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How to open a lighting store. Open an auto accessories store Open a business selling car lamps

Having found small mosquitoes circling in a flock above your head, you should not be nervous and afraid to get bitten. These so-called male mosquitoes are waiting for the arrival " mating season».

In addition, mosquitoes are quite large, also called "malarial", in fact, they turn out to be the simplest weevils, and also vegetarians.

If we talk about malarial mosquitoes, then in essence they are larger than other insects, and you can distinguish them when they " holding a pipe» their abdomen during the time when they sit on the skin.

Mosquitoes also differ among themselves depending on the period of their activity: some have an activity phase around mid-May, while others wait for a warmer period.

There is a tendency that at an air temperature of about 28 degrees and more mosquitoes do not bite.

Up to eight bites in one night are produced by one fertilized female mosquito (and only females bite), at an air temperature of about 17 degrees, the maximum air humidity should correspond to 80-90%.

Types of mosquito repellents

The fight against these insects, which are very annoying, is rightfully considered almost deadly..

Two types of means are distinguished to combat these insects "peepers", these are fumigants and repellents.

Mosquito repellents only repel mosquitoes, and fumigants, having a solid, gaseous or liquid state, kill them.

Selection of fumigants currently very high and varied. The most popular are mosquito repellent pills and coils.

A spiral that “smokes” gives a very good effect, and in the fight not only against mosquitoes, but also against other insects, which are very annoying during the summer, since they strongly dislike the smell of spiral smoke.

This smoke is also not liked by many people. These spirals are best used on picnics, or in country houses on the verandas.

In apartments, the use of fumigators is more suitable.

Everyone probably knows how they work.

Having inserted the device of the fumigator into the socket, a plate impregnated with a specific chemical is placed in it, and when heated, it has a detrimental effect on flies and mosquitoes.

Not less popular today are repellents, which include various lotions, creams, emulsions, sprays that repel mosquitoes. Creams do not enter the respiratory tract and eyes, so they are considered the safest.

Repellents cannot be rubbed into the skin, they simply apply the substance to areas of the skin that are exposed. Mosquito sprays and creams last up to two to three hours.

Do not use any of the drugs for 28 degree temperature, because then mosquitoes do not practically fly.

When buying mosquito repellents, you must carefully read the instructions for its use, having studied the composition of the selected agent, and never respond to the conversations of sellers who will convince you which of the means is most effective and safe.

Mosquito repellent lamps as an insect control solution

There is another pretty good way to safely protect yourself from mosquito bites and other insects that are especially annoying in the summer. The mosquito lamp is this way.

It is the implementation of such lamps for earnings is a very good way.

There are two types of mosquito repellant lamps:

  • repellent,
  • fumigant.

Take, for example, a lamp that attracts or repels insects with a glow, and an ultrasonic mosquito repeller has everything in place.

Such species belong just to the means of repellent.

Fumigant lamps are the opposite, they kill insects without using any kind of chemicals. The process of such a lamp is as follows: it traps insects, where they die, since it is impossible to get out of it.

Very varied and a wide range of mosquito repellant lamps: from hanging small lanterns that screw into the usual standard light bulb base, to medium and large sized lanterns.

Among mosquito repellents that contain chemicals, the mosquito lamp has some advantages:

  • insignificant consumption of electricity;
  • no harmful substances are emitted when the lamp is turned on;
  • no need to use any chemical compounds to repel or lure insects;
  • mosquito lamps have an inherent effect on about 96% of insects;
  • about 0.10 - 0.15 km is the range of mosquito lamps, and it is also possible to adjust the wavelength of the waves.

How to Start a Mosquito Repellent Business

Priority attention in distribution of lamps from mosquitoes it is necessary to pay attention to the owners of country houses and summer residents, since these devices are designed to combat various insects in open areas - in the yard, on the terrace, on the veranda.

If possible, then good option there will be an opening of an online store, presenting in it the entire range that is available. This will significantly accelerate the growth of your business.

It is important to avoid fakes when purchasing these products.

And even if they are significantly cheaper, and not all customers will be able to fully deal with this type of product by selling low-quality goods, you spoil your reputation and succumb to the risk of losing customers in the future.

How much can you earn

First of all, you need to remember that this business is seasonal and generates income for 3-6 months a year. At the same time, profitability in it can reach 100%, that is, having spent 100,000 rubles on the purchase of goods, you can earn 80-100 thousand profits in a short season.

How much money do you need to start a business

To organize a business for the sale of anti-mosquito lamps, it is necessary to make investments in the region of 120-140 thousand rubles. The main share will be for the purchase of a consignment of goods for trade in the warm season. We buy equipment of the middle price segment for 50 thousand rubles, cheap and expensive for 25 thousand, respectively. Another 10-20 thousand are needed for registration, preparation of documents and rental of a retail outlet.

How to choose equipment

You don't have to buy special equipment because we are talking on trade in finished goods. It is enough to purchase office equipment and furniture for the seller in the store.

What OKVED must be indicated to earn money on lamps from mosquitoes

We indicate in the statement 47.1 "Retail trade in non-specialized stores."

What documents are needed to open

To register a business selling mosquito repellant lamps, you must complete an application on Form P21001 at individual entrepreneur. We immediately fill out an application with him for the transition to a simplified tax payment scheme. After 5 days, we receive a certificate of registration along with an extract from the USRIP register. It remains to register with the Pension Fund.

Which taxation system to choose for making money on mosquito lamps

The best advice would be to work on a special regime - the so-called "simplified" taxation scheme. It is assumed that such individual entrepreneurs will deduct up to 15% of the operating income received, which will be their tax burden. If the state provides for hired personnel, then you need to take into account that pension contributions are paid for it.

Do I need permission to open

This type of business does not require special permits. Premises where trade will be conducted must have a fire department permit.

Mosquito lamp mosquito technology

Lamps can be produced in 2 main types: repellents and fumigants. The former relate to equipment that repels insects, while the latter eliminate them. The range of products should be such that they can easily fit into various types of interior. They may look like an ordinary incandescent lamp or a flashlight. The range of the devices must also be different so that they can be suitable for both a country house and an ordinary apartment.

First of all, customers should be sought among the owners of cottages and summer cottages. Lamps have proven themselves in open areas. On the territory of dacha and cottage settlements, it is necessary to agree with the administration and place advertisements. Leaflets can also be thrown into mailboxes or hung under car windshield wipers. An additional tool for attracting customers can be your own website (an online store with sections of goods and a description of their principle of operation).

Updated: 05/07/2019 2957

Resale of cars as a business: an overview of earning opportunities

Glad to welcome you! Today I will talk to you about the auto business as such.

After all, you probably think that the resale of cars as a business is available only to a select caste of resellers who know how to make money on such a difficult task, what to buy, how to buy and from whom. They spin around in this topic like loaches, have the right contacts, know how to legally bypass taxes, ate the dog on restoration, and preparing cars for resale.

But I assure you, the car dealership business is actually not as difficult for newbies to get into as you might think. This is generally a myth, diligently supported by outbids for dummies!

After all, you yourself have met very young and (sometimes generally "green") nimble boys in car markets and in videos who are quite successfully involved in resale. You can’t call them exactly seasoned people who have been “rubbing” in business for decades, because they practical experience in the car business, from his father's garage to the car market, very short. Can't you do what they could?

One of my friends has a 22-year-old son who already now earns more than his father. At the age of 19, he pumped and profitably sold the first car - an old father's eight presented to him. And in just three years, he became the very “hardened” outbid, at least in terms of the amount of profit received.

Do you want to engage in profitable and prestigious resales on the automotive secondary market? A lot of money is spinning in this business and the one-time income from one transaction is more than substantial! But in order to successfully start, you will have to try not to burn out at the start, and this requires basic knowledge. I will tell you about how to do resale and how to start this exciting business in a series of articles, the first of which is brought to your attention.

Right off the bat, I'll go into detail about the essence of reselling a car, fair to today and tomorrow, because it is very important for a beginner. It is on this that the construction of his future business strategy and its success, as a result, depends. In the next article it will be possible to read about business layers.

It would seem that such a banal thing, the essence of resale. But not everything is so simple. Now I will clearly explain to you what the catch is here. You may have heard somewhere the worn-out business axiom of any repurchase: “buy as low as possible, sell as high as possible”, and “the more you can increase the difference between the first and second, that’s how successful you are.” It seems to sound logical and familiar, doesn't it?

Okay. Well, how do you, for example, here is another axiom: “eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible, and you will be healthy”? The same worn, logical and familiar. But if you think about it, you can easily come to the following reasonable conclusion: “if you literally follow the “fruit and vegetable” axiom, then you have every chance to play from this “in the box”.

And for the successful automotive sales this is also true. Of course, if you are reselling, say, resale property, then this is a completely different matter - there is basically just a net resale, without regard to anything else.

In the auto dealer business, things are different. Of course, you can take the minimum and sell the maximum for some time, but in this case, instead of developing, your business will begin to decline from the very start. Why? The answer is simple - competition. Normal and healthy.

Here, from the very beginning, you need to be sure to understand and understand the direction in which it is moving, no, not the secondary car market, but the secondary resales that you plan to do. To simply know the real state of affairs and see what you need to bet on.

Today, so many machines have been riveted on the planet that they can pave the way to the moon, and their main market mass consists precisely of the secondary, of course. The flow of both new and used cars to Russia from abroad is still one of the most powerful. And together with the domestic auto industry, this creates a huge domestic market for used cars.

And the overall recent population growth is not even close to equalizing the imbalance in supply and demand, despite special government programs, laws and other regulatory measures. In other words, there are much more used cars than potential customers for them, and this is becoming more and more aggravated, giving rise to more and more competition in the market, including among resellers.

So far, there is no particular problem in ordinary direct sales of cars by private traders, it is enough to reasonably reduce the price, and a buyer will quickly be found. And in order to get an acceptable profitability from resales, you need a clientele. That's exactly what outbids today have problems with because of the "sins of the past."

Previously, after all, they very often sold all sorts of rubbish on the principle of “pushing in”, they had money, they were happy, the buyers were upset. And it came to the point that they began to shy away from dealers as if they were infectious.

Today the situation has begun to change. Outbids began to take into account the interests of the buyer in their schemes. Even those who had previously been a hardened breeder and sold retouched scrap metal to people. That is, they began to make a reputation for themselves. So that the one who bought a car from them would not curse later with disappointment, and would not characterize them with offensive words to other people, but would advise the dealer as "an honest man with decent cars."

Of course, there are still a lot of people with old schemes of work, but they are a thing of the past and you don’t need to be equal to them from the very beginning.

So, the essence of used car resale today is as follows:

  • Find in offers the most profitable option a car with a clear profitability and buy it as cheaply as possible (this has not changed);
  • Use the possible minimum of hack-work in pre-sale preparation;
  • Sell ​​the car for a price corresponding to the upper limit relative to its actual condition.

In other words, "so that the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe." At the buyer, after the transaction, at least they should not “itch their hands” on your “physicality”, but as an optimum, he should be satisfied. To do this, you need to far-sightedly avoid profits for deceit and peddling.

Then your business will go, you will be well-known and will earn more and more. You ask, is it really possible to make good money on such an honest scheme? Is the game worth the candle? Costs.


  • You will, as before, buy a car for as much as possible low price, and this is not always a real bottom plinth, but often much lower than it, which is already your profit;
  • You will sell at the upper limit of the real cost of a car, and not at the lower one, and this range is far from cheap - on expensive brands, 100 thousand rubles of honest cheating is quite a common profit.

By understanding and accepting the principles of fair auto resale outlined in this part, you will build a viable business and not be left behind.

A case from one's life

In conclusion, I will tell you about a not very typical example of a transaction that I know of according to the old scheme.

Two brothers themselves turned to outbids, also outbid, only with fish. They offered to buy a passenger car (Lada) from them at a bargain price. The car had a high mileage, good technical condition, one owner and only three years old. Its only negative was that it stank of fish through and through.

After pre-sale preparation, 2114 looked like new (they rolled up the mileage, and the rear seats were generally in cellophane, since they stood all the time removed in the garage). The smell was removed by cardinal washing, dry cleaning and disinfectants. They sold the car as almost new, to a knowledgeable person who did not suspect anything.

A week after the purchase, an ineradicable faint smell of musty fish appeared in the cabin. We reconciled with this, but by the summer it was already impossible to sit in the car and nothing helped from this. That is why the fish dealers who “repulsed” the car “threw” it and moved to a new one.

The buyer got the so-called. He could not make any claims about the "aquarium", but he gave a very bad characterization to all outbidders, and to those who sold him a fish car in particular, among friends and acquaintances.

Who can resell cars

If the subtitle of this part of the article were used in some advertising text, pursuing any profits, then under it they would write something like: “yes, anyone, the main desire.”

And in this case, I can honestly say: not everyone can be engaged in the resale of cars, even if there is a burning desire. After all, at a minimum, a person must have the right to a car and be able to drive it. And even such a simple kit is not for everyone.

Components of success

In a good way, the desire to make money should be approximately equal to the desire to deal specifically with cars. Let me list the approximate minimum set of qualities needed for this:

  • A person knows how to drive a car confidently and has rights;
  • A person has at least sympathy for cars;
  • A person wants to earn good money on his own;
  • A person cannot be called frivolous, shy and stupid.

Of these four points, only the first one can be obtained relatively easily, and everything else will appear after putting in a lot of effort! Therefore, taking a critical look at yourself, evaluate whether you are suitable for this rather tough type of business.

Let's look at everything in order to make it clearer what and why you need from the following:

Rights and confident management

It happens that people know how to drive a car, but do not have a license, and even more often it happens the other way around: with existing rights, drivers do not get out of accidents, fines and car services. Outbid should attract the attention of traffic police officers as little as possible, for which knowledge of traffic rules (rules traffic) should be raised to a power, and the art of driving is not to be criticized.

liking for cars

It seems that this point could be omitted. But this minimum requirement is necessary for a reason. Did you notice that I did not indicate the need for special knowledge that is understood here? Because knowledge can be acquired. And you will need to learn and master a lot of things, and it is sympathy for the objects of your chosen business niche that will make you a knowledgeable expert. Well, if you frankly like cars, then you have the cards in hand.

Desire to earn

This is the main driver of any novice businessman, when everything rests on it. Without this quality, it is better to forget about business altogether and work quietly for a salary, as most people do. You will say: "everyone wants to earn money like that." But no! Everyone wants to have good money, but not everyone wants to earn good money.

After all, we are talking about earnings, and not about winning the lottery. V good earnings and good work must be driven in. In the beginning, this is often an infringement on the personal budget, and work 30 days a month for 15 hours a day, and constant stress. Not everyone is ready for this.

Seriousness of intentions and deliberation of actions

Dealer roasted sunflower seeds anyone can be on the market, but a car dealer is primarily a manipulative merchant. He should not have impetuous decisions “at random”, he should confidently bend his own and not be shy when meeting with rudeness, and he should not allow himself to be beaten in bargaining.

Having these qualities, you can try yourself in the resale of cars, having previously worked out what is necessary in the auto business that can be "acquired" by training, work and energy. Also, it would be quite reasonable, before starting work in this area, to familiarize yourself with detailed instructions for professional resellers, which contains the course offered at the end of the article.

In one of the following articles I will talk about the main stages of repurchasing a car.

Watch the video where the reseller works in real time:

What may be needed

Now let's talk about more pressing things.

In addition to the qualities described above, the future reseller will need a lot more. Someone will already have something of the required, and someone will have to acquire it in advance. But all this is no longer a critical obstacle to the goal and is quite surmountable.


These are, one might say, your main means of production. Knowledge is essential. You should be well versed in the features of most passenger car brands, their model lines and modifications.

You should be well versed in automotive defects, methods of hiding and revealing them, as well as methods and costs of their elimination. You have to master some marketing and psychological tricks. You must know the legal side of things.


You must be able to conduct pre-sale preparation, which can include a lot of things: from simple cleaning and washing to overhauling a car. Of course, fully mastering auto mechanic skills is cool, but not necessary.

I know outbidders who successfully use master partners. After all, there are a lot of artisans who are not given direct business, but who will willingly become your companions.

Material and technical base

Here you need to have some place for parking and preparing overbought cars. For starters, an equipped garage and a small playground would be ideal. Garage and equipment can be rented for a reasonable fee.

There are those who do without all this, being content with paid parking lots and car services, but this is already with experienced outbidders, whose profits more than cover costs and who trade “without getting dirty”. But they all started with their garages and hands in fuel oil.

Starting investments

Everything is simple here. A certain initial capital is needed to repurchase the first cars. For beginners, this is somewhere from 500 thousand rubles, but it is optimal to have 1-2 million, then the risks at the start of flying into the pipe, from possible drawdowns to minus, are minimal.

How much can you earn

At first, quite normal earnings will be 15-25 thousand rubles. per month, when reselling several cars (from one to three). You will need to work in the lower price segment, often with the so-called. "shush-likes" ("beaters", "brats"), which can be repurchased for small price tags with the possibility of serious bargaining concessions (sometimes up to half of the initial price).

As the amount of transactions increases, earnings will also increase. By the way, many current representatives big business started with auto-rebate.

  • It is best to start a car repurchase business with one or more partners. But the guys should be selected very carefully - the success of the "company" will depend on this.
  • At first, all outbids work “in a black way”, but when things are getting on a confident track, it is best to get out of the shadows and honestly pay “Caesar to Caesar” (tax to the state).
  • It is very good if you have any acquaintances at the service station, in the MREO or the traffic police. If they are not, then it will not be superfluous to acquire them. The same applies to the professional environment: communication and friendly relations with other resellers should not be neglected.


With this, dear friends, I end this review on car resales and I want to highlight a few highlights:

  • It is best to stick to honest car resale schemes, earning yourself not only money, but also a reputation;
  • Not everyone can be engaged in this type of business, but many, although a lot of knowledge and skills are needed;
  • To start, you need capital that is quite feasible even for one person and material and technical support.

What do you think about car resale? Is it a profitable business? Or maybe you are just a repurchase? Then it would be great if you described your experience or friends, acquaintances. Write in the comments. Your opinion will be useful to others, and perhaps I will publish it in this article, supplementing it, retaining your authorship!

Video bonus: 15 photos seconds before:

See you next time! Subscribe to interesting updates of my blog, share articles through the social network buttons.

Good luck with your start!

P.S. The main image for the article was taken from

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Comments on the article: 10


    16.09.2017 | 17:06

    Very useful article


    10.11.2017 | 17:44

    Yes, the article is useful, but I have no idea how to organize it all the same in our country, when there is the Internet and everyone can buy and fix any car themselves, why do it through some office. I do not want to offend anyone, try it, then share your experience)

    1. Igor (Ilya's assistant)

      12.12.2017 | 18:30

      We agree with you - the Internet helps a lot, but still, alternative methods of selling are also widely used.


Many motorists tune their "steel horse" by changing the standard lamps in the high and low beam headlights to LED ones. They do this on the basis of savings and improving the performance of light optics. But very often such modernization is considered by the traffic police as illegal and may entail certain penalties. Are LED bulbs banned?

LED lighting itself is sold in retail chains on a legal basis, but its installation in dipped or main beam headlights is an offense due to the fact that the changes made do not correspond to factory specifications. vehicle(TS). Many car enthusiasts who own inexpensive models (they already have LEDs installed at the factory) are concerned about one question: “Are they deprived of rights for self-mounted LED lamps?”. After all, no one wants to, faced with a traffic police inspector on the road, find out the "unpleasant news" that he was fined or deprived of a driver's license.

Classification of lamps used in vehicles

Which is better: xenon, halogen or LED lamps for cars? In cars, manufacturers install the following types of headlights:

  1. Halogen. This is the most common type of automotive optics for high and low beams. The power of the luminous flux provided by such headlights varies between 1500-2100 lm. The duration of their work is from 500 to 1500 hours.
  2. Xenon. They have good focusing ability and have a reflector High Quality. Compared to halogen headlights, these headlights are more complex in terms of design. Such optical devices are divided into bi-xenon and mono-xenon. The luminous flux power is 3200 lm, and the duration of work is 4000 hours.
  3. LED. Modern look lighting equipment, which is distinguished by durability (duration of operation - 5000-10000 hours) and power (about 6000 Kelvin). How do LED lights on cars shine? Very bright.

Briefly about LED lamps

light source LED lamps(for car, household and industrial appliances, as well as street lighting) are electronic devices such as LEDs, which are distinguished by their miniaturization. In English, this sounds like Light-Emitting Diode (abbreviated as LED).

What is an LED lamp (SL)? It includes a plinth that fits all modern GOSTs and standards; a DC power supply that provides continuous light output, and a high power semiconductor board specially designed for this product. What is the working principle of LED? Everything is very simple: electricity passes through the semiconductor, and a bright glow occurs.


LED lamps are becoming increasingly popular among motorists as lamps for low / high beam headlights. This is primarily due to their:

  1. Increased brightness of the glow (compared to halogen counterparts).
  2. Reliability (if one of the LEDs fails, the headlight continues to work, only with a slightly lower light output).
  3. The absence of a blinding effect, which adversely affects eye fatigue.
  4. Low power consumption (which significantly reduces the load on the generator and car battery).
  5. Enough quick payback. This happens within 6-7 months from the start of their operation.
  6. Instantaneous transition to the operating mode, that is, the inertia of on / off.
  7. Increased resistance to vibration (which is especially important when used in a car).
  8. The absence of harmful radiation and components, that is, environmental safety. On a note: for the disposal of LED lamps, you do not need to adhere to any strict requirements.
  9. Long term trouble-free operation.
  10. Modern design.
  11. The color of the radiation, which you can choose at your discretion.
  12. Optimum value for money.
  13. High resistance to all kinds of external influences and strength.
  14. The ability to not get hot.


Due to certain disadvantages of LED lamps, their scope is limited. These include:

  1. The distribution of the light flux occurs unevenly.
  2. Usually, the brightness of the glow cannot be adjusted (that is, changed) using an electronic device such as a dimmer.
  3. The lamps are not suitable for use at very low or very high temperatures.
  4. Very often, LED lamps are sold without specifications.

Are they dangerous?

LED lamps are considered to be one of the cleanest light sources in ecological terms. The principle of operation of LEDs involves the use of only safe components in the production of lamps. Most importantly, the product does not include mercury, so do not worry if the flask is damaged or fails.

Some experts insist on the harmfulness of the cold radiation of LEDs, which is many times greater compared to other light emitting elements. But this statement is true only if we are talking about a direct and long look at the light source.

Other scientists believe that they injure the retina through a blue glow. But at present, LEDs have already been developed that have a light spectrum adapted to the human eye.

What are the best LED bulbs for cars?

Many manufacturers of light-emitting automotive devices are now producing very popular LED lamps. The most common standard for low/high beam lamp bases is H4 and H7.

In the car accessories market, products from numerous manufacturers from the Middle Kingdom (NightEye, Oslamp, Infitary, Partol, S&D, and so on) are most widely represented. However, their products must be treated with great care. Why? The cost of a set of two bulbs is only 1500-2000 rubles. Moreover, the declared characteristics are simply impressive: power - from 25 to 36 W; brightness - from 3500 to 4500 lm. That is, for such a low cost, such chic performance characteristics: most likely, this is a cunning marketing ploy.

For example, the H4 G9X kit (with a power of 24 W and a luminous flux of 2400 lm) from Philips, tested for several decades, today costs 6900 rubles. For some reason, I immediately want to believe in the indicators declared by the Dutch manufacturer.

From Russian manufacturers the most widely represented products are from DLED and Netuning.

The H4 SL7 Standart lamp from DLED, costing about 2000 rubles (per piece), was designed specifically to replace standard two-filament halogen lamps. Power consumption is only 15 W, brightness - 1300 lm. Compact dimensions (both the lamp itself and the driver) allow you to place them inside almost any headlight and close it with a standard cover. According to the manufacturer, the light-and-shadow border of the illumination area when using these LED emitters completely coincides with conventional halogen lamps, so there is no need to adjust and reconfigure the headlight angle.

H4 SL7 Premium with 12 miniature LEDs newest generation Lumi leds Luxeon ZES is much more expensive - about 3000 rubles apiece. However, specifications its higher - power 25 W and brightness 1900 lm.

On a note: it is very convenient for the consumer that DLED sells its products in 1 piece. If one lamp fails, the motorist will not have to spend extra 2000-3000 rubles.

Another well-established Russian developer among motorists is Netuning. A set of two H7-Smart2 lamps, each with 6 Philips ZES LEDs, costs about 4,500 rubles. Power - 25 W, luminous flux - 2500 lm. For comparison, a standard 55W "luminaire" produces only 1500 lumens.

The presented review of LED lamps for cars gives some idea of ​​the state of affairs in the domestic market.

Driver Misconceptions

Most car enthusiasts are aware that converting halogen headlights to xenon lamps may result in them losing their driver's license. But with regard to LEDs, there is no such certainty, and many naively believe that they can be installed in low or high beam headlights with complete impunity.

Most likely, this is due to the fact that the sellers provide the potential buyer with all kinds of certificates, assuring that this species products (namely LED-lamps) is allowed in Russia for sale and, of course, for use.

Note: many of the certificates presented were either no longer valid or suspended at the time of sale. No one forbids the sale of such products. The question is different: is it possible to use LED lamps in a car.

What threatens the driver with the installation of LED lamps in the headlights of the vehicle

The traffic police considers the independent installation of LEDs in the headlights of the dipped / main beam of vehicles as an administrative violation. The fact is that as a result of the modernization, lighting devices no longer meet the requirements for the operation of the vehicle. Therefore, it becomes quite dangerous to drive such a machine, as this can lead to the creation of emergency on road.

Are LED bulbs banned? Yes. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses (paragraph 3, article 12.5), you can lose your driver's license for a period of six months to one year. Also, the punishment for LED lamps can be expressed in the form of a fine of five hundred rubles. Moreover, lighting devices installed independently are withdrawn without fail.

Yes, and the rules of the road say that their installation is equated to such a violation as equipping a vehicle with special signals.

Important: LED lamps for the car are commercially available and it is not forbidden to sell them. It’s just not allowed to install in headlights that are (based on the factory equipment) only for working with halogen or xenon lamps. This should be clear to every motorist who intends to make such a tuning of his "steel horse".

We want to remind you once again: LED lamps for a car are commercially available and it is not forbidden to sell them. It’s just not allowed to install in headlights that are (based on the factory equipment) only for working with halogen or xenon lamps. This should be clear to every motorist who intends to make such a tuning of his "steel horse".

"Basic provisions for the admission of the vehicle to operation ..."

This document also contains the answer to the question "Is it possible to put LED lamps in the dimensions?". Paragraph three of the requirements states that the equipment and technical condition of any vehicle that is a road user must comply with the requirements of certain rules, guidelines and standards for its technical operation(for example, regarding the mode of operation of lighting devices, their location, color and type). That is, if such a correspondence is not observed, then the movement of the car on the roads is prohibited.

"Technical Regulations of the Customs Union" of such countries as Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus

This is another document that gives a clear answer to the question "Is it possible to install LED lamps in headlights?". It states that the installation of LEDs in headlights is strictly prohibited unless they are designed for use with similar light sources. It turns out that already in several documents there are quite categorical prohibitions on the independent modernization of this kind of your car.

When can rights be revoked?

Purely theoretically, deprivation of rights can occur if the replacement, made independently, has a certain effect on the functioning of optical devices, that is, on their color, mode of operation and quantity. But in practice, the situation is as follows - not all traffic police posts have special equipment for carrying out the optics check procedure. Thus, it turns out that the employees of the road service will not be able to fix the violation.

If the driver does not agree with the punishment

If you do not agree with the actions of the employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, who issued you a fine for LED lamps in the headlights or deprived you of driving license then you have the right to challenge it in court. What should be done in this case:

  1. File a complaint expressing complete disagreement with the decision that is in the hands of the motorist. The most important thing is that this must be done within the first ten days from the date of execution of a certain document on the imposition of a fine (or deprivation of a driver's license). In the event that the potential “culprit”, that is, the driver of the vehicle, could not be present at the consideration of his case (or the fact of the violation was simply recorded by a camera), then the ten-day countdown will begin exactly from the moment you receive it at the post office. Important: if it so happened that the ten-day period is overdue, then a statement written in a simple written form must be attached to the complaint with a request to extend the period, while reasonably indicating the reason for the delay.
  2. The following data must be indicated in the complaint: the name of the body where exactly you are sending your application (this can be either a court or the traffic police); number and date of execution of the decision; the essence of what happened and a reasoned disagreement with the decision that was made about you.
  3. Not bad if there are witnesses who were directly present at the time of the inspection of lighting devices by a traffic police officer. Witnesses must be asked to testify in the case. Do not forget that the passport details of witnesses are required.
  4. You must complete the complaint procedure with a list of all documents submitted to it so that nothing is lost. Note: if you do not quite understand the basis for imposing a fine, then you can always clarify it on " hotline traffic police for fines. And then - to challenge the order in court.

Is it legal to mount LED headlights?

Probably, now you don’t have the question “Are they deprived of rights for LED lamps?”. That is, all plans for tuning your "steel horse" are broken to pieces. Do not hurry. It's not as bad as you think, and the answer to the question "Can I use LED lamps in a car?" in some cases it is positive.

To date, there are two options for installing LED lamps in headlights that do not entail administrative responsibility:

  1. Directly at the factory. That is, the installation of standard optics, confirmed by documents from the manufacturer. At the same time, the intensity of the light flux is selected in such a way that there is no blinding of the driver moving in the oncoming traffic. Important: you can change old LED-lamps for new ones, and it is absolutely legal.
  2. Per vehicle, provided that the factory equipment provides for the use of LEDs on cars of a similar model.

How to legalize the installation of LED lamps in the headlights?

In order to legalize the installation of a SL, performed independently, it is necessary to carry out the following measures:

  1. Purchase light optics that absolutely corresponds to the model range of vehicles (if the manufacturer produces other models in this line in a similar configuration). Note: for light optics, a valid certificate must be presented by the seller.
  2. Install it in the headlights of the vehicle.
  3. Apply to the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (at the place of registration of vehicles) with an application for making the necessary structural changes to the car.
  4. Go through a procedure such as vehicle inspection.
  5. Obtain a document certifying that the design of the vehicle fully complies with all requirements and standards.

If all these measures are carried out, then no fines threaten you.


Motorists should have a maximum of information on this issue. And then everyone must draw conclusions and make an independent decision: against or for LED lamps. The article talks about the advantages and disadvantages of such lamps and much more.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Any idea is often compared to a light bulb. A business idea can be compared to a green light bulb - by analogy with the notorious American currency. And it is quite realistic to make money on the sale of these same light bulbs, only real ones (trading business ideas is a very special business). Lighting devices, without exaggeration, are needed in every room, in every room, and depending on the purpose, the range of lighting products can be huge. Ordinary incandescent lamps generally belong to consumer goods, because they often burn out and leave the inhabitant without light. Mankind can no longer do without artificial light, and this need can make quite good money.

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Today's lighting market, of course, is filled with entrepreneurs, but you can take your place here, the main thing is to offer the buyer those goods that no one else has. Directly something new in terms of technology is unlikely to be found, but it is quite possible to purchase interesting lighting fixtures that will attract the attention of the consumer. A light store, however ambiguous it may sound, can be a good idea for your undertaking if you approach this matter correctly.

Lighting devices can be completely different directions. For residential premises, their products are designed, while the purpose of the room also determines what type of device can be installed. Industrial buildings are particularly demanding not only on the intensity of lighting and its quality, but also must be resistant to the production environment. Advertising industry especially needs lighting fixtures, because a bright, shimmering signboard attracts people's attention quite well. People of different professions need their own light source, and the device must be arranged in a special way (the simplest example is a flashlight on a miner's helmet). A car cannot do without light bulbs, which, through the lenses of the headlights, give out a beam of light, so necessary for safe driving. Electricity has given people the opportunity to engage in almost any activity around the clock, and almost anyone needs one or another lighting device. That is, in this business there is no limited contingent of consumers, absolutely everyone needs a product.

There are enough specialized stores, especially in large cities, but not all stores can provide all kinds of assortment, so there are still specific niches that can be occupied. However, easy competition is not foreseen in this endeavor, and you will have to constantly monitor the market, look for new ideas and, importantly, constantly conduct marketing research and campaigns. Success depends on the ability of the entrepreneur to resist the efforts of competitors who are unlikely to calmly give up part of their clientele.

Registration is required to get started. entrepreneurial activity, any form is suitable, whether it is an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. The entire registration procedure will require about 20 thousand rubles, upon completion of which the entrepreneur will receive a code (OKPD 2) 47.59 retail furniture, lighting fixtures and other household items in specialized stores.

It is necessary to immediately decide which customers the store will be designed for, in order to organize the supply of relevant products in accordance with this. The most conditional division into lighting fixtures for residential and industrial buildings. There is also a separate segment - auto light. In essence, these products are sold in specialized stores, the client comes there to buy bulbs for his car, and this group includes not only standard products, but also all kinds of additional running lights, lighting systems, headlights, and so on. . Yes, and when registering, you will need to indicate that it is supposed to work with automotive products (despite the fact that these are all the same light bulbs and lighting fixtures). However, the most big store lighting products can offer a similar list of specific items and have a good additional income from this. Whether it is worth doing this and making it difficult for yourself, whether it is advisable, the entrepreneur himself decides, but at first it is probably not necessary to allocate a whole department for automotive accessories. You can limit yourself to purchasing standardized light bulbs that fit almost all models. There is such an idea, and you can forget about it, or you can earn money on it.

But what you need to do in this case, of course, is household lighting fixtures. This is the target direction, for these goods people will come in the first place. With all the variety of manufactured lighting fixtures, the client will look for something unusual, sorting through the options for a long time and doubting. Of course, there will be those who need an ordinary chandelier in the kitchen, regardless of how it looks, the main thing is that it should be cheap, and all these factors make it necessary to have a wide range of various goods of different price segments and for various purposes.

As an idea, of course, the opening of an elite-level lighting salon can be considered, but a critical number of customers will be missed. A person needs a choice, but offered within the same price category. The larger the range of supplied items, the more attractive the store for the consumer. Here, in addition to quality and price, it is focused on diversity, and a significant assortment will become a good competitive advantage.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In such a business, sometimes even slightly overpriced prices compared to competitors play a lesser role than a good choice and many solutions for every customer's taste. Depending on this, the size of the room is also selected, which starts from 50 m 2. Of course, you can open a small shop with a meager selection, but the most sold product in such a store will be ordinary light bulbs. That is, the goods will lie, withdrawing funds from circulation, the proceeds will be minimal, and the only savings (and that insignificant) will be only in renting the premises. A successful lighting store must not only have in stock, but also display a large amount of goods, and therefore very little a store it can not be.

The location should be chosen based on high traffic, optimally - the city center. It would be nice to stay in mall, and here even a cramped small room will justify itself. If it's separate standing shop, then it should be located on busy streets with a large number of people passing by. Advertising will attract customers who purposefully go after the lighting fixture, but random visitors will also be a good source of income. The cost of rent in this case may be slightly higher than in the whole city, but these investments will more than pay off (only if there are no competitors at all across the road and nearby). It is difficult to name the monthly expenses for paying for the premises, but about 50 thousand rubles will most likely be required. It is also possible to be located in residential or sleeping quarters, and business can flourish, but then you will have to focus mainly not on all residents of the city, but only on the inhabitants of the area in which the point is open. In some cases, this is even the most profitable solution, especially when the central and busy streets are occupied by competitive shops. But opening in industrial districts can be justified only if the store has a department of industrial lighting equipment. As a rule, the simplest products intended for residential use are installed in offices, but some enterprises need products with increased resistance to moisture, aggressive environments, and even explosion-proof ones. To have such goods in the assortment means to attract a significant number of additional consumers, represented mainly by legal entities. And they will make purchases for larger amounts and in larger sizes.

Ready-made ideas for your business

In general, we can say that any customer will appreciate if the store offers lighting fixtures for all needs. Today the customer buys a simple chandelier, and tomorrow they come back for something else, because "everything is here." Pleasantly surprised by the choice, he will also recommend the store to all his friends.

The consumer, of course, wants to get the goods here and now, but sometimes the point of sale does not have what he needs. Some part of customers will definitely leave without finding the product they need. In an attempt to meet the needs of customers, you can set up work via the Internet. Your own website will become a good informational and advertising platform and will provide an opportunity to sell especially unusual, and therefore rarely bought, products through an order.

The work of a lighting store initially involves either cooperation with one very large supplier with a large range, or with many small ones - this is how the assortment variety is formed. The concluded contracts will allow, if necessary, to additionally order unique devices in batches, including by special order. The client should be able to leave a request directly on the site, what to pick up later in the store, which will act as an outpost. For various reasons, goods not redeemed will simply replenish the assortment of the store, that is, funds, of course, are frozen, but this does not make the situation critical. As in any business where there is a huge list of products sold, here you will need to conduct an ABC analysis in order to know after the first month of work what is in demand by the client and what is just “for appearance”.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the sale of external lighting devices of large dimensions, as a rule, these are neon signs and other advertising luminous products. They are often made to order, which imposes on the seller the obligation to find a manufacturer, but in this case, the seller becomes an intermediary who, in fact, does not risk anything. As an option for developing your own business, you can offer advertising companies or private entrepreneurs not only the creation of signs, but even their subsequent installation. Here again, you can either play the role of an agent who finds installers and receives a commission for this, or hire your own staff of workers who perform such services. It's kind of already separate view business, but related and, most importantly, quite expedient, because customers come to the lighting salon with the expectation that even a non-standard order will be fulfilled here. All this greatly increases the competitiveness of your business, gives coverage to a large part of the market and increases your reputation.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Work with the industrial enterprises who need a special device with non-standard properties also involves the implementation of an individual order for the collection of the necessary product, although in this area there are many standard products which will satisfy the vast majority of firms.

The outlet itself is divided into departments for the convenience of visitors. A person should not wander around the entire room, looking for goods of the category he needs. Departments can be formed according to different principles: the type of light source used, purpose, type of lighting, installation method. The list can be structured like this:

    Location (mounting method)

    • Wall (sconces)


      floor standing




    Lighting type

    • mixed

      exposition and decorative

      Night or for dark rooms

    lamp light source

    • incandescent


      Diffuse and reflex




    • Based on inert gases (xenon and neon)


    • Industrial

      For underground work

      For outdoor lighting

      For living spaces

      Devices for the work of filmmakers and photographers.

In addition, there can be auto light, ordinary light bulbs, flashlights and other trifles, as well as related electronic products such as adapters, tees, extension cords, switches, and the like. It is better to hire a consultant to advise visitors if the store is spacious enough. Although only one person can serve the salon, who acts as a cashier, consultant and administrator, the entrepreneur himself can become one. But it is optimal when there are two people in the store - a cashier and a consultant, while both can perform both functions. They must also be able to pack the product if it is taken from the display case. Special qualifications are not required here, employees should just be polite and trained people, so you can find employees who are ready to work on average for 20 thousand rubles a month. Sum start-up capital this project will be:

    Registration - 20 thousand rubles.

    Room rental - 50 thousand rubles.

    Outsourcing, communal payments- 10 thousand rubles.

    Wage- 40 thousand rubles.

    Purchase of goods - 300 thousand rubles.

Bookkeeping and housekeeping are outsourced. The purchase of the initial batch of goods can be made for a different amount, it all depends on the intended range of work and the amount of funds available. Thus, the required funds for opening - 470 thousand rubles, monthly expenses - 100 thousand rubles. The margin for different goods can be completely different, for household trifles it reaches 100%, and for unique and expensive goods no more than 10%. If the average markup is 50%, then the implementation of the initial purchase in one month will bring 150 thousand rubles, while the operating profit will be 50 thousand, and the net profit will be 42 thousand 500 rubles (simplified taxation system, the calculation is made according to the “income minus expenses” scheme). It is unlikely that it will be possible to reach such a level of sales in the first months; advertising, discounts and promotions will be needed. However, there are prospects in this type of business, especially if you deal with related services.

A particularly good source of income can be the creation of designer lamps, that is, the fulfillment of an individual order of the buyer to create a unique thing. At the same time, just a person who decided to implement a design project, as well as the design studios themselves, who select products for their client, can apply for such a service. To create designer lighting fixtures, you can hire your own master who will perform such work. Accordingly, the cost of such a service will be very significant, but the demand for piece goods is unlikely to decrease from this. In general, all non-standard solutions in such a business can be developed if both taught and executed correctly.

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At the end of the year, it is customary to take stock and dream or make forecasts. Based on them, derive strategies, plans and tactics. This year it is especially necessary to do so. The accuracy of the forecast and action plan can determine the success of the next year.

Our forecast is for automotive lamp sales in 2015.

Automotive light has developed quite rapidly in recent years. Over the past 3-4 years, not only new types of lamps have entered the market (like H15, for example), but also a line of LED, xenon and halogen autolamps that are fundamentally new in type and characteristics. New players appeared on the secondary market of car lamps - both sellers and manufacturers, including world-famous companies that had not previously discovered car lamps

Many factors influence the assortment and sales dynamics of car lamps: ideas of designers and constructors, calculations and preferences of car manufacturers, legal requirements, the need to save energy, the impact of micro and macro economies, the choice of sellers and buyers, advertising ... .

During these years, sales of automotive lamps with increased luminous flux, xenon, LED lamps and daytime running lights showed the greatest growth. Increasing demand for more expensive lamps has led to monetary terms The volume of the auto lamp market in recent years has grown much faster than in quantity. Online stores selling xenon and LEDs in 2012-13, early 2014 grew like mushrooms after the rain.

Active participant prediction wholesale market auto parts since 1993, successfully survived 2 crises (1998 and 2008), is different from most market reviews of auto lamps,

But, in 2014 the growth rate of the Russian economy is steadily slowing down, the ruble is falling, cars are starting to rise in price, and their sales are declining ....

Given the negative macroeconomic dynamics, a rollback is inevitable - towards simpler and cheaper products.

Due to the growth of the exchange rate, the volume of sales of new imported cars (both cars and trucks) in 2015 will fall significantly, by In the primary market of Russia, cars in standard configurations will be most in demand.

Therefore, turning to lamps, we believe that due to their low cost
halogen auto lamps and incandescent lamps with standard characteristics will be in greater demand.

The ratio of sales of standard car lamps to sales of lamps with improved consumer qualitieswill be approximately 85-90% to 10-15%
Xenon will expand only due to lamps that are regularly installed by car factories
LED optics in the near future (2-3 years) will not take a significant share in the market, since the demand in the secondary market arises 3-5 years after the start of operation of vehicles.
Of all the huge variety of LEDs, inexpensive led lamps will still be in the greatest demand.
In Russia, the time of the mass transition of cars to LED optics
postponed for 6-7 years

During this time, technologies will go far ahead: the LEDs themselves will become more affordable, and their characteristics will improve (luminous efficiency will increase, degradation will decrease, and the cost will decrease significantly).
Perhaps during this time engineering will win weakness headlight LED lamps - heating, therefore, there will be no need for an individual fan (cooler).

Then the collapse of the market for conventional car lamps may be catastrophic, but this is in the future after 2020.

According to the analytical agency "AUTOSTAT", the entire market of electrical equipment for cars exceeds 42.4 million pieces of components of various names, in this figure 68.8% are car lamps. In monetary terms, the market for automotive electrical equipment is estimated at 550.6 million US dollars. Of these, 10% is occupied by autolamps.
