Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Territory management training for territorial managers. Goal setting and delegation

The training is intended for employees who have recently become regional managers or are in the personnel reserve for this position. The program is intended for young managers who need to quickly adapt to a new role and fulfill the required sales plans in the territory.

During the program participants:

  • They will form an understanding of what skills and competencies a regional pharma manager needs. companies.
  • Self-diagnosis will be carried out in accordance with the presented system models of managerial competencies.
  • They will learn how to better understand people in order to form a better management team.
  • They will master the key tools for managing employees, taking into account their level of professional and personal development.
  • They will form a deep understanding of the motives and needs of people and the ability to influence them.


Managerial Growth Pyramid

In this section, we will look at the difference between performers, middle and top management: skills, way of thinking, motivation. We will be dismantled typical mistakes leaders and ways to avoid them. Participants will receive several systemic management models: "Control Box", "Leadership Space", "Management Pyramid". A questionnaire will be developed to identify myths and limiting beliefs that prevent young managers from leading effectively. The material of the section will be fixed by holding business simulations "Work of the company", modeling certain aspects of the company's work in real time.

The result is an understanding by the participants of what skills they lack to effective work at their managerial level, creating motivation to learn and acquire these skills.

Goal setting and delegation

In this section, we will work with the individual skills of the participants in setting tasks for subordinates, creating control points and giving motivating feedback on the results of the task. We will consider how the algorithm for setting the task will change depending on the skill level of the employee and the complexity of the task. Skills will be developed in an intensive training format in mini-simulations "Delegation", "Praise", "Reprimand".

The result is a formed skill model for setting goals and giving managerial feedback.

Growing the management team

In the fourth section, we will look at the stages of team formation and the management styles that should be applied at different stages. Let's touch on the issues of team building and the distribution of roles in the team. For example working structure management of participants, we will find out what formal and informal structure is typical for their unit, what risks are inherent in this structure, and what reserves are available to improve the efficiency of management activities.

The result is the choice and application of an adequate management style current situation, higher managerial flexibility of participants, use of hidden reserves of efficiency.

secrets non-material motivation.

The fifth section will be devoted to a deep study of the issues of non-material motivation of employees. We will study the psychology of needs and motives, and how to use them to increase productivity. With the help of managerial feedback techniques, participants will learn how to build motivational links: work-reward, violation-punishment. Also, the participants will be given key rules and recommendations for building a system of rewards and punishments. In the final business game « Difficult and conflict situations in management» participants will analyze specific managerial cases, prepare and conduct a managerial conversation with a “difficult” subordinate.

The result is an increase in the quality of management, an individual approach to key employees.

Learning tools:

business games, role-playing games, exercises, group discussions, training video courses, video recording with subsequent analysis.

1. Strategic approach to business development in its territory. Introduction.
Factors influencing the result:
- outside the Company (market)
- inside the company
- managerial factors
Company goals
Functions and responsibilities of managers (regional managers)
The logic and sequence of actions of a manager when building a sales strategy and tactics in his territory
2. Analysis and assessment of the current situation. Adoption management decisions.

Analysis of the market, opportunities and competitive advantage Companies (SNW - analysis, SWOT - analysis)
Sales platform as a tool for assessing the coverage of the territory and positions occupied by the Company in various market segments: customers, prospects and contacts
Defining Sales Platform Parameters
Identification of key customers and key prospects. Pareto Principle
Analysis of the existing sales platform in various market segments in its territory
Determination of priorities and directions of efforts for the development of the territory based on the analysis of the regional sales platform
Making managerial decisions in accordance with the goals of the Company, the current situation in the market (territory), the capabilities and resources of the Company
Setting goals and objectives. Action planning
3. Development of skills in analysis, evaluation of the performance of employees and skills in planning work for the development of employees

Analysis of factors influencing the result of the work of subordinates Quantity, quality and direction of the employee's efforts
The algorithm for analyzing and evaluating a subordinate:
- analysis of past results
- analysis of past activities
- analysis of the competence of employees

The position profile of a subordinate as a tool for assessing his work
Development of a matrix of evaluation criteria (KPI "s)
GAP analysis
Identification of priority areas for employee development
Setting goals and objectives. Drawing up individual development plans for subordinates
4. "Situational leadership of subordinates and leadership styles"
Case management model according to P. Hersey and C. Blanchard
Leadership style analysis: directive, instructive, supportive, delegating
Strengths and limitations of each style
Employee Maturity Levels: Passionate Novice, Frustrated Amateur, Disinterested Specialist, Excellent Professional
Analysis of managerial situations. Working with Cases.

diagnosing the degree of maturity of an employee in relation to the goals and objectives
Educational practical exercises aimed at developing skills
using different leadership styles
Preliminary assessment of the degree of maturity of subordinate group members and the choice of leadership style
5. Development of operational personnel management skills. Setting goals and objectives for representatives

SMART criteria

6. Development of operational personnel management skills. Setting goals and objectives for representatives

Features of conducting a conversation on setting goals and objectives for employees of various levels of maturity
Algorithm of conversation when setting goals and objectives
SMART criteria
Features of conducting a conversation on setting goals and objectives for employees of various levels of maturity
Qualitative feedback on the employee's understanding of the goals and objectives
Development of conversational skills in setting goals and objectives

7. Development of operational personnel management skills. Monitoring and evaluation of current results.

Goals of control
Types and methods of control in the management process
Use of intermediate and final control of tasks and work standards
The specifics of the evaluation conversation
Algorithm for conducting a conversation in order to control the performance and evaluate the activities of a subordinate
Determination of the reasons for the discrepancy between the results of the work to the specified criteria. Rules for responding to non-fulfillment of tasks.
Providing quality feedback following the evaluation conversation
Rules for responding to non-completion of tasks.
The specifics of conducting a disciplinary conversation
Development of skills for conducting evaluative conversations and skills for providing high-quality feedback

8. Development of operational personnel management skills. Training. Coaching»

Definition of the subject of study in accordance with the results of the assessment
Definition of learning objectives
Determining the capabilities of trainees
Choice of learning style
Definition of methods and forms of education
Coordinating employees with regard to their individual characteristics perception of information
Coaching as a form of staff development
Coaching techniques: GROW, AID, 3D technique
Conversation algorithms in accordance with coaching techniques
Active listening
Feedback during the coaching process:
- supporting
- focused on change
Development of skills for conducting developmental conversations (instructing, coaching)

9. Development of operational personnel management skills. Delegation of authority

Effective delegation (personal barriers to delegation)
Delegation Rules: What? To whom? How?
What? Definition of functions and tasks to be and not to be delegated
To whom? Choosing the Right Subordinate to Delegate
How? Algorithm of a conversation with a subordinate when delegating authority
Developing Delegation Conversation Skills

This training fully reveals the principles of managing the territory, people and regional business processes. The main purpose of this training is to turn a regional manager of a pharmaceutical company into a functionally effective business unit in a particular territory of the pharmaceutical market, according to the regional priorities of the employer company. Also in training Special attention will be given to the principles of proper budgeting from the point of view of "investment marketing", that is, when each marketing gesture is calculated in terms of investment efficiency.

Target group: regional managers of OTC and Rx divisions, regional medical representatives, medical representatives motivated for career growth.

Methodological features:

The training is characterized by high information content and schematic, as well as a lot of practical classifications. The coach also works in two components: rational and emotional, which increases the motivation for learning and pushes for high-quality skills development, followed by their consolidation in practice. The format of the training also includes video clips. It is also characteristic that the novelty and usefulness of the material arouse keen interest among the participants. The main forms of work with the audience:
The presentation of the material in a presentation interactive manner, with humor.
Teaching participants with the methodology of teaching their medical representatives, the principles of "feedback".
Organization, holding and discussion of thematic cases.
Parsing and correction practical experience participants, new proposals, recording of training agreements.

Main program issues:

  1. Standard competencies of a regional manager, his role as a "strategy conductor". If you want to learn yourself - start teaching others, building a self-learning structure.
  2. The main stages of the correct "inclusion" of medical representatives: selection, mentoring, training and development, participation in planning (assistance), loyalty formation, high level of motivation, high performance results.
  3. Criteria for building a self-learning system. Stages of imparting skills to medical representatives: explanation, demonstration, imitation, correction, consolidation.
  4. "Required" skills of a medical representative: SPV, psychotyping, working out objections, closing the visit. Visit enhancement skills (desirable): persuasion techniques, metaphorical influence, SPIN technology.
  5. The GROW system is a system for asking questions to a medical representative when a problem arises.
  6. Levels professional maturity medical representatives, principles of delegation.
  7. Features of working with doctors. Features of working with opinion leaders. Features of interaction with pharmacies
  8. Territory management skills and principles of territorial budgeting.

What participants will receive after completing the training:

  1. After the training, you will have an understanding of the main aspects of the activities of a regional manager, an understanding of regional business processes.
  2. You will learn the principles of priorities in the process of promoting drugs in the assigned territory.
  3. You will learn how to draw up a regional budget that will work according to the principles of investment marketing.
  4. You will be able to comprehensively and systematically build relationships with customers on the principle of "Win - Won".
  5. You will learn how to communicate (sell) the benefits of your drug to medical representatives, and understand how to sell these benefits (SPV) to customers, develop a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of your product.
  6. You will be able to train medical representatives with quality feedback.
  7. During the training you will receive practical advice and ideas for your products.

Tools for coaching and development of medical representatives Training "Performance management of an organization" Training on developing a business model Training "Strategic business planning" Selection of candidates for the positions of medical representatives Training for medical representatives Coaching and development tools for medical representatives Effective tools for managing personnel of pharmaceutical companies Management key clients: medical organizations and decision makers Hospital sales technologies Performance presentation of pharmaceutical/ medical products target audience Techniques for visiting different target audiences Marketing basics for a pharmaceutical company Loyalty programs for administration, head. departments, ch. doctors, chief departments and heads pharmacies Training "Project for the training of first-timers: work with objections, merchandising, types of customers" Analysis and assessment of the territory potential and business planning Training "Tools for regional development and territory management" Training workshop "Search for growth opportunities in the territory" Training "Territory management for territorial managers" Training " Regional development» Training "Territory management" Training "Sales by phone" Training " Active sales and maintaining clients "Training" Effective sales"Training" The Art of Complex Sales "Training" Wholesale, work with distributors" Training "Work with sales" Training "Proactive sales and negotiations" Training "Post-guarantee sales" Training "Retail sales and personnel management" Training "Stress management" Training on time management Training on delegation of authority Courses business etiquette Training "Decision Making" Training on change management Training "Conflict Management" Training "Project Management" Training "Basic functions of a leader: situational management" Coaching for managers Training " Oratory» Training "Organization Performance Management" Training "Strategic Business Planning" Training "Effective Interview for HR Managers" Training "Effective Interview for Heads of HR Departments" Interview on competencies Training recruitment, assessment and personnel management Training "Effective Interview for Managers" Assessment Center Training workshop "Operational sales management" Training workshop "Sales management in the reporting territory" Training "Sales department management" Training "Improving the efficiency of the sales department" Training "Searching for growth opportunities in the territory" Training "Effective negotiations" Training "Tough negotiations" Training "Effective Negotiations" Training on telephone conversations Training on telephone conversations Complex negotiations with external and internal partners Training "Negotiations with status clients" Training "Typology of the client" Training "Negotiations with networks" Training "Negotiations with suppliers" Business etiquette courses Training "Decision Making" Training on change management Training "Management Conflict Management Training "Project Management" Training "Basic Functions of a Manager: Situational Management" Executive Coaching Training "Oratory" Training "Organization Performance Management" Training "Strategic Business Planning" Training in Team Management Training in Team Interaction Training in Team Interaction Training in Teamwork interaction Trainings on non-material motivation of personnel Training "Development of key performance indicators for the main business processes of the organization" Effective communication with key figures: VIP, KOL, significant figures. Building partnerships Training "The Art of Communication" Training "Techniques of cross-functional communications" Trainings on customer focus Training "Business communication and working with aggression" Training "Presentation techniques" Training "Presentation of an idea" Tools of a successful leader: delegation. Cycle: leadership "Multi-factorial leadership" Topic: main functions of a leader Topic: "Management decision making" Topic: "System approach to managing an organization" Tools of a successful leader: situational leadership and authority of a leader. Coaching-style training* Topic: “Goal-setting. Decomposition of goals. Planning within the framework of the strategic goals of the company. KPI of business processes” Training for commercial directors Training: team management Business training: business communication Training: internal communications Trainings for sales managers and directors

You have already recruited sales agents, identified the main goals and objectives. You have created the basis of your group. Now you must plan and distribute tasks among sales agents in such a way as to use the best individual qualities of each of them.

Sales agents are not the same. The abilities and talents that enable one to achieve success are not always available to others. Your job as a sales manager is to put the right people in the right places.

And this concerns the division of the region in which you work, and the redistribution of workers.


In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

Two methods of division of the territory of sale. Different types of visits to clients. How to conduct a regional market analysis? How to control the market as much as possible?

What should a customer visit report look like?

Seven basic rules for managing the territory of the sale.

As a manager, you must take personal responsibility for your territory. Treat her like own store as if it belonged to you. Be interested in everything that is happening in that area. The thing is, if something happens in any part of your selling territory, it affects the whole territory.

What is your top priority? The firm has entrusted you with the management of the regional market in order to increase its revenues. Your the main task- achieve maximum trading turnover and maximize their balance. Sometimes with less turnover you can achieve higher profits, and for your company, net income is the most important thing. The next task is to expand the sales market. This means that every year, as you improve your skills and your employees, you will control a larger share of the market. You should also make the most of the opportunities that your region has to offer. They say that “extraordinary people never look up to others, but only to own possibilities"Because each part of the sales territory is a component part of the whole, you divide the entire region by the number of sales agents working. The secret of success is to divide the tasks into their constituent elements and extract the greatest possible effect from each.

Your task is here and there to help each salesperson find new business opportunities that would be one of the decisive success factors. This determines the level of your efficiency and ability to achieve the highest turnover in each part of the territory subordinate to you. This is what you base your success on.

Measures of efficiency of sales agents - "ROTI" and "ROE". "ROTI" - "Return on Time Invested" (useful spent time - ELV) and "ROE" - "Return on Energy" (useful spent energy - PET). It is known that one of the reasons for the failure of sales agents is the wrong organization of time. Another reason is the poor division of the region into sections. It is up to you to train and motivate sales agents, determine the strategy for their actions, help expand the sales market and maximize the use of available opportunities. Thanks to this, you will receive maximum profits throughout the territory in which you manage.

There are two ways to divide the territory of sale. The first way is "horizontal division". This is also called geographical division. It may include a smaller or larger part of the sales market, but it must have clear boundaries. How can a market divided horizontally be controlled? There are three possibilities:

1. You can apply the so-called "square model". If you work in the territory of a city or urban area, then divide the territory into four squares and send a sales representative to work a day or half a day on this square. Successful sales representatives most often adhere to geographical separation and work only in certain areas.

2. The second method is the "clover leaf" method. According to this method, you must have a central office and deal with a group of customers located at some distance. Sales agents make a path similar in shape to a clover leaf and return to the central base at the end of the day or at the end of the week The central bureau is like the center of a clover leaf.

3. The third method is the "ring model". In practice, it happens that a sales agent, following from point A to point B, can significantly increase his efficiency by stopping along the way in search of new potential customers. Then he follows from point B to C and from C to D, and from point D he can return to point A again. This is how the "ring model" works

The second way is "vertical". This refers to the division into specialized industries. For example, in a vertically divided territory, a sales agent visits only law firms or only firms that use high tech. In this case, the territory is divided into sectors. More than one sales agent may work in one part of a vertically divided territory, since each will do what he specializes in.

There are two types of meetings with clients. The most important contacts are with large clients with whom contracts worth more than $50,000 are signed. The higher the value of the contract, the more attention should be paid to the effectiveness of negotiations between the sales agent and the client. These leads are few and far between, so every meeting must be carefully prepared to be supremely effective.

The second kind of business meetings are visits to small buyers, of which there are always more. In this case, emphasis should be placed on the number of meetings and on the effectiveness of their conduct. The challenge is to get as much as possible short term visit the largest number of customers and in this way expand the sales market.

This will give you three ways to analyze the markets you control. First, you must instruct salespeople to divide existing customers into groups A, B, and C. Remember the 80/20 rule? B and C On this basis, divide the clients into groups A, B and C. In group A, enroll clients according to the state of their bank accounts today, in group B - those who can make a profit tomorrow, and leave group C for use in that if there is a need to maximize revenue If a potential client is 50 kilometers away and has too much time to devote to him, he will attract less than a client with little potential, but who is much closer

The second way to analyze the market is to establish the number of potential customers.

You can conduct market research, for example, by looking through the "yellow pages" in the phone book. In this case, you also divide customers into categories A, B and C. Your immediate future depends not only on old, but also on new customers. By classifying customers, you should take into account their capabilities and requirements, and how the meeting could benefit your salesperson.You may need to immediately reconsider your chances.Take into account that the client is already buying this product somewhere , then what is the probability that he will buy from you? Is there a chance that you will sell something to him, taking into account the existence of competitors? The next question is: to which group - A, B, or C does the client belong? coefficient of probability, and you will be able to estimate the scale of trade turnover in your territory.Recommend this method of calculation to your employees as the basis for operating in their territory.

Of great importance for market control is the geographical location of your existing and future customers. Time management is needed to spend more time with clients who score higher in the classification. And this will be the basis for drawing up an action plan. We have come to the issue of market control. The key to this issue is minimizing time wasted. The average sales agent effectively uses only 20% of his time for work. Each sales agent spends an hour and a half daily in conversations with potential customers. If you can only get him to do it for three hours a day, you will double your turnover, increase your efficiency, and thereby your earnings. If you want to increase the ELV, ask your employees if they are using their time efficiently. Influence them to reduce the time of visits to clients. Short visits are the basis for visiting as many clients as possible in the shortest possible time. Many salespeople schedule one meeting before lunch, another in the afternoon, and spend the rest of the time walking the streets and believing that this is work.

Plan in detail how you will control the sales market in your territory. We have already noted that the basis of the success of a sales manager is calculation. The same goes for a good sales agent. The visit should be arranged by phone, and not appear unannounced. You should maintain telephone contacts with clients of groups B and C and take care of the quality of these contacts.

The last rule of effective management in your territory is to ensure that salespeople adhere to the strategy you have adopted. After hiring a new sales agent, you face the difficult and important task of retraining him. If you're working with professionals who are well organized and know exactly what to do, you don't need to regularly demand reports from them. But new employees should certainly do this until they learn to manage their time properly. The report must contain the following:

1. Number of conversations with clients. Both telephone and personal contacts are taken into account.

2. The number of cases of contact with the responsible person. How many times did you manage to talk with such a person and agree on a meeting time.

3 Number of appointments. How many appointments is this sales agent able to agree on?

4. Number of talks and presentations directly related to the sale. Make sure the numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. You don't need any complicated computer programs for this. There should be only the number of conversations and presentations.

5. Number of repeated conversations with the same potential customers and their result. In other words, what did these negotiations give you, how many contracts were signed, how many presentations were made, how many orders were received, etc.

6 Number of signed sales contracts.

7. What is the average total cost of concluded sales contracts?

The average value of contracts awarded will give you a high ELV. Thus, you can calculate what is the average cost of one visit, which brings one conversation with a responsible person. It looks like an inverted funnel: the purchasing power of money will be higher the lower we go. When you divide the average contract price by the number of interviews, you get a very high ELV. The sales agent is responsible for his part of the territory, and you must help him organize the time and analyze the market so that he can get the most profit in a certain amount of time. Thus, your income will also increase. Listed below are seven basic principles that should guide the sales manager when working in the territories entrusted to him.

1. Demand weekly reports, by mail or fax. View them right away to keep up to date with what your sales agent is doing. Compare with the results of other sales agents to be aware of their capabilities.

2. Require salespeople to manage their time effectively. Ask questions according to the already known method of assigning responsibilities through questions and suggestions. Ask how they could make better use of their time. The very fact that you will pay attention to this will significantly improve the use of time by your sales representatives.

3. Remember the rule "80/20". 80% of sales volumes come from 20% of clients, 80% of new contracts are concluded with 20% of potential clients. Remember and be guided by this in your work.

4. If you see that the sales agent is not doing well, react immediately. If you do nothing, do not begin to discuss this topic, he will be sure that you do not need him.

5. If there are problems, solve them immediately. The sooner you react to the agent's neglect of his duties, the sooner he will return to the right path.

6. Remember: By helping your salespeople, you are helping yourself. Provide training to improve their skills.

7. Don't forget that the key to a sales manager's success is the success of his salespeople. The success of your ventures is directly proportional to the help you give salespeople to achieve their goals.


1. How can you help salespeople in a horizontally divided area improve their ELVs and GETs? List at least three ways.

1. ___________________________

2. ______________________________

3. _____________________________

2. Can you divide the sales territory in such a way that you can apply both "quality / efficiency" and "quantity / clarity" relationships at the same time?

3. Analyze the territory of sale according to the diagram below.


Type horizontal or vertical

Type of sale

Percentage control of the market

Relevant sales agent (yes/no)

The following actions
