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Management of an apartment building is not carried out. Choosing a way to manage an apartment building. Minutes of the meeting of the transition to the form of direct control

There are several forms of management of apartment buildings. Among them is the direct management apartment building.

Today, a lot of organizations related to housing issues are campaigning for residents to switch to such a form.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each form has its pros and cons. The essence of this form is as follows: management is carried out by the initiative owners living in this house.

They will do all the work themselves and free of charge. There is a flaw in this argument. In large houses, disagreements may arise between the owners, which will cause many additional problems. This method is best used in small apartment buildings.

While campaigning at NU, management companies do not show the disadvantages of this form. The entire initiative for the transition to the method of direct management must be submitted by the tenants. Management companies, as it were, have nothing to do with this form.

Organizations engaged in campaigning must sign an agreement. According to the contract, any work and responsibility relies on the organization. The contractor has nothing to do with it.

In order for the contractor to perform some work, it is necessary to go to court. In this case, the owner will pay the fines. Residents are deprived of the opportunity to check the terms of the contract. Management companies are not controlled.

Repair or preparatory work will be carried out by the contractor only for the amount collected. In this case, the contractor is obliged to conclude an agreement with the owners of the house, including all without exception.

There are advantages to this type of government. The biggest plus is that each tenant is responsible only for himself.

Residents of the premises do not have complete information about this form of house government. Therefore, when switching to NU, you need to consider the pros and cons of this form.

Direct control

The form of direct management provides for the independent management of the owners of the premises. They perform management functions on a voluntary basis. Therefore, with financial side this method does not require large expenditures. The collected money is used for management. Residents are responsible for other expenses.

The form of direct control does not receive funds from the budget. Settlement accounts are not used, there is no person who would keep a record of spending budget funds.

On the legal side, this method of management is protected if there is an agreement that is concluded with contractors. It is these organizations that should provide repair services.

If the contract does not exist, then the implementation of the guidance of the selected method has not occurred. Then the house is put up for a competition in which house management organizations take part.

The direct form of government has its own body. The public meeting of the tenants of the premises is the governing body. Meetings decide on repair work, property and utilities.

Providing housing services the owners of the premises, after the meeting, sign contracts with persons performing repair work and providing services for the maintenance of all property.

The contract is concluded in the presence of two parties:

  1. home owners;
  2. Housing service providers.

If one authorized person is chosen by the owners of the premises, it can conclude contracts on behalf of all residents. Before concluding a contractual relationship, the owners draw up an action plan, which contains points for the repair and maintenance services of the property. In addition, a contractor is selected, with which a contract is concluded after the resolution of the main issues.

Property owners pay utilities independently in accordance with the drawn up agreements on tariffs, which are established by the authorities of the state and local orders.

Step-by-step management of an apartment building

  1. Create a group of initiators

The first and main moment of the beginning of an important business is the selection of initiators. These should be people who tend to one thought.

Therefore, when switching to the method of direct management, it is necessary to find like-minded residents who can carry out organizational issues.

The first task of the group is to compile a list of homeowners and provide information. It is necessary to state all the advantages of this management and collect more tenants.

The second task is to inform the residents of the premises about the meeting that needs to be held. It is desirable to carry out this work through the writing of letters with the exact date and place where the meeting will be held.

  1. Holding a meeting

To select this control method, you need to hold a general meeting. The approved decision must be respected and maintained by the owners. Meetings are held in person or in absentia.

For the face-to-face form, a room is selected in advance. You must first agree on the chosen place with the management of the premises.

In this scenario, it is better to conduct an absentee meeting. In this regard, a survey is being prepared. Participants of the meeting convey their thoughts in writing.

More than half of the owners must take part in the meeting, then, in accordance with Article 45 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, it will be valid. The number of votes is calculated according to the size of the owner's living space.

The meeting should ask the following questions:

  1. Transition to the method of direct control of the house, decision making;
  2. Election of a representative from the owners responsible for the interests of residents;
  3. Conclusion of contracts with management companies.

Representatives from the local administration must be present at the meeting.

  1. Choosing Home Service Organizations

The conclusion of contracts takes place with each owner of the premises separately. If this assignment has been submitted trustee, it carries out the conclusion of contracts independently.

Minutes of the meeting of the transition to the form of direct control

After the meeting, it is necessary to draw up a protocol with the signatures of the members of the house committee.

The protocol must contain the following information:

  • On the election of the chairman and secretary;
  • About the choice of the form of management;
  • On the choice of organizations that will carry out repair work;
  • The decision of the transfer of owners to settlement method for utilities;
  • Location of the protocol.

The protocol is signed within 10 days after the meeting. Information on voting and resolution of all issues is entered into the protocol. The protocol is kept by a trusted person.

Subject to all the rules by the owners of the premises, this method of management should have a good result.

Such a concept as "multi-apartment management residential building", is absent in the LCD. However, the legislation defines its main features and the rules by which it is carried out. Let's consider them in more detail.

General signs

The activity of managing apartment buildings is a process that is extended over time. The period in which it is carried out depends on the duration of the operation of the building. This period begins with the moment of construction and ends with demolition. The management and maintenance of an apartment building can take many forms.


Allocate management of housing stock. It is directed to all rooms, apartments, premises that are legally owned by one person. In practice, management can also be carried out by the owners of an apartment building or an entity attracted by them. As for the object itself, there is also no clear definition in the LCD. In this regard, the question often arises of what exactly is considered an apartment building, how many rooms it should have in order to classify the building into this category. In practice, such a building can be considered a building in which there are 2 or more premises and there is at least one legal owner.

Subject composition

The management of apartment buildings can be carried out by different persons. For example, it can be one subject, a group of several citizens, a specially formed body or society. They act on the object to ensure its functioning. Subject:

  1. Manages an apartment building.
  2. Makes decisions.
  3. Creates conditions for the implementation of the tasks.

In practice, the direct management of an apartment building by the owners of the premises or persons involved by them can be carried out. In some cases, powers are vested in local authorities. According to paragraph 4 of Art. 161 ZhK, if the owners themselves have not chosen the way to manage an apartment building, then the administration of the Moscow Region does it for them.


Choosing this or that method of managing an apartment building, the owners evaluate how fully the tasks set will be implemented. These include, in particular, the provision of:

  1. Safe and favorable living conditions.
  2. Property safety.
  3. Solutions to questions on the use of common material assets.
  4. Proper provision of public services.

The management of an apartment building, the premises in which belong to different citizens, can be carried out exclusively under uniform conditions agreed with them. Property owners can develop them on their own. In some cases, the owners delegate the rights to form uniform conditions to an authorized person. The latter represents the interests of the owners when concluding agreements with service organizations.

The procedure for managing an apartment building

The law obliges owners to choose a service option. It could be:

The question is, why should people do this? This is explained by the fact that, having property, citizens, in addition to rights, are endowed with appropriate duties and are responsible for their implementation. They must exercise the use and disposal of their property in such a way that it does not harm the interests, health and life of other people.

Selection criteria

The owners of premises in an apartment building must choose a management option within a year from the date of the competition between the local authorities serving the companies. The result will depend on the number of apartments in the building, the level of solvency and discipline of the owners. In addition, the reputation of management companies, the nature of relations with enterprises that provide the supply of resources, whether there are general house and apartment metering devices, etc. are of no small importance.

Self service

If the management of an apartment building is carried out by the owners of the premises themselves, all relations with third-party enterprises that provide certain services must be documented. In particular, agreements are concluded for water disposal, hot / cold water supply, electricity, gas supply, and heating. At the same time, contracts are signed with each apartment owner. In addition, agreements are concluded with enterprises that provide services for the repair of property that is common in the building. Such agreements are signed with most or all owners.


An apartment building can be managed by a partnership (cooperative). Such legal entities have the right to enter into agreements with owners for:

  • Provision of public services.
  • Maintenance and repair of common property.
  • Management of an apartment building, etc.

Interaction schemes

The owners of the premises can delegate their rights to conclude agreements for the supply of housing and communal services to the owners' partnership. This can be fixed by a decision taken at the general meeting in the charter of the cooperative itself. The owners of the premises also have the opportunity to transfer the right to conclude contracts to the partnership, and it, in turn, signs an agreement with the management company. It searches for suppliers and draws up relevant contracts with them.

Management of an apartment building by a management company

The main condition for choosing this service option is the existence of an agreement. A sample apartment building management agreement includes mandatory sections. In particular, it must state:

  1. The common property in respect of which the service will be carried out, the address of its location.
  2. The list of works and services for the repair and maintenance of material assets, the rules according to which it can be changed, the list of housing and communal services.
  3. Conditions for establishing the cost of the agreement, the amount of payment for the service, determining the amount utility bills. Here is the order in which the amounts are deposited.
  4. Rules for monitoring the fulfillment by the servicing company of its obligations.

Provisions of the Civil Code

The contract, which is concluded with the managing organization, by all indications is characterized as an agreement for the provision of paid services. This form is provided for in civil law. According to Art. 780 of the Civil Code, unless otherwise provided in the contract itself, the managing company must provide services personally. This means that the contractor performs all or part of the service or acts as an intermediary between the owners of the premises and the suppliers.

Fundamental differences between the options

The management carried out by the owners can be direct, trust and indirect. In the first case, citizens serve the common property on their own. Indirect management involves the transfer of part of the functions to other persons (or to one). The receiving entity can be both a legal entity and an individual. In the latter case, they can be one of the owners of the premises in this house. The owners can form an elected body in the form of a board or by appointing an authorized person from their circle, thus creating a legal entity. For example, it could be an HOA. In this case, the partnership becomes their management company. Property owners may do otherwise. They have the right to entrust the service to third parties who are not included in their circle.

They can be a hired manager or an organization. In this case, the owners of the premises enter into an appropriate agreement with these persons. If the management is carried out by the owners of the premises themselves, the contract is not signed. A formed company or an authorized person performs its functions in accordance with the charter. He, in turn, is approved at the general meeting. It should be said that in practice, the owners of the house simultaneously use both direct and indirect control. For example, in the case of the formation of an HOA, some of the functions, as a rule, the most key ones, are implemented by the owners themselves. By important issues decisions are made at general meetings. The other part of the tasks is implemented through the elected board, and the third one is executed personally by its chairman. In addition, it creates audit committee which provides control financial work elected body.

Key points

The issue of choosing a managing organization today is the most relevant among owners. Of course, everyone wants the service to be carried out at a high level. However, many are worried that it will turn out "as always." To avoid problems, owners need to decide what exactly they want in terms of the quality of services and their cost. There are 3 most common options:

  1. Do not change anything, let the management be carried out by the Housing Office, the Criminal Code, the Dez. The quality in this case will not be the highest, but the cost of services is quite acceptable. In this situation, apartment owners prefer not to take risks and are in no hurry to choose an organization.
  2. Find a legal entity that would provide better services. Accordingly, the pay will be higher. Some owners are trying to negotiate on such terms with the current Housing Office.
  3. You need to choose a private small firm. It would provide services of no worse quality than the housing office, quality, but at an even lower price.

Practical implementation

As practice shows, residents of houses in which a housing association is actively operating are more likely to respond positively to the quality of services. In this regard, it is advisable to check if there is a suitable HOA in the area, which, for the price offered, could take the building for maintenance. Before contacting the board, it is advisable to go into the entrances, inspect the condition of the stairwells, corridors, evaluate the yard. To get a more complete picture of the work of the HOA, you should talk with the residents themselves different ages, find out how much they pay for the service, what they like about the work of the association, and what they don't like. If in general the information is positive, then an agreement can be concluded.

The work experience of the association

It acts as one of the most important criteria when choosing a service organization. Preferably, of course, a long work experience. However, in Lately periodically new associations appear, which also should not be written off. It is advisable to find out information about the specialists who work there, where they conducted their activities earlier, who is the founder. If this former employees DEZs, then, accordingly, they have certain experience in the operation and maintenance of residential buildings. In this case, it is worth talking to them personally, finding out why they left their previous place of work, what goals they set for themselves now.

Service prices

In the process of communicating with representatives of the service organization, not only the high, but also the low cost of services in comparison with what is available at the time of the housing office, for example, should alert. Here you should find out what this or that price consists of. For the most significant amounts, all questions of interest should be asked.


If, on the whole, the conversation with representatives of the service association was favorable, you should not rush to conclude an agreement. It is advisable to bypass 2-3 more HOA, find out all the information from them. After that, you should compare the information, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages, and submit a proposal for discussion. If there are still any doubts, an agreement should be concluded for a minimum period of one year. If after its expiration it is clear that the choice was made correctly, you can extend the contract. Well, if the association has not coped with the assigned duties, it is better to terminate the agreement.

financial question

One of the significant disadvantages of choosing a service company in comparison with an HOA or self-management is that the money the owners allocate to pay for services is at the disposal of a third-party legal entity. It is quite difficult to influence it in terms of effective and targeted use of funds. This is especially true in the case when the managing organization was chosen by the local authority. In this case, the owners will actually be imposed those conditions that executive bodies deem necessary.

Guaranteed safety of funds

This issue, as a rule, remains open in the framework of interaction with the managing organization. In particular, in question on funds directed to overhaul. Not every house manages to accumulate them within 1-5 years (during the term of the contract). There are times when the owners decide to change the service association, and the funds are in his account. In this case, it is not clear how the money will be transferred to the formed HOA or another company. It may also happen that an association goes bankrupt, is liquidated, or takes a loan from a bank and disappears. Resolving the issue of returning their funds to the owners will be extremely problematic. Another situation develops with HOA. Acting as a legal entity, the partnership can open a special bank account and report annually on its status to the owners. In this case, of course, there are more guarantees for the safety of funds.

Powers of the local government

They are established in Part 3 of Art. 156 LCD. Territorial authorities have the right to set the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of the facility only if the owners of the premises did not choose the way to manage their home within the established time frame, or the decision was made, but was not implemented. According to the law, local executive structures can themselves determine the association that will provide all the necessary services. In practice, open competitions are often held, according to the results of which houses are assigned to a particular company. It is worth noting that everything here will depend on the local authorities. Undoubtedly, the law establishes the limits of powers, certain restrictions. But in general, the opinions of residents in such cases are not asked. Therefore, it is more expedient to still make a decision and choose the legal entity that will provide the service.

UK is an organization that deals with housing and communal services at home. She is chosen at a meeting of homeowners, after which an agreement is signed with the Criminal Code.

Based on the contract, the management company performs:

Reference! The Criminal Code is a legal entity that is responsible for the total control and maintenance of the MKD that has chosen it.

How does the CC manage?

Real estate is under the direct control of the Criminal Code. In this case the company acts as the owner of the house entrusted to it which gives her the right to act in his interests. The management company must fulfill its role in such a way as to satisfy its tenants to the fullest.

One of the important goals management company- increase the value and presentability of the house, and minimize costs.

To achieve its goals, the CM must take the following steps:

It should be remembered that the management of the managing organization of an apartment building requires appropriate qualifications and competence. That is why a potential head of the Criminal Code must pass a qualifying exam.

Note! In the event that the Criminal Code makes more than two violations, and this is recognized by the court, she is deprived of the right to manage an apartment building.

Complaints from tenants can also affect the change of management company. And although not as easy as it seems, it still seems possible.

Who does the organization interact with?

After watching the video, you will learn about all the nuances of concluding an apartment building management agreement:

How to organize the work of the UK?

It should be remembered that the organization of the management company requires significant financial investments: from 70 to 200 thousand dollars.

Note! The main costs of creating a management company will affect the fund wages, purchase of inventory, office equipment, rental of premises and other things.

In addition to investments, it is necessary to establish relations with local authorities.

At the initial stage of creating a management company, you must be prepared for the following costs:

And these are just the start-up costs. If the business goes well, then the fixed costs will be about 150 thousand a year.

You should create a company with such expenses if there are guarantees to receive objects for profit in the near future. Otherwise, all the money invested simply will not pay off. Then there is another option: to create a management company that will control only cash flows and outsource all technical work.

The essence of the UK is in the personnel. For well-established work and good results, people who already have experience in the housing and communal sector will be required.

Must be knowledgeable in this area. Engineers, carpenters, plumbers, janitors and dispatchers for round-the-clock support - perhaps the entire staff of the management company.

Reference! Emergency service should be in any UK. If the staff is not staffed with such specialists, it is quite possible to conclude an agreement with any third-party organization.

So, you managed to organize the work of your management company - where do you start? Firstly, it is necessary to promote and promote the company in every possible way, since it is problematic for a newcomer to break into the housing and communal services market. But this path is long and does not give guarantees.

Developers can help get houses that are profitable in the long run. They give apartment buildings under the management of management companies.

Well, if you manage to take on 5 houses in the first year. If the work can be established, then these houses will begin to bring profit in a month.

If in the second year it is not possible to take other houses, and only the first 5 remain under management, the company can be considered unprofitable.

The fact that it does not always justify the invested funds and expectations is well known. For that, in order to take root in this area, you need to conduct PR campaigns, enlist the support of the authorities and much more.

The problem is that the market for management companies has long been occupied: all elite houses and high-rises of business class have been divided among themselves by the most promoted companies, and if there are houses left that could be taken for maintenance, then their equipment systems will require the latest equipment.

Therefore, it is very problematic to make money on this business in today's conditions.

Advice! The prevailing perception of unscrupulous companies prevents some organizations from doing their job properly. If any MC manages to set things right, then the first thing she should take care of is to inspire the trust of the residents.

Apartment owners simply do not trust management companies. Therefore, it is necessary to do everything so that the tenants are satisfied with the work of their management company.

Customer-centric approach

Since the activity of the management company is a business, it has its own clients.

Of course, these are tenants - what the owner of the management company earns money on.

Therefore, it is in his own interests to arrange work in such a way that it is client-oriented, that is, one in which the needs of customers would be fully satisfied for acceptable price and decent service. In a competitive environment, a customer-centric approach will help attract and retain the majority of customers.

Participation of residents in activities

The involvement of the tenants themselves in the work of the chosen management company is not forbidden at all, but, on the contrary, is encouraged.

Employees of management companies often organize meetings and meetings with the residents of their building so that everyone can speak out on any problem, make suggestions, outline prospects, and so on.

Note! The most active and enterprising residents help the management company to carry out repairs and carry out construction work.

Such cooperation is beneficial to both parties., and allows the management company to become closer to its customers.

How much does the management company charge for services?

The cost of the services of the management company is clearly stated in the contract.

In general, the price of the work of the management company includes the payment of utilities, construction and repairs, the search for contractors, and so on.

It is not uncommon for homeowners to be dissatisfied with the fees charged for all these services.

To some extent, this dissatisfaction is justified, since not all management companies strive to accurately calculate the amount of services. Some management companies even write non-existent figures in payments, because, as already mentioned, management companies are a business, and it is set up for profit.


UK - a legal entity that supplies utilities to the house and conducts necessary work by its content. The management company is chosen by the tenants themselves or the HOA, having previously concluded an agreement.

Tenants have the right to change the management company if it does not cope well with its duties. The business of the management company must be client-oriented, that is, fully satisfying the needs of residents.

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Often in practice, management companies are faced with such a situation that a new apartment building has just been put into operation, and someone has to manage it. The question arises as to how MKD management from the developer until the owners have chosen a way to manage this house?

Determination of the subject of management of MKD

After the commissioning of the MKD, one of the priority legal issues is the definition subject of management of an apartment building. In other words, it is necessary to determine who will manage the commissioned apartment building. The difficulty in the situation is that at the time the MKD was put into operation and some time later, not all residential and non-residential premises are owned. Therefore, it is not possible de jure and de facto to hold a general meeting of owners to choose a way to manage MKD.

In a situation where the property in the MKD is not registered for all premises, one should refer to the norms of housing legislation. Briefly, the scheme of action is as follows. First, the developer receives house building permit. Then, within 5 days from this moment, he, at his discretion, chooses the management company, with which he concludes a management contract for 3 months.

At the same time, within 20 days from the moment the MKD was put into operation, the authority local government notifies of putting the house on open competition for the selection of the management company. Within 40 days from the notification of the event, the local government must hold this competition and inform all equity holders about its results within 10 days from the date of its completion. Further, the management company, already elected according to the results of an open competition, begins to manage this house and concludes management agreements with residents after they register their ownership of the premises in this house.

Thus, the housing legislation legitimized the possibility not to hold a general meeting of owners to choose a method for managing an MKD, and for the developer to conclude an agreement for the management of an MKD with the management company of his choice. Now let's look at this scheme in detail and in order.

MKD management after commissioning

Prior to the introduction of licensing by the management company, the developer could, immediately after the commissioning of the MKD, conclude management agreement with the management company or manage the house independently until the conclusion of the relevant agreements with the management company selected on the basis of an open tender. An open competition, we recall, is held by the local government.

At the same time, licensing did not make any significant adjustments in this area and did not deprive the developer of the right to choose a management company. Before conclusion of an MKD management agreement between the developer (clause 6, part 2, article 153 of the RF LC) and the management company selected based on the results of an open tender, the management of the house is carried out by the management company, with which the developer must conclude a management agreement no later than 5 days from the date of receipt of permission to put the house into operation (part 14, article 161 of the LC RF).

After the MKD is put into operation, local governments must hold an open competition to select a management company for managing an apartment building, if within a year before the day of the competition, the owners have not chosen the way to manage it or the decision made by the residents has not been implemented (part 4 of article 161 of the RF LC).

So after commissioning of MKD and prior to an open tender to select a management company, the developer has the right to conclude an agreement with any management company at its discretion. The management company chosen by the developer will manage the house until the MKD is put up for open tender or the owners choose another management company or another method of management at the general meeting.

In this case, the management company will act as a contractor for the developer. This management company must conclude agreements with the RSO on the basis of the act of putting the MKD into operation (PP RF No. 124 dated February 14, 2012). The developer, after putting the MKD into operation, must pay the Criminal Code for housing and utilities (Article 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

If the developer himself manages the MKD without concluding a management agreement with the management company, then housing and utility bills is paid by equity holders who have accepted the premises from the developer under the deed of transfer, from the moment of its transfer (clause 6, part 2, article 153 of the LC RF, clause 7.3, part 2, article 155 of the LC RF).

Should the developer take into account the opinion of equity holders when choosing a management company?

In fact, no, since the developer is not obliged to take into account the opinion of equity holders in choosing a management company. Person data before registration of ownership for housing do not have the right to express their opinion on the management of MKD. The decision on the choice of a way to manage the house is made exclusively by the owners of the premises in the MKD (part 2 of article 161 of the LC RF).

The grounds for the developer to have the right to conclude an MKD management agreement with the management company are the charter, permission to put the house into operation and the decision of the developer's management body authorized to make appropriate decisions (Order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation No. 411 / pr dated July 31, 2014). Therefore, the decision to conclude a contract for the management of MKD and the choice of a specific management company can be made by the developer solely and at his own discretion.

Open competition

Utility payments in a new building before the commissioning of the MKD

Prior to the commissioning of the MKD, the developer concludes contracts with the RSO for the needs of construction. These can be temporary contracts for power supply, heat supply for commissioning and finishing work in cold weather. After putting the MKD into operation, it is necessary to re-conclude resource supply contracts on permanent schedules.

Until the MKD is put into operation, the obligation to maintain the premises falls on the developer under contracts with the North Ossetia (Article 210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

After the MKD is put into operation, the obligation to pay for housing and utilities arises for equity holders who have accepted premises in the house from the developer under the transfer act, from the moment of such transfer (clause 6, part 2, article 153 of the RF LC).

The shareholder who received the premises from the developer under the act of acceptance and transfer is considered utility consumer(Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated 06.05.2011). Consequently, the amount of payment for CU consumers in residential premises is calculated according to the tariffs for the population. The volume of provided KU is determined by the readings of metering devices or by consumption standards (in the absence of meters).

Shareholders recognized as consumers of utility services and paying a fee for them have the right to demand the provision of a CU of adequate quality or a recalculation of the amount of payment for low-quality services (Section IX of the Rules for the Provision of Utility Services).

After the conclusion of an agreement with the management company chosen by the developer within 5 days after obtaining permission to put the MKD into operation, as well as after the conclusion of the management contract with the management company chosen at an open tender, the developer’s obligations under resource supply contracts cease (Article 416 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

This is because, along with the transfer of the MKD, the power-receiving equipment included in the composition of the common property of the owners of the premises in the house. The management company becomes the executor of public services.

If the developer does not prove that he entered into an agreement with the management company or the management company was selected at an open tender or at a general meeting of the owners of the premises, then he will not be able to prove the transfer of power receiving devices to the company. In this case, he will be considered a subscriber under an agreement with RSO and is obliged to pay for communal resources before the transfer of the MKD to the management of the Criminal Code or the termination of resource supply agreements.

We hope that everything was clear to you. If you have any questions, you can always contact us for advice. We also help management companies to comply 731 of the RF PP on the Information Disclosure Standard(filling the portal Housing reform, website of the management company, information stands) and Federal Law No. 209 (). We are always happy to help you!
