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Concrete worker job description. The profession of a carpenter-concrete worker Examination tickets for a concrete worker 5th category

We bring to your attention typical example job description for a concrete worker of the 5th category, sample 2019/2020. A person with education, special training and work experience can be appointed to this position. Do not forget, each instruction of a concrete worker of the 5th category is issued on hand against receipt.

It provides typical information about the knowledge that a 5th grade concrete worker should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. Concrete worker of the 5th category belongs to the category of workers.

2. Concrete worker of the 5th category is accepted by a person with an average professional education or initial vocational education and special training, with no work experience requirements.

3. Concrete worker of the 5th category must know:

a) special (professional) knowledge:

- methods of manufacturing stress-reinforced structures and products;

- rules for assembling the formwork of complex structures;

- rules and techniques for assembling and installing complex fittings;

— compositions of special concrete mixtures (plasticizers, superplasticizers);

— methods of concreting embedded parts in foundations for equipment with vibration;

- requirements for the installation of mounting and embedded parts, including anchor bolts, during concreting;

- methods for checking the quality of concrete mixtures and ready-made concrete;

— methods of strengthening damaged and reconstructed structures.

- instructions for the use, operation, storage of fixtures, tools, measuring instruments and other technical means used in their work.

- sketches and drawings directly used in the process of work.

— requirements for the quality of work in related construction processes;

- professional requirements for a worker in this profession of a lower rank;

b) general knowledge of the employee of the organization:

- rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and countermeasures fire safety;

- rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

- requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

- range and marking of materials used, consumption rates of fuels and lubricants;

- rules for the movement and warehousing of goods;

- types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

- production signaling.

5. In his activities, the concrete worker of the 5th category is guided by:

RF legislation,

- Charter (regulations) of the organization,

- orders and orders of _________ organization, ( CEO, director, leader)

- this job description,

- The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. Concrete worker of the 5th category reports directly to _________ (a worker with a higher qualification, the head of production (section, workshop) and the director of the organization)

7. During the absence of a concrete worker of the 5th category (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by _________ of the organization (head position) on the proposal of _________ (position) in the prescribed manner, which acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of a concrete worker of the 5th category

The duties of a concrete worker of the 5th category are:

a) Special (professional) duties:

— Laying concrete mix in thin-walled structures of domes, vaults, shells of single and double curvature, tanks and bunkers, in the construction of aeration chambers, separate walls of washing galleries and inter-chamber walls of settling tanks, walls of spiral chambers, ceilings and suction pipes of hydraulic structures, in ribbed, box-shaped and other complex structures of bridge spans, as well as in stress-reinforced monolithic structures.

— Laying of extra heavy concrete mixture in the structure of the nuclear power plant.

— Pouring of concrete mix behind the lining, into the grooves with embedded parts and different kinds fixed formwork.

— Manufacturing at landfills construction sites stress-reinforced reinforced concrete products (spans of bridges and overpasses, long piles and supports, trusses and beams of large spans, etc.).

— Concreting of embedded parts in the foundations of turbogenerators, electric feed pumps, etc.

— Concreting of wells and trenches.

- Performance of work by workers of lower qualifications in this profession.

- Management of workers of lower ranks of the same profession.

b) General Responsibilities organization employee:

— Compliance with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization, internal rules and norms of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

– Fulfillment, within the framework of the employment contract, of the orders of the employees to whom it was repaired in accordance with this instruction.

– Performing work on the acceptance and delivery of shifts, cleaning and washing, disinfection of serviced equipment and communications, cleaning the workplace, fixtures, tools, as well as keeping them in good condition.

- Maintaining established technical documentation.

3. The rights of a concrete worker of the 5th category

Concrete worker of the 5th category has the right:

1. Submit proposals for management consideration:

– to improve the work related to the provisions of this responsibilities,

— on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility employees who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of labor duties.

3. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the concrete worker of the 5th category

Concrete worker of the 5th category is responsible in the following cases:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties stipulated by this job description - within the limits established by labor legislation Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage organizations - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description concrete worker of the 5th category - a sample of 2019/2020. The duties of a concrete worker of the 5th category, the rights of a concrete worker of the 5th category, the responsibility of a concrete worker of the 5th category.

Added to site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The concrete worker is a worker and reports directly to


(name of the position of the head)

1.2. Concrete worker of the 2nd category must know:

Methods for preparing concrete mixes manually;

Ways of notching concrete surfaces;

Techniques for supplying ready-mixed concrete in structures;

Rules for the care of concrete;

Methods for dismantling concrete and reinforced concrete structures manually;

Methods for dismantling the formwork of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

The range and marking of the materials used, the consumption rates of fuels and lubricants;

Rules for the movement and warehousing of goods;

Types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

Industrial alarm;

Requirements for the quality of work in related construction processes (rules for sharpening, refueling, adjustment, adjustment of the tools used and the use of the necessary devices and measuring instruments);

Rules for reading sketches and drawings directly used in the process of work;

Requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

The procedure for notifying the manager of all shortcomings found during work;

Rules for the provision of first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

1.3. Concrete worker of the 3rd category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in clause 1.2 of this instruction;

Basic properties and grades of cement, aggregates and concrete mixtures;

The main elements of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

The main methods of laying and compacting the concrete mixture;

The device and methods of work with electrified and pneumatic tools;

Rules for assembling the formwork of simple structures;

Techniques for breaking concrete and reinforced concrete structures using pneumatic and electrified tools;

Rules for the movement and supply of goods;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.4. Concrete worker of the 4th category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of these instructions;

Basic requirements for the quality of concrete mixtures, finished structures and products;

Rules for the installation of cement-concrete road surfaces and requirements for their quality;

The principle of operation of the used concrete pumps and concrete pipelines, machines and devices for cutting joints when installing cement-concrete road surfaces, vibrators and vibrating platforms, vacuum units;

Rules for concreting structures in winter and methods for heating concrete;

Antifreeze additives and their scope;

Rules for the installation and dismantling of formwork structures and supporting scaffolding;

Rules and techniques for assembling and installing simple fittings;

Requirements for the preparation of concrete surfaces for cladding, rules for lining and painting;

Methods for ironing and fluting surfaces;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.5. Concrete worker of the 5th category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraphs 1.2 - 1.4 of this instruction;

Methods for manufacturing stress-reinforced structures and products;

Rules for assembling formwork of complex structures;

Rules and techniques for assembling and installing complex fittings;

Compositions of special concrete mixtures (plasticizers, superplasticizers);

Methods for concreting embedded parts in foundations for equipment with vibration;

Requirements for the installation of mounting and embedded parts, including anchor bolts, during concreting;

Methods for checking the quality of concrete mixtures and ready-made concrete;

Ways to strengthen damaged and reconstructed structures;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.6. A concrete worker of a higher rank must be able to perform work that corresponds in complexity to a lower-skilled worker, as well as supervise concrete workers of a lower rank.

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), the concrete worker:

1) receives a production assignment;

2) passes, if necessary, briefing on labor protection;

3) accepts the shift;

4) checks the serviceability of devices, tools, inventory, etc., personal protective equipment;

(other duties)

2.2. In the process of work, the concrete worker:

1) performs the work for which he was instructed and allowed to work;

2) uses overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe methods and methods of work;

4) complies with the rules of use technological equipment, fixtures and tools, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work;

5) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all shortcomings found during work;

6) comply with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ___________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3. During the working day (shift), the concrete worker:

2.3.1. 2nd category:

1) cleans rock bases and concrete surfaces;

2) carries out a notch of concrete surfaces with a hand tool;

3) performs the acceptance of concrete mix from vehicles;

4) throws and lowers the concrete mix along the trays and trunks;

5) carries out the dosage of the components by weight and volume with the help of devices (wheelbarrows, merniks);

6) prepares the concrete mix manually;

7) disassembles concrete and reinforced concrete structures manually;

8) performs punching holes and furrows in concrete and reinforced concrete structures, felling the heads of reinforced concrete piles manually;

9) maintain concrete;

10) disassembles formwork of concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

11) cleans formwork from concrete;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.2. 3rd category:

1) lays the concrete mix in foundations, foundations and arrays;

2) lays the concrete mixture on horizontal planes;

3) exercise device:

Reinforced concrete foundations for the bay;

Underlayments and concrete floor bases;

cement screed;

4) performs slinging buckets;

5) performs notching and breaking of concrete and reinforced concrete structures with pneumatic and electrified tools;

6) close up potholes, holes and furrows with concrete mix;

7) disassembles the formwork of simple structures;

8) carries out felling of the heads of reinforced concrete piles with a pneumatic tool;

9) performs installation of channel formers and laying of serpentinite mixture into dry protection blocks nuclear power plants NPP;

10) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work corresponding to the complexity of their performance by workers of lower qualification;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.3. 4th category:

1) installs:

Concrete mixture in columns, walls, beams, slabs, bridge supports, bullheads;

Concrete mixture on inclined planes (in the slopes of dams, canals, dams, etc.);

Special and heavy concrete mixtures in the design of nuclear power plants;

2) manufactures blocks of tiled superstructures of bridges at the polygons of construction sites;

3) performs the installation and repair of clean cement floors with cutting into strips and checkers;

4) carries out the installation of clean concrete floors by vacuuming;

5) performs installation and repair of concrete floors;

6) lays the concrete mixture under water using the method of vertically moving pipes and fills the voids of the rubble casting under water using the ascending mortar method;

7) smoothes the surfaces with metal trowels sprinkled with cement;

8) performs cutting of expansion joints with finishing them during the installation of cement-concrete road surfaces;

9) performs the finishing of seams and surfaces of road cement-concrete pavements;

10) carries out electric heating and steam heating of concrete;

11) performs installation of rectilinear panel formwork and installation of all types of rectilinear formwork elements;

12) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work corresponding to the complexity of their performance by workers of lower qualification;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.4. 5th category:

1) lays the concrete mixture in thin-walled structures of domes, vaults, shells of single and double curvature, tanks and bunkers, in the construction of aeration chambers, separate walls of washing galleries and inter-chamber walls of settling tanks, walls of spiral chambers, ceilings and suction pipes of hydraulic structures, in ribbed, box-shaped and other complex structures of bridge spans, as well as in stress-reinforced monolithic structures ;

2) performs laying of extra heavy concrete mix in the NPP structure;

3) performs pouring of the concrete mix behind the cladding, into streaks with embedded parts and various types of fixed formwork;

4) performs the manufacture of stress-reinforced reinforced concrete products at the construction sites (span structures of bridges and overpasses, long piles and supports, trusses and beams of large spans, etc.);

5) carries out concreting:

Embedded parts in the foundations of turbogenerators, electric feed pumps, etc.;

Wells and trenches;

6) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work corresponding to the complexity of their performance by workers of lower qualification;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the concrete worker:

1) brings devices, tools into proper condition, transfers them for storage;

2) removes dirt from overalls and safety shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

3) performs an inspection (self-examination);

4) hand over the shift;

5) ___________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

3. Rights

In the performance of his duties, the concrete worker has labor rights stipulated by the concluded with the employee employment contract, internal labor regulations, local regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The concrete worker is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Article 192 Labor Code Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction.

4.2. The concrete worker is financially responsible for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

4.3. Concrete worker for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is brought to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

4.4. ___________________________________________________________________.

5. Final provisions

5.1. This manual has been developed on the basis of

Tariff and qualification characteristics of the profession "Concrete worker, 2 - 5th category"

(Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers.

Issue 3. Section "Construction, installation and repair and construction works",

approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 6, 2007 N 243),


(details of other acts and documents)

5.2. Familiarization of the employee with this instruction is carried out

when hiring (before signing an employment contract).

The fact of familiarization of the employee with this instruction is confirmed

(handwritten on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of


part of this manual (in the instruction book);


in a copy of the instructions kept by the employer;



5.3. ___________________________________________________________________.

\Typical job description Concrete worker of the 5th category

Job description Concrete worker 5th category

Job title: Concrete worker of the 5th category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • Concrete worker of the 5th category directly reports to ..........................
  • Concrete worker of the 5th category follows instructions ..............................................................

  • (instructions of these employees are carried out only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Concrete worker of the 5th category replaces ..................................................................................
  • Concrete worker of the 5th category replaces ..............................................................................................
  • Recruitment and dismissal:
    The concrete worker is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • methods of manufacturing stress-reinforced structures and products. Rules for assembling formwork of complex structures. Rules and techniques for assembling and installing complex fittings. Methods for monitoring the strength and water resistance of concrete.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Concreting of complex reinforced concrete monolithic structures.
page 1 Job description Concrete worker
page 2 Job description Concrete worker

4. Rights

  • The concrete worker has the right to give assignments to employees subordinate to him, tasks on a range of issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The concrete worker has the right to control the fulfillment of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • The concrete worker has the right to request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the issues of its activities and the activities of employees subordinate to it.
  • The concrete worker has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The concrete worker has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding the activities of the Division.
  • The concrete worker has the right to propose for the consideration of the manager proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The concrete worker has the right to submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the promotion of distinguished workers, the imposition of penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The concrete worker has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The concrete worker is liable for improper performance or non-performance of his official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The concrete worker is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • Upon transfer to another job or dismissal from the position, the Concrete Worker is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person taking up this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The concrete worker is liable for offenses committed in the course of his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The concrete worker is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The concrete worker is responsible for complying with applicable instructions, orders and orders to maintain trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The concrete worker is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description was developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural

1.1. The concrete worker is a worker and reports directly to ……… (name of the position / profession of the manager)

1.2. To work as a concrete worker of the 5th category, a person who has reached the age of 18 is accepted:

1) having a secondary vocational education in training programs for skilled workers, who has completed additional vocational training on advanced training programs;

2) having experience as a concrete worker of the 4th category for at least 2 years.

1.3. To work specified in paragraph 1.2 of these instructions, a person is allowed:

1) passed in accordance with the Procedure for training on labor protection and testing knowledge of the requirements of labor protection of employees of organizations, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 N 1/29, training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, briefing on labor protection (introductory and at the workplace), internship at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

2) passed in accordance with the Procedure for conducting mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) of employees engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) hazardous conditions labor, approved By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 12, 2011 N 302n, mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations(examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations).

1.4. Concrete worker of the 5th category is allowed to independent climbing work (at a height of more than 5 m), provided that the employee undergoes additional instruction.

1.5. Concrete worker of the 5th category must know:

1) documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work of a lower qualification, provided for by production (by profession) instructions and (or) professional standard;

2) types of concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures;

3) rules for reading drawings;

4) requirements for the exposed formwork and the reinforced structures installed in it before concreting;

5) rules for signaling with gestures during loading operations;

6) purpose, principles of operation of electrified and pneumatic tools and equipment used for:

Concrete works;

Cement flooring devices;

7) Technology:

Concreting of structures of increased complexity;

Manufacture of stress-reinforced reinforced concrete products;

8) quality requirements for finished concrete and reinforced concrete products;

9) properties:

Concrete, mortars and technological properties of concrete and mortar mixtures;

Strengthening damaged and reconstructed structures;

10) concrete care methods;

11) methods and technologies for concreting wells and trenches;

12) requirements for the installation of mounting and embedded parts, including anchor bolts during concreting;

13) characteristics of the vibration mode for compacting the concrete mixture;

14) requirements for labor protection while being at a construction site, working at height, fire safety, electrical safety and safety when conducting concrete work;

15) rules and requirements of industrial sanitation and labor hygiene;

16) the rules for providing first (pre-medical) aid to the victim in case of an accident at work, in case of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

17) the procedure for notifying the manager of all shortcomings found during work;

18) Internal labor regulations;

19) ……… (other requirements for the necessary knowledge)

1.6. Concrete worker of the 5th category must be able to:

1) perform work (operations, actions) at lower levels;

2) supervise concrete workers of lower qualification (rank);

3) work with control and measuring, electrified, pneumatic and manual tools and equipment for concrete work;

5) inspect appearance, design position and general condition of the formwork for compliance with the requirements of the project;

6) inspect the appearance, design position of reinforcement and embedded parts for compliance with the requirements of the project;

7) determine the properties of the concrete mixture;

8) to lay the concrete mixture in thin-walled structures of domes, vaults, shells of single and double curvature, tanks and bunkers, in the construction of aeration chambers, separate walls of washing galleries and inter-chamber walls of settling tanks, walls of spiral chambers, ceilings and suction pipes of hydraulic structures;

9) stack:

Concrete mixture into ribbed, box-shaped and other complex structures of bridge spans;

Particularly heavy concrete mix in the design of nuclear power plants;

Concrete mixture into stress-reinforced monolithic structures;

Concrete mixture in the structure of increased complexity and hard-to-reach places using various equipment for supplying the concrete mixture to the place of its laying;

10) compact heavy concrete mix with vibrators;

11) choose the vibration mode for compacting the concrete mix;

12) care for concrete in various ways;

13) to produce stress-reinforced reinforced concrete products;

14) evaluate safe and sanitary and hygienic working conditions in accordance with the standards;

15) organize the cleaning of production waste, garbage in designated places in accordance with the instructions;

16) carry out quality control of the work performed;

17) comply with the requirements of labor protection while being at the construction site, working at height, fire safety, electrical safety and safety when conducting concrete work;

18) comply with the rules and requirements of industrial sanitation and labor hygiene, use personal protective equipment;

19) provide first aid to the victim in case of an accident at work;

20) ……… (other requirements for necessary skills)

1.7. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. The labor functions of a concrete worker of the 5th category are:

2.1.1. Performance of a complex of concrete works of increased complexity:

1) maintaining organizational and preparatory work before laying the concrete mixture in special structures;

2) laying the concrete mixture in thin-walled structures of single and double curvature, complex structures of bridge spans, in stress-reinforced monolithic structures; laying of extra heavy concrete mix in the NPP structure;

3) concreting of embedded parts in the foundations of turbogenerators, feed electric pumps; concreting of wells and trenches.

2.1.2. Management of concrete workers of lower qualification (rank).

2.2. ……… (other functions)

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), the concrete worker of the 5th category:

1) undergoes a pre-shift (preventive) medical examination in accordance with the established procedure;

2) receives a production assignment;

3) passes, if necessary, briefing on labor protection;

4) accepts the shift;

5) checks the serviceability of devices, tools, inventory, etc., personal protective equipment;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.2. In the process of work, a concrete worker of the 5th category:

1) performs the work for which he was instructed and allowed to work;

2) uses overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe methods and methods of work;

4) comply with the rules for the use of technological equipment, fixtures and tools, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work;

5) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all shortcomings found during work;

6) comply with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ……… (other duties)

3.3. During the working day (shift), the concrete worker of the 5th category performs the following duties within the framework of labor functions:

3.3.1. As part of the labor function specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) carries out the organization of the work process on the grip of the link in accordance with the task and safety requirements when performing this work;

2) carries out the choice of tools, equipment and materials necessary for work, in accordance with the task assigned to the link, and the project for the production of work;

3) exercise control over:

The external condition, the correctness of the fastening system, the planned and height position of the formwork;

The presence of internal formwork elements that form openings and holes in structures, the presence of clamps;

Presence and condition of concrete heating elements;

The state of reinforcement, the presence of embedded parts.

3.3.2. As part of the labor function specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) carries out the organization of the workplace in accordance with the task and safety requirements when performing this work;

2) carries out the selection of tools, equipment and materials necessary to complete the task;

3) performs the laying of the concrete mixture in special structures;

4) performs the pouring of the concrete mix behind the cladding, into streaks with embedded parts and into various types of fixed formwork;

5) performs compaction of the concrete mix;

6) carries out the production of stress-reinforced reinforced concrete products (spans of bridges and overpasses, long piles and supports, trusses and beams of large spans) at construction site sites;

3.3.3. As part of the labor function specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2.1.1 of this instruction:

1) carries out the selection of tools, equipment and materials necessary to complete the task;

2) carries out the organization of the workplace in accordance with the task and safety requirements in the performance of this work;

3) controls the design position of embedded parts;

4) performs concreting of embedded parts in the foundations of turbogenerators, electric feed pumps;

5) performs the laying of the concrete mixture in wells and trenches;

6) performs compaction of the concrete mix;

7) carries out quality control of works performed independently.

3.3.4. As part of the labor function specified in clause 2.1.2 of this instruction:

1) issues tasks for the shift to the link of concrete workers;

2) organizes and coordinates the work of the link of concrete workers;

3) gives instructions and explanations on the performance of work to concrete workers of lower qualification;

3) carries out quality control of work performed by the link of concrete workers.

3.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the concrete worker of the 5th category:

1) brings devices, tools into proper condition, transfers them for storage;

2) removes dirt from overalls and safety shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

3) submits the established reporting;

4) performs an inspection (self-examination);

5) hand over the shift;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.5. As part of the performance of his labor functions, a concrete worker of the 5th category:

1) executes the instructions of his immediate supervisor;

2) undergo periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) ……… (other duties)

3.6. ……… (other terms of duty)

4. Rights

4.1. When performing his labor functions and duties, a concrete worker of the 5th category has labor rights provided for by the employment contract concluded with the employee, the Internal Labor Regulations, local regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4.2. ……… (other worker rights provisions)

5. Responsibility

5.1. Concrete worker of the 5th category is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with Art. 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction.

5.2. Concrete worker of the 5th category is financially responsible for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

5.3. Concrete worker of the 5th category for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is brought to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

5.4. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This manual has been developed on the basis of professional standard"", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation dated 10.02.2015 N 74n, taking into account ... ... ... (details of the organization's local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out upon employment (before signing the employment contract).

The fact that the employee is familiarized with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; otherwise)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions).
