 19,000 rubles.

You will also need equipment for the trainer:

  • Training sleeves - 1,500 rubles.
  • Aportation items - 1,000 rubles.
  • Protective suit - 10,000 rubles.
  • Leashes, harnesses, rods, grips - 3,000 rubles.

Advice: part of the inventory can be made independently, part can be ordered from small firms or second-hand stores (it will be much cheaper than buying everything you need in specialized centers).

As for the cost of dog training services, the approximate price range will be as follows:

  • Training of puppies - 1,500 rubles per lesson.
  • Course "Controlled city dog" - 1,500 rubles per lesson.
  • The course "Protective Guard Service" - 1,800 rubles per lesson.
  • The course "Bodyguard or security guard" - 1,800 rubles per lesson.
  • Behavior correction - 1,800 rubles per lesson.
  • Group lessons - 500 rubles per lesson.

On average, courses include 10 lessons.

Important: Keep in mind that dog training is seasonal business. There will also be customers in winter, but most orders are in spring, summer and autumn.

  • veterinary clinics and private offices;
  • pet stores;
  • animal shelters;
  • beauty salons for dogs.

If we talk about the payback of a business, then in cities with a population of more than 300,000 inhabitants, this will take 5-6 months. In smaller settlements, this period may increase to a year or two.

Advice: if you have a large enough territory, combine such a business with.

Organization of domestic tours

A medium-sized machine is capable of producing about 900 thousand bags per month, and it will require 2-3 operators to operate it. As for the implementation finished products, then it can be sold both wholesale and retail. Wherein wholesale less profitable - the price for one product will be about 3 rubles. When selling at retail, the cost of the package will be higher, but it will also take more time to sell the goods in this way. The easiest way to do this is through an online store.

Such a business will bring its owner about 150 thousand rubles a month.

Opening a yoga studio

A healthy lifestyle is now in vogue, and in addition to the already familiar gyms and fitness classes, yoga studios are also opening.

As a business, they have several advantages over similar activities:

  • Now yoga is only gaining momentum, so there are not many such studios yet. The competition is at an average level, and, of course, it is much lower than that of fitness rooms. In this sector, network "giants" have not yet appeared, with which it is difficult for a start-up business to compete.
  • A yoga studio needs much less equipment than a fitness or gym. This greatly reduces the cost of starting a business.

The room you choose will be decisive. Since yoga classes involve relaxation and meditation, the hall should be spacious and bright. It is important that there is enough fresh air in it. For this reason, it is better not to rent semi-basement premises: no matter how good the ventilation system you install, it will still not be enough.

The area of ​​the studio should be about 20-30 meters - 10-15 people can comfortably accommodate in such a room. At least one wall should be equipped with large mirrors. There should also be rooms that can be used as changing rooms. A good bathroom and heating is a must.

From inventory you will need:

  • A stereo system or turntable is something you can play music on while exercising.
  • Cooler with water.
  • Rugs - It is important to buy special good quality mats, such as those with a rubber coating, thanks to which hands and feet will not slip. They are more expensive than usual, but will last longer.
  • Aerobics balls are optional, but highly recommended, especially if you're planning to run a pregnancy yoga class.
  • Belts.
  • Blocks.
  • Rollers (bolsters).
  • Plaids.
  • Corners for stretching exercises.
  • Ropes for deflections.
  • Pillows for meditation.
  • Slippers for studio guests.
  • Incense sticks or candles to create a relaxing atmosphere.

It is also very important to find good staff. Namely:

  • A friendly and pleasant administrator who will communicate with guests, sign them up for classes, and conduct cash settlements.
  • A qualified instructor who has not only education, but also experience of 3 years.
  • Instructors in children's yoga and yoga for pregnant women - only a trained specialist can conduct such classes, since there are many nuances and subtleties in such areas.

In addition to good organization, such a place will also need advertising to attract customers. The smartest thing to do is to take advantage of social networking opportunities and hire an SMM manager to administer them.

Advice: with the aim of extra income a yoga studio can become a venue for trainings, lectures and seminars.

To organize a studio, you will need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In general, the opening of such a business will take about 200-300 thousand rubles. The deal will pay off on average in a year and a half.

car wash

Another way to start a profitable business now is to open a car wash. Such activities require considerable investments at the initial stage, but they will never lose their relevance: every year there are more and more car owners - in many families there are two, sometimes even three cars.

Weather conditions, poorly paved roads everywhere, high levels of air pollution in megacities and even in medium-sized cities - all this leads to the fact that you have to wash your car often. Usually, car owners simply do not have enough time to do this on their own. Therefore, opening a car wash is a profitable business.

There is probably no person in the world who has not dreamed of financial independence. It does not matter what age the individual is, what gender, worldview or political views. Almost everyone wants to be self-sufficient in financial terms and be successful in life. Many do not think that in fact financial freedom is a completely achievable goal, it is only important to find your niche and choose a win-win business for yourself, which will become the basis for a future carefree life.

Let's try to figure out how to start a win-win business from scratch using the example of a few simple business ideas that are available for implementation by almost any average person.

It is not at all necessary to use the ideas below in practice, these are generally trivial ways to earn a living used by many of our compatriots. But considering these varieties of your business makes it possible to understand that there are no unattainable goals. See how others earn, and the understanding of what the most win-win business can be opened in a particular city will come by itself.

What is a business idea?

A business idea is a direction of thought and action that can be used to build a new type of activity in existing company or even start a business. In most cases, the direction of business ideas is the creation of various goods or the provision of services. These components of your own successful business are the most important factors without which you will not be able to build a win-win business. It is goods and services that can be sold for money, but only if a novice businessman has correctly approached the formulation and calculations of his own business model.

Who can create their own successful business

Of course, it is not a secret that an ordinary person cannot immediately figure out which business is win-win and which is not. To facilitate this task, only four simple business ideas have been selected and described below, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in practice. It has been repeatedly tested - each of them is capable of bringing success! There is no need to worry about your lack of abilities - in fact, access to financial freedom is open to absolutely everyone, you just need to make some efforts, and most importantly, choose an occupation "to your liking."

Opening a catering point

So, the first practically win-win business, especially for residents of small towns and villages, is the opening of a point Catering, to start a small size.

Any city, even the smallest, can boast of the demand for delicious food among its own population. Indeed, who refuses to have a quick and nutritious breakfast, a delicious lunch or a quiet dinner instead of shopping in search of the right products and the time spent on cooking?! Maybe in big cities this niche is occupied by chains of restaurants and bistros, but in small towns the field of activity is still characterized by dissatisfaction with demand. It follows that opening, for example, a canteen is, on the whole, an almost win-win small business.

To ensure a successful start and development of such a business idea, you must first take care of maintaining a high level of cooking. The food that is offered to visitors to a canteen or cafe should be really nutritious and tasty. An important factor in achieving success is also the staff - employees must be polite and friendly.

As a piece of advice, it is worth noting that the pursuit of large volumes at the initial stage of the formation of a business is not the most the best way development of events. It will be much easier for a novice businessman to organize a small production to serve 5-10 tables. And after the catering point gains popularity and its activities begin to bring a stable profit to its owner, it is worth thinking about expanding.

The initial costs for starting the project under consideration are quite low. Funds will be required for the purchase of the necessary minimum of products and the rental of premises.

According to the results of the analysis carried out in small towns throughout our country, the owners of such businesses are very successful. If there is a reliable staff capable of providing a high level of service, such a business is profitable.

Breeding and sale of domestic animals

Another almost win-win business option is to turn your passion for pets and their breeding into a fairly profitable business by selling offspring of pets. If we take into account the cost of certain breeds of dogs and cats, or, for example, hamsters, turtles, rabbits, guinea pigs and many other representatives of the animal world, we can conclude that the income from selling them is not at all small.

How to start?

To start such a business, you will need to draw up some kind of plan, that is, you need to think everything over well. The study of demand is necessary in order to correctly determine the type of animals for breeding. A possible list of problems will also need to be explored. To fully understand the scale of possible difficulties, it is highly desirable to get acquainted with a veterinarian, get acquainted with thematic forums, and study the literature on breeding. Of course, you will need a place for future pets, which in the ideal case will be private house with a plot.


If successful, this almost win-win business in a small town could be expanded to include the sale of pet related products. Almost all animal lovers spend a fairly large amount every month on food and care for their pets - hence the idea to open small shop goods for animals.

Open own win-win business is the dream of everyone who wants to provide a stable source of income and forget about the need to go to work every day, devoting their time, energy, and strength to the development of someone else's business. It is considered that the most successful ideas for business require huge funds, involve serious risks and only professionals can realize them. But this is not always true.

To create your own business, it is not at all necessary to have, today there are a lot of opportunities for implementing original ideas almost for free, which is helped by dynamically developing Information Technology. And the involvement of specialists is possible, but not necessary - examples successful startups prove that the main thing for success is a unique idea and the desire to translate it into reality, and knowledge can be obtained from various sources on your own.

Win-win business from scratch- this is quite realistic, subject to the search for an interesting and promising idea, good implementation and taking into account all the nuances.

The simplest ideas: renting out real estate and speculating

Among the simplest and 100% profitable options, it makes no sense to let it idle. An empty garage that is waiting to buy a car, an apartment for a child who will not grow up soon and will live in it, an inherited house or a room in a communal apartment - all this can not only be paid by tenants, but also bring a stable income.

Such a business needs to be properly organized - preferably legally, with the execution of an agreement (the minus with the payment of taxes is completely covered by an increase in the level of security). An apartment or a garage, it is advisable to prepare a house in advance - make a budget option repair, put in order communications, which will increase the cost of renting at times. You should not leave expensive things, but you need to stipulate a security deposit, it is better to conclude a contract for a long period.

Properly drawn up documents will help to protect yourself from fraudsters and unscrupulous tenants, fixing the condition of the property and an inventory will make it possible to keep everything in order. It is better to choose an average delivery period - six months or a year, so as not to spend money on frequent re-issuance of documents and deal with those who are interested in a long-term rental, but also have a chance to increase payment in accordance with the inflation rate and changes in the market situation.

Thinking about what kind of business is win-win, one should not forget about speculation.

If there is access to certain markets and a chance to trade a truly unique product, buying cheap and selling many times more expensive, such a business will never fail. So, someone organizes the supply of clothes / equipment / accessories from China, studies sales of branded stores, has access to Duty Free, good second-hand points abroad - all this allows you to organize a mini-resale business.

Services are one of the most demanded areas

Another win-win business option - provision of services. Certain areas will always be relevant, regardless of the size of the settlement, the economic and political situation in the country. Here the most important aspect is to do your job well: to be better than competitors, set adequate prices, communicate, work hard and develop a clientele.

Services in the field of beauty are especially popular, for example - no matter how many masters there are, someone always learns to cut or do manicure better, uses different tools and means, and attracts new customers. A lot of nannies and home assistants are required, the most chances to organize your business without additional training and investments are with lawyers, programmers, and audit specialists of various profiles.

Interesting video on the topic:

You can organize a win-win business for the provision of services at home.

The most profitable and simple options:

Social networks: maximum opportunities for trading

Every day in Russia develops Internet trading becoming the most win-win business. Literally everything is sold through social networks today, and you need a minimum to organize your business:

  • Performing an analysis, a small investigation to find a product with a maximum level of demand
  • Creating a group, advertising on acquaintances and friends on the network, promotion at a minimum level
  • Uploading a photo of the product, a competent description, constant spam in the account and group
  • Receiving first orders
  • , purchase goods at wholesale cost
  • Selling goods with a markup
  • Sending to the client

In this case, you can generally not invest anything at first and wait for the first orders. But it is important to find a really popular product, which is especially important in a small town where there is not a large selection of clothes, branded items, equipment, etc.

You can trade dresses from China, small things, accessories, order goods on aliexpress and ebay. If you find your niche, then such a business will only require the strength and ability to organize everything, with minimal advertising costs, customer searches, and store maintenance.

Small production - handmade

Considering win-win business ideas, we must not forget about small production. Today, thanks to the emergence of the Internet in every home and the ability to order anything, even in remote regions, ordering everything necessary for production will not be difficult. A variety of little things, accessories, handmade souvenirs are very popular.

You can produce and sell:

  • Handmade soap- it is enough to buy all the necessary ingredients, forms and scales, and then make several batches on your own. Due to high competition Special attention it is worth paying attention to the choice of natural ingredients and beautiful forms, the design of the final product, the aroma
  • Printing - unique postcards with beautiful inscriptions, vintage cards, various notebooks and gliders. All this is in great demand, but involves exquisite and original design, high quality requirements. People are willing to pay a lot of money for cute notebooks that can be used in subject photos for Instagram, smart planners and just stylish gizmos.
  • Creative accessories- belts and hair clips, handmade bags and photophones, dishes and jewelry. High demand and serious competition are also noted here, but worthy, beautiful and exclusive products will always find their owner.
  • Clothes - sew and sell, offer individual design and prepare collections, promote in social networks and be remembered for quality, originality, brightness

When it comes to win-win small business in small towns, then there is always a demand for dance schools, early childhood development centers, various studios and workshops. You can teach to draw or organize a theater studio, open a speech therapy room or home Kindergarten. Hotels and hairdressers for animals, bars and studios are popular.

On the this moment any unique idea that will help organize a cool business and stand out from competitors will be a win-win, because today people most of all appreciate an individual approach, creativity, comfort and versatility.

Any private entrepreneur is faced with the question: how to earn their first money? What business will bring profit, not losses? You have a million options: you can capture several factories, oil rigs, go to the officials. But let's look at the question realistically. What is the most profitable business in Russia? In the article, we will try to briefly and concisely outline the most cost-effective options for beginner businessmen that can bring real income. Let's look at what type of earnings is the most real!

Turn your hobby into a profitable business!

Numerous researchers have proven more than once that 100% of all rich people have achieved success, as they did exactly what they love, giving themselves entirely to it. This applies to all areas of business - restaurants, clothing (boutiques, shops), large factories and plants. We can conclude that everyone has their own most profitable types of business, it all depends on your hobby. There are hundreds of types of entrepreneurship, but the easiest way to make money is on your hobbies.

Here are some example ideas:

  1. Are you a sports lover? Why not create your own club or section. The option is suitable for all athletes - past and present. You can make groups different ages. Have you noticed that children's sections are now popular? Russian parents try to instill in their children only good things, to introduce them to sports: football, basketball, karate, even dancing.
  2. Do you sit at your computer for hours? Why haven't they started getting paid for it yet? Internet entrepreneurs are beginning to actively capture Russian market, so you need to urgently connect until all the niches are occupied.

Here are some ideas for you:

  • Promotion of the group in social network(then you can earn on advertising and promotion of other communities, shops, organizations);
  • Chain store (trade everything you like - souvenirs, clothes, products);
  • Information services, education (Do you know how to raise raccoons? Teach others! There will always be customers!).
  1. People love unique and exotic things! Can you weave toys, embroider pictures, make a Brazilian bermbau in a couple of days, or carve a Ganesh figurine? There will be more than enough customers:
  • Write, embroider pictures;
  • Caskets;
  • Pendants and any other handmade jewelry;
  • Clay products.
  1. Do you have a mirror? reflex camera) and you know how to take beautiful and professional photos? It is quite possible to become a photographer. You can work in the studio, go to weddings, concerts, festivals. Romance, not life. You can think about opening your own studio, where you don’t have to work for your “uncle”, but take pictures for your own pleasure!

Deal with minimal investment

Many aspiring entrepreneurs face the same problem - no money! That is, there is not even a minimum start-up capital to start your own business. One needs 2,000 dollars to start, the other 500,000 rubles! But such money is unrealistic to find quickly, even if the bank agrees to a loan! So what business brings good income with minimal investment?

  1. Income from weddings. You have some good options:
  • You open your own wedding agency and start preparing your wedding on your own - searching for a toastmaster, photographer, ordering a hall, restaurant, ceremony, cars, jewelry, etc.;
  • Have a camera? Go photograph the wedding!
  • Are you into design and art? Start decorating wedding halls.
  1. Establish your own production. The business is very profitable, but requires good investments. But not always! Start producing your product at home if you want to earn a quick income. Have you heard about American families who organized mega-profitable businesses for the manufacture of sauces, marmalades, cakes, cookies? They even grow all the ingredients on their own in greenhouses and seal jars of ketchup with their own hands.
  2. We make money on cars. You will need: a car, a desire to earn money and the ability of an organizer, or knowledge and experience in repair. If you have your own car, this is the business for you. Here are ideas for really profitable earnings:
  • Service car repair, installation;
  • Cars for rent;
  • Start selling parts:
  • Have you seen the movie Diner on Wheels? Why not an idea? Pay off quickly! You can even just drive around with a coffee machine!

Now consider which business is the most profitable in providing services and selling goods in Russia.

What do you think is the most profitable type of business in our country? Right! Which provides people with something important and necessary. And now we are not talking about factories, factories and steamships of the oligarchs. Here are the statistics of recent years: what else?

What do we see everywhere in cities? Vending machines! They are on every street. They appeared relatively recently - that's the beauty of it. Machines that make you a cup of cappuccino are not so popular anymore, but in this niche there are more interesting options that attract the attention of potential customers.


Here is an example: buy massage chairs and install them in large shopping malls, on crowded streets! Install a classic bill acceptor in such a chair and maintenance costs will be minimal.

Making money growing plants and animals

There is no need to talk about the profitability and relevance of such a business - vegetables, meat and milk and fruits have always been and will be in demand, even in times of crisis.

Many examples can be given: grow seedlings, flowers, strawberries, raspberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, potatoes, breed animals and birds for meat and eggs (pigs, cows, chickens, pheasants, turkeys and geese).

Your task is to decide on your niche and fill it in time! You can make money on any idea! All that is required of you is efficiency, faith in your strengths and actions!
