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Suppliers for sale. How to register goods for sale. Mandatory clauses of a contract for the sale of goods with payment upon sale

You can often hear the phrase “goods for sale,” but not everyone understands the exact meaning and under what conditions it is used.

Today, “goods for sale” means a type of trade when The supplier himself remains the owner of the goods, but the seller is responsible for the sale.

For the seller, such a system is more than convenient, for the reason that he does not take risks and pays only for those goods that he managed to sell over a certain period.

As a reward for your work, the seller takes a commission percentage from the sale of each unit.

Regulations for calculating goods for sale

In the person of the seller it may be both an individual entrepreneur and entity(firm). To ensure that both parties are protected, the supplier and the seller enter into a Commission Agreement or Commission Agreement.

In this case, the one who supplies the goods for sale (supplier, owner) will be considered a principal, but the entrepreneur selling the goods will be considered a commission agent.

Agreement First of all, it regulates the amount of remuneration (commission) that the principal will be obliged to pay to the commission agent for each product sold under sale. This amount can be either a certain percentage or a fixed rate.

As an example You can give the following situation: the supplier gives a box of apples for sale individual entrepreneur in the face of an old woman.

The contract will indicate a fixed amount of 1000 rubles, which the individual entrepreneur will be able to receive after he sells the whole box at the specified time (since the product may deteriorate). The old woman can sell goods both at a set amount from the supplier of 30 rubles per 1 kg, and at her own price list of 40 rubles, which will lead to a more profitable amount in the form of an additional 10 rubles for each kilogram sold.

Are being issued relationship between the commission agent and the committent form TORG-12, it is popularly known as a regular invoice, which records the process of transfer of goods and its volumes. Additionally, an “act of provision of services” is drawn up, which regulates the transfer of funds earned from the sale of goods and payment for the services of the commission agent.

To avoid confusion during the sales process, the commission agent keeps records of the quantity of goods sold, which will serve as a supporting document for receiving remuneration in the future.

If the product is specific and during the allotted period of time the commission agent was unable to sell the goods for sale, then the goods are returned its owner, that is, the principal. The transfer is completed using the same TORG-12 form. Only in this case, the sender is an individual entrepreneur, and the recipient will be the owner of the goods (committee).

Benefits of calculation

The main advantage of calculating goods for sale is convenience for both parties. It is beneficial for the consignor to hire as many sellers (commission agents) as possible in order to sell the goods, rather than engage in wholesale sales on their own.

It is beneficial for the commission agent not to purchase goods at his own expense, since there is a risk of not selling it. In this case the commission agent loses nothing.

Moreover, the system for calculating goods for sale is described in detail in the Civil Code. Therefore, both parties are legally protected.

Earnings example

Today, goods for sale from the manufacturer are taken over 70% trading points. If previously individual entrepreneurs took risks by purchasing goods in bulk from an intermediary or manufacturer, now you can take the goods for sale and remain calm in case of failure. An example is the sale of costume jewelry.

Representatives of the fair sex rarely pass by bright boutiques with jewelry, especially if it is made by hand. The peak of sales falls during the warm season, the target audience- young ladies. The product does not deteriorate and sells out very quickly, so this is an ideal option for making money.

The principal in this case may be small family contracts who make home decorations. They set the amount they want to receive from each unit sold, and the commission agent sets a percentage or fixed amount as a reward.

Both sides It is beneficial to cooperate for several reasons: the owner can calmly do what he loves - create, and the commission agent can sell, adding his percentage and extracting maximum profit.


Commission r pays for the point or office on his own, through which he will engage in implementation. Therefore, opening such a business often requires a large starting budget.

In case of unsuccessful cooperation, the commission agent loses time and suffers the main loss - he does not recoup the cost of renting the premises.

However, there is another type of sales that does not require premises - selling goods in apartments and offices, but today it is no longer relevant, since there are social networks.

Goods for sale are a convenient and profitable type of retail trade for the seller and manufacturer (or wholesaler).

This payment method allows the owner of the product to interest a larger number of sellers for cooperation, and allows retail outlets to replenish their assortment, sell the product and make a profit even without their own funds.

Relevance and profitability of the business idea

This method of trading, as a product for sale, is convenient, relevant and in demand in sales, especially for beginning entrepreneurs.

In order to use it, the seller does not need to have initial capital or take. Payment to the supplier upon sales of products allows you to minimize risks when adding a new product to the assortment, the demand for which and sales dynamics are unknown in advance.

At the same time, providing goods for sale to several retail outlets located in different territories at once can be beneficial for the manufacturer. This will allow you to increase many times over probability of product sales.

However, here you should also pay attention to the presence of a certain amount of risk for the supplier, since the seller may not sell all the goods, not sell them at all, or disappear along with the products taken for sale. Therefore, you should take care of the contractual formalization of partnership relations and, in case of violation, contact them.

With this method of trading, the manufacturer or large wholesaler provides the goods at an agreed price to the retailer, but the money is received only after the sale of this product. The retailer sells the product to consumers at the price that he sets himself, and after the sale he pays the manufacturer or wholesaler the pre-approved contract price of the product.

Accordingly, the difference between the contract price and the retail price of the goods at which it was sold remains with the seller in the form commission for making a sale. If the retailer was unable to sell part of the goods, then this balance is returned back to the manufacturer or wholesaler. When selling a product for sale, the owner of the product remains its supplier, and the seller pays only for those units that were actually sold.

Popular and profitable options for starting such a business

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you formulate everything for free Required documents: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Chinese products

One of the most convenient options is direct supply of products from Chinese manufacturers, which are worth visiting first to check the quality of products.

Prices hot goods(electronics, accessories, clothing, shoes, children's toys, etc.) in China are much lower, and if you make large orders, you can get additional bonuses and discounts. Please note that you must be certified and have customs clearance documents.

Manufacturers from Europe

When working with European manufacturers it should be understood that their products, as a rule, are branded, have high quality and solid recommendations. This means that it is in high demand, there is no need to expect good discounts for large quantities, and manufacturers are not always interested in supplying goods for sale.

Moreover, this kind of cooperation with novice entrepreneurs is excluded. Exclusive European collections are most often sold on an advance payment basis.

Wholesale suppliers

Wholesalers, especially during an economic crisis, are most interested in expanding markets for their products, so they often transfer consignments of goods for sale to retailers.

An undoubted advantage here is the geography of such trade, which can be very extensive. Items are often delivered to the most remote corners of the country, where they may be in very high demand among the local population.

The nuances of selling certain types of goods

Sale high-tech and specialized equipment requires a set of appropriate knowledge of this type of product and skills of interaction with a specific category of clients. Such goods are most often sent for sale, but high professional requirements are imposed on the seller. It should be noted that the sales period for equipment can be quite long, since it is often a piece product.

Sales furniture and lighting fixtures can be carried out both on an advance payment basis and on sale, especially if we're talking about about premium segment products. Often, customers are offered a choice of appropriate samples from a catalog, followed by ordering products and selling them.

Supplies clothes and shoes for sale during the economic crisis are extremely rare, since sometimes the figure of balances can reach up to ½ of the volume of products taken for sale. In this case, manufacturers benefit from regular sales.

The number of cars on Russian roads is only increasing every year, so the demand for spare parts to them. Due to their popularity, it is quite possible to take goods of this type for sale. In practice, novice businessmen make their first purchases of goods, mainly in small wholesale markets. In the future, it is important not to settle on one supplier, so that there are no interruptions in supplies, but to enter into an agreement for the supply of auto parts for sale with several companies at once.

Rules for submitting a proposal for cooperation

To obtain goods for sale, the seller should find a manufacturer of a certain type of product, or a wholesale organization that would be interested in increasing its sales volumes. An enterprise or wholesale company interested in marketing and selling their goods can do the same. Search necessary enterprises and organizations possible through bulletin boards, various directories, thematic forums, and the media.

After selecting the relevant business entities, trading companies, they may be sent Commercial offer about cooperation. It should be noted that an interesting, well-written commercial proposal for a potential partner largely determines the success of sales. It always carries the intention of the person sending it to conclude an agreement with the addressee that is beneficial to both parties.

The commercial offer differs from both the price list and the usual description of the product. Its goal is not to provide any information about a product or company, but to try to interest the other party in concluding a sale, to encourage him to take action, and to present the benefits of possible cooperation.

After careful consideration, the commercial proposal will be either approved or rejected, which the organization will communicate in a letter or by telephone.

The procedure for correctly completing this transaction

A transaction aimed at selling goods for sale is executed through commission agreement. In this case, the seller must be registered as or.

The supplier (owner of the goods) is called committent, and the seller (outlet) – commission agent. The contract reflects information about the date, place, parties to the agreement, specifies the subject and purpose of the contract, basic conditions, range of goods, their quality and price, delivery conditions, rights and obligations of the parties, rules of liability for failure to fulfill the contract, validity period (but may also be indefinite), as well as the conditions for extending, amending or terminating the contract. In the final part, details, seals and signatures of the parties are required. Reward amount must be specified in the contract as a fixed amount or a certain percentage of sales.

Within the terms established by the contract, the enterprise delivers products with the corresponding invoice (form), which must indicate that the goods are transferred to the commission.

Please remember that some products may require additional permits, quality certificates. Goods imported production must have a sanitary and hygienic examination report and a customs inspection document.

The sale of goods for sale, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, must begin no later than the next day after its transfer. The goods are supplied for sale at a price not lower than that specified in the contract, otherwise the missing difference will have to be reimbursed to the seller. There is no need to give it away only if the seller was able to documentally prove to the supplier the feasibility of selling at a lower price (let us assume that even greater losses were prevented by this step).

At the same time, Civil Code(Article 995) allows the seller to sell the goods on more favorable terms than those specified in the contract. ABOUT the decision taken It is mandatory to notify the principal and share the additional benefit equally with him.

Commission trading scheme involves a simple procedure for returning goods to the supplier if they were not sold or partially sold. If in order to return products it is necessary to carry out a “reverse sale”, which creates problems in terms of taxation, then under a commission agreement the seller writes off the goods from off-balance sheet accounting and returns it to the supplier.

According to Art. 51 Civil Code of the Russian Federation the seller (commission agent) periodically (as established in the contract) reports to the supplier (committee) on sales in a report of a certain form, which indicates how much goods were sold, at what price and what the amount of remuneration was. The seller can transfer the money to the manufacturer at the end of the reporting period, or the entire amount after the sold batch of goods.

In sales practice, there are cases when a commission agreement is the fault of any of the parties not fully executed. If the supplier is to blame (part of the goods turned out to be defective, it was not delivered in full, or there was another reason), the law obliges the principal to pay the commission agent a remuneration and reimburse expenses. When a commission agreement cannot be executed due to the fault of the store, then it, in turn, will have to compensate the principal for damages.

The store has the right to conclude subcommission agreement with another outlet, if he considers the possibility of selling the goods taken on commission there to be more profitable. In this case, the commission agent is obliged to answer for the actions of the sub-commission agent to his principal. In this case, the principal does not have the right to enter into relations with the subcommissioner, unless otherwise specified in the agreement.

If during the reporting period the goods are was not sold by the store, it is returned back to the supplier, which is issued as an invoice TORG-12. When for some reason the buyer returns the goods, the refusal of this transaction is formalized only by the seller, since it was he who entered into the purchase and sale relationship with the buyer. If the buyer returns the goods due to detected defects, then it is necessary to find out the reason for this situation. If the return is due to the fault of the store, the buyer will reimburse the costs. If the supplier is at fault, the commission agent receives the right to reimbursement of expenses and remuneration.

Tips for sellers retail goods:

  • It is convenient and profitable to take goods for sale if there are empty retail spaces in the store.
  • It is better to purchase goods directly from manufacturers or large wholesalers who can provide good discounts.
  • It should be noted that companies agree to cooperate with beginning entrepreneurs with caution. For this reason, it is first recommended to advertise your business and purchase some of the goods in order to show suppliers the seriousness of your intentions and the approximate sales volume.
  • It is recommended to apply for goods for sale to several suppliers at once in order to diversify the assortment and be able to choose the most advantageous offer after evaluating the proposed terms of cooperation.
  • Many companies offer profitable terms to retailers when they introduce new product brands to market for promotion.
  • If you plan, then it will be more profitable not to take the goods for sale (or not to do it right away), but to work using technology.

A store brings maximum profit to the owner when it has a large assortment of goods. But what to do if not all shelves in the store are filled with goods? Entrepreneurs are wondering how to get goods for sale. This is a great way to fill your store with goods for sale and earn decent money with minimal risk.

The only problem that arises is finding good wholesale organizations with which you can cooperate on favorable terms. How to take goods for sale at a profit? You just need to know certain points when searching for wholesalers and when concluding an agreement with them for the supply of goods for sale.

How to find wholesale suppliers?

  • Thematic catalogs. Thanks to this directory, you can find out all the relevant companies in your region. The catalog sections are filled with different trade niches, so you can find the right company can be done very quickly. The company provides brief information about its activities and leaves its contact information. You can buy such a catalog at any newsstand.
  • Internet portals. There are many business portals on the Internet that have directories of companies and their scope of activity. Companies are divided into categories, so an entrepreneur just needs to choose the direction that interests him. Large companies have their own online consultant who can answer questions about how to take a product for sale, how to start collaborating, etc.
  • Media and advertising. Often on TV in regional advertising companies are broadcast that provide goods for sale. If such a company exists in the city, perhaps it advertises its products to entrepreneurs. In newspapers you can also find many wholesale organizations that offer cooperation to small and medium-sized businesses.


You can only take goods for sale from wholesale organization. Once a suitable company has been found, you need to make a commercial offer. After consideration, the company informs the entrepreneur of its decision. If approved by the parties, I enter into a cooperation agreement.

The contract should indicate the purpose of cooperation, the range of goods, and their quality. Be sure to indicate the terms and conditions of product delivery. The cost of the goods can be fixed for the duration of the contract, and the conditions for raising are also taken into account pricing policy organizations. You can specify the conditions under which the contract can be revised by both parties.

The contract must clearly establish the rights and obligations of both parties. The conditions under which the contract can be terminated, the rules of liability for failure to comply with its individual clauses. At the end, indicate the duration of the contract and the conditions for its extension. The agreement comes into force immediately after signature by both parties.

Large wholesale companies have the most favorable conditions for entrepreneurs, but they do not like to work with newcomers. If the store has just opened, it is very difficult to get approval to take the goods for sale. To begin with, you need to promote your outlet, fill it with goods, thereby showing the company your production volume, and, consequently, sales volume. By demonstrating your worth to suppliers, you can count on receiving a profitable and long-term contract.

You need to find several suppliers to get the best offer. Assess the terms of cooperation with all organizations and choose best option. Products wholesale company must meet all quality requirements. Many companies offer favorable conditions when they introduce new brands of products to the market. If this group of products has quality, it means that it has prospects for promoting itself well in the market. Branded goods are in demand, so significant discounts should not be expected.

Question: Can I expect to take goods for sale on the terms of a trade loan?
Answer: Suppliers work on trade credit terms only with large retail outlets. To work according to this principle, you need to have good connections with suppliers or expand your business.

Question: What volumes of goods for sale can be obtained from the supplier?
Answer: It all depends on the turnover of the wholesale organization. At first, in any case, you should not count on large volumes. The longer the cooperation, the better the level of trust will be.

Question: Is it profitable to work with multiple suppliers?
Answer: Profitable. Especially if they offer a different range of products. An entrepreneur works better with several suppliers, as he is confident in the supply of products to his retail outlets.

If you have a desire to do own business, then you need to immediately translate your idea into reality. You don’t need to listen to or believe anyone when they say that business is cruel and does not tolerate mistakes. In fact, it is not so scary... If, of course, you know its rules and apply them in practice.

Today there are many opportunities and ideas for starting your own business. In what area? For example, in trade. The simplest option: take the goods for sale, find a buyer and, after selling, make a profit and your percentage of the proceeds. Of course, for this to be a profitable deal, you must first obtain all the necessary documents and permits. After all, you will have to pay penalties in the event of an inspection (unsuccessful for you) by the relevant authorities from your own pocket, which is very unpleasant.

After completing the documents, do not rush to agree to take the goods for sale and consider offers from several partners. Perhaps, if you wait, a more profitable offer of cooperation will come. And finally, think over a rough plan for further actions. Namely: what audience of buyers are you counting on, how much revenue do you need to receive daily to make a profit, where will you sell your product.

Let's look at a few ideas with specific examples.

Trade in household goods will always be in demand. Agree, powders, soap, toothpaste, toilet paper and other household items are always necessary and usually consumers quickly run out. Here's an idea! Start selling this type of product.

We sell cosmetics and jewelry

Well, what beauty can resist a charming and competent seller and his product if the tray is full of cosmetics and jewelry? By the way, costume jewelry taken for sale is more advantageous direction in trade, which tends to deteriorate from the sun, and from excess moisture, and is afraid of falls. Nothing can spoil the jewelry (unless, of course, it is left in the pouring rain for several days). And it’s mostly young fashionistas who buy it in very large quantities. Therefore, rest assured that your goods for sale will quickly sell out. Especially in the spring-summer season.

Pitfalls What you need to be prepared for

Finding a product supplier and agreeing on mutually beneficial terms is not difficult. There are a lot of such proposals. And they all agree to provide the goods for sale at certain period, and also make a refund if an expired or defective product is discovered.

When a supplier is selected, you should think about where to sell all this stuff. In fact, there are only three options (for all products). The first is opening a retail outlet. To do this, you need to decide on a place, then rent it and also obtain all the necessary permits.

If you don’t want to spend money on renting a room or trade tent, you can resell your goods to a third party for sale. Simply put: become an intermediary between the supplier and the seller. In this case, of course, you will lose part of the profit.

The third option depends directly on your ability to sell and communicate with a potential buyer. You do not need to rent a retail outlet, you do not need to look for a seller. You will be the seller yourself. All that is needed from you is to go to organizations, apartments and look for a potential buyer. Let us note right away that the third trading option is not entirely successful; in most cases it leads to a loss.

It is up to you to decide whether or not to engage in trading in goods taken for sale. But remember that success depends only on you and your desire to have your own business.
