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Thanks to the best worker. Congratulations on gratitude for work not in verse. How to thank company staff

This guide will be a logical continuation of our popular article.

Judging by the Yandex Metrica data, the topic is in demand today. Search phrase "how to write thank you letter” is in fourth place among all queries leading to the Studio website. Why is this happening?

Most likely, the point is the economic crisis faced by the business. Direct frontal advertising is now beyond the reach of many. Instead, guerrilla marketing techniques are used, combined with deep work to retain customers and stimulate repeat sales.

A letter of thanks is a great tool that, in skillful hands, builds strong and loyal relationships with the target audience.

What we will talk about: we will analyze typical and atypical samples of thank you letters, analyze common mistakes and learn how to use the Thank You Letter not only to increase loyalty, but also for repeat sales.

boring thanks

After scrolling through sample thank you letters on Google, we were frankly bored at first. But after boredom came interest, we felt like Columbus, who unexpectedly discovered America.

The thing is, while 99% of companies in Ukraine and Russia are competing in creating boring thank you letters, you can outdo them all at once and stand out with a noticeable, warm and selling Thank You Letter.

Let's go in order.

Among the samples of thank you letters that are freely available, we found two types of documents: a letter in the form of a solemn letter with graphic frames and a dry text on A4 paper with a seal and details. Both of these types make the same mistakes. Although, the word "error" is probably out of place here. Let's call them roughness:

  • The title is "Thank you letter". We have repeatedly spoken about the need to move away from this pattern. The reason was argued with an example. What to use instead of this phrase? For example, a warm "Thank you" or a friendly "Dear Petr Sergeyevich."
  • Dear _______ . The gap, which is then filled in by hand, speaks of the mass nature of this gratitude. And this is already “not that coat”. Yes, and the word "respected" order tired. That's right, it's acceptable, commonly used. But we want to reach out to our addressee, and not become one of ...
  • “We look forward to further cooperation” - this phrase was found in half of all Thank You Letters that we had a chance to analyze. The purpose of a thank you letter is to say thank you, not to hint about your desire to continue working. Invite to "further cooperation" can be much more effective. We'll show you exactly how.
  • "Securing", "for the rendered", "allow", "personal contribution", "fruitful", "express" - the impression that all letters of thanks in the CIS are written by the same person. Run away from this bureaucracy. Be real.

In total, we get: most Thank You Letters look the same as examples of proposals for cooperation, that is, officially, stereotyped, boring. They have no emotion or humanity. Although true gratitude should contain all these qualities. We invite you to get away from dullness and soviet solemnity.

Letters of Appreciation: Analysis of Six Samples

In this part of the article, we will analyze several variants of the Thank You Letter, and pay attention to what can be improved. In the end, we will provide you with the most optimal, in our opinion, sample that can serve as a standard.

Sample #1

Let's start with this letter. What's annoying here:

  • title,
  • stationery,
  • style "We + Our",
  • hope for cooperation
  • lack of details, names.

On the one hand, they are grateful, and on the other hand, they sincerely rejoice at their achievements. This document can be safely called: "Self-praise letter."

Sample #2

Here is an example of a typical thank you letter, in which the line "development of an interactive multi-media presentation" can be replaced, say, with "designing a residential building" or "designing furniture for an office."

What we are getting at: there is no specifics in the letter. Those special facts that can be emphasized in the work of the studio. This is not a gross mistake, but its absence will help your Thank You Letter become more personal, valuable. As in the following example.

Sample #3

It can be seen that the letter was composed from heart to heart, without boring template blanks. This text is nice to read. He is personal, humane, but at the same time confident. It has no cursing.

I am also pleased with the corporate design and the lack of frames a la a school diploma in geometry.

Sample #4

We are getting closer and closer to our favorite. We admit that the search for the samples below took some time. It was difficult to find pearls in a dump of frame-ceremonial blanks.

Perhaps the design of this letter is not perfect. But it clearly shows the desire to emphasize the significance of the addressee and add humanity to the document. Pay attention to the non-standard title, to the handwritten (albeit computer) font, to the sincere wishes for success and prosperity.

It can be seen that Alla Nikolaevna is really grateful to Pavel Vladimirovich, does not require him to continue cooperation, but simply wishes happiness.

Sample #5

For original and humane letters of gratitude, I had to go to the "bourgeois". Look at the Western Thank You Letter, you will immediately feel the difference: there is no our dull-template sovietness there. Business owners try to stand out and sincerely express gratitude to their partners (clients, contractors, performers).

Take a look at this sample. He is human and alive. And in it, in addition to sincere gratitude, there is a proposal for further cooperation. Without any "hope ... let me express ..." there.

« Dear Monty! Thank you so much for everything! I really appreciate everything you did to help me in last minute. Please send files when you get a chance. I will try to complete this project by October. And I will definitely need your services again! Good luck! Mia."

Sample #6

On this moment this is our favorite. The original format in the form of a card on thick cardboard, a humane text written by hand and a call for further cooperation.

Pay attention to the design of the card - apparently, it was specially created for such letters. On it is indicated email address sender, name of his company. Why don't you prepare a series of such postcards? On one side is a nice business-related drawing or photo, on the other is space for handwritten text.

The card does not cause a feeling of artificial officialdom. She is real, alive, like a postcard from her best friend.

Translation: " Dear Mr Kincard. I am writing to thank you for your excellent work. It was great to work with you! I will look forward to seeing you soon. Thanks for the great work. WITH Best wishes, Mr Devberts».

  • Caring for the person, not the interests of the business;
  • Personality;
  • Exclusivity (no templates);
  • Unique design (no frames);
  • Description of project details;
  • An invitation to further cooperation.
  • Do not forget that a thank you letter can be accompanied by:

    • business proposal;
    • gift ( personal discount, bonus);
    • an invitation (to a meeting, on a social network, to an event).

    Stand out, be real and alive! And your Thank You Letter will definitely bring additional profit.

    Many employers need to compose a correctly thank-you letter to an employee, choose the form of the letter and compose a text of gratitude for Good work for working employees of the company, to thank specialists retiring or leaving the organization.

    Gratitude is a word denoting a person's willingness to give good, goodness.

    When a leader thanks his subordinate, he gives him warm and kind words for those achievements in his work that he would like to note in his address.

    IN contemporary practice companies are actively developing a tradition of preparing and presenting a letter of thanks to an employee of the organization for good work.

    What is a thank you letter

    A letter of thanks is a form of official recognition of the achievements and professionalism of an employee, an assessment of his contribution to the development of the organization.

    This form of expressing gratitude is one of the most effective ways to motivate staff, which can affect:

    • increase employee loyalty to the organization;
    • the desire to work efficiently and achieve new results;
    • improving the internal professional status among colleagues and subordinates;
    • growth of personal self-esteem.

    If the letter is handed in the presence of colleagues, in an atmosphere of special solemnity, its value in the eyes of the employee increases.

    If this were the case, then there would be no cases of dismissal of specialists from companies due to the fact that their work results were not recognized or were not appreciated by the immediate supervisor.

    Employees often listen to criticism, comments about the quality or speed of work, and with excellent performance of tasks they hear only a mean “Thank you”.

    Receiving gratitude, issued in the form of an official document, satisfies the need of a specialist in recognizing professionalism, increasing his loyalty to the employer.

    When are thank you letters written?

    Letters of thanks to employees can be created for various reasons.

    Most often they are compiled in the following cases:

    1. Recognition for special achievements in work.
    2. Anniversary or birthday of the company, which rewards the best employees, personnel who have worked in the company for a long time.
    3. Specialist birthday.
    4. professional holidays.
    5. Completion by worker professional career due to reaching retirement age.
    6. Dismissal of a specialist from the company at his own request.

    Important! Encouraging staff with a thank you letter should be used on significant occasions. Too much use of this form of incentive will quickly depreciate, since it will not be difficult to receive gratitude.

    Who Should Write Thank You Letters

    As a rule, in writing the text involved:

    • heads of services and departments;
    • personnel management specialists;
    • protocol officers, if any in the organization.

    In some cases, the first persons of the organization or the CEO can write words of thanks to the best employees, but this is a rather rare occurrence.

    For example, if the employee is thanked by the team of the whole company, then the following options are used: "On behalf of our organization ..", "On behalf of the entire team ...".

    If gratitude is expressed by the management, the wording can be applied: “The management of the enterprise “Company name” thanks you / expresses gratitude ...”

    If the manager thanks the specialist, then in this case the phrases are applicable: “Thank you ...”, “I bring you my gratitude ...”, “I express my gratitude to you ...”

    But whoever creates a thank you letter, it is usually signed.

    How to Write a Thank You Letter

    There is no single approved form to create.

    But since this is an official business document, in its preparation and execution, one should take into account general rules set for business documentation.

    Rules for writing a letter

    For the design of the letter, either a special ready-made typographical form intended for these purposes, or a standard form of the organization can be chosen.

    The company can also independently develop its own form to express gratitude to its employees.

    Ready-made letterheads made in a typographical way can be made in different style solutions. Let us give an example of a strict and solemn form of the form.

    In terms of writing and formatting the text, you should adhere to several classic rules used to design a business document.

    1. The letter should fit on one A4 page.
    2. The style of writing the text is official business.
    3. It is not allowed to include vernacular in the text.
    4. Spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed.

    As a rule, the form with the text is printed on a computer. But in some cases, handwritten gratitude is used.

    If a specialist is handed a letter written by the director of the company himself, this will emphasize the special attention of the manager to the person of the subordinate.

    Letter structure

    The structure of a thank you letter to an employee includes several main sections.

    Some of them are subject to less stringent requirements than other forms of business letters.

    1. A header indicating the addressee, the section is optional and can be skipped altogether.
    2. An appeal to an employee to whom words of gratitude are addressed.
    3. Main section.
    4. Conclusion with the title of the position, full name and signature of the head of the organization.

    Before the main text, the title of the document is placed in the center of the “Letter of Thanks” sheet and an appeal to the employee.

    As a rule, a standard address formula is used, for example: "Dear Tatyana Alexandrovna."

    Appeals are not welcome: "Dear ...", "Incomparable" and other similar options that are inappropriate for official business papers.

    The main text most often includes two main parts:

    • actual words of gratitude;
    • expert wishes.

    Although this type of message is selected formal business style, it is in this document that deviations are allowed, since words of praise that have an emotional positive connotation are used.

    In order to make the text more emotional, adjectives are used that emphasize the high level of achievement or the quality of the results obtained: “ effective solution”, “successful result”, “fruitful cooperation”, “best example”.

    In order for gratitude to be truly pleasant, it is necessary:

    • abandon standard hackneyed stereotypical phrases;
    • try to avoid pathetic eulogies;
    • write about those achievements and advantages of a specialist that exist in reality, and are not common to any employees of the company;
    • be sincere.

    Important! When creating a text for a thank-you letter to an employee, you need to focus on the reason for which it is created, since depending on it, the content of the main part of the appeal may change.

    Features of the text of a thank you letter to the best employee

    Such letters are created if the employee:

    • achieved high professional results;
    • organized or held an event that is important for the development of the enterprise;
    • is an innovator who improves the work of a unit or the entire organization as a whole;
    • developed or implemented a project that allowed the company to significantly improve its position in the market or receive additional profit.

    The text of the main part of the letter should contain a link to a specific result, for which gratitude is provided.

    Let us give examples of possible formulations of the main part of the text.

    “Thanks to your suggestions and expertise, we were able to improve our production processes and increase our overall productivity by 20%.”

    "Your proposals for the reorganization production processes, changes in technological maps allowed to improve the quality of the product and increase the volume of production by 15%.

    Thank you letter to an employee for years of hard work

    This type of thank you note is very important, as it emphasizes the importance for the company of specialists who show their loyalty to the company not with words, but with deeds.

    In this regard, the text should focus on the commitment of the employee to the goals of the organization, the results achieved over a long period of work.

    As a rule, the letter is addressed to specialists who have worked in the organization for more than 5 years.

    For such a letter, the following wording can be used:

    “Thank you for your many years of work in our organization. Thanks to your knowledge and skills, we were able to solve more than one difficult task related to the organization of production. Over the years of working together with you, we have managed to assemble a team of like-minded people, in which you are the undisputed leader and an example for other employees.”

    Letter of thanks for dismissal of an employee

    Compiled for a departing employee is an important document for a departing employee.

    The presence of gratitude from the employer will help him confirm his performance in the previous workplace.

    When preparing this type of letter, it is important to focus on the results achieved by the employee for the entire period of work, if possible, indicate the special achievements of the specialist in the performance of the tasks.

    For example, it could be done like this:

    “Thank you for the joint productive cooperation for 3 years. During your work, a sales department was created that fulfills the required targets. Thanks to your professionalism, your ideas, we have a formed base regular customers And high quality their services. Although you are leaving our company, I sincerely look forward to maintaining professional contacts with you".

    Letter of thanks for retirement

    A feature of the situation of expressing gratitude to a retired specialist is that for him, work in an organization is the final stage of an active professional career.

    He may no longer have the opportunity to obtain such a document from the employer. It is necessary to thank the employee for achievements in a particular workplace and note his personal qualities.

    For example, in the case of an employee retiring, this can be done as follows.

    “We express our gratitude to you for our joint work for more than five years. Your enthusiasm, ability to create a favorable working atmosphere in the team is an example for many leaders of our company. Thanks to your professionalism and ability to fulfill the tasks of a mentor, young professionals quickly adapted to their first job and received invaluable recommendations and instructions from you. Thank you for your contribution to the development of our company!

    Letter #1

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The management of the exhibition center "Science" thanks you for the efficiency in carrying out repair and construction work.

    We are completely satisfied with the result of our cooperation, and in the future, if there is a need for repair, construction work or reconstruction of facilities, we will contact only your company.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #2

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The team of LLC "Innovation" expresses gratitude to you and the employees of your company for the reconstruction of the exhibition center "Science", which is located at: Moscow, Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

    The work was completed on time and in strict accordance with the requirements of the customer. We are pleased with the cooperation with you, and if necessary, we will contact you again.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #3

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    We thank you and your company for the renovation of orphanage No. 1 in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Thanks to your professionalism and efficiency, now all the buildings of the orphanage are ready for occupancy.

    The management and staff of orphanage No. 1 expresses their sincere gratitude to you and wishes you professional prosperity.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #4

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The team of LLC "Innovation" thanks you for your help in organizing the repair of the exhibition center "Science", the restoration of communication lines and the improvement of the adjacent park area.

    Cooperation with you left us with the most pleasant impressions. We would like to note your professional approach to work, efficiency and readiness to listen to the opinion of the customer.

    We hope that in the future we will be able to work on joint projects.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #5

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    24Master LLC performed repair work in the Star business center in Moscow at the address: st. Mayakovsky, 78.

    The management of the business center "Star" positively assessed the work done by you, noting that the contractor completed the task efficiently and promptly, using Newest technologies and materials.

    We thank you for your cooperation, wish you prosperity and believe that we will be lucky enough to work with you on joint projects more than once.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #6

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The administration of the exhibition center "Science" expresses its gratitude to the company LLC "24Master" for the construction and installation work done. We would like to note your professionalism, ability to act in accordance with the contract and the desire to perform work in accordance with the requirements of the customer. It was a pleasure for us to cooperate with you and with your subordinates.

    In the future, as soon as we need services construction company, we will contact only you!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #7

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    Innovation LLC has been cooperating with 24master LLC for the past five years. During this time, we managed to complete dozens of joint projects, carry out construction and repair work. We want to express our sincere gratitude to you for the professional approach to work, the quality of the services provided, the ability to coordinate the work of contractors and reliable partnership.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #8

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The team of LLC "Innovation" thanks you for your reliability and responsibility while working on joint project. Cooperation with you left us with the most pleasant impressions. Each employee of our company notes your professional approach to business, good technical potential and ability to build a dialogue with the customer.

    We look forward to further cooperation with you!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #9

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The administration of the exhibition center "Science" thanks you for holding installation work on our territory. We are glad that we chose your company as a contractor, because Your results exceeded all our expectations.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #10

    On behalf of the Science LLC team, we thank you and your company 24master LLC for your professionalism and efficiency during the repair and construction work.

    Only thanks to your efforts, we completed the construction of the facility on time. We also want to note the sociability and friendliness of your employees.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #11

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    24Master LLC provided services for installation work at the facility of the Science Exhibition Center, which is located in Moscow at the address: Rozhdestvensky Boulevard, 28.

    We would like to thank you for the work you have done. Your participation in the project allowed us to increase our production capacity.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #12

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    Administration of the exhibition center "Science" represented by CEO Kolesnik Valentin Dmitrievich expresses his gratitude to the company LLC "24Master" for the repair and construction work.

    Thank you for your promptness, diligence and diligence. The specialists of our company noted your professionalism and the quality of technical equipment.

    We wish prosperity to your company!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #13

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    LLC 24Master expresses its gratitude for the help in purchasing building materials and delivery of technical equipment. Only thanks to your participation we were able to complete the current project on time.

    We note that the goods provided by you meet the highest requirements and all necessary standards.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #14

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The team of LLC "Innovation" expresses gratitude to the team of LLC "24Master" for the efficiency and professionalism shown during the implementation overhaul residential building, which is located in the city of Voronezh at the address: st. Matrosskaya, 15.

    We wish your company prosperity and prosperity!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #15

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The administration of the exhibition center "Science" expresses its gratitude to the company "24Master" LLC for the improvement of the adjacent territory.

    You know how to take a responsible approach to solving work issues, acting promptly and in a coordinated manner. Employees of your company are distinguished by a high level of professionalism and goodwill.

    Thank you for the pleasant cooperation!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #16

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    Fitness center "Health", which is located in Voronezh at the address: Boulevard Gvardeisky, 25, thanks the company LLC "24Master" for the construction of a new building.

    You took on the whole spectrum necessary work: starting from the design stage and uploading the interior decoration of the premises. Since the management decided not to stop the activity of the fitness center, your specialists were limited in time and opportunities.

    However, we are in a hurry to please you - the management of the Zdorovye fitness center noted your work at the highest level. We were pleasantly surprised by the professionalism and efficiency of your employees.

    Thank you for your work!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #17

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The management of the fitness center "Health", located at the address: Voronezh, Gvardeisky Boulevard, 25, expresses gratitude to your company for the qualified performance of the current repair. All work was completed strictly on time and in accordance with the specified requirements.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #18

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The administration of the exhibition center "Science" expresses its gratitude to the company "24Master" LLC for the following works:

    • interior decoration;
    • conducting communications;
    • beautification of the surrounding area.

    Your company has completed the work in accordance with contractual obligations.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #19

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The team of LLC "Innovation" thanks the company "24master" headed by you for carrying out cosmetic repairs in the exhibition center "Science". The services provided by you were performed at a high professional level and in accordance with the requirements of the customer.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #20

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    We would like to thank the staff of the Innovation company, which has undertaken to design and develop the design for the new hall of the Science exhibition center.

    Thanks to your professionalism and creative approach to work, the Science Exhibition Center has become the best venue for presentations and scientific conferences in Moscow.

    We wish you prosperity!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #21

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    Individual entrepreneur Voznesensky Maxim Leonidovich thanks the company "24Master" for the conscientious and high-quality repair work in the office, which is located at: Nizhny Novgorod, st. Republican, 55.


    Maxim Leonidovich

    Letter #22

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    The management of the Vse po karmanu store thanks 24Master LLC, and in particular its general director Vasily Evgenievich Sinichkin, for the overhaul of the store.

    We wish prosperity to your business and look forward to new cooperation!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #23

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    Innovation LLC thanks 24Master LLC for agreeing to take on the obligations of the general contractor at the facility of the Science Exhibition Center, which is located at 28 Rozhdestvensky Boulevard.

    Thanks to the high level of professionalism of your employees, high-quality technical equipment and sensitive listening to the opinion and requirements of the customer, we were able to complete the construction of the facility within the time specified in the contract.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #24

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    24master LLC, represented by Alexander Viktorovich Karpenko, General Director, thanks Innovation LLC for providing technical equipment for the improvement of the central city park of Voronezh.

    Thanks to your responsiveness, our city has acquired another attraction, which, moreover, will become a favorite vacation spot for citizens.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #25

    Dear Evgeny Vasilyevich,

    Shelter for homeless animals "Mercy" thanks you and the entire staff of LLC "24Master" for providing building materials and assistance in organizing animal enclosures.

    Your kindness has made our world a little kinder and better. We wish prosperity to you, your team and your entire family.

    We look forward to further mutual assistance.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #26

    Dear Evgeny Vasilevich,

    The administration of the city of Voronezh expresses gratitude to the company 24Master LLC for their assistance in carrying out the overhaul of hostel No. 8, which is located at the address: st. Republican, 7.

    Your work complies with the standards and state standards, and also meets all the requirements of the customer. We would like to note that we were pleasantly surprised by the high qualification and friendliness of your staff. Employees of 24master LLC promptly resolved all the issues that arose, worked with diligence and kept order during the work.

    Now hostel No. 8 has been put into operation and this happened thanks to your merits.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #27

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    LLC "Innovation" thanks LLC "24Master" for the high-quality construction and installation work that was carried out in the hostel No. 8 of the city of Voronezh.

    Thanks to your professional approach to work, the commissioning of the object took place on schedule.

    We are pleased with the professionalism and speed of work of the employees of 24Master LLC and in the future we intend to invite you to joint projects.


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #28

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    We express our gratitude to the company "Innovation" LLC for the reconstruction of the factory workshop, which is located in the city of Voronezh at the address: st. Machine builders, 15.

    Cooperation with your company left us only the most pleasant impressions. The work was completed strictly on time using high quality materials and technical equipment.

    It's a pleasure to deal with true professionals!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #29

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    Innovation LLC thanks you and 24Master LLC for the construction of the Zvezdochki children's recreation complex.

    Thanks to your efficiency, the project has already been put into operation. We would like to note that the work performed by you is of special quality and reliability. You took into account absolutely all the wishes of the customer and even exceeded the expectations placed on you.

    We wish the rapid development of your business!


    Alexander Viktorovich

    Letter #30

    Dear Vasily Evgenievich,

    We hasten to express our gratitude to you and the employees of your company Innovation LLC. You were able to fulfill your obligations under limited time and money.

    Your work is distinguished by coherence, professionalism and creativity. We will be happy to cooperate with you in the future.

    Sincerely, Alexander Viktorovich

    General Director of the exhibition center "Science"

    One of the non-material ways to celebrate the merits of an employee is to express gratitude to him. This procedure has its own characteristics - from applying for and issuing an order for encouragement to enrolling in work book. For what achievements employees are praised and how to write gratitude for good work (sample), you will learn from the material.

    In what cases is it appropriate

    Art. 191 Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the employer to reward employees for good work, achievement of high results or other merits. The list of achievements for which it is possible to praise, the company establishes independently, for example, in the regulation on remuneration or regulation on encouragement. This list may include:

    • achievement of high production results or overfulfillment of the plan;
    • successful participation in events to promote products (exhibitions and sales, conferences, presentation seminars);
    • high productivity due to rationalization solutions or process improvements;
    • any other outstanding labor merits and achievements.

    It should be noted that employees of other organizations can also be thanked for their cooperation. For example, by sending a thank you letter to the company. If there is a desire to clarify the names of those people who distinguished themselves, you can send a petition to their employer indicating the reasons for the promotion. An example of such a document is below.

    How to issue

    To encourage the employee or not, his immediate supervisor decides. He addresses the head of the organization with a proposal to praise the subordinate for his work. To do this, you need to write a petition, a memo or a letter. The order of gratitude will be drawn up precisely on the basis of such a document.

    Since there is no established form of appeal, it is drawn up arbitrarily. The request might look like this:

    The main requirement for this document is that it should be clear from it who distinguished himself and how. The date of compilation and information about the applicant must be indicated.

    In the case when representatives of another company offer to encourage employees, they draw up their application on the letterhead of the organization and also list who and for what they want to thank.

    If the authorities agree to the encouragement, an order is issued in the T-11 form, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 No. 1. If the organization abandoned the unified forms, its own document is used. But it must contain all the necessary details:

    • information about the company-employer;
    • information about the employee;
    • a description of the achievements of the employee for which he is encouraged;
    • date of the document and the signature of the head.

    Like any order, the decision on promotion must be brought to the attention of the employee against signature. You can also acquaint his colleagues with the contents of the document (that is, do it publicly if there is the consent of the employee).

    An example of filling out the T-11 form (download it for further use at the end of the article)

    An incentive order is an official document on the basis of which an entry is made in the employee's work book.

    Features of the declaration of gratitude at the state level

    If an employee has distinguished himself so much that he was noticed by regional or federal authorities, then the head of the organization or a representative of the authorities (for example, an official or a deputy) draws up an application for encouragement. On the official website of any authority, there are special sample documents used when an outside employee is encouraged. Here is the template that the Ministry of Labor of the Murmansk Region proposes to use (the sample is taken from the official website of the department):

    Entering information in the work book

    According to paragraph 24 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 255, personnel officers enter in a special section of the work book information about the award (encouragement) for merit, if the employee:

    • he was awarded state awards, he was awarded a state honorary title;
    • awarded diploma, diploma, badge or badge, or he was awarded some kind of title by the employer;
    • encouraged in another way provided for by law, collective agreements, internal labor regulations, charters and regulations on discipline.

    Taking into account the last point, an entry is made in the work book about any encouragement - both from the state and from the employer. However, in local regulations organizations, there may be clarifications about what other types of incentives appropriate notes will be made. These can be, for example, letters of thanks from third-party organizations, entering on the honor roll.

    A special section - information about awards - should be filled in in accordance with clause 4 of the resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69. An example entry is below.

    If an additional cash bonus is paid, this should be stated both in the order and in the entry made in the work book. The bonuses provided for by the wage system are not indicated. This is clearly stated in paragraph 25 of Government Decree No. 255.

    How to announce

    Companies are not required to hold festive and solemn events regarding the announcement of gratitude to one or more employees. But if this is accepted in the organization, then a distinguished employee can be congratulated among colleagues by presenting a specially printed in the printing house form of gratitude, signed by the management. If no celebrations are planned, congratulations are conveyed in an informal setting.

    A letter of thanks for cooperation, the text and sample of which do not have a clear framework, refers to business documents.

    It can be addressed to a partner company, an employee or all staff, this will be a good incentive and will positively affect the reputation of the company.

    After a fruitfully performed work or a quality service, the company can write a letter of thanks for cooperation, the text and sample of which are described below.

    Such a letter refers to business documents, which is reflected in the style of its writing.

    The sample is provided to provide a rough idea of ​​the content. On its basis, it is better to develop your own text, suitable for the situation.

    Basic rules for writing a thank you letter

    Before you start writing a thank-you letter for cooperation, you need to familiarize yourself with the general recommendations for compiling it.

    1. The text should express respectful attitude author.
    2. It is advisable to express hope for further cooperation, to consolidate partnership.
    3. It is worth using templates for writing a letter. But don't just rewrite the text. You can give a personal touch by mentioning the details of a particular collaboration.
    4. It is appropriate to start a note with words of greeting and address by name.
    5. Ideally, the text should combine formal and informal styles. Although a thank you letter for cooperation is a business document, it should not be too dry. But familiarity is not appropriate here either.

    It is worth noting that in terms of cooperation, a personal meeting will be more fruitful. Sometimes such a proposal is included in the letter.

    What does a letter plan look like?

    The plan of a formal thank you letter for cooperation consists of the same points as other business documents:

    1. Appeal.
    2. Main text.
    3. Signature.

    The letter can be sent both to the whole enterprise and to an individual employee.

    The appeal sometimes indicates (although this is not the rule) not only the name of the addressee, but also his position.

    To give courtesy, the words “Dear” or “Dear” are put before the name.

    The main text is gratitude for the work with the enterprise. It is better to mention what exactly the employee or organization is thanked for (for example,).

    Often the letter contains wishes. It is worth including phrases expressing confidence in continuing cooperation.

    The document is certified by the signature of the head and who sends a letter of thanks for cooperation.

    Document execution

    As most experts confirm, a letter of thanks for cooperation refers to business documents.

    By definition, closest to him is the diploma, which is awarded in educational institutions for special achievements.

    To write a letter of thanks, the organization's letterhead is usually used.

    You can hand it over in person or by sending it by mail.

    While writing thank-you notes is not a company obligation, it does have a positive effect on the company's reputation.

    Therefore, such an expression of appreciation for joint work should not be taken lightly.

    Important: if the letter is addressed to an organization, the author refers to its leader, for example, .

    How to express gratitude to the organization: sample

    Dear Anton Nikolaevich!

    JSC "Zarya" expresses its gratitude to the organization "Final-consulting" for conducting training courses for employees in the field of working with non-ferrous metals.

    After completing the training, there is an improvement in the quality of work and an increase in labor productivity. This has a positive effect on the safety of the production process.

    Now our employees have better mastered the theory of working with non-ferrous metals, gained skills in using the latest equipment, and began to use effective techniques when performing certain operations.

    JSC "Zarya" looks forward to continuing to work with your consulting firm and advises other companies to send their employees to improve their skills at your courses.


    OJSC "Zarya" A.I. Petrov

    The following text can be used as an example for writing a thank you letter for cooperation with the enterprise:

    Dear Alexey Petrovich!

    Responsible persons of the company "Stroy-Montazh" note that for 15 years they have been closely and fruitfully cooperating with OJSC "Detal".

    It is nice to see that not only business relations have been established between our teams during this time. Pleased with mutual understanding and willingness to come to the rescue in the face of fierce competition in the market and economic instability.

    The Stroy-montazh company expresses its sincere gratitude for the long-term cooperation with JSC Detal and hopes that joint work will be continued in the coming years.


    "Stroy-montazh" B.A. Shiryaev.

    As can be seen from the examples presented, a letter of thanks can be addressed after training courses conducted for employees.

    In such a document, long-term and successful cooperation can be noted.

    The main text mentions specific achievements and expresses the hope that we will continue to work together.

    How to express gratitude to an employee for professional achievements

    A thank you letter can be addressed to an individual employee.

    It can be noted in the text professional quality results achieved and services rendered.

    It is important that the text really reflects sincere gratitude. This document can be used by the company's management as an additional incentive, along with.

    For efforts in work and achievement of a good result, an employee can write a letter with the following content:

    Dear Natalia Andreevna!

    As the head of the enterprise, I would like to highlight the high results achieved by new project under your guidance. It was a long-term job that required significant costs. Thanks to your efforts, the project was flawlessly completed within the allotted time.

    With your hard work, you have proven yourself as an employee from the best side. I express my gratitude to you for this work. I have no doubt that you will cope with many more projects that will be planned by our enterprise. I think that other colleagues will want to follow your example in developing professional skills. I am sincerely glad that we work in the same team.

    Sincerely, Konstantin Belov, director of Chestnoye Slovo LLC

    Expressing gratitude for the efforts made is a great way to reward employees.

    As in the case of a thank you letter addressed to an enterprise, it is important to lay the foundation for the continuation of a fruitful cooperation.

    How can an employer celebrate an employee's accomplishments?

    The management can thank the employee not only for the work done, but also for the successes achieved.

    Dear Ivan Petrovich!

    I want to convey to you that I am very pleased with your professionalism and approach to the tasks. Your duties in the company require strong personal qualities and great dedication.

    Watching your work, I note that your professional skills and capabilities have a positive effect on the fruitfulness of our work. On my own behalf and on behalf of the entire team, I would like to state that we are very pleased to work shoulder to shoulder with you.

    I especially note your logical mind, determination and talent in this area. Every employee is valuable here, and we doubly appreciate real professionals like you. I wish you further success and development!

    Sincerely, Sergey Likhachev

    In a thank you note, please note strengths employee and pay attention to the results achieved by him.

    You can add wishes for further professional growth and development.

    How to thank the head of the department

    A letter of thanks can be addressed to any employee, including the head of one of the departments.

    The following is exemplary sample, on the basis of which it is convenient to compose your own text.

    Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich!

    I am very proud to have chosen you as the head of our accounting department several years ago. As soon as you received this position, I realized that I made the right choice. I want to note your professional approach to the implementation of this task. I don't see anyone else in your position.

    Your leadership qualities, ability to organize work and apply professional skills are especially distinguished. You manage to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in the team and help employees to further improve in the performance of their duties. Your contribution to the development of our organization is invaluable. On my own behalf and on behalf of all employees, I express my sincere gratitude for your work.

    Sincerely, Alexey Gordeev

    Although this sample or some other example can be used as a basis for creating a letter, it is worth adjusting it for a specific person and expressing gratitude for their efforts and the results achieved.

    How to thank company staff

    A letter of thanks can be addressed to an individual employee or partner company, or to the entire team as a whole.

    Dear colleagues, employees of our Rassvet company!

    On behalf of the company's management, we bring to your attention that commercial plan for the current year has been successfully completed! Each of us has contributed to the success, and for all of us this is a reason to rejoice!

    Throughout the year, you worked tirelessly to achieve the goal set for the team. And these efforts have been rewarded, we have completed a difficult task. Thanks to your spirit of mutual assistance and coordinated efforts, our company has become one of the most stable in the city.

    We really appreciate your efforts and wish you continued success and decent pay for your hard work!

    Sincerely, Mikhail Sokolov.

    Thus, appreciation for the efforts made can be expressed immediately to the whole team.

    It should be noted professional achievements and personal qualities of employees.

    Expressing sincere gratitude will be a good incentive to perform the following tasks.

    In this way, you can express gratitude to partners:

    Dear partners!

    I express my gratitude for the fruitful cooperation with our company! The fruit of our common efforts was the achievement of new heights in business area! I express my conviction that our cooperation will continue and we will achieve even better results.

    I wish you new interesting projects, conquering the next heights and personal success!

    Sincerely, Dmitry Smirnov

    A letter of thanks is drawn up according to the same principle as other business documents.

    It begins with an appeal, the main text expresses gratitude for specific merits or fruitful cooperation.

    The expression of gratitude will good contribution in building a good reputation for the company.

    4 Thank you letter
