Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Job description of a legal adviser acting as a contract manager. Job description for procurement lawyer. Job description of a procurement specialist in the field of supply

Job description The procurement manager (specialist) contains the employer’s requirements for the employee’s qualifications, determines the rules for appointment, dismissal, and the order of subordination. The document states functional responsibilities, employee rights, his responsibilities. fundamentals of civil and economic legislation; procedure for concluding sales and purchase agreements, supply agreements, requirements for documentation; assortment, characteristics, purpose of goods used in the organization; rules for the reception and transfer of inventory items; methods of planning the organization's supply; safety standards, labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection; pricing principles,

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES of Legal Department employees

Develops draft local acts, complex agreements and other legal documents.

Participates in preparing responses to incoming legal documents as directed by the Academy’s management. Coordinates draft local acts of the Academy and agreements.

Represents the interests of the Academy in courts and enforcement authorities court decisions, as well as in government agencies and public organizations.

Carries out accounting and storage of judicial and arbitration cases in progress and completed in execution.

Job description

Takes part in the preparation of materials on theft, embezzlement, shortages and other violations of the current legislation of the Russian Federation for transfer to investigative and judicial authorities, and takes measures to compensate for damage. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen contractual, financial and labor discipline.

A person who has secondary vocational education, additional vocational education under an advanced training program and a professional retraining program in the field of procurement is accepted for the position of procurement specialist. 15) draw up and draw up a report containing information on the execution of the contract, on compliance with intermediate and final deadlines for the execution of the contract, on improper execution of the contract (indicating the violations committed) or on non-fulfillment of the contract and on sanctions that were applied in connection with violation of the terms of the contract or its non-performance, amendment or termination of the contract during its execution, amendment of the contract or termination of the contract; 1) Federal Law dated 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”, Federal Law dated 18.

Job description of the legal adviser of the tender department

1. A legal adviser belongs to the category of specialists 2. A person with a higher professional education and work experience in positions held by specialists with secondary vocational education for at least 3 years is appointed to the position of a legal adviser 3. Appointment to and dismissal from a position is made by order of the General Director.

1. Legislative acts regulating the production and economic activities of the organization 2. Civil, administrative, financial law 3. Legislation and regulatory legal acts relating to the issue of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs 4. Rules for the formation and submission of applications for participation in state (municipal) auctions and request for quotation prices 5. Rules for the formation and submission of a complaint to the Federal Antimonopoly Service and statements of claim to the courts 6.

Job title of legal adviser in procurement

From this material you will learn whether one institution can appoint several contract managers, how to correctly calculate 5% of the total annual volume Money what is meant by the stage of execution of a contract for the purposes of conducting mandatory examination and how Law No. 44-FZ resolves the issue of the same name of goods. Article 94 of Law No. 44-FZ provides for a mandatory examination based on the results of each stage of contract execution.

What to do? You can independently or with the help of your organization's system administrator download and install one of the popular modern browsers for free: I work as a legal consultant in a hospital organization. The job description was simply copied from the ECSD, about 5 years ago.

The chief doctor constantly tells me that all issues of organizing and conducting procurement must be carried out by me. 1.3.

Job Description of the Legal Adviser of the Procurement Department

Timeliness and accuracy of translations of regulatory documents and correspondence concerning the supply of material resources. Ensures the timely execution by all department employees, without exception, of orders, orders, instructions, etc., issued at the enterprise.

Let's finish this part together! Site with practice in Ukraine jobs.). If the current job description is not exactly what you were looking for, look at other job descriptions under the heading of foreign trade specialties, warehouse.

Wholesale and retail trade food products - wholesale and retail prices for product groups from the company's assortment, including prices of main manufacturers, suppliers, as well as competing companies - organization of the enterprise's warehouse operations, methods of planning, control and management of warehouse stock - database.

Job Description for Procurement Department Lawyer

This instruction has been drawn up in accordance with the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998.

No. 37 “General industry qualification characteristics positions of workers employed in enterprises, institutions and organizations.” 1.4. A person who has a higher professional (legal) education without requirements for work experience or a secondary vocational (legal) education and work experience in positions filled by specialists with a secondary vocational education of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of legal adviser.

1.9. During the absence of a legal adviser (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the technical school.

This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him. 3.2.

Purchasing specialist: responsibilities, job description, education, requirements, resume

Finding a job that suits you today is not easy. After all, she should not only help support herself and her family, but also allow her to realize herself as a professional in her field.

And most applicants who want to get an official job expect to receive a full social package and related benefits.

Among available vacancies The position of procurement specialist is often found. What do these types of employees do? In what enterprises is there a need for them? What responsibilities should this specialist perform? Is it necessary to get a full higher education Or is it enough to take the courses? Purchasing specialist is a popular vacancy these days. Therefore, further in the article we will consider the answers to the above questions.

What is the job description of a procurement specialist?

This is a special internal document of a certain organization, which clearly and clearly sets out the basic requirements for the applicant for a given position, describes the range of all his professional responsibilities, as well as official rights, the framework defining the degree of his responsibility for negligently performed work.

Job description of a legal consultant for contractual work

This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a legal adviser for contract work [Name of organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company). — safety of documents (information) containing information constituting the Company’s trade secret, other confidential information, including personal data of the Company’s employees entrusted to him for the purpose of proper execution of the tasks assigned to him; 1.5.

A lawyer must know: - legislative acts regulating the production and economic activities of LLC “Correct Resolution”; - regulatory legal documents, methodological and normative-technical materials on the legal activities of Correct Resolution LLC; - civil, labor, financial, administrative, tax legislation; - the procedure for maintaining records and drawing up reports on the economic and financial activities of Correct Resolution LLC; - the procedure for concluding and registration of business contracts, collective agreements, tariff agreements; - the procedure for systematization, accounting and maintenance of legal documentation using modern information technologies;- fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management; - computer equipment, communications and communications; - internal labor regulations; - labor protection rules and regulations.1.4.

What a public procurement specialist should know and be able to do

IN budgetary institutions In order to carry out public procurement, responsible persons must be appointed or a special structural unit created. This provision is spelled out in the corresponding document - 44-FZ.
We will try to understand all the nuances and subtleties of this issue. Scope of activity of the contract service (CS) and contract manager (CM) The contract service (contract manager) is engaged in procurement.

The activity begins with the planning stage and determination of the contractor (supplier, contractor). The final stage is an analysis of the effectiveness of the result and the fulfillment of the obligations of all parties to the contract.

Consequently, the job of the contract manager (contract service) is to carry out the full procurement cycle. It also includes the claim stage.
But this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of main positions for which these specialists are responsible.

How should tasks be prioritized when orders are simultaneously received from the chief accountant (immediate supervisor) and from the head of the customer’s contract service? It seems that in each specific case the procedure for action must be prescribed in local acts. At the same time, in order to promptly ensure the work of the contract service and in accordance with paragraph 10 of the Model Regulations (Regulations) on the contract service, the head of the contract service in order to increase the efficiency of contract service employees during the formation organizational structure determines the job responsibilities and personal responsibilities of contract service employees, distributing the functional responsibilities defined by the said Regulations among these employees.

The law establishes special requirements for vocational training contract workers.

Should an organization's lawyer handle government procurement?

The contract manager under 44-FZ is the official who is responsible for the process of all procurement. There can only be one in an organization. Job description of a contract manager.


Powers and responsibilities The contract manager under 44-FZ usually has a number of mandatory positions in his job description. But, naturally, the manager has the right to supplement it.

The contract manager's responsibilities include the development of a procurement plan, the process of amending it and posting it in the Unified Information System. This specialist also draws up a schedule, as well as making changes to it with mandatory placement.

The job description of the contract manager includes the preparation and placement of procurement documents in the Unified Information System.

Who should handle sole source purchasing?

In accordance with paragraph 4 of part 4 of Article 38 of Federal Law N 44-FZ, ensuring procurement, including the conclusion of contracts, is entrusted to the contract service (contract manager). For purchases from sole supplier, contractor, performer, no exceptions are made.

This means that these issues will be dealt with by the customer’s contract service or contract manager. As follows from Article 38 of Federal Law N 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”, a customer whose total procurement volume in accordance with the schedule exceeds one hundred million rubles is obliged to create contract service.

Lawyer or accountant: who should do what and who is responsible for what

At the same time, the legislator especially emphasizes that the creation of a separate structural unit is optional. This is logical, since, firstly, many customers have a large number of branches and other separate structural divisions to which the authority to carry out procurement for the relevant separate divisions; secondly, the functions assigned to the contract service are very extensive - they concern lawyers, economists, and technical specialists(based on compilation technical assignments for the implementation of procurement procedures, for the acceptance of goods, results of work, services), and accounting employees (for example, in terms of payment under contracts, in terms of the operational organization of the transfer of information on the execution of contracts to the responsible person, who is obliged within 3 working days from the date of completion of execution obligations under the contract (see Art.

Why do you need a contract manager? job description

Since it is necessary to prepare technical specifications, it is advisable to include in the contract service at least several positions of employees of the supply department, as well as an estimator, a specialist in the field capital construction. To the extent that it is necessary to make payments under contracts, provide lawyers (other employees of the contract service who are responsible for sending information about contracts to the contract register) information about the execution of contracts, it is necessary to involve accounting employees in the work of the contract service (it is advisable with a clear listing the positions of accounting employees included in the contract service).

It is extremely difficult to talk about the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” and other related legislative acts. However, you should understand that taking courses will not make you a real specialist.

The courses will give you theoretical and perhaps some practical knowledge, which you will have to supplement on your own. And therefore - a few words about personal characteristics. What qualities should a government procurement specialist have? It’s trite, but a government procurement specialist must be a very attentive person.

This is the very area where an error in a date can lead to huge fines both for the organization and personally for the person who made the mistake.
If the contract service is created as a separate structural unit, it is headed by the head of the structural unit, appointed to the position by order of the head of the customer or an authorized person performing his duties. The contract service, which is created as a contract service without forming a separate division, is headed by one of the customer’s deputy heads.

In this regard, customers who have many separate divisions (for example, branches, representative offices) to which procurement powers are delegated should take into account that there are no contract services for branches, since the status of the customer is with the legal entity itself.

Who should deal with public procurement requirements accounting or lawyers

And specialists working on the supplier side must search for procurements that interest their organization, prepare proposals, conclude contracts, etc., therefore, in order to find a suitable purchase, you need to understand what exactly your organization offers. The next stage is taking advanced training courses in government procurement. For specialists working on the customer’s side, this stage is mandatory (if you look at the vacancies offered, having a certificate of advanced training is almost the only mandatory requirement for applicants for this position). For specialists who want to work in the field of government procurement on the supplier’s side, this stage is desirable, because without it they will have to understand all the intricacies of Federal Law No. 44-FZ of 04/05/2013.
What a lawyer should know In addition to the legislative acts regulating production, economic and financial activities enterprise, in addition to regulatory documents on the legal activities of the enterprise, in addition to civil, labor, financial, administrative law, a lawyer must know: - tax legislation; - environmental legislation; - the procedure for maintaining records and reporting on the economic and financial activities of the enterprise; - procedure conclusion and execution of business contracts, collective agreements, tariff agreements; - the procedure for systematization, accounting and maintenance of legal documentation using modern information technologies; - the basics of economics, labor organization, production and management; means of computer technology, communications and communications; - rules and regulations of labor protection.

Justification from the recommendation Attention: the contract manager can only be a person from among the customer’s employees (letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 31, 2014 No. OG-D28-834 “On clarifications related to the application of Federal Law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "). The assignment of the duties of a contract manager to an employee of an educational organization (hereinafter referred to as the EO) is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The labor function of school employees, as a rule, does not imply the exercise of the functions and powers of a contract manager. Therefore, the implementation of these functions can be entrusted to the employee with his written consent, subject to payment for additional work in the manner prescribed by Art. 60.2 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Part.

Responsibilities of a procurement lawyer

I am sure that this information will be necessary for you, and most importantly useful and timely. 1. Selection of job descriptions for specialists working with government orders. The selection will be useful for both suppliers and customers.

These instructions can be used as a template (basis) and modified to suit your goals and objectives, so download and use them for your health - download link 2. Table “Responsibilities of Officials and legal entities for violation of 44-FZ and 223-FZ." Job description of a public procurement specialist 1.2.

An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation by order of the head of the organization. 1.3. The employee reports directly to the head of the organization. 1.4.

Job Description for Procurement Department Lawyer


Federal Law “On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services certain types legal entities" No. 223-FZ dated July 18, 2018 3.14 Timely provide procurement information for posting on the organization’s official website in the event of technical or other problems that block access to the official website for more than one business day. 3.15 Compile and submit to the Territorial Authority in a timely manner Federal service state statistics statistical report “Information on procurement activities” in form No. 1-purchases (semi-annual) no later than the 25th day after the reporting period. 4 RIGHTS The procurement economist has the right: 4.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities. 4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.


Job Description for a Public Procurement Lawyer

Carrying out work for the organization to provide goods, works, services in accordance with the Federal Law “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” No. 223-FZ dated July 18, 2018. Procurement specialist: responsibilities, requirements, training, professional standard specialist in procurement 3.1 Organization of work in the Supplier's procurement 3.1.1 Ensuring the procurement procedure 3.1.2 Search and tracking in accordance with 3.1.3 Participation in the supplier's procurement cycle 3.1.4 Administration electronic signatures and work on electronic trading platforms 3.1.5 Delivery of goods (performance of work, provision of services) Can a legal adviser perform the duties of a procurement specialist? This is stated in Articles 151 and 60.2 Labor Code RF.
Participate in the preparation and formation of a procurement plan for the year and post the procurement plan on the official website. 3.5 Make changes to the organization’s procurement plan and timely post information about these changes on the official website 3.6 Participate in meetings of the procurement commission. 3.7 Prepare: procurement notices; procurement documentation for posting on the official website and electronic trading platform; protocols drawn up during the procurement. 3.8 Timely post information about the procurement (including the procurement notice, procurement documentation, draft contract, changes made to such notice and such documentation, explanations of such documentation, protocols drawn up during the procurement) on the official website in accordance with Part. 5 tbsp.

Job responsibilities of a public procurement lawyer

Federal Law “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” No. 223-FZ of July 18, 2018. 3.9 If necessary, purchase goods, works and services from specialized electronic platforms. 3.10 Conduct procurement in electronic form in accordance with the List of goods, works, services established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution No. 616 dated June 21, 2018). 3.11 Check information about procurement participants in the register of unscrupulous suppliers on the official website. 3.12 Enter information about the procurement participant who evaded concluding a contract, about the supplier (performer, contractor) with whom the contract was terminated due to a significant violation of the contract, into the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

Sample job description for a government procurement lawyer

In his activities, an economist and public procurement specialist is guided by: the legislation of the Russian Federation, orders and directives general director, the Company's charter, internal labor regulations, this job description, as well as other internal regulations. A person who has a higher professional (economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience or a secondary vocational (economic) education and work experience as a category I technician for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with a secondary education is appointed to the position of economist - specialist in public procurement. professional education, at least 5 years.

Job Description for Procurement Economist

An economist - a specialist in public procurement must know: - legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on planning, accounting and analysis of enterprise activities; – federal law of July 21, 2005. Job description of a procurement specialist directory. Therefore, I propose to think about how to call them so that they are satisfied.
JOB DESCRIPTION for the Chief Specialist in organizing and conducting procurement 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 44-FZ of April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” and other regulatory legal acts.

Responsibilities of a procurement lawyer

Receive from heads of structural divisions, specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill their job responsibilities. 4.4. Involve specialists from all structural divisions of the organization to resolve the responsibilities assigned to him. 4.5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights. 5

RESPONSIBILITY The procurement economist is responsible for: 5.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job Responsibilities: Procurement Legal Adviser

  • In-house legal counsel with responsibilities as contract manager for the school
  • In-house legal counsel with responsibilities as contract manager for the school

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES of employees of the Legal Department Studies the practice of concluding and executing contracts in order to develop appropriate proposals to eliminate identified deficiencies. higher professional education and work experience in the specialty for at least 10 years. 2. Leading Legal Counsel Develops or takes part in the development of complex legal documents. Participates in preparing responses to incoming legal documents.

Job Description Procurement Legal Adviser

The procedure for considering applications, evaluating and comparing applications for participation in tenders, declaring the tender invalid; - Criteria for evaluating applications for participation in tenders, comparative analysis methods for evaluating applications for participation in tenders; - Efficiency of placing orders for state and municipal needs; - Structure and features of state and municipal contracts; - Specifics of placing orders for state and municipal needs; - Features of placing state and municipal orders for the supply of goods; - Features of placing state and municipal orders for the provision of services; - Features of placing state and municipal orders for different kinds works; Job responsibilities: - Places an order for the supply of goods (performance of work, provision of services) to meet the needs of the Federal State unitary enterprise «.

The position of purchasing specialist involves purchasing goods and materials from manufacturers according to favorable conditions and prices. Such a manager is required for trading and industrial production. Since this profession appeared not so long ago, find a good specialist It's hard enough.

Organizations that include the need for a specialist vacancy in their personnel structure give preference to experienced experts. They start working with new technologies faster, delve into information system and easily adapt to market changes.

The profession of a procurement specialist requires the personal qualities of the employee, for example, the ability to negotiate, logistics, experience in trading enterprises, etc.

Regulatory acts (223-F3)

The work of procurement employees is regulated through legislative acts. The main ones are Federal laws (44-F3, directly on the purchase of goods 223-F3), the Tax Code, the Labor Code, as well as state regulations and documentation within the enterprise.

To provide the employee with legal protection, Law 223-F3 defines regulated goals, the legal basis of procurement, monitoring compliance with rules and liability for offenses.

In the annex to Law 223-F3 were developed professional standards, which determine the qualifications of employees. Later, changes were made to the Labor Code that any employer is obliged to apply such standards in practice when hiring an employee.

Purpose and structure

Job description definitely must be compiled according to business recordkeeping standards. It is considered to protect the rights and obligations of the employee of the enterprise. When a procurement specialist is hired, a contract is drawn up between him and the employer. contract with mailing for job description. Therefore, the more correctly and competently the instructions are drawn up, the more protected the specialist is.

Document header usually indicates the name of the organization, the information of the manager, and agrees with the text below. The document is certified in writing by the signature of the directors and the seal of the enterprise.

Section “About general provisions” determines the requirements for a candidacy, as well as a list of regulatory documents for review. The section indicates the quantity staffing units and ratio to staffing. The rules for acceptance and dismissal are indicated.

Section "Rights and Responsibilities" defined by its meaning. The instructions indicate clear and specific rights and responsibilities of the employee who is hired. The more detailed they are defined, the better the workflow will be.

The next section explains to the future employee the amount of responsibility responsibility for illegal actions at the enterprise that go beyond the scope of their competence.

The final section is an indication that the instructions are drawn up in accordance with the standards of Federal legislation.

Requirements for candidates

When applying for a position as a procurement specialist, the employer places a number of requirements on candidates:

  • Availability of analytical skills.
  • Be able to master computer and new technologies.
  • Be sociable.
  • Be able to make correct and constructive decisions.
  • There are also certain requirements for completing training in this specific area.

    Familiarization procedure

    First of all, the employee becomes familiar with job responsibilities upon conclusion labor agreement with the employer. Confirmation is a directly signed job description, which indicates the date, signature, position and surname of the employee.

    Also, the examination is a signature in the registration log of newly arrived workers, a mark with the date and signature on the hiring order, a note in the log about the completion of instructions.

    Accordingly, the instructions should be carefully prepared And claim certain rights and responsibilities from the purchasing officer. If necessary, for example, during expanded production, the manager needs to distinguish between the positions and responsibilities of a procurement specialist and the organization’s supply manager.

    Working conditions

    When determining working conditions, the employer is primarily guided by professional standards. The specific conditions of purchasing employees are determined by being in indoor conditions, dusty warehouses and outdoors under various weather conditions. Basic knowledge should be focused on numbers, calculations, formulas, charts, tables.

    Working conditions are recognized as creative, since the procurement specialist carries out planning, analysis, and design of the work. This profession requires original thinking.

    Sample document

    Typical structure of instructions for a purchasing manager:

    General provisions

  • The purchasing manager for commercial products is included in the specialist category.
  • Personnel changes occur in agreement with the head of the department and on the basis of orders from the head of the enterprise.
  • In the absence of a procurement specialist, his duties are performed by a responsible person appointed by the manager, who fully bears all types of responsibility in the area of ​​specialization.
  • The activities of a specialist are carried out according to methodological instructions.
  • The specialist is guided by the Regulations of the enterprise, orders for the organization and this job description.
  • Specialist must know:

  • global market trends;
  • procurement regulations;
  • assortment, types, classification necessity of goods included in its specialization;
  • developments about the activities of the enterprise, maintaining financial and tax reporting;
  • list of suppliers;
  • pricing tactics, methods and standards;
  • etiquette business communication;
  • knowledge of computer technologies.
  • Job responsibilities

  • The specialist is obliged to provide an assortment of goods that are in demand and eliminate shortages through monthly monitoring of goods on sale.
  • Determines the list of orders for the supplier, monitors the timing and quality of order fulfillment.
  • Determines the planned indicators according to which the turnover of goods occurs in the specialist’s subgroup.
  • Examines the profitability of new products and suppliers' selling propositions.
  • Performs scheduled reporting and submits it to the company's sales departments.
  • When sales decline, it identifies a specific product and takes measures to reduce the inventory balance.
  • Identifies types of goods that need to be supplemented or removed from sales if there is a trend of low prospects for sale.
  • Increases turnover indicators when compiling a list of purchased goods.
  • As of the reporting date, it calculates the balance in the enterprise's warehouses and increases the level of necessary goods in the warehouse.
  • Make proposals to the management of the enterprise to improve sales activities and improve the workplace of the sales department.
  • Represent the interests of the organization in other institutions within the scope of competence.
  • Require reporting within product divisions for full job responsibilities.
  • Distribute your workday to improve efficiency.
  • Maintain records and disposal of commodity resources within the framework determined by the position.
  • Responsibility

  • In case of damage to the property or materials of the enterprise, or their shortage, liability is imposed within the framework of labor laws.
  • In case of an offense in the conduct of business activities.
  • In case of failure to fulfill official duties as defined by the Labor Code.
  • In case of non-compliance with trade secrets and misuse of company funds.
  • Liability is provided for in criminal, civil and labor regulations.
  • Labor functions

  • Research information about market trends.
  • Read and carefully study the Procurement Regulations.
  • Decide on the types and classification requirements of goods.
  • Determine and remember the list of suppliers.
  • Identify the highest quality and lowest cost pricing methods and standards.
  • Working conditions

    1. The specialist mode is designated by the internal regulations of the organization.
    2. If an industrial need arises, a specialist may be sent on a business trip.
    3. To work as a sales specialist, you must have education, work experience and logical thinking. When applying for a job, it is necessary to take into account all available production factors and nuances documentation. Before signing the agreement and instructions the structure should be carefully studied so that labor disputes do not arise later.

      This video describes the possible areas of responsibility of purchasing managers.

      Procurement Specialist

      Sample job description for a purchasing specialist

      A sample job description is compiled taking into account the professional standard Procurement Specialist

      1. General Provisions

      1.1. A person who has secondary vocational education, additional vocational education under an advanced training program and a professional retraining program in the field of procurement is accepted for the position of procurement specialist.

      1.2. The purchasing specialist must know:

      1) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations governing activities in the field of procurement;

      2) the basics of civil, budget, land, labor and administrative legislation as they apply to procurement;

      3) basics of antimonopoly legislation;

      4) basics accounting in terms of application to procurement;

      5) features of pricing in the market (by area);

      6) methods for determining and justifying the initial maximum contract prices;

      7) features of drawing up procurement documentation;

      8) fundamentals of computer science as applied to procurement;

      9) ethics of business communication and rules of negotiation;

      10) labor discipline;

      11) Internal labor regulations;

      12) labor protection requirements and rules fire safety;

      13) ……… (other documents, materials, etc.)

      1.3. A purchasing specialist must be able to:

      1) use computer and other auxiliary equipment, communications and communications equipment;

      2) create and maintain an information database;

      3) produce documents, form, archive, send documents and information;

      4) summarize the information received, prices for goods, works, services, process it statistically and formulate analytical conclusions;

      5) justify the initial (maximum) purchase price;

      6) describe the object of purchase;

      7) develop procurement documentation;

      8) analyze received applications;

      9) evaluate the results and summarize the procurement procedure;

      10) formulate and coordinate minutes of meetings of procurement commissions based on decisions made by members of the procurement commission;

      11) work in a unified information system;

      12) check necessary documentation for concluding contracts;

      13) carry out the procedure for signing a contract with suppliers (contractors, performers);

      14) interact with procurement commissions and technically support the activities of procurement commissions;

      15) draw up and draw up a report containing information on the execution of the contract, on compliance with intermediate and final deadlines for the execution of the contract, on improper execution of the contract (indicating the violations committed) or on non-fulfillment of the contract and on sanctions that were applied in connection with violation of the terms of the contract or its non-performance, amendment or termination of the contract during its execution, amendment of the contract or termination of the contract;

      16) organize payment/refund of funds;

      17) organize the payment of amounts of money under a bank guarantee in prescribed cases;

      18) ……… (other skills and abilities)

      1.4. The purchasing specialist is guided in his activities by:

      1) Federal Law of 04/05/2013 N 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”, Federal Law of 07/18/2011 N 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services certain types of legal entities”, Federal Law of December 2, 1994 N 53-FZ “On the purchase and supply of agricultural products, raw materials and food for state needs”;

      2) ……… (name of the constituent document)

      3) Regulations on ……… (name of structural unit)

      4) this job description;

      5) ……… (names of local regulations governing

      labor functions by position)

      1.5. The procurement specialist reports directly to ……… (name of manager’s position)

      1.6. ……… (other general provisions)

      2. Labor functions

      2.1. Ensuring procurement for state, municipal and corporate needs:

      1) preliminary collection of data on needs, prices for goods, works, services;

      2) preparation of procurement documentation;

      3) processing of procurement results and conclusion of a contract.

      2.2. ……… (other functions)

      3. Job responsibilities

      3.1. The Purchasing Specialist performs the following responsibilities:

      3.1.1. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subclause 1 of clause 2.1 of this job description:

      1) processes and analyzes information on prices for goods, works, services;

      2) prepares and sends invitations to identify suppliers (contractors, performers) in various ways;

      3) processes, forms and stores data, information, documents, including those received from suppliers (contractors, performers).

      3.1.2. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subclause 2 of clause 2.1 of this job description:

      — initial (maximum) purchase price;

      — description of the procurement object;

      — requirements for the procurement participant;

      — the procedure for evaluating participants;

      2) draws up procurement documentation;

      3) prepares and publicly posts notices of procurement, procurement documentation, draft contracts;

      4) checks the necessary documentation for the procurement procedure;

      5) provides organizational and technical support for the activities of procurement commissions;

      6) monitors suppliers (contractors, performers) and customers in the field of procurement.

      3.1.3. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subclause 3 of clause 2.1 of this job description:

      1) collects and analyzes received applications;

      2) provides organizational and technical support for the activities of procurement commissions;

      3) processes applications, checks bank guarantees, evaluates results and sums up the procurement procedure;

      4) prepares minutes of meetings of procurement commissions based on decisions made by members of the procurement commission;

      5) carries out public posting of the results obtained;

      7) checks the necessary documentation for concluding contracts;

      8) carries out procedures for signing a contract with suppliers (contractors, performers);

      9) carries out public posting of reports, information on non-fulfillment of a contract, sanctions, changes or termination of a contract, with the exception of information constituting a state secret;

      10) prepares a document on acceptance of the results of a separate stage of contract execution;

      — payment for goods delivered, work performed (its results), services provided, as well as individual stages of contract execution;

      — payment of sums of money under a bank guarantee in prescribed cases;

      — return of funds contributed as security for the execution of applications or security for the execution of contracts.

      3.1.4. As part of the performance of his job functions, he carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor.

      3.1.5. ……… (other duties)

      3.2. When performing his duties, a procurement specialist must comply with the following ethical standards:

      1) maintain confidentiality of information;

      2) comply with the ethics of business communication;

      3) occupy active position in the fight against professional dishonesty;

      4) not to disclose materials of working research;

      5) not create conflict situations in the workplace;

      6) do not commit actions that discredit the profession and reputation of colleagues;

      7) prevent slander and dissemination of information discrediting other organizations and colleagues.

      3.3. ……… (other provisions on job responsibilities)

      The purchasing specialist has the right:

      4.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions of the organization’s management, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

      4.2. Request clarifications and clarifications from your immediate supervisor regarding these instructions and assigned tasks.

      4.3. Request, on behalf of the immediate supervisor, and receive from other employees of the organization the necessary information and documents necessary to carry out the assignment.

      4.4. Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions.

      4.5. Submit proposals for the organization of work within the framework of their labor functions for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

      4.6. Participate in discussions of issues related to the duties performed.

      4.7. ……… (other rights)

      5. Responsibility

      5.1. The purchasing specialist is held accountable for:

      - for improper performance or failure to fulfill their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, legislation in the field of procurement;

      - for offenses and crimes committed in the course of their labor activity, - in the manner established by the current administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

      - for causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

      5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

      6. Final provisions

      6.1. This job description has been developed based on Professional standard“Specialist in the field of procurement”, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated September 10, 2015 N 625n, taking into account……… (details of local regulations of the organization)

      6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract).

      The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ……… (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

      6.3. ……… (other final provisions).

      Legal Aid Center

      Job description of the legal adviser of the procurement department under 44 Federal Laws

      Resume of tender specialist-lawyer in the field of procurement No. 223, No. 44-FZ Pravoved.RU 348 lawyers are now on the site

    4. Business law
    5. Tenders, contract system in procurement
    6. Good afternoon I am looking for the job responsibilities of a contract service lawyer (federal law -44). Can you help? Thank you. Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

    7. Should the contract service, according to 44 Federal Laws, deal with the posting of contracts in 1C?
    8. Contract service under 44 Federal Laws
    9. Lawyers' answers (4)

    10. All legal services in Moscow Filing a complaint to the FAS and refuting the unreasonable rejection of an application Moscow from 4,000 rubles.
    11. Within the framework of the labor function specified in subclause 2 of clause 2.1 of this job description: 1) forms: - the initial (maximum) purchase price; - description of the procurement object; - requirements for the procurement participant; - procedure for evaluating participants; - draft contract; 2) draws up procurement documentation; 3) prepares and publicly posts notices of procurement, procurement documentation, draft contracts; 4) checks the necessary documentation for the procurement procedure; 5) provides organizational and technical support for the activities of procurement commissions; 6) monitors suppliers (contractors, performers) and customers in the field of procurement. 3.1.3.

      How is the job description of a legal consultant drawn up?

      In the HR department this is the approval of personnel documentation, preparation of LNA projects, in the sales department - preparation tender documentation(applications), checking the actions of tender organizers for compliance with the Law “On the Contract System...” dated 04/05/2013 No. 44-FZ, appealing if necessary, in the procurement department - development of LNA on procurement, etc., checking the integrity of counterparties. An analysis of the legal responsibilities of a legal adviser is of particular importance for determining his status as an official under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
      Is a legal consultant an official of an organization under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation? Based on Art. 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, persons who carry out:

    12. organizational and administrative functions (management);
    13. or administrative and economic (property management).
    14. Instructions for a contract service lawyer (FZ-44)

      Before drawing up instructions, study the regulations. When resolving issues related to government procurement and concluding government contracts, you need to be guided by the following documents: - Labor Code of the Russian Federation; - GOST R 6.30-2003 (contains the basic requirements for the content and design of the job description); - Budget Code of the Russian Federation (in terms of spending budget allocations for the purchase of goods, works or services for state (municipal) needs, as well as fulfillment of the conditions of state (municipal) procurement and maintaining a procurement register); - Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (establishes a system of penalties imposed on a specialist who violates procurement management standards); - Federal Law of July 21, 2005. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

      We are drawing up a job description for a public procurement specialist

      This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for improper performance of the duties assigned to him 6. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES OF A LEGAL CONSULTANT 1. Assess the economic feasibility of participating in the auction, based on the results, prepare information and materials for making a decision on participation in the auction 2. Request the necessary documentation from organizations for the possibility of further participation of these organizations in the auction, as well as study it 3. Request the necessary competitive (auction) documentation from customers, study their requirements.

      Contract manager under 44-FZ: functions, duties, responsibilities, professional standards + sample job description

      Hello, dear colleague! As you know, to carry out procurement within the framework of the contract system (44-FZ), the Customer must appoint a contract manager or create a contract service. The decision to choose between creating a contract service or appointing a contract manager depends on the size of the Customer's total annual procurement volume. In this article we will talk in detail about the contract manager, determine what requirements he must meet, as well as what functions and responsibilities he must perform. This article will be useful to representatives of Customers, as well as specialists job seekers contract manager. ( Note: This article was updated on January 3, 2018).

      1. Who is a contract manager?

      Contract manager- the official responsible for the implementation of a purchase or several purchases, including the execution of each contract.

      The contract manager is appointed in the event that the total annual volume of purchases (abbreviated as AGPO) of the Customer does not exceed 100 million rubles and the Customer does not have a contract service (Part 2 of Article 38 of 44-FZ).

      One Customer may simultaneously have several contract managers responsible for individual sectors of procurement activities. So, for example, one contract manager may be involved in the purchase of construction and repair work, a second in the purchase of food products, a third in the purchase of equipment, etc. This position is reflected in paragraph 2 of the letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 30, 2014 No. D28i-1889.

      You can purchase the contract manager's book here.

      2. Contract service or contract manager?

      Customers whose total annual purchase volume >100 million rubles, create contract services(in this case, the creation of a special structural unit is not mandatory). If the total annual volume of purchases of the Customer

      Important point! According to Part 3 of Article 38 of 44-FZ, the contract service operates in accordance with regulations (regulations) developed and approved on the basis of standard regulations (regulations) approved by the federal body executive power on regulation of the contract system in the field of procurement. Article 38 44-FZ does not provide responsibilities of the Customer to develop and approve regulations for the contract manager.

      4. Contract manager job requirements

      According to Part 6 of Article 38 of 44-FZ, the contract manager must have a higher education or additional professional education in the field of procurement.

      According to Part 23 of Article 112 of 44-FZ, until January 1, 2017, a contract manager can be a person who has a professional education or additional professional education in the field of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs (i.e. . training according to 94-FZ).

      5. Contract manager according to 44-FZ: job description

      The Customer has 3 possible options for appointing a contract manager:

      Option #1- Hire a new employee for the position of contract manager with the conclusion of an employment contract. Or you can hire an employee for a different position, but with similar responsibilities and powers;

      Option No. 2- Transfer a full-time employee to the position of contract manager (or similar position) with the conclusion of an agreement to change the terms of the employment contract;

      Option #3- Agree with the full-time employee on the possibility of combining positions according to the rules of Article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (in this case, in accordance with Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employee is paid additionally, and appropriate changes are made to his job description).

      The sequence of actions of the Customer when assigning CG should be as follows:

    15. introduction new position V staffing table organizations;
    16. development of job description for CU ( Note: As a rule, a job description consists of several sections - general provisions, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities);
    17. issuance of an order appointing an official responsible for procurement (i.e. contract manager).
    18. Job description of a contract manager (download sample) (doc, 41 Kb).

      Order on the appointment of a contract manager (download sample) (doc, 32 Kb).

      6. Responsibility of the contract manager under 44-FZ: fines

      According to Part 5 of Article 38 of 44-FZ, the contract manager bears responsibility within the limits of the powers he exercises. The job description of the CU must necessarily specify job responsibilities and responsibility for their failure to fulfill them.

      The contract manager is responsible for labor legislation(Article 232 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) for failure to perform or improper performance of official duties provided for in the job description, and causing material damage to the employer.

      Also, the CU bears administrative, criminal and civil liability for offenses committed in the course of its activities. Contract managers who have committed administrative offenses, provided for in Article 7.29-7.32 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Part 7, Part 7.1 of Article 19.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 19.7.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, bear administrative responsibility as officials.

      You can learn more about the liability of officials and legal entities for violation of 44-FZ, as well as the amount of fines for these violations here.

      Also, Part 2 of Article 12 of 44-FZ establishes that officials of Customers bear personal responsibility for compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement.

      Persons guilty of violating the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the field of procurement bear disciplinary, civil, administrative, and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Article 107 44-FZ).

      7. Contract manager: training and professional standards

      According to Part 1 of Article 9 of 44-FZ, the contract system in the field of procurement provides for the activities of the Customer, a specialized organization and a control body in the field of procurement on professional basis with the involvement of qualified specialists with theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of procurement.

      Customers and specialized organizations must take measures to maintain and improve the level of qualifications and vocational education officials involved in the field of procurement, including through advanced training or professional retraining in the field of procurement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Part 2 of Article 9 of 44-FZ).

      As I said earlier, until January 1, 2017, the contract manager may be a person who has professional education or additional professional education in the field of placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs (Part 23 of Article 112 of 44-FZ).

      By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs" it is established that the minimum permissible period for mastering advanced training programs cannot be less than 16 hours, and the period for mastering professional retraining programs is less than 250 hours .

      Professional training of contract managers is carried out in a specialized educational institution (higher and secondary specialized). Training can take place both full-time and part-time. Advanced training courses can be taken there. As a rule, such programs include both theoretical and practical classes.

      Currently becoming very popular distance courses advanced training. In modern conditions, when an employee does not have the opportunity to take time away from work, distance learning courses are the most optimal solution. A person will need to have free time, a computer and Internet access.

      Since July 1, 2016, the provisions of Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the procedure for employers to apply professional standards have been in effect. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 625n approved the professional standard “Procurement Specialist”. And by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 10, 2015 No. 626n, the professional standard was approved “Procurement Expert”.

      In addition, a connection has been established between these standards and the CEN (Unified qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees) and OKPDTR (All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes).

      The professional standard “Procurement Specialist” (qualification level from 5 to 8) was developed for a group of positions:

    19. Procurement Specialist;
    20. Leading Specialist;
    21. Contract service employee;
    22. Procurement Consultant;
    23. Deputy Head of Division;
    24. Head of department;
    25. Head of contract service;
    26. Advisor;
    27. Supervisor.
    28. The professional standard “Procurement Expert” (skill level 6 to 8) was developed for a group of positions:

    29. Senior Procurement Specialist;
    30. Procurement expert;
    31. Deputy head/director (of department, department, organization);
    32. Head/director (of department, department, organization);
    33. Contract Manager;
    34. Head of contract service.
    35. In accordance with professional standards specialist in the field of procurement must have:

    1. (HeadHunter);
    2. (Avito).
    3. In addition, you can go to the websites of administrations or the websites of state (municipal) Customers, where sometimes there are advertisements for the search for procurement specialists.

      Sometimes such announcements are posted on specialized forums on government procurement or in thematic groups and communities on social networks.

      Go through all these resources, I am sure that you will be able to find a suitable vacancy for yourself.

      This concludes my article. I hope that the above material was useful to you. I wish you good luck and see you in the next issues.

      Monitors the timeliness of submission of certificates, calculations, explanations and other materials for preparing responses to claims. 3.9. Prepares, together with other departments, proposals to change existing or cancel expired orders and other regulations issued at the technical school. 3.10. Conducts work on systematic recording and storage of current legislative regulations, makes notes on their repeal, changes and additions, prepares reference documentation based on the use of modern information technologies and computing tools. 3.11. Prepares conclusions on legal issues issues arising in the activities of the technical school, draft regulations submitted for review, and also develops proposals for improving the activities of the technical school. 3.12.

      Job Description for Purchasing Manager

      This job description has been developed on the basis of the Professional Standard “Procurement Specialist”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 2015 N 625n, taking into account ……… (details of local regulations of the organization) 6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract). The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ……… (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way) 6.3.

      Job description

      Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2013 N44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs”; - regulatory legal documents, methodological and regulatory materials on the legal activities of the technical school; - legislative acts regulating the production, economic and financial activities of the technical school; - the procedure for maintaining records and drawing up reports on the economic and financial activities of the organization; - the procedure for concluding and processing business contracts, collective agreements, tariff agreements; - the procedure for systematizing, recording and maintaining legal documentation using modern information technologies; - basics of economics, labor organization and management; - means of computer technology, communications and communications; - internal labor regulations; - labor protection rules and regulations.

      Jobs for a purchasing specialist

      Contract manager: training and professional standards In accordance with Part 1 of Article 9 of 44-FZ, the contract system in the field of procurement provides for the activities of the Customer, a specialized organization and a control body in the field of procurement on a professional basis with the involvement of qualified specialists with theoretical knowledge and skills in the field of procurement . Customers and specialized organizations must take measures to maintain and improve the level of qualifications and professional education of officials involved in procurement, including through advanced training or professional retraining in the field of procurement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Part 2 of Article 9 44 -FZ).

      Job description of a contract manager according to Federal Law 44

    4. (SuperJob);
    5. (Rabota);
    6. (Job);
    7. The procurement specialist is held accountable: - for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties as provided for in this job description, - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, legislation in the field of procurement; - for offenses and crimes committed in the course of their work activities - in the manner established by the current administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation; - for causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. ……… (other liability provisions) 6. Final provisions 6.1.

      Contract service under 44-FZ

      It is unlikely that you will find two organizations where purchasing managers carry out the same set of activities and work. IN large companies Those involved in trade, the functionality of a purchasing manager is often divided into a number of other positions - brand managers, line managers. In small companies or enterprises where procurement is not the main area, these positions can be combined into one.

    8. participation in the consideration of cases on appealing the results of identifying suppliers (contractors, performers) and preparation of materials for carrying out claim work;
    9. organizing, if necessary, at the procurement planning stage, consultations with suppliers (contractors, performers) and participation in such consultations in order to determine the status of competitive environment in the relevant markets for goods, works, services, determining the best technologies and other solutions to meet state and municipal needs;
    10. other powers provided for by 44-FZ.

    A detailed list of functions and powers of the contract service (contract manager) is contained in Section II of the standard regulations (regulations), approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated October 29, 2013 No. 631.

    Job description for a lawyer in the procurement department for 44 ap sample

    So, for example, one contract manager may be involved in the purchase of construction and repair work, a second in the purchase of food products, a third in the purchase of equipment, etc. This position is reflected in paragraph 2 of the letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated September 30, 2014 No. D28i-1889. You can purchase the contract manager's book here.
    2. Contract service or contract manager? Customers whose total annual purchase volume is 100 million rubles create contract services (in this case, the creation of a special structural unit is not mandatory).

    Job description for a lawyer in the procurement department under Federal Law 44, sample

    It must be used when drawing up a job description for an employee whose activities are related to the implementation, control and management of procurement to meet state, municipal and corporate needs. Thus, when the activities of an enterprise are related to legally regulated procurement, a corresponding job description for a purchasing manager must be drawn up: a sample of it can be found in all reference and legal systems. The description of labor duties here cannot contradict the mandatory actions specified in Law No. 44-FZ and No. 223-FZ.

    For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.4.

    What should the job description of a procurement specialist contain: sample documents

    IN Lately The vacancy of a procurement specialist began to appear more and more on job search sites. However, not every applicant correctly understands what the work in this position is like and what the procurement employee is required to know.

    Today we will talk about what provisions are contained in the job description of a procurement specialist and how to draw it up correctly.

    How to compose: general provisions

    The position of a procurement specialist is also called a supply manager and is relatively “young” on the labor market. The essence of this specialist’s work is to provide the enterprise with necessary goods or raw materials.

    The text of the standard job description begins with the section “ General provisions"and includes the basic requirements for an employee in the position of supplier:

  • level of education and age;
  • experience;
  • Practical skills;
  • knowledge of legislation (labor and related to its activities), as well as internal acts of the enterprise.
  • In addition, the general provisions of the instructions contain the main personnel aspects: how a specialist is appointed to a position and dismissed from it, to whom he directly reports, what place he occupies in the structure of the organization’s staffing table, who will replace him during his absence, etc.

    Job responsibilities: what a procurement specialist is entitled to and his responsibilities

    The “Responsibilities” section of the job description defines:

  • a list of tasks that a specialist must solve when collaborating with suppliers, clients and partners;
  • on what issues should he interact with other employees of the enterprise;
  • what powers relate exclusively to the functions of a procurement specialist, and only he can perform them;
  • rules by which an employee must report on work performed;
  • range of responsibilities of the employee when carrying out orders from managers.
  • Practical duties this specialist are extensive, since there are several labor functions assigned to him. The main one is the preliminary collection of information about needs, prices for goods, works and services. This includes responsibilities such as:

  • processing and analysis of data on prices for goods, works, services;
  • preparing and sending invitations to counterparties in order to identify a supplier, contractor or performer;
  • identifying suppliers (contractors, performers) in various ways;
  • processing and storage of information and documents received from counterparties.
  • Equally important is the preparation of procurement documentation for participation in tenders. To carry out this function, the procurement specialist is responsible for:

  • preparation of procurement requirements;
  • preparation of procurement documentation;
  • placement of purchases in a unified information system;
  • conducting auctions.
  • Separately, it is worth highlighting the analysis of the procurement results and the signing of the contract. At this stage the employee must:

  • determine the winner of the procurement;
  • conclude a contract with him (resolving all controversial issues);
  • draw up acceptance documents;
  • control the process of supplying goods or performing work or providing services.
  • The rights of a procurement specialist are not specific. The instructions must contain the inalienable rights of an employee engaged in management:

    • discuss draft decisions of the company management and participate in meetings on this matter;
    • clarify with your immediate supervisor the essence of these instructions;
    • fulfilling the instructions of the manager, request from colleagues the information and documents necessary for work;
    • get acquainted with draft management decisions directly related to the function he performs and propose to management to improve the organization of their work;
    • has the right to make any proposals for consideration by the manager regarding his activities.
    • A separate section should indicate the specialist’s responsibilities. Typically, the employee is responsible for:

    • implementation of the purchasing plan for each month and its provision;
    • compliance with internal regulations and compliance with discipline standards;
    • carrying out transactions within their competence, signing contracts;
    • compliance with fire safety requirements and safety regulations;
    • fulfillment of all instructions of management and instructions, instructions, orders, and other acts issued by it.
    • For failure to comply with these provisions, the employee must be subject to legal sanctions:

    • administrative responsibility for the disclosure of corporate secrets, which the enterprise refers to as such in special documents (is the property of the organization);
    • financial liability according to the standards civil law for damage to the property of the enterprise or its business reputation;
    • disciplinary liability for neglect of one’s official duties as enshrined in the job description and current legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

    Sample job descriptions

    The job description of a procurement specialist is a fairly important document that an employee signs on his first day of work, along with an employment contract, application for employment and other papers. The instruction defines a specific list of specialist responsibilities, his rights and responsibilities.

    The activities of this employee are mainly determined federal law No. 44, which sets out the main areas of work:

    • planning purchases of various goods and services;
    • identifying and working with suppliers;
    • support of the procurement process at all stages;
    • constant monitoring of prices for goods and services;
    • verification of procurement results, preparation of relevant documentation.

    Expert opinion

    Chadova Svetlana

    In fact, the areas of their activity and real job tasks overlap in many ways. This includes searching for a supplier, analyzing prices and other delivery conditions, documenting the entire process, monitoring deadlines, etc. Therefore, the employer has the right to independently draw a line between these two specialists. Moreover, if there are both on staff, it is necessary to draw up 2 job descriptions, which clearly define the responsibilities of each employee.

    Why are instructions needed?

    Practice shows that this document should not be treated as a formal obligation. It is worth paying attention to drafting a job description for a purchasing manager Special attention, since it is in the interests of both parties:

    1. The employee clearly knows his responsibilities, requirements for knowledge and skills, as well as the degree of his responsibility in case of making wrong decisions. This list of responsibilities and other information cannot be posted in employment contract, so instructions are drawn up.
    2. The employer clearly formulates his requirements for the specialist, on the basis of which he can objectively evaluate his work, offer or require appropriate adjustments.

    Expert opinion

    Chadova Svetlana

    Leading HR specialist, lawyer, labor law consultant, website expert

    Thus, the job description of a procurement specialist not only describes professional responsibilities specialist, but also gives the company the right to demand their implementation and the right to apply liability when appropriate situations arise.

    Sample and rules for drawing up instructions

    The document must contain several mandatory sections - these are the requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of the specialist, his work tasks, detailed description job responsibilities (in the form of a list), as well as the employee’s responsibilities.

    Expert opinion

    Chadova Svetlana

    Leading HR specialist, lawyer, labor law consultant, website expert

    Requirements for knowledge and skills

    The section can be placed at the beginning of the job description - for example, in “General Provisions” or highlighted as a separate paragraph. At the beginning of the document, you need to leave a space for the director’s visa “I approve”, give the full name of the specialist’s position, identify his replacement in the event of the absence of the main employee due to illness, vacation, business trip and other reasons.


    • fundamentals of legislation - civil, administrative, budgetary, antimonopoly and other branches of law;
    • features of accounting when evaluating purchases;
    • pricing in the market, price tracking methods;
    • all types of basic documents, rules for their preparation, risks of the parties (supply agreements, purchase and sale agreements, etc.);
    • classification, main characteristics, assortment of product groups that the organization needs to purchase;
    • procurement principles/rules;
    • features of documentary support of this process;
    • labor regulations and other features of working in a particular company.

    The purchasing specialist should be able to:

    • select suppliers based on specified criteria;
    • monitor pricing, master the methodology for determining and justifying initial contract prices;
    • draw up procurement and other documentation and check it;
    • conduct commercial negotiations, draw up proposals;
    • computer skills at the level of a confident user (office programs and programs used in the field of procurement);
    • develop information bases, enter information into them, process information, correct it if necessary;
    • analyze and select applications;
    • evaluate completed purchases based on approved criteria, adjust further actions if necessary;
    • organize payment or return of funds in cash, by bank transfer, and be able to interact with banking organizations.

    The specialist must be guided in work:

    • legislation of the Russian Federation (primarily No. 44-FZ and other laws);
    • job description;
    • employment contract;
    • internal acts of the company.

    Separately, you can write labor functions of a specialist, which essentially coincide with his responsibilities, but are formulated in a generalized form, for example:

    1. Analysis of data on the needs of the organization, as well as prices for goods/services.
    2. Ensuring procurement from various suppliers to meet the company's needs.
    3. Preparation of documentation for the procurement procedure.
    4. Carrying out procurement, drawing up all related documentation.
    5. Processing the results.
    6. Carrying out individual instructions from the manager within the agreed responsibilities.

    You can separately specify the rights of the employee. He has the right to act on behalf of the organization and represent its interests before contractors, state and municipal authorities. The specialist has the right to adjust his work, make independent decisions within the framework of his authority, and also make proposals for improving the organization of activities in the prescribed manner.

    Responsibility of the specialist

    Responsibility is established primarily for insufficient performance or evasion of duties. In this case, dismissal on appropriate grounds is applied. Liability also arises for causing damage to the company and for failure to comply with labor discipline.
