Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

How to sell certificates over the phone. Phone sales scripts - techniques, examples and templates for effective calls. The most sold goods and services are

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They convince not by speech, but by character


Every day someone tries to sell a product or service to a modern consumer, most customers have a negative reaction to the so-called "cold call".

This term refers to the first call to a consumer with whom negotiations have not been conducted before. Often, the negative reaction of a potential client is due to the seller's ignorance of how to properly sell a product during a phone call.

1. Collecting information about the client

A preliminary collection of information about the solvency of the client and who is specifically responsible for the purchase is necessary. This makes it easy to overcome the so-called "secretary barrier".

If you call and politely say: "Please connect me with the personnel department (deputy director for household parts, chief accountant)", the chance to get to the right person increases.

You can clarify: "I have not recorded the name and patronymic of your chief accountant ..." Any person is pleased if they are addressed specifically to him, and you will most likely be listened to if the conversation is conducted, as it were, on a personal level.

2. Timeliness of the call and readiness to talk

It is worth asking if it is convenient for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue right now - maybe he has visitors or he is holding a meeting. Ask at what time it will be possible to talk - and call to the minute, in no case half an hour earlier and not an hour later!

Be sure to say: "Peter Sergeevich, we agreed that I would call you back." Potential customer Will listen to you.

A manager offering his products must learn the text of his appeal literally by heart - to know all the information about the price list, components, warranty period, possible discounts.

If you do not have complete information, say: "Your question is very interesting, no one has delved into this aspect before. I will now write down this and all your other questions, I will receive necessary information and inform you in as soon as possible. Thank you!".

3. How to sell by phone using the tactics “Ostap Bender storms the millionaire Koreiko”?

4. How to properly sell a product over the phone, using flattery correctly?

Coachman, don't drive the horses! The method of "talking", and even more so the words "I want to offer you" cause a negative reaction. Therefore, you can slightly "puff out your cheeks" - introduce yourself as the head of the sales department.

Then call the potential client to the dialogue. Let's put it this way: "Viktor Vasilyevich, our company is engaged in the supply of modern office equipment. As far as I know, all negotiations on this issue should be conducted with you.

Could we talk now?" Or a little differently: "Svetlana Petrovna, I do not want to make commercial offers that are not interesting for you. I would like to know more about your company to understand how my company can be useful to you. I have a few questions for you."

That is, you do not set as your goal to immediately sell something, the first call is exploratory. Its ideal result is the appointment of a personal meeting. Catalogs, product samples, listing of discounts and payment terms will already come into play, and it will be possible to talk about the sale of specific goods.

5. Talk to the right person to talk to

How to sell a product to a buyer? Don't talk to someone who won't buy it. With a "cold call" without fawning, we find out from the secretary who exactly makes the decision on this issue.

If the girl on the wire asks additional questions, calmly ask: "So you make the decision to purchase?" Usually the secretary hangs out and transfers you to the right person.

6. The Four Yes Rule

It is difficult for a person who answered yes to several of your questions to say "no" later. Think about what you can ask without risking a negative answer. And only then ask: "Would you like to discuss a problem with me ...? When will it be convenient for you to meet with me?"

7. Find out what positions the potential client is interested in

When you hear the words: "Send your proposal by fax", first confirm: "Yes, I will definitely prepare for you commercial proposal and I will forward it.

So that it contains only the information that you need, please tell us what is the main thing for you when buying ... (office equipment, lighting fixtures, blue hares...)? Then you can best prepare commercial information.

8. Do not try to circle the interlocutor around your finger

It is in your interest to report objective information. This, by the way, will be reflected in your voice - it will sound more convincing and at ease.

Of course, you need to focus on the pluses, but if they ask about a service that your company does not provide, answer: "We will look into this issue and solve it for you," without claiming that you have everything.

» Sales by phone

© Oleg Tocheny

telephone marketing
(sales by phone)

Are you a telephone agent and are now going to dial a potential client to offer him a product or service? Don't rush. If you act head on, then for your interlocutor you will be just one of many who daily bothers him with such calls. Here you need to use a different tactic, thanks to which you will be able to attract the attention of the client to your offer.

Before starting the conversation, you, of course, identified a number of firms that can become clients of your firm. Find out the name of the company, the name of the contact person, other details and enter all this into the database. Now you need to think carefully about the upcoming conversation. If you write an appeal correctly and manage to arouse interest in yourself, then this company will almost certainly become your client.

Try to put yourself in the place of the client and answer the question: “Why, in fact, should I buy this product?”

There are not so many reasons why people shop

  1. To save money (20% discount in the store, you need to buy jeans);
  2. In order to earn money (use for the production of other goods, resell);
  3. To save time (for example, a phone saves time compared to personal travel; a car saves time compared to public transport, - so people pay for the installation of phones and buy cars);
  4. To maintain your social status (you need to buy a "Mere": the owner of the company is ashamed to drive a "Zhiguli");
  5. And the last reason is logical considerations (by purchasing real estate, you make sure that your children, when they grow up, are provided with housing).

"Try on" this list to your potential client - and now you can come up with an introduction to the conversation.

Introduction to the conversation

The introduction to the conversation should contain no more than 75 words (otherwise, the other end of the line will have time to hang up or find an objection). To do this, you have at your disposal no more than 45 seconds - during this time you must have time to introduce the company and state the reasons why the client may be interested in your offer.

What you have time to say in these 45 seconds is very important. But just as important is how you say it. Take care of the correct intonation. You must radiate a positive attitude towards what you are doing - smile! Remember that a smile can be "seen" on the phone. If you just read something, your interlocutor will also easily understand it. Don't believe me? Check with your friends. So the first thing is a smile. The second is what you actually have to say.

There are 5 stages that you need to go through in every telephone conversation with a client.

  1. It is necessary to attract the attention of the interlocutor. This can be done as a greeting. As soon as you say: “Good afternoon, Mr. Petrenko!”, you will capture his attention.
  2. Then you should introduce yourself. I don't think anyone should be taught this.
  3. After that, you need to give the name of your company.
  4. Finally, you should say something that will arouse the client's interest in your firm.

As a result, you should get something like: “Hello, Mr. Petrenko! You are concerned about Mr. Sidorenko from Service and Co. We offer talking office refrigerators that tell you which products start to deteriorate and need to be used as soon as possible, which employee they belong to and how this employee reacts to the disappearance of his property from the refrigerator. A talking refrigerator will help your company save up to 20% of employees' food costs and, consequently, the payroll. In addition, this purchase excludes office duels on kefir bottles.”

5. The most difficult thing: you need to ask a question to which your interlocutor will certainly answer “yes”. For example: “Is your company interested in keeping employees productive?” Who's to say that his company is not interested in this?

But if Mr. Petrenko still says no, apologize, thank him for the time he gave you, and hang up. After such an answer, it is useless to convince him to listen to you. The likelihood that he will agree to your proposals is one chance in a thousand. It's not worth your time. It is much more useful to spend it on dialing the next number. Here you were answered "yes" - the first victory. But that's not all: most often, after a positive answer, objections follow, and below we will talk about how to deal with them.

And now a few words about how to overcome one significant obstacle, whose name is the secretary. I remind you that your task is to get through to the person who makes the decisions.

So the secretary picks up the phone. Introduce yourself, state your proposal and ask who you need to talk to. If you can't get the name, try to cheat. Pretend to be a customer, call back and ask to be connected to Mr. Ivanov from the sales department. If you are lucky and you guess right, then you will be connected immediately, if not, then pretend that you mixed up the last name. Ask for the name of the head of the sales department, and then ask to connect with him after all. Your main goal - to talk to someone who can make a decision, bypassing the secretary - is achieved. Now you can start a conversation, the result of which should be the appointment of a meeting with the client or the conclusion of an agreement.

Conversation with a client

Ten commandments of the telephone agent

  1. The 20/80 rule. This means that 80% of the time you should be listening and talking only 20%. For the opening speech, you are given, as we have already said, 45 seconds. Then your task is to listen and remember the problems and needs of customers. Then you will have an excellent reason to offer the client to conclude an agreement with you, which will help him solve these problems and satisfy his needs.
  2. If you want to look businesslike, never ask general questions like the weather or "How are you?". Is it appropriate to ask about the weather of an interlocutor who is at a distance of 20 km from you? Are you ready to devote the next half hour to listening to stories about other people's problems?
  3. Avoid hesitations, speak specifically, accurately, observe the right intonation. Don't forget to smile! You need to speak not too slowly and not too fast, not too loud and not too soft. You must be sure that you are well heard and understood. Learn to feel when you need to pause in a conversation. Telephone agents work much more efficiently when they know how to silently wait for an answer and hang up on time.
  4. Don't be upset if you get an answering machine. Your goal is to get a call back, and we'll talk about how to do that a bit later.
  5. Do not rush to send information to the client at the first request, if he really does not know what he needs. In most cases, the request for information is simply a desire to keep you behind. However, there are many different ways to use this request to your advantage. You can not send anything, but just call a week later and ask if the information has reached. Usually the client answers your question and continues the conversation. You can take the prospectuses personally, citing the fact that they require explanations - here is the meeting with the client that you sought.
  6. Answer objections correctly (we'll show you how to do this below).
  7. Do not allow yourself disrespectful remarks towards competitors. Serious people prefer not to work with those who, in an attempt to persuade them to cooperate with themselves, point out the shortcomings of others. The client chooses partners with a positive attitude - this is how they teach their sales representatives largest companies in particular Kodak.
  8. When working in telephone marketing, you can not miss a day. By skipping one day a week, you will fall behind so much that there is no point in even trying to catch up. Never stop calling new people - it's the only way acquire new customers.
  9. Never offer your firm as a "last resort" supplier. You must convince the client that your firm is the best. Experience shows that no one ever turns to the help of suppliers left "in case of emergency".
  10. Don't give too much information over the phone. Remember your main goal. If you want to receive an order and you have been asked a question, it is impossible not to answer it. And if your goal is to make an appointment, it's better to use the situation to your advantage. Try to convince the client that his issue is being resolved, and your representative will be able to explain all this in person.

Homemade preparations

The usefulness of homemade preparations is difficult to assess until you start using them. Try it - and see for yourself. This is truly a lifesaver if you stumble and don't know what to say. Blanks cannot be read. There is nothing more unpleasant when a telephone agent interrupts you from business, and even reads something. In such cases, you just want to hang up. Therefore, blanks must be memorized.

In addition, blanks help to focus on the main goal of the conversation. By knowing what to say, you won't be wasting your time or the client's time. Thus, blanks will help you make more calls per day and effectively respond to possible objections. In this article, we do not offer samples of blanks: you must come up with them yourself, in accordance with your personal experience and company specifics. Write down blanks: this is how you remember them and learn how to use them. In the course of work, you can always correct them and improve them.

Do they object to you? This is good

A person who does not know how to respond to customer objections is not entitled to call himself a telephone agent. An objection is a kind of chance the client gives you; use it to tell him what he wants to hear. In no case do not avoid objections. In telephone marketing, there is a rule of 3 "P": "REPEAT, SUPPORT, CONTINUE". Take it into service - and success is guaranteed to you. Repeat the objection in the form of a question. Say that one of your clients raised similar objections, but after the presentation changed his mind and decided to work with you.

Invite the interlocutor to continue the conversation. Thus, you repeated, supported and continued the conversation about your goal. During the first week of work, you will hear a lot of objections, most of which can be reduced to seven main ones. Each of them means an attempt by the client to end the conversation with you. But your position should be the following: I will now overcome this objection, and we will continue the conversation.

  1. The client says that he has already tried what you offer and did not like it. To overcome this objection, use the 3-P rule (see above).
  2. The customer states that he already has a supplier. Don't give up: keep asking questions until you find the "weakness" of this supplier - the point where your services are better than those that your interlocutor's firm has provided so far. Why not a chance to acquire a new client?
  3. The client says that he is not interested in your product. Apply the rule of 3 P's. If the client again says that he is not interested, apply the "final blow" (technique, which will be discussed below). But if that doesn't work, hang up the phone.
  4. The client tries to end the conversation with a request to send documentation. Ask the client what specific data he would like to receive. Try to reduce the conversation to the rule of 3 "R" and ask for an appointment. If a client asks you to send a price list, tell him that your price list is so extensive that it is completely inappropriate to send it; but if the client names the types of goods or services of interest to him, then you are ready to transfer data on the required items.
  5. The client says that the savings from working with you are small and not worth the extra effort that will be required from him. Explain to him that he will not have additional worries, but on the contrary, you will do everything in such a way as to simplify his life. Using the 3 R's, end your conversation with a request for an order or appointment.
  6. The client asks to call back in a month, because now he is too busy. Tell him that he could save a lot of money during this time, and ask if there is anyone in the office with whom you could talk for two minutes. Using the 3 R's, describe a similar experience and end with a request for a meeting or a deal.
  7. The client says that these issues are not within his competence. Find out from him who is responsible for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. If he does not want to answer, go back to the secretary and ask him again.

Conclusion: the obstacles that arise must be overcome. Try to work like this for at least a month, and you will understand that this tactic justifies itself.

Earn the right to offer

When talking with a client, one more thing should not be overlooked. the most important rule telephone marketing: you don't have the right to just call a customer and ask him to place an order. But you can earn such a right even in one minute.

Follow the rules: make an introduction, correctly overcome 2-3 objections, and half the battle is done. Then, by asking the right questions and listening to the answers, you need to find out what the needs of the client are.

As soon as the client feels that you are imbued with his problems, you will establish a mutual understanding. Now you can offer him to place an order. In order to "talk" the client, you will have to use a certain technique of asking questions. Offer him something that will help solve his problems.

But maybe his firm has no problems at all? If all your attempts to find out have ended in failure, say goodbye and move on to the next client.

In your arsenal of ways to work with clients should be a special offer that is valid at the moment and does not imply risk to the client - we will talk about this below. But in any case, your task is to stand out from the crowd and say something that will make the client remember your company, your products and services.

Statistical accounting as a means of increasing the number of sales

Each telephone agent must work with a special form on which he notes everything he does. If the manager didn’t give it to you, it doesn’t matter: draw up such a form yourself and force yourself to use it every day. This will help you identify your weaknesses and increase sales. Here are 10 things you should track every day:

  1. calls.
  2. The autoresponder entries you left (this will help you prepare your autoresponder template).
  3. Gatekeepers (how many times a day did you hit the secretary).
  4. The people responsible for contract decisions (how many times per day did you manage to convince the secretary to put you through to these people).
  5. Sent faxes or mail (what needs to be sent, in what form and quantity).
  6. Repeat calls.
  7. Scheduled follow-up calls (how many calls you need to make).
  8. Replies to your messages on the autoresponder (how effective is your autoresponder template).
  9. Appointments.
  10. Concluded contracts.

To do this, you need to leave him an advertisement for 20-30 seconds. The first four stages of the conversation are the same here (see above), but instead of the last question, you should write down a phrase on the answering machine that will make the client call you back. Advise, for example, that you will visit him on Tuesday at 14-00 in order to tell in more detail about the offers of your company. After that, leave your name and phone number.

Hearing that a person is going to come to his office, to whom he did not make an appointment, the client will almost certainly write down your name and phone number in order to call back and find out what the matter is. Your goal is achieved: the client called you.

But maybe he is just angry with you and wants to tell you this? As a rule, the indignation of the client can be neutralized. To his question about the meeting, answer that you just left information and wanted to know if it was possible to pay him a visit on Tuesday. If this time does not suit him, ask what is suitable. Thus, you returned to the rule of 3 "P" - repeated the offer of services of your company, supported the client and continued the conversation with a request for a meeting.

Now it's time to ask the fifth question. If the client answers "No", then you should wish all the best and hang up. And if the client answers “Yes, but ...”, you need to overcome the objection and again offer to make an appointment with you or place an order.

And finally, some useful tips:

  1. Leave information on the answering machine for no more than 30 seconds.
  2. Don't stutter or pause.
  3. Call again. On average, to catch a person, he needs to call 4-8 times.
  4. Think carefully about what you are going to say.

Special offers

In order to attract new customers, always keep special offers in reserve - coupons, discounts, free services, free shipping, trial period. A trial period means that the customer receives the product and uses it free of charge for, for example, a month before he pays for it. This is what you have to do when dealing with large companies that you would like to make your customers, but who will not agree to buy goods from you without a sample. However, do not forget to explain in detail to the client what a “free trial” is: the trial itself is free, but the client will have to pay for the goods, although 30 days later.

Special offers are best used at the end of a conversation in order to persuade a hesitant customer to the first order. This method really works and is liked by consumers. But make it clear to the client that this is a one-time offer.

About the most important thing - about ordering

  1. Question one: have you earned the right to offer an order?
  2. How many times have you asked a customer to place an order? You need to offer at least three times, unless, of course, the client agrees immediately (in this case, just say: “Thank you. You will be pleased to work with us” and hang up). But in general, the first offer to place an order is always a trial one. The second time you will also object. It is the third request that is critical. Usually after it you receive an order. I do not mean that if you ask three times, the order is yours. It is possible that you will never receive this order. The following points will help you find out.
  3. Make sure you mention the expiration date on your special offer. If you do this, the client will have an additional incentive to conclude a contract with you.
  4. Have you asked probing questions that push the client to close the deal? With their help, you can feel whether the client is going to work with you at all.
  5. Have you tried the technique called "last hit"? I mentioned this above and now I will explain what it is. When the client answers no to all your questions, ask him if he would be interested in even hearing your presentation. If the answer is “No,” politely say goodbye and hang up. You will not succeed with this client.

Focus - and success will not keep you waiting

There are people who, in a conversation with a telephone agent or a traveling salesman, talk about anything but sales. The telephone agent needs to avoid those who can "eat" his time. Plan your goals for the day before you arrive at work. You need to know how many calls you want to make, how many deals you want to make. And telephone marketing should be done daily, but no more than 2-3 hours without a break.

Get yourself going before work. This can be done in different ways. You can calculate possible profits on the way to work, you can listen to special cassettes in the subway or in a trolleybus, you can record yourself cheering yourself on a cassette and listen to it along the way.

Always call new customers first before making repeat calls. Many do the opposite, but if you keep repeating calls all the time, the influx of new customers and ideas will stop.

And the last rule: always start with the heaviest calls. Everything else after them will seem much easier. Do not hesitate, and you will be pleasantly surprised: in many companies you will be able to get through before the arrival of the secretary and talk to those who make decisions directly. So:

  1. You need new clients.
  2. Calls really help you get new customers.
  3. The more customers a telephone agent brings in, the more money he makes.
  4. You need to call every day.

Causes of failures of telephone agents

Now I would like to talk about the reasons why many telephone agents fail. Insurance companies in the West, for example, they hire thousands of agents, knowing that in a year 95% of them will leave. But those who remain succeed.

The reason for the failures is in the "SNSP". It stands for: fear, uncertainty, doubt, habits.

Fear. Telephone agents fail because they are afraid to make the next call lest they get rejected. This needs to be treated in a completely different way. Convince yourself that for 200 of your proposals there will be one agreement. And the sooner you get these refusals, the sooner you get to an agreement.

Uncertainty. You are not sure if the techniques you want to use will work. But there is only one way to find out - to try, analyze the results and improve the techniques.

Doubts. Let's say you decide tomorrow start following our advice. But then you shared your plans with someone else, and you were told that nothing would come of it. Then doubts may arise in your soul, which will cause your defeat. Don't give in to them until you try it yourself.

Habits. If you change your habits for 2 hours a day, in a month, using the techniques described by us, you will get rid of fear, insecurity and doubt. Write down your results, and if after a month they do not noticeably improve, then you are doing something wrong. Now start calling. I wish you success!

"Career", No. 2, 2000

Hello! In this article, we will talk about such a phone sales tool as a script.

Today you will learn:

  • What is a conversation script with a client on the phone;
  • How to write a sales script over the phone;
  • What types of telephone sales scripts exist .

What is a phone sales script

A phone for a marketer is not only a means of communication, it is also an excellent channel for promoting and distributing products.

To understand how to sell a product using only a telephone conversation, you need to remember the specifics of telephone communication:

  • Solution. Usually, modern man makes calls to find out or agree on something, in other words, to solve a problem;
  • Brevity. A telephone conversation is always shorter than a face-to-face conversation on the same topic;
  • Dialog. A telephone conversation always involves a dialogue between two people.

Not every sales manager is able to briefly describe to the client his proposal for solving the problem that needs to be identified in the process of a telephone dialogue with the client. Therefore, in order for the conversation between the seller and the potential client to turn into sales, it is advisable to use pre-written dialogue scripts or scripts.

Script - a script for a dialogue between a sales manager and a client, designed to improve the efficiency of the former and attract the latter.

You need a phone sales script if:

  • Do you sell by phone?
  • Your office employs at least three managers for the implementation of telephone sales and telephone counseling for clients (a smaller number is easier and cheaper to train to work without scripts);
  • You want to improve your overall phone sales performance. In this case, the effectiveness of individual managers may decrease.

If you agreed with each point, then we need to move on and decide what types of phone sales scripts are right for you.

In total, four types of scripts are distinguished, depending on the level of development of the client and the market in which the client is represented. Each type of script involves its own telephone sales technique.

Warm customer base

Cold customer base

Consumer segment

A “warm” script is used if you call a potential client who recently made a targeted action in relation to your company: made a purchase, registered on the site, visited the store, and so on. That is, you know that this client interested in your product.

The goal of the manager is to remind about the company, to offer products that may be of interest to this consumer, to convince him of the usefulness of this product.

In this case, you are calling "blindly". Probably, your interlocutor does not know about your company and product at all.

The goal of the manager is to inform the interlocutor about the company, identify the client's problems and offer options for solving these problems. That is, the manager must get a completely new client for the company

Industrial segment

Any of these types is based on the following principles:

  • Equality. You and your client are partners. You should not persuade the client to take a targeted action or accept unfavorable conditions. Your job is to see the client's problem and offer a solution. The client's business is to refuse or agree. Otherwise, you will lose the client's respect for your company;
  • Cooperation. You should not argue with the client, you should prove to him that he really needs your product and the purpose of your call is to help. To do this, you need to ask a potential client such questions, the answers to which you know in advance. For example, manager: “Do you use a lot of paper per month?” Client: “yes” Manager: “do you buy a new ream of paper every week” Client: “yes” Manager: “would you like our company delivered paper to your office every week at a convenient time for you?”

In this example, we offer a solution to the client's problem and in doing so we use the law of three "yes";

  • Knowledge. The sales manager must know the specifics of the company, understand its products and services.

Script structure

Now that we have decided on the types of the script, let's decide on its structure. Since scripts for the consumer market are significantly different from scripts for the industrial market, we will analyze them separately. Let's start with the consumer segment.

Structure of the script for the consumer segment

To clearly show what is the difference between scripts for a warm and cold customer base, we will display the structure of the scripts in a small table.

warm base

cold base


Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning)

Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning)


"Customer name", my name is "manager name", I am a representative of the company "company name"

“My name is “manager name”, how can I contact you? I am a representative of the company "company name", we are engaged in .... "

You do not need to give the name of the client, even if you know it!

Finding out the circumstances

We find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to talk now (if not, then we discuss the time when it will be possible to call back)

We find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to talk now (if not, then we discuss the time when it will be possible to call back)

Clarifying questions

We remind the client that he recently purchased our product or performed another targeted action. For example: “Last week you purchased our product “name”. Did you like it?"

We reveal the need of the client: “Do you know the problem ...?” "Would you like to get rid of her?"

Purpose of the call

We indicate the purpose of the call: “Yesterday we received new product, complementing "the name of the product that was already purchased earlier." It will allow you to achieve a double effect and save you from the problem for a long time ... ”Here the consumer either purchases the product or objects

We offer our product/service to the client. If the client objects, we proceed to the next step.

Answer to objection

We use all the positive characteristics of a product or company to convince the consumer of the need for this product

We identify the reason for the refusal to purchase the product. We solve the problem for which the consumer refused, as a rule, it is necessary to solve three such problems


Thank you for taking the time to visit us, we look forward to seeing you in our store. Goodbye"

Thank you for taking the time to visit us, we look forward to seeing you in our store. Goodbye"

Structure of a cold calling script for an industrial client

In this case, it would be advisable to omit the conversation script with the industrial client from the warm base. As a rule, it corresponds to the conversation script for the warm base of the consumer segment.

for industrial customers will consist of the following steps:

  1. Preliminary. We send to email potential customer your commercial offer. This must be done half an hour before the call is made. Write down the goals of the conversation;
  1. Search for a contact person who makes a decision in the client company on your issue;
  2. Secretary bypass. As a rule, the secretary of the responsible person, who has his own script for refusal, will answer you first. You need to bypass it. To do this, adhere to the following rules:
  • It is necessary to show by intonation and manner of speaking that the responsible person needs this cooperation more than you;
  • Clear, correct, confident speech;
  • The following phrase should sound in the conversation: “Who can I talk to about this issue” (“Contact me with the person responsible for this issue”).
  1. Talking to the decision maker. The structure of the script for a conversation with the responsible person of the company will look like this.




Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning) “Interlocutor’s name”


We call our first and last name

Clarifying questions and product introduction

Do you use communication services from our company "name"? Now we have a new offer for regular customers it will cost twice as much. It will allow you to “name those benefits that are of interest to your interlocutor.” For example, for the boss - cost reduction and profit, for ordinary workers - simplification of work

Work with objections

We identify the reason for the refusal to purchase the product. We solve the problem for which the consumer refused. As a rule, three such problems need to be solved


Thank you for your time, we will be glad to cooperate / see you / tomorrow our specialist will come to you at the appointed time

An example of handling objections

At the end of the article, I would like to focus on this particular block, since it is the most dangerous in terms of losing a client.



We don't need this product

"The product is able to solve the problem with ...". Doesn't help, can you suggest alternative product and name its useful qualities for the client

I have no time to talk (after the clarification stage)

“It won't take more than 10 minutes. I can call back at another time. At your convenience?"

We already have a supplier, he suits us

“We do not propose to replace your current partners, we propose to supplement them so that everyone is comfortable working and there are no such problems as “listing the client's problems”


Many of our customers pointed out the high price, but all questions were removed after they tried our product. Let's give you a 20% discount on your first order so that you can be sure of this.

In fact, there may be many more objections, we have given only the most common options. It is important to think through each and work through it so that the manager can give a clear rebuff and not lose the client.

Sample (example) script of sales by phone

And finally, here's the full phone sales script. Let's say we sell shampoo for dry hair to a cold customer base.

  1. Greetings: Good day!
  2. Representation: " My name is Anna, how can I contact you? I am a representative of the Volosatik company, we are engaged in the manufacture of natural hair care products. "Customer Name", we have a special offer for you."
  3. Clarification of the circumstances:"Are you comfortable talking now?"
  4. Clarifying questions:“Do you know the problem of dry and brittle hair?”, “Would you like to get rid of it?”.
  5. Purpose of the call:“Great, we offer a natural shampoo for dry hair. The fact is that licorice, which is part of it, retains water, and the absence of sulfates allows you to preserve the structure of the hair. Did you know that 90% of shampoos in stores contain sulfates, which destroy the hair structure, slowing down growth and making them brittle? (No Yes). In the manufacture of our shampoo, we focused on the absence of harm to the hair. At the same time, the price of our shampoo corresponds to the average market price and is 500 rubles per 400 ml.”
  6. Work with objections: examples of working with objections are given in the table above.
  7. Goodbye: Thank you for taking the time to visit us, we look forward to seeing you in our store. Goodbye".

Video about phone sales scripts

Given the large number of offers, selling your service can be quite difficult. Even if sales are based on advertising campaign it must be well planned. In addition, online advertising is present in abundance today and making your offer unique will require a fair amount of creativity. However, there are situations when you need to sell urgently and in large volumes. The reasons here may be different - the dependence of services on seasonality, or you have launched a promotion that you urgently need to convey to your regular customers ... There can be a huge number of reasons why you need to act urgently. Under such a task as impossible better fit one of the most demanded services of modern call centers is selling services by phone.

Successful sales of services by phone are made according to the scenario

The effectiveness of telephone sales largely depends on the training of operators, as well as on the scenario or script for selling services by telephone. A pre-prepared communication scheme prepares the operator for a conversation based on the specifics of the services offered, target audience(taking into account the portrait of the buyer), the nuances of the offer, and so on. The more factors that are taken into account when writing a script, the higher the likelihood that services will be sold. That is why, when ordering sales services over the phone, providing the information you have collected about customers and potential buyers will be very helpful.

Provide maximum information about services

In order for customers to feel interested in the process of selling services over the phone, they need to be involved in this interest or infected (in the pleasant sense of the word). For interest to arise, you must first provide a full description of all the benefits of your services to the call center. Moreover, in such a form that the operators could really be inspired by this. For example, when selling the services of an Internet provider, the operator, in addition to all the technical data, will ask the person on the other side of the wire if he is not bothered by waiting too long for a movie to download or frequent failures in the current service provider. In return, he will be ready to offer arguments in favor of his proposal - for example, high speed downloads, new hardware that works flawlessly, and so on. Moreover, he will do it with complete confidence, conveying the same mood to a potential buyer. Thus, in order for sales of services by telephone to really bring the expected profit, the customer also needs to work hard. This is confirmed by the fact that pressure does not affect the modern buyer - arguments and facts do. The more information operators know about the service, the greater your chances of success.

In addition to one-time telephone sales orders, this option can also be ordered on a long-term basis. And thinking about strategic planning, you can use a number of other useful options, including marketing research and development of loyalty programs.

A business idea has weight if it answers 3 questions. What to sell, how to offer, and who will become a consumer. The service market is different from the trade in tangible goods. The performer proposes a result. A time-consuming process of getting rid of the problem. Consider how to properly sell services to a client. Product packaging options in the real world and the Internet. Read the article to the end, it's helpful.

Significant differences between goods and services

Conventionally, goods are divided into 2 types: food and non-food. The first serve to satisfy the needs of the client that are important for the existence. Satisfying hunger and thirst. Non-food products help to solve everyday issues, make life more comfortable, protect from danger. An important feature goods is interdependent with services.

  • manufacturing;
  • recovery;
  • education;
  • service.

The first and second are closely connected with material production. The latter are based on the distribution of information and the provision of comfortable conditions for customers. An important difference between a product and a service is the target orientation. The first solves the issue immediately, the second promises to get rid of the problem in the future.

Along with tangible products, services cause anxiety among customers. The customer is not 100% sure of the results and the commensurate return of the costs incurred. The executor sells the promise. At the stage of concluding a deal, the air that needs to be packed in a selling form.

What does a customer look for when placing a service order?

  • Price. A factor whose value can be measured and compared in the material world.
  • Result. Getting rid of what worries the customer now or threatens a comfortable existence in the future.
  • Guarantees. A promise to correct defects or bring the project to the expected level.

The psychology of the buyer requires the packaging of the offer in a conditionally tangible form. For a service, it is enough to visualize and draw an analogy with the material:

  • select "name";
  • provide a choice;
  • make the offer profitable;
  • justify the importance of each step.

The method of converting the intangible into the material helps to strengthen the competitive position of the organization. Formation of a unique selling proposition that looks more attractive, along with similar ones. Consider whether it is possible to sell services as goods in more detail.

Choose the right "name"

The first rule for the materialization of an intangible product is the name. The name of the company, brand and service package should be associated with the result. For example, "Car Repair" or "Auto Service Zhemchuzhina" directly indicate the direction of the organization. Can't name a station Maintenance"Seagull", without specifying a link to an action that is useful for the client.

Provide a choice

The sale of a range of services allows you to break down directions into components and distribute them into several packages to solve specific consumer needs. good example serves as furniture assembly. Offer to the standard direction the delivery and lifting of materials. This gives the customer a choice between saving money and solving additional problems.

Add an additional range of services to the two existing packages after warranty service. The master will come to the place and fix the crooked cabinet door for free. But you will have to pay extra for this. According to research, 64% of respondents would prefer to overpay for getting rid of an additional problem. Take advantage of this.

The question of cost savings remains open in the case when it is preferable for the customer to exclude the direction from the complex. For example, to delegate apartment renovation processes between companies with a narrow service profile. Give the client the opportunity to combine their own package of services. It works.

Add a benefit to your offer

The lack of differentiation, along with competitors, makes the customer focus on price. Market monitoring will allow the company to identify these similarities. Offer value-added services without focusing on the cost of the product. For example, courses vocational training associated with the relocation of employees to another city.

Offer a solution to the problem at your organization's expense. Consider the cost of living and transportation in the process of forming the cost of education. Customers will appreciate the uniqueness and value of the offer even if the price of the product exceeds the offer of competitors.

Another example is a free extension of the warranty period. Or delivery at the expense of the company. It is important not to overdo it with the price list, allowing partial repayment of the costs of fulfilling the obligations assumed.

Emphasize the importance of each step

The sale of services is associated with actions aimed at fulfilling the tasks set:

  • consultation;
  • departure of a specialist;
  • placing an order;
  • delivery of materials;
  • stages of service implementation;
  • transfer of results to the customer;
  • warranty service;
  • Additional services.

Develop a unique selling proposition for each of the presented steps. Describe on the website or present in person the significant benefits associated with the performance of tasks by the specialists of your company.

Decomposing the process of interaction with customers into components will reveal the potential of the company in more detail. Create a clear picture in the mind of the consumer of what he is buying.

How to sell services over the phone

Entrepreneurs tend to avoid cold calling. The reason for this is the sad statistics of refusals from potential customers. The truth is that the problem of the latter lies not in the fact telephone conversation, but the tactics of conducting negotiations by employees of the organization.

According to researchers, direct contact, along with the effectiveness of media advertising, website or landing page, increases the likelihood of ordering goods and services by 38%. How to force telephone conversations work to increase the profits of your organization?

Use the script

A set of questions and answers that takes into account 9 out of 10 potential customer behaviors. The template can be downloaded or purchased online. Modify taking into account the characteristics of the services provided. Or order a unique negotiation program from a specialist.

The script begins with a greeting and the first question, branching off depending on the results of each stage of the interaction. Contrary to misconception, the answers to the standard set of questions do not imply excessive variability. As a rule, 2-3 universal variants of the interlocutor's reaction are enough for the script.

An example of a phone sales script:

Good morning, Sergei. My name is Olga, photography studio "Oblik". Are you comfortable speaking?

Option 1: Yes

— I would like to offer New Year's shooting services in our studio. We have updated the decor, the pictures will be amazing. And at a reasonable price. Would you and your family be interested in doing beautiful pictures for the holiday?

Option 1.1: Yes(or: How much is it?)

- V New Year our studio is in enviable demand. Young couples and families with children love New Year's shooting. Therefore, we have the opportunity to offer our customers affordable prices. For example, an hour of shooting in the studio, services professional photographer with subsequent processing and printing of 15 photos, cost only 3,000 rubles. Agree that 200 rubles for a studio-level family photo is very nice price.

Option 1.1.1: Agree...

Option 2: No

What time is convenient for you to answer the phone? It's about O New Year's photo session for you and your family very nice price.

Option 2.2: Call after lunch …

An employee of the company communicates with the client using a "cheat sheet" that allows you to focus on the intonation of the voice. Creation positive mood and the ability to improvise with the goal of summing up the client's responses to the script algorithm.

  1. Conquer fear. Remember that the conversation with the interlocutor is not a private matter. Your task is to sell services. Don't take harsh answers personally. A negative result is forgotten from the moment the connection is broken. Positive, on the contrary, deserves to be remembered. The answer "no" with permission to call back at another time, take it as an agreement.
  2. Lead a potential client. Be brief. Highlight facts and benefits. Ask counter questions in order to minimize the error to the script. And suggestive, so that the client establishes himself in the benefits of the offer on his own.
  3. Schedule your cold calls. Get into the rhythm. Set yourself a negotiation plan, with a time limit. For example, 40 companies before lunch. If the interlocutor asks to call back, make a note in the plan.
  4. Set goals for yourself. Negotiations lead to positive action. The conversation leads to the desired result. Making an appointment for a consultation, placing an order, visiting the office and the like. Remember, the effectiveness of telephone sales increases if one conversation has one specific goal.
  5. Practice serving. Your voice is the only link between the company and the customer. Speak confidently, with a clear pronunciation, be polite. Depending on the line of business and the purpose of the call, you should give the voice an appropriate firmness.
  6. Smile when talking to someone. Even if the interlocutor responds to the proposal with rudeness. Smiling allows you to maintain a positive tone, cheer you up and give your voice confidence.
  7. End the conversation on time. When the goals are achieved and there is nothing more to say, thank the interlocutor and hang up. A prolonged pause or repetition of topics covered, as well as resolved issues, leads to a negative impression. Remember brevity.
  8. Call from a personal phone. Let potential customers call back and hear a familiar voice on the other end. The interlocutor does not see you, but associates with him the offer of services. Subconsciously becomes attached to it, buying a product from you personally, and not your company.
  9. Be punctual. If the conversation is scheduled for a specific time, stick to the agreement. From the moment the potential client waits, the call ceases to be cold. The request follows the same rule. feedback on the company's website. Here the "law of 15 minutes" comes into force, unless another convenient time is indicated by the visitor. We will return to this topic later.
  10. Get started. Practice determines success.

How to sell services to a client in person

Personal selling is a strategy aimed at obtaining an order, involving personal communication with the client. Building trusting relationships. Individual approach to the problems of a person or company. Joint search for solutions to the tasks. Product packaging in an attractive form for the consumer.

The customer gets the opportunity to ask a question in person. Communicate with a company representative authorized to create comfortable conditions for cooperation. The result of negotiations in to a greater extent depends on the talent and charisma of the seller. The cost, guarantees and completeness of the product fade into the background.

5 secrets of personal selling

The script serves as a negotiating platform. A salesperson behavior pattern aimed at presenting a unique selling proposition. An unequivocal answer to standard questions, backed by facts and strong arguments in favor of a deal. Or getting a different result, depending on the task.

A rare goal is achieved through a single meeting with a potential buyer. An experienced negotiator expects to sign an agreement in 2-3 visits. In the process of preparation, take into account 5 recommendations:

  1. Communicate with key people. Before you offer, make sure you are dealing with the right person. A person who has the right to make decisions in the company. The same strategy should be followed when dealing with a private individual. For example, if the final word in the family belongs to the spouse, try to get in touch with her.
  2. Ask questions. Find out how interested your interlocutor is in offering services. Are you currently using a similar product? If so, ask which of the competitors he considers a priority. The degree of satisfaction with the services of the company. What would you like to get more or change.
  3. Suggest a solution. Indicate the problem of the interlocutor, within the framework of the service provided. Focus on the result - getting rid of the issue that interferes with a comfortable existence. Stable implementation of the company's business processes or saving the family budget. The decision depends on the product you represent.
  4. Close the deal or set a deadline. After the presentation of the services, ask the potential client about the desire to place an order right now. Or the time it takes for a consumer to make a purchasing decision. Try not to delay your next visit for more than 3 days. This is exactly how long the motivation of the buyer, imbued with the benefits of your offer, lasts.
  5. Follow the client. Closing the deal does not break the connection between the seller and the consumer. Enter the client into the database. Happy Holidays. Ask about satisfaction with the service provided. When the consumer needs the service again, he will know who to contact.

Sale of services via the Internet

Online promotion allows you to save on advertising. Provide potential customers with comprehensive information about your company. Increase the cost of the services offered. Free up time to implement and improve key business processes. It's rare for a company to turn down the opportunity to increase sales and build a customer base.

The network is attractive to individuals who prefer to work independently. Having a relatively small budget for ordering advertising in the media. As well as those who lack the time to implement cold calls and conduct personal negotiations. We wrote about the sale of services on the Internet in a separate article.

  • Establishing an online presence
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Working with potential clients
  • Reaction to reviews on the Internet
  • Blogging
  • Finding ways to attract customers
  • Ensuring a good reputation
  • Formation of a base of regular customers

The information is easy to learn and applicable in practice. We will supplement the article, focusing on the channels to attract consumers for free and at minimal cost.
An important feature of working in an international network is the connection of an exhaustive amount of resources. Social networks, forums, boards free ads and a personal website serve to successfully attract new customers.
