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How to place a customer order with the reservation of goods from the current balance in the warehouse after the customer has paid in advance? Managing customer orders Payment steps in a customer order

Consider an order wholesale customer, reservation of ordered goods and their shipment from the warehouse, without the use of an order scheme.

Client IP Alkhimov agreed with Stroysnab LLC on the purchase of goods - refrigerators SH-10 BOSCH and X-67890 Stinol, 10 pcs. An order has been placed. The shipment of the ordered goods was carried out partially, in two stages. Payment has not yet been made.

Let's execute the corresponding example in the standard demo base "1C: Trade Management" ed. 11.3. (In the example, we will use the information available in the demo database upon delivery, as well as commodity items, the purchase of which was considered in previous articles and).

Functions of customer orders in 1C

The agreement between the organization and the client on the wholesale supply of goods is reflected in 1C with a special document - “Customer Order”. It serves the following purposes:

  • captures the client's intention and information about the upcoming sale (product, its cost and quantity, shipping warehouse, date of shipment), that is, it allows you to plan the sales process;
  • reserves the required quantity of goods in the warehouse specifically for this client, for sale by this order;
  • if the desired product is not in stock, it is possible to place an order for the missing product, and then purchase the product from the supplier for a specific customer order;
  • order allows you to plan the movement Money(receiving payment from the client).

Setting up reference information (NSI)

1C provides flexible customization of the functionality of orders. Let's open the sales settings form.

Reference data and administration - Setting up reference data and sections - Sales

Let's open the subsection " Wholesale". There are three options for customer orders:

  • an order that performs only the functions of an invoice for payment (without reservation of goods and control of execution);
  • order only from the warehouse (with reservation, but without the ability to place an order for an out-of-stock item);
  • order from a warehouse and under the order (all possibilities are included).

By default, the third option is installed in the demo database, and the following functions are enabled: control of the shipment of goods and payment (when orders are closed), fixing the reasons for canceling orders by customers, registration of the sale of goods and acts of work performed for several orders. If these features are not required, the user can disable them. In our example, we leave it as is.

Customer order document

To enter a new order into the program, go to the order log.

Sales - Wholesales - Customer Orders

Creating an order and entering basic information

Create a document by clicking the "Create" button. On the first tab "Basic" (it is open by default), we indicate the organization and the client. For our example, we will choose an agreement with a client with settlements in rubles, as well as a warehouse without using an order scheme. The operation is already set automatically: "Implementation". You do not need to specify the document number, the program will assign it when recording.

Adding goods to a sales order

Let's go to the "Products" tab and indicate the products that the client ordered. The most convenient way to do this is using the selection form, which, like in other documents related to the turnover, is opened by clicking the "Fill" - "Pick up goods" button.

The selection form looks the same as when filling out the implementation document (for more details, see our article). In the list of types and properties, select “Refrigerators”, after which the nomenclature of this type appears on the left in the list of goods. It also displays the price of goods, their availability in stock, available for sale (i.e. not reserved) quantity. Please note that the price in this example is filled in automatically. Read more about pricing in our next articles.

Select the items you want by double-clicking. If the “Request quantity and price” option is enabled (it can be configured using the “More – Settings” button in the selection form), then when choosing a product, a window for entering the quantity and price will open.

Important. The form for entering the quantity and price in the sales order differs from the similar form in other documents. Here you need to specify the action that will be performed with the product. Available options are: ship, reserve in stock, provide separately, to provide, do not provide.

is the topic of our next article.

Let's assume that the customer came to receive the goods in a car that can accommodate only 10 refrigerators. For the product "SH-10 BOSCH" we will indicate 10 pcs. for the "Ship" action, this will mean that the product is ready for shipment, and the customer can immediately pick it up. And for "X-67890 Stinol" we will indicate 10 pcs. for the "Reserve in stock" action. This item will be reserved for this order.

Selected products are displayed at the bottom of the selection form (if they are not visible, you need to click the link "Total selected ..."). Here you can also see the provisioning option (action) for each product:

To transfer positions to a document, click "Transfer to document". Products and actions appeared in the tabular section of the customer order:

Important. If you do not specify an action, the program will automatically set the option "To ensure". This means that the ordered item has yet to be purchased from the supplier. Shipment will not be available until the action in the order is changed.

Additional tab in sales order

Additional analytics and VAT settings are displayed here. Many parameters are filled in automatically. In our example, we leave this information unchanged.

Sales order status

Important. The ability to select a status in a sales order is determined by the order use case specified in the sales settings form (see the beginning of the article).

Depending on this setting, the following statuses can be available in sales orders:

  • “Order as invoice” – no statuses.
  • “Order from warehouse only” – statuses “Under approval”, “In reserve”, “For shipment”, “Closed”.
  • “Order from warehouse and on order” – statuses “Under approval”, “To be completed”, “Closed”.

In our example, the third setting option is used. In this case, the default status of the customer's order is "To be completed" (the order can be executed immediately). Leave this status:

We will process our order in the usual way. In this case, you may receive a message about the automatic completion of the payment stages. The topic of payment for orders will be covered in more detail in the following articles.

Reserved items report

Let's see how the reserved goods are reflected in the report. Let's go to the warehouse reports panel.

Warehouse and Shipping - Warehouse Reports

Let's create a report "Remains and availability of goods" for our warehouse. The report data corresponds to the information entered in the order. At the moment ("Now") 10 pcs. the first item is in the process of shipment, 10 pcs. the second item is in reserve. Expected consumption (sale) 10 pcs. each item.

Important. Goods in 1C are reserved for a specific customer order and can be sold from the reserve only for this order. They will not be able to buy another client (and even the same, but not for this order).

Create a sales document based on a sales order

To reflect the sale of ordered goods in the program, we will create a document "Sales" based on the customer's order. For this in open order(or in the order list, with highlighted the right document) you should click "Create based on" and select "Sale of goods and services":

A sales document has been created and automatically populated with the information from the original order. On the "Basic" tab there is a link to the order:

Please note that in the tabular section "Products" only those items appeared for which the action "Ship" was indicated in the order (in our example, 10 refrigerators "SH-10 BOSCH"):

Let's pass the implementation document in the usual way.

Sales Order Fulfillment Status

In the list of orders, the status of our order is displayed as "Ready for shipment" because not all ordered items have been shipped yet. Here you can see the percentage of shipment and debt.

By double-clicking on an order line in the "Current Status" column, you can generate a report on the status of the order.

The same report is also generated by the button "Reports - Execution status" in the order itself.

The report reflects the shipped goods remaining in the reserve ("Provision"), as well as the customer's debt:

Registration of implementation through "Invoices for registration"

Changing an action in a sales order

Important. In order to make the shipment of the reserved item possible, you need to change the action for this item to "Ship" in the sales order.

Let's assume that the client came to pick up the goods reserved for him, but not all 10 refrigerators, but only 8 pcs. (two will remain in reserve). Let's open a customer order. For the product "X-67890 Stinol" the action "Reserve in stock" is now indicated. Let's change it. Double-clicking opens the action selection form. Specify in the line "Ship" the quantity - 8. The quantity in the line "Reserve at the warehouse" has changed automatically.

Click the OK button to save the action selection. After that, instead of one line with the product "X-67890 Stinol", two lines appeared in the customer's order: 8 pcs. ready for shipment and 2 remain reserved:

We will process and close the order.

Registration of shipment through "Invoices for clearance"

In addition to creating a sales document based on an order, 1C provides another way to ship goods by order: the “Invoices for clearance” page. It is available from the list of sales documents.

Sales - Wholesale - Sales documents (all)

The list of invoices for clearance displays orders, the goods for which are ready for shipment. To create a sales document, you need to select an order (or several orders while holding Ctrl) and click "Place by orders":

A "Sale of goods and services" will be created with those commodity items for which the "Ship" action is specified in the order. The implementation document is posted in the usual way. It will be saved in the list of sales documents.

After the execution of the implementation, the order ceases to be displayed on the page of invoices for registration.

Advice. In the list of invoices for registration, by clicking the "More - Settings" button, settings are available for creating, posting and printing sales documents and invoices.

To reflect the fact of the sale of goods or the provision of services, in the program "" there is a document "Sale of goods and services".

Consider step by step instructions using an example of how to create and fill out this document, as well as analyze which accounting entries he forms.

A window of a new document 1C Accounting will open. Let's start filling it out:

Required fields are usually underlined in red dotted lines. It is easy to guess that in the first place you need to specify:

  • organization
  • counterparty
  • Stock
  • Price type

The price type specifies the price at which the product will be sold. If the price type is specified in the counterparty's contract, it will be set automatically (from the previously set values ​​in the documents). If the price type is not specified and the person responsible for filling out the document has rights to edit sales prices, the price is specified manually during the design of the tabular section.

I note that if only one organization is kept in the 1C 8.3 program, the “Organization” field does not need to be filled in, it simply will not be visible. The same applies to the warehouse.

We indicated the necessary details in the header of the document, let's move on to filling out the tabular part.

You can use the "Add" button and fill out the document line by line. But in this case, we will not see the rest of the goods in stock. For the convenience of a set of products in the tabular part, click the "Selection" button:

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The "Selection of nomenclature" window will open, where we see the rest of the product and can safely choose it. When you select one or another line, the program will request the quantity and price (if no price type is selected) of the selected product.

The positions selected and ready for transfer to the document are displayed in the lower part of the window. After all the necessary positions are selected, click "Transfer to document".

Now let's add a service to the document. Services are selected on the "Services" tab. Go to it and also press the "Select" button. I chose the "Delivery" position, indicated the quantity, cost and transferred it to the document.

To provide one service to many counterparties, it is convenient to draw up one document -. This can be especially useful for enterprises that provide periodic "subscriber services": for example, in the housing and communal services sector.

Here's what I got:

Now the document can be posted. When carrying out, postings will be generated that will reflect the fact of the sale of goods in accounting.

Transactions for the sale of goods and services in 1C

Let's see what sales transactions the document generated for us in 1C. To do this, click the button at the top of the document. A window will open with generated entries:

Formed the following types wiring:

  • Debit 90.02.1 Credit 41 (43) - reflection of the cost of goods (or);
  • Debit 62.02 Credit 62.01 - since the buyer made an advance payment before that, the 1C program reads the advance;
  • Debit 62.01 Credit 90.01.1 - reflection of revenue;
  • Debit 90.03 Credit 68.02 -;

Postings can be edited manually, for this at the top of the window there is a checkbox "Manual adjustment". But doing this is not recommended.

Our video on the sale of goods in the program 1s 8.3:

Setting up accounts in transactions and documents 1C

If the postings are automatically generated incorrectly, it is better to understand the settings why this is happening, or correct the accounting accounts in the document. The fact is that in accordance with when filling out a document, accounts are substituted into the document, and only then postings are formed on them.

Let's see where they can be viewed and edited (again, I will say that it is better to set it up correctly once than to correct it in the document every time).

The same goes for services:

Finally, I will say that the correct setup of accounting accounts is a very important task, since the correctness of maintaining accounting. For our example, the accounts are set up in the directories "" and "", but this is a topic for a separate article.

Sale of services in 1s 8.3:

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In this article, we will consider such a concept in 1C Customer Order, directly 1s UT 11. What information does it contain, and how to quickly get

maximum useful information when working with the list of orders.

In 1C UT, a customer order is a document that is used to register a customer’s request in the system to sell goods for him, provide services, or transfer goods for a commission.

First, you need to select the option of using the order in the settings (Master data section and Administration → Master data and sections settings → Sales → Wholesale sales).

Consider a customer order in 1C 8.3

The header displays the command panel of the document, as well as the status and priority of order execution. The list of statuses depends on the chosen option for using orders:

If Order on order is selected, the status field on the document form is not displayed;

If the Order only from warehouse option is available, the list of statuses includes “On approval”, “In reserve” and “For shipment”;

With the scheme Order from a warehouse and under an order, it is only possible to choose from only two statuses - “On approval” and “To be completed”.

The priority of the Customer Order in 1C 8.3 is used to indicate its significance. Priority can be Low, Medium or High.

Pay attention to the command panel, it is presented in the form of icons (buttons) that allow you to perform certain actions with the system data. These and other icons are used when working in 1s with customer orders, and other system objects. The main buttons are presented in the table.

 The “Basic” tab contains information about who buys what, from whom and under what conditions. Here, as the rules indicate the organization-seller, client, counterparty, agreement, contract. Based on the data registered in the agreement, the order will determine the terms and schedule of payment, the main parameters for pricing, the rules for supply and shipment, the taxation regime will be established, and the need for the use of reusable containers will be taken into account.

 On the “Products” tab, a list of goods / services that the client is going to purchase, their prices, quantity and other important information, if they are necessary for the selected product (for example, characteristics, series, packaging). There are three ways to fill in the list of goods:

By adding empty lines and selecting the position of the nomenclature from the directory;

Using the commands fill → Pick up goods, open Workplace selection and select products using various filters limiting the search area;

Load products from an external file using the command of the same name.

For each line, the variant of provision with goods is indicated; for this, the command Provision → Fill in provision is selected. To confirm the need to ship the goods to the client in the order, you must set the supply option Ship, for other order items, the sales document will not be generated.

In the basement of the bookmark, the date of shipment of the goods to the client is indicated.

 The data on the "Delivery" tab determine the order of delivery of goods to the client (Pickup, Our transport service to the client, Our transport service to the carrier, Carrier (from our warehouse), At the discretion of the transport service) and specify the delivery parameters.

All orders for delivery are subsequently collected in the workplace "Delivery", in which the documents "Transportation orders" are generated. This tab is displayed in the order only if it is configured accordingly (Administration → Master data and sections settings → Warehouse and delivery - Delivery → Delivery management), otherwise the delivery address is entered in a separate dialog box in the Delivery address field on the Advanced page - Printing details.

 The “Additional” tab contains other information, such as the manager who placed the order, order currency, order number according to the client, etc.

Also in the document Customer order in 1C 8.3 contains a line that displays the total amount, VAT and discount.

So, we got acquainted with the basic data that the customer order contains in 1C 8.3. Now let's go to the list of orders and see what information about the order we can get from it without opening the document, and how to simplify the work with this list.

First of all, pay attention to the selections.

Above the list of orders in 1C UT, a panel of quick selections is displayed. With its help, you can select orders according to certain criteria, for example, make a selection by due date and display only overdue orders or orders for today.

Next, you can set the selections that the system will remember and use when opening. For example, in the field manager, and then when you open the list of orders, only those created by this manager will be visible. You can do this from the More menu by selecting Customize List. In the Filters section, select the Manager field for filtering, and in the Value field, specify the required user.

This List Setting form also allows you to: set different sortings in the list of documents; adjust the color highlighting of data according to the selected criteria; group fields.

The next step is to configure the column display that is convenient for you. In the More section, select Edit Form to open the Form Setup window.

In the proposed list, using the checkboxes, you can remove the display of unnecessary columns and add more important ones. Using the arrows it is easy to set up a convenient sequence.

% payment, % shipment, % debt. These columns reflect the status of payment and shipment of goods on orders.

Deadline. Contains the date of shipment, overdue orders are marked in red.

The current state of the order. Depending on what stage the order is in, different statuses are available, such as Advance Pending (before supply). Shipping in progress, Payment pending (after shipping), Closed, etc.

If you have questions about working at UT 11, fill out an application on this page or call.

Print (Ctrl+P)

1. Use Cases for Sales Orders

The order of reservation and maintenance of customer orders is determined by the functional option Customer orders In chapter NSI and administrationSales - Wholesales.

Fig 1 Setting up use cases for orders

There are three options for using the Customer Order document in the program:

  1. Order as invoice– In this option, orders are used only for printing invoices. The created document "Customer's order" does not reserve the goods, its execution and provision is not controlled. This option is convenient to use in enterprises when the client only needs to print an invoice for payment with a list of ordered goods, and at the same time, no terms of payment and shipment of goods are controlled. An order is created with a list of goods and an invoice is printed
  2. Order only from stock-When using the "Order from stock only" option, orders are only accepted for products that are in stock. In addition, in this option, it becomes possible to specify document statuses for managing Status and collateral: To be agreed In reserve– the order reserves all the specified goods in the warehouse For shipment– reserved goods can be shipped. Status Differences "In reserve" And "For shipment" is that when you install and post a document with the “In reserve” status, the program controls the balance of goods for this order, and when you post a document in the “For shipment” status, it controls the availability of goods and controls payment (prepayment) for the order. . . We have considered the difference between document statuses. With the "Order from warehouse only" option, there is the possibility of scheduling payment.
  3. Order from stock and on order. This use case for orders has similar functionality as the previous option "Order from stock only". But in the "Order from warehouse and on order" option, you can place orders not only for goods that are in stock, but also for goods that are not in stock. In addition, the following statuses are available in the order: To be agreed- the order does not make movements, it is used to fix an unconfirmed / inconsistent customer need; To be completed– Shipment and reservation management for each order line is possible. To automatically set actions in the lines, the command "Fill provision" is provided.

2. Order entry based on

A customer order can be issued on the basis of the following documents:

  • Assignment to a sales representative – How in the program you can register orders from customers placed sales representatives can be found in additional materials on the ITS disk
  • Commercial offer to the client Commercial offers are agreed with customers, while their commodity composition and prices can be specified. The client marks the positions that he wants to purchase. Agreed trade agreement status is set Active and indicates the period of validity of those conditions that are registered in commercial offer and placing a customer order. Information about only those items that the customer preferred is transferred to the sales order.
  • Transactions with a client This is a guide for recording all the information that accumulates while working on a deal with a client. The sales order contains information about the transaction. In the future, you can control the process of the transaction and the list of all orders placed under the transaction.

3. Customer order parameters

In this section, I consider some order parameters - operation, agreement and payment stages (see Fig. 2)

Fig 2 Customer order form

3.1 Business Operations

Enum values Business Operations Available for document Customer order are:

  1. Implementation– when placing an order for the shipment of goods, it can be executed as when shipping goods when selling to a client
  2. Sales (goods in transit) – when shipping goods with a deferred transfer of ownership
  3. P transfer to commission- when transferring goods to a client for a commission. The operation type is filled in automatically from the agreement with the customer.

Note that placing an order when shipping goods with a deferred transfer of ownership (with the type of operation Sales (goods in transit)) is possible only by agreement with the checkbox checked Can be shipped without transfer of ownership.

3.2. Agreement with the client

The customer's order must specify agreement . This is necessary in order to register the conditions (standard or individual) under which the goods will be shipped and paid for by order. Based on the data registered in the agreement (price, payment schedules, terms of delivery) and the date specified in the order, information on the conditions for the sale of goods on order is calculated and filled in: the type of prices for stock items, the desired payment date, payment stages are indicated, indicating the dates and amounts of payments for each stage.

The ability to use standard and / or individual agreements with the client depends on the configuration option Using Customer Agreements In chapter NSI and administrationSales - Wholesales. Filling in the field Agreement in the order is carried out according to the following rules:

  • If a single standard or individual agreement is set for the client in the system, then the field Agreement will be filled in automatically.
  • If several standard or individual agreements are set for a client in the system, then the field Agreement will need to be filled in manually from the list.
  • If there are no agreements for the client (in section NSI and administrationSales - Wholesales installed option Do not use), then the field Agreement will not be available for display.

    3.3. Customer payment steps

    In the order, it is possible to register payment stages for the purpose of cash planning. Each payment stage contains payment option, date and percentage payment. The payment amount will be calculated automatically according to the order amount and payment percentage.

    The payment terms setting option used is defined in the section NSI and administrationSales - Wholesales - Terms and conditions of payment:

    • Prepayment and/or credit- a simplified version of payment planning, which involves the use of only two stages: prepayment (before shipment) and / or credit (after shipment).
    • Arbitrary number of payment stages– a stage is added to the list of payment stages Advance to security. Information about payment stages is recorded in agreements or payment planning documents.
    • Payment schedule templates– a list of possible payment stages is preliminarily registered in the Payment Schedules directory. Predefined payment schedules are used to complete payment stages in agreements and documents. For example: prepayment, credit, partial payment, etc.

    4 . Filling in the tabular part of the order

    Orders are accepted not only for goods that are in stock, but also for goods that require provision.

    4.1 Provision options

    In the tabular part there is a column "Actions". (providing option). Provisioning options allow you to manage the status of an order. That is, for each line of the document, you can see the status of the provision and select the desired action.

    Pic 3 Goods table and collateral selection form

    Provision options can be filled in automatically with the command Fill in security. The command is executed for the selected lines of the document. The selected filling strategy is remembered.

    • Goods that are in stock must be reserved - Reserve in stock.
    • If the product is not in stock, but it is expected to be delivered, then place it in the order to the supplier - Reserve by ship date.
    • If the item is not in stock and is not expected to be delivered, then accept it for collateral. In this case, two options are possible: to provide in accordance with the delivery schedule ( To ensure) or order goods for a specific customer order ( provide apart).

    4.2 Pegging goods to order

    The possibility of pegging goods for a specific sales order depends on the use of the functional option Separate provision of orders In chapter NSI and administrationWarehouse and delivery - Supply of needs. If the option is not enabled, then orders are automatically distributed in order of priority (dates of shipment) in accordance with the goods movement schedule, without the possibility of reservation and provision for a specific customer order. If the option is enabled, then the pegged demand for orders for goods and works is fixed and met. Also available option Do not control excess of segregated margin, when enabled, it becomes possible to purchase and free movement of pegged goods in warehouses other than shipping warehouses. In this case, it is possible to cancel and reduce the sales order after the start of fulfilling the pegged requirement.

    5 . Order Status

The order fulfillment process is managed through the respective statuses, supply options and order states. The order status is calculated automatically and informs the user about the current status of the order.

At any time, the manager can receive detailed information about the status of the order: how the customer's order should be paid in accordance with the stages of payment indicated in it, what is the status of payment for the order (whether the payment is overdue in accordance with the specified payment date), whether the order has been shipped.

Starting from version UT 11.2.2, the list of possible states of a sales order has the following composition:

  1. Agreement pending – If the function option is set to Coordination of customer orders then each new order must be approved.
  2. Advance expected (before security)This status will be set in the orderafter we have set the status of the customer order To be completed , and for order lines, the action was specified Do not provide, the status of the order has changed. . The item on the order cannot be shipped (set the Ship action for order lines) if the payment for the order is not registered
  3. Ready to secure This status will be set in the order after the Client has paid an advance payment for the order payment document. Now you need to prepare the goods for shipment and ship the goods to him. For order rows, you can change the column Action for subsequent supply options ( To ensure, Reserve etc.). In order to be able to ship the goods (issue a document Sale of goods and services), it is necessary to set the action for all goods in the tabular part of the document Ship and hold the document;
  4. Advance payment expected (before shipment) The order will set to this status after all order lines are secured and the payment option is set Prepayment (before shipment)
  5. Expected provision ;
  6. Ready for shipment – Prepayment received, order is pending action Ship/Ship separately in all lines;
  7. In the process of shipment- ABOUT means that an advance payment has been received and the action Ship or Ship separately is set in all lines, but warehouse orders or sales are not registered for all ordered goods
  8. Payment expected (after shipment) - О means that the goods have been shipped and payment is expected because the option is selected in the order credit (after shipment) ;
  9. Ready to close - Z Orders, according to which documents are issued for all positions specified in the order Sale of goods and services and/or Certificate of completion.
  10. Closed.

6. Closing orders

The system provides two options for closing orders:

  • Closing of fully processed orders. Such orders include those orders for which documents are issued for all positions specified in the order. Sale of goods and services and/or Certificate of completion.
  • Closing orders with the cancellation of unfinished lines. With this closing option, the program analyzes and cancels all lines not delivered by order (those lines for which the document is not executed Sale of goods and services and/or Certificate of completion). The user must indicate the reason why the order could not be completed. The cancellation reason can be set separately for each line in the order, or a general reason can be specified for all lines.

To close several orders, it is necessary to mark in the list those orders that need to be closed, and select the desired menu item by clicking the button Set status: Closed (for fully processed orders) or Closed (with cancellation of unworked lines). Which option to choose depends on the reason the user wants to close the order:

  • if it is necessary to close orders for which the payment deadline has expired, then you can select orders in the list for which the payment deadline is overdue (by marking them in the list) and close orders with the cancellation of unprocessed lines, indicating the reason for the cancellation. In this case, information will be stored that the customer has not fulfilled his obligations to pay for the order.
  • if, for a number of reasons, the customer's order was not fully completed, then it must be closed following the cancellation of all outstanding lines. Further this information will be required to analyze the list of those goods that were not delivered to customers.

The system provides control over the closing of orders. In order to prevent managers from closing incompletely processed customer orders, you must first enable the functional option Do not close partially shipped orders and requests In chapter NSI and administrationSales - Wholesales. In this case, the sales order cannot be assigned a status Closed, if the document has unshipped and not canceled items. To prevent the manager from closing partially paid orders (for example, when shipping goods on credit), set the flag Do not close partially paid orders and requests.

7. Order management practical examples

Orders can be managed from the order list form (see Fig. 5).

Note that if mutual settlements with the client, according to the contract, are carried out on orders, it is possible to see the following values

  • Payment Amount and Payment Percentage
  • Order Shipment Amount and Order Shipment Percentage
  • Amount of Debt and Percentage of Debt

If mutual settlements with the client are carried out under the contract as a whole, then the values ​​in these columns will be empty

On the ITS disk, several concrete examples used in wholesale trade. Here I show some of them.

7.1 Order payment control

Control of payment for orders is possible if mutual settlements with the client are carried out according to orders. Listed Customer orders it is possible to make a selection for those orders for which payment is overdue. For example, we need to look at orders for which a customer asked to reserve a product and promised to pay for it within a specified period.

To do this, in the list of orders, you need to set the selection by the current state Advance payment expected (before shipment).

Fig 5 Order list form

Those orders that are overdue according to the payment due date in the dialog box Payment rules, will be marked in red in the list.

Using this list, you can identify those customer orders that are close to due date and send reminders to customers that if payment is not made on time, the reserve for that order will be cancelled. As a reminder, you can send email or SMS generated according to a specific template

For example, we need to select orders that are due tomorrow.

To select a list of such orders, you need to set an additional filter by due date: Deadline - Tomorrow . Then you can contact the client, clarify with him whether payment is planned for the order, and resolve the issue of removing the reserve for the order.

In this case, two options are possible:

  • if the client refused to purchase goods, then the undelivered lines in the order should be canceled and the status should be set Closed;
  • if the reserve for the order is to be temporarily removed, then the action should be set on the order lines Do not provide.

It should be noted that setting the status Closed with the cancellation of undelivered lines is possible only if the program provides control over the correctness of payment and shipment for orders: the checkboxes are checked Do not ship partially shipped (paid) orders and requests In chapter NSI and administrationMaster data and sections setup - Sales .

You can change the status of several sales orders directly in the list. To do this, select orders in the list and execute the Actions command by selecting the option Close orders.

7.2 Shipment of goods on credit

Shipment of goods on credit is issued using a document Sale of goods and services . The document is drawn up by agreement and contract with the specified conditions for granting a loan.

The document can be issued on the preliminary order of the client or without registration of the order of the client.

The need for shipment by order may arise if the goods need to be reserved in the warehouse or ordered from the supplier. Registration of shipment of goods on credit by order of the client is carried out in the same way as when working on prepayment. The difference is that the control of the possibility of shipment by order and the setting of the action Ship in the document lines are performed immediately at the time of issuing the order.

To register the shipment of goods on credit, a document journal is used Sales documents (all).

new document Sale of goods and services is created from the list of sales documents when the Create button is clicked. If the shipment of goods on credit is issued by order, then a journal is used to register the shipment document. Invoices for clearance. It shows all orders that are prepared for shipment.

We enter the documents of the buyer's order, the order to the supplier, the receipt of goods and services, the sale of goods.

The chain of buyer's order - implementation

Let's introduce into the enterprise management system 2.0 the classical chain of movement of goods, starting with the order of the buyer and ending with the sale to this buyer.

In our chain will participate - an order to the supplier. That is, the following documents will be entered - the buyer's order, then the order to the supplier, the receipt of goods and services, the sale of goods and services to the buyer.

To place an order for the buyer, go to the "Sales" section. Select the "Customer Orders" item. By the way, if you do not have this item, you should not forget that the enterprise management system is customizable, and this item may be disabled in your system. And this is configured in the "Administration" menu in the "and sales" section. There is a corresponding checkbox - "customer orders". In the event that it is disabled, we do not have it in the "Sales" - "Customer Orders" section. Let's turn it back on.

So, back to creating customer orders. We create a new document. Specify the client. This will be the Light Path. We need to choose the same agreement. And add the product that the customer wants to purchase. Specify the quantity of goods and its price. We also need to specify the desired date of shipment. The date of the document is the 9th. Let the desired shipping date be the 14th.
Also on the "Additional" tab, you need to check the completion of the payment stages. We will fill them in automatically. And we will choose the payment option - “after shipment”, otherwise the program will not let us ship this product without payment, and we do not consider payment in this lesson. We press OK.

And in principle, our document is completed with the exception of such an important point as “Status”. Status, also a customizable item. Statuses can be disabled, but if they are enabled, it must be filled out in order for the document to be processed correctly. In this case, our status is “to be secured”. By pressing the up arrow, the program automatically sets the maximum possible document status. Click the "Submit and Close" button. And we create the document "Customer Orders".

In the order itself, we can see the status of the execution of this order. This report shows how much the customer ordered, how much needs to be provided and by what date, and how much, in fact, is already assembled in the warehouse, and how much has been shipped to him. That is, in this report you can see the full picture of the execution of this order.

Let's enter on the basis of this customer order - an order to the supplier. Click the "Create Based" button. And select "Order to the supplier". We will open a new order to the supplier. Also, an order to the supplier can be entered through the "Purchases" - "Orders to suppliers" section.

So, we have completed the document on the basis of the order to the supplier. We need to specify a supplier. We also have a tabular part filled in, where we have to indicate the price of the order. On the "Advanced" tab, we must also specify the stages of payment to the supplier. We indicate the stages of payment so that the accountant can pay all our orders on time, so that we have a clear picture of the money that will come to us and the money that we have to pay, so that our organization does not have a cash gap. From payments and receipts, we have a so-called "payment calendar". Press the OK button. We also set the status of the order to the supplier. Press the button "Submit".

And then we will create “Based on” directly from the form of this document “Receipt of goods and services”. The system tells us that we cannot enter the receipt of goods and services, since the status of this document does not allow us to do so. This can be done only after the status is - for admission. In order for the status to be “To be received”, we can set it to “To be received” and post the document.

Now we create “Based on” - “receipt of goods and services”. We indicate the date of the document - the 10th day. Here we can also indicate that an invoice has been received from the supplier. On the "Advanced" tab, we must specify "Subdivision". Let's specify the department - "Purchasing Department". And click "Submit" the document. The document will be held. And in the "Order to the supplier" we can see the status of the execution of this order. We see that 5 pieces are ordered. and also issued 5 pcs. In the "Order to the supplier" set the status to "Closed". And we will carry it out.

Now back to our "Customer Order". And check its execution status. As you can see, he this moment did not change. Let's introduce the document "Sale of goods and services" "Based on" the customer's order. The system does not allow us to enter a document for the sale of goods and services while the document is in the “to be secured” status. We will transfer it to the status "for shipment". Let's do it. And we will introduce "Based on" - "sales of goods and services." Here we also need to specify the department on the "Advanced" tab. Let's say "sales department". We will also create an invoice. And we will pass the document.

Let's go back to the customer order. Let's see its execution status. As we can see, 5 pieces are ordered in the document, 5 pieces are issued. Thus, we see that the order has been completed. Set the status of the customer's order to "Closed". And we will carry it out.

Thus, we have gone through the entire chain from the customer's order to the sale of goods to the customer. Let's see how it affected the activity of the enterprise. Let's go to the "Finance" section. Open the item "Reports on finance". And open the report "Gross profit of the enterprise." Click the "Create" button.

As we can see, the system shows us the revenue and cost in the context of departments, organizations and managers. But in this case, the cost is not calculated and the program shows us the 100% profitability of our operation. What is it connected with? This is due to the fact that the cost in this program is calculated separately.

Calculate the cost of our operation. To do this, go to the "Closing the month" section in the "Finance" menu. Click the "Calculate" button next to the item "Calculation of cost". The cost will be calculated.

If your cost is not calculated, then perhaps you have not set up an accounting policy for calculating the cost. To do this, you need to go to "Settings and directories". And specify the setting of methods for estimating the cost of goods. In this case, the average for the month is indicated. But it can be - FIFO weighted or moving estimate. Also a very important checkbox is to update the cost with a scheduled task. It means that the cost price will be recalculated automatically once in a predetermined period of time.

But back to our Gross Profit report. Let's form it. We will see that the cost price has been calculated. We have achieved gross profit and profitability.
