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The export operation is completed, which means. The tracking status is not updated for a long time. Causes. What to do? Import international mail

Tracking postal parcels, sent by AliExpress sellers from China - this is not a very interesting matter. And above all, the lack of interest is explained by the incomprehensibility of the statuses international shipments.

Let's figure out what is meant by incomprehensible inscriptions on sites for tracking IGO tracking codes (international postal items).

Parcel information received

AliExpress sellers often register parcels using electronic service. Therefore, receiving a tracking code on the order card does not indicate that the item is already with the postal carrier.

If the parcel has not yet arrived at the department logistics company, but it has already been formalized by the sender in in electronic format, the status when tracking it will indicate that “Information has been received” about it. Sometimes it can take up to 7 days from the moment the parcel is registered until it actually arrives at the post office in China.

You can find information about tracking numbers on our website.

Parcel accepted

Another option: "Reception".

As soon as the seller or courier delivers the parcel to the logistics service, fill out all necessary documents, including the customs declaration, the status of the shipment changes to “Reception”. IN additional information You can find out about the time and place of reception in the sender's country.

Left the parcel collection point

This means everything is fine - the shipment has begun its long journey to Russia.

On my way

Shipments are periodically registered at intermediate points - sorting centers. At such postal hubs, parcels can be reloaded from one type of transport to another; in general, they are distributed along optimal main routes. Using such “control” points, the recipient can receive information that his order is still moving in the direction of Russia.

Arrival at MMPO

At MMPO (places of international postal exchange), items undergo customs procedures, inspection and registration, they are prepared for export from the sender's country. It is here that the dispatch (postal items grouped in boxes or large bags) is formed, intended for the MMPO of the recipient country.


The “Export” status is assigned to shipments that have already been transferred to the carrier for delivery to the destination country. When sending goods from China, this status when tracking orders usually does not change for a long time. This is explained simply: when sending international shipments from China or Singapore, it is necessary to fill airplanes with a carrying capacity of 50 to 100 tons with mail.

There are other reasons for delays, for example, transit routes of flights, which imply the presence of one or more intermediate points during the flight. In each of them there will be delays in unloading/loading parcels.

During the Export process, the parcel will not be tracked.

It is believed that export takes 1-2 weeks, but it happens that the procedure takes up to 2 months. Although there is a recommendation, if this process is delayed, to submit an application to search for the parcel. If you order from AliExpress, you need to ask the seller to sort out the situation. You will either get your money back or extend the Buyer Protection Period in order to still find your lost items.


This status appears only when the shipment is registered by the postal operator in the MMPO in the country of destination, that is, at the place of international postal exchange already on the territory of Russia.

Boxes (bags) with many parcels from the transit section of the aviation department are sent to MMPO. About a day after arrival at the center, the containers are opened and all shipments are registered, which is displayed on websites for tracking tracking codes. By the way, international parcels arriving in Russia are already expected at the centers - information about them is received before arrival from the country of departure.

There are MMPOs in Moscow, Vladivostok, Orenburg, St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Samara, Petrozavodsk and other cities. The choice of the city where the parcel will arrive depends on which flight was best to send it from China, as well as on the degree of congestion at the MMPO.

Sometimes it seems more logical to send a parcel to Moscow for a Moscow recipient, but it is sent to Bryansk, and then transported by land to the destination city. And, perhaps, the order will reach the recipient faster, due to periodically low throughput Moscow center.

Transferred to customs

After registration with the MMPO, parcels are transferred for processing to the Federal Customs Service. They then go through customs transit, which means they are packaged by type and transferred to a specific location. All shipments pass through an X-ray machine, where an operator views their contents. By the way, dogs also work at customs - they sniff each parcel for drugs or spice.

If at least some suspicion arises, the parcels are opened by the operator in the presence of the responsible person - a customs officer. Reasons for opening:

  • availability (although it is not clear how an X-ray can be used to determine that the parcel contains counterfeit products);
  • assumption that goods for commercial use are present (for example, a batch of nail polishes);
  • suspicion that prohibited goods are being sent (weapons, drugs, chemicals, plant seeds, etc.).

If the parcel has been opened, an inspection certificate will be attached to it. Two operators work with one customs officer. Customs performs its functions around the clock.

Detained by customs

One of the most unpleasant statuses.

Real people work at customs, not robots, so they carefully look at information about the goods being sent. The low cost of assessing the MPO, if there is a smartphone inside, will immediately lead to suspicions that the seller is trying to deceive customs. The same thing, if there is simply no information about the shipment, such packages are often opened at customs.

Customs officers know how to use the Internet, so they can manually check the real cost of the goods, perhaps using the information on the MPO, in which store it was purchased.

Another very important point: it is checked whether purchases made by the same person have not exceeded the limit set so far at 1000 euros. The weight limit of the goods is also taken into account; it should not exceed 31 kg. If the limits are exceeded, then a customs receipt order is attached to the parcel for payment of 30% of the value of the goods. You can receive a shipment at Russian Post only after paying the customs fee.

All of the above explains why goods periodically get stuck at customs: FCS employees need time to unpack suspicious goods, check the real value and other procedures.

Issued by customs

After checking customs service shipments are sent to Russian Post for further forwarding to the recipient. Where exactly in this moment The location of the MPO can be found out from the post office index, which is written next to the next status of the item.

From the moment of transfer to the postal service, you can approximately calculate the time of arrival of the order, taking into account the average delivery time of items across Russia.

Arrived at the sorting center

Traveling across Russia, parcels pass through numerous sorting centers, where optimal main routes are determined. Numerous items are sorted and sealed in large boxes to prevent damage and loss.

The speed of sending MPO across the territory of the Russian Federation is determined by many factors, including such as:

  • travel by land or air;
  • frequency of flights towards the destination city;
  • the degree of load on mail planes (if the load limit is exceeded, the item waits for the next flight);
  • other.

There may be more than one sorting center along the route. After the MPO is registered at the regional sorting center, you can safely wait for the parcel for 1-2 days. And you don’t have to wait for a notification in your mailbox. By presenting your documents and tracking number at the post office, you can ask to check whether the shipment has arrived. In any case, there are slight delays on tracking sites, including due to the fact that local postal operators may delay the registration of newly arrived mail at the office.


Sometimes parcels are sent to the wrong place at sorting centers. Another option is that the AliExpress seller confuses something when writing the recipient’s address. The incorrect index has the strongest effect, but the name of the city, region, and the addressee's last name do not have much influence.

After the MPO arrives at the wrong address, post office operators issue a “Forward” coupon and send the mail to the addressee. This is not terrible, but it greatly lengthens the travel time of items.

Came to the place of delivery

After local post office employees register the MPO, they issue a notice, which the postman will take to the addressee's mailbox. The presence of this notification speeds up the process of receiving the parcel.

If there is no notice (for example, the recipient did not wait for the postman after seeing the status change on the tracking website), then the post office operator will print it again. You need to have documents and tracking code with you.

Parcel delivered

Another option: “Deliver to the addressee.”

The parcel was issued to the recipient at the post office indicated in the status.

You can track your parcels either on or in, which is installed in the browser. Take advantage of a convenient tool that allows you to control the movement of your orders from the moment they are sent from China until they are received.

After sending the goods to Aliexpress, the seller gives the buyer a tracking number by which the movement of the parcel can be tracked. And from this moment on, inexperienced buyers begin the most nervous period of waiting for their purchase. During which many regularly panic. One of the most common causes of concern is when the tracking status of a package is not updated for a long time. And with any minor delays in updating parcel tracking statuses, many panic. They are afraid of losing money, worried that the package will not arrive, and that they may need to do something urgently.

Let's take a closer look at why there are delays in updating tracking statuses, and what delay periods are considered normal. And what to do if the parcel status is not updated for a long time.

Why is my parcel tracking status not updated for a long time?

1. Information about the parcel has not yet entered the database of postal services and track number tracking systems.

If you have received a tracking number, this does not mean that your parcel has already arrived at the post office. On average, it is believed that before it begins to be read. Because first the seller will reserve a tracking number, then the parcel will be picked up by the courier, and it will be sent by courier service to the post office. Next, it takes time until the parcel data is entered into the tracking system. In this case, you don’t need to do anything, just wait two weeks until the parcel information starts to be read.

2. The parcel has started to be tracked, but has not been sent.

It happens that the first tracking status appears in the tracking systems and on the Aliexpress website, indicating that the post office has received information about the parcel. This means that the seller reserved a tracking number, but did not physically send the parcel. It even happens that at this stage everything stops.

3. Your track number is tracked only in China.

When ordering cheap goods, parcels may be sent to you by courier companies or whose Track numbers are, in fact, internal invoice numbers. And they are only tracked within China. After passing the border, your parcel will be assigned a new track number with which it will travel further. You, like tracking systems, will not be able to recognize it. And the latest tracking status will show that the parcel has been sent to the destination country. There will be no further updates to the tracking system. Therefore, all that remains is to patiently wait for the notification that the parcel has arrived at your post office.

4. The parcel is at the import stage.

Basically, the process of importing a parcel is the longest stage. On average it can last two weeks. But there are particularly slow sorting points with old equipment or high loads, where parcels are stuck for a month or even more.

You cannot influence the speed of crossing the border in any way. Since it is not known in which country it may be located. It may be marked as “Shipped”, but in fact it was placed in a container that is awaiting shipment, and then it may lie in a temporary storage warehouse, awaiting its turn for further processing. Therefore, you need to be patient and monitor the terms of buyer protection.

5. The parcel is stuck at customs.

There are situations when the latest status in tracking a parcel means that it has arrived at customs. And the movement does not go further. There may be several reasons for this. Firstly, the customs office may be overloaded and the employees physically do not have time to process incoming parcels quickly. Secondly, the parcel may get lost at customs. If more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the parcel arrived at customs, then you can call the desired department yourself and ask the employees to find out what’s wrong with it.

Please note that the speed of parcel delivery is a seasonal phenomenon. If you made an order during the holidays (especially during), during or after a sale, then due to workload or a large number of weekends, parcels will be sent slowly. Not only may the mail physically not work for some time, but also huge traffic jams will form.

We also cannot influence this fact in any way. You just need to take this into account and calmly wait for the parcel to wait its turn and move.

7. Delays in updating tracking databases of some postal services.

Some mails are famous for the fact that information in databases is updated with huge delays. And the parcel can go far ahead, and the data about it has not yet appeared in the database. Or the buyer has already received the parcel, but in tracking it has not even reached the point of export. For example, this is very typical for Estonian post. And the standard problem with China Post is that their server may be unavailable for a long period of time. Accordingly, status updates will not occur because of this.

8. Physical movements parcels.

At the very beginning of the parcel's journey, tracking statuses can be updated frequently. And it seems that your product moves from city to city, quickly passing through various stages. And then, at the next stage, it freezes for a week. And all because she is physically now sailing on a ship. And, sometimes, she needs to cover long distances by shipping. Naturally, this stage takes time and the next status will appear when it arrives at the next intermediate point.

9. The parcel was lost.

And the last, rather rare case, is when your package is lost in transit or stolen. Many buyers are afraid of this very reason, because they believe that the loss of a parcel means the loss of their money. And what do they need somehow. Actually this is not true.

What to do if the parcel status is not tracked for a long time?

N but in reality everything is simple! There are two options.

First- if there is no information about the tracking number, then in the first 10 days you just need to wait. And only then or.

Second - if information appears in the tracking statuses, then the parcel is considered to have been sent to you. And no matter what happens to her in the future, you will not be able to open a dispute until the deadline will pass delivery guarantees (blue alarm). Therefore, seeing that your track is being read, just watch that your package does not go to another recipient and wait patiently for it. Experienced buyers on Aliexpress advise extending the timer 5 days before the end of the buyer protection period if the parcel is delayed somewhere in your country. Or, a couple of days before the end of the protection period, open a dispute saying that a lot of time has passed, but the parcel is still on the way. This will allow you to get your money back for items not received. And it no longer matters where and for what reason the package got stuck.

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Many people who are faced with the purchase of goods in foreign online malls are interested in the course of such a process as the export of international mail, which means the receipt of a certain postal item, which is transferred to the mail of the destination country (in the cases considered here - Russia). The parcel is delivered to the specified place, where international postal exchange and all subsequent export and import operations are carried out. The entire postal route is the export of international mail, which means a step-by-step passage through all authorities in compliance with many rules, which will be discussed below.


From receiving the parcel abroad to receiving it in Russia by the person whose address, first and last name are indicated in the notice, there are many stages, about each of which the recipient and sender receive information upon request. Long haul parcels and all manipulations with them must be transparent, this is exactly what the export of international mail provides, which means free tracking of the item until it is received at the Russian post office.

The first step in sending the item to Russian Federation from abroad is to accept the parcel at a post office, for example, China or Malaysia. At a foreign post office, the parcel is accepted and the appropriate documentation is drawn up for it to go all the way to the final address. At the same time, a declaration for customs in form CN23 or CN22 must be drawn up.


After drawing up the documents, this postal item is given a unique identifier, with the help of which this export of international mail is tracked. What does ID mean? This is the bar code printed on the receipt. The sender receives it so that after some time, when the parcel appears in the tracking system, he can monitor its movement. If desired and possible, the sender can communicate the index to the recipient.

First, the parcel arrives at the location where it is carefully prepared to undergo certain procedures, and this is only the very beginning of knowing what it means to export international mail. China, for example, trades very intensively with Russian consumers online, as it has an extensive network of shopping malls. These are,, Auction1.paipai, as well as many others, including the world famous Amazon and Aliexpress. And it is from there that parcels need to be carefully tracked. The local MMPO houses and Customs, who process the parcel on their part and form a dispatch to the country of departure.

Parcel export

If, when tracking, the future recipient sees the status "export", he needs to be patient. This is one of the most time-consuming processes when a postal item is transported from one country to another - from the sender to the recipient. Air transportation may be involved, but most often delivery is carried out by land.

The speed will depend on the distance of countries from each other purely geographically. And at this stage, when tracking the parcel, the status “export of international mail” will already be known, which means that the parcel is going through the longest stage of the postal journey. The “export” status means that the shipment has been handed over to the carrier, and the parcel is heading to the MMPO of the recipient country, that is, to Russia, but it follows very gradually.


No one can ever know about the delivery time of exports of any international shipments. This depends entirely on the carrier. The following status indicates electronic registration parcels - with these or slightly different words, and this means that the seller registered the track code of the postal item on the courier service website.

However, the parcel has not yet been transferred, and a whole week may still pass before the actual moment of transfer. Most likely, she has not left China yet. Exporting international mail should change the status to "reception" or similar word. But this will only mean that the parcel was actually sent from China to Russia. When it is in the "export" status, it is impossible to track the path. When the status changes to “import”, you can monitor the movements.


Since transportation is most often carried out in transit and undergoes various restrictions, postal items are often delayed for a long time. If a parcel does not receive “import” status for more than three months, the sender must submit a search request to the post office. The actual dispatch to the destination country does not mean at all that the shipment will soon complete its journey, that is, the export of international mail itself does not indicate this. No one knows how long the departure journey lasts at this stage.

This happens because the routes are laid out differently each time; a lot depends on the flights, as well as on the formation of the optimal weight. That is, parcels are accumulated to the required quantity so that the flight becomes profitable. For example, Chinese planes carry from fifty to one hundred tons. And no one knows when this flight will gain the required weight. This stage can take from seven to fourteen days on average. But often more, there are cases when parcels were expected for all of sixty days.


With the status "export (checking contents)" you can be sure that the parcel is not moving anywhere yet. She was handed over to the customs office of the country of departure to carry out inspection and other procedures. Once customs clearance has been completed, the parcel will move towards the destination country. The status "export (packaging)" will mean that the parcel has passed inspection successfully, it is packed, labeled and ready to be sent to Russia.

With the “transportation” status, everything seems to be clear: the mail item is moving from the sorting center. Most likely - in another sorting center, but already towards the recipient. The same thing means “transit” status. Sometimes, as the shipment is being tracked, a notification appears that customs has completed clearance, which will mean that now postal services continue to export international mail. Malaysia (MYKULB - international code), for example, allows you to track your parcels using its own help center, but this does not add speed to the parcels.

Customs is there

Customs in most MMPOs works around the clock, since this is the only way to check this colossal volume of mail incoming and outgoing from abroad. In addition to customs officers, postal operators also work there - two people per customs employee.

This is what awaits a parcel with the status " customs clearance". While the parcel is still in the sending country and undergoing customs procedures. This is not a very fast process. If the status says “customs clearance in the recipient’s country,” you can begin to rejoice and rub your hands in anticipation.

Customs is here

The parcel is transferred to and processed there, simultaneously going through a rather long cycle of functions: processing, customs control, decor. All postal containers receive customs transit procedures and are then sorted into areas and types of shipments.

Commodity investments must undergo X-ray control, and customs decides whether to open the shipment or not. The reason to take personal control of the parcel may be commercial batch or targeting it, where the presence of substances prohibited for shipment is suspected, or maybe simply a violation of property rights. The operator opens the parcels in front of the customs officer, after which they draw up an inspection report and attach them to the shipment.

Other statuses

The status “international mail export, sorting” means that the parcel is already in one of the many sorting centers and is being processed there. In any case, this is already very close to receiving. It is unknown how long it will take for processing, but sooner or later the parcel will leave this sorting center. The status “accepted by the carrier” moves the moment of receipt even closer - the order is transferred to the local carrier.

Then different statuses may appear in turn, which speak for themselves: “arrived at the terminal” (probably an intermediate one, where the parcel will once again be unloaded, loaded, processed, marked and sent further), “arrived at the warehouse” (where it will again be unloaded, loaded and so on - see above), “located in the center for processing small packages” (again, everything is according to the previous list, but at the end the further route is selected here). One of these intermediate statuses that makes you sad is “arrival in a transit country.” It is a very troublesome task to track the export of international mail. China (CNSZXA - international code), for example, apologizes to customers exceptionally often for long delays.

Post office

The long-awaited status “arrival at the post office” means that the recipient can, without even waiting for the postman with a notification, contact directly the post office indicated in the status and receive his parcel. Other phrases may also be used in this message. For example: "Export of international mail from Russia. Arrival at the place of delivery." Ideally, delivery of the notice by the postman should be made on the same day, but more often it happens differently.

By the way, if you have received the status “abandoned place of international exchange” from the Russian Post, then you do not need to wait more than ten days, since this is already a clear violation of the delivery time. Feel free to call and complain. Postal workers are required to respond to such a call. The parcel is searched for and a notice of its arrival at the department is immediately issued. And they give the notice to the postman. It's good if all the worries are over. Because there are also unsuccessful delivery attempts if the postal operator has to report this in the next status. Moreover, the specific reason for non-delivery is never displayed.

Further actions

After another attempt at delivery, the parcel is transferred to storage until all the circumstances are clarified. It is marked "on demand". After a certain time, the failed recipient sees the status of the parcel being returned to the sender. And if he does not immediately contact the post office, which was obliged to deliver the item, and does not find out the reasons for non-delivery, then the recipient can already say goodbye to the dream that arrived from Malaysia or China.

And he was not the recipient even then. Unfortunately, this happens very often, as people who use foreign online malls constantly write about in reviews and advise on forums. This is how customers warn each other about poor quality service. For example, Chinese warehouses of online stores receive a lot of criticism.

Deliveries have now become especially in demand. After all, people are increasingly using online services, in particular, ordering various kinds of goods on online platforms, among which Aliexpress has become the most popular. At the same time, many people prefer to independently carry out tracking throughout the entire stage of cargo transportation.

And this is very correct, because thanks to this option you will be able to find out in time what delays are occurring, what procedures and points, stages of verification are being carried out or will only be carried out.

In general, thanks to tracking you can get detailed information about delivery. However, to do this, you need to know what tracking statuses mean. Only their correct understanding will allow you to benefit from tracking.

When making international deliveries, you can often encounter the status “Export from the country of origin.” Many clients courier services I'm interested in what this phrase means. We will consider its meaning within the framework of this article. However, first you need to understand what exporting international mail itself means.

Export is

The word “export” itself comes from the Latin exporto. This same word, in turn, has the meaning of “export of goods and services from the port of the country,” if we talk about its literal meaning. Buyers of these same services and goods will call the country an importer. That is, when tracking a parcel, it is important to correctly understand the statuses:

  • Export means that something has gone outside the country.
  • Import means that something, on the contrary, arrived in the country.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

The meaning of the status Export from the country of origin

This status is second in order. It is issued at the delivery stage, when the goods are exported outside the sending country. You can also interpret the message this way: there is still time before receiving the goods.

To make it easier, let's look at an example: Ivan bought headphones from Aliexpress and ordered delivery. The product is located in China, but it needs to be delivered to Russia. When, during tracking, Ivan sees “Export from the sending country,” this means: the headphones were exported from China.

Statuses in Aliexpress are information about what stage your order or package is at. It is necessary to distinguish between statuses order(waiting for payment, payment verification, order processing) and statuses parcels(the parcel arrived at the sorting point, left customs, export, import). The order status is assigned to the order by the website itself and information about it can be seen in the order information. The status of the parcel is assigned by the post office and customs and is tracked on specialized websites.

We will look at both types of statuses and figure out what they mean.

Aliexpress order statuses

This order is awaiting your payment- Waiting for payment.

This status is assigned to the order immediately after clicking the Place Order button - until payment is made. The time given to the buyer to pay for the order is indicated below in the form of a countdown timer. If the order is not paid within this time, it will automatically close and change to Closed status.

Your payment is being verified– Aliexpress verifies your payment.

Immediately after paying for the order, the payment is sent for verification by the site, and the order status changes to Your payment is being verified. Payment verification usually takes 24 hours, after which it is time for the seller to send the order

– The seller is processing your order

The order status changes to The supplier is processing your order. The time for sending an order is set personally by the seller and is indicated on the product description page. In the order, the time allocated for sending is indicated in the form of a countdown timer. If the order is not shipped within the specified time, Aliexpress will cancel the order. If the seller does not have time to send the order at the specified time, you can extend the processing time by clicking on the " Extend processing time" located under the timer. If for some reason you change your mind about placing an order, click " Request order cancellation" located there. You can read more detailed information about canceling an order in our article “How to cancel an order on Aliexpress”.

The seller has shipped your order - the seller has sent your order.

The order receives this status after sending the order and entering the track number into the system to track it. A new countdown timer appears in the order, indicating how much time is left until the end of the Buyer Protection program on Aliexpress. Button Request to extend Purchase Protection allows you to extend the duration of the Program if, after 40 days, the order has not been delivered. Button Open Dispute allows you to open a dispute (dispute) if the arrived product turns out to be of inadequate quality or does not arrive at all
