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Quiz on March 8 for women is cool. Quizzes and games

Here comes the spring. And with it comes good mood, and new holidays. The first holiday is March 8th. This is not only women's day, but also the day of spring. Therefore, they prepare for this day in advance and plan everything in advance. New competitions for March 8 for women at the corporate table will help you spend the holiday more fun and brighter. All competitions are great for your company and everyone will enjoy the games.

As soon as you and your colleagues have gathered at the festive table, you don’t really want to play and participate in competitions. Behind the working day, and you want to drink, relax and relax a bit. And here, just right, new contests will suit you, which you can play right at the table. Let's see what these competitions are.

Competition - menu for the holiday.

The first contest is simple and interesting. Guests will have to guess the menu that can be prepared for the holiday. The host reads poetry, and at the end the guests must answer what kind of dish it is. Whoever answers first and correctly wins a prize. Prizes are necessary, but not serious, but comic. For example, a lettuce leaf, a pike keychain, a bottle of compote, and so on. In general, everything that is in the answers to the game.
And here are the verses themselves:

Competition - a phrase from the film.

We all love to watch movies. In many films, the main roles are played by women. And we just have a women's holiday. Therefore, let's remember in which famous films famous actresses starred.
The competition is very simple: choose women's catchphrases from films, write each phrase on a separate card. You shuffle all the cards, and each girl takes out one card for the holidays. She reads out a phrase and must answer: what kind of film is it, and who said it.
Here are examples of phrases:
- dyed bitch!
- you will be cured, and you will be cured, and I will be cured!
- means boots are good, it is necessary to take!
- I'm not guilty! He came to me!
- What a driver, such a car!
- thank you, okay, put it on the chest of drawers!
- A good man must be made by yourself, and not ready to receive.
- But I'm not going to get married! One is better - I want, I eat halva, I want - gingerbread!
- I am a world mother. I'll get everything ready and go to my friend.

You see, the phrases are quite recognizable, and we think that this contest will be a great success.

Contest - guess the movie and characters.

The theme of cinema during the holidays is very popular. And the guests enjoy playing these games. Our next contest is a video contest. It is also simple and interesting to play here. A frame from the movie appears on the screen. Only the faces of the actors are covered with a flower. The guests guess the name of the film and what kind of frame it is, and then the same frame appears, only without flowers, and everyone sees the faces and the name of the movie.
Watch the video for the competition:

Competition - what have women succeeded in?

In this competition, the host asks questions to the guests, and they answer them. To make it more interesting, divide the guests into two teams. Give each team a whistle or something other than blowing the signal. The facilitator reads out the question, then gives options for answers. Which team knows the answer, that gives a signal and answers.

Sample questions:
1. What was the first thing the woman did?
A) depilation
B) demonstration
B) lottery (correct answer)
D) beauty contest

2. What tradition was introduced by the woman?
A) drink tea at 5 am (correct answer)
b) wash your hands after going to the toilet
C) tint lips while eating
D) going to the toilet, say that he is going to powder his nose

3. What toy did the woman come up with?
A) a robot dog
B) teddy bear (correct answer)
B) transformer
D) a plush dog

4. What did the woman invent?
A) washing machine
B) microwave
C) dishwasher (correct answer)
D) multicooker

5. What holiday did the woman come up with?
A) faceted glass day
B) men's housework day
B) family day
D) March 8 (correct answer)

The contest is an auction of compliments.

Men participate in this competition. For the competition, you need photos or cards with the names of all the women who are at the celebration. We put photos or cards with names in a bag. And in another bag we add cubes with letters (except for the letters: Y, b, b and others, for which it is difficult to come up with a word). Men compete in the auction. The first one starts. He says: I will compliment 1 time. The next one offers an alternative. Auction step 1 or 2 words. When someone wins, he takes out a photo or a name, and then a letter. And for this letter, a man must give this woman exactly as many compliments as he put in order to win the auction. So that the rates are not exorbitant, it is necessary to regulate all this. For example, if a man said that he could say 10 compliments per letter, but could not, then he must fulfill as many desires of the girls as he could not name. To make your desires decent, prepare cards for playing forfeits.

Competition - songs about women.

It's time to sing a little. But first you need to name the songs that mention women. That is, you need to name the name of the song where the woman is mentioned, or a line from the song. You can play on teams, or you can have each guest take turns calling one song or line. Whoever does not name in turn is out.
examples of some of these songs:
- Give women flowers.
- What a woman.
- A woman who sings.

For the competition you will need: fish oil and the questions listed below. Fish oil is better to choose in capsules, 3 capsules per participant. Participants take turns answering the quiz questions. If the participant cannot answer the question or answers incorrectly, then he eats one capsule, and his question is addressed to the next participant. When the participant has eaten all their capsules, he is out of the game. The winner is the participant who remains after such a "fish" selection. Here are the questions themselves:

The only lady in the circle of the zodiac. (Virgo)
What do women prefer to store collectively? (Secret)
The surname of Tatyana, who never became Onegin. (Larina)
Goddess of flowers. (Flora)
Frau in French. (Madame)
Flying home. (Stork)
Baba at 45. (Berry)
Cinderella's shoes. (sabo)
Surname Mona Lisa. (Del Gioconda)
The first woman astronaut. (Valentina Tereshkova)
Who played Aunt Charlie? (Alexander Kalyagin)
Anna of Austria had very beautiful hands. What new did she bring to European fashion? (dress with short sleeves)
This word in Arabic means "forbidden". The Arabs called them the premises, the entrance to which was limited. And in Russian, this word refers not only to the room, but also to those who are there. (Harem)
Most women use it and eat it. Real men do not use it, but they also eat it - up to 15 kg in a lifetime. What are we talking about? (Pomade)


1. What did Cinderella lose at the Prince's ball? (Crystal shoe)

2. Name a Russian poet who dedicated a large number of lines to a Russian woman. (N.A. Nekrasov)

3. Who owns these wonderful lines:

You are my only help and joy,

You are my only inexpressible light.

(S.A. Yesenin. “Letter to mother”)

4. What flowers have human names? (rose, cornflower, Ivan da Marya)

5. Who on our stage sang a song in which there are words: Having parted, we are with you

Let's save our love.

From difficult conversations and insults.

(Irina Allegrova and Igor Krutoy. "Unfinished novel")

6. How was the Frog Princess called? (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

7. Name the vegetables that have edible tubers and roots. (Potatoes, turnips, radishes, carrots, beets, radishes, onions, garlic)

Not renounce loving,

Because life doesn't end tomorrow...

(Veronika Tushnova)

9. What liquids in bottles can be bought in perfume shops? (Cologne, perfume, lotion, shampoo, toilet water)

10. Who loved Little Red Riding Hood the most? (Grandmother)

11. Which of the poets these lines belong to:

I can not live without you!

Me and in the rain without you - dry,

I'm in the heat without you - to be ashamed,

Me without you and Moscow - the wilderness

Me without you every hour - a year.

(Nikolai Aseev. "Simple Lines")

12. How to cook delicious porridge without butter? (Joke: with great love)

13. Name the fairy tales whose names contain female names. (Ch. Perro. "Cinderella", G.-H. Andersen. "Thumbelina", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", L. Carroll. "The Adventures of Alice", A. Lindgren. "Pippi Longstocking", W. Shakespeare . "Romeo and Juliet")

14. Who on our stage sang a song in which there are words:

I live without you

As if in a dream.

I burn without you

As if on fire.

I ask you to write

News to me

At least write a line.

(Tanya Bulanova. "Write to me")

15. Who owns the words: "Do not eat with your hands, for this there are spoons and forks"? (Malvina. "Golden Key")

I carried my misfortune

By spring ice.

The ice broke, the soul broke.

I went under the water like a stone,

And the trouble - though heavy -

And for the sharp edges lingered.

(Vladimir Vysotsky "Trouble")

17. Which hand is better to stir tea? (Better with a spoon)

18. What is the name of the poetess who wrote these lines:

Hundred hours of happiness...

Is this not enough?

I washed it like golden sand,

collected lovingly, tirelessly,

bit by bit, bit by bit,

created it from fog and smoke,

received as a gift from each star and birch ...

(Veronika Tushnova)

Year after year, always in spring,
There is March and the eighth day.
Health, happiness, long years -
You have no other wishes!
Let the lilac bloom every day
Let the sun shine bright
May you have every day
Like a day on March 8!

3: The first International Women's Day on March 8 was approved in Copenhagen (Denmark) in 1910 at the second International Conference of Women Socialists at the suggestion of the German delegation.

1. The day of March 8 began to be considered the Day of International Solidarity of Working Women in the Struggle for Their Rights.
The holiday was first celebrated in 1911 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark on March 19 under the slogan: "Suffrage of workers to join forces in the struggle for socialism."
2. In Russia, International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg. Its organizers called for economic and political equality for women. One of the most powerful performances of women took place in Petrograd on March 7, 1917.
In 1976, International Women's Day was officially recognized by the UN.
Today, March 8, is a holiday of spring and light, a tribute to a woman.
While the snows are still whitening on the fields.
And the river depth is hidden under the ice,
But winter leaves in all calendars
Already torn off, spring has come to the country.
March is coming! Did you notice
Something happens to people in the spring.
Women have all become unusual -
Glorious... gentle... every single one!

Today, beauty rules the show here.

She, stepping in all her majesty
On this stage, will light up the whole hall
Wonderful girlish smiles.

3. All the best flowers at your feet.

They are a declaration of love
Today we have a holiday of beauty.
You are all Miss Charm today!

Marina Korobova

Target: promote improving relationships by involving children and parents in joint activities.


Create conditions for emotional rapprochement of family members;

Develop emotional support skills for children and parents.

Leading: Today is a glorious spring day. The sun is smiling, the streams will soon murmur. With their cheerful singing, birds remind us that spring has come. They sing in honor all women: mothers, grandmothers. And, of course, girls. For a wonderful thing is coming celebration– International Women's Day 8 Martha. In honor of holiday March 8 We will play a quiz game with you.

Today you will meet with jokes and surprises, with funny contests, insidious questions and poems, in general, you can’t count everything. But whether it will be fun today depends on you, dear friends. Shall we start?



Grandmother and mother.

They sing songs today

I will dance.

To only smile

You, my beloved.

You believe me

Most beautiful.


Congratulations to my mother

I wish her to be beautiful.

Do not get sick and do not be sad

And love us, with dad.


happy eighth day Martha

WITH spring holiday

The sun brings

ringing fun

Let the warmth come

And the frosts will go away

Let him give tenderness

mimosa twig

Song: "My dear mother, my mother"

And now I suggest you start our quiz game and I present you the first task.

Leading: Everyone loves to listen and read fairy tales in which various miracles take place, unexpected transformations, animals speak with a human voice, and good always triumphs over evil. Now I propose to see how much our mothers know fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes.

Exercise 1: "Guess it"

1. Mixed on sour cream,

Cold on the window

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled… (kolobok)

2. In the forest clearing

There was a painted house

All could hide the animals

What kind of house? (teremok)

3. Somehow the mouse is small

Dropped an egg on the floor.

The grandmother is crying, the grandfather is crying.

What a fairy tale, give me an answer!

(Hen Ryaba)

4. In a fairy tale, a fox is a cheat

I deceived the bunny deftly,

Driven away from the hut.

The bunny cried day and night.

But in trouble he helped

One brave cock.

(Zaikin's hut)

5. Birds serve grandmother Yozhka -

They are circling over the village.

Looking for little guys

They want to drag them into the forest.

(Swan geese)

6. He is kinder than everyone in the world,

He heals sick animals

He's famous, he's famous

Kind…. (Dr. Aibolit)

7. A hut was lost in a dense forest,

A difficult old woman lives in a hut.

Takes a pomelo, but sits in a mortar,

And then it flies over the forest like a bird!

(Baba Yaga)

Musical pause: "Mommy dear, my sun"

Leading: Next task 2 "Find the Extra".

Dance "Washing"

Task 3: "Spring Bouquet"

All women love flowers, but getting them in festive the day is much nicer. And our next task will show us how mothers, together with children, know how to make paper flowers.

materials: a thick sheet of A 3 paper, glue, scissors, multi-colored napkins, paper.

Leading: We tried, we hurried, dances, songs were taught

Our holiday is over congratulations again!

Leading: And now the guys will give you gifts that they made themselves.

Presentation How do we live in a kindergarten?

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Koshkina Yana Aleksandrovna, educator of BU SO VO CHTSPD "Our children".
Description: The quiz introduces children to the history of the March 8 holiday. Thanks to the quiz, children will learn how to celebrate the holiday in different countries. Enriches children's knowledge of different countries.
enrich children's understanding of the history of the holiday "March 8".
- To form an idea of ​​​​children about the life of people in different countries.
- Develop memory, thinking, observation, oral and written speech.
- Raise children's interest in the history of the holiday "March 8".
The correct answer to the quiz question is underlined.
1. What ancient city does the tradition of the holiday "March 8" go back to?
A) Ancient Rome
B) ancient Beijing;
C) ancient Kiev;
2. On what date of March was Women's Day celebrated in Rome?
A) March 1;
B) March 8;
B) March 19;

3. What is the name of the goddess - the ancestor of the holiday?
A) Venus
B) Juno;
B) Aphrodite
4. What was in the hands of the ladies in Rome when they went to the feast of women?
A) wreaths of flowers;
B) candles;
B) scarves

5. What is the name of the goddess to whose temple the ancient Roman women carried flowers?

A) Juno Lucius;
B) Hera

B) Athens
6. In modern times, in what century did women's holiday begin to be celebrated?
a) in the 19th century
B) in the 20th century)
B) in the 18th century;
7. Celebrations in the 19th century "March 8" are timed to coincide with the day ... ...?
A) the birthday of the party;
B) struggle for the rights of women;
C) struggle for the rights of men;
8. In what year did the first women's trade unions appear?
A) 1967;
B) 1857;
B) 1927;
9. In what year did women begin to have the right to vote?
A) 1857;
B) 1890;
B) 1915;
10. In which city was the Women's Conference of Socialists held?
A) Copenhagen
B) London;
B) Rome
11. What is the name of the woman who proposed to celebrate World Women's Day on March 8?
A) Clara Zetkin
B) Clara Tsovts;
B) Clara Yurkich;
12. What year in the 20th century was this holiday first celebrated?
A) 1910;
B) 1911;
B) 1927;
13. In what year was International Women's Day celebrated for the first time in Russia?
A) 1913;
B) 1914;
B) 1924;
14. In which city in Russia was International Women's Day celebrated for the first time?
A) Moscow;
B) St. Petersburg;
B) Perm;

15. In what year was International Women's Day officially recognized by the UN?
A) 1976;
B) 1978;
B) 1975;
16. The legend about whom is associated with the celebration of "March 8"?
A) the legend of Esther;
B) the legend of Juno;
C) the legend of Aphrodite;
17. March 8 is a holiday, not only a holiday of respect for the traditional role of a woman as a wife, mother, girlfriend, but also ....)
A) a holiday of spring and light;

B) the holiday of the sun;
C) moon festival
18. What was the name of the husband of the goddess Juno?
A) Jupiter
B) Zeus;
D) Pluto;
19. Who was especially strongly patronized by the goddess Juno?
A) women
B) men;
B) children
20. In what way did the goddess Juno patronize women especially?
A) during childbirth;
B) in agriculture;
B) in cooking