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Psychological exercise on the topic of human motivation needs. Motivation training for staff and everyone. Goals of staff motivation training

Special training for entrepreneurs and managers - everyone who is responsible for achieving results through the efforts of other people. Recommended for those who have completed the Basic Management Skills training.

Experienced managers know that an increase in salary does not always lead to a proportional increase in performance. In addition, we do not always have the opportunity to increase the wage fund. Therefore, skill is one of the key tools of a leader.

I was once asked to recommend a good training on non-material motivation of personnel. Having studied what is on the market, I came to the conclusion that all the training offered is either excessive theorizing - it’s not very clear why the head of a department would need to know 5 different theories of motivation - or excessive complacency. It’s as if the authors forget the fact that a business must first of all be profitable, and not just comfortable for its employees.
And I did my own training, where I collected proven, practical and working techniques non-material motivation of personnel.

What you will get:

  • Payroll savings
  • Increased performance of the unit due to the increased skill of the manager
  • Understanding the Basic Principles non-material motivation of personnel
  • The skill of finding the key values ​​of your employees
  • Understanding when it works best" whip motivation", and when " gingerbread motivation»
  • A whole arsenal of ideas on how you can increase the motivation of your employees without additional costs
  • Increased employee loyalty due to more professional management and more complete self-realization of employees

What is the focus of the training:
The whole training is about 4 things:

  1. Determine when and at what point it is necessary to motivate employees
  2. Determine who is suitable for what type of motivation. What is medicine for one is poison for another.
  3. Practical use of tools non-material motivation of personnel. Practicing cases and specific work tasks of participants.
  4. Be able to motivate so that employees work more productively and remain satisfied.

Why is it beneficial:

  • Because by improving motivation skills, the productivity of your employees increases.
  • Because using methods non-material motivation of personnel, you can significantly save your salary
  • Because you can increase employee loyalty and their interest in work results.
  • Because proper application of methods non-material motivation of personnel increases the authority of the leader,
  • Because mastery of the tools non-material motivation of personnel allows you to manage easily and save the personal resources of the manager.

What's in the training program?

  • What is motivation?
  • When is motivation needed? How to choose the optimal moment for motivational impact?
  • Material and non-material motivation: possibilities and limitations
  • For which types of employees does non-material motivation work very well, and for which types does it work worse? How to distinguish them and what to do about it?
  • “Carrot and stick” - how to choose the form of motivational influence?
  • How to maintain good contact with an employee using negative motivation?
  • How to determine a person's core values?
  • Typology of employees according to the criterion of key values
  • How do managers demotivate their employees? Analysis typical mistakes motivation.
  • What should you consider when motivating a group of employees?

How is the training program organized?

This is a one-day training with a ratio of 20% theory and 80% practice.
The optimal number of participants is from 8 to 16 people. In case of larger group size, practical work is also possible, but, alas, it is unlikely that all participants will have the opportunity to demonstrate and practice their skills and abilities.
When the number of participants exceeds 25 people, the effectiveness of the skill is lost. And since this training is exclusively practical, skill-oriented, I limit the group to 25 participants. Thanks for understanding!

What guarantees?

I am 100% confident in my work and therefore am ready to give an extreme guarantee. This means that if after the training the participants rate it lower than “good”, I will refuse the fee. Agree, this is a significant guarantee and a serious responsibility.

Free Bonus

All participants in my trainings receive the right to free online consultations throughout the year.

How to order?

You can contact me in any way convenient for you:


Those who want to achieve great things must gather their strength.

Motivation is one of the most important problems of modern psychology, and one of its most intriguing and mysterious areas.

Our ability to use this or that phenomenon may be ahead of our understanding of this phenomenon.

Motivational training is a space that is gradually filled with elements of experience, just as a canvas is filled with the stitches of an embroiderer or the brushstrokes of an artist. In order to create a complete work, it is necessary to fill the entire space of the canvas with “stitches” - elements of experience.

“A classic example of a discrepancy between skill and understanding is a thermometer, which perfectly measured temperature both during the time of phlogiston and after the advent of the molecular kinetic theory” (Levich A.P., 1993, p. 116).

This idea is the basis of the motivational training I created: we need to select the appropriate blades for a mill or a sail system for a ship, so that the power of motivation beyond our control begins to work for our tasks.

Well, that's my concept. I believe that every person strives to go beyond the limits of his existence, limited by space and time. This is the main driving force, which takes an infinite variety of forms and is often not represented in the human consciousness. But it remains the main driving force both in those cases when it is realized and in those cases when it is not realized.

The psyche is one of the ways to realize this main aspiration of all living things. The main active force that has generated and is generating more and more new forms of existence is the desire to overcome the finitude of existence in space and time. Life began as an attempt to achieve the infinity of existence. Psyche is the next attempt to realize this aspiration.

The proposed material is only one of the possible options. The final decision on conducting the training, on the use of this or that etude or exercise is made by the presenter himself. Let us emphasize once again that at the same time he must remember the extent of his professional responsibility for the results that will be obtained during the training.

This technique is a psychological tool for studying the strength and direction of a person’s motives and concerns mainly two main aspects - motivation to achieve success and motivation to avoid failure.

1. Theoretical understanding

The concept of motivational training is based on the idea that training should be motivating. After the training, its participants should not only be able to use what they received in the training, but also strive to use new knowledge and new experience.

The training is addressed to those who manage people and in their activities inevitably face the need to solve various motivational problems. The manager has to encourage other people to perform certain activities, bring the direction of their motives into line with the objectives of the organization, orient them to achieve a certain result, inspire them and support their energy and perseverance, help them overcome apathy and fatigue, etc.

Effective solution of motivational problems is complicated by the fact that motivation as a system of motives of a certain person exists according to its own laws, which are not always understandable and, especially, not always accessible for regulation from the outside. Motivational forces arise, develop, collide and fight with each other, weaken and freeze according to their own laws, like the forces of nature. It is necessary to use these forces for the benefit of your organization, but not to the detriment of the bearers of these forces - people.

The force of the wind can be transformed into the movement of the millstones of a mill, into the swift motion of a sailboat, into the boiling of water over a fire. Natural, organically inherent in a person, natural motivation can be transformed into increasing sales volume, improving product quality, improving office work, and creating new projects. Participants in the training must experience the effects of motivational forces on themselves during the training process and learn to use them to solve motivational problems later outside the training.

To do this, a manager should not be afraid to go out into the wide expanse of the natural elements and solve motivational problems in accordance with the laws of this element.

“Many people are accustomed to thinking that a person goes to work to “expend effort,” to get tired, to endure, to overcome difficulties, to suffer from confusion and disorganization, to show cunning to avoid repression, to return home like a “squeezed lemon” and to receive a salary twice a month. all these troubles are a monetary compensation called salary... We are facing a revolution in the attitude of a person to work... and the manager in this most noble of all revolutions is a key figure... To create high motivation, it is necessary to create conditions for satisfying needs. It is necessary to transform work from an activity of producing products into an activity of fulfilling the needs of the employee (Kaverin S. B., 1998, pp. 55-57).

Locked within the framework of ideas about responsibilities, agreements, compensation for efforts, etc., most managers try to create wind movement in a confined space. Expecting to develop motivation, they appeal to the rational, conscious principle in a person. Meanwhile, motivation is largely irrational and unconscious. “The scale of the unconscious is unknown,” wrote Z. Freud. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to address these layers of motivation as well? Or maybe, first of all, to them?

2. Methodological justification. Principles of organization

This motivational training is built on the idea that a person’s natural motives should be given freedom of expression. However, if the trainer phrases it in these terms, participants can understand it in the sense that one can (and should) give freedom to their passions and wild impulses, such as sexuality and aggressiveness. I had the opportunity to verify many times that this interpretation occurs most often when giving lectures on motivation to managers, politicians, and students.

In order to shift the focus from the problem of releasing “illegal” impulses to the broader and more productive problem of using living natural energy, I created a model for training biological metaphors, in which participants are invited to turn to the life of plants: flowers, mushrooms, bacteria, and animals.

So, metaphorical biologization is the first and basic principle of motivational training (see Table 1.1).

Appeal to the drivers of behavior in animals and plants also plays another role. It opens new world, unexpected and attractive. This attracts attention, gives impetus to research, to attempts to understand and learn to use what was previously outside the usual field of vision. In other words, turning to motive-zoology and motive-botany is motivating in itself. This implements the second principle of training - its motivating power. Remembering that I myself was motivated during the training process is the best assistant in motivating other people or self-motivation outside the training.

The third principle of training is paradox. Isn't it paradoxical to transform wind power into flour? Aren't the impulses and transformations of the forces of nature paradoxical? Likewise, the variability of the motivational element is paradoxical, its inconsistency, its whims and storms, its ability to transform into expedient, orderly, and most importantly, productive activity only because the sail or the wing of the mill was turned at the right time and in the right direction. An important element The concept of the training is to organize it in such a way that participants have the opportunity to experience first-hand the paradoxical nature of the action of motivational forces - for example, the Zeigarnik effect, the Lissner effect or the mechanism of autonomization of the motive.

Motivational training

Stand “Statement of the Day”

Participants: psychologist

Target: positive attitude, based on self-hypnosis - a powerful mechanism for programming one’s behavior and state using affirmations.

A psychologist displays a statement at a special stand as a quote of the day.

Drawing the problem on A4


Instructions for the “Self-Portrait” test: draw yourself as you imagine and feel at the moment.

It could be a portrait or a full-length figure, you will be doing something or just standing, you will be wearing something or not, there will be some kind of background around or not. Try to draw all the details that are important to you now. You can use any means of art therapy: pencils, paints, ballpoint pen, drawing with your fingers.

Are you done? Most likely, you have already experienced some relief because you have “released” some of your experiences and stress onto paper (the basic principle of art therapy). Now they are outside. We will work with “external” feelings about ourselves. First, you can evaluate your self-portrait by analyzing the meaning of the drawing. Surely you will learn a lot of interesting things about your condition and attitude towards yourself.

Exercise “Crumpled Paper”

Goal: This exercise clearly demonstrates the importance of setting goals.

Time: 10 minutes

Group size: Any

For this exercise you will need A4 paper and a waste paper basket.

Using this exercise as an example, it is very convenient to show the results of goal setting. We call a volunteer for this exercise. We ask him to stand two meters from the basket and throw as much paper into it as possible. After a minute we stop it and count the paper. For example, it turned out to be 20 sheets.

Now we call the next volunteer. His task is to throw more than 20 sheets. As a rule, he gets more - 25–30 sheets.

Now it was the turn of the third volunteer. We call him and give him an introduction: “You saw what results the previous participants achieved. What do you think you will achieve?

Do you think we can relate this exercise to goal setting?

In your opinion, when did participants achieve better results - when they simply threw the paper, or when they were given a specific task?

Exercise "Goldfish"

Purpose: The exercise teaches participants to correctly formulate their goals

Time: 15 minutes

Group size: Any

Any volunteer is called (or the presenter himself calls). Start speaking faster so that there is a moment of confusion. Plus, throw a phrase into the audience: “Look more carefully at what will happen now.”

You caught a goldfish. You have 15 seconds to make three wishes for her.

Next, the trainer counts down or bends his fingers in seconds. Silent? I wished for it, but didn’t say it. If you haven't expressed your wishes, how will they guess? If they are spoken, the presenter repeats them exactly as they were said.

A house, a lot of money, a car...

The coach draws a house.

What's this?

House. Get it!

Or: Okay, I’ll have a house next year. You didn’t say who you wished for a house for, did you?

A lot of money.

Chip in a ruble! Get it.

I want to be happy!

Definitely: next month you will be happy, even several times. Or you will be happy forever, starting in 2050.

Beloved woman?

In 150 years you will have it.

I won't make it!

And these are your problems.

You can call more participants...

Coach: “I can bet any amount of money that even now none of you can handle this!”

What was happening now?

How was it necessary to make wishes so that they would be fulfilled?

The trainer guides the participants to set goals according to the SMART scheme:

Specific - specific

Measurable - measurable

Agreed - consistent (with higher level goals)

Realistic - realistic

Timed - defined in time

Another exercise option:

All participants imagine that they have caught a Goldfish that will grant three wishes - one personal (for example, I want a new car), and two work wishes (for example, I want to work less, etc.). Participants write down their wishes on pieces of paper. The leaves are collected, and the trainer does the same work with them.

Often, after the first desires “fulfilled” in this way, participants themselves come up with some SMART.

Was this goal set by someone or by themselves?

Exercise “In three years”

Goal: The exercise allows you to more clearly set priorities in your current life and start working more on important goals.

Time: 30 min.

Group size: Any

Participants are given a task - to make a small list and write in it the most important things that occupy them in a given period of life, and the biggest problems at the present time, no more than 5 points.

When compiling a list, participants try to imagine themselves three years older, and then think about these problems and affairs, as if three years later.

When thinking about this task, you should answer the following questions.

What can you remember about this problem?

What happened to her and how does she affect her life now, after three years?

If this problem appeared in front of you right now, would you find a solution to it? What would it be like?

The purpose of this exercise is to analyze all life problems in accordance with your future. It allows all participants to think about important activities. Thus, psychologists have officially established that about 80% of success can be achieved through just 20% of our efforts, and the remaining percentage of efforts helps ensure 20% of our achievements. Analysis from the “future” allows you to understand the degree of importance of certain matters.

After completing the exercise, there is a discussion about it. Participants ask themselves the following questions:

Which activities appear to be more important through this view and which activities do not?

Does this opinion completely coincide with the position of the present time?

What impression does the fact that in 3 years from now you will not remember a single problem or matter that you solve today?

Each participant must draw certain conclusions only for himself.

Exercises: - developing skills of self-analysis, self-understanding and self-criticism; - identification of significant personal qualities for joint training work; - deepening knowledge about each other through revealing the qualities of each participant.

It is suggested to play commission shop. The goods that the seller accepts are human qualities, for example, kindness, stupidity, openness. Participants sell their character traits, both positive and negative, then they are invited to make a trade, in which each of the participants can get rid of some unnecessary quality, or part of it, and acquire something necessary. For example, someone lacks eloquence for an effective life, and he can offer some part of his calmness and poise for it.

Exercise “Map of the Future”

Purpose: The exercise allows you to more clearly understand your goals

Time: 30 min. plus discussion of the exercise - 3–5 minutes. for each participant.

Group size: Any

Draw a map of your future. Designate your global goals as points in the area where you would like to be. Also identify intermediate large and small goals on the way to them. Come up with and write names for the “goal points” that you strive for in your personal and professional life. Also draw the streets and roads you will walk along.

How will you get to your goals? The shortest way or the roundabout way?

What obstacles do you have to overcome?

What kind of help can you expect?

What areas will you have to cross on your way: flowering and fertile lands, deserts, remote and abandoned places?

Will you be blazing roads and trails alone or with someone?

Discussion of the results of the exercise:

Where are the most important goals?

How do they fit together?

Where are your dangers?

Where will you get the strength to achieve what you want?

How does this picture make you feel?

Presenting their future in the form of a map of the area will allow participants to more clearly understand their goals. Metaphorical expression of goals in the form of points on a map, and ways to achieve them in the form of streets and roads helps participants create a visual picture of their future in their imagination. After creating such a map, everyone will be able to correlate the goals with each other and understand how they fit together, what obstacles are encountered on the way to them, what new opportunities open up.

SELF-PORTRAIT (analysis)

Now you can change your self-portrait to become the person you would like to be (or feel like). For example, this may be a brighter, cheerful, active person or, conversely, a calm, serious, strong person. You can transport yourself to the seashore or a couple of steps up the career ladder. You can change your profession and change your appearance - whatever you want. Finish the drawing.

Now you see your goal in front of you - what you really want to be. You had the problem “I’m dissatisfied with myself,” and now you have the opportunity to “become the person I want to be.” Remember this new state and strive for it.


All participants stand in a circle. The leader goes to the middle of the circle and says: “I can do well...”. He calls what he does well. For example, cooking. If someone from the circle also does this skill well, he takes a step forward and says: “And I, too, can do this well.” The others applaud them, saying: “This is great.” Each person can boast in the center of the circle only once. For example, I know how to keep secrets, I know how to make friends, I know how to love friends, etc.

At the end of the task, the results are summed up and impressions are discussed.

Instructions: Please stand in a circle. I would like to invite you to participate in a small ceremony that will help you express your feelings of friendship and gratitude to each other. The game goes as follows: one of you stands in the center, the other comes up to him, shakes his hand and says: “Thank you for a pleasant day!” Both remain in the center, still holding hands. Then the third student comes up, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: “Thank you for a pleasant day!” Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly increasing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last child joins your group, close the circle and end the ceremony with a silent, firm, three-time handshake. This is where the game ends.

If the opportunity presents itself, try to also be in the center of the circle.


What did I learn new?

How did I feel during the training?

What did I like most?

When did I feel awkward?

My mood after the training?



Motivational training

(Write problems and their solutions on the board.)

Stand “Statement of the Day”

Participants: psychologist

Goal: a positive attitude based on self-hypnosis - a powerful mechanism for programming one’s behavior and state using affirmations.

A psychologist displays a statement at a special stand as a quote of the day.

Drawing the problem on A4


Instructions for the “Self-Portrait” test: draw yourself as you imagine and feel at the moment.

It could be a portrait or a full-length figure, you will be doing something or just standing, you will be wearing something or not, there will be some kind of background around or not. Try to draw all the details that are important to you now. You can use any means of art therapy: pencils, paints, ballpoint pen, drawing with your fingers.

Are you done? Most likely, you have already experienced some relief because you have “released” some of your experiences and stress onto paper (the basic principle of art therapy). Now they are outside. We will work with “external” feelings about ourselves. First, you can evaluate your self-portrait by analyzing the meaning of the drawing. Surely you will learn a lot of interesting things about your condition and attitude towards yourself.

Exercise “Crumpled Paper”

Goal: This exercise clearly demonstrates the importance of setting goals.

Time: 10 minutes

Group size: Any

For this exercise you will need A4 paper and a waste paper basket.

Using this exercise as an example, it is very convenient to show the results of goal setting. We call a volunteer for this exercise. We ask him to stand two meters from the basket and throw as much paper into it as possible. After a minute we stop it and count the paper. For example, it turned out to be 20 sheets.

Now we call the next volunteer. His task is to throw more than 20 sheets. As a rule, he gets more - 25–30 sheets.

Now it was the turn of the third volunteer. We call him and give him an introduction: “You saw what results the previous participants achieved. What do you think you will achieve?


Do you think we can relate this exercise to goal setting?

In your opinion, when did participants achieve better results - when they simply threw the paper, or when they were given a specific task?

Exercise "Goldfish"

Purpose: The exercise teaches participants to correctly formulate their goals

Time: 15 minutes

Group size: Any

Any volunteer is called (or the presenter himself calls). Start speaking faster so that there is a moment of confusion. Plus, throw a phrase into the audience: “Look more carefully at what will happen now.”

You caught a goldfish. You have 15 seconds to make three wishes for her.

Next, the trainer counts down or bends his fingers in seconds. Silent? I wished for it, but didn’t say it. If you haven't expressed your wishes, how will they guess? If they are spoken, the presenter repeats them exactly as they were said.

A house, a lot of money, a car...

The coach draws a house.

What's this?

House. Get it!

Or: Okay, I’ll have a house next year. You didn’t say who you wished for a house for, did you?

A lot of money.

Chip in a ruble! Get it.

I want to be happy!

Definitely: next month you will be happy, even several times. Or you will be happy forever, starting in 2050.

Beloved woman?

In 150 years you will have it.

I won't make it!

And these are your problems.

You can call more participants...

Coach: “I can bet any amount of money that even now none of you can handle this!”


What was happening now?

How was it necessary to make wishes so that they would be fulfilled?

The trainer guides the participants to set goals according to the SMART scheme:

Specific - specific

Measurable - measurable

Agreed - consistent (with higher level goals)

Realistic - realistic

Timed - defined in time

Another exercise option:

All participants imagine that they have caught a Goldfish that will grant three wishes - one personal (for example, I want a new car), and two work wishes (for example, I want to work less, etc.). Participants write down their wishes on pieces of paper. The leaves are collected, and the trainer does the same work with them.

Often, after the first desires “fulfilled” in this way, participants themselves come up with some SMART.

Was this goal set by someone or by themselves?

Exercise “In three years”

Goal: The exercise allows you to more clearly set priorities in your current life and start working more on important goals.

Time: 30 min.

Group size: Any

Participants are given a task - to make a small list and write in it the most important things that occupy them in a given period of life, and the biggest problems at the present time, no more than 5 points.

When compiling a list, participants try to imagine themselves three years older, and then think about these problems and affairs, as if three years later.

When thinking about this task, you should answer the following questions.

What can you remember about this problem?

What happened to her and how does she affect her life now, after three years?

If this problem appeared to you right now, would you find a solution? What would it be like?

The purpose of this exercise is to analyze all life problems in accordance with your future. It allows all participants to think about important activities. Thus, psychologists have officially established that about 80% of success can be achieved through just 20% of our efforts, and the remaining percentage of efforts helps ensure 20% of our achievements. Analysis from the “future” allows you to understand the degree of importance of certain matters.

After completing the exercise, there is a discussion about it. Participants ask themselves the following questions:

Which activities appear to be more important through this view and which activities do not?

Does this opinion completely coincide with the position of the present time?

What impression does the fact that in 3 years from now you will not remember a single problem or matter that you solve today?

Each participant must draw certain conclusions only for himself.

Exercise for personal growth training “Thrift store”

Exercises: - developing skills of self-analysis, self-understanding and self-criticism; - identification of significant personal qualities for joint training work; - deepening knowledge about each other through revealing the qualities of each participant.

It is suggested to play thrift store. The goods that the seller accepts are human qualities, for example, kindness, stupidity, openness. Participants sell their character traits, both positive and negative, then they are invited to make a trade, in which each of the participants can get rid of some unnecessary quality, or part of it, and acquire something necessary. For example, someone lacks eloquence for an effective life, and he can offer some part of his calmness and poise for it.

Exercise “Map of the Future”

Purpose: The exercise allows you to more clearly understand your goals

Time: 30 min. plus discussion of the exercise - 3–5 minutes. for each participant.

Group size: Any

Draw a map of your future. Designate your global goals as points in the area where you would like to be. Also identify intermediate large and small goals on the way to them. Come up with and write names for the “goal points” that you strive for in your personal and professional life. Also draw the streets and roads you will walk along.

How will you get to your goals? The shortest way or the roundabout way?

What obstacles do you have to overcome?

What kind of help can you expect?

What areas will you have to cross on your way: flowering and fertile lands, deserts, remote and abandoned places?

Will you be blazing roads and trails alone or with someone?

Discussion of the results of the exercise:

Where are the most important goals?

How do they fit together?

Where are your dangers?

Where will you get the strength to achieve what you want?

How does this picture make you feel?

Presenting their future in the form of a map of the area will allow participants to more clearly understand their goals. Metaphorical expression of goals in the form of points on a map, and ways to achieve them in the form of streets and roads helps participants create a visual picture of their future in their imagination. After creating such a map, everyone will be able to correlate the goals with each other and understand how they fit together, what obstacles are encountered on the way to them, what new opportunities open up.

SELF-PORTRAIT (analysis)

Now you can change your self-portrait to become the person you would like to be (or feel like). For example, this may be a brighter, cheerful, active person or, conversely, a calm, serious, strong person. You can transport yourself to the seashore or a couple of steps up the career ladder. You can change your profession and change your appearance - whatever you want. Finish the drawing.

Now you see your goal in front of you - what you really want to be. You had the problem “I’m dissatisfied with myself,” and now you have the opportunity to “become the person I want to be.” Remember this new state and strive for it.


All participants stand in a circle. The leader goes to the middle of the circle and says: “I can do well...”. He calls what he does well. For example, cooking. If someone from the circle also does this skill well, he takes a step forward and says: “And I, too, can do this well.” The others applaud them, saying: “This is great.” Each person can boast in the center of the circle only once. For example, I know how to keep secrets, I know how to make friends, I know how to love friends, etc.

At the end of the task, the results are summed up and impressions are discussed.

Exercise “Thank you for a wonderful day”

Instructions: Please stand in a circle. I would like to invite you to participate in a small ceremony that will help you express your feelings of friendship and gratitude to each other. The game goes as follows: one of you stands in the center, the other comes up to him, shakes his hand and says: “Thank you for a pleasant day!” Both remain in the center, still holding hands. Then the third student comes up, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: “Thank you for a pleasant day!” Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly increasing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last child joins your group, close the circle and end the ceremony with a silent, firm, three-time handshake. This is where the game ends.

If the opportunity presents itself, try to also be in the center of the circle.


What did I learn new?

How did I feel during the training?

What did I like most?

When did I feel awkward?

My mood after the training?

Motivation training

It has long been known that the one who wants most will achieve much more than the one who simply knows how.Motivation trainingmaintain a focus on results, always be in a resourceful state, and feel confident to cope with any task.

The problem of employee motivation has been and remains one of the main ones ever since the first organizations began to appear. And if earlier the carrot and stick system worked perfectly, as well as a simple one, todayfor everyone useful employee the company has to fight. More valuable employees, if they are not motivated, very quickly find a new job. What about those who sit in one position for years without any love for their work or motivation? These also need to be managed correctly! There are motivational trainings for staff specifically for this purpose.

They burn out every year due to lack of motivation.- the fire of initiative goes out in their eyes, new ideas come to them less and less often, and soon they turn into formal administrators, although before they were leaders and led other people with their energy. If the organization’s management had noticed this trend in time, then even one corporate training In terms of motivation, I could change the situation in a completely different direction.

And what's about ordinary people in everyday life? Or entrepreneurs who are thinking new project? Even a programmer who works from home and a housewife who wants change and has set herself -you can’t do without strong motivation to achieve them! Because motivation is like fuel for a rocket. You may have a perfectly built frame and take-off mechanism, but without motivation nothing will fly!

Who should be trained in motivation training:

1) Junior and middle managers- it makes sense to send them to these trainings in the first place, because they are on the front line, managing their employees, and formal power alone is not enough to motivate and encourage ordinary employees to achieve business exploits. And the only tools that can help these managers are motivation and...

2) Senior executives and top managers- the top officials of the company, for the most part, are often well versed in the basic tools of behavior of their subordinates, and yet people of this rank need both systematization of their experience and more subtle techniques that are studied in motivation training for senior managers . Having mastered this toolkit, such a manager becomes able to ensure the implementation of a business plan for an entire region with one motivating conversation, simply because he found the right words and determined the right motives of the territorial director.

3) Service managers and specialistsHR, HR, HR department - and although many of them are surprised that they are only in third place on this list, they must understand that the function of motivating subordinates cannot be taken away from their immediate superiors. But managers themselves will never be able to achieve 100% results without the professional support of competent human resource management specialists.

4) Specialists, sales managers and their leaders- it is simply necessary to regularly send people to trainings on motivation and self-motivation, because in no other field do people burn out so quickly and lose so much emotional energy. Even professional salespeople and managers very often take any problematic situations very seriously, attribute customer complaints to their own account, and if they still do not receive due attention and recognition of their merits from the company, then the motivation of such employees will evaporate faster than their leader would like to think. Sometimes it is motivation trainings, and not sales trainings (what a paradox!!!), that give truly unsurpassed sales results! And all because many people need to be properly motivated, praised and their work appreciated!

And lastly - there is nothing worse in the organizationthan an illiterate system of staff motivation, when some people are unfairly raised in their salaries, others are given unnecessary gifts, others want to be motivated to increase sales with an outdated tablet model, and so on, the list goes on and on. Such employees have one thing in common - the desire to stay in the organization for some time, putting a minimum of effort and at the same time, daily updating their resume on the job search site in order to find appropriate place and unexpectedly for everyone to defect there! , and you will be able to resolve many pressing problems, as well as retain truly worthwhile employees in the company before it is too late to do so.

Ask the experts:

Types of motivation trainings:

Training motivation and personal effectiveness- allows employees to analyze their work, and, using examples of those tasks that motivate and demotivate them most, build such a plan professional changes, which will help them greatly increase their personal effectiveness and achieve new results in their work!

Motivation training for change management- God forbid you be the initiator of changes in the organization, because in doing so you will learn so much about your colleagues that you could never even imagine. Change management almost always goes through rejection, conflict and denial, but if you have the tools of change management, you can channel the energy of fear and dissatisfaction, as well as the energy of hope and desire for change, into a peaceful direction to take your company to the next level!

Training - .The use of any time management and time management techniques must be based on a certain motive. Without this, time management turns into a set of meaningless rituals, either performed without awareness or imposed from the outside. Therefore, motivation training is very important in situations where you need to increase your productivity and accomplish more! In an ideal training sequence, employees should first undergo training on motivation, then training on goal setting, and based on this, undergo training on time management. If this is not possible, then you need to order corporate training that combines the main practices from all three of the above programs.

Training - Motivation in coaching. This training is necessary for those who use coaching tools in their leadership work, and wants to most effectively harness the motivation of its customers and partners.

Training - Motivating colleagues at work.This training is definitely becoming a leader in 2014 and 2015, because companies have a huge number of projects that employees carry out jointly, a variety of common tasks and matrix organizational structures do their job, and now we are already entering into heated negotiations with colleagues (motivating, asking, threatening, begging, blackmailing and flirting, and what not we can come up with). And all in order to influence those who are on the same level with us, and on whose results our results and our common cause directly depend. Training on motivating work colleagues teaches you how to build relationships with others in which you can always count on the help and support of others, and you will not feel the need to manipulate or ask to do the same thing for the tenth time.

In order to determine which motivation training is suitable for your company, you need to do the following:

1. Leave a request or ask your question.

2. Discuss the current situation with our experts.

3. Carry out diagnostics current situation In the organisation.

4. Agree on a motivation training program and post-training support options for your company!

1. Exercise "Working on mistakes."

Review a failure you have experienced in the past. Reflect on each mistake, determine what useful things you gained as a result of this failure (experience, character traits, understanding of some processes in life, etc.). Think about what became possible for you as a result of the failure you experienced?

2. Exercise “Ask yourself.”

A person can ask and encourage activity not only of others, but also of himself. Sometimes, when there is no desire to work (but you realize the importance of the matter), communication with yourself, conviction and request addressed to yourself help overcome the difficulties of self-organization.

1. Challenge yourself to do something important to you. You can use similar techniques when asking others to do something. Depending on your personal characteristics and the situation, you can use both persuasion about the need for activity, as well as requests and kind words.
2. Write 2 versions of your request and self-persuasion. Select best options.
3. Work out general rules, principles of self-conviction.

By exploring a variety of ways to influence yourself, you can find the best self-motivation techniques (those that suit your personality more than others).

3. Exercise “Praise yourself.”

The ability to approve, encourage and inspire yourself is very helpful in your work. By remembering and emotionally reinforcing actions that led to success in the past, you inspire yourself to further achievements.

1. Remember an event when you achieved success through perseverance, focus, ingenuity, etc. Remember emotional condition(satisfaction, uplift), in which they were in a situation of success and victory.
2. Praise yourself. Say a few nice words to yourself.
3. Convince yourself to continue to work like this (for example, show persistence, focus, etc.).

4. Exercise "Useful object".

Identification (identification) with the subject of one’s activity provides the opportunity to see all its advantages. For example, if your goal is to create an interest in automobile manufacturing, transform yourself into the most modern car, describe all the miracles you are capable of, the perfection of your design, etc.

1. Imagine yourself as a subject in which you are trying to develop an interest. Describe it in the first person (praise yourself). Describe what a wonderful and useful item you are that you can give to your owner. “Run” your imagination to full capacity.

2. After some time, be yourself and look at your subject again. Reflect on its benefits, strength, beauty. Admire its beauty and perfection. Did you notice anything new and unusual for you in him? What nice thing do you want to say to him?

3. Then become that object again. Identify with him. Realize your (subject's) advantages. Boast about all the wonderful and useful things you have to other people.

4. Try to convince others that you are wonderful, strong and useful (preferably based on obvious advantages).

By performing this exercise several times in different variations, you will find a lot of interesting and attractive things in the subject with which you have identified. In an effort to convince and interest others, you subconsciously influence yourself, changing your attitude towards the subject. The conditions for successfully completing this exercise are not only your imagination, but also the desire to find something interesting, useful, beautiful in your activity (after all, in any field you can find so many interesting and unexpected things).

5. Exercise “I succeeded!”

The exercise is aimed at creating conditions for self-presentation, getting to know each other, and increasing motivation to learn new types of activities. Performed in a group.

Participants take turns standing up and talking about something they are particularly good at. After the story, they answer two questions:
1. Where can this skill be useful?

2. How did they manage to learn this?


All group members answer the question: what did you want to learn from what the other participants said? Which participants surprised you? Made you look at him in a new way?

6. Exercise "Self-motivation"

Describe your regular work or a duty that you find uninteresting and burdensome, and constantly put off doing it. How could you motivate yourself to do this work?

This is an activity I keep putting off, even though I need to do it:

A - at work

B - at home

If I end up doing this job, I find the following advantages in it:
1. Tune in to a positive outcome.
2. Downplay problems.
3. Get started right away.

Basically I can't get used to this type of activity:

I start doing this work as follows:

First step_________________________

An emphasis on the positive aspect protects against gloomy pessimism, fears, and sets you up for success.

7. Exercise "Start taking action."

If you constantly put off doing some work indefinitely, then you need to regularly motivate yourself: force yourself to start working and believe that this work has quietly interested you. In this case, motivation is associated with the first push to start work, and not with the work itself.
Try to motivate yourself by doing something routine and boring: writing a long business letter, developing a presentation, reading a complex specific book, etc.

Sit down at the table, take everything you need to get the job done. Then focus on the beginning; the first step you take when you start working. After that you will simply finish the work. You will notice, while still sitting at work, that you are overcome by a pleasant feeling that you are done with one thing for today.


The purpose of this exercise is for the student to conduct a self-test and evaluate his or her capabilities to be a leader.
Motivation for success
Exercise. The test was proposed by T. Ehlers, it evaluates the strength of motivation to achieve a goal, to success.
Answer the questions provided depending on your agreement (“yes”) or disagreement (“no”). Next to each question number that matches “yes”, place a + sign.
Don't think twice. Answer as it really happens in your life.
1. When there is a choice between two options, it is better to do it quickly, without delay.
2. I get irritated easily when I notice that I cannot complete a task 100% of the time.
3. I work as if my life itself is at stake.
4. If a problematic situation arises, I am most often one of the last to make a decision.
5. If I have nothing to do for two days in a row, I lose peace.
6. Some days my performance is below average.
7. I am more strict with myself than with others.
8. I am more friendly than others.
9. When I refuse a difficult task, I then judge myself harshly because I know that I would have been successful at it.
10. During work, I need short rest breaks.
11. Diligence is not my main trait.
12. My academic achievements are not always uniform.
13. I am more attracted to other things that I am currently doing.
14. Blame stimulates me more than praise.
15. I know that my classmates consider me a sensible person.
16. Obstacles strengthen my decisions.
17. I am easily aroused by ambition.

18. If I complete a task without inspiration, it is usually noticeable.
19. When completing a task, I do not count on the help of others.
20. It happens that I put off what I should have done now.
21. You need to rely only on yourself.
22. There are few things in life more important than money.
23. Whenever I have to complete an important task, I don’t think about anything else.
24. I am less ambitious than many others.
25. At the end of the holidays, I am usually happy that I will soon go to university again.
26. When I am inclined to study, I do everything better than others.
27. It is easier and easier for me to communicate with people who know how to work hard.
28. When I don’t have anything to do, I feel like I’m not doing well.
to yourself.
29. I have to do responsible work more often than others.
30. When I have to make a decision, I try to do it as best as possible.
31. My friends sometimes think I'm lazy.
32. My success to some extent depends on my colleagues.
33. It makes no sense to oppose the will of your boss.
34. Sometimes you don’t know what you have to do.
35. When things don't go well, I am intolerant.
36. I usually pay little attention to my achievements.
37. Compared to others, I study more effectively.
38. I don’t finish many things that I undertake.
39. I envy people who are not overworked.
40. I do not envy those who strive to achieve power and position.
41. When I am confident that I am right, I am ready to defend it to the end, even to extreme measures.
You received 1 point for answering “yes” to questions 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 37, 41.

You also received 1 point for answering “no” to questions 6, 13, 18, 20, 24, 31, 36, 38, 39.
Answers to questions 1, 11, 12, 19, 23, 33, 34, 35, 40 are not taken into account.
Calculate the total points scored.
from 1 to 10 points - low motivation for success;
from 11 to 16 points - average level of motivation;
from 17 to 20 points - moderately high level of motivation;
over 21 points - too high level of motivation for success.
The result of the “Motivation for Success” test is analyzed together with the results of the “Risk Willingness” test.
People who are moderately or strongly success-oriented prefer a medium level of risk. Those who are afraid of failure prefer a small, or, conversely, too high level of risk.
The higher a person’s motivation for success - achieving a goal, the lower the willingness to take risks. At the same time, motivation for success also affects hope for success. With strong motivation for success, hopes for success are usually more modest than with weak motivation for success.
In addition, people who are motivated to succeed and have high hopes for it tend to avoid high risks. Those who are highly motivated to succeed and have a high willingness to take risks have fewer accidents than those who have a high willingness to take risks but are highly motivated to avoid failure (protection). Conversely, when a person has a high motivation to avoid failures (protection), this interferes with the motive for success - achieving the goal.
