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Features of the dissemination of information on the Internet. Private Browser Browsing Mode: How to make sure no one knows what you're doing online? How do you get on the Internet

The Internet has become an indispensable tool in the lives of millions of people in every corner of the globe. He revolutionized the field high technology and in our life in general; contributed to the development of global dialogue.

The Internet quiz contains 19 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

We often say this: Required materials No? Check out the Internet!

1. What is the Internet?
Answer: worldwide computer network

2. Which country is the birthplace of the Internet?
Answer: USA

3. What is the Internet for?
Answer: for the exchange of information materials between computers scattered around the world

4. In what year was the concept of "Internet" introduced?
Answer: in the early 80s of the 20th century

5. What is Netiquette?
Answer: code of conduct, communication on the Web, which most users follow

6. What is the difference between the Internet and Runet?
Answer: Runet is the Russian-speaking area of ​​the World Wide Web.

7. What other names does the Internet have?
Answer: world wide web, network, world wide web, world wide web

8. How can a person connect to the Internet?
Answer: you can connect through the provider

9. What are the most popular services Internet?
Answer: online stores, search engines, e-mail, Internet TV and radio, social networks, forums, IP-telephony and many others.

10. What is Internet banking?
Answer: Internet banking is a comfortable way to manage your in cash through the Internet.

11. Through what channels can you access the Web?
Answer: using various communication technologies. Through the cable network, cellular, satellite, electric, radio, fiber optic communication or through a telephone line.

12. The Internet is often referred to as the World Wide Web. Do you think the Internet and the World Wide Web are one and the same, or are they different concepts?
Answer: Strictly speaking, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing.

The World Wide Web is a distributed complex that provides access to interconnected documents located on different computers connected to the Internet. To designate world wide web also use the word web (English web "web") and the abbreviation WWW.

The Internet is a worldwide system of interconnected computer networks for storing and broadcasting information.

13. What does the term "captcha" mean on the Internet?
Answer: it's special computer test conducted in order to find out who the user is - real person or computer?

14. Login is a famous admiral. And what does the word “login” have to do with a computer and an Internet user?
Answer: login (login) - identifier account user on a computer system

15. What is a website?
Answer: The site is a collection electronic documents, segment, place where pages (maybe one page) of the established subject are collected.

16. Nobody likes to receive spam. What is it and why is there such a negative attitude towards it?
Answer: spam is information that comes to us from strangers or organizations that have not been given permission to do so. This information is usually sent to us by email.

17. Can the Internet provide Negative influence per person?
Answer: yes, with excessive enthusiasm, the Internet can have a negative impact on human health

18. What do you know about safe Internet rules?
Answer: When registering on websites and social networks, try to indicate a minimum of personal information.
Your passwords are your secret.
Avoid using your webcam when talking to strangers.
It is good to install anti-virus and special on the computer software, which will block the spread of viruses.

19. Is it possible to find information on the Internet on the topic: "How to write a novel"?
Answer: Yes, you can find almost any information on the Internet.

Currently, the following methods of accessing the Internet are known:

dial-up(when the user's computer connects to the provider's server using a phone) - dial-up access over an analog telephone network data transfer rate up to 56 Kbps.

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)- a family of digital subscriber lines designed to organize access via an analog telephone network using a cable modem. This technology (ADSL, VDSL, HDSL, ISDL, SDSL, SHDSL, RADSL under the general name xDSL) provides high-speed connection up to 50 Mbps (actual speed up to 2 Mbps). The main advantage of xDSL technologies is the ability to significantly increase the speed of data transmission over telephone wires without upgrading the subscriber telephone line. The user gets access to the Internet with saving normal work telephone connection;

ISDN - dial-up access over the digital telephone network. The main feature of using ISDN is high speed information transfer, compared with Dial-Up access. The data transfer rate is 64 Kbps when using one and 128 Kbps when using two communication channels;

Internet access via leased lines(analogue and digital). Leased line access is a way to connect to the Internet when the user's computer is connected to the provider's server using a cable (twisted pair) and this connection is permanent, i.e. non-switched, and this is the main difference from conventional telephone communication. Data transfer rate up to 100 Mbps.

Internet access by local network(Fast Ethernet). The connection is made using a network card (10/100 Mbit/s) with a data transfer rate of up to 1 Gbit/s on trunk sections and 100 Mbit/s for the end user. To connect the user's computer to the Internet, a separate cable is connected to the apartment ( twisted pair), while the telephone line is always free.

Satellite internet access or Satellite Internet(DirecPC, Europe Online). There are two types of satellite Internet access - asymmetric and symmetrical:

The exchange of data between the user's computer and the satellite is two-way;

Requests from the user are sent to the server satellite operator via any available terrestrial connection, and the server transmits data to the user from the satellite. Max speed data reception up to 52.5 Mbps (real average speed up to 3 Mbps).

Internet access using cable TV network channels, data reception speed from 2 to 56 Mb / s. Cable Internet (“coax at a home”). Currently, two data transmission architectures are known: symmetrical and asymmetric architectures. In addition, there are two connection methods: a) a cable modem is installed separately in each user's apartment; b) a cable modem is installed in a house where several users of Internet services live at once. To connect users to a common cable modem, a local network is used and common Ethernet equipment is installed on all.
Wireless technology of the last mile:

RadioEthernet, Mobile GPRS Internet

WiFi (Wireless Fidelity - accurate data transfer without wires) - technology broadband access to the Internet. The information transfer rate for the end subscriber can reach 54 Mbps. The radius of their action does not exceed 50 - 70 meters. Wireless access points are used within the apartment or in in public places large cities. Having a laptop or PDA with a Wi-Fi controller, visitors to a cafe or restaurant (within the coverage area WiFi networks) can quickly connect to the Internet.

WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), similar to WiFi, is a broadband Internet access technology. WiMAX, unlike traditional radio access technologies, also works on the reflected signal, outside the line of sight of the base station. Experts believe that mobile networks WiMAX offers much more interesting prospects for users than fixed WiMAX, intended for corporate customers. Information can be transmitted over distances up to 50 km at speeds up to 70 Mbps.

RadioEthernet is a broadband Internet access technology that provides data transfer rates from 1 to 11 Mbps, which is shared among all active users. For the operation of the RadioEthernet channel, direct visibility between the antennas of the subscriber points is required. Range up to 30 km.

MMDS (Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System). These systems are capable of serving an area within a radius of 50-60 km, while the direct visibility of the operator's transmitter is not necessary. The average guaranteed data rate is 500 Kbps - 1 Mbps, but it is possible to provide up to 56 Mbps per channel.

LMDS (Local Multipoint Distribution System) is a standard for cellular wireless data transmission networks for fixed subscribers. The system is based on the cellular principle, one base station allows you to cover an area with a radius of several kilometers (up to 10 km) and connect several thousand subscribers. The BS themselves are combined with each other by high-speed terrestrial communication channels or radio channels (RadioEthernet). Data transfer rate up to 45 Mbps.

Mobile GPRS - Internet. To use the service Mobile Internet"With the help of GPRS technology, you must have a phone with a built-in GPRS modem and a computer. GPRS technology provides data transfer speeds up to 114 Kbps. When using GPRS technology, it is not the Internet connection time that is charged, but the total amount of transmitted and received information. You will be able to view HTML pages, download files, work with e-mail and any other Internet resources.

Mobile CDMA - Internet. The CDMA standard network is fixed and mobile communications, as well as high-speed mobile Internet. To use the "Mobile Internet" service using CDMA technology, you must have a telephone with a built-in CDMA modem or CDMA modem and a computer. CDMA technology provides data transfer rates up to 153 Kbps or up to 2400 Kbps - using EV-DO Revision 0 technology. EV-DO Revision A technology will allow subscribers to receive mobile Internet access at a speed of 3.1 Mbps.

In general, the Internet exchanges information between any two computers (PCs) connected to the network, which are often called Internet nodes or sites.(site - location).

There are two concepts used on the Internet: the address and protocol.

Protocol- these are the rules of Interaction - the language of communication on the Internet. There are several layers of protocols that interact with each other. At the lower level, two main protocols are used: IP - internet protocol and TCP - transmission control protocol (transmission control protocol). They are united by one name TCP/IP. All other protocols are based on TCP/IP.

When transmitting information, the TCP protocol breaks information into portions (packets) and enumerates all portions. Further, with the IP protocol, all packets are transmitted gradually. After receiving all the parts (packets), TCP puts them in the right order and assembles them into a single whole.

hardware the component is represented by computers of different models and systems, communication lines. All components operate in a single network, both on a permanent and temporary basis. Physical failure or temporary shutdown of individual sections of the Network does not affect the functioning of the entire Network.

Program component. Coordinated and joint work of technically incompatible equipment is achieved thanks to programs running on a PC included in the Network. They allow you to convert data in such a way that it can be transmitted over any communication channels and played back on any computer (PC). Programs have many functions: storing information, searching for it, collecting and reproducing, they ensure the functional compatibility of all components of the Network.

Informational the component is represented by network documentation of the type: text, graphic, sound, video (recordings) and can be distributed: text can come from some sources, sound from others, graphics from others. A certain information space is formed, consisting of hundreds of millions of documents interconnected. It resembles a web.

The difference between the physical space of the Internet and the virtual information space of documents is manifested in various systems addressing. Every computer on the Internet has a four-block address, such as This address is called an IP address. Computers on the web permanent basis have a permanent IP address, on a variable basis - a temporary IP address for the duration of this session, a dynamic IP address.

The information space uses URLs (Uniform Resource Locator). Each user of the Web has a unique URL address, for example, the address of the "Teacher's newspaper"

Internet Addressing

In order for the IP protocol to be able to deliver packets to their destination, it is required to specify the address of the computer to which the data is intended. All computers connected to the Internet have unique addresses consisting of four integers, each of which does not exceed 256. When notated, the numbers are separated from each other by dots, such as or It is these addresses that are added to packets when they are sent over the network. While numeric addresses are convenient for computers to use, names are easier for humans to work with. On the Internet, along with digital addresses, symbolic addressing is used. In this case, the conversion of a symbolic address into a digital one occurs automatically.

Mailing address always contains a character @ , and the site address never contains this character. Attempt to send mail to or go to address [email protected] will cause an error.

Sign @ often referred to as "dog", although its correct name is "commercial at". Word at pronounced like "et" and translated from in English as a preposition "in". That is the address Email [email protected] means that the mailbox named my name located in the post office It may be difficult to immediately master all the options for addressing the Internet. However, as you study programs and surf the Internet, you will become accustomed to the existing system, and it will seem extremely simple to you. Also, in most cases, you don't have to manually enter addresses, just click and load the desired page or select an email recipient.

Internet resources

On the Internet, the following types of resources correspond to the three components: hardware, software, and information.

Hardware resources

Hardware resources - represented by core networks (Figure 12.9). Connecting to the Network, we actually use the hardware resources of the computer that provides this connection, the exploited physical resources of the communication lines. When overloaded, the data encoding time slows down, i.e. each person complicates the work of other members of the Network.

Figure 12.9 Central European Reference
Internet network

This text was created for informational purposes only, does not call for action and does not contain links to any sites. In addition, we remind you that the production, sale and transfer of narcotic and psychotropic substances is a criminal offense in accordance with Art. 228-231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What is deep internet

The Internet that we use every day is called the “surface network” (from the English “surface web”). To access it, no special tools are needed - a working connection is enough. All pages of the "surface" Internet are easy to find using any search engine, and users' actions on the Internet and data about them are available to Internet providers. Accordingly, law enforcement agencies can also track them in accordance with a court decision.

In addition to the surface network, there is also a deep Internet (from the English “deep web”). It is impossible to find pages from the deep web through a regular search engine.- they are not indexed by search engines. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately estimate the size of this segment of the Internet.

Links to pages on the deep web work in a special .onion format, so you won't be able to open them with a normal browser. To access the deep web, you need special programs that preserve the anonymity of users and encrypt traffic.

There is also The darknet is a closed network within the deep web. The concepts of "deep web" and "darknet" are often confused, but the darknet has fundamental difference from a conventional deep web.

The deep web is a single network hidden from search engines, and there can be several darknets, and each of them needs special access. So, to get into each of the popular darknets - Freenet, RetroShare or I2P - you need to install separate software.

Why do we need a "hidden" Internet

There can be many reasons for creating pages on the deep web or one of the dark webs. The main advantage of closed networks over shallow ones is, of course, anonymity. So hidden internet often used for illegal activities.

On the dark web trading floors trade in drugs, weapons, false documents and even people. If you wish, you can also find contacts of a contract killer on the dark web.

In addition, user data often leaks into the dark Internet - hackers who hack into databases periodically merge them into closed networks. It is easiest to pay in local markets with cryptocurrency - again, due to the fact that it allows you to remain anonymous.

Another option for illegal activity on the dark web is distribution of pirated content. However, you won’t surprise anyone with this even on the “surface”. And in countries where the authorities actively pursue piracy, the dark web comes to the aid of lovers of free content.

The deep web and the dark web have received notoriety due to the fact that they are often used by criminals. However, illegal activity is not the only use of hidden networks.

There, for example, human rights activists and journalists from totalitarian and authoritarian states create their pages. On the dark web, they are not afraid of either censorship or authorities. The deep web is a great platform for fighting for free speech, and it can be used for more than just illegal purposes.

What can be found on the deep web

There are more than just sites for criminals on the deep web. We have collected several links that may be useful to ordinary law-abiding citizens.

Libraries After the Russian-language library "Flibust" was blocked on the surface Internet, it moved to the "depth". There you can find thousands of books in Russian. Flibusta has its own pages on the deep web and on the I2P dark web. Other notable deep web book resources include Verbal Bogatyr and the Imperial Library of Trantor.
Rosjustice Database of public court decisions from all over Russia.
Image hosting Anonymous image hosting, where you can upload jpg, png or gif files up to 20 megabytes in size for free.
Science articles A deep "mirror" of the Sci-Hub portal, which allows you to download scientific articles for free.
Community of fighters with censorship The multilingual We Fight Censorship community publishes materials that, for one reason or another, have been recognized as banned in different countries.
Q&A service The English-language Hidden Answers service works on the same principle as Answers. Some users ask questions, while others answer them. The main difference from similar "superficial" sites is the subject matter of the questions. They are mainly dedicated to cybersecurity and the deep web. Although there are quite ordinary thematic sections, for example, about relationships or food.
search engine If you want to search for something on the deep web yourself, you can use a system that allows you to search for working sites on the deep web.

Any computer connected to the Web can, in principle, access a site that is physically located arbitrarily far away. In terms of speed, there is no difference whether the site is located on a neighboring table or on a neighboring continent.

If the information got on the Internet and seemed interesting to some of the users, it can be instantly distributed by any interested person to a theoretically unlimited number of Internet sites of various kinds (such as websites, blogs, forums, and a number of others, which we will discuss in detail below). On websites and forums, this is facilitated by mechanisms for tracking changes using RSS feeds, and on blogs, a system of friends subscribed to new messages. As soon as the information appears in the blog, it becomes automatically available to everyone who is subscribed to read the messages posted in it. Each of the bloggers usually has its own subscribers, the number of which ranges from a few people to several hundred. Thanks to this structure, news that is of interest to a large number of people can be distributed almost instantly. If this happens, then such messages fall into the field of view of special sites that control the most popular news (they track the information that users paid attention to, the number of which exceeds a certain threshold). From there, the message is automatically included in specialized mailing lists and goes to mailboxes, the owners of which may not be fond of Internet surfing, but are subscribed to newsletters. Electronic mailings form the second, no less large-scale, wave in the dissemination of information. Internet news agencies are able to additionally connect to the dissemination of information at any stage, if they consider it an interesting information occasion for themselves.

It is technically possible to distribute information on the Internet anonymously

Whether we like it or not, anonymous distribution of information on the Internet is indeed possible. Some consider it evil, others consider it a blessing. As a rule, the victims of such distribution are dissatisfied, and those who wish to bring to the attention of the public their hostile attitude towards a person or enterprise positively assess the preservation of anonymity on the Internet.

When exiting the terminal (computer or mobile phone) on the Internet, it always receives a so-called IP address. According to the definition of Wikipedia, a network encyclopedia compiled by the entire Internet community, “an IP address (IP address, short for Internet Protocol Address) is a unique identifier (address) of a device (usually a computer) connected to a local network or Internet." This address is truly unique. No two computers have the same IP address on the Internet. It is by IP addresses that computers transmit information to each other, so if two computers have the same IP address, it will become unclear to which of them it is intended. The distribution of IP addresses is carried out by authorized organizations. A pool of addresses in a certain range is assigned to a specific Internet provider, so the provider and the city from which the computer went online can always be determined by the IP address. An IP address can be fixed or dynamic. The permanent one is assigned to a specific user, the dynamic one is one of the free ones in this moment- issued by the provider to its customers in response to a specific request to access the Internet. In the case of using a permanent IP address, information about who it is assigned to can often be available to anyone. If a dynamic IP address is used, this information will only be known to the ISP, and even then not always: although the ISP knows from which terminal the exit was made, this does not guarantee the identification of the user. So, when accessing the Internet from a landline phone, its subscriber number and the address at which it is installed are known. When exiting from a mobile phone - the subscriber number and personal number of the telephone set (the so-called IMEI), and when accessing the Internet from a leased line, the provider knows at what address the terminal connected via this line is located. However, if access to the Network was carried out from an Internet cafe or through a public Wi-Fi access point (in a cafe, at a train station, or even from a car parked near them), or from a mobile phone registered to a front person, it becomes very difficult to find a specific person. or even impossible.

An ISP can legally disclose subscriber information only to law enforcement agencies upon their request. Otherwise, it violates both the federal law“On Personal Data”, as well as a number of departmental regulations.

The problem of finding a person who accessed the Internet is exacerbated by the fact that IP addresses are not always broadcast directly. For example, when using GPRS from a mobile phone, as a rule, everyone who uses this service in a cellular company has one IP address. In the same way, everyone who accesses the Internet through a so-called proxy server has one IP address (this is often found in Internet cafes, educational institutions and large office buildings).

In addition, there are programs specifically designed to cover IP addresses - anonymizers. At their core, these are proxy servers designed specifically to provide anonymity on the Internet. Some of them (for example, Steganos Internet Anonym VPN) even provide encryption of transmitted information, which prevents it from being intercepted on communication channels. When trying to identify a person who posted text or other information on the Internet using an anonymizer, a number of steps must be taken. First contact law enforcement. They must initiate a criminal case (if there are signs of a crime) and convince the Prosecutor General's Office to write a reasoned request to the law enforcement agencies of a foreign state that owns the anonymizer's IP address. This request must be completed in compliance with all necessary formalities, otherwise it will not be accepted for consideration abroad at all. It must clearly follow from the request that it is not politically tinged, otherwise, according to established practice, many countries will also not accept it for consideration, regardless of the correctness of execution. After that, law enforcement agencies of a foreign state will contact the company providing anonymizer services and demand to provide information about the IP address from which they connected to it. In the course of this whole complex of activities, which will take a lot of time, only the address from which the enemies connected to the anonymizer will be found out. But anonymizers can also be arranged in a chain, when connection to one of them is made through another ...

In addition to what has already been said, it should be noted that there is a distributed anonymous Tor network, which is created and maintained by privacy advocates. This computer network on the Internet is organized in such a way that it is practically impossible to track the movement of a data packet from its starting point to its destination.

That is why for most cases, if they do not concern international terrorism, when all the forces of the special services major countries will be coordinated to capture the villain, we can say that it is technically possible to ensure anonymity on the Internet.

Although we have given an overview of the main methods of ensuring anonymity on the Internet here, for the convenience of readers, we will describe them in more detail in a separate section.

Offline mechanisms to counteract the dissemination of information do not work online

Creating a blog takes 15 minutes. Creation of a workable site that does not claim to be nominated in a web design competition - from 40. Site transfer to a new hosting - from several seconds to several minutes.

Off-line during this time it is impossible even to write a statement of claim. Moreover, at the time of writing the book, it was possible to open hosting (that is, buy a place on the server where the site will be hosted) anonymously, using transfers through payment systems that do not require identification as payment. And if hosting is ordered in another country, then off-line procedures for influencing it become no less laborious than those described in the previous section on establishing the real IP address of the enemy. These are very lengthy and sometimes expensive procedures, the result of which can be judgment about the closure of hosting, after which, as we have already said, nothing prevents it from being reopened in another country, and within a few minutes the site with which there was a struggle will be back on the air. In addition, it is not at all a fact that a lawsuit against a site with black PR will be won. After all, if negative information is not slander or insult, but personal opinion, and if no laws are violated (for example, on the inadmissibility of publishing personal data without the direct consent of the person to whom they belong), then the court may not decide on it at all. removal.

The Internet is a "washing machine" for negative information

If a media outlet publishes false information that defames someone, the victim can go to court and have a chance to receive compensation, as well as force the media to publish a retraction. And although the system that exists today, even in respected publications, is not perfect in everything (for example, in practice, a journalist who considers himself a "shark of the pen" can post unverified information - and no one will control his actions), you can still try to call the media to account. It is difficult, long, but possible. But when the Internet is flooded with information of this kind, after which the media begin to write about this fact (“Information appeared on the Internet that ...”), there is usually no one to hold accountable.

Almost ten years ago, Gleb Pavlovsky was one of the first to note this feature of the Internet: “The Internet is an ideal tool for launching the necessary stories into the mass consciousness. In addition, traditional media are responsible for the information they disseminate. Rumors transmitted over the Internet are anonymous. But newspapers and television get the opportunity to refer to the Internet. That is, there is a real laundering of the so-called black information.”

Until recently, even the online media could not be held accountable. When applying to the court, it was required to send a copy to their address statement of claim, and by the time of the court hearing, the information from the site had disappeared. True, in recent times it became possible to notarize a copy of the image of the information posted on the site. As a result, even if this or that text is removed from the site by the time of the trial, this does not save the electronic media from liability. It's probably a win. However, it is so small that it does not solve the problem as a whole.

Information on the Internet can be stored forever and some of the archives are publicly available

When a user posts information on the Internet, he often loses control over it without even realizing it. The phrases “The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch” and “What is written with a pen, you can’t cut it out with an ax” here are fancifully combined and found today new meaning. Indeed, by writing something on someone else's Internet forum or commenting on someone's online magazine, the user can completely lose control over his words. Even if someone believes that, if necessary, he can remove the information posted by him, it is not a fact that this is actually possible. It is enough for any person to simply copy the words given in the message so that the authority of the author over this message is lost. Perhaps forever.

But even if the information is posted on the user's own website, he may sooner or later find that he is unable to remove it from the Internet. This most often happens for four reasons.

1. Information is archived on the Internet. Indeed, on the Internet at: there is a resource that copies the pages of sites and saves them on their servers. Since it is located in San Francisco and belongs (at least officially) to a private individual, it is unlikely that there is an opportunity to easily “clean up” information there at the request of organizations or individuals without a decision of an American court. Here is an excerpt from the "Internet Archive" article from Wikipedia:

The Internet Archive is located in San Francisco, founded in 1996 and has several projects. The archive provides free access for researchers, historians and schoolchildren. The declared goal of the archive is to preserve the cultural and historical values ​​of civilization in the era of Internet technologies and to create an Internet library.

The Wayback Machine - the content of web pages is stored in the database, and you can see how this or that page looked before, even if the site no longer exists. In October 2004, The Wayback Machine was first recorded as evidence in an American court. Censorship has also been noticed, when some of the archival copies of web pages containing criticism of Scientology were removed from the archive at the request of lawyers from the Church of Scientology.

In order to see the possibilities of the Internet archive, we present the images of the websites of RosBusinessConsulting ( dated December 10, 1997 and Most-bank ( dated January 16, 1997 stored there (Fig. 2, 3 ).

Later we will talk in more detail about how to use this service.

2. Information is reprinted by another user.

Any person, company or news agency can reprint the words of the user with a link to the source and comment on them.

The words of an Internet forum user may be quoted by another member of the same forum and thus get out of the control of the author. The author can ask them to remove the person who quoted or the moderator of the forum, but it is not in his power to force anyone to comply with this request.

Rice. 2. RosBusinessConsulting website dated December 10, 1997 in the Internet archive.

Rice. 3. Site of the Most-bank dated 01/16/1997 in the Internet archive

3. The user's message gets into the so-called tops of various resources and stays there. This phenomenon is typical mainly for blogs. As soon as any topic starts to be discussed actively enough, it is fixed by special sites and its copy is placed there in sections like TOP-30 of LiveJournal for such and such a number. Often, news from these sites gets into thematic mailings and is distributed to all subscribers in different cities and even countries.

Many resources on the Internet have become interactive. Indeed, even ten years ago, an ordinary person or a poor enterprise could not get the opportunity to express their point of view on certain events or problems. Today, examples are appearing on the Internet showing that anyone can do it so “loudly” that it will be heard all over the world and get help if necessary. People who did not know each other yesterday, in an instant unite by a common idea or attitude to some problem and begin to speak together.

If the topic is interesting, users can join the discussion on their own or even take part in offline decision making. The potential impact of the interactive Internet on real life is clearly seen in the example of such harmless resources as the Darom community in LiveJournal (LJ, or Livejournal), and the Flashmob LiveJournal community (www.

Here is a description of the "Darom" community given in its Journal:

If you have found a good but unnecessary thing in your house that it is a pity to throw it away, but there is nowhere to put it, and also if there is a need for something, you can leave a message in this community. Surely there is a person who will be ready to give you the necessary thing.

Here you can leave announcements: “I will give for free”, “I will accept as a gift”, “I will exchange” or “quid pro quo”. There are no strict restrictions, except for “buy / sell” announcements.

Be sure to indicate the city in which you are located, or the possibility of sending by mail. If you do not specify the city, then this will be equivalent to the signature "Mr. Moscow".

If the item has already found its new owner or the item is no longer needed, then do not forget to indicate this in your ad.


1. Announcements about the distribution of kittens and puppies are strictly prohibited. To do this, there are more than 90 communities where people are interested in kittens, more than 400 in cats, more than 40 in puppies and almost 300 in dogs. This prohibition does not apply to other animals.

2. It is forbidden to post messages like “tell me please”, “tell me for free”, opinion polls and so on. For this there is special community podskajite_plz, no doubt willing to give good advice there will always be more than those who ask him.

Description from Flashmob Community Magazine:

Briefly about Flashmob

A flash mob is a mechanism... a mechanism that allows, at the expense of dozens, hundreds of people who do not know each other, to simulate a situation that simply cannot happen in reality. This is not just an opportunity to create an unusual situation, it is an opportunity to CHANGE REALITY! Having agreed on this site, we suddenly appear in crowded places and execute our scenarios. We surprise, puzzle, frighten, delight and disappear - see you again

Flash mob rules

1. Do not talk about the flash mob before, during or after the action.

2. Carefully study the script in advance so as not to get confused and not mix up anything on the spot.


4. Don't come with friends; don't say hello if you meet someone you know.

5. Strictly follow the instructions in the script. Never try to stand out.

6. Set your watch as accurately as possible. Be there 10 seconds before the start of the flashmob action.

7. Do not stay at the action site after the end of the flash mob.

8. To the question: “What is going on here?” answer: "I'm here by chance ... I saw - and joined."

9. Photo and video filming should be carried out extremely secretly, but it is better to refuse it altogether.

The example of these two communities shows that on any issue interesting people, a team of like-minded people can be quickly created. Such a team can act in a coordinated manner, and its members do not interfere with the fact that they may be unfamiliar with each other. If the solution to a common problem requires the physical presence of participants, geographical remoteness still limits the capabilities of the team, but when we are talking about the dissemination of information on the Internet, there are no barriers at all. Social network, represented by members of an informal collective, disseminates information quickly and widely. But to counteract such a lightning-fast dissemination of information around the world is extremely difficult, and most often impossible at all.

4. State borders are preserved in real life, but practically erased in virtual. We have already touched on this issue, talking about what efforts are required to legally obtain information about the user's IP address in another country or influence the company that provided its server for the enemy's website. In addition, in some cases there may not be an agreement on the interaction of law enforcement agencies with this country, or according to its laws, the act of your enemy is not something reprehensible. Perhaps it is on the other side of the globe or it is restless in it, so for reasons of financial or personal security, you will consider it inappropriate to fly to it to establish contacts on the spot. Finally, it may be that this country has difficult political relations with Russia, and therefore it will enthusiastically put spokes in wheels on any issues that involve assistance. Russian enterprises, citizens, government or law enforcement.

Thus, an attempt to prevent the dissemination of information on the Internet may very well run into serious barriers in the form of state sovereignty and differences in laws, while those who disseminate this information usually do not face such problems.

The Internet is much more democratic than real life

This has both significant advantages and significant disadvantages. Real life forces a person in any country to behave with an eye to the possible consequences of his behavior. Even in countries with developed democratic institutions, a person is forced to think about how his actions or statements will be perceived by others.

On the Internet, these limiters are often not available at all, or they are, but they are much less than in "real life". As a result, any person can express his point of view to the whole world (and it does not matter whether it is correct or not), and under certain circumstances, he has no less chance of being heard than a serious news agency. After all, it is not for nothing that news agencies on the Internet have appeared and are actively working today, in which the news rating is determined by the readers themselves, and not by the editor. This is the so-called social news (social news not by topic, but by the algorithm for determining the rating of news by the whole community). ( or ( can serve as an example of such resources in Runet, the popularity of which, according to researchers, is constantly growing. True, such resources, like any open system, are constantly in danger of cheating results for advertising purposes, so some of them again begin to be strictly moderated when posting news, such as, for example, ( In our opinion, the trend in the development of social news services is obvious, and as such services become known among the general public, the likelihood of distortion of the results by interested parties will significantly decrease. This is seen in the example foreign analogues. It has already been proven in practice that events that concern a large number of people are widely commented on by ordinary Internet users in real time. At the same time, the degree of confidence in what was said is incredibly high. An example is the situation with Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. To illustrate, here is a fragment of the article "New Orleans bloggers accomplished a journalistic feat", posted on the well-known Russian resource CNews.

Bloggers on the pages of their Internet diaries described Tropical Storm Katrina first hand in real time and no less vividly than the mainstream media.

A diesel generator, a computer, and a cell phone were all bloggers needed to get online before they went down. cellular networks. “Trees are falling everywhere. Three trees fell on a neighbor's house. Southern Yacht Club burned to the ground,” wrote Troy Gilbert on the Gulfsails blog.

Bloggers are increasingly becoming the most important source of information about the world's emergencies. The heyday of the blogosphere in the United States occurred during the presidential election last year, when the process was described by authors from different parts of the country. The audience of blogging sites during important events is growing - people are more likely to search the Internet for information that goes beyond news sites. For example, comScore's Media Metrix recorded 1.7 million online searches for "hurricane" and/or/ "Katrina" on August 29, 10 times more than in the five days of August 22-26.

"Bloggers outside the disaster area are doing everything they can to increase the dissemination of first-hand information," said NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller. Richard Lucic, professor at Duke University, believes that blogs, podcasts and other new technologies bring news "at the human level" because anyone can do it with very little investment and no training.

We do not in the least detract from the dedication and resilience of the New Orleans bloggers, but we want to note that there is almost never even an attempt to verify the veracity of the facts set forth in such cases. This is partly due to the fact that there is no possibility of verification in principle, partly due to the fact that people simply do not think about the need to double-check information if it seems exciting and urgent to them. But in any case, for the manipulators of public opinion, this situation opens up dizzying prospects.

In fairness, it should be noted that the first revelations of bloggers publishing "true" fried facts have also already been recorded. Although, of course, it is not known how many such facts have remained undisclosed. Here is an article by a well-known blogger and journalist Anton Nosik, who writes blogs under a nickname (pseudonym).

For those who rarely look at blogs and Internet forums, we remind you that a nickname is a virtual name. In principle, it can be anything, but within the same blog site it must be unique, that is, if someone chose a nickname that you like before you, then you will have to come up with another one. The nickname chosen by you, accordingly, cannot be chosen by anyone else on this blog site. Let us also clarify some of the terms found in the article below. "Photozhaba" is a well-known program "Photoshop" (Photoshop), which allows you to mount images and make any changes to them. "False user" - a user of LiveJournal, which in English is called LiveJournal, and in Russian transcription - LiveJournal, or LZh.

Fotozhaba moved to Gaza

Fadel Shada, a Reuters employee in Gaza, and his colleague working for Iranian TV declared themselves victims of an Israeli rocket attack.

The Association of Foreign Journalists in Israel was quick to label the attack "outrageous targeting" and demanded a thorough investigation.

Apparently, in vain. Because the analysis of the testimonies cited by the “victims” showed that it was a staging.

Here is how the false user akog tells this story.

And here are the English blogs that he used in preparing the material: MyPetJawa, PowerlineBlog (update), Snapped Shot, Confederate Yankee.

A separate interesting story to the issue of staged filming of the destruction is the staging of an Israeli strike on Lebanese ambulances.

Lesson objectives: to consolidate the rules of responsible and safe behavior on the Internet, ways to protect against illegal encroachments on the Internet and mobile communications; know how to avoid harmful and dangerous information, how to communicate on social networks (netiquette) without offending your virtual friends.

Equipment: projector; interactive presentation.

Lesson steps:

  1. Introduction by the teacher. Setting the topic of the lesson.
  2. Conducting a quiz.
  3. The final word of the teacher, summing up, evaluation.

During the classes

1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Hello guys. We live in the 21st century. Let's look around: television, telephones, computers, the Internet, everything is developing at a tremendous speed. The Internet is an excellent source for new knowledge, helps in learning, takes leisure. But at the same time, the network is fraught with many dangers. We will talk about these dangers today with you. So, we begin our quiz “What do I know about safe Internet browsing”. The hero of our quiz is a 3rd grade student Vasya Pautinkin, he, like you, is learning to work safely on the Internet. (Slide 1, 2)

2. Conducting a quiz.

Rules of the game:

  • the class is divided into two teams;
  • teams take turns choosing a question number and answering it;
  • in case of an incorrect answer, the other team can give their own answer;
  • in the presentation, the number of the question that has already been answered is highlighted in blue;
  • for each correct answer, the team receives 1 point;
  • The team with the most points is considered the winner.

- a button to move from slides with correct answers to a slide with question numbers ( slide 3)

Quiz ( slide 3, Slides 4-33). Appendix 1 .

3. The final word of the teacher, summing up, evaluation.

Guys today in the lesson we have fixed the rules of safe work on the Internet. Those of you who made mistakes while answering the quiz questions, I hope now they will not be made when working on the Internet. I wish that the Internet brings you only benefit. I wish you success! ( slide 34)

Sample quiz questions and answers.

1. 3rd grade student Vasya Pautinkin went to an unfamiliar site. Suddenly, strange messages appeared on the computer screen. What should Vasya do?

  1. Close site
  2. Contact your parents for help
  3. Troubleshoot yourself

Always ask your parents about unfamiliar things on the Internet. They will tell you what is safe to do and what is not.

2. Vasya Pautinkin, being on the Internet, often encounters unpleasant information that “crawls from all sides”, it prevents him from working on the Internet. How Vasya gets rid of unnecessary information in order to use only the pages that are interesting to him.

  1. Install an antivirus program
  2. Install a filter on your browser
  3. Install a new browser

In order not to encounter unpleasant and aggressive information on the Internet, install a filter on your browser, or ask adults to do it - then you can safely use the pages you are interested in on the Internet.

3. Vasya Pautinkin created an electronic box for himself in a computer science lesson. Now he can exchange messages with his friends. Today, a message came to his email address: a game file from an unknown user. What should Vasya do?

  1. Download the file and start playing.
  2. Don't open the file.
  3. Send the file to your friends.

Don't download or open files you don't know or sent by strangers from the Internet. Make sure you have a firewall and antivirus software installed on your computer. Learn to use them correctly.

Remember that these programs must be updated in a timely manner.

4. At the lesson of the surrounding world, Vasya was asked to find images of dinosaurs. He wanted to download a picture on the Internet, pressed the “download” button, a message appeared on the screen send SMS to the specified number on the Internet. What should Vasya do?

  • Send SMS to the specified number on the Internet.
  • Check this number online.
  • Don't download more pictures.
  • If you want to download a picture or a melody, but you are asked to send an SMS - do not rush! First, check this number on the Internet - is it safe to send SMS to it and whether you will be deceived. You can do this on a special website.

    5. Vasya Pautinkin met a 3rd grade student Ivan Neizvestny on the Internet. Ivan does not study with Vasya at the same school, and in general Vasya has never seen him. Once Ivan invited Vasya to meet him in the park. What should Vasya do?

    1. Go to the meeting.
    2. Go to a meeting with your mom or dad.
    3. Don't go to the meeting.

    Do not meet without parents with people from the Internet live. On the Internet, many people tell lies about themselves.

    6. New friend Vasya Pautinkin, whom Vasya met yesterday on the Internet, Ivan Neizvestny asked Vasya to urgently tell him the following information: phone number, home address, where Vasya's parents work. Vasya must:

    1. Provide Ivan with the necessary information.
    2. Do not report on the Internet, but report at a meeting.
    3. Consult with parents.

    Never tell strangers about yourself: where you live, study, your phone number. Only your friends and family should know this!

    1. No.
    2. You can, with the consent of classmates.
    3. You can, the consent of classmates is not required.

    8.Vase bought a computer. Vasya now spends the whole day at the computer. A few days later, his eyes began to water, pains appeared in his hands. What should Vasya do?

    1. Continue to spend time at the computer.
    2. Comply with computer rules.
    3. Never work on a computer again.

    Follow the rules for working on a computer:

    • The distance from the eyes to the computer screen must be at least 50 cm.
    • One child should work at the computer at a time.
    • The duration of one lesson is no more than 60 minutes.
    • After 10–15 minutes of continuous PC training, you need to take a break to do physical exercises and eye exercises.
    • Sitting at a computer for a long time can lead to overstrain of the nervous system, sleep disturbance, deterioration of well-being, and eye fatigue.


    Eye exercises.

    1. Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, at the expense of 1-4, then open your eyes, relax the muscles of the eyes, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

    2. Look at the bridge of your nose and keep your eyes on the count 1-4. Do not bring your eyes to fatigue. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

    3. Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your eyes on the score 1–4, then look into the distance directly at the score 1–6. Exercises are carried out in a similar way, but with fixation of the gaze to the left, up and down. Repeat 3-4 times.

    4. Move your eyes quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance at the expense of 1-6; then left up - right down and look into the distance at the expense of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.

    9. Vasya Pautinkin has many friends on the Internet, every day he adds new friends to his contact list in ICQ. Suddenly, Vasya began to receive messages with unpleasant, rude content. What should Vasya do?

    1. Insult the offender.
    2. Do not respond to the offender in the same way, but continue to communicate with him.
    3. Tell adults about it.

    10. Vasya Pautinkin had questions while working in the online environment. Vasya's parents went on a business trip, Vasya's grandmother cannot help him. Whom can Vasya turn to?

    1. He should wait for his parents to arrive.
    2. He can contact the Kids Online helpline.
    3. He can ask his classmates.

    If you have questions or problems while working in an online environment, be sure to tell someone you trust about it. Your parents or other adults can help or give good advice about what to do. Any problem can be solved! You can contact the Children Online help line by phone: 8?800?25?000?15 (toll-free in Russia) or by e-mail: [email protected] . Experts will advise you on what to do.

    11. Ivan Neizvestny asked Vasya Pautinkin to recommend children's search engines to him. Vasya hurried and made mistakes in the letter: he indicated unnecessary systems. Which of these are child search engines?

    3., Aport, search engines that will be entertaining and interesting for children.

    12. Ivan Neizvestny advised Vasya Pautinkin to browse the web with a children's browser. What do you think?

    1. Gogul.
    2. Opera.
    3. Google Chrome.

    Gogul is a children's web browser. It can be downloaded from

    13. Vasya Pautinkin learned how to access the Internet in a computer science lesson. How can he access the Internet?

    1. Hyperlinks.
    2. Web pages.
    3. Browser.

    Browser is a web page viewer.

    14. Vasya Pautinkin heard a new word “netiquette” at a computer science lesson. What does it mean?

    1. Rules of etiquette.
    2. Computer rules.
    3. Network etiquette rules.

    Netiquet ( Netiquette ) - (eng. Net - network, Etiquette - etiquette) - moral rules behavior in computer networks.

    Use emoticons when communicating!

    :-) smiling

    :-))) laughing

    :-D laughing happily

    :-| thoughtful, neutral


    :-/ dissatisfied or puzzled

    :-O surprised (mouth open)

    15. Ivan Neizvestny complained to Vasya Pautinkin that letters began to frequently arrive at his e-mail address, many of which are called “spam”. What are these letters?

    1. Ordinary letters, they can be opened and read.
    2. Letters containing important information.
    3. Letters that cannot be opened and read.