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Essay on my career as an economist. Essay “My future profession is an economist.” Where is the best place to study to become an economist?

Who, if not an economist, could have predicted that today we would face a devaluation of the ruble? These masters of numbers and graphs can be classified as people who can predict the future, because economics is the art of juggling numbers and data to predict market trends, as well as reading financial indicators.

What? Where? How many?

Today, the labor market is oversaturated with economists, but the popularity of this profession during the university admission season not only does not decrease, but is also growing rapidly. Every year in Russia, 250 thousand graduates leave the walls of their alma mater, clutching a diploma in their specialty and “Economics”, and they all ask the same question: “Where should I go to work?” In 2013, the country's fatigue with unemployed specialists was alleviated by the Ministry of Education and Science, reducing the number of budget places in economic specialties by 19.8%. To your luck, competition in your job search will decrease slightly.

Let's weigh everything. "Pros and cons"

Analysts from Forbes Russia magazine have identified a paradox in the system: there are too many economists, but not many are suitable to work in large corporations.


  • Compensation. The salary of a novice economist is one and a half times lower than that of a novice engineer or programmer.
  • Health. An economist spends most of his time at the computer and doing calculations. This is a sedentary job that can take a toll on your vision and overall health.
  • Although work is not a wolf, you will have to look for it. Competition in the labor market exceeds demand. It will take more than one year before you become a highly qualified specialist.

It has been proven that the love of money can be mutual

Do you know who Carl Celian Icahn is? In his speech to experienced and not so experienced economists, one of richest people world, whose fortune is estimated at 12.5 billion US dollars, a successful economist, financier, investor, said: “Think for yourself.” Behind this seemingly unremarkable phrase lies a deep meaning and helpful advice for those who are at a crossroads before making a decision. Carl Icahn advises not to succumb to trends and remain “a guy who thinks with his own head,” because, in his opinion, these are the types of employees that corporations have been waiting for - people who are ready to go ahead and have ideas are vital to business.

Money loves peace and quiet

For those who are determined to climb the economic Olympus, psychologists advise maintaining a balance between two works: on oneself and economic achievements. Many people associate economics with money, and its “smell,” as we know, can intoxicate and lead astray.

  • Don't work if it doesn't make you happy
  • A large income is not a guarantee of prosperity. Know how to save, you are an economist!
  • Plan. Alternate painstaking work with communication with friends and loved ones - the most ingenious ideas will come to you in moments of relaxation
  • Take care of your health. Don't overwork yourself - success should be met cheerfully

If you are an economist and until today could not find your place in the sun, then after reading this article, you have come halfway... Follow these simple tips and they will become your life companions success, balance and confidence in the future.

My future profession and its significance for society.

I often think about my future: what will it be like? What business should you dedicate yourself to? After all, there are a lot of interesting and unusual things around us. There are many professions. And one of them is very close to me - the profession of economist. The choice of this profession is based on the fact that I really love mathematics.
My mother has worked in the retail industry all her life. She told me a lot about trade, money circulation, how everything works. I watched her write something and count, and I became interested in following the process. Over time, I became interested in literature on this topic, I wanted to penetrate this structure more and more. I watched financial news, tried to trace the process of development of the country's economy, and monitor monetary indicators.
Economics is a science. It requires deep study. It combines two Greek words “economy” and “law”. The role of “economics” as a science in society is determined by the relationships between people in the process of their practical activities.
It is important to understand that Practical activities or management, included in the orbit of human relations, is aimed at obtaining and using means of subsistence. It is the discipline of how people manage their production and consumption tasks.
The profession of economist arose hundreds of years ago, when the main economic concepts: goods, exchange, money. Over the past centuries, the functions of an economist have changed and expanded significantly.
An economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then evaluates how successful they are and, ultimately, prepares proposals for management to improve production and labor technology.
In general, this profession is multidisciplinary.
For example, works in planning, financial and statistical authorities, in enterprises, institutions and organizations. Solve problems related to planning, organization and analysis economic activity enterprises and institutions, organization of labor of workers in production. Checks the completion of reporting certain species accounting, technical and economic work on planning, logistics, sales, material and labor costs.
The economist carries out operational accounting of work performance and controls settlements with customers, and draws up periodic reporting documents. Analyzes current forms of primary documents and reporting, develops proposals for their improvement. In computer centers, he participates in drawing up projects for the mechanization of counting processing of tasks of various types, in developing standards for material and labor costs, in determining the cost of work and prices for services. Formulates the economic formulation of problems, explores the possibility of using ready-made projects, algorithms and programs for similar problems.
In research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations, collects scientific and technical information, systematizes and summarizes statistical information. Calculates the material and labor costs of ongoing research and determines their economic efficiency.
There are other economic specialties: economists in contract and claims work, logistics, sales, etc.
A professional must have important qualities:
- ability to work hard and hard;
- courage and integrity;
- ability to defend the interests of society;
- mathematical abilities;
- clarity;
- accuracy;
- logical and constructive thinking;
- emotional stability.
A qualified specialist must think “yesterday” about what will happen tomorrow. After all, one of the functions of this profession is analysis. Must do so that the enterprise does not end up at a loss. Avoid the crisis, and if it occurs, then find the right way out of this situation. You need to be confident in yourself and what you are doing. This is a very responsible job. Not for nothing, it took hundreds of years to get to modern stage excellent, highly qualified specialists. Every year this profession is being improved, but we should not forget that in order to become a competent specialist, you must graduate from an economics university. They study there theoretical basis economics, statistics, fundamentals of financial and banking activities. In addition, an economist must have a good knowledge of the specifics of the enterprise in which he will work.
I like to communicate with people. Since childhood, I was very shy, not very talkative, but over time I gained confidence, became more open and courageous. I realized that I need to know a lot and improve my knowledge. To obtain Good work deep and varied knowledge is required. I would like to become a real specialist, and for this I realized that I need to take my studies and work seriously and responsibly.

A profession is a specific specialty that a person chooses at a certain point in life. Important to do right choice, because often there are many wrong decisions that lead to the wrong choice of profession. What is a person's profession? You will need to work for a long time and therefore the place of work and directions must be chosen carefully so that everyday trips are not a burden. In order for the choice to be correct and easiest, it is important to take into account different aspects real life. For a specific decision, I looked through many different books, consulted with my parents, went to websites and checked the relevance and demand for this profession. So, what profession do I choose? I will become an economist in the future.

I can explain and justify my choice, let’s begin.

Firstly, economist is a profession that occupies an important place in modern society, which means it will never disappear, and I will be a sought-after specialist. Secondly, an economist sounds proud. Fashion and the privilege of the profession also occupy an important place in modern world. Thirdly, my field of study at school is mathematics. It has always been much easier for me to solve several equations than to write one essay. I am interested in calculating different algorithms and equations, I will be glad to do this every day at work. For me, economist is a specialty with which I can realize my interests and capabilities. I will enroll in an economics university and hope for a favorable completion of my studies.

Updated: 2018-01-03

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Profession economist

Many enterprise employees are afraid of planning meetings. Not surprising, because the manager usually encourages the staff to work better, more productively, asking everyone one question: “Why is there no profit?” Then, behind the scenes, employees become indignant, because they believe that it is not their responsibility to analyze the movement of funds in the company’s accounts. They are right, because any reputable company must have an economist on staff who will know the answer to the question - where does profit come from and why does it not exist? An economist is a specialist who analyzes the activities of an enterprise as a whole and develops action plans for the future in order to save money somewhere, reduce costs and identify reserves.

Economist is a modern profession. Although the word “economics” itself was coined in Ancient Greece and meant “housekeeping,” that is, housekeeping was subject to economic analysis. Aristotle is considered the first economist, who built theories about the exchange of goods, their value and utility.…

An economist is one of the most significant specialists in an enterprise. No enterprise can operate without a business plan. It is this employee who sets the vector of movement for the joint efforts of all employees. You need to set your priorities and goals correctly in order to get maximum profits with minimal losses.

Employers have the following requirements: specialized education, successful experience in drawing up business plans, the ability to conduct research based on formulas and available data, analytical thinking and knowledge of the 1C program.

The peculiarity of this profession in modern realities is that there is now an oversupply of economists on the labor market. Demand has generated a very large supply, so employers choose not yesterday’s graduates, but specialists with experience. As practice shows, not all graduates are fluent in accounting and tax accounting, and there is no need to talk about the accuracy of forecasts at all.

The specialty “Economist” is available in almost all universities; even those that are indirectly related to the economy. Finance graduates also have a chance to occupy this position.

Essay on the topic “Economist is my dream profession”

The choice of a future profession is very important, so it must be approached with the utmost seriousness. It often happens that many people become disillusioned with their specialty over time and begin to look for themselves in some other field. This choice was also not easy for me, but I was still able to decide. In the future I want to become a highly qualified economist. If I manage to master this profession, then I will fulfill my old dream.

Of course, my choice is quite unusual, since now many people want to become a psychologist or a lawyer, but for me these professions are not attractive. There are many reasons why I like this particular specialty as an economist. First of all, it is very prestigious. By the way, I became aware of economics back in primary school, and then in 5th grade. Even then I really liked solving problems and I was very good at it. So, from that time I began to get involved in economics.

In addition, this profession is closely intertwined with such areas as industry, Agriculture, transport, and trade. Therefore, in the future I will be able to find a decent job.

Everyone knows that such a specialty as economist is also one of the most in demand and highly paid. However, first you need to get higher education. After all, the times when it was possible to build successful career, having only a secondary education, have long passed. Therefore, you should definitely graduate from university. By the way, now in almost all higher institutions This faculty was opened for the reason that this specialty is in great demand.

But at the same time, no matter what profession I decide to master, in any case it is very important to educate myself. Already now I am trying to read the necessary literature that helps me understand all the intricacies of economics. Thanks to this, I like such a popular and prestigious profession even more. In the future, I hope to attend various trainings and seminars, which will also help me a lot.

I believe that when choosing a future specialty, it is very important to be guided by your dream. After all, only in this case will it be possible to make the right choice and in the future you will not have to regret or relearn. I have already decided and believe that economics is the profession of my whole life, so I hope that when I manage to master it, I will achieve career growth, because my choice was made with my heart.
