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Scenario for an extracurricular event "living classics". Scenario for the competition "living classics" Scenario on the theme of living classics

MBOU "Zelenogorsk Secondary School"

Belogorsky district of the Republic of Crimea


"Living Classic"

Prepared by: teacher

Russian language and literature

Kirichuk Lyudmila Lyudvigovna

School competition readers "Living Classics" is held as part of All-Russian competition young readers "Living Classics"


1 Increasing interest in reading for children and adolescents.

2 Expanding the reading horizons of children.

3 Revival of family reading traditions.

4 Increasing the literacy level of the population.

5 Finding and supporting talented children.

Participants of the review-competition:
School students aged 10-16 years old take part in the competition.

Conditions of the competition:

    During competitions, excerpts from any works of Russian and foreign authors that are not included in the basic level of the school literature curriculum, recited from memory or using printed text.

    During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, and costumes may be used.

    The participant has no right to use the voice recording.

    Each participant of the Competition performs independently and cannot resort to the help of others during the performance.

Evaluation criteria and performance requirements

    Selecting the text of a work for use within the Competition;

    Grammatically correct speech;

    Artistry of performance;

Speech schedule: Speech duration is up to 5 minutes.

Summing up the results of the competition

    Each participant in the Competition receives a certificate of participation.

    The winners of the school stage of the Competition are the 3 participants who score the most points. They are awarded the diploma of “Winner of the school stage of the All-Russian Reading Competition “Living Classics”.

    The winners of the school stage become participants in the regional round of the Competition.


1 presenter.

There are many words on Earth.

There are daily words -

The blue of the spring sky shines through them

There are words - like roses, words - like judgment.

They do not surrender and are not taken prisoner.

A word can kill, a word can save,

With a word you can lead the shelves with you.

With a word you can betray, and sell, and buy,

The word can be poured into striking lead,

But we have words for all words in the language:

Glory, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor.

Let them not serve as bargaining chips, -

Keep them in your heart as a golden standard!

2 presenter.

Good afternoon dear friends. Today we are holding a competition for young readers “Living Classics”. This competition started in Russia on November 15, 2011. The idea and technology for holding a prose reading competition belongs to the German writer Erich Köstner, the author of such works as “The Boy from matchbox", "When I was little", "Emil and the detectives"!

1 presenter.

2 presenter.

Let me introduce you to the jury that will evaluate the competition:

Kashka Elisa ServerovnaDeputy Director for Education educational work;

Cherkashina Irina Nikolaevna - Deputy Director for Educational Work;

Bekirova Dilyara Saidyakubovna – teacher-organizer;

Markevich Elena Anatolyevna – school librarian;

Kirichuk Lyudmila Lyudvigovna – teacher of Russian language and literature;

Mustafaeva Gulnara Enverovna - teacher of Russian language and literature;

Breslav Lyubov Ilyinichna - teacher of Russian language and literature;

1 presenter.

We ask everyone to take their seats. The competition for young readers “Living Classics” begins. Opens our competitive program 6th grade student Khalilova Sabina with a work by Nikolai Nosov.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov is a Soviet children's prose writer, playwright, and film screenwriter. Winner of the Stalin Prize, third degree (1952). He is best known as a children's writer, the author of works about Dunno.

And Sabina prepared for us an excerpt from the fairy tale “Bobik visiting Barbos”

2 presenter.

Great Patriotic War passed through the destinies of millions of Soviet people, leaving behind a difficult memory: pain, anger, suffering, fear. During the war, many lost their dearest and closest people, many experienced severe hardships. Works of art appear in literature in which, through the prism of the author’s perception, an assessment of what is happening in difficult times is given. war time.

Mikhail Sholokhov could not ignore the topic that worried everyone and therefore wrote a short story “The Fate of a Man”, touching on the issues of the heroic epic.

Anastasia Tsapko, a 6th grade student, gives an excerpt from this work.

1 presenter.

Zakiryaeva Evelina, a 6th grade student, prepared a Parable for us. This is an amazing, even some kind of fantastic story, after reading which you want to run and do good deeds.

2 presenter.

Poems in prose are a genre that I.S. Turgenev pursued all his life. And so his idea fell on paper, uniting the ever-competing prose and poetry.

In his work “The Beggar,” Turgenev wrote about the poverty to which fate sentenced the beggar, and about the wealth of the soul that he did not lose. It is presented to your attention by 6th grade student Oksana Chulyukina.

1 presenter.

Great is the power of words! Sincerity, humanity, understanding and generosity are important! This is what I.S. Turgenev wanted to tell his readers.

2 presenter.

The “true story” of our contemporary Andrei Mikhailovich Shipilov will be told by 6th grade student Selidzhanova Guzelya.

1 presenter.

But Khaibullaeva Zekiye, a 7th grade student, will introduce us to amazing world circus She presents to your attention an excerpt from the story “The Girl on the Ball” by Viktor Yuryevich Dragunsky.

2 presenter.

Russian writer, playwright, theater director and actor. The author of novels and short stories, many feuilletons, plays, dramatizations, film scripts, opera librettos - this is all about Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, the author of the unique novel “The Master and Margarita”.

Mikhail Afanasyevich wrote this novel for 11 years. Work on the novel continued even when the author was ill.

9th grade student Alexandra Gerasimova will introduce us to the novel world of The Master and Margarita. It is full of miracles. Having entered this world, believing in it, we are happy to accept it, just like Woland’s advice: “Wake up your imagination, spur it on!”

1 presenter.

Mom... This is the first word that a child utters as soon as he learns to speak. Mom... We turn to her when we feel bad, hurt, anxious. Mom is like a talisman for us, protecting us from misfortunes and misfortunes. But when we feel good, calm, we don’t remember this word, just like we don’t remember mother herself. We think that mom is a “constant quantity” and she will never go anywhere. Probably, the daughter of the heroine of Boris Ekimov’s story “Speak, Mom, Speak...” probably thought the same thing.

We welcome 10th grade student Maria-Yaroslava Korinenko.

2 presenter

We have one last performance left for today. 10th grade student Elvina Bilyalova will introduce you to the work of a wonderful person... It cannot be said that she will actually introduce you, because... I am sure that you have all seen the films of the wonderful writer, screenwriter Yuri Markovich Nagibin. These are “The Chairman”, and “The Girl and the Echo”, and “While the Front is on the Defensive”, and “The Indian Kingdom”, and “Bambi’s Childhood”, and “Bambi’s Youth”, and “Midshipmen, Forward!” and many others…

So, we present to your attention an excerpt from “Stories different years».

2 presenter.

Classics are always about us. It was Russian classical art that formed and supported in the national consciousness the immutability of such categories as shame, decency, compassion, the ability to repent and forgive, mercy, responsibility, and the desire to live according to conscience.

1 presenter.

Our competition program has come to an end.

But the fire of the sounding Word did not go out.

2 presenter.

We want the jury to appreciate our passion and efforts and keep a piece of the fire of our hearts in their souls!

We ask the jury to sum up the results.

1 presenter.

While the jury is counting the points. We'll play.

1. The bird that Thumbelina saved? (Martin)

2. The name of the little dancer from the fairy tale “Three Fat Men”? (Suok)

3. Who wrote the poem “Uncle Styopa”? (S. Mikhalkov)

4. On what street did the absent-minded man live? (Baseina)

5. Gena's crocodile friend who arrived in a box of oranges? (Cheburashka)

6. What did Munchausen fly to the moon on? (On a cannonball)

7. Nickname of the calf from the cartoon “Vacation in Prostokvashino”? (Gavryusha)

9. Which of the heroes of a children's fairy tale considered himself the best specialist in the world?

11. Name a Russian folk tale about the hostel. (Teremok)

12. Who speaks all languages? (Echo)

1 presenter.

The final word is given to the distinguished jury.

1 presenter.

Our festival is over.
But the creativity is not finished.

New achievements and victories are ahead!
New poetry and prose are ahead!

We tell you - see you again!

We say to you - goodbye!

Evaluation criteria

Last name, first name, class, excerpt

Selecting the text of the work

grammatically correct speech

artistry of performance

depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text

Total points

Average score

Evaluation criteria

Last name, first name, class, excerpt

Selecting the text of the work

grammatically correct speech

artistry of performance

depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text

Total points

Participants are assessed according to the following criteria:

Selecting the text of the work;
grammatically correct speech;
artistry of performance;
depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text.

The participant's performance is assessed on a 10-point scale.

“Tarkhanov School SCENARIO OF THE READING COMPETITION “Living Classics” Prepared by: Shemarulina S.Yu. 2016 School recitation competition “Living Classics” is held on the 16th ..."

Tarkhanov school


"Living Classic"

Prepared by: Shemarulina S.Yu.

The school reading competition “Living Classics” is held on the 16th

February 2016 within the framework of the All-Russian competition for young

Readers "Living Classics"


Propaganda of Russian classical and modern works

domestic prose of a patriotic orientation, educating the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism;

Identification, support and stimulation of talented performers who master the genre of artistic expression;

Acquaintance with the literary heritage of Russia, reflecting the greatness of our culture and the richness of the Russian language;

Increasing public attention to the genre of artistic expression.

Competition jury E.V. Dryagina - director;

Participants of the review-competition:

School students aged 10-15 years old take part in the competition.

Conditions of the competition:

Performers present a completed fragment of any literary genre that corresponds to the theme of the competition.

Evaluation criteria and requirements for performances Selection of the text of the work for use within the Competition;

Grammatically correct speech;

Artistry of performance;

Depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text;

Speech schedule:

Speech duration is up to 5 minutes.

Summing up the results of the competition The winners and runners-up of the competition are awarded with certificates.

Scenario for the reading competition “Living Classics”

Presenter 1 Hello, dear participants, jury and guests. We are pleased to welcome you to the school stage of the Living Classics competition.

Slide 1 Presenter 2 We would like to start our competition with a poem by V.

Vysotsky’s “Book Children”, after all, his goal is to increase children’s interest in reading books not only by modern authors, but also by immortal classics. Slide 2 Presenter 1 Reflection of vanished years, Relief from the yoke of life, Eternal truths, unfading light - This is a book. Long live the book!

A guarantee of tireless quest, The joy of each new shift, An indication of future roads - This is a book. Long live the book!

Pure joys bright source, Securing a happy moment, Best friend if you are lonely, - This is a book. Long live the book!

Presenter 2 Our time is a time of great achievements in science and technology, a time of wonderful discoveries. But of all the miracles created by man, M. Gorky considered the book the most complex and great. The book contains the vast spiritual world of humanity. A book is the most powerful and most universal means of communication between people, nations, and generations. It is called the only time machine with which you can travel to unprecedented countries, to the past, to the future and to the present... The book is our faithful and constant companion. It remains the main source from which we draw knowledge. No wonder K. G. Paustovsky wrote: “Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you do not read at least one page from a new book!” Slide 3 Presenter 1 Today we have gathered to hold a reading competition “Living Classics”. And to show that interest in reading Russian classics has not faded away.

Presenter 2 Competition Jury:

Dryagina E.V - director;

Tsyplenkova I.N. - German language teacher;

Head N.P. – librarian, mathematics teacher.

Presenter 1 Evaluation criteria and requirements for speeches:

Presenter 2 Selecting the text of the work for use within the Competition;

Presenter 1 Competent speech;

Presenter 2 Artistry of performance;

Presenter 1 Depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text;

Presenter 1 Speech time should not exceed 5 minutes.

Presenter 2 The winners and runners-up of the competition are awarded certificates.

–  –  –

The photo was taken at Dietrich’s creative evening at the Central House of Writers. The actress gave several concerts in Moscow. At one of them she was asked: “What would you like to see in Moscow? The Kremlin, the Bolshoi Theater, the Mausoleum?” And the world-famous star quietly asked: “I would like to see the writer Konstantin Paustovsky. This is my old dream.”

Paustovsky was already seriously ill at that time, but he was persuaded to come. As soon as he got up on stage, the world celebrity, friend of Remarque and Hemingway, the beauty in a diamond necklace, Marlene Dietrich, suddenly, without saying a single word, fell to her knees in front of the writer. And then she grabbed his hand and kissed it. The hall first froze, and then burst into applause.

Then, when the surprised Paustovsky was seated in a chair and the applause died down, Marlene Dietrich explained that she had read a lot of books, but she considered the story “Telegram” by the Soviet writer Konstantin Paustovsky to be the greatest literary event in her life.

Paustovsky's "Telegram" is read by Shemarulina Dasha.

Presenter I.S. Turgenev was a highly developed, convinced man who never left the soil of universal human ideals. He carried these ideals into Russian life with that conscious constancy, which constitutes his main, invaluable service to Russian society. These were those simple, universally accessible “good feelings”, which were based on a deep belief in the triumph of light, goodness and moral beauty.

I.S. Turgenev "Alms". Read by Agafonova Dasha.

The presenter Turgenev did a great job by painting amazing portraits of women.

A.P. Chekhov.

“Prose Poems” is the final chord in the writer’s literary activity, colored by the tragedy of sunset, flashes of light, the brilliance of established wisdom, the stopping of moments that seemed immortal to the artist.

The author dedicated one of his works to his friend, Baroness Yulia Vrevskaya. Yu.P. Vrevskaya (née Varpakhovskaya) at the age of 16 married Lieutenant General I.A. Vrevsky, famous in the Caucasus, who studied with M.Yu. Lermontov at the school of cadets, but very soon became a widow (in 1858). Her husband died in battle in the Caucasus. During the Russian-Turkish War, she was a nurse at a field hospital of the Russian Red Cross. Epidemics and diseases are inevitable companions of wars. Yu.P.

Vrevskaya, who learned to wash herself with snow, felt sorry for the heroic soldiers, became a victim of a typhus epidemic. She died in the Bulgarian town of Byala on January 24, 1878. Her grave was dug by the soldiers she cared for.

I. Turgenev “In Memory of Yulia Vrevskaya” is read by Elena Korobova.

Presenter "Poems in Prose" consist of two sections: "Senile" and "New Poems in Prose". A significant part of the "poems" touches on socio-political problems, is devoted to the writer's thoughts about the Russian people, about the homeland, about happiness and beauty, about humanity human relations.

Our competition program will continue with I. Turgenev’s work “Pigeons”. Read by Irina Ostroumova.

Leading. E. Nosov Born on January 15, 1925 in the village of Tolmachevo, Kursk district, Kursk region. After the war he worked for the newspaper Molodaya Gvardiya

After graduating from the Higher Literary Courses (1961-1963), Evgeny Nosov switched to professional writing. At the time of creative maturity, his books “Where the Sun Wakes Up” (1965), “In an Open Field Beyond a Country Road” (1967), “Banks” (1971), “The Meadow Fescue Is Noisy” (1973), “Bridge” (1974) were published. , “And the Steamboats Sail Away” (1975), “Red Wine of Victory” (1979), “Usvyatsky Helmet Bearers” (1980), “My Chomolungma” (1982), “Selected Works” in 2 volumes (1983).

In life, Evgeniy Ivanovich, according to the testimony of numerous admirers of his talent, is different. He can be taciturn and gloomy, looking at everyone from under his brows, when old front-line wounds make themselves known, he can be full of affection and humor, and then all of him, a large, stocky man, glowing with kindness and a cunning mind, fills hearts and minds. He can be an amazing oral storyteller, enchanting or plunging friends and listeners into laughter.

Story by E. Nosov " White goose"is unusual in that it describes the story not of a person, but of a bird..

A smart and subtle story by E. Nosov teaches us to love and better understand nature, to see in it not ordinary birds and animals, but creatures near and dear to us.

E.I. Nosov “The White Goose” reads Yulia Matveeva.

Presenter 2 Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy left us a great artistic legacy. Reading and re-reading his works, you experience true pleasure from the beauty of the Russian language. His works teach you to think.

L. N. Tolstoy “Swans”. Read by Tatyana Ostroumova.

Presenter 1.

Alekseev S.P.

Alekseev entered literary and social life first as an editor and critic, and then as a writer. Alekseev’s first book was “History of the USSR. Educational book for 4th grade" (1955). Over forty years of work in literature, he created more than thirty original books dedicated to the history of Russia over four centuries: from the mid-16th to the mid-20th centuries. Alekseev’s books have become widely known not only in our country, but also abroad; his works were published in 50 languages ​​of the world.

Alekseev S.P. “Evil Name” is read by Shemarulina Marina.

Presenter 1 Maxim Gorky wrote: “Take Bunin out of Russian literature, and it will fade, lose life. Everyone who met Bunin knows that he almost never had coherent, somewhat abstract conversations, that he almost always joked, made wisecracks, and pretended to grumble , avoided long disputes. But just as there are stupid bickering on the most profound topics, so there is all the talk about trifles, glowing with intelligence and hidden content. Bunin’s mind shone in his every word, and his charm was enhanced by this. And he was charming like no one else , when he wanted, when he deigned to be charming. But even this was not important. What was important was that in his words about every little thing, something huge, lofty, and the best that we had spoke: the spirit and voice of Russian literature I. Bunin “The Roman of the Hunchback "reads Ilya Golov..

–  –  –

(Summing up and awarding the winners) CONCLUSION Presenter 1. Let me thank everyone present!

Presenter 2. Our competition program has come to an end.

But the fire of the sounding Word did not go out.

–  –  –

All together: This is a book. Long live the BOOK!

Presenter 1.

Our festival is over.

But the creativity is not finished.

Presenter 2.

There are new achievements and victories ahead. There are new poems and prose ahead!

Presenter 1.

We tell you - see you again!

Presenter 2.

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2018 The school recitation competition “Living Classics” is held as part of the All-Russian competition of young reciters “Living Classics”. For the first time, our school is holding a recitation competition “Living Classics” for primary school students. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPETITION: 1 Increasing children's interest in reading. 2 Expanding the reading horizons of children. 3 Revival of family reading traditions. 4 Increasing the literacy level of the population. 5 Finding and supporting talented children. Participants of the review-competition: School students aged 711 take part in the competition. Conditions of the viewing competition:  During the competition, excerpts from any works of Russian and foreign authors that are not included in the basic level of the next school curriculum in the subject “Literary Reading” of grade 14, recited from memory or using printed text, can be used.  During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, and costumes can be used.  The participant is not allowed to use the voice recording.  Each participant of the Competition performs independently and cannot resort to the help of others during the performance. Evaluation criteria and requirements for performances  Selection of the text of the work for use within the Competition;  Competent speech;  Artistic performance;  Depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text; Speech time limit: Speech duration is up to 5 minutes.

Summing up the results of the competition  Each participant in the Competition receives a certificate of participation.  The winners of the school stage of the Competition are the 3 participants who score the most points. They are awarded the diploma of “Winner of the school stage of the All-Russian Reading Competition “Living Classics”.

PROGRESS OF THE EVENT Presenter. There are many words on Earth. There are daytime words - in them the blue of the spring sky shines through. There are words - like roses, words - like judgment. They do not surrender and are not taken prisoner. With a word you can kill, with a word you can save, with a word you can lead regiments. With a word you can betray, and sell, and buy, A word can be poured into crushing lead, But we have words for all the words in the language: Glory, Loyalty, Freedom and Honor. Let them not serve as a bargaining chip, keep them in your heart as a golden standard! Our time is a time of great achievements in science and technology, a time of wonderful discoveries. But of all the miracles created by man, A. M. Gorky considered the book the most complex and great. The book contains the vast spiritual world of humanity. A book is the most powerful and most universal means of communication between people, nations, and generations. It is called the only time machine with which you can travel to unprecedented countries, to the past, to the future and to the present... The book is our faithful and constant companion. It remains the main source from which we draw knowledge. No wonder K. G. Paustovsky wrote: “Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you do not read at least one page from a new book!” (slide 2) Dear friends, today for the first time we are holding a “Living Classics” competition for young readers among primary school students. There are many talented children in our school and we will be convinced of this again. Let me introduce you to the jury that will evaluate the competition: Olga Alekseevna Ivaschik – Deputy Director for Academic Affairs; Meshcheryakova Natalya Grigorievna – geography teacher; Palyanitsa Malvina – 11th grade student, winner of the “Living Classics” competition

Our competition program opens with a work by the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Leo Tolstoy is one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers, one of the greatest writers in the world. He wrote many stories for children.  The floor is given to 1st grade student Safina Karina. She will introduce us to an excerpt from the story “Swans.” Let's continue the theme of nature. The works of this author are read with interest by both children and adults. Boris Aleksandrovich Ganago, an Orthodox teacher with extensive experience, in simple stories involves the reader in thinking about the main issues of existence.  Deryaga Albina “Your chick” Sergey Kutsko. We do not study the works of this author in elementary school.  Lera Gritsenko will introduce us to his story “Wolves.” We all know that dogs descended from wild wolves, and when discussing how four-legged friends first appeared in our homes, we assign ourselves a leading role. But if you take a closer look at history, you can understand that this is not entirely true. The most common assumption is that some hunter-gatherers found small wolf cubs and raised them. Over time, these tame wolves showed their skill in hunting, and people began to keep them close to them until they turned into dogs. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky told us about the relationship between man and dog. He is known as a teacher. But Vasily Alexandrovich, in addition to scientific works, wrote stories for children.  Kazlovsky Tolya will introduce you to one of his stories. V.A. Sukhomlinsky “The Old Dog” You study the stories of this author at school. Nastya Zharikhina really liked this story and she decided to introduce you to it.  Eduard Yuryevich Shim “Cheryomukha” reads Nastya Zharikhin. Let's continue the topic of caring, respectful and kind attitude towards everything that and who surrounds us. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is a famous Russian writer and poet, publicist and playwright, a classic of Russian literature of the 19th century. Turgenev's work includes six novels, many short stories, novellas, articles, plays and poems. One of his poems in prose will be read to us by  Britov Vova “The Beggar” “Kind, honest, brave and knightly noble” is how the writer Alekseev remembered Valentina Oseeva. “I wanted to plant a spark of honesty and kindness in the souls of children.” This is what she dedicated her whole life to  Vasilina Shepeleva will read to us the story “The Builder” by V. Oseeva. Let's continue reading stories about children. This writer sometimes illustrated his stories himself. Writer and artist Viktor Vladimirovich Golyavkin.

We present to your attention two of his stories. The first “Carousel in the Head” will be read by  Piskun Lera. “No luck” is the name of the next story by Viktor Golyavkin and he will read it to us  Berezhnoy Artyom Many not only children, but also adults fell in love with the cartoon “Prostokvashino”. The author of this story is the wonderful children's writer Eduard Uspensky. Will give you the opportunity to visit Prostokvashino  Saroyan Samvel “Spring in Prostokvashino” Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov is best known as a children's writer. Author of works about “Dunno”, “Living Hat”, “Patch” and many others. Today we will listen to the story of how Bobik went to visit Barbos.  Painted Alena “Bobik visiting Barbos” Adults are often tired of work, we can often hear the following phrase: “I’m so tired of this work!” It turns out that work can be sweet.  Egor Mamedov will tell us about this with the story of Sergei Stepanov “Sweet Work” For a student, work is his study.  Vika Yakovenko with the story by Konstantin Melikhan “Deserved Appreciation”. Each class has its own interesting life. What happens in 3b? You are interested? We are listening  Borisyuk Arina with the story of Valentin Postnikov “Groom from 3b” Will continue to talk about the school life of children  Bondarev Stepan with the story of Andrei Mikhailovich Shipilov “True Story” All of us, our family, friends and friends owe our lives to those people who defended our homeland during the Second World War. It is thanks to their feat that we have the opportunity to live, study, work and enjoy life. At the end of our meeting, we will listen to Sergei Alekseev’s story “Tula Gingerbread”. He will be introduced to us by  Bolshakov Alexey We listened to all the contestants and had great pleasure. Thank you all, great job! While the jury is counting the points. We'll play. 1. Game “Typography” (2 teams of 8 people each) The word “letter” is printed on cards (each letter on a separate card) 8 people receive a card with a letter. They build the word “literate”.

The teacher gives the task to construct a new word, for example (thunder, mouth, bargaining, etc.) The team that constructs the word faster wins. 2. Mini-quiz. Questions: 1. The bird that Thumbelina saved? (Swallow) 2. The name of the little dancer from the fairy tale “Three Fat Men”? (Suok) 3. Who wrote the poem “Uncle Styopa”? (S. Mikhalkov) 4. On what street did the absent-minded man live? (Baseina) 5. Gena’s crocodile friend who arrived in a box of oranges? (Cheburashka) 6. What did Munchausen fly to the moon on? (On a cannonball) 7. The nickname of the calf from the cartoon “Vacation in Prostokvashino”? (Gavryusha) 8. Who is the author of the fairy tale “Spikelet”? (People) 9. Which of the heroes of the children's fairy tale considered himself the best ghost expert in the world? (Carlson) 10. Who is the author of the lines “A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant cliff”? (M.Yu. Lermontov) 11. Name a Russian folk tale about a hostel. (Teremok) 12. Who speaks all languages? (Echo) Word of the jury: (awarding) Presenter: Books teach children All the wisdom of life - How to be a Human Being and be needed by the Fatherland, We can’t even live a day without books, like without bread. So let's take care of them and love them. Everyone Thanks a lot!

Dzyuba Galina Anatolevna
Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MBOU secondary school No. 78
Locality: n. Giant
Name of material: competition script
Subject: script for the reading competition "Living Classics"
Publication date: 26.02.2016
Chapter: additional education

Scenario for the “Living Classics” reading competition. MBOU secondary school No. 78 in the village of Gigant, Salsky district, Rostov region. (School stage) Goals: 1. Formation of reading horizons in children and acquisition of experience in independent reading activity. 2. Formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the art of words. 3. Development in children of artistic, creative and cognitive abilities, emotional responsiveness when reading works of fiction, artistry. 4. Raising children's interest in books and reading. Objectives: 1. Read a prose work expressively and emotionally. 2. Show the significance of a prosaic word. 5. Identify and support talented children. INTRODUCTION
Presenter 1
. Hello, dear participants, jury and guests! We are pleased to welcome you to the school stage of the All-Russian competition for young readers “Living Classics”.
Presenter 2.
This is the first time this competition has been held at our school on such a large scale. And we are glad that it is becoming increasingly popular and important. The competition helps to increase the interest of schoolchildren in reading books not only by modern authors, but also by immortal classics; expanding the reader's horizons. The “Living Classics” competition is a search for and support for talented children.
Presenter 1.
Nowadays it is difficult to surprise anyone. There are so many wonderful things around! But no miracles in the world can compare with a book. Together with its heroes, we fly into space, descend into the depths of the ocean, go to the future, and find ourselves in the past. But the creation of a book is a real miracle. Because no one will ever reveal the secrets of birth! The birth of a great word!
Presenter 2.
I am the world, and the world became me, I barely opened the page! I can instantly turn into a book hero! Speaking in verse and prose, in drawings and words,
The pages of books lead me along magical paths. In the world of words I will cross the borders of any time, I can now fly around the entire globe like a bird! Pages, chapters and words fly before your eyes. The book and I have become good friends forever.
Presenter 2.
Let me introduce the jury of the school competition:
Presenter 1.
Today students from grades 5-10 will perform before you. They will read excerpts from prose works of Russian and foreign writers. Performances are assessed according to the following criteria: Choice of text of the work Competent speech Artistic performance Depth of penetration into the figurative and semantic structure of the text. The competition participants are divided into three age groups. Winners and runners-up will be determined in each. The winners in their age group will represent our school at the municipal stage of the competition. The “Audience Choice” nomination has also been established, the winner of which will be chosen by you, our dear viewers! The distinguished jury has a difficult job ahead of them, and we wish them fruitful work. To the participants - success! Viewers will have a useful and interesting time spent! Begin!
Presenter 2.
Being first is a huge responsibility. We invite you, dear friends, to meet the wonderful writer, Irina Pivovarova. Many have read her book “What is My Head Thinking About”. These are stories told by a little girl, the same age as many of you, about school, about friends, about childhood joys and problems. The heroine's name is Lyusya Sinitsyna. Class 5A student Marina Panova will tell you what her head is thinking about.
Presenter 1.
The name of Valentin Petrovich Kataev is known to many generations of Russian schoolchildren. His story “Son of the Regiment” is rightfully considered one of the best works about the Great Patriotic War for children. The story of Vanya Solntsev still touches the hearts of young readers, because it is a story about friendship, mutual assistance, a great feat, great love to the homeland. A student of grade 5B, Kovalenko Angelina, will tell us about the meeting with the scouts of the orphan boy Vanya.
Presenter 2.
And again we turn to the pages of Irina Pivovarova’s book “What is my head thinking about”. Now the role of Lucy Sinitsyna will be played by 5B grade student Yulia Kurylenko.
Presenter 1.
It is difficult to imagine children's literature without the works of the wonderful writer Viktor Dragunsky. Dragunsky’s book “Deniska’s Stories” is 55 years old, but children of our 21st century are enthusiastically following
adventures of a mischievous boy, playing hide and seek with him, learning lessons, building a spaceship, riding a bike and singing ditties at a children's party. The writer often received letters from young readers and always tried to answer them. He ended each of his messages with the motto: “Friendship! Loyalty! Honor!" His heroes are always cheerful, playful, they constantly get into funny stories, sometimes they deceive, play pranks, but they always value friendship, love school and our wonderful world. One of the funny stories about Denis Korablev will be read to us by Olesya Bedenko, a student of class 5A.
Presenter 2.
Who said fairy tales were written in the distant past? No! Fairy tales always live! Yuri Dyakonov is our fellow countryman, a Don writer, who dedicated many pages of his work to children. One of the writer’s most famous works is the fairy tale “Eight Magic Acorns.” An excerpt from a fairy tale is read by Gulya Mamedova, a student of class 6A.
Presenter 1.
Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova dedicated her entire wonderful life to children. Her works are filled with light and love for children. The heroes of her works teach goodness and nobility; they are naive, honest, and mischievous. But not only did Voronkova write about the joyful world of childhood, but also a terrible, difficult wartime childhood appears on the pages of her book “Girl from the City.” It’s scary to imagine what would have happened to thousands of orphans if it weren’t for human kindness. The pages of the story are read by 6B grade student Anastasia Bobrovskaya.
Presenter 2.
Who would have thought that stories written about the lives of children of the early 20th century would be read by modern schoolchildren? Nadezhda Teffi called her works about children's sorrows and joys mischievous stories. She wrote them in difficult times of revolutions, wars, devastation, famine, but it was in children that Teffi found inexperience and a natural commitment to moral truth, selfless love. You will be introduced to the heroine of the story “Exam” by 6B grade student Yulia Lokhmanova.
Performances by participants of age groups 2 and 3.

Presenter 1.
“And the dawns here are quiet...” Is there anyone in Russia to whom these words will not say anything? Created on the basis of true events, written by a simple warrior, the story of Boris Leonidovich Vasiliev turned into a “book of memory” for the entire Russian people. “I considered writing about this my civic, moral duty to everyone who did not return from the war, to my comrades and friends...” - this is what the author himself states. The story that happened with five girl soldiers and their foreman is so close to people also due to the fact that we all do not forget about the price that our country paid for the great victory. An excerpt from Boris Vasiliev’s book “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” is read by Alina Vorontsova, a 7A student.
Presenter 2.
Russian literature has given the world many great names and immortal works. We know the name of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko well. His stories and short stories amaze the reader with the amazing spiritual beauty of the characters and the author himself, his deep humanity. An excerpt from the story “The Blind Musician” is read by 7B grade student Aisha Safarova.
Presenter 1.
We would like to introduce the next writer and his book by quoting his own words. Gabriel Nikolaevich Troepolsky wrote: “Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something unusual. But people
They came up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them, and not so often, possess devotion to a friend and fidelity to duty so much that this is the root of life, the natural basis of the being itself, when the nobility of the soul is a self-evident state.” A wonderful dog teaches us the nobility of soul, devotion and fidelity from the story “White Bim, Black Ear”, an excerpt from which will be read to us by 7A class student Kalashnik Anna.
Presenter 2.
We know the amazing fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King” by Hoffmann mostly from the magical ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Hoffmann lived and wrote in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, but the story of love and devotion still touches our hearts. An excerpt from the fairy tale will be presented to us by 7B grade student Madina Chakhalova.
Presenter 1.
And again we return to the work of the wonderful writer Irina Pivovarova. The stories of Lyuska Sinitsina are always entertaining stories, imbued with subtle and playful humor. The story “Spring Rain” is read by 7A class student Anastasia Nemchenkova.
Presenter 2.
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is known to all generations of schoolchildren: the younger ones for the stories “The Wonderful Doctor”, “The Golden Rooster”, the older ones for “Olesya”, “The Duel”, “The Garnet Bracelet”. In each work of the writer, the world of the human soul with its joys and tragedies is revealed. The story “The Duel” is full of tragic events. And yet she affirms eternal moral values: love, honesty, sincerity of feelings, nobility. An excerpt from the story is read by Alina Chelikova, a student in class 8A.
Presenter 1.
We primarily associate the name of O. Henry with the hero of his story “Business People”. This boy drove his kidnappers crazy with his pranks: they were not only happy to send the tireless prankster to his father, but also paid him to hold his son until the unfortunate kidnappers escaped. O. Henry is a master of humorous storytelling. But he also has subtle lyrical works that assert that love can overcome any grief and overcome all obstacles. This is exactly what his story “The Gifts of the Magi” is about. Read by 8A class student Elena Smykova
Presenter 2.
Today we are pleased to present modern American literature in the person of the writer Cheryl Strayed. Readers are amazed by the story of the main character, who decided to return to the natural world, spend time in harmony with the world around her, understand what is happening to humanity and how to return it to its roots. The book is called “Wild. A dangerous journey as a way to find yourself” Read by 9A class student Marina Svintsova.
Presenter 1.
Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev is not familiar to a wide range of writers. But as soon as you remind children about the little white bear Umka, they will immediately recognize their favorite hero. Yakovlev loved to write about children and for children. Therefore, the lines of his story “The Girl from Vasilyevsky Island” about Tanya Savicheva, about her dead family, friends, neighbors are heard with special pain for the murder of her wartime childhood. It’s good that there are writers who will never let the tragic pages of military history be forgotten. About the memory of the heart, about the spiritual connection of generations, the story “The Girl from Vasilyevsky Island” is read by 10th grade student Kamila Fatulova.

Presenter 2.
Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva is known to us from many works, especially “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades”, “Dinka” and “Dinka says goodbye to childhood”, “Blue Leaves” and “ Magic word" For the writer, the moral health of children has always been important. She strove to raise a real person, kind, smart, decent, honest and just, in every story she told in a fairy tale or story. Valentina Oseeva’s story “Grandma” is about relationships in the family, about who we are raising, read by 10th grade student Angelina Martynyuk.
Presenter 1.
So all the participants in our competition performed. We will give the jury time to sum up the results, and we ourselves will vote for the participant who aroused the greatest sympathy in each of you, dear viewers. So, we choose the winner in the “Audience Choice” nomination (Summing up the results of the competition.)
Presenter 2.
Dear friends! Now we know the participants in the municipal stage of the “Living Classics” competition. We congratulate all the winners and runners-up of the competition. We hope that for many of you the book will become a constant companion in your life.
Presenter 1.
“My homeland is where my library is,” wrote Erasmus of Rotterdam. And Ludwig Feuerbach argued: “The situation with books is the same as with people. Although we meet many people, we choose only a few as our friends, as our heartfelt companions in life.”
Presenter 2.
About the word, oh great power books were written by Vladimir Vysotsky: Reflection of vanished years, Relief from the yoke of life, Eternal truths, unfading light - This is a book. Long live the book! A guarantee of tireless quest, The joy of each new shift, An indication of future roads - This is a book. Long live the book! A bright source of pure joys, Consolidation of a happy moment, Best friend if you are lonely - This is a book. Long live the book!
Presenter 1.
Dear friends! Thank you for your attention! We wish the book to become a true friend and advisor for you! We hope to see you next year not only among the spectators, but also among the participants in the wonderful “Living Classics” competition! Creative success! See you again!



(school stage)

"Living Classic"

Prepared by: Russian language teacher Nesmachnova

Natalya Alexandrovna


    Increasing interest in reading in children and adolescents.

    Expanding children's reading horizons.

    Popularization of reading among children and adolescents.

    Revival of family reading traditions.

    Increasing the interest of students and their parents in libraries.

    Finding and supporting talented students

Participants of the review - competition
Students from grades 5-10 take part in the competition.

Conditions of the competition:

    Participants in the Competition are all interested students aged 11-16 years.

    Participants in the Competition present an excerpt from a prose work of their choice by a Russian or foreign author, which is not included in the basic level of the school curriculum.

    The duration of each participant’s presentation is no more than 5 minutes.

    During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, and costumes may be used.

    Each participant of the Competition performs independently and cannot resort to the help of others during the performance.

    Selecting the text of the work.

    Grammatically correct speech.

    Artistry of performance.

Speech schedule:

Speech duration is up to 5 minutes.

Summing up the results of the competition:

The winners and runners-up of the competition are awarded with certificates

Scenario for the reading competition “Living Classics”

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear participants, jury and guests. We are pleased to welcome you to the school stage of the Living Classics competition.

Slide 1

Presenter 2: We want to start our competition with reading a poem by the poet-bard Vladimir Vysotsky “Book Children”. After all, its goal is to increase children’s interest in reading books not only by modern authors, but also by immortal classics.

Slide 2

Presenter 1: Reflection of vanished years,

Relief from the yoke of life,

Eternal truths unfading light -

Tireless searching is the guarantee,

The joy of every new shift,

Indication of future roads -

This is a book. Long live the book!

A bright source of pure joys,

Securing a happy moment

Best friend if you're lonely -

This is a book. Long live the book!

Presenter 2: Today we are holding the school stage of the All-Russian “Living Classics” competition, which every year is becoming increasingly popular among schoolchildren in our country and neighboring countries.

Presenter 1: Our time is a time of great achievements in science and technology, a time of wonderful discoveries. But of all the miracles created by man during his rational existence, a book can rightfully be considered the greatest. It is in it that the vast spiritual world of all humanity is contained. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen wrote:“The entire life of mankind was consistently deposited in the book: tribes, people, states disappeared, but the book remained.” And thanks to the book, today we gain knowledge about bygone civilizations, with its help we travel to unprecedented countries, to the past, to the future and to the present.

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Presenter 2 :And the famous William Thackeray stated: “! Books enlighten the soul, elevate and strengthen a person, awaken in him the best aspirations, sharpen his mind and soften his heart. ».

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Presenter 1 : Let’s listen to the advice of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky: “Read! And may there not be a single day in your life when you do not read at least one page from a new book!”

Slide 5

Presenter 2: We are launching a reading competition “Living Classics”, the purpose of which is to increase interest in reading among children and adolescents and expand their reading horizons.

Presenter 1: We present to the attention of the contestants and guests of the competition jury:

Presenter 2: Evaluation criteria and performance requirements:

Slide 6

Presenter 1: Selecting the text of a work for use within the Competition.

Presenter 2: Grammatically correct speech.

Presenter 1: Artistry of performance.

Presenter 2: Depth of penetration into the figurative system and semantic structure of the text.

Presenter 1: The participant's performance is assessed on a 10-point scale.

Presenter 2: Speech time should not exceed 5 minutes.

Presenter 1: The winners of the competition are awarded certificates.

Slide 7

Presenter 2: We open our competition program with a prose poem by the great Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Sparrow”. Turgenev - realist writer, poet, publicist, playwright, translator. One of the classics of Russian literature who made the most significant contribution to its development in the second half of the 19th century. Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in the category of RussianLanguage and Literature, Honorary Doctor of Oxford University. A prose poem is a literary form in which the prosaic principle of speech development is combined with the relative brevity and lyrical pathos characteristic of poetry. The birth of the genre of prose poems is associated with France.

So, Ivan Turgenev’s “Sparrow” is read by Alla Bulgakova, a 7a grade student.

Leading 1: A prose poem is a literary form in which the prosaic principle of speech development is combined with the relative brevity and lyrical pathos characteristic of poetry. The birth of the genre of prose poems is associated with France.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev “Two Doves” is read by 7a grade student Yana Gritsko.

Presenter2: In Russia, the author of prose poems was I.S. Turgenev. His pen belongsthe most famous Russian prose poem is “Russian Language,” which used to be taught in Soviet schools, and today is taught in Russian schools by heart. It was even recognized as the shortest work of Russian classics.

Ivan Turgenev “The Beggar” is read by a 6th grade student

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Presenter1: Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov - Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, artist. Lermontov's work, which combines civil, philosophical and personal motives that met the urgent needs of the spiritual life of Russian society, marked a new flowering of Russian literature andhad a great influence on the most prominent Russian writers and poets of the 19th and 20th centuries. The work of the great poet is still interesting to the modern reader.

Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov reads an excerpt from the Turkish fairy tale “Ashik-Kerib” to a 5b class student

Slide 11

Presenter2: One of the recognizedThe best classic of Russian literature is Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who loved to create mystical works that attract us with their everyday side, naive spontaneity. Gogol's images are full of bright life colors and sparkle with fervent folk humor. One of these works is“Enchanted Place”, included in the collection of short stories and stories by N.V. Gogol “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. According to the writer’s idea, the beekeeper Rudy Panko collected all these bright, sparkling stories and decided with them, as he says, “to stick his nose out of his backwoods into the big world.” The story “The Enchanted Place” was told to the beekeeper by the sexton of one of the churches. This story happened to his own grandfather. At that time the narrator was only eleven years old.

Nikolai Gogol reads an excerpt from the story “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” to 5th grade students

Slide 12

Presenter 1: Every person has the ability to dream. If this opportunity is taken away from him, then one of the most powerful motivating reasons that gives birth to culture, art, and science will disappear. That is why it will always be relevant for young people to turn to the work of writers who know how to dream. The world in which Greene's heroes live may seem unreal only to a person who is poor in spirit. "Scarlet Sails" -This is a very romantic and beautiful fairy tale. It is quite small, but very eventful and full of characters. A fairy tale about how you can make your dream come true! In the image of Assol, Green created the kind of girl who remains the ideal for romantic men to this day, despite the fact that the book was written in 1922.

Alexander Green, excerpt from the story “Scarlet Sails”, read by a 6th grade student

Presenter 2: A terrible event inscribed in bloody beeches in the history of our country is the Great Patriotic War. But the worst thing is that this war burst into the lives of not only adults, but also children.

Children of war, you didn’t know childhood.
The horror of those years from the bombings is in my eyes.
You lived in fear. Not everyone survived.
The bitterness of wormwood is still on my lips.

Children of war, how hungry you were...
How I wanted to collect a handful of grain.
Ears of corn played in the mature fields,
They were set on fire, trampled... War...

Slide 14

Presenter 1: One of the writers who touched on the topic of children in war is Svetlana Alexievich.A writer was born in the western Ukrainian city of Stanislav. After his father’s demobilization, the family moved to his homeland, Belarus, his father and mother worked as rural . Father's mother died from V , of her three sons, two , and Svetlana Alekseevich’s father did not return from the front.

Graduated in 1965 high school V Gomel region.

Worked , history teacher.

In 1972 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism

Since the early 2000s, she lived in Italy, France, and Germany. Since 2013 he has been living in .

Today we will hear 2 excerpts fromSvetlana Alexievich’s artistic and documentary series “Voices of Utopia”.

The first excerpt will be performed by 7th grade student Ksenia Tretyakova

Presenter 2 : A war seen through children's eyes is even more terrible than one captured through a woman's gaze. In relation to Alexievich’s books, the question most often arises: do we need such a terrible truth? The writer herself answers this question: “An unconscious person is capable of giving birth only to evil and nothing else but evil.”

An excerpt from the work “The Last Witnesses” is read by 7b grade student Anna Suvorova.

Slide 13

Presenter 1 : Irina Mikhailovna Pivovarova - Russianchildren's writer. Irina Pivovarova was born in Moscow in the family of a doctor.WITHSince childhood, Irina was attracted to creativity, so after graduating from school she entered the Moscow Textile Institute at the Faculty of Applied Arts.
After college, Irina worked as a decorator for several years, earning herself a reputation as a wonderful artist. There she meets her future husband, Viktor Pivovarov. The Pivovarov family made a huge contribution to children's literature - Irina unexpectedly begins to write poetry and stories for
little readers. Children love Irina’s cute, bright, kind worksfor the magic with which they are permeated.

So, Irina Pivovarova “Secrets”. Read by 7b grade student Yulia Komarova.

Presenter 2: The stories about the life of Lucy Sinitsyna by Irina Pivovarova are well known to more than one generation of readers. She, like any third-grader, is full of worries and problems that just make her head spin. She urgently needs to make peace with her best friend, get rid of piano lessons and persuade her parents to buy a new scooter.

But there are still so many interesting things in the world, especially when it’s spring outside, classmates are waiting in the yard, dad returns from a business trip with gifts and mom allows you to leave the found dog at home. And today Lucy had a bad dream.

So, Irina Pivovarova “Bad Dream”. Reading by 7a grade student Alena Arestova.

Presenter 1: So, the contestants performed.We thank them for giving everyone the pleasure of touching the wonderful creations of Russian writers.

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Presenter 2: And I want to end our conversation about the book with the words of Sergei Fetisov:

« He who does not search does not read,

Those who don't read don't know.

He who does not know does not live!

AND THE IMPORTANT THING in life will pass by!»

Presenter 2: We ask you for a little more attention and wait until the jury sums up the results of the competition.

(Summing up and awarding the winners)
