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Which thermal power plants are subject to the rules? Permission to work in thermal power plants

What's happened permission to work in thermal power plants, how it is drawn up, based on what standards, and who needs it. We will clarify all this in this article.

If you just need to obtain a permit, then you will need a certain number of documents.
We will provide a certificate, a knowledge test log, and, if necessary, a copy of the training center’s license.

You can submit it to all regulatory authorities.

What is a permit to work in thermal power plants?

To clarify this issue, let's first delve into the meaning of some definitions (though, as they say, in detail)

Tolerance- permission to do something (in our case, a document, the presence of which allows one to perform certain actions).

Thermal power plant- technological equipment, directly related (in our case) to the production of heat, and work with it as such.
Taking into account the above, we can say that permission to work in power plants is nothing more than permit document, giving the right to install and maintain the mentioned units.

There are now many offers with prices - from penny (I really don’t recommend using such dubious offers) to astronomical (much depends on greed educational institutions and their agents). Therefore, it is better to look at the price last. It is better to check from the beginning the professionalism of the offer (how and what the operator answers), how many years the offers have existed on the market (so as not to run into a one-time, so to speak, “left-handed” offer). If our offer doesn’t suit you, then send us the one you like by email and we’ll look into it together.

Sample permit for work in thermal power plants

The exact sample of permits for workers to work in thermal power plants is regulated by PTETE Appendix 2 (also the journal Appendix 3), therefore deviations from the norms are not allowed.

This is how it looks in the Application itself:

The main pages are 1, 2 and 3. This is where information about the owner is written, as well as about the organization in which he conducts his professional activities.

  • On the first page, write down the ID number (must correspond to the number in the journal register), the name of the sending organization, and the position held

  • The second page is what work is allowed, assigned personnel, date of issue, signature of the manager or responsible person, seal of the owner’s organization.

  • On the third - the results of testing the employee’s knowledge (date of testing, reason, assessment, date of the next test, signature and seal of the inspector).

  • The fourth page is reserved for the certificate of the right to carry out special work.

And this is what a certificate with permission to work in thermal power plants looks like:
1 and 2 pages

3 and 4 pages

Let me remind you once again - the sample is strictly regulated and cannot be changed

Summary: permission to work in thermal power plants is nothing more than permission to install, repair and maintain power plants that produce heat. It is prescribed in a specially established certificate Appendix 2. The permit is divided into personnel depending on the work performed and the position held. Certification is supervised. Renewable annually (renewal daily). The head of the enterprise, as well as his assistants responsible for thermal power plants at the enterprise.

The water began to rustle in the bathroom. After waiting a minute, Larisa rushed to his bag and jacket. Here's the mobile phone. The list of outgoing calls... is empty. SMS – received and sent. Empty. Dialed numbers. Empty. Larisa put the phone back in the pocket of his jacket and began sniffing things, sucking in air through her nose. Sniff, sniff, sniff.

It seemed to her that among the smell of tobacco and dust she managed to catch something floral.


No, it seemed.

Larisa sniffed the scarf, then her gaze fell on the shoes. She quickly knelt down, stuck her nose into her shoe and sniffed the air.

Nu-yu-yuh... phew!

Larisa’s breath caught in her throat, she coughed, and her eyes became as surprised as Santa Claus’s eyes are if you tell him that he doesn’t exist. The door creaked behind me. Steam burst out.

- Expensive! – her boyfriend exclaimed behind Larisa’s back. - Sorry for not admitting it right away!

Larisa stood up and looked at him with intense eyes.

- Yes, I joined... well, in general... you already noticed, right? There are dogs all around, everywhere. I tried to clean it off on the grass, but it didn't work. Does it stink a lot?

“Yeah,” Larisa nodded, “strongly.”

Now the kitchen also stank of burnt pancakes.

Inna Sergeevna stood on the threshold of the store entrusted to her. There were twenty minutes left before opening. It was December, Inna’s hands and cheeks were tingling with frost, tan-colored nylon tights tightly hugged her slender legs, high heels rested on the porch, a strict business suit emphasized her thin figure. A Mercedes slowed down in front of the store, followed by a car with security.

Good morning“, - said Marina, approaching Inna Sergeevna.

Inna Sergeevna was once again surprised how Marina managed to combine politeness and friendliness with amazing self-confidence. No matter how much she trained, no matter how much she tried to develop the same style in herself - politeness and warmth combined with strength, nothing worked for her. If Inna Sergeevna tried to behave politely, she slipped into ingratiation. If I tried to act authoritative, I ended up being cold. Marina behaved like a hostess. But that's what she was. Ups, defeats, bankruptcies, money, lack of money, responsibility for the people who worked for her, made Marina what she was.

“Good morning,” answered Inna Sergeevna.

Marina, who proudly carried her rounded belly, did not react in any way to the coldness in Inna Sergeevna’s voice. Her husband got out of the car. Short, with a bald head and a large nose, he was half a head shorter than his wife. When Inna Sergeevna's gaze focused on Dima, she involuntarily sucked in her stomach and put her bust forward. The store was already lined up with Artyom in a uniform that cracked on his broad shoulders, Polina Ulyanovna, on whose chest there was a Communist Party badge, Tanya, hung with piers, and Larisa, flapping her round eyes and hastily finishing a bun. Aigul was dressed in a modest gray dress. Misha washed and shaved in the shower at the station. Everything was ready for opening.

Two weeks later, Marina sat with her face buried in papers.

“The shortage,” said Marina, “is already several sets of linen.” White, black, green, leopard and lilac-sand-peach.

Dima thought about it.

“Black, probably nothing,” he said. - But you don’t need leopard print.

“You’re not thinking about that,” said Marina. “Someone stole five sets of underwear from under the noses of the girls and Artyom.” For two weeks. Each set is under two hundred dollars. And lilac-sand-peach is almost three hundred.

“It’s inevitable,” said Dima. – Take this philosophically. Let's have dinner and go to bed. I'm kind of tired today. I had important negotiations, one hundred million each contract. Lilac-sand-peach... Maybe we should buy some peaches for dinner?

He yawned. Marina continued to press buttons on the calculator.

“Dear,” Dima said, taking the calculator from her and turning off the light, “in any store, the cost of what is stolen in a month is about five percent of the profit.” It's unavoidable. Now go to bed.

“Hello, Dmitry Nikolaevich,” said a woman’s voice on the phone, “I am the director of your wife’s store, Inna Sergeevna.” I understand that Marina Vladimirovna decides all operational issues about the store, but I would like to talk with you as the main investor.

- What do you want to talk about? – Dima asked.

“I don’t want to burden Marina Vladimirovna in her position,” said Inna Sergeevna, “moreover, I would not like to tell Marina Vladimirovna any negative information.” I understand that this store is a toy for my beloved wife. And the toy should bring exclusively positive emotions.

- What is the problem? – Dima asked.

Larisa's young man walked ahead. Larisa maneuvered among the stream of passers-by, gnawing nuts from a bag. She waited for almost forty minutes in the shade of a tree for him to come out of work, and now she was following him along the street to the metro. He lit a cigarette, then threw away the bull.

“He’s going to see some mythical friend again,” thought Larisa. “I don’t believe in this even once. But I have no evidence. What if I’m wrong.”

For a second, Larisa’s young man was hidden by the wide backs of men in orange vests. Larisa jumped, opened her round eyes wider to see him, and ran forward. A second later, something wrapped around her waist.

“Oh,” said Larisa.

The right leg hung in the void.

With a whistle and a scream, the girl fell into a freshly dug hole, slammed to the bottom and fell silent. After a second pause, screams in different languages, obscenities and another frequently repeated word were heard all around, which was directly related to her, Larisa’s, mental abilities. A dozen faces appeared over the edges of the pit - alarmed, frightened and annoyed.

He jumped into the hole, pushed the girl onto the sidewalk and shook her off.

“Grandma, well, enough about communism,” said Polina Ulyanovna’s granddaughter. - Well, what kind of communism, there is no communism. Because if everything is free, everyone will grab beyond measure, whoever grabs how much. Don’t you know about the cases of people filling their pantries and rooms with packages of cereals that they couldn’t eat for a hundred years? And then bugs got there, and everything had to be thrown away. And the closets filled to the brim with toilet paper, which was sold with coupons? What about salt? A person will drag and drag everything into the house, hiding junk in the corners, like a hamster hiding nuts in its cheeks.

“It’s all about education,” Polina Ulyanovna disagreed, “Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov thinks...

– The thesis “from each according to his ability” is no better. This means that people will work just like that, out of enthusiasm. Because they are interested. But in reality, everyone will immediately lie down in front of the TV and gnaw on free seeds. There will be a country of sofa drones.

“Not everyone,” said Polina Ulyanovna, “so I won’t go to bed.” And I won't bite. Will you be?

“I don’t know,” said the granddaughter, after thinking, “I’m not sure about myself.”

“Thank you, Dmitry Nikolaevich,” said Inna Sergeevna, sitting down on the chair offered to her, “I won’t take up much of your time.”

Her jacket was buttoned up with all the buttons, her skirt was just below the knee, and in general she resembled a person in a case. A sheath, which, as Inna Sergeevna knew, sometimes excites the imagination more than a bikini.

Dima raised his eyes, looking up from the thick report.

“Come on,” he said, getting up, “I’ll introduce you to whoever you need, and you’ll discuss all the details there.” Do you want to run a print media campaign?

By the age of forty, she also knew how much could be said in one movement without uttering words, and she stood up quickly and easily, not awkwardly, not clumsily, but in full display of good physical fitness. Then she followed Dima, staying a little closer than etiquette dictated. All these nonverbal little things mattered.

The Lenin monument hummed from the wind at night. This roar was reminiscent of the whistling of wind in sails. Misha lay curled up on an old matting and tried to sleep. He couldn’t fall asleep; a series of heavy thoughts swarmed in his head, not allowing him to switch off. How did he get into this situation? Will he have the strength to overcome everything? To jerk, you need strength, you need energy, the ball must jump in order to jump to another place or at least roll. The fate of deflated balls is sad.

Misha reminded himself of a deflated ball. He had a toothache. In prison he lost almost all his teeth. The memory of the fight for his good name, which he lost, resonated with pain not only in the tooth, but also in the head.

Misha was not afraid of pain. In the prison, on the next bunk, there lived an old man who told Misha what to do if something hurts.

“Imagine that the sore spot is enveloped in a blue glow,” the old man said. “You have to see it, this light.” For example, let's take a tooth that hurts. Surround him with light, imagine how he shines from the inside, as if he is in a cocoon...

Answers to questions about tickets

1. What rules must be followed when operating electrical equipment of thermal power plants?

Electrical Installation Rules;

Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers;

Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations;

2. Who is responsible for providing fire safety premises and equipment of thermal power plants, as well as for the availability and good condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment?

For the head of the organization

3. How often should external inspections of chimneys and flues be carried out?

Once a year in the spring

4. What should be the maximum temperature of fuel oil in receiving tanks and tanks?

15°C below the fuel flash point, but not higher than 90°C

5. How often are water level indicators checked by blowing and the readings of reduced water level indicators are verified?

At least once per shift

6. Who issues permission to connect heating networks and heat consumption systems after installation and reconstruction?

Energy Supervision Department of Rostekhnadzor

7. What test pressure is used to test the strength and density of hot water supply systems?

Pressure equal to the operating pressure in the system, plus 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2), but not more than 1 MPa (10 kgf/cm2)

8. How many days before conducting a test fire before the start of the heating period must the heat supply organization notify consumers about this?

In three days

9. In what case can equipment that is under the operational control or operational control of superior operational dispatch personnel be taken out of operation without the permission of this personnel?

Only if there is a clear danger to people and equipment

10. Which document regulates the work on the equipment of thermal power plants and heating networks?

11. What are the personal responsibility of the heads of the organization operating thermal power plants and heating networks?

For violations that occurred at the enterprises they manage, as well as as a result of unsatisfactory organization of repairs and failure to implement organizational and technical preventive measures

12. Who approves new or reconstructed thermal power plants for operation?


13. When is the serviceability of the pipe lighting fixtures monitored?

Every day when the lights are turned on

14. Who carries out shift monitoring of the condition of ash collectors and their systems?

Operating personnel

15. Is it possible to operate a heat pump with faulty shutdown protections?

Not allowed

16. At what speed should heating of network water be carried out when circulation is established?

No more than 30°C per hour

17. What shut-off valves are used as shut-off valves at the input of heating networks to a heating point?


18. When does the heating season end?

If for five days the average daily outside air temperature is +8°C or higher

19. Who approves the list of complex switchings in thermal circuits of boiler houses and heating networks?

Technical manager of the organization

20. Which of the following are organizational measures that ensure the safety of work during equipment repair?

Registration of work by work order or order, permission to work, supervision during work, registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, end of work

21. What administrative fine can legal entities be subject to for commissioning thermal power plants without permission from the relevant authorities?

From ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days

22. Which of the organization’s specialists can be appointed responsible for the good condition and safe operation thermal power plants?

A specialist from among the management personnel or a specialist with a special heat and power education after testing knowledge of the relevant rules and instructions

23. How often should an internal inspection of the chimney and flue be carried out with all connected boilers turned off?

5 years after commissioning and subsequently at least once every 10 years

24. How should fuel be supplied to boiler rooms?


25. What thickness should the thermal insulation of the supply pipelines of hot water supply systems be, with the exception of connections to water taps?

Not less than 10 mm

26. Which of the listed measures are not included in the set of measures in preparation for the heating season to ensure reliable heat supply to consumers?

27. How often are standard switching programs reviewed?

At least once every three years, as well as after commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, taking into account changes in technological schemes and technological protection and automation schemes

28. Who has the right to issue work orders for work at thermal power plants?

Specialists of the workshop (site) in charge of the equipment, who have passed the knowledge test, are allowed to work independently and are included in the list of workers who have the right to issue work orders

29. What organ executive power carries out technical control and supervision in the electric power industry?

Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

30. Who carries out the acceptance of thermal power plants from overhaul?

Working commission appointed by the administrative document for the organization

31. In accordance with the requirements of what regulatory and technical documents should the operation of industrial chimneys and ventilation pipes be carried out?

In accordance with the Safety Rules for industrial chimneys and ventilation pipes (PB 03-445-02)

32. What should be the oxygen content in gas pipelines after purging?

No more than 1%

33. How often should hydraulic tests of boilers be carried out?

At least once every three years

34. From what material should the fittings be installed at the outlets of heating networks from heat sources?

35. What document should be drawn up for each heating point?

Technical certificate

36. Where should heat supply organizations approve a schedule of restrictions on the supply of thermal energy in the event of taking urgent measures to prevent or eliminate accidents in the heat supply system?

In the local executive authority

37. In accordance with what document are tests of thermal power plants carried out, as a result of which the power supply mode can significantly change?

In accordance with the working test program

38. What are the requirements for the design of outfits?

The work order is issued in two copies. In both copies, the entries must be clear and concise. Corrections and crossing out of written text are prohibited

39. Which Federal Law establishes the basic rights and obligations of electric power industry entities when carrying out activities in the electric power industry and consumers of electric and thermal energy?

40. Under what conditions is thermal power plants put into operation?

After thermal power plants are allowed into operation

41. What documents determine the territory for the location of industrial buildings and thermal power plant structures?

The design and passport of a thermal power plant

42. How often should an inventory be taken of the amount of fuel received at the warehouse and consumed by the boiler room?

3. At least once a quarter

43. What is the minimum holding time under test pressure during hydraulic testing of the boiler?

44. How often should hydraulic modes of water heating networks be developed for the heating and summer periods?


45. How often should the internal parts of ventilation system air ducts be cleaned?

At least 2 times a year, unless operating conditions require more frequent cleaning

46. ​​Where should cases of untreated water supply to feed the heating network be noted?

In the operational log

47. What operational states can thermal power plants put into operation be in?

In operation, reserve, repair or conservation

48. How long should closed outfits be stored?

49. Which thermal power plants are not covered by the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants?

50. How long does it take to carry out comprehensive testing of thermal power plant equipment?

Within 72 hours

51. How often are mandatory inspections of buildings and structures of thermal power plants and heating networks carried out?

2 times a year, in spring and autumn

52. How often should scheduled repairs of gas equipment be carried out?

At least once a year

53. How often is it necessary to carry out an internal inspection of deaerator systems?


54. What is the total duration of interruptions during the year for electrochemical protection installations?

No more than 7 days

55. When is heating systems flushed?

After the end of the heating season, as well as after installation, major repairs and routine repairs with replacement of pipes

56. Who controls the quality of source, make-up and network water in heat supply systems?

57. What should operational dispatch personnel do if they receive an erroneous order from superior operational dispatch personnel?

Report the error to the person who gave such an order, if the task is confirmed, carry it out and make an entry in the operational log

58. Who should check the preparation of workplaces when the team is allowed to work according to the order?

The work manager and the work performer together with the permitting person

59. Which executive body is the body of state energy supervision?

Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

60. What is not included required forms working with management personnel and specialists during the operation of thermal power plants?


61. How many days before the start of the heating season is a partial inspection carried out of those parts of buildings and structures for which deficiencies in repair work were identified during the general autumn inspection?

In fifteen days

62. How often should the route of underground gas pipelines located on the territory of the boiler house be inspected?

63. Who gives instructions for commissioning after installation or reconstruction of technological protections that act to shut down equipment?

64. In what cases is it allowed to connect new consumers to heating networks?

Only if the heat source has power reserve and reserve bandwidth heating mains

65. Within what limits is the deviation of the average daily temperature of water entering the heating and hot water supply system allowed?

Within 3% of the set temperature schedule

66. With whom should the schedule for turning on and off heat consumption systems be agreed upon?

From energy supply organizations

67. In what case does an organization organize 24-hour dispatch control?

When operating heat supply and heat consumption systems with a capacity of 10 Gcal/hour or more, as well as if the organization carries out production activities for the production, transmission

68. What is the minimum allowable number of team members and what is the minimum allowable number of students that can be included in the team?

When working on a work order, the team must consist of at least 2 people, including the work foreman, who is not indicated in the work order lines “with team members.” It is allowed to include in the team for each of its main members one trainee or student, or a newly hired worker undergoing practical training, without testing their knowledge of the requirements of safety rules

69. How is the division of responsibility for the operation of thermal power plants determined between the organization - consumer of thermal energy and the energy supplying organization?

Based on the energy supply agreement

70. How often should an organization carry out operational testing and commissioning work to develop operational maps and standard operating characteristics of heat supply system elements?

At least once every five years

71. In boiler houses with what power is it necessary to monitor the groundwater level?

72. How often should the alarm be checked and the instrument readings correct?

According to the approved schedule, but at least once a week

73. What data is not indicated on the plate of pumps used to supply water to boilers?

Name of the design organization

74. How often should heating networks be tested for maximum coolant temperature?

Once every five years

75. What is the permissible rate of hourly coolant leakage from heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems?

Should not exceed the norm, which is 0.25% of the volume of water

76. When does the heating season begin?

77. To whom, first of all, is the operating personnel of a thermal energy source obliged to report a forced deviation from the load schedule?

Heat network manager

78. How is a break from work during the working day formalized?

The work is carried out by the manufacturer alone with the obligatory execution of a new work order.

When there is a break in work during the working day (for lunch, according to the conditions of work), the team is removed from the workplace and the work order remains with the work producer. The admission of the team after such a break is carried out by the work foreman alone without registration in the work order.

79. Who according to Federal law dated March 26, 2003 N35-FZ "On Electric Power Industry" is a consumer of thermal energy?

Persons purchasing thermal energy for their own household and (or) production needs

80. Which of the following is not indicated in job description staff?

The procedure for preparing for start-up, start-up, shutdown during operation and when eliminating operational irregularities

81. What storage period is provided for as-built master plans of underground structures and communications on the territory of the organization?


82. What is not allowed to be done to prevent spontaneous combustion of coal?

4. To prevent spontaneous combustion of stone, it is necessary to observe all the listed prohibitions

83. What should be the minimum test pressure during hydraulic testing of pipelines?

1.25 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa (2 kgf/cm2)

84. How are preliminary and acceptance tests of heating network pipelines carried out?

Water, in some cases pneumatically

85. What kind of lighting should the supply chambers of ventilation systems have?


86. How often should water treatment equipment be inspected and adjusted?

Periodically, at least once every 3 years

87. How do operational personnel carry out the acceptance and delivery of shifts during the elimination of technological violations?

Acceptance and delivery of shifts during the elimination of technological violations is not allowed

88. How are changes in the composition of the team formalized?

A change in the composition of the team is drawn up in both copies of the work order by the work manager

89. What should an employee do if he notices a malfunction in the electrical installation or protective equipment?

Immediately report this to your immediate supervisor, or, in his absence, to your superior manager.

90. How are instruments for measuring pressure selected?

The maximum operating pressure measured by the device must be within 2/3 of the scale maximum at constant load, and 1/2 of the scale maximum at variable load. The upper limit of the scale of self-recording pressure gauges must correspond to one and a half times the working pressure of the medium being measured

91. Who in the organization approves the schedule of preventive maintenance of boiler room buildings and structures?

Head of the organization

92. How often is a selective inspection of fittings carried out?

At least once every four years

93. How often are operational testing of boilers operating on gaseous fuel carried out?

At least once every three years

94. What kind of water is used to recharge the heating network?

Softened deaerated water

95. How often should inspections of supply ventilation system equipment be carried out?

At least once a week

96. At what time are preparation schedules for the upcoming heating season being developed?

Before the end of the current heating season, but no later than May of the current year

97. In what case is an extraordinary knowledge test not carried out?

If there is a break in work in this position for more than 3 months

98. What is not indicated in the documents for the supply of liquid fuel?


99. Where are the results of technical examination of heat pumps entered?

In the pump passport

100. How often should thermal chambers be inspected during the heating season?

At least once a month

101. Why is a red line applied to the pressure gauge scale of a heat-consuming installation?

It shows the amount of allowed pressure

102. When does the heating season begin?

If for five days the average daily outside air temperature is +8°C or lower

103. In accordance with what document are tests of thermal power plants carried out, as a result of which the power supply mode can significantly change?

104. Which of the following does not apply to the responsibilities of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants?

Preparation of documents regulating the relationship between producers and consumers of thermal energy and coolant

105. How often are routine inspections of buildings and structures with a service life of up to 15 years carried out for boiler houses with an installed capacity of less than 10 Gcal/hour?

Allowed once a year

106. How often should bins, when using wet fuel, be completely emptied for inspection and cleaning?

107. How often are operational testing of boilers operating on solid and liquid fuels carried out?

At least once every five years

108. How often should inspections of heating pipelines and heating points be carried out during the heating season?

At least once a week

109. What should be the temperature of the surface of thermal insulation of heat-consuming installations?

It should not exceed 45°C at an ambient temperature of 25°C

110. In what case can equipment that is under the operational control or operational control of superior operational dispatch personnel be taken out of operation without the permission of this personnel?

Only if there is a clear danger to people and equipment

111. What are the personal responsibility of the managers of an organization operating thermal power plants and heating networks?

For violations that occurred at the enterprises they manage, as well as as a result of unsatisfactory organization of repairs and failure to implement organizational and technical preventive measures

112. During what break in work in their specialty is it necessary for personnel involved in the operation of thermal power plants to undergo retraining?

Over 6 months

113. Who in the organization approves the schedule for preventive maintenance of boiler room buildings and structures?

Head of the organization

114. What should be the maximum value of gas pressure fluctuation in the gas pipeline of the boiler room?

Not higher than the value specified in local instructions, but not higher than 10% of working pressure

115. Who is given the right to remove seals from protection equipment that has devices for changing settings?

Only for workers servicing the protective device

116. What standard value should the coolant leakage not exceed during the operation of heating networks?

0.25% of the average annual volume of water in the heating network and heat consumption systems connected to it per hour

117. What information is not indicated on the plate of a heat-consuming power plant operating under pressure after its installation and registration?

FULL NAME. and the position of responsible for the good condition and safe operation of heat-consuming power plants

118. Which of the following are organizational measures that ensure the safety of work during equipment repair?

119. What Federal Law establishes the basic rights and obligations of electric power industry entities when carrying out activities in the electric power industry and consumers of electric and thermal energy?

Federal Law "On Electric Power Industry"

120. How often are operational managers tested during control emergency training?

At least once every three months

121. What is the storage period for as-built master plans of underground structures and communications on the territory of the organization?


122. What data is not indicated on the safety valve plate?

Commissioning date

123. Which valves and shutters on heating networks are equipped with an electric drive?

Diameter 500 mm or more

124. How often should the sealing gaskets of flange connections of heating systems be replaced?

At least once every five years

125. Who controls the quality of source, make-up and network water in heat supply systems?

Chemical laboratory or special structural unit organizations

126. Which document regulates the work on the equipment of thermal power plants and heating networks?

Written order or oral order

127. Who, in accordance with the Federal Law of March 26, 2003 N35-FZ “On Electric Power Industry,” is a consumer of thermal energy?

Persons purchasing thermal energy for their own household and (or) production needs

128. How is permission for personnel to work independently at thermal power plants obtained?

An administrative document of the head of the organization or structural unit after completing the necessary instructions on labor safety, training (internship) and testing of knowledge, duplication to the extent of the requirements of the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants and the absence of medical contraindications when performing work

129. What size should crushed pieces of coal and shale be before feeding into the boiler room?

Maximum 25 mm

130. In which of the following cases is the boiler not subject to immediate shutdown and shutdown?

If the pressure in the boiler drum has risen above the permitted value by 5% and does not increase further

131. How often should they be carried out? technical inspections cathode and drainage installations for electrochemical protection of heating networks?

2 times a month and 4 times a month respectively

132. What kind of water is used for flushing heating systems?

Tap or process water

133. How many days before conducting a test fire before the start of the heating period must the heat supply organization notify consumers about this?

In three days

134. How often are standard switching programs reviewed?

At least once every three years, as well as after commissioning, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, taking into account changes in technological schemes and technological protection and automation schemes

135. How are changes in the composition of the team formalized?

A change in the composition of the team is drawn up in both copies of the work order by the work manager

136. Who approves schedules for testing the knowledge of personnel operating thermal power plants?

Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants

137. In boiler houses with what power is it necessary to monitor the groundwater level?

In boiler houses with an installed capacity of 10 or more Gcal/hour

138. How is the tightness of connections of a gas pipeline and the fittings installed on it checked?

By external signs gas leaks (by smell, sound) using soap emulsion

139. In what case is it permissible to use one hand pump to feed hot water boilers?

If their operating pressure is no more than 0.4 MPa (4 kgf/cm2) and the total heating surface is no more than 50 m2

140. How often should training be conducted with operating personnel on emergency switching schemes between highways?

According to schedule, but at least once a quarter

141. Is it allowed to lay pipes with flammable and combustible liquids and gases through the ventilation equipment room?

Not allowed under any circumstances

142. Which of the listed measures are not included in the set of measures in preparation for the heating season to ensure reliable heat supply to consumers?

Increasing tariffs for consumers for heat and energy supply

143. Where should thermal power plant diagrams be stored?

At the service personnel's workplace

144. When is the serviceability of the pipe lighting fixtures monitored?

Every day when the lights are turned on

145. How often is external inspection of fuel oil pipelines and fittings carried out?

At least once a year

146. What temperature should the water used for hydraulic tests of steam and hot water boilers have?

Not lower than 5 and not higher than 40°C

147. How often should changes be made to plans, diagrams, profiles of heating mains?

Annually in accordance with the actual condition of heating networks

148. In what case are extraordinary tests for the strength and density of heat-consuming power plants carried out?

In all of the above cases

149. For what period is a work order issued?

The order is of a one-time nature, its validity period is determined by the length of the executors’ working day

150. What administrative punishment can be imposed on legal entities for violation of the rules of operation of thermal power plants?

Imposition of an administrative fine from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days

151. What will happen to the permit to allow a power plant into operation if within three months the power plant is not technologically connected to the networks?

Nothing, the permit is valid for six months from the date of its receipt

152. How often is the operation of safety valves checked by briefly “exploding” them?

Each time the boiler is put into operation and periodically once a week

153. On which heating networks should valves and gates have bypass pipelines (bypasses) with shut-off valves?

On water heating networks with a diameter of 500 mm or more at a nominal pressure of 1.6 MPa (16 kgf/cm2) or more

154. What fittings can be used as shut-off valves with DN up to 50 mm in hot water supply systems?

Any of the above

155. Where should heat supply organizations approve a schedule of restrictions on the supply of thermal energy in the event of taking urgent measures to prevent or eliminate accidents in the heat supply system?

In the local executive authority.

156. How are the fittings on the supply pipeline and the corresponding fittings on the return pipeline designated?

Odd and even numbers respectively

157. How often should management personnel and specialists of the organization conduct inspections of heating points?

At least once a week

158. What rules must be followed when operating electrical equipment of thermal power plants?

All of the above rules

159. For how long should records of recording instrument readings be kept?

At least two months

160. What water level should be maintained in the boiler?

Established by the manufacturer and adjusted based on commissioning tests

161. What should be equipped with heating network to control coolant parameters?

All listed selected devices

162. How often should inspections be carried out on the distribution pipelines of heating systems located in basements?

At least once a month

163. Which of the following are organizational measures that ensure the safety of work during equipment repair?

Registration of work by work order or order, permission to work, supervision during work, registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, end of work

164. Which of the following is not included in necessary documentation during the operation of thermal power plants?

Copies of conclusions on the absence of medical contraindications for workers to perform work related to the operation of thermal power plants

165. Who in the organization approves the schedule of preventive maintenance of boiler room buildings and structures?

Head of the organization

166. Under what conditions is it permissible to drain water from a stopped steam boiler with natural circulation?

167. What temperature should the water be when filling the pipelines of heating networks?

Not higher than 70oC

168. What temperature of hot water must be maintained at water points for centralized hot water supply systems in open heating systems?

Not lower than 60°C and not higher than 75°C

169. In accordance with what document are tests of thermal power plants carried out, as a result of which the power supply mode can significantly change?

In accordance with Work program tests

170. How often should the operating instructions for a thermal power plant be reviewed?

At least once every two years

171. What documents determine the territory for the location of industrial buildings and thermal power plant structures?

The design and passport of a thermal power plant

172. How often should the route of underground gas pipelines located on the territory of the boiler house be inspected?

At least once every two days

173. Where should the operating schedules for boilers be located?

On control panels

174. How long should the emergency supply of consumables used by operational personnel to eliminate damage to heating networks be replenished?

In 24 hours

175. Which heat-consuming power installations must undergo additional examinations in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions?

All listed heat-consuming power plants

176. Who approves the list of complex switchings in thermal circuits of boiler houses and heating networks?

Technical manager of the organization

177. Which of the following is not indicated in the operating instructions for a thermal power plant?

List of instructions and other regulatory and technical documentation, installation diagrams, knowledge of which is mandatory for the employee

178. How should the ends of conveyor belts be connected in case of repair?

By gluing and vulcanization

179. Under what conditions is it permissible to drain water from a stopped steam boiler with natural circulation?

After reducing the pressure in it to atmospheric

180.What is the maximum deviation from the set mode at the heat source allowed for the temperature of the water entering the heating network?

181. Is it possible to collect network water from closed heating systems?

Disposal of network water is not allowed

182. How long should closed outfits be stored?

Within 30 days, work orders for hazardous gas work within 1 year from the date of issue

183. Who conducts periodic inspections thermal power plants?

Persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants

184. What nominal diameter should the shut-off valves of fittings installed at the lowest points of water and condensate pipelines have?

Not less than 25 mm

185. How often should repeated training on occupational safety be carried out for personnel servicing thermal power plants?

At least once every six months

186. What is not allowed to be done to prevent spontaneous combustion of coal?

To prevent spontaneous combustion of stone, it is necessary to observe all the listed prohibitions.

187. What data is not indicated on the safety valve plate?

Commissioning date

188. How often should technical inspections be carried out to check the effectiveness of electrochemical protection installations for heating networks?

Once every 6 months

189. What are the requirements for pipelines laid in basements and other unheated rooms?

They must be equipped with thermal insulation

190. What is the minimum duration of duplication after knowledge testing established for operational managers of thermal power plants?

191. How often should bins, when using wet fuel, be completely emptied for inspection and cleaning?

According to schedule, but at least once every 10 days

192. Who gives instructions for commissioning after installation or reconstruction of technological protections that act to shut down equipment?

Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants

193. Is it possible to use shut-off valves as control valves?

3.Not allowed under any circumstances

194. What is the frequency and timing of routine repairs of heat consumption systems?

At least once a year (in summer), must end no later than 15 days before the start of the heating season

From ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days

195. In what case can responsibility for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants be assigned to an employee who does not have a thermal power education?

When consuming thermal energy only for heating, ventilation and hot water supply

196. In what case is it allowed to use non-metallic pipes for pipelines of heating networks and heating points?

At a water temperature of 115°C and below at a pressure up to 1.6 MPa inclusive

197. How often should the outer surfaces of heating devices be cleaned from dust and dirt?

At least once a week

198. Who carries out maintenance and repair of instruments for measuring thermal technical parameters of thermal power plants?

Personnel of the unit performing the functions of the organization’s metrological service

199. Who issues permission to turn on or off heating points and heat consumption systems?

Dispatcher of an energy supply organization

200. Which thermal power plants are not covered by the Rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants?

For thermal power plants of thermal power plants

201. Who approves the procedure for organizing and conducting walk-throughs and inspections of workplaces?

4. Head of the organization

202. Which heating system is equipped with devices for automatically regulating the flow of thermal energy and coolant?

A system with a calculated heat consumption for space heating of 50 kW or more

203. In what case is an extraordinary inspection of thermal power plants carried out?

In any of the above cases

204. How often are routine inspections of buildings and structures with a service life of up to 15 years carried out for boiler houses with an installed capacity of less than 10 Gcal/hour?

Allowed once a year

205. What surface should drainage equipment platforms have?

They must have a concrete surface

206. When systems are tested air heating and supply ventilation to determine the operating efficiency of installations and compliance with their passport and design data?

Before acceptance into operation after installation, reconstruction, as well as during operation if the microclimate deteriorates, but at least once every 2 years

207. In what case does an organization organize 24-hour dispatch control?

When operating heat supply and heat consumption systems with a capacity of 10 Gcal/hour or more, as well as if the organization carries out production activities for the production, transmission






2) Over 6 months


3) Duplication


2) From 2 to 14 shifts










4) 12 shifts








4) Head of the organization


1) Rostechnadzor

2. connected to networks?



3) Within 72 hours


1) In 24 hours




3) At least once every three years






1) Head of the organization






3) At least once every three years














2) At least two months


2) For the head of the organization


136. How often should management personnel and specialists of the organization conduct inspections of heating points?

2) At least once a week

137. Who issues permission to turn on or turn off heating points and heat consumption systems?

2) Dispatcher of an energy supply organization

138. Within what limits is the deviation of the average daily temperature of water entering the heating and hot water supply system allowed?

1) Within ±3% of the set temperature schedule

139. What is the permissible rate of hourly coolant leakage from heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems?

1) Should not exceed the norm, which is 0.25% of the volume of water

140. When should heating systems be flushed?

2) After the end of the heating season, as well as after installation, major repairs and routine repairs with replacement of pipes

141. What kind of water is used to flush heating systems?

2) Tap or process water

142. What test pressure is used to test the strength and density of hot water supply systems?

1) Pressure equal to the working pressure in the system, plus 0.5 MPa (5 kgf/cm2), but not more than 1 MPa (10 kgf/cm2)

143. What is the frequency and timing of routine repairs of heat consumption systems?

3) At least once a year (in summer), must end no later than 15 days before the start of the heating season

144. Which heating system is equipped with devices for automatically regulating the flow of thermal energy and coolant?

3) A system with a calculated heat consumption for space heating of 50 kW or more

145. What are the requirements for pipelines laid in basements and other unheated rooms?

2) They must be equipped with thermal insulation

146. How often should inspections of distribution pipelines of heating systems located in basements be carried out?

2) At least once a month

147. How often should the outer surfaces of heating devices be cleaned of dust and dirt?

3) At least once a week

148. How often should the sealing gaskets of flange connections of heating systems be replaced?

4) At least once every five years

149. What kind of lighting should the supply chambers of ventilation systems have?

2) Artificial

150. Is it permissible to lay pipes containing flammable and combustible liquids and gases through the ventilation equipment room?

3) Not allowed under any circumstances

151. When are air heating and supply ventilation systems tested to determine the efficiency of the installations and their compliance with their passport and design data?

1) Before acceptance into operation after installation, reconstruction, as well as during operation if the microclimate deteriorates, but at least once every 2 years

152. How often should inspections of supply ventilation system equipment be carried out?

1) At least once a week

153. How often should the internal parts of ventilation system air ducts be cleaned?

1) At least 2 times a year, unless operating conditions require more frequent cleaning

154. What thickness should the thermal insulation of the supply pipelines of hot water supply systems be, with the exception of connections to water taps?

4) Not less than 10 mm

155. Which fittings can be used as shut-off valves with Dy up to 50 mm in hot water supply systems?

5) Any of the above

156. What temperature of hot water must be maintained at water points for centralized hot water supply systems in open heating systems?

4) Not lower than 60 °C and not higher than 75 °C

157. Is it possible to analyze network water from closed heating systems?

3) Disposal of network water is not allowed

Topic 8. Preparation for the heating season. Water treatment(page 134)

158. Which of the following activities are not included in the set of measures in preparation for the heating season to ensure reliable heat supply to consumers?

4) Increasing tariffs for consumers for heat and energy supply

159. At what time are preparation schedules for the upcoming heating season being developed?

3) Before the end of the current heating season, but no later than May of the current year

160. Where should heat supply organizations approve a schedule for limiting the supply of thermal energy in the event of taking urgent measures to prevent or eliminate accidents in the heat supply system?

1) In the local executive authority

161. How many days before conducting a test fire before the start of the heating period must the heat supply organization notify consumers about this?

2) In three days

162. When does the heating season start?

2) If for five days the average daily outside air temperature is +8 °C or lower

163. When does the heating season end?

2) If for five days the average daily outside air temperature is +8 °C or higher

164. With whom should the schedule for turning on and off heat consumption systems be agreed upon?

3)With local executive authority

165. Who controls the quality of source, make-up and network water in heat supply systems?

3)Chemical laboratory or special structural unit of the organization

166. How often should water treatment equipment be inspected and adjusted?

2)Periodically, at least once every 3 years

167. Where should cases of supply of untreated water to feed the heating network be noted?

2)In the operational log

Topic 2. Organization of operation of thermal power plants

14. Which of the organization’s specialists can be appointed responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants?

2) A specialist from among the management personnel or a specialist with a special heat and power education after testing knowledge of the relevant rules and instructions

15. In what case can responsibility for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants be assigned to an employee who does not have a thermal power education?

2) When consuming thermal energy only for heating, ventilation and hot water supply

16. Which of the following does not apply to the responsibilities of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants?

Preparation of documents regulating the relationship between producers and consumers of thermal energy and coolant

17. During what break in work in their specialty is it necessary for personnel involved in the operation of thermal power plants to undergo retraining?

2) Over 6 months

18. What is not included in the mandatory forms of work with management personnel and specialists when operating thermal power plants?

3) Duplication

19. How long is the internship period for maintenance, operational, operational and maintenance personnel upon appointment to a position?

2) From 2 to 14 shifts

20. How often is knowledge on safety issues during the operation of thermal power plants tested for persons who are responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants?


21. In what case is an extraordinary knowledge test not carried out?

4) If there is a break in work in this position for more than 3 months

22. Who approves schedules for testing the knowledge of personnel operating thermal power plants?

4) Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants

23. Where is the knowledge of those responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants tested?

1) In the relevant commission of Rostechnadzor

24. What is the minimum duration of duplication after knowledge testing established for operational managers of thermal power plants?

4) 12 shifts

25. How is permission for personnel to work independently at thermal power plants obtained?

2) Admission to independent work is carried out in accordance with knowledge testing protocols to the extent appropriate job responsibilities

26. How often should repeated training on occupational safety be carried out for personnel servicing thermal power plants?

3) At least once every six months

27. How often are operational managers tested during emergency control training?

2) At least once every three months

28. Who approves the procedure for organizing and conducting walk-throughs and inspections of workplaces?

4) Head of the organization

29. Who approves new or reconstructed thermal power plants for operation?

1) Rostechnadzor

2. What will happen to the permission to admit the power plant into operation if within three months the power plant is not technologically advanced? connected to networks?

2) The power plant must be re-approved for operation.

30. How long does it take to carry out comprehensive testing of thermal power plant equipment?

3) Within 72 hours

31. How long does it take to carry out comprehensive testing of heating network equipment?

1) In 24 hours

32. Under what conditions should thermal power plants be put into operation?

2) After the thermal power plant is allowed into operation

33. How often should an organization conduct operational testing and work to develop operational maps and standard operating characteristics of heat supply system elements?

3) At least once every three years

34. In what case is an extraordinary inspection of thermal power plants carried out?

1) If the thermal power plant has not been operated for more than 12 months

2) After repairs related to welding or soldering of pressure elements, modernization or reconstruction of a thermal power plant

3) After an accident or incident at a thermal power plant

4) At the request of Rostechnadzor authorities

5) In any of the above cases

35. Who carries out periodic inspections of thermal power plants?

3) Persons responsible for the good condition and safe operation of thermal power plants

36. Who approves annual plans repairs of thermal power plants?

1) Head of the organization

37. Who carries out the acceptance of thermal power plants from major repairs?

1) Working commission appointed by the administrative document for the organization

38. Which of the following is not included in the required documentation for the operation of thermal power plants?

4) Copies of conclusions on the absence of medical contraindications for workers to perform work related to the operation of thermal power plants

39. How often should the lists of operational documentation be reviewed?

3) At least once every three years

40. Where should thermal power plant diagrams be stored?

1) At the service personnel's workplace

41. Which of the following is not included in the staff job description?

1) The relationship of the employee with superiors, subordinates and other work-related personnel

42. Which of the following is not indicated in the operating instructions for a thermal power plant?

1) List of instructions and other regulatory and technical documentation, installation diagrams, knowledge of which is mandatory for the employee

43. How often should the operating instructions for a thermal power plant be reviewed?

2) At least once every two years

44. Who carries out the maintenance and repair of measuring instruments for thermal technical parameters of thermal power plants?

2) Personnel of the unit performing the functions of the metrological service of the organization

45. How are pressure measuring instruments selected?

1) The maximum operating pressure measured by the device must be within 2/3 of the scale maximum at constant load, 1/2 of the scale maximum at variable load. The upper limit of the scale of self-recording pressure gauges must correspond to one and a half times the working pressure of the medium being measured

46. For how long should recording instrument readings be kept?

2) At least two months

47. Who is responsible for ensuring fire safety of premises and equipment of thermal power plants, as well as for the availability and serviceable condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment?

2) For the head of the organization
