Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Job description of the head of the tender department sample. An approximate form of the job description of the head of the tender department Job description of the head of the tender department 223 fz

The tender department is an effective tool for tender sales, especially in an unstable economic situation. In addition, any company, sooner or later, faces the need to expand opportunities for marketing its products / services. An effective tool for expanding sales channels is the development of a tender direction. Participation in tenders and, in case of victory, conclusion of contracts with state and commercial suppliers.

Of particular relevance is the development of the tender direction and tender department in particular, during a crisis, when commercial companies significantly reduce their budgets or completely refuse to conclude contracts in a number of non-vital areas. The state, even in times of crisis, purchases and will continue to purchase works, goods, and services necessary for the normal functioning of the entire country. In addition, the state is a reliable client that pays the bills.

Tender department: tasks

The main tasks of the tender department, which are worth highlighting are:
Ensuring the participation of the company in tenders
participation in the creation and maintenance of the company's image
attracting new contracts through a tender system and attracting new customers, as well as retaining / returning old customers

A prerequisite for efficient operation in this direction is the creation of a tender department with qualified specialists motivated for the result. This will be discussed in the article.

Typical organizational structure of the tender department

Let's take a look at the typical structure of the tender department. I’ll make a reservation right away that the structure that we will consider is typical. AT large companies Responsibilities can be assigned to an individual specialist, in small companies the responsibilities of the entire tender department can be redistributed between one or two employees.
Head of the tender department
Deputy Head / Chief Specialist
Manager /
Assistant manager / secretary

The subordination scheme looks like this:

Distribution of duties of employees of the tender department and typical job descriptions

One of the standard mistakes that is made when creating and developing a tender area is the redistribution of functions and responsibilities for preparing tenders among specialists who have not previously been involved in this and do not have sufficient knowledge in this area.

For example, in addition to the basic functions, a lawyer is also given the development of directions for tenders. This may not be a lawyer, in some companies the functions of preparing tenders are transferred to a secretary, assistant manager or accountant. This is an inefficient approach, which ultimately affects the results of work in tenders.

Effective participation in tenders requires knowledge in this area, as well as experience. The most rational and effective approach is to create a tender department, which at the initial stage may consist of one specialist. But this specialist must be trained in the field of tenders and have the appropriate practical experience. The activities of the tender department should be aimed at achieving only one goal - the effective participation of the company in tenders and obtaining new contracts for the company through the bidding system.

The distribution of responsibilities within the tender department, which we will consider with you, are also typical and may differ in a particular organization.

Head of the tender department:
2.1. Monitors tender announcements in various sources.
2.2. Coordinate participation in the auction with the director of the Company or heads of departments, based on the specifics of the activities of the departments.
2.3. Analyzes the participation of competitors in the auction and provides information to the management of departments necessary for the formation of financial proposals.
2.4. Participates in the preparation of requests for clarification of procurement documentation together with the legal department;
2.5. Responds to current questions on the preparation of documentation for participation in the auction to representatives of departments and tender organizers.
2.6. Plans the activities of department employees.
2.7. Controls the preparation of proposals (financial and technical) for tenders, estimates and work schedules by the Company's specialists and determines the deadlines for the submission of documentation by the Company's specialists appointed by the heads of departments to the tender department;
2.8. Controls the preparation of packages of documents for tenders by department employees.
2.9. Participates in filling out forms of documents, in accordance with the procurement documentation;
2.10. Prepares a package of documents for strategically important tenders in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documentation.
2.11. Controls the sending of documents for tenders;
2.12. Prepares accounting documentation and submits it to the director of the company.
2.13. In case of winning the auction, provides the necessary information for the conclusion of the contract to the Company's employees. Responsibility for changes in calendar plans, technical proposals, etc., necessary for the conclusion of the contract, lies with the specialists of the departments that won the auction.
2.14. Informs the legal department about the need to issue bank guarantees and the deadlines for submitting documents.
2.15. Provides information to the accounting department necessary to pay for the security of applications for participation in tenders and information on the timing of the submission of payment orders to the tender department.
2.16. Keeps track of changes in legislation, legal framework for the preparation tender documentation, carrying out public procurement and acquaints the employees of the department with this information.
2.17. Supervises the activities of subordinates, takes measures to ensure their compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations.
2.18. Submits proposals for the promotion or imposition of penalties on employees of the department, contributes to the improvement of their qualifications.

Well, now we will analyze the typical duties of a tender specialist.

Tender Specialist:
2.1. Participates in the monitoring of tender announcements in various sources
2.2. Responds to current questions on the preparation of documentation for participation in the auction to representatives of departments and tender organizers.
2.3. Prepares a package of documents in accordance with the requirements of the tender documentation:
 draws up proposals (financial and technical) provided by department specialists in accordance with documentation standards;
 requests financial data and documents on the Company from the accounting department;
 requests (depending on the requirements of the procurement documentation) certificates from various government agencies as part of the preparation of tender documents in the area of ​​its responsibility;
 on behalf of the head of the department fills in the forms of documents in accordance with the procurement documentation;
 on behalf of the head of the department collects documents (constituent documents, licenses, diplomas, certificates of specialists, copies of contracts, acts, etc.)
 scans, photocopies the documents necessary for the preparation of an application for a tender.
 organizes notarization of documents necessary for the preparation of a package of documents for the tender
2.4. The tender specialist forms a package of documents included in the tender in the manner determined by the procurement organizer and in accordance with the requirements for documentation.
2.5. Organizes the sending of documents for tenders and controls their receipt by the Customers;
2.6. In case of production necessity, it performs courier functions.
2.7. Structures information about the auctions on electronic and paper media.
2.8. On behalf of the head of the department, he draws up letters, requests, and other documents.
2.9. Prepares responses to letters and inquiries in the area of ​​his competence
2.10. Carries out the instructions of the head of the department in the field of his competence.

Tender department and process management

The head (head) of the tender department manages the process, performing planning, monitoring, control, analysis and acceptance management decisions. In different companies, the tender work and management process can be organized in different ways. But we will consider the standard option, when the functions of the management of the tender department are carried out by the head of the tender department.

The head of the tender department plans the progress of the process according to the number of tenders agreed, using the following information:
information about announced tenders,
the requirements of the procurement organizer set forth in the procurement documentation,
information about the results of participation in the auction

The head of the tender department fixes the results of planning in the internal documents of the department. In practice, you can plan the preparation of tenders using Excel. That is, keep a table with information on the customer, the subject of the purchase, the initial (maximum) price, the price of the participant, the deadline for accepting documents, the timing of summing up and other information that may be useful in the work. This table can be used for reporting to management.

As an alternative to this option, reporting can be done in specialized services and programs.

Tender department and its work technology

Let's take a look at the very process of the tender department in the supplier's company and the scheme of interaction within the company.

The tender work begins with the receipt of information about the ongoing tenders in accordance with the data on the need for the provision of services received from the company's management. That is, the tender specialist or the head of the tender department first finds the tenders taking into account the selection criteria: price, region, subject of tenders or other information that comes from the company's management.

The process ends under the following conditions:
obtaining information about the results of trading
communicating information to stakeholders within the company.

Information about the results is published in the Unified information system or if it is a commercial tender, the information may be obtained verbally from the customer or from the customer's website. Further, the information received is transmitted to the relevant department through the CRM system, or by e-mail or verbally. In case of a win, information is additionally transmitted on the date of placement of the results of the auction, the amount of the contract security and the terms of the contract. Further, the responsible specialist for the conclusion of the contract is engaged in the execution of a bank guarantee and the conclusion of the contract. In practice, often the functions of concluding contracts are assigned to a company lawyer or a specialist in the tender department. In the event that a specialist of the tender department is engaged in the conclusion of contracts, the process ends at the time of the conclusion of the contract with the customer.

The necessary conditions for the continuation of the business process of the tender department is the timely coordination of bidding with management, which includes primary selection, secondary selection and final selection of tenders. At the stage of primary selection, the manager selects tenders taking into account the criteria of price, region, subject of purchase. At the secondary selection, selected purchases are analyzed by the head of the tender department and the heads of specialized departments for the expediency of participation. The criteria for evaluating the application are analyzed, the expediency of participation is determined, taking into account the costs of business trips and taking into account the possible reduction in the price of competitors.

At the final stage, specialists of the profile department analyze technical requirements purchases, deadlines. The head of the tender department analyzes the previous purchases of the customer for similar purchases, analyzes the prices of competitors and calculates a forecast for a possible reduction in price. Taking into account these factors, the management of the relevant department and, if necessary, the company's management makes the final decision on the advisability of participating in the auction.

Tender department: main stages and principles of work

From the point of view of structural construction, tender work is a system of sequential actions aimed at meeting the Company's predetermined requirements and needs, including time, cost, and resource restrictions, taking into account the nature and specifics of work for a particular service.

Main steps of the process

  • Monitoring of bidding announcements in various sources.
  • Coordination with the leaders of the Company, heads of departments for participation in the auction in accordance with the policy of the Company and the specifics of the activities of the divisions.
  • Planning the preparation of documentation for participation in the auction in accordance with the deadlines for submitting documents.
  • Formation of a package of documentation in accordance with the requirements and in the manner determined by the organizers of the auction.
  • Checking documentation for compliance with requirements.
  • Correction of documentation, if necessary.
  • Reviewing changes before submitting documentation.
  • Preparing the package for shipment and sending documentation.
  • Control of sending documentation to the organizers of the auction.
  • Monitoring the results of participation in the auction.
  • Bringing information about the results of the auction to interested parties within the company.

Basic principles for performing tender works:
Consistency– work is organized and performed in accordance with the internal standards of the Company's documentation and taking into account the entire set of documentation requirements.
Sequence - planning and execution of work occurs in a strict sequence, in which subsequent tasks use the results of previous ones.
Relevance– works must comply with current trends and requirements set out in the procurement documentation and legislative acts.
Efficiency- any item of work is aimed at achieving a specific result, which, in turn, is a mandatory component of the final result.
Confidentiality- all materials received within the company as part of the work, all intermediate and final results in any presentation format are the property of the company and their distribution or further use in any form is not allowed without special permission.

Note: In cases where you have suspicions about the integrity of the tender organizer's employees, for example, when there is reason to believe that confidential information with your price proposal may be disclosed to other tenderers, we recommend that you ensure that proposals are delivered to last moment. At the last moment, this is the filing of an application a few hours before the deadline for accepting applications, or to apply directly at the opening of the envelopes.

Sources of information used in the provision of the service

  • initial information received from the Organizers of tenders (announcement on the website, notification of changes in the terms of the tender; documentation for participation in the tender, procurement plan, protocol of consideration and evaluation)
  • initial information received from the Customer (depending on the conditions of the procurement documentation: methodology, methodology, concept, technical proposal, list of specialists, information about experience, schedule, financial proposal)
  • own information base(sample documents of the Company, forms)

Tender work and documentation of results

Documentation of the work on the preparation of the documentation of the bidder and its results is carried out using templates of documents of the established sample (report format). In a company, a form, for example, prepared in Excel, can be accepted as a reporting document. Also, information about prepared tenders, about the results of the work of the tender department can be recorded in the CRM system or other specialized programs or services, for example, in the Tenderplan service.

Payment and motivation system

The most popular payment systems in the field of tenders are as follows:
1) pay for results
2) fixed payment

In the first case, the company motivates the employees of the tender department to get results, i.e. obtaining new contracts for the company. In the second case, such motivation is actually absent.

Possible variations of the "Pay for results" system:
1. Salary + percentage of tenders won
2. Salary + fixed bonus based on performance
3. Percentage of tenders won
4. Payment for each admitted application.
The most common payment options for in-house tender specialists are the first and second, for remote specialists, options 3 and 4. Variations are also possible, for example, when a freelancer prepares only the first part of the application for the auction and, if the application for the first part is accepted, receives a fixed payment. The second part of the application is prepared by the customer's specialists, who receive a salary and a percentage of the tenders won or a salary and a fixed bonus.
The undoubted advantage of this system of remuneration is the motivation for the final result. The interest and result with such a system of remuneration is higher than with a fixed salary. Provided, of course, that the salary is not meager, but market.

Now we will consider options for a fixed payment:
1. Fixed salary
2. Fixed payment for each prepared application
In the first option, various variations are also possible, for example, when payment for processing is added to the salary. In cases where the volume of prepared tenders is large and there are a lot of processing, then the amount of payment for processing can also be significant.

Tender support pros and cons

Companies and entrepreneurs who are just entering the state order market make one common mistake. The entire tender direction of the company is completely outsourced to a company that provides support in the field of tenders. The main and main mistake is that no company other than yours and no specialist other than your employee will be so much interested in the result.

First minus attracting an outsourcing company through tenders is:
- weak interest in the result of the employee who will prepare the application for you. Even if you pay a decent fee to an outsourcing company, it will most likely not affect the payment of a specific employee who will prepare your application.
Second minus it is not always high literacy in your subject, those employees of the outsourcing company who will prepare the application.
Third minus it is weak control over the activities of employees preparing tenders. You may not always know and understand exactly whether an employee of an outsourcing company is working on your tender and at what stage the project is.

As a result, having paid decent money for the work, you can get a situation in which there is no interest in the result of the work, the performer is not highly professional in your subject, and there is no control.

Therefore, it is highly not recommended to give the entire direction of tenders for outsourcing. It is possible and necessary to involve outsourcing companies to support tenders and freelancers, but you need to delegate only some part of the tasks and control the process of preparing applications.

That is, we need a tender specialist in the company who would be motivated for results in tenders, perform some of the functions himself personally, and delegate some. For example, the preparation of the first parts of the auctions can be delegated to a tender escort company or a freelancer. The main thing is that specialists in your field have sufficient practical experience.

Delegating the functions of searching for tenders is highly discouraged, since in order to select really promising and interesting purchases on your topic, you need to understand this topic deeply and be able to analyze and calculate the prospects for participation. A specialist who does not understand your subject will not be able to do it qualitatively.

The main advantage of hiring a freelancer or a tender support company is the reduction of time for routine operations. The time saved can be used more rationally for better results. For example, spend more time on analytics. It is also possible to increase the number of processed and prepared tenders.

I approve [organizational and legal [signature] [F. I. O., position, form, name of the head or other organization, enterprise, official, institution] authorized to approve the job description] [day, month, year] M. P. Job description head of the tenders and public procurement department [name of organization, enterprise, institution] This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with the head of the tenders and public procurement department, in accordance with the Labor Code Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts governing labor relations. one. General provisions 1.1. The Head of the Tenders and Public Procurement Department belongs to the category of managers and reports directly to [position title]. 1.2.

Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities. 3.2. Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.




Sign and endorse documents within their competence. 3.6. Involve specialists from all structural divisions [organizations, institutions] in solving the tasks assigned to him.


Occupational Safety and Health

Basic principles and methods for promoting the presented products in the municipal and budget markets; § The specifics of promoting products on the commercial market; § Venues for holding tenders, open competitive bidding, electronic auctions; § Rules for responding to requests for quotations, offers; § Methods of working with the media; § Basic technological and design characteristics and consumer properties of the products sold; § Fundamentals of pricing and pricing policy; § Terms of delivery, storage and transportation of products; § methods of organizing accounting and reporting on the implementation of sales plans and sales of products; § The procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions; § Internal labor regulations; § Rules and norms of labor protection; § Ethics business communication. 1.5.

Job description of the head of the department of tenders and public supplies

I APPROVE Director General of LLC "Phoenix" "" 20 No. Job description of a specialist in the tender work of the development department 1.1. The tender specialist belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. In his activities, the specialist in tender work is guided by: § the charter of the enterprise; § regulation on the development department; § legislative documents, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as methodological materials regulating the issues of work performed in the field of tendering; § orders, orders and instructions of the enterprise management, head of the development department; § internal labor regulations; § this job description. 1.3. The tender specialist reports directly to the head of the development department. 1.4.

1. General Provisions

If necessary, ask for clarifications and take into account changes in the tender documentation. 1.11. Promptly prepare a complete package of documents. 1.12.

Interact with managers and heads of departments on the specifics and pricing of the products offered and the technical part of the applications. 1.13. Analyze technical part applications for compliance with current legislation (FZ-94).

1.14. Submit competitive bids. 1.15. Negotiate and correspond with the organizers of competitions. 1.16. Manage multiple projects at the same time. 1.17. Timely provide all the necessary information about the terms of delivery, guarantees, certificates.

1.18. Conclude agreements, contracts. 1.19.

Resume of the head of the tender department in Moscow

Submits proposals to the management of the [organization, institution] on improving the quality of work of the department's employees. 3. Rights of an employee The head of the tenders and public procurement department has the right to: 3.1.

Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities. 3.2. Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.
3.3. Give orders to subordinate employees and monitor their implementation. 3.4. Introduce management ideas about the promotion or punishment of employees under his supervision.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence. 3.6. Involve specialists from all structural divisions [organizations, institutions] in solving the tasks assigned to him.

Head of the tender department job description

Submits proposals to the management of the [organization, institution] on improving the quality of work of the department's employees. 3. Rights of an employee The head of the tenders and public procurement department has the right to: 3.1. Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities. 3.2. Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.

Give orders to subordinate employees and monitor their implementation. 3.4. Introduce management ideas about the promotion or punishment of employees under his supervision.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within their competence. 3.6. Involve specialists from all structural divisions [organizations, institutions] in solving the tasks assigned to him. 3.7.

Job description of the head of the tender department

A person who has a higher professional legal or economic education and additional training or work experience in the field of tendering for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of a specialist in tender work. 1.5. The tender work specialist is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the development department in accordance with the requirements labor code RF.

During the absence of a specialist in tender work, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order Director General. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible in accordance with this instruction.

1.7. When restructuring (reorganizing) an enterprise, changing a business, etc., appropriate changes and additions are made to this job description. 2. Requirements for knowledge and qualifications: 2.1.

Job description of the head of the tenders and public procurement department [name of organization, enterprise, institution] This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with the head of the tenders and public procurement department, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts regulating labor legal relations. 1. General provisions 1.1. The Head of the Tenders and Public Procurement Department belongs to the category of managers and reports directly to [position title].

1.2. A person who has higher education and who has passed a qualifying exam in a special program [insert as appropriate] and work experience in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the department, not less than [value] years. 1.3.

Makes suggestions to improve the workflow and management of the Tenders and Public Procurement Department. 2.5. Participates in the selection and placement of personnel of the department, in organizing the improvement of their qualifications and professional skills.

Participates in the preparation and conduct of certification of employees of the department. 2.7. Ensures timely preparation of established reporting documentation.

Monitors tenders, competitions, auctions in the media and on the Internet. 2.9. Participates in the preparation of tender documentation. 2.10.

Represents the interests of [organizations, institutions] in the implementation of competitive procedures. 2.11. Participates in the development of regulations and guidelines for electronic tenders and government supplies. 2.12.
Makes suggestions to improve the workflow and management of the Tenders and Public Procurement Department. 2.5. Participates in the selection and placement of personnel of the department, in organizing the improvement of their qualifications and professional skills. 2.6. Participates in the preparation and conduct of certification of employees of the department. 2.7. Ensures timely preparation of established reporting documentation. 2.8. Monitors tenders, competitions, auctions in the media and on the Internet. 2.9. Participates in the preparation of tender documentation. 2.10. Represents the interests of [organizations, institutions] in the implementation of competitive procedures. 2.11. Participates in the development of regulations and guidelines for electronic tenders and public procurement. 2.12.

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for in section 3 of this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor law Russian Federation. 6.2. For violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.

6.3. For the proper and timely delivery of cases upon transfer to another job, dismissal from office to the person entering the current position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to the head of the development department. 6.4. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 6.5.

limited liability ">Limited Liability Company "Beta"
LLC "Beta"

LLC "Beta"
___________________ A.I. Petrov


Job descriptionhead of the tender department

02.11.2011 № 205-DI



1.1. This Job Description defines job duties, rights and responsibilitiesHead of the tender departmentLLC "Beta".

1.2. Head of the tender departmentappointed to office and dismissed from office by order .

1.3. Head of the tender departmentreports directlycommercial director.

1.4. For the position Head of the tender departmentappoint a person who hashigher (economic or engineering-economic) education.

1.5. Head of the tender department must know:
− legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on issues participation in auctions (tenders);
basic principles and concepts of the ordering system for state and municipal needs;
the main processes and resources of the system for placing orders for state and municipal needs;
regional regulatory legal acts related to the placement of orders for state and municipal needs;
antimonopoly law;

planning the placement of state and municipal orders;
procedures for placing state and municipal orders by the method of open and closed tenders;
notification procedure, tender documentation, procedure for filing applications for participation in the competition, opening envelopes with applications for participation in the competition and opening access to applications submitted in the form electronic documents, consideration of applications, evaluation and comparison of applications for participation in the competition, the consequences of declaring the competition invalid;
criteria for evaluating applications for participation in the tender, comparative analysis methods for evaluating applications for participation in the tender;
the procedure for placing state and municipal orders;
the procedure for notification, tender documentation, the procedure for submitting applications, consideration of applications, conducting, summing up, the consequences of declaring invalid;
features of tenders and government supplies in electronic form;
placing an order by requesting quotations;
efficiency of placing orders for state and municipal needs;
– control order for compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the placement of state and municipal orders;
- about liability for violations in the placement and execution of orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs;
ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of participants in the placement of orders, the appeal procedure;
information support of state and municipal orders;
structure and features of state and municipal contracts;
management of the execution of state and municipal contracts, accounting of contracts;
the specifics of placing orders for state and municipal needs;
features of placement of state and municipal orders for the supply of goods, for services;
features of placement of state and municipal orders for different kinds works;
civil, administrative, labor legislation in the part relating to the regulation of activitiesLLC "Beta";
basics of management, personnel management;
basics of project management;
- ethics of business communication.

1.6. In its activityHead of the tender departmentguided by:
− legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials onplacing orders fordelivery of goods, performance of work,provision of services for state and municipal needs;
– local regulations LLC "Beta", including the Internal Labor Regulations;
- orders (instructions)General Director of LLC "Beta";
- this Job Description.

1.7. During the period of absenceHead of the tender departmenthis duties are assigned to the employee appointed by orderGeneral Director of LLC "Beta".


Head of the tender departmentperforms the following duties:
2.1. Manages the activities of the tender department.
2.2. Organizes current and long-term planning of activities tender department, taking into account the goals, objectives and directions for the implementation of which it was created, provides control for fulfillment of planned tasks, coordinates the performance of work by employees tender department.
2.3. Provides methodological and practical assistancetenderdepartment for preparation and participation in tenders and public procurement.
2.4. Makes suggestions to improve the workflow and management of the tender department.
2.5. Participates in the selection and placement of staff tender department, in the organization of improvement of their qualification and professional skills.
2.6. Participates in the preparation and certification of employees of the tender department.
2.7. Ensures timely preparation of established reporting documentation.
2.8. Conducts monitoring of tenders, competitions, auctions in mass media and on the Internet.
2.9. Participates in the preparation of tender documentation.
2.10. Represents interestsLLC "Beta"in the course of competitive procedures.
2.11. Participates in the development of provisions, regulations and guidelines for electronic tenders and public procurement.
2.12. Represents managementLLC "Beta"proposals to improve the quality of work of the tender department employees.


Head of the tender department has the right to:
3.1. Require from the immediate supervisor assistance in the performance of official duties and the exercise of rights.
3.2. Get to know the draft solutionsGeneral Director of LLC "Beta"relating to activitieslogistics department.
3.3. Submit your line manager andGeneral Director of LLC "Beta"proposals on issues of their activities, including raising questions about improving their work, improving the organizational and technical conditions of work, increasing salaries, payment overtime work in accordance with the legislation and regulations governing the system of remuneration of employeesLLC "Beta".
3.4. receive from workersLLC "Beta"information necessary to carry out their activities.


Head of the tender departmentis responsible:
4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties under this Job Description - in accordance with applicable labor laws.
4.2. For other offenses committed during the period of its activities (including those related to causing material damage and damage business reputation LLC "Beta"), - in accordance with the current labor, civil, administrative and criminal legislation.




1.1. The tender specialist belongs to the category of professionals.

1.2. A person with a higher professional education is appointed to the position of a tender specialist.

1.3. The tender specialist is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the General Director of the organization.

1.4. The bidder should know:

§ Federal laws and other legislative acts, methodological materials on participation in tenders;

§ Basic principles and methods of promoting the presented products in the municipal and budget markets;

§ The specifics of promoting products on the commercial market;

§ Platforms for holding tenders, open competitive bidding, electronic auctions;

§ Rules for responding to requests for quotations, offers

§ Methods of working with the media;

§ Basic technological and design characteristics and consumer properties of the products sold;

§ Fundamentals of pricing and pricing policy;

§ Terms of delivery, storage and transportation of products;

§ methods of organizing accounting and reporting on the implementation of sales plans and sales of products;

§ The procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions;

§ Internal labor regulations;

§ Rules and norms of labor protection;

§ Ethics of business communication.

1.5. The Tender Specialist in his activities is guided by this Job Description.

1.6. The Tender Specialist reports directly to the General Director.

1.7. During the absence of the Tender Specialist, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the General Director. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible in accordance with this instruction.


1.8. Monitor specialized sites trading floors on the announcement of state and commercial open competitions, tenders, electronic auctions.

1.9. Evaluate the economic feasibility of participation in the auction, prepare information and materials based on the results for making a decision on participation in the auction.

1.10. Request the necessary tender documentation, study its requirements. If necessary, ask for clarifications and take into account changes in the tender documentation.

1.11. Promptly prepare a complete package of documents.

1.12. Interact with managers and heads of departments on the specifics and pricing of the products offered and the technical part of the applications.

1.13. Analyze the technical part of applications for compliance with current legislation (FZ-94).

1.14. Submit competitive bids.

1.15. Negotiate and correspond with the organizers of competitions.

1.16. Manage multiple projects at the same time.

1.17. Timely provide all the necessary information about the terms of delivery, guarantees, certificates.

1.18. Conclude agreements, contracts.

1.19. If necessary, attend auctions on behalf of the company, during the opening of applications, draw up complaints to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and its territorial bodies, represent the interests of the company when considering these complaints.

1.20. If necessary, track the return Money introduced as security for bids.

1.21. Maintain prescribed reporting.

The Tender Specialist has the right to:

2.1. Request from the heads of structural divisions of the company, specialists and other employees information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

2.2. In necessary cases, represent the organization in relations with other organizations in order to promptly resolve issues of production and economic activities that are within its competence.


4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties stipulated by this Instruction - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.


5.1. This job description is communicated to the Tender Specialist against receipt. One copy of the instruction is kept in the employee's personal file.

Familiar with instructions

and I undertake to comply with: ______________________________________

Hello dear colleague! In today's article we will talk about the tender department. This is an internal division of the organization that deals with participation in public and commercial purchases. Tender departments are available both for customers and suppliers (procurement participants). However, their functions, goals and objectives are completely different. In this article, we will focus on the consideration of this department only within the framework of the supplier organization. If you are seriously thinking about creating your own tender department, then this article will help you understand where to start and in what direction to move.

Do you need a tender department?

And so, you or your organization decided to participate in tenders. And then a reasonable question arises: who will do this? Will a specific specialist or several specialists do this? Or will you resort to third-party assistance, namely tender consulting? I want to immediately warn you against one very gross mistake that many organizations make - you do not need to create a large tender department from the very beginning. At the initial stage, it can be just one person, and then, as the volume of work increases, you can attract one or more employees. More doesn't mean better.

If you plan to participate in tenders only from time to time, and do not want to make this direction the main source of orders, then one specialist will be more than enough. However, if you have a large organization and you permanent basis If you want to receive orders from participation in the auction, then you should think about a full-fledged department that will deal with all stages of participation in the auction: from searching for information to the direct conclusion of contracts. In addition, such a department will need to interact closely with other departments in your organization.

For a quick start, or when you have no desire to inflate your staff, you can use the outsourcing of the tender department. In this case, you will not have to create new jobs, arrange them (purchase additional computer equipment, software, furniture, etc.), and also pay regular salaries, taxes, etc.

Some managers also “sin” by entrusting the work with tenders to one of their employees in the form of an additional burden for a symbolic surcharge. Most often - a secretary, accountant or lawyer. But I can disappoint you. This approach doesn't work. In this case, the work will be done for show and will not bring you the desired results.

And so, we talked about the need to create a tender unit, now let's look at what functions it should perform.

Functions of the tender department

Below are the main functions of the department that deals with bidding:

  1. Preparation of necessary documents and obtaining an electronic signature;
  2. Accreditation (re-accreditation) for state and / or commercial electronic platforms;
  3. Setting the required software to participate in electronic auctions;
  4. Search for information on ongoing state and / or commercial tenders, according to the specifics of the organization's activities;
  5. Study and analysis of documentation, terms of reference;
  6. Analysis competitive environment and monitoring the results of previous purchases;
  7. Coordination with top management of the nuances of participation in a particular purchase, as well as making a final decision;
  8. Preparing documents, filling out forms and submitting applications;
  9. Obtaining the necessary certificates and extracts, as well as their notarization;
  10. Knowledge of legislation governing procurement procedures;
  11. Interaction with banks and credit organizations for obtaining loans and bank guarantees;
  12. Interaction with suppliers (if the organization is an intermediary);
  13. Direct participation in the auction (personal or remote);
  14. Preparation of the necessary requests for clarification of the documentation and conditions for the procurement, as well as interaction with customers;
  15. Tracking changes in notices of ongoing purchases, as well as the results of such purchases;
  16. Preparation of necessary complaints and claims to protect the interests of the organization;
  17. Conclusion of contracts.

As you can see, this is a rather voluminous list of works. Therefore, if you “hang” all this work on an existing employee who has other job responsibilities, then you will completely fail this direction. And a simple “girl” secretary is also not able to fully deal with all this. Repeatedly tested on personal experience.

The main indicator of the quality of the work of the tender department is the number of accepted bids before participation in the procurement procedures and the volume of contracts concluded as a result of their implementation.

Structure of the tender department

Once again, the structure and size of the tender department can be different. It all depends on the scale of the organization and the amount of work associated with the preparation and participation in tenders. Below I have given as an example one of the possible options for such a department.

Department head. Is a link between the department and other departments of the organization, coordinates and controls the work of the entire department, coordinates technical and financial questions participation in tenders with the management of the organization.

Monitoring and analytics specialist. Searches for information about ongoing tenders, analyzes completed procedures and the competitive environment, monitors changes in information on the site.

Lawyer. Responsible for the correctness of the documents of the organization, checks the tender documentation for errors and violations of legal requirements, prepares Required documents(including for obtaining an EDS), orders certificates and extracts, prepares complaints and lawsuits, represents the interests of the organization in the FAS and in court.

Trading Specialist. Engaged in accreditation (re-accreditation) on electronic platforms, sets up workplace for participation in electronic auction, prepares applications (including form 2), takes part in the auction. Also, such a specialist prepares requests for clarification of documentation and interacts with customers.

Courier. Engaged in the delivery of applications on paper to the address of the customer. In practice, paper applications are sent to the customer by one of the employees of the organization or using courier service(such as DHL, DPD, PONY express, etc.).

What is included in the list of services for the creation of a tender department?

At the moment, the Internet is full of proposals for the creation of a turnkey tender department. This is not a tender service or outsourcing, but rather assistance in creating a department in your organization. Prices for such services depend on the specifics of the organization itself, as well as on the number of employees in it. The range of prices for services to create a department ranges from 30-100 thousand rubles. Terms of creation - from 2 weeks to 3 months.

So what is included in the list of services for creating a department? This is:

  1. Preparation of the structure of the department and determination of the required number of specialists in it;
  2. Analysis staffing organizations for the possibility of attracting existing specialists to work with tenders;
  3. Development of regulations on the department and staff instructions for each employee;
  4. Development of document flow regulations and interaction of the department with other structural divisions of the organization;
  5. Assistance in choosing the necessary software for working with tenders and advice on its use;
  6. Training of specialists of the department;
  7. Launching and “running in” the work of the department.
  8. Information support and free consultations within the specified period.

And so, what conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

First of all If you need a quick result with minimal financial costs, then use tender outsourcing. Now this is a completely affordable service for many organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

Secondly If you plan to create your own tender department, then start with 1-2 people. Do not immediately recruit a large staff. Hiring a new person is always easier than firing them.

Thirdly If you're building your tendering department from scratch, don't expect big returns right away. First, it is necessary to analyze all business processes within the organization, determine the functions of the department, prepare a position on the department, write job descriptions, determine goals and objectives. It is also necessary to regularly train these employees, improve their skills, motivation and interest in the final result.

Fourth, do not "hang" work with tenders for a secretary, accountant, lawyer, or other employee for an additional fee. The result in this case will be null.

That's all for today. See you in new articles.

RESPONSIBILITY 4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties provided for by this Instruction - in accordance with the current labor legislation. 4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation. 4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law. 5. OTHER TERMS 5.1. This job description is communicated to the Tender Specialist against receipt. One copy of the instruction is kept in the employee's personal file. I am familiar with the instructions and undertake to comply with: "" 2009

Occupational Safety and Health

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for in section 3 of this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2. For violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
6.3. For the proper and timely delivery of cases upon transfer to another job, dismissal from office to the person entering the current position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to the head of the development department.


For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


Job description of the head of the tender department

For causing material damage and (or) damage to the business reputation of the enterprise - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the “Internal Labor Regulations”, safety rules and fire safety, orders and instructions for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information of the enterprise.

For other violations and misdemeanors in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and internal regulations of the enterprise.

7.1. This job description is communicated to the tender work specialist against receipt.

One copy of the instruction is kept in the employee's personal file.

Job description of the head of the department of tenders and public supplies

1.6. The official duties of the head of the department of tenders and public supplies in his absence are performed by [fill in the appropriate].

Manages the activities of the Tenders and Public Procurement Department. 2.2. Organizes the current and long-term planning of the department's activities, taking into account the goals, objectives and directions for the implementation of which it was created, provides control over the implementation of planned targets, coordinates the work of the department's employees. 2.3. Provides methodological and practical assistance to employees of the department on issues of preparation and participation in tenders and public procurement. 2.4.

1. General Provisions

Professionally important qualities: [list qualities].

1.6. The official duties of the head of the department of tenders and public supplies in his absence are performed by [fill in the appropriate].

Job responsibilities The following job responsibilities are assigned to the head of the tenders and public procurement department: 2.1.

Manages the activities of the Tenders and Public Procurement Department.

2.2. Organizes the current and long-term planning of the department's activities, taking into account the goals, objectives and directions for the implementation of which it was created, provides control over the implementation of planned targets, coordinates the work of the department's employees. 2.3. Provides methodological and practical assistance to employees of the department on issues of preparation and participation in tenders and public procurement. 2.4.

Job description of a tender specialist (Russian)

I APPROVE Director General of LLC "Phoenix" "" 20

Job description of a specialist in the tender work of the development department 1.1.

The tender specialist belongs to the category of specialists. 1.2.

In his activities, the specialist in tender work is guided by: § the charter of the enterprise; § regulation on the development department; § legislative documents, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as methodological materials regulating the issues of work performed in the field of tendering; § orders, orders and instructions of the enterprise management, head of the development department; § internal labor regulations; § this job description.

The tender specialist reports directly to the head of the development department.

Head of the tender department job description

Require management to assist in the performance of their professional duties and exercise of rights.

3.8. For all statutory social guarantees. 3.9.

4. Responsibility of the employee The head of the department of tenders and public supplies is responsible for: 4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
Makes suggestions to improve the workflow and management of the Tenders and Public Procurement Department. 2.5.

Participates in the selection and placement of personnel of the department, in organizing the improvement of their qualifications and professional skills.

2.6. Participates in the preparation and conduct of certification of employees of the department. 2.7. Ensures timely preparation of established reporting documentation. 2.8. Monitors tenders, competitions, auctions in the media and on the Internet. 2.9.

Participates in the preparation of tender documentation. 2.10.

Represents the interests of [organizations, institutions] in the implementation of competitive procedures. 2.11.

Participates in the development of regulations and guidelines for electronic tenders and public procurement.

Require management to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights. 3.8. For all social guarantees provided for by law. 3.9.

Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the employee The head of the department of tenders and public supplies is responsible for: 4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation. .

Head of the tender department job responsibilities

A person who has a higher education and has passed a qualification exam in a special program [insert as appropriate] and at least [value] years in the specialty corresponding to the profile of the department is accepted for the position of head of the department of tenders and public supplies.

The head of the department of tenders and public supplies is appointed to the position and dismissed from the post by order of [name of the position of the head].

A person who has a higher professional legal or economic education and additional training or work experience in the field of tendering for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of a specialist in tender work. 1.5.

The tender work specialist is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the development department in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

1.6. During the absence of a specialist in tender work, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the General Director. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible in accordance with this instruction. 1.7.

When restructuring (reorganizing) an enterprise, changing a business, etc.

n. this job description is amended and supplemented accordingly. 2. Requirements for knowledge and qualifications: 2.1.

Submits proposals to the management of the [organization, institution] on improving the quality of work of the department's employees.

Rights of an employee The head of the tenders and public procurement department has the right to: 3.1.

Request and receive the necessary information and documents related to the issues of its activities. 3.2.

Make suggestions to the immediate supervisor to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this job description.

3.3. Give orders to subordinate employees and monitor their implementation. 3.4.

Introduce management ideas about the promotion or punishment of employees under his supervision.

Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.6. Involve specialists from all structural divisions [organizations, institutions] in solving the tasks assigned to him. 3.7.

_____ № __________

Job description

tendering specialist

development department

1. General Provisions

1.1. The tender specialist belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. In his work, the specialist in tender work is guided by:

§ the charter of the enterprise;

§ regulation on the development department;

§ an employment contract;

§ legislative documents, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as methodological materials regulating the issues of work performed in the field of tendering;

§ orders, orders and instructions of the enterprise management, head of the development department;

§ internal labor regulations;

1.3. The tender specialist reports directly to the head of the development department.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional legal or economic education and additional training or work experience in the field of tendering for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of a specialist in tender work.

1.5. The tender work specialist is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the enterprise on the proposal of the head of the development department in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

1.6. During the absence of a specialist in tender work, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the General Director. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible in accordance with this instruction.

1.7. When restructuring (reorganizing) an enterprise, changing a business, etc., appropriate changes and additions are made to this job description.

2. Requirements for knowledge and qualifications:

2.1. The bidding specialist must know:

§ federal laws and other legislative acts, methodological materials on participation in tenders;

§ platforms for holding tenders, open competitive bidding, electronic auctions;

§ Rules for responding to requests for quotations, offers

§ the procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions;

§ fundamentals of pricing and pricing policy;

§ the basics of office work;

§ Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

§ English (basic level);

§ computer programs (McWord, McExcel, McAccess, McVisio, McProject, McPowerPoint, Outlook Express, Adobe Reader, Consultant Plus, Garant);

§ Rules and norms of labor protection.

2.2. Have basic skills:

§ use of computer equipment, office equipment, communication facilities;

§ systematization of information (maintenance of databases);

§ business correspondence;

§ conducting telephone conversations;

§ effective work "in a team";

§ ethics of business communication.

3. Purpose of the position:

Search and win state and commercial competitions, tenders, electronic auctions.

4. Job responsibilities

The Bidding Specialist performs the following job responsibilities:

4.1. Carries out regular monitoring of specialized sites, trading platforms for the announcement of state and commercial open tenders, tenders, electronic auctions.

4.2. Assesses the economic feasibility of participating in the auction, prepares relevant information and materials for management based on the results.

4.3. Requests the necessary tender documentation, studies its requirements. If necessary, requests clarifications and takes into account changes in the tender documentation.

4.4. Analyzes the technical part of applications for compliance with current legislation.

4.5. Prepares competitive bids.

4.6. Conducts negotiations and correspondence with the organizers of competitions.

4.7. Signs agreements and contracts.

4.8. If necessary, is present at auctions on behalf of the enterprise during the procedures for opening applications, draws up complaints to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia and its territorial bodies, represents the interests of the company when considering these complaints.

4.9. Tracks the return of funds deposited as bid collateral.

4.10. Maintains established reports.

4.11. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

5. Rights

The Tender Specialist has the right to:

5.1. To get acquainted with the internal documents of the enterprise relating to its activities.

5.2. Interact with other enterprises, organizations, institutions on production and other issues within its competence.

5.3. Conduct business correspondence, request and receive in the prescribed manner from the structural divisions of the enterprise the necessary materials and documents.

5.4. Use information databanks of the enterprise, at the discretion of the enterprise management.

5.5. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise, the development department.

5.6. Report to the head of the development department on all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.

5.7. Use communication systems, communication systems and other equipment owned and leased by the enterprise.

5.8. To give recommendations and proposals on issues related to its competence.

5.9. Participate in the organization and conduct of meetings on issues related to his competence.

5.10. Submit proposals for the improvement of the work related to the duties provided for in this job description for consideration by the management of the development department.

6. Responsibility

The Tender Specialist is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for in section 3 of this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.2. For violation of the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.

6.3. For the proper and timely delivery of cases upon transfer to another job, dismissal from office to the person entering the current position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to the head of the development department.

6.4. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.5. For causing material damage and (or) damage to the business reputation of the enterprise - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.6. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the “Internal Labor Regulations”, safety and fire safety rules, orders and orders to preserve trade secrets and confidential information of the enterprise.

6.7. For other violations and misdemeanors in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and internal regulations of the enterprise.

7. Other terms

7.1. This job description is communicated to the tender work specialist against receipt. One copy of the instruction is kept in the employee's personal file.

The job description was developed in accordance with ___________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ (name, number and date of the document)

Supervisor structural unit _______________ ______________________

(signature) (surname, initials)


Head of Human Resources Department

(signature) (surname, initials)

Head of the legal department

________________ ______________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Familiarized with the instruction: ________________ ________________________

(signature) (surname, initials)

Taxes from entrepreneurial activity are received by the state treasury and sent to them, among other things, to pay for work performed within the framework of state orders or goods necessary for state needs. And, since the economy has long ceased to be planned, the cost of these works and goods depends, among other things, on market conditions, i.e. it can be completely different. Since saving and rational use of funds allocated from the budget is the main task of financial, among enterprises wishing to supply required item or perform certain work, is announced. In fact, this is a competition where the winner is chosen, whose goods, services or works have the best price-quality ratio.

Announcement of upcoming tenders Customer – municipal or state organization places on a specialized website of public procurement on the Internet and on some other portals. The announcement contains tender documentation, which lists the requirements for the subject of the auction, the timing of its delivery or completion, the criteria by which the winner of the auction will be selected. Participants announced are required to submit their applications before certain period If necessary, the application may be accompanied by a bank guarantee or a surety agreement as a guarantee.

Why do you need a tender department in the enterprise

The execution of a state order may not be very profitable in commercial terms, is an prestigious job that enhances the business image of any company. Therefore, enterprises, even, at times, somewhat underestimate the cost of their services, goods and works. In order to monitor the conduct, to have time to submit applications and participate in them, companies employ dedicated specialists for this and even create entire tender departments if the company is large enough and is a regular participant in such competitive bidding.

Specialists working in the tender departments monitor Internet portals, specialized sites and trading platforms where announcements on public tenders are posted. They must also analyze the tender documentation and decide whether it is economically feasible for the company to participate in a particular tender, and based on this make decisions on participation in them. They promptly prepare applications for participation and all the necessary package of documents specified in the tender documentation as a mandatory application.

The duties of the employees of these departments also include consultations with managers and heads of other departments on the specifics and pricing of the products offered and the technical part of the applications, maintaining business correspondence with the customer, timely provision of all necessary information on the terms of delivery, guarantees, available certificates at his request.

The tender department is an effective tool for tender sales, especially in an unstable economic situation. In addition, any company, sooner or later, faces the need to expand opportunities for marketing its products / services. An effective tool for expanding sales channels is the development of a tender direction. Participation in tenders and, in case of victory, conclusion of contracts with state and commercial suppliers.

Of particular relevance is the development of the tender direction and the tender department, in particular, during the crisis, when commercial companies significantly reduce their budgets or completely refuse to conclude contracts in a number of non-vital areas. The state, even in times of crisis, purchases and will continue to purchase works, goods, and services necessary for the normal functioning of the entire country. In addition, the state is a reliable client that pays the bills.

Tender department: tasks

The main tasks of the tender department, which are worth highlighting are:
Ensuring the participation of the company in tenders
participation in the creation and maintenance of the company's image
attracting new contracts through a tender system and attracting new customers, as well as retaining / returning old customers

A prerequisite for effective activity in this direction is the creation of a tender department with qualified specialists motivated for results. This will be discussed in the article.

Typical organizational structure of the tender department

Let's take a look at the typical structure of the tender department. I’ll make a reservation right away that the structure that we will consider is typical. In large companies, responsibilities can be assigned to a separate specialist, in small companies, the responsibilities of the entire tender department can be redistributed between one or two employees.
Head of the tender department
Deputy manager / chief specialist
Manager /
Assistant manager / secretary

The subordination scheme looks like this:

Distribution of duties of employees of the tender department and typical job descriptions

One of the standard mistakes that is made when creating and developing a tender area is the redistribution of functions and responsibilities for preparing tenders among specialists who have not previously been involved in this and do not have sufficient knowledge in this area.

For example, in addition to the basic functions, a lawyer is also given the development of directions for tenders. This may not be a lawyer, in some companies the functions of preparing tenders are transferred to a secretary, assistant manager or accountant. This is an inefficient approach, which ultimately affects the results of work in tenders.

Effective participation in tenders requires knowledge in this area, as well as experience. The most rational and effective approach is to create a tender department, which at the initial stage may consist of one specialist. But this specialist must be trained in the field of tenders and have relevant practical experience. The activities of the tender department should be aimed at achieving only one goal - the effective participation of the company in tenders and obtaining new contracts for the company through the bidding system.

The distribution of responsibilities within the tender department, which we will consider with you, are also typical and may differ in a particular organization.

Head of the tender department:
2.1. Monitors tender announcements in various sources.
2.2. Coordinate participation in the auction with the director of the Company or heads of departments, based on the specifics of the activities of the departments.
2.3. Analyzes the participation of competitors in the auction and provides information to the management of departments necessary for the formation of financial proposals.
2.4. Participates in the preparation of requests for clarification of procurement documentation together with the legal department;
2.5. Responds to current questions on the preparation of documentation for participation in the auction to representatives of departments and tender organizers.
2.6. Plans the activities of department employees.
2.7. Controls the preparation of proposals (financial and technical) for tenders, estimates and work schedules by the Company's specialists and determines the deadlines for the submission of documentation by the Company's specialists appointed by the heads of departments to the tender department;
2.8. Controls the preparation of packages of documents for tenders by department employees.
2.9. Participates in filling out forms of documents, in accordance with the procurement documentation;
2.10. Prepares a package of documents for strategically important tenders in accordance with the requirements of the procurement documentation.
2.11. Controls the sending of documents for tenders;
2.12. Prepares accounting documentation and submits it to the director of the company.
2.13. In case of winning the auction, provides the necessary information for the conclusion of the contract to the Company's employees. Responsibility for changes in calendar plans, technical proposals, etc., necessary for the conclusion of the contract, lies with the specialists of the departments that won the auction.
2.14. Informs the legal department about the need to issue bank guarantees and the deadlines for submitting documents.
2.15. Provides information to the accounting department necessary to pay for the security of applications for participation in tenders and information on the timing of the submission of payment orders to the tender department.
2.16. Tracks changes in the Legislation, the legal framework for the preparation of tender documentation, public procurement and acquaints the department staff with this information.
2.17. Supervises the activities of subordinates, takes measures to ensure their compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations.
2.18. Submits proposals for the promotion or imposition of penalties on employees of the department, contributes to the improvement of their qualifications.

Well, now we will analyze the typical duties of a tender specialist.

Tender Specialist:
2.1. Participates in the monitoring of tender announcements in various sources
2.2. Responds to current questions on the preparation of documentation for participation in the auction to representatives of departments and tender organizers.
2.3. Prepares a package of documents in accordance with the requirements of the tender documentation:
 draws up proposals (financial and technical) provided by department specialists in accordance with documentation standards;
 requests financial data and documents on the Company from the accounting department;
 requests (depending on the requirements of the procurement documentation) certificates from various government agencies as part of the preparation of tender documents in the area of ​​its responsibility;
 on behalf of the head of the department fills in the forms of documents in accordance with the procurement documentation;
 on behalf of the head of the department collects documents (constituent documents, licenses, diplomas, certificates of specialists, copies of contracts, acts, etc.)
 scans, photocopies the documents necessary for the preparation of an application for a tender.
 organizes notarization of documents necessary for the preparation of a package of documents for the tender
2.4. The tender specialist forms a package of documents included in the tender in the manner determined by the procurement organizer and in accordance with the requirements for documentation.
2.5. Organizes the sending of documents for tenders and controls their receipt by the Customers;
2.6. In case of production necessity, it performs courier functions.
2.7. Structures information about the auctions on electronic and paper media.
2.8. On behalf of the head of the department, he draws up letters, requests, and other documents.
2.9. Prepares responses to letters and inquiries in the area of ​​his competence
2.10. Carries out the instructions of the head of the department in the field of his competence.

Tender department and process management

The head (head) of the tender department manages the process by carrying out planning, monitoring, control, analysis and management decision-making. In different companies, the tender work and management process can be organized in different ways. But we will consider the standard option, when the functions of the management of the tender department are carried out by the head of the tender department.

The head of the tender department plans the progress of the process according to the number of tenders agreed, using the following information:
information about announced tenders,
the requirements of the procurement organizer set forth in the procurement documentation,
information about the results of participation in the auction

The head of the tender department fixes the results of planning in the internal documents of the department. In practice, you can plan the preparation of tenders using Excel. That is, keep a table with information on the customer, the subject of the purchase, the initial (maximum) price, the price of the participant, the deadline for accepting documents, the timing of summing up and other information that may be useful in the work. This table can be used for reporting to management.

As an alternative to this option, reporting can be done in specialized services and programs.

Tender department and its work technology

Let's take a look at the very process of the tender department in the supplier's company and the scheme of interaction within the company.

The tender work begins with the receipt of information about the ongoing tenders in accordance with the data on the need for the provision of services received from the company's management. That is, the tender specialist or the head of the tender department first finds the tenders taking into account the selection criteria: price, region, subject of tenders or other information that comes from the company's management.

The process ends under the following conditions:
obtaining information about the results of trading
communicating information to stakeholders within the company.

Information about the results is published in the Unified Information System, or if it is a commercial tender, then information can be obtained orally from the customer or from the customer's website. Further, the information received is transmitted to the relevant department through the CRM system, either by e-mail or verbally. In case of a win, information is additionally transmitted on the date of placement of the results of the auction, the amount of the contract security and the terms of the contract. Further, the responsible specialist for the conclusion of the contract is engaged in the execution of a bank guarantee and the conclusion of the contract. In practice, often the functions of concluding contracts are assigned to a company lawyer or a specialist in the tender department. In the event that a specialist of the tender department is engaged in the conclusion of contracts, the process ends at the time of the conclusion of the contract with the customer.

The necessary conditions for the continuation of the business process of the tender department is the timely coordination of bidding with management, which includes primary selection, secondary selection and final selection of tenders. At the stage of primary selection, the manager selects tenders taking into account the criteria of price, region, subject of purchase. At the secondary selection, selected purchases are analyzed by the head of the tender department and the heads of specialized departments for the expediency of participation. The criteria for evaluating the application are analyzed, the expediency of participation is determined, taking into account the costs of business trips and taking into account the possible reduction in the price of competitors.

At the final stage, the specialists of the profile department analyze the technical requirements of the purchase, the deadlines. The head of the tender department analyzes the previous purchases of the customer for similar purchases, analyzes the prices of competitors and calculates a forecast for a possible reduction in price. Taking into account these factors, the management of the relevant department and, if necessary, the company's management makes the final decision on the advisability of participating in the auction.

Tender department: main stages and principles of work

From the point of view of structural construction, tender work is a system of sequential actions aimed at meeting the Company's predetermined requirements and needs, including time, cost, and resource restrictions, taking into account the nature and specifics of work for a particular service.

Main steps of the process

  • Monitoring of bidding announcements in various sources.
  • Coordination with the leaders of the Company, heads of departments for participation in the auction in accordance with the policy of the Company and the specifics of the activities of the divisions.
  • Planning the preparation of documentation for participation in the auction in accordance with the deadlines for submitting documents.
  • Formation of a package of documentation in accordance with the requirements and in the manner determined by the organizers of the auction.
  • Checking documentation for compliance with requirements.
  • Correction of documentation, if necessary.
  • Reviewing changes before submitting documentation.
  • Preparing the package for shipment and sending documentation.
  • Control of sending documentation to the organizers of the auction.
  • Monitoring the results of participation in the auction.
  • Bringing information about the results of the auction to interested parties within the company.

Basic principles for performing tender works:
Consistency– work is organized and performed in accordance with the internal standards of the Company's documentation and taking into account the entire set of documentation requirements.
Sequence - planning and execution of work occurs in a strict sequence, in which subsequent tasks use the results of previous ones.
Relevance– works must comply with current trends and requirements set out in the procurement documentation and legislative acts.
Efficiency- any item of work is aimed at achieving a specific result, which, in turn, is a mandatory component of the final result.
Confidentiality- all materials received within the company as part of the work, all intermediate and final results in any presentation format are the property of the company and their distribution or further use in any form is not allowed without special permission.

Note: In cases where you have suspicions about the integrity of the tender organizer's employees, for example, when there is reason to believe that confidential information with your price offer may be disclosed to other bidders, we recommend that you ensure that proposals are delivered at the last moment. At the last moment, this is the filing of an application a few hours before the deadline for accepting applications, or to apply directly at the opening of the envelopes.

Sources of information used in the provision of the service

  • initial information received from the Organizers of tenders (announcement on the website, notification of changes in the terms of the tender; documentation for participation in the tender, procurement plan, protocol of consideration and evaluation)
  • initial information received from the Customer (depending on the conditions of the procurement documentation: methodology, methodology, concept, technical proposal, list of specialists, information about experience, schedule, financial proposal)
  • own information base (sample documents of the Company, forms)

Tender work and documentation of results

Documentation of the work on the preparation of the documentation of the bidder and its results is carried out using templates of documents of the established sample (report format). In a company, a form, for example, prepared in Excel, can be accepted as a reporting document. Also, information about prepared tenders, about the results of the work of the tender department can be recorded in the CRM system or other specialized programs or services, for example, in the Tenderplan service.

Payment and motivation system

The most popular payment systems in the field of tenders are as follows:
1) pay for results
2) fixed payment

In the first case, the company motivates the employees of the tender department to get results, i.e. obtaining new contracts for the company. In the second case, such motivation is actually absent.

Possible variations of the "Pay for results" system:
1. Salary + percentage of tenders won
2. Salary + fixed bonus based on performance
3. Percentage of tenders won
4. Payment for each admitted application.
The most common payment options for in-house tender specialists are the first and second, for remote specialists, options 3 and 4. Variations are also possible, for example, when a freelancer prepares only the first part of the application for the auction and, if the application for the first part is accepted, receives a fixed payment. The second part of the application is prepared by the customer's specialists, who receive a salary and a percentage of the tenders won or a salary and a fixed bonus.
The undoubted advantage of this system of remuneration is the motivation for the final result. The interest and result with such a system of remuneration is higher than with a fixed salary. Provided, of course, that the salary is not meager, but market.

Now we will consider options for a fixed payment:
1. Fixed salary
2. Fixed payment for each prepared application
In the first option, various variations are also possible, for example, when payment for processing is added to the salary. In cases where the volume of prepared tenders is large and there are a lot of processing, then the amount of payment for processing can also be significant.

Tender support pros and cons

Companies and entrepreneurs who are just entering the state order market make one common mistake. The entire tender direction of the company is completely outsourced to a company that provides support in the field of tenders. The main and main mistake is that no company other than yours and no specialist other than your employee will be so much interested in the result.

First minus attracting an outsourcing company through tenders is:
- weak interest in the result of the employee who will prepare the application for you. Even if you pay a decent fee to an outsourcing company, it will most likely not affect the payment of a specific employee who will prepare your application.
Second minus it is not always high literacy in your subject, those employees of the outsourcing company who will prepare the application.
Third minus it is weak control over the activities of employees preparing tenders. You may not always know and understand exactly whether an employee of an outsourcing company is working on your tender and at what stage the project is.

As a result, having paid decent money for the work, you can get a situation in which there is no interest in the result of the work, the performer is not highly professional in your subject, and there is no control.

Therefore, it is highly not recommended to give the entire direction of tenders for outsourcing. It is possible and necessary to involve outsourcing companies to support tenders and freelancers, but you need to delegate only some part of the tasks and control the process of preparing applications.

That is, we need a tender specialist in the company who would be motivated for results in tenders, perform some of the functions himself personally, and delegate some. For example, the preparation of the first parts of the auctions can be delegated to a tender escort company or a freelancer. The main thing is that specialists in your field have sufficient practical experience.

Delegating the functions of searching for tenders is highly discouraged, since in order to select really promising and interesting purchases on your topic, you need to understand this topic deeply and be able to analyze and calculate the prospects for participation. A specialist who does not understand your subject will not be able to do it qualitatively.

The main advantage of hiring a freelancer or a tender support company is the reduction of time for routine operations. The time saved can be used more rationally for better results. For example, spend more time on analytics. It is also possible to increase the number of processed and prepared tenders.
