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Training of communicative competence of teenagers. Communicative training of teachers' competence Training program formation of teachers' communicative competence

Development of communicative competence (communication training)

Training program

Explanatory note.

The main goal of the program is to increase the level of communicative competence in adolescents.

Development of the ability to establish and maintain psychological contact in communication.

Knowing one's own abilities and limitations in interaction with other people.

Awareness and removal of internal barriers and clamps that hinder effective communication.

Developing the ability to predict the behavior of another person.

The program is designed for adolescents aged 12-14, taking into account the characteristics of their age and major neoplasms.

The program contains 9 lessons. Each lesson consists of 6-8 exercises. Classes begin with a greeting by the participants to each other, then comes the main part of the lesson, corresponding to the topic, and at the end - summing up.

Main forms and methods of work:

warm-up exercises;

modeling situations in role-playing games;

exercises in pairs, groups;

group discussions.

When working on this program, I was also guided by the following principles:

The principle of ecology. Everything that happens at the training should not harm or interfere with the free development of group members and facilitators.

The principle of expediency. All exercises, games, tasks serve the realization of a single goal.

Sequence principle. Each subsequent task is based on the experience and feelings gained during the implementation of the previous ones, new resources are introduced into the learning process.

The principle of openness. Be sincere in front of the group, declare the goals and objectives of the training, answer, if possible, honestly to the questions posed, create conditions for revealing the potential of each of the participants.

The principle of certainty. The exercises are adapted to the reality in which the participants live and interact.

Lesson 1

Purpose: To introduce the participants to each other.

Lesson progress:

Acquaintance of group members with the purpose of training, principles of work.

Getting the group members to know each other.

Introduction Greeting, introduction of the facilitators, goals and objectives of the training.

Time: 10 min.

Group principles:


Sharing of responsibility, the result depends on you, we - organize the situation;


Non-disclosure of information about participants;

Here and now, we talk about feelings in the present tense, we discuss the situation in a specific situation at the training;

constructive Feedback(with positive intention);

Discipline (mobile phones, being late, etc.);

1 exercise.

Exercise "Ears my locators"

Purpose: The exercise helps participants remember names, relieves tension with the comical situation.

Time: 15 min.

Host: "I am a source of energy and recharge the person sitting with me on the right and left. I raise my hand to my ears, and the neighbors raise their hand to their ear. Ears are my locators, calling Tanya! Now Tanya raises her hands to her ears and calls someone else."

2 exercise.

Game "Associations"

Goal: getting to know each other, finding out more information about each other, helps to revise the usual stereotypes.

Time: 45 min.

The leader is selected, goes out the door. One of the participants comes up with associations for himself. What animal, bird, tree, flower, any object do I look like.

The leader returns to the group. The leader of the training voices associations. The task is to guess the person. 3 attempts. Each of the participants should be in the role of a leader and a guesser.

At the end we discuss: what was the most difficult, what new things did you learn about each other, about yourself. 5-7 min.

3 exercise.

Exercise "Four corners - four choices"

Goal: Increase the level of cohesion of the participants.

Time: 30 minutes.

Game stages:

Informing. Set aside chairs and tables so that participants can move freely around the room. For the duration of the game for each round you will need four large sheets of paper (A3 format) and adhesive tape. Attach sheets of paper to the four corners of the room and write the names of the colors (red, blue, green, yellow) on them. Sheets are attached in prominent places.

Group members stand in the middle of the room.

Announce to the participants that during the game they will get to know each other better. First, everyone walks around the room, then everyone stops at the sheet of paper that seems most suitable to him.

All participants gathered in one corner tell each other why they chose this color. Everyone has to remember everyone who is in the same corner (3 minutes).

In the second round, you can write on new sheets of four seasons.

In the third round, you can use the names of four musical instruments eg: violin, saxophone, harp, drum.

In the fourth, draw geometric shapes on paper (one on each sheet), such as a triangle, a square, a circle, and an irregular shape.

After each round, the players gather in the middle of the room. The order of the game is strictly observed: the participants must stop near the sheet of paper on which the inscription they like the most. At the same time, they remember everyone who stopped nearby.

Game discussion:

Which participants most often ended up in the same group?

What players were in the same group rarely or never at all?

What interesting things did each of you learn about the other members of the group?


Possible entries:

tools: hammer, saw, pincers, needle;

cities: Paris, Rome, Moscow, Shanghai;

drinks: coffee, tea, coca-cola, milk;

animals: lion, antelope, snake, eagle;

buildings: villa, bungalow, castle, temple;

famous people: A. Einstein, J. Puccini, W. Shakespeare, Bill Gates.

4 exercise.

Purpose: The exercise provides group members with an opportunity to become more familiar with and experiment with verbal and non-verbal communication.

Time needed: 30 minutes Procedure: Choose your partner. Do one of the following communication exercises together. After about five minutes, switch to another partner and do the second exercise. Repeat the same for the last two exercises.

Back to back. Sit on the floor back to back. Try to lead

talk. After a few minutes, turn around and share your feelings.

Sitting and standing. One of the partners is sitting, the other is standing. Try to carry on a conversation in this position. After a few minutes, switch positions so that each of you experiences the feeling of "above" and "below." After a few more minutes, share your feelings.

Only eyes. Look into each other's eyes. Make eye contact without using words. After a few minutes, verbally share your feelings.

Face research. Sit face to face and explore your partner's face with your hands. Then let your partner explore your face.

5 exercise.

Summing up the day.

Come up with a greeting ritual for everyone (homework)

6 exercise.

Exercise "Gifts"

Participants form two concentric circles. And give each other "gifts". During the discussion, it turns out what was the most pleasant. Why?

Lesson 2.

Goal: Show your individuality and learn to appreciate the individuality of others.

Lesson progress:

Removing tension.

Presentation of your personality.

Summing up, discussion of the lesson.

1 exercise.

greeting ritual.

Discuss the options invented by the participants and choose a single one.

2 exercise.

Game "Molecules"

Goal: relieve stress, create a friendly environment.

Time: 5 min.

Members of the group - "atoms" - move freely around the room to the music. At the signal of the leader (clap), the atoms unite into molecules by 2 people, then by 3, and so on. At the end of the exercise, the whole group comes together.

3 exercise.

Fantasy game "Magic of our name"

Purpose: Acquaintance of the participants of the training with each other, the ability to present themselves and other participants of the training.

Time: 20-30 minutes.

Participants are divided into pairs. Partners introduce themselves by name and discuss:

From whom did I get my name?

Which of my friends (relatives) has the same name?

Are my namesakes among famous people?

Do I know literary or movie characters with the same name?

How does the name affect my behavior in life?

Do I like my name?

Do I know what my name means?

Would I like to be called by another name (if so, what)?

Assignment to the group - everyone must invent a story and tell it to their partner. The hero of the story bears the name of the narrator.

The partner should silently listen to the story with interest and at the same time try to understand what kind of person the narrator is.

At the end of the game, all members come together. Each of the participants introduces their partner and tries to characterize his personality. The purpose of the presentation is to present the partner's personality from different, sometimes unexpected sides. 4 exercise.

Exercise "Self-portrait"

Purpose: to draw the attention of participants to the uniqueness of each individual.

Materials: Paper, crayons (felt-tip pens, pens, pencils), adhesive tape or Velcro.

Rules: Each player draws a self-portrait. At the same time, the brightest facial features (long eyelashes, snub nose, plump lips) are deliberately exaggerated. You have 5 minutes to complete this part of the task.

Players must not spy on each other. Pictures are not signed. At the end of the work, the sheets of paper are folded in half. When completing the task, many participants will experience difficulties. Explain to them that the drawing does not have to be photographic. It is also not required to create a picturesque masterpiece.

The leader can take part in the game himself.

Collect all the drawings in a large box. Invite the players to take out one sheet without looking. Each player must guess whose self-portrait he took out.

Everyone in turn shows the drawings and makes assumptions about who is their author, share their personal impressions.

Interpretation of results: The discussion is almost always lively. Great sympathy is usually caused by those "artists" who depicted themselves without embellishment.

5 exercise.

Exercise "Learning to appreciate individuality"

Purpose: to learn to appreciate the individuality of another.

Time: 40 min.

Game stages:

If we could appreciate our own individuality, it would be easier for us to accept the otherness of a partner.

Group members sit in a circle, each with paper and a pencil.

At the beginning of the game, say something like this: "We often want to be exactly the same as the rest, and suffer, feeling that we are different from others. Sometimes it's really good when we are like everyone else, but our individuality is equally important. It can also should be appreciated."

Invite each player to write about three things that make them different from everyone else in the group. This may be a recognition of one's obvious merits or talents, life principles, etc. In any case, the information must be positive.

Give three examples from your own life so that the participants fully understand what is required of them. Use your imagination and sense of humor to create a game atmosphere.

Participants write down their names and complete the task (3 minutes). Advise that you will collect the notes and read them out, and the group members will guess who is the author of certain statements.

Collect the papers and once again note the positive aspects of the fact that people are not alike: we become interesting to each other, we can find a non-standard solution to a problem, give each other impulses to change and learn, etc. Then read each text and have the players guess who wrote it. If the author cannot be "calculated", he must name himself. Exercise 6.

Exercise "Catch the pot"

Purpose: stress relief.

Time: 5-10 min.

Game progress: Participants, sitting or standing in a large circle, throw imaginary objects. Throwing, the participant announces the name of the partner and the object that he will throw. The one to whom they throw should immediately “attach” to the object - after all, a kitten needs to be caught differently than a snake.

7 exercise.

Summing up the day.

What was interesting, useful?

8 exercise.

Thank you exercise

Time: 5 min.

Each participant says to their neighbor on the left "Name", Thank you for… "

Lesson 3

Goal: Develop trust and empathy.

Lesson progress:

Greeting participants and relieving tension Developing group members' trust in each other.


1 exercise.

greeting ritual.

2 exercise.

The game "Transplantation by signs"

Purpose: awakening Time: 5 min.

Everyone sits in a circle. First, the leader, and then each participant calls a sign, and those who have this sign must stand up and change places.

3 exercise.

Exercise "Rock"

Purpose: Cohesion, diagnostics of interpersonal relationships (for leaders).

Time: 10-15min.

One participant is a climber, the group lines up, imitating a rock. The task of the climber is to go along the cliff, overcoming obstacles. Having passed the path, the climber stands at the end of the line and adjoins the rock, the next participant begins the path.

4 exercise.

Exercise "Confidence Fall"

Purpose: Trust, awareness of one's fears in relationships with others Time: 15 min.

Work in pairs, one by one with each participant. The task, standing with your back to your partner, fall into his arms. Conducted in turn with each member of the group.

After the game, the participants sit in a circle.

Questions of the facilitator: what was easier for you to do, fall or catch, what feelings did you experience at the same time, are there situations in real life where you experience such feelings.

5 exercise.

Exercise "Blind and guide"

Purpose: Trust, awareness of one's fears in relationships with others Time: 20 min.

Pair exercise. Participants agree on who plays what role. "Blind" blindfolds with a handkerchief.

The task of the presenter: the guide to introduce his ward to the outside world, to convey his attitude. 5-7 minutes, change roles.

At the end is a discussion. What was easier, more comfortable. What thoughts and feelings arose during the game.

6 exercise.

"Truth or lie"

Purpose: The game enhances group cohesion and creates an atmosphere of openness Time: 45 min.

Group members sit in a circle; Everyone should have paper and pencil ready.

The facilitator gives the task to write to the participants three sentences relating personally to them. Of these three phrases, two must be true and one must not.

One by one, each participant reads out his phrases, all the rest try to understand what was said is true and what is not. In this case, all opinions must be justified.

7 exercise.

Summing up the day.

What was interesting, useful?

8 exercise.


Time: 10min.

Each participant says to his neighbor on the right:

"I found out about you..."

"I learned about myself..."

"I respect in you..."

Lesson 4

Purpose: To create an atmosphere of cooperation.

Lesson progress:

Welcome and Warm-up Basic exercises to create a collaborative atmosphere.

Summing up, discussion of the lesson.

1 exercise.

greeting ritual.

2 exercise.

Game: "Collective account"

Purpose: Warm-up, increasing the mutual sensitivity of group members Time: 15 min.

Participants close their eyes. The task of the group is to name the numbers from 1 to 20 in order. The conditions of the game are that each next number cannot be called by a nearby participant, you cannot call two numbers in a row to the same participant, you cannot simultaneously call a number by two or more participants. After each mistake, the host resumes the score.

3 exercise.

Building a bridge Goal: Understanding your roles in group interaction Time: 25 min.

Required materials: A lot of A4 paper, a glass of water The group is divided into 2 subgroups.

Exercise. Build a bridge from a stack of paper across a river 50 cm wide. The bridge must withstand a glass of water. Runtime 15 min.

At the end of the game we check the results.


What roles did you see? Leader, performer, idea generator, etc.

What role did you play?

4 exercise.

Game "Car with character"

Purpose: group bonding.

Running time: 20 minutes.

Game stages:

Tell us about the goals of the game. The whole group must build an imaginary car. Its details are only well-coordinated and varied movements and exclamations of the players. In this case, each participant will have to carefully monitor the actions of other team members. You can't talk during the game.

Have one volunteer (player #1) come to the middle of the circle and tell him, “I want you to start doing some repetitive movements now. Maybe you want to alternately stretch your arms up, or stroke your stomach with your right hand, or one leg. Any action is fine, but you must repeat it continuously. If you like, you can accompany your movements with exclamations. "

When player #1 decides on his actions, he becomes the first part of the machine. Now the next volunteer can become the second part.

Player #2, for his part, performs moves that complement the action of the first player. If, for example, player #1 looks up, pats his stomach, and at the same time says “Ah” and “Oh” alternately in between, then player #2 can stand behind and each time player #1 says “Ah”, spread hands, and at the final "Oh" bounce once. He can also stand sideways to player number 1, put his right hand on his head and at the same time say "Ay", and for his "Ay" choose the moment between "Ah" and "Oh".

When the movements of the first volunteers are sufficiently coordinated, a third player can join them. Each player must become a new part of the growing machine and try to make it more interesting and multifaceted. Everyone can choose a place for himself where he could settle down, as well as come up with his own action and exclamations.

When all players are involved. You can let the fantasy machine run for half a minute at the pace the group has chosen. Then suggest that the speed of work increase slightly, then slow down slightly, then start to stop. Eventually the car will fall apart.

Game discussion:

Was the group able to create an interesting car?

Has the machine been running for some time without interruption?

At what point did you become a part of a machine?

How did you come up with your actions?

Was it difficult to stick to a single rhythm and pace of work?

What happened when the car speeded up or slowed down?

Was it difficult to disassemble the car?

How did the fact that you were not allowed to talk to each other affect your work?


Participants, breaking up in fours or fives, can depict real-life mechanisms, units, machines: an alarm clock, a coffee grinder, a motor, a glider. Players can build a machine that allegorizes a conceptual concept, such as a machine for love, war, peace, and so on.

5 exercise.

Summing up the day.

What was interesting, useful?

6 exercise.

Exercise "Any number"

Purpose: a way to test the skills of training participants to understand each other without words.

Rules of conduct: The leader calls by name of any of the players. He should instantly name some number from one to a number equal to the number of group members. The host commands: "Three-four!". At the same time, as many players as the number named must stand up. In this case, the player who called this random number can stand up himself, or can remain seated.

In a classic group of twelve to fifteen people, the error usually does not exceed one person. One of the participants quickly realizes that there are win-win options: you need to either name "one" and jump up yourself, or name the number of members of the group, and then everyone will stand up. It is better for the facilitator to stop the game after one or two successful attempts: the participants are left with a sense of increased group cohesion.

Lesson 5

Lesson progress:

1 exercise.

greeting ritual.

2 exercise.

Target. Expression with a mood color palette at the start of a session.

Exercise. Express your mood by holding up a color card, explaining why this particular color was chosen.

3exercise A short lecture on the importance of being able to understand other people's emotions and control your own.

4 exercise.

Game "Broken phone"

Purpose: to learn to understand and convey emotions.

Participants stand in a column one at a time. The leader stands at the end of the column. Thus, all participants have their backs turned to him. With a pat on the shoulder, he offers to turn to face him in front of the standing participant. Then he gestures to show any emotion (joy, sadness, delight, surprise, admiration, etc.). The first participant turns to face the second and also asks him to turn around with a tap on the shoulder and shows the emotion that the first one conveyed to him, the second passes to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on. The last participant names the emotion that was conveyed to him. Conditions: everything is done silently, only with gestures, you can only ask to repeat, the participants should not turn around until the previous participant slaps him on the shoulder.

5 exercise.

Summing up the day.

What was interesting, useful?

6 exercise.

Exercise "My mood today"

Target. Expression using the color palette of mood from the exercises proposed in the lesson.

Materials needed: multi-colored cards.

Exercise. Express your mood at the end of the lesson by holding up a color card, explain why this particular color was chosen.

Instruction. Express your mood, associate it with the color that best reflects yours. emotional condition"here" and "now".

Lesson 6

Purpose: To learn to recognize the emotions of another person and control their own.

Lesson progress:

Greeting each other by the participants, inclusion in the work.

The main part of the lesson, aimed at understanding emotions Summing up, discussion of the lesson.

1 exercise.

greeting ritual.

2 exercise.

Exercise "Tangled chains"

Target: psychological exercise to warm up the trainees.

Participants stand in a circle, close their eyes and extend their right hand in front of them. When confronted, hands clasp. Then the participants extend their left arms and again look for a partner. The facilitator helps the hands connect and makes sure that everyone is holding two people's hands, not just one. Participants open their eyes. They should unravel without unclenching their hands. To avoid dislocations of the hands in the joints, it is allowed to "rotate the hinges" - changing the position of the hands without disengaging the hands. As a result, the following options are possible: either a circle is formed, or several linked rings of people, or several independent circles or pairs.

3 exercise.

Game "Emotions"

Purpose: a technique aimed at improving the accuracy of perception of a communication partner.

Time: 40 min.

Necessary materials: sets of game cards of 6 pieces with pictures, which depict manifestations of emotions in facial expressions, and game tables at which the players are located.

The plot of the game: depends on the option chosen by the presenter. The main idea of ​​the game plot is to identify and name a) an emotion that will be experienced by the majority/minority of the participants in a certain (given) situation; b) a partner in the game who is experiencing the same / different emotion as the player himself in a certain (given) situation. Depending on the accuracy of perception (guessing), the player gains/loses points. According to the results of the game, the most "empathetic" player is named.

During the game, players are given sets of cards. The players receive an explanation as to which emotion is graphically depicted on each card.

Then there is a trial run. The facilitator announces the situation in which each of the participants conditionally falls, for example: "For the examination work, you get a mark of "5" with two pluses." Participants must put on the game table reverse side a card depicting the emotional state that the participant will have in this situation. After that, the players draw lots: "agreement" or "mismatch". At the same time, the players must name one of the participants. If they were given the “match” lot, they must name the person who laid out the same card with him. In the case of a "disagreement" lot, the name of the person who placed the other card must be called. In this case, the lot is kept secret until all the cards are revealed. Then the cards are revealed. If the player correctly named the partner's name, he gets 1 point, if he made a mistake - minus one point. Next, a new situation is read out, and so on.

During the game, the following rules must be observed:

It is forbidden to intentionally reveal your cards and demonstrate your choice before the leader's signal.

If a player declares that all his partners made the same move as he did, or no one made such a move, and this is confirmed when the cards are revealed, he gets plus five points, if not confirmed, then he gets minus five points.

Each new phase of the game begins after the previous one. The sequence of game phases is as follows:

a) reading the situation by the moderator;

b) laying out game cards;

c) distribution of lots;

d) selection of a participant according to the task;

e) disclosure of cards;

e) evaluation of results.

At the beginning of the game, it is necessary to provide an informational part, when the host explains the concept of emotion, and reports it. psychological content. The facilitator's message should be tailored to the audience and the context of the situation.

Before starting the game, it is necessary to explain that the proposed game is not a card game, although cards are used in it, points are being counted. The most important acquisition in this game will be a deeper understanding of other people, their characteristics, motives.

The facilitator should take part in the discussion, encourage participants to analyze their experiences. Special attention should be addressed to those participants who often make the move "all" or "no one". As a rule, such behavior indicates not being involved in the game or switching from its meaningful aspect (comprehension of the experiences of another person) to the formal one (to earn more points).

It is very important for the facilitator to organize a discussion of emotional reactions. As a rule, the discussion is about the causes of this particular emotion. Often, however, seemingly implausible reactions are put forward. For example, for the situation “You get an A with two pluses for a math test,” one of the schoolgirls posted the “anger, rage” card, explaining that the teacher simply mocks her if she gave such a mark for such work.

Despite the fact that psychological defense is often implemented in this way, sometimes it is worth asking the audience to think about what might be behind this emotion in a given situation, what might cause this emotion: individual features, features of the experience (the student thought about a particular teacher who caused her aggression), etc.

It is very important not to impose your opinion on the players or talk about the inadequacy of the choice. As a rule, the question is raised by the players themselves. Moreover, the opinion about the adequacy-inadequacy of a particular emotion can be used to organize the discussion of certain concepts (if this is a training lesson in psychology), for example, frustration, anxiety, psychological defense, empathy. At almost every game, the problem of experiencing the so-called "wrong feelings" arises.

The game requires some preliminary preparation ("warm-up"). You need to start the game, if possible, with comic situations. And only in the case of high involvement and lack of resistance to offer situations that cause anxiety. The leader should be especially attentive if the group members are completely unfamiliar with each other or have known each other for a long time (study group). In this case, resistance is also possible. As experience shows, in each group there was a participant who played for the result and did not accept the content side of the game. In this case, the rules fundamentally do not provide for penalties. It is very important for the leader himself to respond correctly to the situation. Under no circumstances should you rate such a player or encourage any ratings of other participants. We usually say that the game has two plans - quantitative (scoring more points) and meaningful (learning to understand the other person). It is also advisable for the leader to pay attention to the fact that the strategy of "scoring" is immediately monitored by the other players. In addition, it is simply unprofitable to play dishonestly (especially in a large audience). As a methodical technique for overcoming such resistance, we can recommend starting the game with a "soft" variant.

With such a conduct, the value of the lot that has fallen is converted into "the largest number" - "the smallest number". The participants in the game do not call the name of the person, but the card that is most (least) represented on the gaming table. The change in comparison with the main variant is in the feeling of not one partner, but the mood (settings) of the group. This option, compared to the main one, usually causes less resistance. In addition, in this version of the game, participants make fewer mistakes. The difficulty lies in ensuring the dynamics of the game and holding a meaningful discussion, as well as fixing the results.

4 exercise.

Class discussion.

What is interesting, useful?

5 exercise.

Each participant names their emotion and thanks everyone for the activity.

Lesson 7

Greeting participants, warm-up, stress relief.

Basic group building exercises.

Summing up, discussion of the lesson.

1 exercise.

greeting ritual.

2 exercise.

Exercise "Shower"

Purpose: the game uninhibits, relaxes, helps to relieve tension, activates attention, stimulates observation.

Time: 5 min.

The leader is in a circle, he makes certain movements, and everyone repeats these movements in a circle. Since he turns to face each, and only after that the player begins to perform the movement, and performs it until the leader turns in a circle and gives a new movement, then one movement is performed in increasing, and the second - in decreasing.

Types of movements:

1 circle - rubbing the palms;

2 circle - snapping fingers;

3 circle - pat on the thighs;

4 circle - patting on the thighs, supplemented by trampling.

3 exercise.

Exercise "Kind animal"

Purpose: to promote the unity of the children's team, to teach children to understand the feelings of others, to provide support and empathy.

The host says in a quiet, mysterious voice: Please stand in a circle and hold hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes! Now let's breathe together! Inhale - take a step forward, exhale - step back. And now on the inhale we take 2 steps forward, on the exhale - 2 steps back. Inhale - 2 steps forward. Exhale - 2 steps back.

So not only does the animal breathe, its big kind heart beats just as clearly and evenly. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back, etc. We all take the breath and heartbeat of this animal to ourselves.

4 exercise.

Exercise "I'll tell you about my master"

Purpose: to include the participants of the training in group work.

Participants are invited to choose a personal item (comb, handbag, fountain pen ...) and on his behalf to introduce their owner and tell something interesting or remarkable about him (how this person differs from others). The facilitator introduces himself first, then the assistant, then the rest of the group as soon as they are ready. Then, those who wish can ask questions (each performance is two, three minutes).

Approximate presentation scheme:

Who is he (name, what does he do, main interests);

What are your goals for this training?

What do you expect from upcoming classes?

What can and what is ready to do in the group to achieve the goals.

5 exercise.

Purpose: to practice high level interaction between each other and to increase the sense of belonging to the group.

Time: 30 minutes.

Stages of the game:

Invite the participants to walk around the room, do two or three simple exercises. Explain that physical activity promotes mental activity.

First round: "Find all participants who were born in the same part of the country or world as you. This must be done as soon as possible ..." (If people in your group are from the same city, residents of the same area can search for each other , counties, etc.) Make sure that the participants complete the task really quickly! Once the appropriate teams are formed, invite each team member to briefly describe where they live. In this case, you will be sure that the task is completed correctly.

Second round: "Quickly find players who were born under the same constellation as you..." Formed teams can be asked to show their constellation.

Third round: "Find as quickly as possible all the participants who have the same number of brothers and sisters as you do. The only children are going to their team ..."


Other signs by which commands can be formed:

a similar life situation or a similar occupation (to facilitate the task, you yourself can suggest several options);

same eye color

the same mood

overall favorite color.

6 exercise.

Summing up the day.

What was interesting, useful?

7 exercise.

Web Purpose: Creates a sense of group integrity.

Time: 10-15 min.

Materials needed: a ball of thread All participants sit in a circle. The leader has a ball of thread. He leaves the end of the thread with him and passing the ball to the participant says to him "Name, I like you because ...". And so is every participant. You can transfer the ball to any member of the group. The threads must be left with you, and the ball must be transferred.

After all the participants are entangled in one web, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the group. Next, the ball needs to be wound back, giving it to the one who handed it to you with the words "Thank you Name, for the fact that you consider me ..."

Lesson 8

Purpose: Group cohesion Course of the lesson:

Summing up, discussion of the lesson.

1 exercise.

greeting ritual.

2 exercise.

Exercise "Inflatable doll"

Purpose: The exercise is aimed at overcoming the stiffness and tension of the group members, at training muscle relaxation.

The presenter plays the role of a "pump": he makes movements with his hands that imitate the work with a pump, and makes characteristic sounds. The group members first sit relaxed in their chairs, their heads are lowered, their arms hang languidly along their bodies. With each movement of the “pump”, the “rubber dolls” begin to “inflate”: the participants straighten up, raise their heads, tighten their arms, and finally stand up in full height with arms outstretched and legs apart. After a few seconds, the host "pulls out the plug" from the "doll", and the players with a hiss ("shhhh!") relax and gradually squat down. The game can be repeated two or three times. The game does not require discussion.

3 exercise Exercise "Crane"

Purpose: team building exercise.

One of the participants in the game lies on the floor (chairs, bench), and the rest of the participants raise it, supporting each with one hand. Under friendly joint conditions, the group easily lifts any member, even the heaviest. Those who are raised invent a role for themselves and communicate it to everyone. Roles can be as follows:

coach of the winning team;

the colonel who won the battle;

a ballerina who shot up in a dance;

a swimmer on the crest of a wave;

a cloud flying across the sky on a hot day;

a log on a subbotnik;

jumper hovering over the bar;

lotus flower on the surface of the lake, etc.

4 exercise Game "Killer"

Participants are given cards with the name of the role; one of the players gets the role of the killer. He will have to "shoot" all the inhabitants of a peaceful city, he does this with the help of a wink. To whom he winks with one eye (unnoticed by the others), he is considered killed, after which the "corpse" folds his arms in a "cross" on his chest. Players "civilians" have to find the killer. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

Having found the "killer", the witness raises his hand, declaring: "I am a witness", after which he waits for the next witness.

Prosecution is possible with two or more witnesses.

After, at the expense of the host, at the expense of three, the witnesses, without agreeing, must point to one person

both players name the same person-killer, i.e. versions are correct. In this case, the killer "dies", the inhabitants win.

both players point to different people. In this case, the truth-seekers themselves die (folding their hands), even if one of those named was really a killer (which the presenter himself knows about).

any influence on the game of the "dead" must be strictly suppressed.

Information for discussion:

what feelings does a person experience when he makes a confession and is not completely sure that he is right?

what is the victim experiencing?

How does it feel to be an innocent person who has been accused of murder?

what does he feel when he sees that he has unwittingly caused the death of other people? etc.

After the exposure, the city "falls asleep", and the former "killer" chooses a successor for himself, touching his shoulder twice. He himself becomes the leader for the next game.

Exercise 5 Exercise "Let's say hello"

Purpose: relieving muscle tension, switching attention.

At the signal of the leader, the children begin to randomly move around the room and greet everyone who meets on their way (and it is possible that one of the children will specifically seek to say hello to the one who usually does not pay attention to him). You need to say hello in a certain way:

1 clap - shake hands;

2 claps - greet with shoulders;

3 claps - greet with backs.

Changing partners in the game will help get rid of the feeling of alienation. For completeness of tactile sensations, it is desirable to introduce a ban on conversations during this game.

6 exercise.

Summing up the day.

What was interesting, useful?

7 exercise.

My mood.

Each participant takes turns talking about their mood and whether it has changed after the session.

Lesson 9

Purpose: Group cohesion Course of the lesson:

Greeting group members, exercises to include in the work.

The main part of the lesson, aimed at uniting the group.

Summing up, discussion of the lesson.

1 exercise.

greeting ritual.

2 exercise.

Exercise-game "Tick-tock"

Goal: relieve stress, activate attention.

Time: 5-7 min.

Participants give each other a sound transmission: “tic” - to the right, “tock” - to the left in a circle. "Boom" - means a change in the direction of sound transmission. Any participant in the game has the right to change the direction of the transfer.

3 exercise.

Exercise "Funny drawing"

Purpose: team building, emancipation of emotions, development of imagination.

Attach a sheet of paper to the door, wall. The players line up. The teacher blindfolds the first one, brings him to the "easel", gives him a felt-tip pen and says that now everyone will draw one cow, elephant, hare, princess, etc.

Everyone takes turns blindfolded and fills in the missing details. Well, it turns out to be a funny picture!

4 exercise.

Exercise "Tower of Babel"

Purpose: used in team building trainings.

Materials: colored markers, flipchart, pre-prepared individual tasks.

Individual tasks: briefly written on separate sheets, each sheet is strictly confidential to one participant. For example, "The tower must have 10 floors" - a sheet with such an inscription is given to one participant, he has no right to show it to anyone, he must make sure that the tower drawn together has exactly 10 floors! The second task: "The whole tower has a brown outline" is a task for the next participant. "A blue flag flies over the tower", "There are only 6 windows in the tower", etc.

Conditions: Participants are not allowed to talk or use their voice in any way. It is necessary to jointly draw the Tower of Babel. For excitement, a stopwatch is connected 5 exercise.


The purpose of the training: Increasing the effectiveness of interaction with business partners. Tasks:

1) Mastering the concept of communicative competence;

2) Practicing active listening skills:

  • formulating the right questions
  • "small talk"
  • clarifications and prompting to expand the answer
  • paraphrasing
  • interpretations

3) Practicing one of the descent techniques emotional stress- verbalization of emotional states;

4) Practicing the skills of making contact using non-verbal signals conducive to contact.

Number of participants: 10 - 12 people

Training duration: 2 days (16 hours)

10.00 – 11.10 Acquaintance, rules

The goal for the participants is to get to know each other's names and get a first impression of each other's personality traits.

An additional goal of the trainer: to make the first approximate diagnosis of the participants' communication skills and their personal qualities.

The coach takes the place in the circle that is convenient for him.

The coach says, “So, let’s get started. Our training is called "training of communicative competence". Each person present must give their name. And after that he will say that in him or his personality helps him in business communication with other people, and what hinders. At the same time, it is important to talk not about external circumstances, but about your own qualities. So, everyone names two of his qualities, and before each of them talks about himself, he must repeat the words of the neighbor on the right. During the performance, the participants also reveal those qualities that they do not at all name out loud.

After that, the expectations of each of the participants from this training are specified (what do you expect from the training, what should change after it).

break 10 min

11.20 – 13.00 Practicing repetition techniques

The trainer offers to get acquainted with the definitions of business interaction, business conversation, communicative competence, communicative skills and communicative techniques. After that, it is proposed to concentrate on the first group of skills - active listening. On the board, the trainer draws a diagram of active listening techniques (Appendix 1). And he moves on to working out the first technique of active listening - the technique of repetition.

Purpose: practicing the ability to verbatim repeat what was said by the partner.

Exercise "Detective"

Participants are offered to play a detective game, in which everyone will be the author of this detective story. The coach comes up with the first phrase, for example: “Early in the morning, Miss Marple heard a phone call,” after which he passes the ball to one of the participants, who will have to continue to compose this detective story. But before uttering the next phrase, he must repeat exactly what the coach said. The next participant will have to repeat what the previous one said, and then say their phrase.

After the exercise is completed, the trainer proceeds to discuss the exercise:

  • What was more difficult - writing your own phrase or repeating someone else's?
  • Why?

Exercise: Participants are divided into pairs. One of the partners pronounces certain theses (on any topic), and the task of the other is to insert quotes from the partner’s statements into their own phrases. Then they switch roles.

break 15 min

13.15 – 15.00 Practicing paraphrasing technique

Purpose: to develop the ability to convey the essence of what was said in your own words.

The trainer puts the participants into teams. Each team will remember some quatrain from a famous poem. It is necessary to rephrase the stanza in such a way that each word in it is conveyed by a different word or phrase. For example, "I" can be turned into "author", "road" - "on the way", etc. It is important that the others can guess which poem was paraphrased.

Discussion of the exercise:

What should be the paraphrase so that it most accurately reflects the essence of the original text?

After the discussion, it is proposed to turn to the handouts (Appendix 3) and talk about what gives us the ability to paraphrase what the partner said.

Role play What's the matter? »

Participants are invited to divide into three groups, each of which must come up with a problem situation. The group must inform a participant from another group of certain unpleasant news for him. For example, to inform that not he, but another candidate will be included in the project team. The task of the partner: to achieve the most complete understanding of the position of his interlocutor. He should try to do this with paraphrasing and repetition techniques.

After that, a discussion of the results, difficulties and sensations from the game is expected.

break 15.00 – 16.00

16.00 – 17.40 Interpretation technique development

Purpose: developing the ability to formulate one's assumptions about the reasons or goals of the partner's statement.

Participants are encouraged to practice their ability to formulate test hypotheses. One of the participants should talk about some of his actions, perhaps about one that he himself does not fully understand. Then each of the participants can ask him a trial question, which will begin with the words: “Maybe you ...”. When the participant feels that he was correctly understood, the interpretation session will end.

Discussion of the exercise:

What questions were most successful in clarifying the reasons or purposes of the other person's statement?

Participants turn to handouts (Appendix 4). Further, it is proposed to divide into threes, where one of the participants will be the supervisor, the other will be the operator, and the third will be the “complainer”. The task of the participants is to use the technique of interpretation. After that, everyone again sits in a circle and discusses what worked and what didn’t.

17.40 – 18.00 Summing up the day

  • What was especially memorable?
  • What was the most important for everyone?
  • What did you like and what didn't you like?
  • Who would like to add something else?

10.00 – 11.30 Developing the ability to ask open-ended questions

Exercise "Pum-pum-pum"

Purpose: to provide an opportunity to verify the value open questions to understand your partner.

The essence of the game is that the participants, by asking open-ended questions, must guess some objective sign (pum-pum-pum) that some members of the group have, suggested by the leader. You can’t ask just one question: “What is pum-pum-pum?”.

After the end of the exercise, the trainer asks what are the advantages and disadvantages of open-ended questions. The results of the discussion can be presented in the form of a diagram on the board.

Next, participants are invited Handout, which describes all the nuances of asking questions (Appendix 5). Perhaps, for greater structure, the trainer should give a classification of questions (closed, open and alternative).

Role-playing game "Challenger"

Among the participants, an applicant for a job in an agency is selected, and the rest of the group members are, as it were, employers for a job. The task of the participants playing the role of personnel managers is to establish the true motives of the applicant's admission to this organization by asking open questions.

After the end of the game, the participants discuss the results of the game. As a rule, it turns out that open-ended and neutral questions are the most informative.

Break 15 min

11.45 – 13.15 Practicing small talk techniques

The trainer selects several participants, with each of whom starts a small conversation with him, using small talk techniques (quoting a partner, positive statements, informing, an interesting story).

After that, he invites the group to analyze these examples of a small conversation and highlight techniques that help to talk and arrange a partner (records the results on a flip chart).

Further, the trainer tells what elements a small talk is divided into, what mistakes can arise in connection with this and how to avoid them. Distributes materials that can be used in the next task (Appendix 6).

The following exercise is suggested:

Participants should be divided into groups (a group of positive statements, a group of information, a group of an interesting story and a group of quoting). Each of the groups must choose a target person from the opposite group and prepare a script for a small conversation with her in their own technique. Presentations begin in 15 minutes.

After the conversation is over, the trainer asks the target person questions:

Was this conversation pleasant and interesting for you?

"Would you like to continue the conversation?"

“What exactly was interesting and enjoyable?”

Then he offers to sum up: “What helps to arrange a partner for a conversation?”.

lunch break

14.15 – 15.45 Practicing the technique of verbalization of feelings

Exercise "Respectful verbalization"

Purpose: developing the ability to use more respectful language to verbalize emotional states.

Participants pair up in a circle. Those who are in a pair sitting on the right will be attackers. Those on the left are tension regulators (their job is to reduce tension through respectful verbalization of feelings). Each pair is given a few minutes to prepare, after which each pair must take turns demonstrating their skits. After the skit is over, the trainer asks the group if it was done in a respectful, efficient manner.

At the end of the exercise, the trainer discusses with the group which formulations were most effective and writes them down on the board.

Exercise "Lamination by poles"

To complete the exercise, you will need two leaders, who will have to determine the personal properties of other people according to the observed signs. The facilitators will leave the room for a few minutes, and when they return, two groups of people will be formed, representing two poles (two polar qualities), for example: overly cautious - reckless / aggressive - malleable, etc. The task of the facilitators is to give both groups some tasks. It is necessary to come up with such tasks that the whole team will perform them, and by the way the teams will perform the tasks, the leaders will be able to understand what is the difference between them.

After completing the exercise, the group discusses what happened.

break 15 min

16.00 – 17.30 Non-verbal components of communication

The trainer should then say something meaningful and practical about what non-verbal cues are important in active listening. The trainer invites the participants to consider the phases of a business conversation: making contact, orientation in the problem, discussion and solution. In the phase of making contact, the non-verbal components of communication are very important. Participants are given materials (Appendix 8).

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MASTER CLASS Communicative competence of teachers Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten"Sunshine" p. Savinsky senior teacher Bondarenko Tatyana Sergeevna

"Let's say hello" Relieve muscle tension, switch attention

Eastern parable

"Son, you behaved well, but look how many holes are left on the gate. They will never be the same again. When you swear at someone and say unpleasant things to him, you leave him wounds like those on the gate" .

Analysis of the level of sociability of teachers Results of the analysis of the test-questionnaire of V.F. Ryakhovsky

Game-acquaintance "Dancing in a circle" The game helps to increase activity, unite the team of parents, children and teachers

Exercise "Elephant welcomes" Kinesiology games and exercises to activate the parts of the cerebral cortex, develop human abilities, correct problems in various areas of the psyche, develop communication skills (Kinesio - game)

Game-greeting "Friend to friend" I will say which parts of the body will need to "greet" each other very quickly. When I say: “Friend to friend! ”, you must change partners. Forms social interaction skills

Exercise "Caterpillar" serves to overcome interpersonal barriers in communication, helps to form social interaction skills

"Hello, my dear" Guessing the emotional state by intonation

The game "Magic Chair" Who is the most beautiful today, Who is the happiest of all today, Hurry up - Sit on the Magic Chair! Helps to increase self-esteem, improve relationships in the team

Signs of people with high communicative competence: - fast, timely and accurate orientation in the situation; - the desire to understand another person in the context of the situation; - self-confidence, adequate involvement in the situation; - possession of the situation, flexibility, readiness to take the initiative in communication or transfer it to a partner; - greater satisfaction with communication; - the ability to communicate effectively in different status-role positions, establishing and maintaining the required working contacts independently, and sometimes contrary to established relationships; - high status and popularity in the team; - the ability to organize friendly teamwork; - the ability to create a favorable climate in the team.



Sample code of communication with parents:

Sample code of communication with parents:

  1. Always strive to be good mood and be pleasant in communication.
  2. Try to feel the emotional state of the interlocutor.
  3. Finding an opportunity to tell parents something positive about the child every time is The best way arrange them for yourself.
  4. Give parents a chance to speak without interrupting them.
  5. Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good manners and tact.
  6. In a difficult situation, try to set an example of compliance - you can’t drop your dignity by doing this, but you can strengthen it.

Sample code of communication with parents:

1. Always strive to be in a good mood and be pleasant in communication.

2. Try to feel the emotional state of the interlocutor.

3. Finding an opportunity to tell parents something positive about the child every time is the best way to win them over.

4. Give parents the opportunity to speak without interrupting them.

5. Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good manners and tact.

6. In a difficult situation, try to set an example of compliance - you cannot drop your dignity by this, but you can strengthen it.



(Test by V.F. Ryakhovsky)





Response score:


(Test by V.F. Ryakhovsky)

The test contains the ability to determine the level of sociability of a person. The questions should be answered using three response options - “yes”, “sometimes”, “no”.

Instruction: Here are a few simple questions for you. Answer quickly, unequivocally: “yes”, “sometimes”, “no”.



You have an ordinary or business meeting. Does her anticipation unsettle you?

Do you feel embarrassed and dissatisfied with the assignment to make a report, message, information at any conference, meeting or that other event?

Are you postponing a visit to the doctor until the last moment?

You are offered to go on a business trip to a city where you have never been. Will you make every effort to avoid this business trip?

Do you enjoy sharing your experiences with anyone?

Do you get annoyed if a stranger on the street turns to you with a request (show the way, tell the time, answer some question)?

Do you believe that there is a problem of "fathers and sons" and that it is difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?

Are you embarrassed to remind a friend that he forgot to pay you back the money he borrowed a few months ago?

In a restaurant or in the dining room, you were served a clearly poor-quality dish. Will you keep silent, only angrily pushing the plate away?

Once you are alone with a stranger, you will not enter into a conversation with him and will be burdened if he speaks first. Is it so?

You are horrified by any long queue, wherever it is (in a store, library, box office, cinema). Do you prefer to abandon your intention, or will you stand behind and languish in anticipation?

Are you afraid to participate in any commission to review conflict situations?

You have your own purely individual criteria for evaluating works of literature, art, culture, and you do not accept any other people's opinions on this matter. This is true?

Having heard somewhere on the sidelines an obviously erroneous point of view on a matter well known to you, do you prefer to remain silent and not enter into a conversation

Do you get frustrated when someone asks you to help sort out a particular service issue or study topic?

Are you more willing to express your point of view (opinion, assessment) in writing than orally?


Response score:

"yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points.

The points received are summed up, and the classifier determines which category they belong to.

test classifier.

30-31 points . You are clearly uncommunicative, and this is your misfortune, since you yourself suffer the most from this. You are difficult to rely on in a matter that requires group effort. Try to be more sociable, control yourself.

25-29 points . You are closed, taciturn, prefer solitude, so you have few friends. New job and the need for new contacts take you out of balance for a long time. You know this feature and are dissatisfied with yourself.

19-24 points. You are sociable to a certain extent and feel quite confident in unfamiliar surroundings. New challenges don't scare you. And yet with new people converge with caution, you are reluctant to participate in disputes and disputes. There is too much sarcasm in your statements sometimes.

14-18 points . You have good communication skills. You are inquisitive, willingly listen to an interesting interlocutor, patient enough in communication, defend your point of view without irascibility. Feel free to meet new people.

9-13 points. You are very sociable. Curious, talkative, like to speak out on various issues. Willingly meet new people. Love to be the center of attention, do not refuse requests to anyone. It happens that they are quick-tempered, but quickly move away.

4-8 points. Sociability beats out of you. You are always aware of everything. You love to take part in all discussions. Willingly take the floor on any issue, even if you have a superficial idea about it. Everywhere you feel at ease. You take on any business, although you can not always bring it to the end.

3 points or less. Your communication skills are painful. You are talkative, verbose, interfering in matters that have nothing to do with you. You undertake to judge a problem in which you are completely incompetent. Willingly or not, you often cause conflicts. Quick-tempered, touchy, often biased.

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Communication Competence Training


1. Improving communication skills, increasing self-confidence, developing self-regulation skills.

2. Removal of barriers and fears in the process of interpersonal interaction.

3. Increasing the cohesion of the group.

1.correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of students; 2.harmonization of interpersonal relations, strengthening the team spirit of athletes; 3.strengthening self-confidence, the will to win in the pursuit of personal and team achievements.


Teenagers 11-14, involved in youth sports school No. 1, total number - 11 people training communication teenager

Total duration (in astro hours) - 9.

Forms and methods of work:

1. warming up exercises;

2. modeling situations in role-playing games;

3. exercises in pairs, groups;

4. mini-lectures;

5. group discussions.

Thematic lesson plan

Blocks of work

Topics and Forms of Work


The first day. We get to know each other.


Greeting, introduction of the facilitators, goals and objectives of the training.

Group principles:

· Activity. Sharing of responsibility, the result depends on you, we organize the situation

· Privacy. Non-disclosure of information about participants

· Here and now, we talk about feelings in the present tense, we discuss the situation in a specific situation at the training;

Constructive feedback (with positive intent)

Discipline (mobile phones, being late, etc.)

Game "Molecules"

Members of the group - "atoms" - move freely around the room to the music. At the signal of the leader (clap), the atoms unite into molecules by 2 people, then by 3, and so on. At the end of the exercise, the whole group comes together.

relieve tension, create a friendly environment


The magic of our name

Fantasy game.

Participants are divided into pairs. Partners introduce themselves by name and discuss:

Who did I get my name from?

Which of my friends (relatives) has the same name?

Are my namesakes among famous people?

· Do I know literary or film characters bearing the same name?

· How does the name affect my behavior in life?

Assignment to the group - everyone must invent a story and tell it to their partner. The hero of the story bears the name of the narrator.

The partner should silently listen to the story with interest and at the same time try to understand what kind of person the narrator is.

At the end of the game, all members come together. Each of the participants introduces their partner and tries to characterize his personality. The purpose of the presentation is to present the partner's personality from different, sometimes unexpected sides.


Game "Associations"

The leader is selected, goes out the door. One of the participants comes up with associations for himself. What animal, bird, tree, flower, any object do I look like.

The leader returns to the group. The leader of the training voices associations. The task is to guess the person. 3 tries. Each of the participants should be in the role of a leader and a guesser.

At the end we discuss: what was the most difficult, what new things did you learn about each other, about yourself. 5-7 min.

The exercise helps to get to know each other better, to find out the hidden, personal information about each other, engages the intuition of the participants, helps to revise the usual stereotypes

Summing up the day.

Rank: What was interesting useful?

End of the 1st day (total time 1 hour 40 min.)

Second day. We develop trust and empathy.


The game "Transplantation by signs"

Exercise "Confidence Fall"

Work in pairs, one by one with each participant. The task, standing with your back to your partner, fall into his arms. Conducted in turn with each member of the group.

After the game, the participants sit in a circle.

Questions of the facilitator: what was easier for you to do, fall or catch, what feelings did you experience at the same time, are there situations in real life where you experience such feelings.

Trust, awareness of one's fears in relationships with others

Blind and guide

Pair exercise. Participants agree on who plays what role. "Blind" blindfolds with a handkerchief.

The task of the presenter: the guide to acquaint his ward with the outside world, to convey his attitude. 5-7 minutes, change roles.

At the end is a discussion. What was easier, more comfortable. What thoughts and feelings arose during the game.

Truth or lie

Group members sit in a circle; Everyone should have paper and pencil ready.

1. The facilitator gives the task to write to the participants three sentences relating to them personally. Of these three phrases, two must be true and one must not.

2. One by one, each participant reads out his phrases, everyone else tries to understand what was said is true and what is not. In this case, all opinions must be justified.

The game enhances group cohesion and creates an atmosphere of openness


"I found out about you..."

"I learned about myself..."

"I respect you..."

Day three. We create an atmosphere of cooperation.

Warm up

The game "Collective score"

Participants close their eyes. The task of the group is to name the numbers from 1 to 20 in order. The conditions of the game are that each next number cannot be called by a nearby participant, you cannot call two numbers in a row to the same participant, you cannot simultaneously call a number by two or more participants. After each mistake, the host resumes the score.

Increasing the mutual sensitivity of group members

Building a bridge

The group is divided into 2 subgroups.

Exercise. Build a bridge from a stack of paper across a river 50 cm wide. The bridge must withstand a glass of water. Runtime 15 min.

At the end of the game we check the results.


What roles did you see? Leader, performer, idea generator, etc.

What role did you play?

Awareness of their roles in group interaction

Game "Car"

The task is to design a car. Parts - members of the group. After 15 minutes, you must present your car in action and explain what it consists of, what function each participant performs.

Discussion and analysis of results.

How were the roles chosen?

Are you satisfied with your role?

Does this role coincide with the one you usually play in life?

Why were you chosen for this role?

Collective group drawing

Task: Draw a picture-collage that symbolically characterizes your team.

At the end, present a mini-presentation based on the created drawing.

Necessary material - drawing paper, paints, pre-prepared items

Helps create an atmosphere of cooperation.

Rhythm transmission

Participants easily hold each other's hands. Each one once squeezes the hand of his neighbor on the right.

Host's instruction: “Clenched hands are the signal we will use in the game. The game starts when I shake hands with my neighbor on the right. When he feels a squeeze, he must pass it to the right of his neighbor. So the handshake goes from left to right in a circle, until it comes back to me for the first time, we can work very slowly and calmly. you can take your time to pass the handshake on"

We go through several rounds. From round to round we accelerate the pace.

Symbolic game, helps to complete group work

The end of the meeting, farewell.

"Rocking Chair"

Day four. Emotions at work. We learn to feel each other.

Warm up.

Find and Touch Game

Mini lecture. "Emotions in life".

How do we react when we interact? The importance of self-regulation to increase self-worth and self-confidence.

Exercise "Sculptor and Clay"

Work in pairs.

Exercise "Cat-Dog" (+ discussion)


Four people sit in a square. Behind them, four more participants hold signs. On the plates is written the attitude or demeanor that must be demonstrated in relation to the person behind whom the plate is.

The task of the facilitator is to conduct a conversation so as to guess what kind of behavior the participants demonstrate to each other.

An exercise to develop sensitivity and determine the true attitude of others

Open and closed questions.

Participants are invited to play on the ability to ask open-ended questions.

Two teams. In each, a pair is selected, the rest are observers. One of the participants receives a card with a task. The second participant must, with the help of open questions, find out the hidden motive of the interlocutor.

Group discussion

“What helps us to help each other better?”

Day five. Team formation. (Training in natural conditions)

During the day, the children had a cohesion exercise, dynamic games and exercises that helped to consolidate the material covered.

Exercises: "Hunter and Prey", "Wave", "Find and Touch", "Rope", "Group Dance"

The day ended with the game "Mafia"

At the end of the training - the final line. Parting words of the leaders. Photographing.

Analysis of results

During the five days of the training, the group went through all the main stages of development. It began with the stage of dependent and exploratory behavior. From the state of suspicion and closeness, through exploratory interest, trust arose, a desire to establish relationships with other participants. At the stage of formation, rivalry and a desire for power manifested itself, the participants fought for leadership. Finally, at the stage of group maturity, the need for attachment came to the fore: the participants established a close emotional connection with each other.

The dynamics within the group also changed. The process rested on the resistance of the participants, expressed in violation of discipline, laughter. The facilitators had to track their feelings and work with states in order to further effectively reach constructive work. Patience, openness, trust, sincerity and the principles that we initially decided to follow in our work helped.

In general, the goal of the program can be considered achieved. The general emotional state at the end of the training is upbeat, the attitude of gratitude on the part of the participants. According to the guys, all the tasks for the trainings were useful and helped to get to know themselves and their comrades better, the experience gained helped to realize their fears, increase self-confidence, and realize stereotypes of behavior. All this, according to the guys, will help improve relationships not only with peers, but also with adults.

One of the indirect tasks of the program was to work with fears and anxiety, which can also be considered successfully achieved. Some of the fears are related to the fear of evaluation of others and the desire to maintain their status in the eyes of their peers. Often it is fear that fetters and hinders the development of sports achievements. The exercises and games in the presented training helped the children open up, relax, accept themselves and others, respect the feelings of others, which in turn also contributed to a decrease in the level of anxiety.


1. Bityanova N.P. Psychology of personal growth. M.: Mezh. ped. Academy, 1995. 2. Emelyanov Yu.N., Kuzmin E.S. Theoretical and methodological foundations of social psychological training. L.: LGU, 1983.

3. Zhukov Yu.M., Petrovskaya L.A., Rastyannikov P.V. Diagnostics and development of competence in communication. M.: MSU, 1990.

4. Zakharov V.P., Khryashcheva N.Yu. Socio-psychological training. L., 1990.

5. Melibruda E. I - You - We. Psychological opportunities to improve communication. Moscow: Progress, 1986.

6. Organization and conduct of the training: Tutorial/ Ed. A.V. Fedotova. L.: LGTU, 1991.

7. Petrovskaya L.A. Competence in communication. Socio-psychological training. M.: MGU, 1989.

8. Petrovskaya L.A. Theoretical and methodological foundations of socio-psychological training. M., 1982.

9. Workshop on socio-psychological training / Ed. B.D. Parygina. S-PB, 1994.

10. Rogers K. A look at psychotherapy. The formation of man. Moscow: Progress, 1994.

11. Rogers K. About group psychotherapy. M., 1993.

12. Romanenko O.K. Practical gestalt therapy. Moscow: Folium, 1995.

13. Rudestam K. Group psychotherapy. Moscow: Progress, 1990.

14. Sartan G.N. Psychotraining on communication for teachers and high school students. M.: Meaning, 1993.

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"Training of communicative competence for teachers"

The ability to communicate effectively is a unique ability that makes a person a successful and interesting person and allows you to achieve your goals and dreams in life.

Target: mastering the elements of feeling security, self, competence, belonging, goal setting.


    to increase the level of professional motivation to relieve fatigue, to create conditions for self-expression to develop and increase self-esteem, self-organization and self-development of the individual, to establish relationships of trust, openness, goodwill, and unity in the team.

Material and equipment for the lesson: badges for all participants (empty) for personal filling; tape recorder with medium tempo music; 4 lists for ex. “Shipwreck” (for each group); 2 sheets of whatman paper (for 2 teams), felt-tip pens, markers, A4 sheets.

Organizing time

Long ago, in an ancient city, there lived a Master surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there a question that our Master could not answer?". He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. Butterfly paws clung to his hands, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:

Tell me, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?

He firmly held the butterfly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth. Without looking at the disciple's hands, the Master replied: All in your hands.

The ability to communicate is the art of listening and hearing, the art of seeing and feeling, the ability to understand the interlocutor and convey your thoughts to him.

Dear Colleagues! Our today's training is dedicated to improving communication skills. In order for our communication to be effective, I propose to adhere to the following RULES in the process of communication:

1. Listen carefully to each other.

2. Do not interrupt the speaker.

3. Respect each other's opinions.

4. I am a statement.

5. Non-judgmental judgments.

6. Activity.

7. Rule "stop".

8. Privacy.

II. Acquaintance 1. Exercise "My name"

In training, we are given a great opportunity, usually not available in real life, to choose a name for ourselves. You have thirty seconds to think and choose a game name for yourself (it can be an object, a natural phenomenon, etc.) All other members of the group - and the facilitators too - will only contact you during the entire training this name.

Participants sign badges.

Now let's introduce ourselves to each other. Let's do it in such a way as to immediately and firmly remember all the game names.

III. Warm up

Exercise "Choose a trajectory"

This warm-up game can also be referred to as unusual ways behavioral psychodiagnostics. It can serve as a prologue to psychotechnics, focused on the development of skills to be aware of one's own preferences and inclinations.

The facilitator turns on background music (medium tempo) and gives the following instructions:

Many people have a habit, thinking about solving a complex problem, move along a closed trajectory. Someone is moving in a circle... ( shows), someone prefers to walk, making sharper turns, i.e. describing a square or rectangle ... ( shows), someone seems to be walking along the sides of the triangle... ( shows). And finally, there are people who, thinking, move along a trajectory that we call a zigzag ... ( shows). You have a few minutes to move around the room, trying out all these trajectories. You can reduce or increase the size of the described figures as you wish.

Participants begin to move around the room to the music (of course, this exercise is applicable only if the size of the room allows). The facilitator gently stops conversations: everyone needs to be able to tune in to their inner feelings. Five to seven minutes is usually enough for everyone to decide on their choice. The facilitator invites the group members to split up: "circles", "squares", "triangles" and "zigzags" occupy different corners of the room.

Now look who else was in the same group as you? Who, like you, prefers this particular figure? Apparently, something unites you, apparently, there is something similar in you, since your tastes in relation to this geometric figure coincide. Discuss in groups what are the similarities between you people who have chosen a circle, a square, a triangle, or a figure eight. Why did this figure turn out to be the most attractive for you?

After a five-minute discussion, each group presents their rationale for their choice. Participants explain why the chosen figure is preferable to the others and how people who choose this figure can be characterized. After listening to each group, the facilitator may offer to compare the points of view of the group with the opinion of psychologists working in such a direction as psychogeometry *.

* See:, Gromova for managers. L: Knowledge. 1992.

Brief psychological characteristics

basic forms of personality

based on preferences for geometric shapes

SQUARE. A square is, first of all, a tireless worker. Diligence, diligence, the need to bring the work begun to the end, perseverance, which allows you to achieve completion of the work - this is what, above all, true Squares are famous for. Endurance, patience and methodicalness usually make the Square a highly qualified specialist in his field. This is facilitated by an insatiable need for information. Squares are collectors of all sorts of data. All information is systematized, sorted out... Squares are deservedly known as erudite, at least in their field.

Mental analysis - forte Squares... Squares are extremely attentive to details, to details. Squares love once and for all routine...

Neatness, order, observance of rules and propriety can develop to a paralyzing extreme. And when the time comes to make a decision, especially one that involves risk, with a possible loss of the status quo, Squares voluntarily or involuntarily delay its adoption. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness and coldness prevent Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people. The square acts inefficiently in an amorphous situation.

TRIANGLE. This shape symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel this is their destiny. The most characteristic feature of the true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on main goal. Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and, as a rule, achieve them!

A triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right about everything! A strong need to be right and manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for themselves, but also, if possible, for others makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others. The dominant setting in any business is the setting to win, win, success! He often takes risks, is impatient and intolerant of those who hesitate in making a decision.

Triangles do not like to be wrong and have great difficulty admitting their mistakes ...

Triangles are ambitious. If it is a matter of honor for the Square to achieve highest quality work performed, then the Triangle seeks to achieve a high position, acquire a high status, in other words, make a career ...

The main negative quality of the "triangular" shape: strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. Triangles on the way to the heights of power do not show particular scrupulousness in relation to moral standards and can go to their goal over the heads of others. This is typical for "presumptuous" Triangles, which no one stopped in time. Triangles make everything and everyone revolve around themselves, without them life would lose its sharpness.

CIRCLE. It is a mythological symbol of harmony. The one who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested above all in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people, their well-being. The circle ... most often serves as the "glue" that holds both the work team and the family together, that is, it stabilizes the group ...

They have high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, sympathize, respond emotionally to the experiences of another person ... Naturally, people are drawn to Circles. Circles perfectly "read" people and in one minute are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver ...

They try to keep the peace, and for this they sometimes avoid taking a "firm" position and making unpopular decisions. For the Circle, there is nothing more difficult than to enter into interpersonal conflict. The circle is happy when everyone gets along with each other. Therefore, when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that the Circle will give in first.

Circles are not resolute, weak in "political games" and often fail to present themselves and their "team" properly. All this leads to the fact that Circles are often taken over! Stronger personalities, such as Triangles. Circles don't seem to care too much about who will hold the power. If only everyone were happy, and peace reigned around. However, in one Circles show enviable firmness. When it comes to matters of morality or violations of justice.

The main features of their style of thinking are their focus on the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find common ground even in opposing points of view. We can say that the Circle is a born psychologist.

ZIGZAG. This figure symbolizes creativity, if only because it is the most unique of all figures and the only open figure...

The dominant thinking style of the ZigZag is most often the synthetic style. Combining completely different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new, original on this basis - that's what Zigzags like. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and achieve synthesis not through concessions, but on the contrary, by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict is resolved, “removed”. Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very caustic, "opening the eyes of others" to the possibility of a new solution...

Zigzags simply cannot work productively in well-structured situations. They are annoyed by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and constant ways of working. They need to have a lot of variety and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. They also want to be independent of others in their work. Then the Zigzag comes to life and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work... Zigzags are directed to the future and are more interested in the possibility than in reality. The world of ideas is just as real for them as the world of things is for the rest...

Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to motivate everyone around them. However, they lack politics: they are unrestrained, very expressive ("cut the truth in the eye"), which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are not strong in working out specific details (without which the materialization of the idea is impossible) and not too persistent in bringing things to the end (because with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost).

IV. Main part

1. Verbal communication. Exercise "Shipwreck"

The exercise has a wide range of tasks: to develop the skills of behavior in a discussion, the ability to debate, to be persuasive, to study the dynamics of a group dispute on specific material, to discover the traditional mistakes made by people in polemics, to train the ability to highlight the main thing and weed out the "husk", to see the essential features of objects, to learn to realize strategic goals and it is to them to subordinate tactical steps.

You are drifting on a yacht in the South Pacific. As a result of the fire, most of the yacht and its cargo were destroyed. The yacht is slowly sinking. Your whereabouts are unknown due to the failure of the main navigation devices. But approximately you are at a distance of 1000 km from the nearest coast. You have a sturdy inflatable raft with oars, as well as a pack of cigarettes and a few boxes of matches. In addition, there are 15 more items that you need to classify according to their importance. Here are the items:

1.shaving mirror;

2.water canister;

3. mosquito net; box of army ration;

5. map of the Pacific Ocean;

6. life bag associated with the Coast Guard;

7. canister with 8 liters of gasoline;

8. small transistor radio;

9. repellents (shark repellent);

10. a bottle of rum;

11.two boxes of chocolate;

12.2m. nylon rope (to hold other objects); tackle;


Discussion: When was it easier to work: alone, in a small group, all together? Were your interests taken into account during the general discussion?

2. Non-verbal communication: According to research, only 7% we draw information during communication from the content of the statement (“Language is given to a person in order to better hide his thoughts”); 38% - intonation, 55% reliable information - through posture, facial expressions, expressive movements. Words, even tone, can deceive, mislead, but not gestures, which are mostly involuntary and not amenable to conscious control. But here, too, caution is needed. Everything is not as obvious as it seems, sometimes one can easily be mistaken for another.

Our body language expresses a unique context in which the same content can take on a different meaning. Non-verbal communication helps to understand the interlocutor, informs us about how the interlocutor listens to us.

Negative gestures.

Arms crossed on chest- defensive reaction.

He rests his chin on the palm, the index finger is extended along the cheek, the remaining fingers are below the mouth- Critical Assessment.

The hand covers the lower part of the face, the thumb props up the chin also a critical appraisal.

Looking to the side- suspicion and doubt, lack of interest

Turning the head to the side by 45 °- polite refusal to communicate.

Shaking a hand, turns it so that it is on top of the palm of the interlocutor- superiority, self-satisfaction.

Looks at the clock- in a hurry, in a hurry to finish the meeting.

Fingers intertwined in the castle - closed to communication.

positive gestures.

Open hands palm up- friendliness, openness, willingness to cooperate.

Hand on cheeks- reflection, indecision.

Head tilted to the side- interest.

Chin scratching- decision making process.

squinting eyes- search for a solution.

Glass manipulation. Slowly remove and wipe the glass, even if it is not required- pause for conversation.

Pinching the bridge of the nose with closed eyes- deep concentration, intense meditation.

Repeated touching of the nose, light rubbing, while fidgeting in a chair, turning sideways- doubt.

When shaking hands, extending the hand with the palm up openness, willingness to reach an agreement.

Sustained visual contact with the interlocutor - openness, but here it is important not to go too far, since a person with too steady visual contact can interpret this in his own way: suspicious, following me, etc.

Posture and appearance.

*Unbuttoned jacket- openness, free behavior.

*pacing- thinking, evaluating the situation. In this case, you should not speak, so as not to interrupt the flow of thoughts.

* Move shoulders and head forward- a sign of readiness to "explode".

*Hands in pockets, thumbs out- superiority.

*Throwing objects on the table, harsh gestures- demonstration of irritation, aggressiveness.

*Hands on sides- readiness.

*Fingers tapping- belief in the absolute correctness of their ideas, trusting contact, superiority

Exercise"Silent movie


formation of sensitivity to non-verbal means communication;

fixing the attention of participants on their psychological characteristics;

identifying reactions of participants to each other;

Development of the ability to creatively relate to each other.

The group is divided in half. The host gives instructions to one of the participants: “You are the director. You need to put the last frame of your film. These are your heroes. The theme of the film is up to you. Arrange your actors as you see fit, let them give their faces the expression you want; think about the situation your character is in." At the end, each group presents their work. The task of the other group is to guess what the idea was, what features the characters are endowed with, which seemed unexpected.

1. Discussion questions:

What characterizes this person the most?

Do the characters' opinions of themselves match the way the director sees them?

What differences did the group members have?

What theme is chosen for the film and what does it mean?

2. It is desirable to make a stage and an auditorium for the presentation.

3. When analyzing impressions, first those who observed, then those who were a participant in the performance, speak out. The leader takes the word last. It is advisable to use a VCR. This will allow you to get feedback.

3.Exercise "Good and bad deeds"

Description of the exercise Participants are randomly divided into two teams. Each team is given a piece of drawing paper, felt-tip pens or markers and A4 paper. The task of one team is to write as many actions as possible that allow a person to respect himself more. Accordingly, the task is different - to write as many actions as possible, because of which a person's self-respect is lost. If desired, each team can reinforce the words with drawings of the corresponding actions.

Discussion Each team presents their topics. Then there is a general discussion, at the end the leader summarizes everything that has been said. It is very important to pay attention to the fact that everyone has a choice between these and other actions, but each time, choosing this or that behavior, we gain or lose respect for ourselves.

The psychological meaning of the exercise Teachers' awareness of the connection between actions and self-esteem. Identification of the very concept of self-esteem and the discovery of its connection with mutual respect. And this necessary condition full-fledged communication, without which the development of cohesion is impossible.

VI. "Feedback" Wishes, moods, etc. are written on whatman paper with stickers.

VII. Conclusion Description of the exercise

The participants stand in a circle, and the facilitator invites everyone to mentally put on their left hand everything that they came with today, their luggage of mood, thoughts, knowledge, experience, and on their right hand - what they received in this new lesson. Then, all at the same time strongly clapped their hands and shouted - YES! or THANK YOU!

The psychological meaning of the exercise The final ritual. Allows you to think about the content and result of the past lesson, as well as complete it beautifully on a positive emotional note.

Thank you all for your participation and sincerity. I wish you always understand yourself and others. Good luck everyone!
