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Audiobooks on how to start your business from scratch. Before you start your business. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

We present to your attention the bestsellers of world literature about business performed by professional actors.
Summary of the best business coaches.

What is Summary?

  • Summary is an abbreviated retelling of the best works of world business literature, the quintessence of meanings and ideas. Dry residue without water and obvious examples.
  • Summary is an opportunity to get acquainted with the work before purchasing or take all the best things at once.
  • Our summaries are translated directly from the original source by professional translators in the field of business language.
  • The summary was read in our studio by professional actors.
  • The average playing time of each summary is about 20 minutes.

Every 100 reposts we will add 1 audiobook. Support the project.

Audiobooks about business and personal growth in summary format

51 fatal business mistakes

Most business books are like a gym membership: the same enthusiasm at the first stage and a rather pointless use of effort in the end. These books are good in theory, but in reality most of their postulates cannot be implemented...

How to create a team from scratch

There are many approaches to recruitment today, and different principles sometimes conflict with each other. Paul Parkon's book contains several of the most common techniques, each of which has its own advantages in the field of team building...

U-Motion Theory

Business coach and ideologist Otto Scharmer describes a fundamentally new method of understanding the surrounding reality, which boils down to the ability of each person to access new horizons of his perception. Tying together three...

The author of the sensational business textbooks “Yes, You Can” and “Work Better, Not Harder” in the mid-nineties, in his latest book he talks about the role of the client in the life of any company. Jack Collis gives a client...

Listen to audiobook

Want the business advice that helped Merrill Lynch, Time Warner, and Procter & Gamble make billions in profits? This text contains all these tips in the most accessible form. Their author is Andy Cohen, business coach...

Listen to audiobook

The second title of this book is 12 types of people you need to find, seduce, hire and employ. Here's today's best guide to hiring essential talent. The book helps...

Listen to audiobook

Over the course of their history, people have written so many books that it is basically impossible to read them all. Even reading all the literature on any chosen topic seems very difficult. At about the same speed at which you read, other people will write more and more. In addition, some books somehow repeat each other (at least at the level of ideas) or categorically contradict our life experience, and therefore we often have to regret wasted time. However, we all understand perfectly well that valuable experience that can only be gleaned from books will help us in life. Is there a reasonable compromise? Yes! We bring to your attention a summary (English - synopsis, summary) of the most interesting books on business, in our opinion, in audio format.

You are getting unique opportunity get acquainted with the main ideas of the book, spending twenty minutes on it, and then - depending on your schedule and how much the author was able to interest you - buy the original text or immediately go and bring fresh ideas to life.

Robert Kiyosaki is an American of Japanese descent, according to whom people around the world are divided into two groups: “entrepreneurs” and “executives”, and the existence of some is impossible without the existence of others, otherwise the system will collapse. Everyone understands that being in the first category is much more convenient and better than being in the second. The central idea of ​​Rich Dad Poor Dad is...

“The subconscious can do anything” - it would seem that this is another representative of armchair psychology, which does not convey fundamentally new information, transmitting only one postulate throughout the entire book: think positively, and everything will be. Fortunately, in addition to such a simple axiom, the book, despite its small volume, contains a “tasty filling” that helps you find the key to balancing all aspects of life, which does not lie in...

“Think and Grow Rich” is a sensational book that examines the psychological aspects of attracting success into everyone’s life. At one time it was a bestseller, but it does not lose its relevance even now; many modern authors copy material from this book, slightly changing the wording. There is no doubt about the usefulness of this book for self-development, because it is not a product of reflection...

Here is one of the most famous books on practical psychology and personal growth \"How to win friends and influence people\" by Dale Carnegie. Despite the fact that it was published in 1936, the principles set out in it have not lost their relevance, therefore the book sells in large quantities both then and now. Carnegie is not only a psychologist, a writer, but also...

“Money is not the main thing” is an excuse for those who do not know how to manage it correctly. Yes, they cannot be used to buy eternal things that excite a person, be it happiness or love, but they are the ones that help you stay in a comfortable state, when your financial situation is no longer a limiting factor, you can live the way you want. Robert Kiyosaki's books explain not only why it is so important...

How often in your life have you heard the phrase “I don’t have money”? How often have you said it yourself? Most likely, at those moments there was still money, it’s just that some people didn’t know how to handle it at all. This is not surprising, because unlike reading, arithmetic and writing, financial literacy is not taught in schools, and those who study outside economic sphere, are practically doomed to continue to remain in ignorance...

The name of Robert Kiyosaki is known thanks to his first acclaimed book, “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” which, by the way, is on our website. Before reading Rich Dad's Guide to Investing, we strongly recommend that you understand the ideas in Part 1, as much of what is presented here is based on it. If you have firmly grasped the lessons of Kiyosaki, then you can move on. Here is given...

XXI century - century high technology and an abundance of information on any issue. In this information flow, a person lives in incessant mental noise, reads one book about self-improvement after another, and at the same time, no qualitative changes occur in his real life. Because knowledge is useless without its application. We strongly recommend that you discard all planned...

We always wanted to develop our personality, but didn’t know how or where to start. Now each of you has a great opportunity to listen online to Brian Tracy’s audiobook “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. Change your life” and develop independently. this work It is no coincidence that it has been translated into many languages, because it is one of the leaders among books touching on the topic of personal growth. Audiobook author...

How often do you think about money? How often do you feel and need to earn more? How often have you caught yourself thinking that money is happiness? Stop! This is a sure path to destruction! Better download the free audiobook “The Path to Financial Freedom” by Bodo Schaefer and you will understand why. Bodo Schaefer is the author of many books about financial management, achieving success and business psychology in general. Besides t...

“Why We Want You to Be Rich” - a book with such an ambitious title is authored by none other than successful businessman Donald Trump and coach Robert Kiyosaki. Many readers who have become familiar with Kiyosaki's work have often wondered why this man so easily throws away such knowledge for the common good, instead of simply using it...

It's probably no secret that each of us at least once at a certain stage of our lives thought that we were going with the flow and would never achieve our cherished goals and would exist like an average person. However, we were all deeply mistaken! Everyone's purpose lies in a series of certain choices, so Robin Sharma, in the book "The Leader Without a Title", invites everyone to make several...

It may seem to you that money, success and your self-development are completely unrelated. We dare to argue and claim that this is not so. Direct proof of this is the audiobook “Money, Success and You”, by the famous Canadian business coach, John Kehoe. This book develops the basic concepts of the earlier work “The Subconscious Can Do Anything!” The author clearly explains what way of thinking...

One of the eternal questions of our time is: how to build a successful career and not harm your personal life? Or how to develop a business and save a family? Michael Roach did not face such a question, since for him these are very compatible and easily combined concepts. After all, he is the first American citizen to receive a doctorate in Buddhist philosophy from the Gelug monastic school in Tibet. Name...

We present to your attention the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This author and the postulates of this book have gained wide popularity throughout the world. This is explained by a number of factors: the simplicity of the presentation of the material with numerous examples of success of people acting according to the methods outlined in “The Secret.” For people with a leading visual modality, a film of the same name was released, in the creation of which...

Translated from Chinese, “dao” means “way.” The audiobook “The Tao of Toyota” offers the listener the success story of the world-famous Japanese corporation. Jeffrey K. Liker suggests own analysis the company's business philosophy, which is based on the approach to personnel, namely on their continuous development, advanced training and discipline. He calls it a "learning structure" to which he must...

Nowadays, self-education is the only way you can truly gain real and practical knowledge. And, if you are planning to engage in entrepreneurship, then you simply need to read books by people who have already achieved success in their business, since only they will be able to tell you what and how to do in order to do it right. If you don't have time to read books, then good option will listen to audiobooks.

"Business. A Guide for Geniuses”, Yuri Moroz

“Before you start a business”, Robert Kiyosaki

After listening to this audiobook, you will learn 10 very important lessons from a successful entrepreneur, and you will understand that it’s time to quit your boring job and start working exclusively for yourself.

“Business of the 21st Century”, Robert Kiyosaki

In this audiobook you will learn not only how to properly organize and run your business, but also how to control your sources of income and personal finances, which is an integral part of a successful and prosperous life.

“Rework. Business Without Prejudice, Jason Fried

This work will be useful for both beginning businessmen and more experienced entrepreneurs. After reading this work, you will not only understand what mistakes you should not make when running your own business, but you will also learn which outdated rules for running a project actually only worsen the project’s performance.

“Funky business” Jonas Ridderstrale

This audiobook differs from the usual works on this topic. The message of the book is that the world of entrepreneurship needs to become more interesting and entrepreneurs more creative. Thus, both the goods and services that firms will offer will be newer, more original and better. The author of the book claims that in order to achieve success, you need to be different from everyone else and not be afraid to change the rules.

“Business School”, Robert Kiyosaki

In your audiobook Kiyosaki tells about several secrets network marketing, having learned which, you can begin to understand entrepreneurship much better, and, accordingly, become more successful in your business.

“More money from your business” Alexander Levitas

This audiobook full practical advice that you want to try immediately after reading. Thanks to it, you will learn to analyze your mistakes, and with this you can make your business more successful and profitable.

“And nerds do business”, Maxim Kotin

This audiobook tells the story of a hero named Fedor, in whom many readers will be able to recognize themselves. At some point the man wonders about that. Is it worth giving up a good position in a large, but someone else’s company to create a small, but your own?

“Naked Business”, Richard Branson

Branson is a successful entrepreneur and the author of several best-selling books, but this audiobook is his first work entirely devoted to the creation and development of projects. In the book you will find not only success stories of various companies, but also a lot of personal advice and recommendations from the author.

“Business at the Speed ​​of Thought”, Bill Gates

This audiobook tells us that in our time, motivation and some knowledge about entrepreneurship are too little to become successful in your business. The author of this work believes that more attention should be paid to technology, because only it can guarantee success and prosperity for your project.

The section contains 238 audiobooks

The book by Japanese-American businessman Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is one of the most popular books on business. It is on the list of must-read books for millionaires. The author grew up in Hawaii in a not very wealthy family and was taught by his father to work hard and rely heavily on the education system. At the same time, he communicated with his friend's father, about...

We present to your attention the bestseller by Canadian writer John Kehoe “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything!” The main theme of this book is the personal development of each person, which he is capable of thanks to the power of his own mind. John Kehoe is sure that enormous power is hidden in our subconscious, and if we learn to use it, then there will be no obstacles left in front of us. John himself went through quite an...

“Think and Grow Rich” is one of the most famous books on business and the psychology of achieving success. Its author, Napoleon Hill, an American writer, journalist and psychologist, lived in the first half of the twentieth century. He was interested in the question of whether there is a universal law of success, following which you can achieve your goal in any endeavor. He interviewed 500 successful Americans and came up with a universal...

Dale Carnegie is one of the most famous psychologists of the twentieth century; his books, published in the 30s and 40s, still sell in huge quantities. In addition to studying psychology, Carnegie was engaged in teaching, but his main fame was brought to him by his work on practical psychology. In them, the American teacher and writer transferred the achievements of contemporary psychology to the pr...

It would be hypocritical to say that money is unimportant in our lives. Yes, you can’t buy love, friendship or happiness with it, but money allows you to ensure a standard of living that can bring satisfaction in itself. Everyone wants to become rich, but not everyone succeeds. If you are at a dead end on the path to your wealth or don’t know where to start own business or investing, sa...

For all fans of Robert Kiyosaki, we strongly recommend listening to the online audiobook of George Clayson's "The Richest Man in Babylon." In his book, George Clason promotes the idea that the well-being of a society depends on the well-being of each of its members, and talks about how to achieve this well-being. In his opinion, the main task is to understand the financial laws that...

Robert Kiyosaki's sensational bestseller "Rich Dad Poor Dad" changed the approach to life of many people, giving them instructions for changing their well-being. It's time for another lesson from rich dad - investing. The book "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing" does not provide ready-made templates for action. On the contrary, it directs the reader’s thoughts in such a direction that decisions when...

Bodo Schaefer, a world-renowned business consultant and speaker, has impacted many people's lives for the better. We would like to give you the opportunity to listen online to \"The Laws of Winners\" by him, one of Schaefer's most significant books. You can find many positive reviews about this work, in which people write about how \"The Laws of Winners\" helped them get out of trouble...

Brian Tracy is a recognized expert in the field of psychology of success and self-development. His books always find a positive response from a wide range of readers and instantly become bestsellers. We bring to your attention the audiobook “Get out of your comfort zone. Change your life". This work is published in many countries, including Russia. The world circulation is several million...

We bring to your attention one of the bestsellers in the field of economics and finance, the audiobook by Bodo Schaefer “The Path to Financial Freedom”. Its author is a German millionaire and writer. In the book, he will share with you his revelations on the topic of lasting material wealth, because he himself had to climb out of a debt hole and start all over again. This is also a book about human happiness that...

Robert Kiyosaki, one of the most successful business coaches in the world, and Donald Trump, one of the richest businessmen, have prepared a joint book, which you can now listen to online on our website. \"Why we want you to be rich\" - this is the rather provocative title this work bears. Indeed, many who read Kiyosaki’s books wondered why he shared...

Robin Sharma is a Canadian coach in the areas of personal development, leadership and motivation. He is also the author of the international bestseller “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari,” thanks to which he became famous not only in Canada and the United States, but also beyond their borders. The audiobook “Leader Without a Title” is a synthesis of Robin Sharma’s many years of experience as a management advisor for...

Currently, the shelves of bookstores and gigabytes of the Internet are replete with literature that can satisfy the information hunger of any reader. But how many are truly worthwhile, capable of giving impetus to action and work on themselves? John Kehoe is one of those whose books have inspired, inspire, and will continue to inspire. The genre of psychology has always been of special genuine interest to people who want...

The life story of Michael Roach, author of The Diamond Cutter, is capable of radically changing everyone's opinion about human abilities. The writer spent over two decades in the Sera Monastery in Tibet and became the first American to be awarded the Geshe monastic degree of the Gelug school, which means doctor of Buddhist philosophy. Michael Roach was able to start from scratch, relying only on his Buddhist knowledge...

Everyone who has ever turned to this author speaks about the practical benefits of Robert Kiyosaki’s books. First they inspire you to start your own business, and then step by step they support you on the path to success. \"Business School for Those Who Like to Help Others\", also known as \"Business School\" is a book for those who have already seen the benefits of network marketing for generating money...

Surely all of you know Japanese brand Toyota, and many may have been and are still interested in the history of the company. Jeffrey K. Liker, a professor of industrial engineering at Michigan State University, decided to answer all the questions simultaneously in his book, The Tao of Toyota, which he dedicated to the great Japanese company. Toyota is still a guarantor of quality in the global car market...

No one will argue that time is our most valuable resource. Unfortunately, we are given a very limited amount of this wealth; we cannot stop time or turn it back. This means only one thing: we need to make the most of what we are given. Learning this is not so easy, but, fortunately, such famous business coaches as Brian Tracy have already taken care of...

A book by Carl Sewell of a successful entrepreneur who managed to raise sales to unprecedented heights by attracting and retaining customers. The book is a practical guide to working with clients (and, incidentally, to organizing the work of an enterprise, marketing and merchandising). In Russia, the service is an absolute disaster and this book is exactly how to win a client, make them fall in love with you and...

If you want to become a great manager, then you simply must listen to the online audiobook “Technology of Life. A book for heroes." The author of the book, Vladimir Tarasov, is a recognized business coach; in 2016 he was awarded the award for the best business mentor in Russia. Moreover, he has developed many business games and trainings. It is also worth noting that it was Tarasov who created the first business school in the territory...

The best audiobooks about business, success, time management online

Business literature- these are books for those who want to achieve wealth, be successful and effective. In this section of our library you can listen to online audiobooks on business from the most famous authors.

Conventionally, all books in the business literature genre can be divided into several thematic groups. The first group includes online audiobooks about success and how to achieve it, especially in terms of money and wealth. Books such as “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and other works will teach you how to manage money so that it generates income, help you organize your business and tell you about what is fundamentally rich and successful people different from the poor. The validity of the ideas presented in these audiobooks and their effectiveness are confirmed by numerous reviews from our readers.

The second group unites audiobooks on time management. The purpose of these books is to teach you how to wisely use your most valuable and limited resource - time. First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the book by Russian time management guru Gleb Arkhangelsky, which will be useful for both a manager and an ambitious specialist. From these audiobooks you will learn about the rules of prioritization, the 80/20 rule and other time management techniques.

The third group included business audiobooks, close in content to psychology. These are works about personal effectiveness, the psychology of success and how, by working on yourself, you can achieve maximum results. The standard in this field can be called the books of the American psychologist and trainer, whose advice has helped millions of people around the world become better.

Free business audiobooks in our library will be great start yours successful career or your own profitable business, and each new book you listen to will give you new knowledge and even greater confidence in your own abilities.

How to start your own business, achieve all your goals, become the best manager in the world, and most importantly, a happy person.

It is quite obvious that modern man The time to read books is becoming less and less. How often has it happened to you that you walked into a store or opened an article, read the description and thought: “I simply have to read this book.” Perhaps you even bought it. True, after some time, instead of a bedside table, it inevitably ends up in a bookcase, and you once again promise yourself that soon you will read everything you have planned. Soon.

However, in our daily lives there is a sufficient amount of time that can still be used wisely. We have collected best business books in audio format. Listen to them in traffic, on the treadmill, in line, or just while walking. The main thing is, do not forget to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

1. 45 manager tattoos

Maxim Batyrev’s book is primarily good because it is as close as possible to Russian reality. It contains a collection of managerial “tattoos”, rules that you should adhere to if you want to succeed, and which the author derived through his own trial and error.

2. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

"Flow" is one of the most important books in the field of research into human emotional life. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi outlined the theory that most people who are satisfied with their lives are happy thanks to a special state of flow - a feeling of completeness. mergers with your own activity, when every minute you feel only a greater influx of energy and strength.

3. Think and grow rich

Napoleon Hill's book was first published in 1937, and it, of course, contains not just advice on how to become richer, but presents a whole system values, philosophy of how to achieve success in any chosen direction. Hill talks about happiness and negative experiences, about all kinds of obstacles and goals. The book has stood the test of time, and Ken Norton (American boxer) even defeated Muhammad Ali with its help.

4. Deadline. A novel about project management

Tom DeMarco's novel stands out from the pack similar friends compared to other business books in that this is a fascinating spy novel, which, however, will save you a couple of years of managerial trial and error, will help improve your managerial skills and teach you how to work competently with people.

5. Customers for life

In the book, which has already become a classic and a reference guide on working with clients for huge amount managers around the world, Carl Sewell talks about how to attract and retain customers in record time, and also about the importance of reorganizing internal system work of the organization.

6. Law 80/20: succeed without effort

The Pareto Rule in a nutshell is this: If you make a list of the 10 most important things to do every day, put them in order, and then focus only on the top two, you'll likely achieve 80%. of everything that we would like to get from life in general. Scott Johnson in his book tells how to learn to live by this principle and become successful without making Herculean efforts.

7. Focus: achieving priority goals

You've probably already read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, but this is not the only book by Stephen Covey that is worthy of attention. The Focus audiobook will teach you how to manage your time wisely, plan and prioritize, and most importantly, bring your plans to life. There are also exercises and even a 21-day action plan. Forward!

8. How the greats die and why some companies never give up

"was published in 2013 and caused a lot of noise then. Almost three years after its publication, it became clear that the book has not lost its relevance, and the story of German Gref and his unprecedented reform of Sberbank still arouses heated discussions and wide reader interest. After reading, just for fun, go to your local office to pay your utility bills and decide whether Gref managed to make an elephant dance.

10.Rework. Business without prejudice

This unusual business book will change your understanding of entrepreneurship, make you reconsider your views on the way you do business, and generally push you out of your comfort zone. Our world is changing rapidly, so it is important for us to quickly learn new laws and be able to adapt. Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hensson will help already successful entrepreneurs look at the world from a different angle, and those who are dreaming of their own business will finally decide on it and not stray from the intended path.
