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Means of labor- this is what a person affects the object of labor. The decisive role belongs to the tools of labor, mechanical, physical and Chemical properties which a person uses in accordance with his goal.

The means of labor in a broader sense include all the material conditions of labor, without which it cannot be performed. The general condition of labor is the land, the conditions of labor are also industrial buildings, roads, and so on. The results of social knowledge of nature are embodied in the means of labor and the processes of their industrial application, in engineering and technology.

The level of development of technology (and technology) serves as the main indicator of the degree to which society has mastered the forces of nature. Labor can be divided into the following types:

  • Natural (land, waterfalls, rivers that are used for economic purposes).
  • Technical (artificially created by man, in turn, which can be divided into mechanical, vascular, general). Domesticated animals Marx also refers to the most important means of labor.

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The essence and content of the discipline "Technological processes in construction"

The discipline being studied is the applied science of rational means, methods and methods for performing construction processes that provide processing building materials, semi-finished products and products with a qualitative change in their state, physical and mechanical properties, geometric dimensions in order to obtain products of a given quality.

The basic principles of construction production: consistency, safety, flexibility (the ability to adapt the construction processes of an object to rapidly changing conditions for the production of work at a joint venture, as well as organizational, technological and resource parameters of the project without loss of quality), resource saving, quality (this is the compliance of all parameters of construction processes with design values ​​and values ​​specified in regulatory documents).

Capital construction and its facilities

Capital construction is a branch of material production in which fixed assets for production and non-production purposes are created.

Capital construction includes: new construction (on new sites according to the initially approved project), expansion (construction of subsequent stages) (under the new project of the second and subsequent stages operating enterprise, additional or new complexes, etc.), reconstruction (full or partial re-equipment or re-equipment without the construction of new or expansion of existing ones), technical re-equipment (re-equipment of an existing enterprise with the replacement of equipment), overhaul (restoration of buildings).

One of the systems capital construction is construction production - a set of production processes carried out directly at the construction site, including construction and installation and special processes in the preparatory and main periods of construction.

The end result of the implementation of a set of construction processes is construction products.

According to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, capital construction objects do not include: temporary buildings - industrial, storage, auxiliary, residential and public buildings and structures specially erected or adapted for the construction period, necessary for the construction and installation work and maintenance of construction workers and subject to dismantling after the need for their use is no longer necessary, non-capital non-stationary - structures, usually made of lightweight structures that do not provide for the installation of buried foundations and underground structures.

Construction processes, works and products.

Construction technology is a set of one or more methods and technological means that can be used to obtain a specific type of construction product.

The construction process is a set of operations, the implementation of which gives a finished product in the form of a structural element or part of it. Construction processes are simple, complex, complex and inter-object.

According to the degree of mechanization, construction processes are divided into fully mechanized, partially mechanized and manual.

Depending on the purpose, construction processes are divided into main, auxiliary, procurement and transport. The main ones include processes, as a result of which parts of structures or structures are created, that is, building products are created. Ancillary processes include processes that do not create building products, but are necessary to perform the main processes. Transport processes include work on the movement of materials and finished parts to the facility under construction and to the workplace. Procurement processes are intended for the manufacture and provision of an object under construction with parts, products and semi-finished products.

By the nature of the processes: continuous processes that allow you to immediately begin the implementation of subsequent ones; discontinuous processes that require mandatory technological breaks before performing subsequent processes for curing and curing concrete, drying plaster;

By significance: the leading processes that determine the final terms of the construction of a building or structure; the combined processes which are carried out in parallel with leading.

Sets of simple and complex processes form construction works.

Construction work: general construction (earth, stone, concrete), special (installation of plumbing devices, electrical), auxiliary (transportation, laying).

Work packages are grouped by periods and construction cycles (construction works depend on the execution time (periods), rational technology(cycles)).

Cycles: zero (underground), above-ground and finishing. Periods: preparatory and main.

The preparatory period consists of design and survey work, engineering preparation of the territory, organization construction site, devices of temporary and permanent roads, networks. The main period includes the underground cycle, aboveground, finishing, installation of technical equipment.

The end result of construction processes is construction products: 1.completed commissioned buildings and structures; 2. their separate parts (sections, flights, etc.); 3.volumes of work performed for a certain period of time.

Objects and means of labor in construction industry

Objects of labor: building materials, semi-finished products, products.

Building materials are divided into natural (natural) and artificial. Natural materials include forest (roundwood, lumber), dense and loose stone rocks(natural stone, gravel, sand, clay), etc. Artificial materials include: binders (cement, lime), artificial stones (brick), ceramic tiles, synthetic paints and varnishes, metal structures, heat and waterproofing materials, etc. The main semi-finished products include concrete, asphalt, mortar mix and other composites, characterized by the need to use them in a short period of time after preparation. Therefore, semi-finished products do not have sustainable commercial properties. They are closely related to specific building products. Parts and products include prefabricated and mounted elements, such as: door leafs, window frames, beams, trusses, wall panels, floor and coating slabs, sanitary cabins, block rooms, etc., intended for use in buildings and structures of a certain purpose and type.

(SP, SNiP, GOST, OST, TU - regulate the quality documents of objects of labor)

Required properties, technical requirements and requirements for the quality of building materials, semi-finished products, parts and products are established by Building Norms and Rules (SNiP), State standards(GOST), Specifications(THAT). These regulatory documents define the purpose of building materials and parts, requirements for their quality, provide guidance on the selection and use depending on the operating conditions of the building or structure being erected, establish the conditions for transportation, rules for acceptance and storage, rules for the selection of control samples and tests, etc.

Means of labor: basic (machines, building equipment), auxiliary (ladders, etc.), transport.

Construction machines are mobile or stationary technical means with a working body driven by an engine. Mechanisms, unlike construction machines, do not have a special engine. The working body is driven through an appropriate motion converter by the construction workers themselves (hand hoists, winches, rollers, etc.)

Auxiliary technical means play the role of technological, energy, operational and personal equipment, without which it is impossible or irrational to carry out construction work. Technological equipment is designed to ensure the convenience and safety of work, the safety of building materials, semi-finished products and parts (containers, cassettes, clamps, bunkers, cylinders for gases and liquid substances, etc.).

Standard set - a rationally selected set of technical means for equipping the workplace of a link to perform work according to the approved technology with standard performance. The standard sets include small-scale mechanization tools, mechanized and hand tools, technological and organizational equipment, power equipment, devices, measuring and control tools, personal protective equipment for workers.

The production process requires the use of means of production that allow the creation of wealth. When implementing production technologies, the following is used:

  • Means of labor - equipment, buildings and devices that are used in production to influence the objects of labor during one or more production cycles.
  • Objects of labor - raw materials, materials, as a result of the processing of which the necessary consumer qualities of products are achieved, ready for sale.

Each of the constituent parts of the means of production involved in the technological process loses its original quality. Valuation funds are transferred to products ready for further consumption or sale.

The means of labor are mainly used in the production process over a long period. The task of these assets is to create conditions for the release of the final product. The means of labor can be conditionally divided into active types, directly involved in production and passive, not used directly in the process.

Long-term assets include:

  • Production facilities - workshops in which the production of products is directly carried out.
  • Machines, machine tools, power plants, automatic lines and other equipment used in reaching the product in its intermediate or final stage.
  • Movable property - vehicles(forklifts) involved in moving products in one of the stages of its creation.

The passive means of labor include:

  • Auxiliary facilities - warehouses, plant management buildings.
  • Inventory and fixtures of a general nature - furniture, office equipment.

productive forces

Material production is the basis of all public life. Consider the components of material production and their relationships.

In any branch of production, labor is possible if there is object of labor, means of labor And work force.

The object of labor is everything to which a person applies his labor: a miner has a coal seam, a peasant has arable land, a turner has a workpiece, etc. The objects of labor are initially taken from nature. But the objects that exist in nature are not in themselves objects of labor; they become such when they are involved in the process of production. The object of labor also becomes objects that have already passed through the production process; for example, various machine parts are made from smelted steel. Sometimes the concept of raw materials is used as an equivalent concept to the objects of labor.

Means of labor - all that with the help of which a person acts on the objects of labor. First of all, the tools of labor are the means of labor. To bring tools into action, people use various sources of energy, starting with muscle energy man himself and ending with atomic energy. In the broad sense of the word, the means of labor include not only tools of labor and sources of energy, but also other material elements of production: land, industrial premises, transport (including oil pipelines, gas pipelines), means of communication (including computer networks).

The objects of labor and the means of labor are collectively called the means of production.

Work force - it's not just a bunch of people. Man becomes labor force when he has certain skills and abilities labor activity. From him vocational training, physical health, consciousness and will, his morality, etc. depends on the efficiency of material production.

A person as a labor force in the process of material production performs two main functions: he is a source of energy and he controls production. As production develops, firstly, the role of man as a source of energy decreases (in the process of mechanization). Today, the share of human energy in the total amount of energy used in production accounts for a negligible part. Secondly, the role of a person in management is decreasing. production processes(in process of automation). Still differently it can be said that as material production develops, the expenditure of man's physical and intellectual forces decreases.

All three elements are the object of labor, means of labor and labor power are necessary for the production process. But their role in production is not the same.

The object of labor plays in production passive role - it is exposed to the labor force through the means of labor. What substances and objects of nature are processed depends on the degree of development of the means of labor and the needs of society.

The specificity of production in each historical epoch is determined primarily by the level of development of technology and tools. It is no coincidence that historians distinguish between epochs of history (Stone Age, bronze age, Iron Age) depending on what means of labor production is carried out.

The level of development of the labor force is related to the nature of the tools of labor. With the development of technology, the requirements for the qualification of the workforce are changing. After the new tools of the pile are created, people must adapt to them. Changing equipment requires new labor skills and production experience. With the advent of new tools, new professions arise. But this is one side of the matter. After all, tools and equipment are created and improved by people. The people involved in production not only set the tools of labor in motion, but also change them, improve, modernize, etc. The interaction of technology and man (labor force) is the source of development of both technology and labor force. Here one could also point to the role of man as the creator of new technology. The interaction of the means of labor and the labor force turns out to be an important determinant of the development of the productive forces.

In order for society to exist and develop, the production of material goods must be continuously carried out. Therefore, the process of production is a process of reproduction, i.e., a process that is renewed again and again. Not only consumer goods are created and reproduced, but also the means of production necessary for the continuation of production - raw materials, fuel, tools, etc. But as raw materials are used, their reserves must be replenished, tools of labor wear out - it is necessary to produce new ones and replace old ones with them. . In addition, it is necessary for people and workers to restore their strength, receiving the commodities necessary for their life and work, and also to train new workers to replace those who left due to old age, illness or death. Thus, all elements of production - objects of labor, means of labor, labor force - must be constantly reproduced.

Reproduction can be carried out in the same sizes. But such a simple reproduction cannot ensure the development of society (if, moreover, we keep in mind the growth of population). In order for a society to develop, to move its culture forward, expanded reproduction is necessary, that is, the reconstruction of all elements of production in an increasing volume.

Industries modern production divided into light, which produces commodities ( food products, footwear, clothing, etc.), and heavy industry. The latter produces the means of production - machines, tools, fuel, etc. In order for expanded reproduction to take place, society must invest a significant part of its funds and labor in heavy industry.

The development of productive forces is not only their quantitative increase. Development consists in replacing the means of labor with new, more efficient ones. Consequently, the development of the productive forces is possible on the condition that society expends its labor not only on meeting the needs of today, but also on the further increase and improvement of production. And this applies to technology, and personnel, and the existing or possible object of labor.

In conclusion, the characteristics of the productive forces will touch upon a debatable point regarding terminology. There are two approaches to the definition of the concept of productive forces. In the first option, they include all three of these components: the subject of labor, means of labor and labor force. In the second variant, the productive forces include means of labor and labor power. Argumentation of the second option: the productive forces are what produces, and the object of labor itself does not produce anything, it is produced from it. We leave it to the reader to determine his own position.

The structure of the object of labor includes the subject, means, conditions, goals of labor, etc.

The subject of labor- a system of properties and relationships of things, phenomena, processes, which a person carrying out a given labor activity must mentally or practically operate.

Purpose of labor- the result that society requires or expects from a person.

Goals of professional work

“The purpose of labor is a conscious image of the final result, to which a person strives in the process of his expedient activity. In other words, we can say that the purpose of labor is an idea of ​​the desired future.

The desire to achieve the set goal directs the action, determines the choice of possible ways to achieve it, and encourages the search for new actions. The goal is formed in the mind of a person as answers to the questions "What should I do?", "What should I succeed?", "What should I avoid?", "What actions should I take to get the desired result?"

During work, the consciousness of a person is always filled with acts of assessing the situation, comparing the real course of affairs with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat should happen.

The goals of labor activity are infinitely diverse; they can be reduced to six large groups: gnostic (cognitive), transformative (four groups), exploratory.

Working conditions- features of the environment in which human work takes place, their main types (manual, mechanized; machine-manual; automated and automatic; human functional means as tools of labor).

Working conditions

One of the most important and most multifaceted psychological features of labor is its conditions. The following types of working conditions are distinguished: 1) ordinary microclimatic: a) indoors - domestic, b) outdoors; 2) unusual, causing psychophysiological tension: a) risk to life, b) complex emergencies requiring quick necessary actions, c) communication with offenders, the mentally ill and persons with various deviations and defects, d) a clearly defined rhythm and pace, e) physical activity, f) a long stay in one position (static working posture), g) night shifts, h) specific conditions (temperature, humidity, chemical hazards, vibration, noise, height, depth).

Means of labor in professional activities

“Means of labor are a necessary component labor process. Under the means of labor understand the tools with which a person acts on the object of labor. The means of labor act as a kind of continuation of the natural human organs used in the labor process. Among the tools of labor there are not only things, but also something immaterial - speech, behavior, etc.

Tools of labor are very diverse. Despite this, they are all divided into two groups: real and non-real.

Real tools of labor. Material tools include: manual and mechanized tools; machines (mechanisms), automatic devices, automated means; devices, measuring devices.

Hand tools. The very name "hand tools" comes from the main organ of labor - the human hand. Hand tools have always been and remain in labor as long as a person is alive and able to work. At any level technical progress equipment will have to be assembled, mounted by skillful hands.

They include simple manual, mechanized processing tools and fixtures. Simple hand tools are: a screwdriver, a scalpel (surgical knife), a chisel (a tool for engraving on wood or metal), a bush hammer (one of the tools of stone carvers), trimming (a type of paint brush), a file, a chisel, a hammer, etc.

Machine tools. Technical devices that completely or partially replace a person in terms of the methods of converting materials, distributing energy or information are called machines (mechanisms).

Automated means of labor. These are such means that, being set in motion, perform a certain work without human intervention, i.e. at certain stages of the labor process, they completely replace a person, automatically managing the production process. A person only observes the operation of the equipment and controls its correctness and quality. Automatic means of labor include: automatic machines, semi-automatic machines, automatic lines, robotic complexes, devices for performing long-term continuous hidden processes, including technological ones, proceeding at great speed.

Instruments and devices. This is a separate group of means of labor. They are designed to enhance the cognitive functions of a person at work. Most of them are imaging devices: microscopes, binoculars, telescopes, aerial cameras (for topographic surveys of the earth's surface), X-ray machines, flaw detectors, closed-circuit television systems for video monitoring technological processes occurring in conditions inaccessible to humans (under water, in space, in aggressive environments, etc.). There are devices that provide information in the form of conditional signals, numbers, letters, light and sound indicators: chronometers, stopwatches, thermometers, pulse counters, various electrical measuring instruments (ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter, avometer, wattmeter), calipers, micrometers, etc. Technical means of speech transmission (information, orders, commands) are distinguished into a separate subgroup: telephones, megaphones, emergency light scales, signal calls , video telephones, television systems, musical instruments. IN Lately devices for processing information are widely used: computing machines, automatic reference settings, conversion tables, printing, reading, recording and transmitting devices.

Non-material (functional) tools of labor. Intangible means are usually called functional. The fact is that these means of labor are associated with the manifestation of human functions, such as speech, gestures, facial expressions. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that you cannot touch these means of labor with your hands and you cannot see with your eyes, which usually causes great difficulties in the analysis of the profession. Yes, and their awareness is associated with the assimilation of many new psychological concepts: sensory, kinesthetic, somatic, verbal, etc.

Functional tools of labor are mentally held ideas about the samples of the results of labor or a system of "sensory standards". They can be external in relation to consciousness and internal, entering consciousness and held in memory.

These tools are quite diverse, due to the richness of colors. inner peace a person manifested in behavior, facial expressions, gestures, speech, etc. They constitute a large group, which includes: 1) internal, functional sense organs, physiological organs of a person; 2) simple speech; 3) speech is emotional, expressive; 4) business, written speech; 5) behavior in simple forms manifestations - at the level of the whole organism as a whole; 7) behavior is predominantly business-like, impartial; 8) complex intellectual tools used to solve practical and theoretical problems.

different people; patience.")
