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What you need to trade beer on tap. How to open a beer shop and guarantee its success? What you need to start

Draft beer is superior in taste to bottled counterparts. The absence of pasteurization makes the taste brighter and richer. The first such stores, which began to open several years ago, became popular among the population despite the rather high cost of this product.

Demand for beer is growing steadily. This industry is one of the few that is not affected by the crisis. Its cost remains lower than for strong alcoholic drinks. In addition, hot weather encourages consumers to opt for a foamy drink. Therefore, such an idea, how to open a pub from scratch, attracts many businessmen.

Legal registration of the seller

Before opening a store draft beer from scratch, you need to familiarize yourself with the legislation governing this field of activity. The seller must register entity(LLC) or IP. If the product range includes wine and spirits, then IP will not work.

Retail sale of intoxicating drink is not licensed. What you need to open a draft beer shop is to have OKVED codes allowing the sale of this category of goods. Since mid-2016, new codes have been put into effect. A company or individual entrepreneur that started work after this date must have the following codes: 47.25.1, 47.25.12, 47.11.2. If you plan to open a beer shop bar, then you need the code 56.30.

If the organization was previously registered, but was engaged in another business, it is necessary to notify the Federal Tax Service about the addition of new activities. To do this, fill out the following forms:

  • for IP R24001;
  • for LLC R13001 or R14001.

Store Requirements

Opening a live beer shop is not possible everywhere. Similar trade is prohibited in the territory:

  • kindergartens, schools, polyclinics and hospitals;
  • sports facilities;
  • public transport and stops;
  • railway stations, airports;
  • markets;
  • filling stations;
  • concert halls;
  • military facilities.

Trading in temporary kiosks and tents is prohibited. What you need to open a beer store is to find a full-fledged room that has a foundation, walls, and a roof.

It is legally prohibited to sell any alcoholic beverages at night (the ban is valid from 11 pm to 8 am). In addition, it may not be sold to persons under the age of 18.

Equipped premises for a draft beer shop


The state system for controlling the production and circulation of alcohol obliges companies and individual entrepreneurs who purchase and sell intoxicating drinks to join it. A log of the turnover of alcoholic products is kept daily and a declaration is submitted monthly. All information, instructions are presented on the official website of EGAIS. Before opening a beer outlet from scratch, you will need to connect to the system and issue a digital signature.

Cash machine

An enterprise that sells beer on tap must buy and register a cash register. This regulation applies to all companies and does not depend on the applicable tax regime.

Obtaining permits

Registration of a draft beer store involves obtaining certain documents authorizing its operation. Working without a full package of papers is fraught with fines and closing the outlet.

The list includes:

  • statutory documents of the company (IP);
  • contract for the lease of premises;
  • conclusion of the fire inspection;
  • conclusion of the SES;
  • employment contracts with employees;
  • health books.

If the beer spill will be carried out in the mall, a permit for implementation is required. When operating a point on the street, you need to obtain permission from the local administrative authorities.

What does SES pay attention to?

Before opening a beer for bottling from scratch, you need to bring the premises in line with SES requirements. Walls should be tiled or painted. Lay a moisture-proof coating on the floors. It is necessary to ensure daily wet cleaning. It must be remembered that the store must be equipped with good ventilation.

Getting permission from the fire department

Decorating a beer store involves a visit from a fire inspector who checks for a fire system, an evacuation plan, and an emergency telephone number. There must be an instruction on countermeasures fire safety and a log of employee briefings.

To open a beer store from scratch, you need to take care of the availability of an emergency exit. Without it, the inspector will issue a negative conclusion.

How to start

Step-by-step instructions for opening a draft beer store begins with preparation, which allows you to calculate the costs, determine the development strategy.

  1. It is important to write a business plan for a draft beer store.
  2. Get the required package of documents.
  3. Find a room and sign a lease.
  4. Buy equipment.
  5. Select a supplier and sign a supply contract.
  6. Hire employees.
  7. Think over advertising and produce materials.

Until the point begins to function, it is difficult to determine which assortment will be the most profitable. Therefore, it is necessary to keep statistics in order to make the necessary adjustments after a year of work. The importance of statistical accounting and analysis is related to the very short shelf life of draft beer. It does not exceed 5-7 days. And the presence in the line of varieties that are not in demand will lead to large financial losses. The optimal number of species in the line is up to 25 pieces.

Another nuance that entrepreneurs should take into account is seasonality. The beer shop business generates minimal income during the winter. Some businessmen prefer to close the point for this time. The summer period can bring superprofits.


When opening a beer business from scratch, you need to decide on the assortment and pricing policy. The value of the trade margin directly depends on the category of intoxicating drink. The higher the purchase price, the lower it is. For goods Russian manufacturers it can be up to 100%, and for imported no more than 25-30% per liter. The retail price averages 60–250 rubles. It is important to consider the purchasing power of consumers.


For a beginner, it is more convenient to conclude a contract with a supplier of beer from one manufacturer. In this case, you can count on free equipment for a liquor store. The distributor will offer the necessary promotional material, which will save on its production. Another way to save money is to rent equipment.

The peculiarity of the equipment is the need for regular maintenance. If the contract with the supplier does not provide for the performance preventive work These costs must be included in the budget.

Before opening a point of sale of draft beer, you need to purchase (rent) the following equipment:

  • cooler;
  • a counter for installing beer taps;
  • filling mechanisms;
  • hoses;
  • bar counter;
  • special packaging - kegs;
  • gas cylinders;
  • reducer;
  • refrigerators;
  • show-windows for placement of the accompanying goods.

Purchase of drinks

A draft drink store may offer a range of different brands. Purchase can be made from distributors or from the factory. Buying directly from the factory is beneficial only if there is a high demand for beer. This option is more suitable for chain store owners. To supply one point, you need to find distributors that sell drinks in small bulk.


What does it take to open a draft beer store? Need to take care of appearance institutions. It is no less important than the range.

The point of sale of draft beer requires not being limited to painting walls and arranging furniture. An appropriate atmosphere must be created. Standard repairs should be supplemented with appropriate paraphernalia. For example, beer mugs, kegs, thematic paintings or photographs. Dark wood finish available. To create a relaxing atmosphere, the lighting should be subdued.

It has become quite fashionable to decorate stores in the opposite way, creating well-lit rooms with bright color schemes.

The store should have a bright and memorable sign. In the absence of your own imagination, you can contact advertising agency where they can help develop form style. A bright name will help save on advertising promotion of the point.

Financial investments

An important component of every business is understanding the amount of investment and future income. How much does it cost to open a beer outlet?

The amount of investment directly depends on the city, assortment and purchase price of beer drinks and snacks, retail space. How much does it cost to open a beer store? The minimum costs include (thousand rubles):

  • legal registration - 10;
  • repair - 80;
  • monthly rent - 40;
  • purchase of equipment - 180;
  • advertising - 10;
  • purchase of a batch of beer and snacks - 100;
  • the monthly salary of two salesmen is 40.

What does it take to open a brewery? Have a budget of about half a million rubles. Monthly expenses will amount to about a quarter of a million rubles.

When opening a point in a metropolis, 500 thousand rubles. will not be enough. How much does it cost to open a draft beer shop in a major city? It is necessary to expect that the minimum budget will be three times higher.


If investments do not exceed the specified values, then the average revenue per day should be 9 thousand rubles. If the average purchase is 250 rubles, there must be at least 36 buyers per day.

Since the maximum profitability of the beer store falls on the hot season, the opening of the outlet should take place in the spring. By the summer, it will become quite recognizable among buyers.

If we take into account that a liter of intoxicating drink costs 60 rubles, and during the season the daily sale is approximately 200 liters, then the monthly revenue will be 360 ​​thousand rubles. That is, the store will pay off in less than two months. In some cases, the payback period can be even faster. But there are unsuccessful projects in which the profitability of the “draft beer” business is minimal.

Opinion of experienced entrepreneurs

Those who consider draft beer as a business leave positive reviews. It is important to choose the right place and offer an assortment that differs from competitors. Despite the fact that the number of outlets is increasing every year, there are growth prospects. You should not consider this type of business as a random one that can bring a lot of money.

How to open a beer store for bottling? It is necessary to think over positioning, pricing policy, analyze the activities of competitors. It is useful to put yourself in the place of the consumer and think about the expectations of the new store.

A well-thought-out business plan for a bottling beer store will allow you to organize a business using the funds raised. What will be a serious advantage for young entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient finances.

When the point is organized, you can offer customers the service of buying their favorite drink via the Internet. The created site will become a good advertising platform. In addition to the information component, it is worth adding a “draft beer shop forum”. That will allow you to conduct surveys, monitor the wishes of buyers. The loyalty program for users will be an incentive to track promotions and new products, leave reviews.

Buying a business

When businessmen do not want to spend time organizing the store and obtaining documents, they consider the idea of ​​acquiring an already functioning business. It is difficult to say unequivocally how good this idea is. It's obvious that good business, which brings a stable high income, cannot be cheap. And there are not many offers on the market.

Some merchants build a business on the organization of a point with the aim of its further resale. Often the store is just starting to work, not having fame and stable income. The sale of a beer store is interesting for its owner, so he will try to talk about all the advantages, hiding the disadvantages.

But one cannot conclude that only unprofitable stores are offered for purchase. Among all the offers, you can choose a worthy option. Do not rush to buy, you need to carefully study the options you like. The basis for the analysis are the points:

  • the period of operation of the store;
  • how many owners it had in the entire history of the work;
  • how long the offer to sell has been posted;
  • reasons for looking for a buyer.

If you managed to find a suitable one from all the offers, you should ask the seller:

  • lease contract,
  • sales reports;
  • all reporting documentation on financial activities;
  • contracts for the supply of drinks and snacks;
  • equipment documents.

All factors must be considered together. Since the long period of sale of the store does not always indicate its unprofitability. Perhaps the seller from the very beginning greatly overestimated its value, and then began to slowly reduce it. Or the offer was placed on a small number of resources with a poor description.

What to look for when buying a ready-made business

The standard reasons for the sale, which are indicated in the ads, are:

  • changing of the living place;
  • change of business profile;
  • lack of time for management;
  • personal problems.

They may be true, but you don't have to trust them unconditionally. A newcomer runs the risk of buying a business that is obviously illiquid. An experienced person who already has a draft drinks business is well aware of the pitfalls and knows how to analyze papers and information.

The lease contract should be reviewed for duration and monthly payments. And you should also contact the suppliers to find out if there are payment arrears.

You can find a profitable offer, you just need to know that:

  • the cost of a profitable store is high;
  • you can’t take the seller’s word for it, you need to study all the papers and contracts in detail;
  • you should check whether there are any debts to the lessor and suppliers.

Trading intoxicated drink on tap is quite simple. But the profitability of a draft beer store, as a business, can be zero. Usually this is due to errors in choosing a place and customer focus.

It is important to control the quality and freshness of the product. A bad product will lead to a loss of consumer confidence.

Beer is a drink that is loved all over the world. True connoisseurs of it will always prefer a glass just filled from a keg, rather than buying a bottled product. This drink is also called "live". It contains many useful substances for humans, if, of course, it is made in compliance with the technology of responsible brewers. Specialists position draft beer as seasonalbusiness. Say what you like, but the demand for it is still greater in the warm season. When the July heat is on the street, the cash registers of draft beer shops are quite decent. In one summer month, it is quite possible to sell about 10 tons, even through a small outlet or beer bar.

Where is the best place to place a point for the sale of draft beer?

As with any store, the success of a draft beer outlet lies in its good location. People who are returning home from work willingly buy this drink, so it would be wise to open a trade near residential areas. A good location is also considered a place near enterprises, markets and grocery stores. By law, it is forbidden to open such points of sale near educational, medical and sports facilities. When choosing a leased area, this must be taken into account, otherwise the business will face difficulties.

How much money do you need to start a business?

If we talk about what you need initially to open a draft beer store, then it is quite enough to rent a room of 20 m². For its equipment, 15-20 thousand dollars will be needed. To accommodate 12 taps from which the drink will be poured, 10 m² is enough, the rest of the area will serve as a trading floor. It is known from practice that a retail outlet usually attracts buyers, where you can choose from 20-24 varieties. Therefore, the same number of cranes will need to be installed, and the optimal area for a store should be from 40 m². From furniture, you will also need a counter, and from equipment - a cash register.

Equipment for the sale of beer on tap requires certain investments. Therefore, many entrepreneurs start their business by concluding agreements with a distributor of a manufacturer of a particular brand. Under the contract, they transfer equipment to the store owner, train salespeople and provide marketing support. The brand representative also guarantees Maintenance equipment. Due to the specifics of the spill of the drink, the taps often become clogged, they need to be cleaned at least once a month.

If an entrepreneur follows an independent path and sells a product of several brands, then he will have to spend his own money on the purchase of bottling equipment, refrigerators and other furniture. Only the equipment for the store of "live" draft beer will cost him no less than 10 thousand dollars.

Necessary equipment

The equipment kit usually includes:

  • Cylinder with gas (carbonic acid). It is necessary to displace the drink from the keg. Special food carbonic acid is used. It is important to observe the bottling technology and control the degree of CO2 saturation of the beer.
  • The reducer is the equipment necessary to control the pressure coming from the cylinder. Usually he reduces it to 1-3 atmospheres from 60-80, which are created inside the tank. It is necessary that this part always works properly. Its failure can lead to a hose break and even a small explosion.
  • A keg is a vessel made of steel. They are from 5 to 100 liters. To comply with the technology and useful qualities of the drink, it is necessary that it be securely sealed.
  • Pickup head. Through this equipment, carbon dioxide is supplied to the keg.
  • Cooling device. This node is one of the most expensive in the system. It is able to cool from 15 to 400 liters of one beer per day. The price of the device also depends on the performance. The cooler is able to maintain the optimal temperature of the product during bottling at any air temperature; without it, business on this drink is simply impossible.
  • Defoamer. It is installed next to the tap and makes it easy to fill not only a glass, but also a PET bottle.
  • The beer column is the equipment through which the product is poured directly. The column plays an aesthetic role and can be designed to pour one type of drink or several.

Unobvious Features of the Draft Beer Sales Business

Selling draft beer has its risks. The fact is that it is stored in kegs for no more than five days.. If the purchases are calculated incorrectly, then part of the product can simply be poured. As a result, the business will suffer losses. However, along with this, it has undeniable advantages: a steady demand for the product, small investments and quick payback investments.

The idea of ​​opening a beer store on tap in Russia is promising, and therefore popular. According to statistics, it is beer that is the leader in the list of the most consumed alcoholic beverages. In addition, today our country occupies the 4th place in the market of alcoholic products, the quality level of which has changed for the better in recent years.

Market analysis and location selection

"Live beer" differs from the usual goods in glass and bottles in many advantages: full taste, smell and best quality and is considered more attractive to customers. All this plays into the hands of businessmen who decide to create their own beer enterprise. But let's deal with the main problems, risks, and most importantly, the costs of such a business.

Absolutely all people located in a settlement, city cannot become a buyer of beer by weight. Here, like any other product, there is a certain circle of customers: men and women of middle age. Based on this indicator, you need to choose a place for your store.

Consider a few of the most commonly used beer business options:

  • beer shop - a specially equipped building for retail goods;
  • a beer department in a supermarket, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is usually rented;
  • beer pavilion - a separate trading facility with the presence of communications, a warehouse.

Most often, at the initial stage, entrepreneurs prefer to rent a building, but most profitable option the opening of a beer pavilion is considered, since according to the established laws of the Russian Federation, in order to rent a room, you need to pay 1,800 rubles per square meter, and a fixed amount of 9,000 rubles is charged for its registration. If you are going to create a beer point in a supermarket, get ready to reckon with and rely on the rules and requirements of the owner.

The location of the beer store should be closer to the sleeping areas of the city, youth gatherings, parks, recreation areas, the main traffic artery. There are several nuances associated with legal restrictions:

  • If this is a residential building, then it must be transferred to the status of non-residential.
  • Retail possible only in stationary objects.

The beer store should not be located in the "forbidden zone", that is, a place located next to children's organizations, educational institutions, sports facilities, hospitals, railway stations, airports, military facilities.

Pay attention to the level of income of the inhabitants of the selected area, because with the help of the right knowledge you will be able to better form the range of products offered, and the competitiveness of existing outlets.

Main provisions of the project

The development of a business project is impossible without the competent creation of its main stage - the documentary base. Special permits and approvals (SES, administration, other bodies) for the opening beer business you do not need to receive, it is enough to notify the Rospotrebnadzor body about the start of activities. However, it must be remembered that organizations and entrepreneurs must know and comply with sanitary rules, fire safety rules, which can be found in the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

Next, you need to register a legal or individual as an entrepreneur in the tax authority. More often, lawyers advise establishing an LLC, which will reduce future costs for the ever-tightening legislation on the rules for individual businessmen.

In the future, the main papers in the beer store will be documents indicating the source of receipt and confirming the quality and safety of the products sold, the availability of appropriate conditions for its storage and sale.

It is equally important to choose a good beer supplier. Experts believe that it is more profitable to buy a drink from the manufacturer if you already own several outlets. It is better for novice entrepreneurs to cooperate with distributors, since their margin is low, but there is a delivery service to the buyer's store. Here are some tips to help you choose the right supplier.

  1. Criterion. You don't always have to buy the lowest priced product for the range of beers you need. If the price is low, and the delivery is paid, then it will not be cheaper.
  2. Advice. Terms of sale and delivery
  3. Price. Choose a supplier with a flexible pricing policy, that is, the possibility of a delay and the availability of discounts.

It will also be a big plus Additional services for the provision and maintenance of bottling equipment. To reduce shipping costs, prefer local manufacturers. Before signing the contract, find out about the experience of the supplier, ask for waybills, certificates of conformity or for all types of beer.

When you decide on the building, the supplier, arrange all Required documents and make repairs, you need to go to the next paragraphs of the business plan.

Necessary equipment and personnel for the operation

The mandatory list of equipment should include a cooler that maintains the temperature of beer, a rack for installing taps, a counter, a refrigerator, kegs for transporting beer from a supplier and storing products, a beer tap, a special hose, gas cylinders and a pressure reducer. All this equipment does not have to be bought at once, but can be rented, the monthly cost of which usually ranges from 2-10% of the price of new equipment, depending on the type of equipment.

AT recent times thermal chambers or kegerators are becoming increasingly popular. With a beer storage system in a separate room, centrally cooled, there are a number of advantages:

  • The system allows you to reduce the cost of equipment (coolers) and rental. Especially noticeable for large points - from 30 varieties with a good strait.
  • Unpleasant odors are eliminated from the retail space.
  • Not only connected kegs are cooled, but also those that are being replaced.

As for the trade equipment, here you need a cash register, scales, a universal showcase for displaying goods and tables with chairs if you plan to sell beer on tap in mugs.

For the normal functioning of a beer store, 2-4 sellers are enough. Their number depends on the work schedule and the number of clients. When hiring, pay attention to the ability to communicate with customers, knowledge of beer varieties, or at least a vision of the difference between the proposed assortment. We advise you to give preference to former bartenders. Not unimportant factor is the appearance of a person, it should have to itself. Do not forget to keep an eye on the work of your staff, as often the income of a beer store on tap suffers due to the tricks of the sellers. However, if wage employee is worthy, he is unlikely to want to deceive the employer and customers.

How to advertise the store and attract customers

First you need to create a positive image of the store. Help with this original name, exterior and interior design. On the street, it is necessary to make an outdoor sign with a catchy slogan and a price list for drinks, which should attract not only pedestrians, but also drivers. Decorate themed windows and take care of good lighting. The internal interior should be made in the same style, branded clothes for sellers are welcome.

Even at the initial stage, one can find regular customers, will help in this bright opening ceremony with a tasting of beers, coupons and discounts for the first buyers. To further attract people, it is worth conducting certain services, for example, ordering beer by phone, home delivery. A WEB-page on the Internet, all kinds of promotions and gifts for customers will not interfere.

Possible dates for opening a beer outlet

Open a quality store for short term- not an easy task. Businessmen will have to face a number of problems and delays, which we dealt with earlier. Difficulties may arise if you do not have experience in this field.

For a faster return on investment, it is better to open a draft beer store in spring or summer, because it is during this period that the demand for this drink increases.

Thus, it may take 1-2 months to open a beer outlet.

Fixed and variable costs

Consider the costs of a businessman who is about to open a beer store on tap and lease the building. The initial costs will be associated with paperwork, the purchase of the necessary interior items and assortment, and the organization of advertising.

  • IP registration: 100 rubles
  • Repair: 50,000 rubles
  • Purchase of chairs and tables: 15,000 rubles
  • Sign order: 30,000 rubles
  • Outdoor advertising: 15,000 rubles
  • Equipment: 200,000 rubles
  • Purchase of an assortment of beer: 100,000 rubles

Total: 410,100 rubles.

In the future, the costs will go to the development of the enterprise, the payment of taxes, salaries to sellers, and improving the quality of products.

  • Rent: 30,000 rubles
  • salary (including insurance premiums and tax): 100,000 rubles
  • Raw materials: 250,000 rubles
  • Advertising: 5,000 rubles
  • Monthly costs: 385,000 rubles
  • Profit before tax: 95,000 rubles
  • Tax: 14 250 rubles
  • Net profit: 80,750 rubles

According to the market analysis and the experience of entrepreneurs in the beer business, the profitability of the business is 30%, which is an excellent indicator, and the payback period is six months. During this time, the beer store on tap will rise and be able to bring in a significant net profit.

As a result, we advise novice businessmen to take a responsible approach to creating their own business plan and not to forget about the main risks of production: seasonality, shelf life of products, control by government agencies.

In contact with

Beer shops and draft beer outlets are a relevant business option in any city: it is popular, profitable, and easy to manage. However, opening a store is not easy. One of the main problems that entrepreneurs face is paperwork for a beer store.

In 2016, amendments were made to the law “On state regulation production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption of alcoholic products. Read in the article what documents and permits are needed to open a draft and bottled beer store in 2017.

Documents for opening a beer store: business registration and OKVED

For the retail sale of beer, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur. Open an LLC if you plan to engage in wholesale.

For individual entrepreneurs There are several convenient taxation systems - a patent, a simplified system or UTII ( Single tax on imputed income).

Suitable OKVED codes:

  • 52.25.12 - "Retail trade in beer"
  • 47.25.1 - "Retail sale of alcoholic beverages, including beer, in specialized stores"
  • 47.11 - "Retail trade mainly food products, including drinks, and tobacco products in non-specialized stores"
You don't need a license to sell beer!

According to the latest requirements for the premises, the store must have shopping room and warehouse total area- at least 50 m2. You must have a lease agreement or evidence that the premises are your property.

SanPin: a list of documents for a beer store

Sanitary standards are set out in SanPin "Sanitary rules for food trade enterprises." We are preparing a long list of documents, without which it is impossible to open a draft beer store:

  • Store permission. Carefully study the requirements for the location of the business!
  • A list of products sold agreed with Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Agreements on preventive measures of disinsection, disinfection and deratization.
  • Agreement on the export and disposal of waste.
  • Contract for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Production control program.

Consumer corner

.According to the law, a Consumer Corner must be organized in the store. It should contain:
  • The text of the law "On the protection of consumer rights"
  • Book of reviews and suggestions
  • Certificate of state registration
  • Book of complaints
  • Conclusions of controlling authorities and their telephone numbers
  • Evacuation plan
  • Warning that the sale of alcohol is prohibited to minors

Opening permit: fire safety

In order for the State Fire Supervision Authority to issue a permit for a draft beer store, the following documents must be submitted:

  • Fire alarm installation confirmation
  • Evacuation plan
  • Fire safety magazine

For fire safety requirements, see SNiP 21-21-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures", in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/25/2012. No. 390 "On the fire regime" and the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of March 25, 2009 "On approval of the set of rules ...".

Requirements for opening a beer store: EGAIS and online cash desk

EGAIS is automated system state control of volumes of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products. Connection to the system is required.

To register in the program, get a crypto-key and do electronic signature. This can be done at any certification center in the city. The second key will be issued after registration on the EGAIS website.

How to work with the program? The entrepreneur registers the purchase in an electronic invoice, or rejects it if the quantity or quality of the product does not match it. After that, the purchase data automatically enters the online checkout. It is not necessary to register the retail sale of beer.

Cash machine must be compatible with EGAIS. Experts advise installing online cash registers. According to the regulations, receipts must have a QR code and a WEB link to the FS RAR website. Documents for cash registers:

  • Card and passport of KKM
  • Service Agreement cash register
  • Journal of the cashier-operator

Alcohol declaration and alcohol register

Alcohol Declaration once a quarter is served and RosAlkogolRegulation. It is designed to regulate the circulation of alcoholic products and keep records of it. Read more in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2012 No. 815 "On the submission of declarations on the volume of production, turnover and (or) use of ethyl alcohol and alcohol-containing products and on the use of capacities." Individual entrepreneurs selling beer fill out Declaration No. 12.

Data-driven alcohol register entrepreneurs make a declaration. Read about the journal in the order of RosAlkogolRegulation dated June 19, 2015 No. 164 “On the form of the journal for accounting for the volume of retail sales of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and the procedure for filling it out.” The journal is filled out every day or no later than the next business day.

Documents for opening a draft beer store: we are moving towards success!

Documents for opening a store have been collected, permits have been received and the draft beer store is ready to go. Now the business revenue depends only on you. We wish you long queues for beer and high profits!

From the list of documents ripples in the eyes? We have a solution - ready business. In this catalog we have collected offers of ready-made beer shops in St. Petersburg. See business for Moscow.

In Russia, more than 11% of beer is sold on tap through shops, small outlets. The origin and large-scale development of this business falls on 2008-2009, when, in the cycle of the economic crisis, shops with a relatively small assortment began to appear like mushrooms after rain. Beer on tap does not go through the pasteurization stage, it is characterized by brighter and richer taste than bottled beer. Therefore, every year it finds more and more admirers, and also makes many entrepreneurs who build a business in this field successful.

The beer industry is one of the fastest growing even in a crisis - over the past 20 years, this segment has grown by about 6 times. This development was partly facilitated by the state, motivating to reduce the consumption of strong alcoholic beverages - cognac, vodka, etc. As a result, today ¾ of alcohol falls on beer. There is also a tendency for the growth of draft beer points - these are separate buildings and departments in shopping and entertainment centers.

What does it take to open a beer store?

Before opening any line of business (for example), you need to calculate all the main and additional costs, analyze the consumer market, assess the level of competition, how much it costs to open a draft beer store, as well as the risks and disadvantages of the business.

The algorithm for opening a draft beer store:

  • financial calculations, drawing up a business plan;
  • opening and building a development strategy;
  • choice of store format for opening;
  • registration of a permit package of documents;
  • search for a place, conclusion of a lease agreement;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • selection of a supplier and conclusion of a contract for periodic deliveries;
  • search for personnel, conclusion of employment contracts;
  • advertising;
  • opening of a draft beer shop.

Advice: sale of draft beer – seasonal business. Income in summer exceeds this figure in winter by 4-5 times.

Since the storage period of a live foamy drink does not exceed 7 days, it is necessary to ensure the sale within this period so that the product does not have to be thrown away and suffer losses.

It is recommended to start with small volumes - 18-25 varieties are enough. The entire assortment should be divided into 4 sectors, each of which should contain 3-5 proposed options for an intoxicating drink. For some buyers, it is important how much the beer costs, others are willing to pay a lot, but only for their favorite variety. Carefully analyze consumer demand, after 4-6 months the product range can be adjusted. A year later, the owner has a clear picture of which varieties are selling better.

It is also advisable to offer snacks for foamy drinks - dried fish and squid, suluguni cheese, smoked pig ears, chips, crackers, nuts, etc. This makes it possible to double the bill. There is a wonderful alternative for beginners -. In this case, part of the organizational issues will fall on the shoulders of the partner, and you will have the opportunity to work with a well-known brand and get an established scheme of business processes.

Open a draft beer store: where to start?

The main thing is to open a place with a high pass rate. Draft beer shops are point shops - they are located at the intersection of busy paths, near the entrances to supermarkets, department stores, metro stations, that is, places with a large crowd of people. Due to the small area, since the foamy drink is sold to take away, you can quickly recoup even the most expensive rent and reach a stable income already this year 2016.

There are also points with a small number of seats on the principle of a pub. They are located on a larger area and require the installation of a bar counter and chairs.

According to beer business experts, the coverage radius of one point is approximately 350-400 meters. It is important that in this place there is a high degree of patency. For the calculation, both the inhabitants of the area and the people who pass by should be taken into account.

After choosing a place, you need to take care of the visibility of the store - order a bright sign, place signs. You should not place a store near competitors - these are the same points of draft beer, universal kiosks, bars.

Since in every city the center is full of such establishments, sleeping areas remain free - great option to accommodate. This is the minimum number of competitors, relatively low rent and a stable flow throughout the day. According to experts, a nearby student residence can increase sales by 30%.

But do not forget about the restricted areas, which include educational, medical and sports facilities.

It is unprofitable to open a store from scratch near business centers, business districts. It is unlikely that anyone will want to buy an intoxicating drink during the working day, the bulk of visitors will appear only after the end of the working day. In this place are more relevant.

The supermarket will also become a big competitor, as it is easier for many to buy bottled beer at the time of shopping than to go elsewhere for draft beer. In addition, pouring points are often already located at the exit. If the sale in them is not carried out by you, then only a variety of varieties will help increase the number of visitors.

Draft beer shop equipment

Equipment can be purchased independently or rented - depending on the availability of start-up capital and the foresight of the strategy.

You can enter into a long-term contract with a specific supplier. As a rule, most distributors supply their own equipment, sometimes they even take care of advertising and staff training.

In order to open a draft beer store from scratch, you need to purchase equipment:

  • cooler - a device for maintaining a stable level of liquid temperature (approximately + 5º);
  • rack for placement of pouring taps;
  • bar counter or counter;
  • containers for transportation and storage - kegs;
  • column - a mechanism for pouring a drink;
  • drip pan;
  • defoamers;
  • hoses;
  • gas cylinders for displacing liquid from the keg;
  • reducer for pressure support;
  • refrigerating chambers;
  • showcases for the sale of related products - snacks, dried fish, etc.

Beer shop decoration

List permits depends on the place where the trade will be conducted. Without completing a full package of documents, you should not open a point, as the inspection authorities can quickly close it until the circumstances are clarified, which will arouse suspicion among the residents of the area. Therefore, on the opening day, all documentation must be ready - from the seller's sanitary book to.

The main list for the design of the store:

  • permission to trade from the local administration (if you want to open a point on the street);
  • permission to sell (if you plan to open a point in a shopping or entertainment center);
  • conclusion of the SES bodies;
  • conclusion of the fire inspection;
  • lease contract;
  • employment contract with staff;
  • health records for employees.

The owners of most points of this format are registered as individual entrepreneurs - the registration procedure will not take more than 5 working days, but the minimum.

In order to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, you need to use non-toxic paint or tiles for wall decoration. Lighting should be both natural and artificial, floors should be waterproof. The draft beer store should have good ventilation. Every day you need to carry out wet cleaning, cleanliness is the main criterion in the analysis of SES organs, as with.

The following requirements must be met in order to obtain a permit from the fire inspectorate:

  1. the presence of an emergency exit, the doors of which must be opened from the outside;
  2. availability of instructions on fire safety measures;
  3. conducting a one-time briefing on fire safety measures for all workers;
  4. availability of an evacuation plan and signs with the number of the fire department;
  5. fire detectors.

How to keep records in a draft beer store?

“It's not beer that kills people… it's the accounting and realization of sales that kills people,” experienced players of the beer market joke.

A draft beer store from scratch is a fairly new discovery in the field of sales. For the convenience of accounting, it is recommended to choose automated computer systems. Most points from the moment of opening are installed by automated shop equipment, some buy it after the payback of the start-up costs.

The store owner needs to choose a program that will record transactions, take into account income and expenses, and also form a customer loyalty program.

Seller's technology:

  • acceptance of the order from the buyer;
  • pouring beer;
  • search for the ordered variety from the proposed list in a special program;
  • sending labels for printing;
  • gluing a label on a bottle;
  • barcode scanning;
  • settlement with the buyer;
  • check printing.

Companies that optimize these processes and can be used when opening and operating a draft beer store from scratch:

  • "MiniSoft";
  • "TapVisor";
  • "Microinvest" and others.

Beer shop design

The design of a draft beer store is an important moment. Just making repairs and arranging furniture is not an option. It is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere that will correspond to the intended theme and give visitors comfort.

Among the large number of beer outlets in the development of design, the task is to stand out from the competition. This can be done by an original and unique interior, room design, general style, finishing material and paraphernalia.

To match the specifics of the store, you can decorate the room in dark pastel colors, use rough wooden furniture, artistic plaster on the walls. Important element design is an attribute. These can be wooden barrels, dark wood, thematic paintings, hop ornaments, etc. Lighting in such places is muted. As a rule, the rays are directed to the products, while other corners, the interior remains dark.

Also today, many draft beer stores have deviated from the main theme when developing the design and opened bright spacious premises with additions of red, orange or blue colors. As a result, the room seems visually large, there is a feeling of cleanliness and comfort. Large windows, standardized interior and great amount lighting fixtures makes the draft beer store bright, light and unforgettable.

A big role in the development of design belongs not only to the interior, but also to the sign. It should be concise, bright and memorable. You can place original or standard signs around the store that will guide people and encourage them to make a purchase.

How to promote a draft beer store?

When choosing advertising and marketing moves, it is worth starting from the specifics of the business. What is relevant for most areas may not give results in the beer business. For example, advertising on television, radio, placing ads in print media will be expensive, but they will not give the expected effect.

In addition to signage, interior design and thematic design could be a good marketing ploy. outdoor advertising– banners in the placement area.

Advice: hard to believe - but even the name of a draft beer store affects sales. It is important to come up with a short, concise and original name that is quickly remembered.

Experienced beer players effective method called audio advertising. Any promotion or advantageous offer is announced to passers-by by a megaphone. At the same time, the main thing is to do such events periodically, otherwise the residents of neighboring houses will hate you.

Everyone approaches the issue of discounts differently. Some experts advise against giving discount cards"right and left", since in winter the store may expect losses. Other popular outlets are boldly introducing discount and accumulation cards to attract customers.

Also, the marketing issue can be resolved with the beer supplier. Many of them give advertising paraphernalia with their logo for free - these can be ashtrays, coasters, etc.

How much does it cost to open a draft beer shop?

The threshold for entering a beer point starts from 300 thousand rubles. Starting investment depend on the region of location, the format of the store, the types of beer supplied.

Consider exemplary business plan to open a draft beer store from scratch:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs, registration of permits - 10 thousand rubles;
  • lease payments - 40 thousand rubles. per month;
  • repair and finishing works - 80 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of beer equipment - 180 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of the first batch of goods (beer plus snacks) - 100 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 10 thousand rubles;
  • staff wages (2 salespeople) - 40 thousand rubles.

Based on calculations, in order to open a draft beer store from scratch, you need to spend 460 thousand rubles. Every month, expenses will amount to about 250 thousand rubles.

This suggests that the daily revenue should not be less than 9 thousand rubles. If the average check is 300 rubles, it is enough to serve 30 customers. It's not that much.

Is it profitable to open a draft beer shop?

Draft beer is a popular product. Opening a store selling it from scratch is an excellent metropolis. The margin level varies between 50-100%.

Since this business is seasonal, you can recoup your initial investment only in warm weather. Experts advise opening a point from scratch in early spring, so that by the beginning of summer the store will be “at the hearing”. Initial costs can be recouped in the first summer month. In winter, many points are simply closed, as the business becomes unprofitable. In this case, it is important to retain the right to rent the premises. Sometimes it's more profitable to pay rent during non-working months than to start everything from scratch and spend money on advertising in a new place.

Project payback calculation:

  • the average cost of a liter of draft beer is 60 rubles;
  • average turnover per day (summer) - 250-300 liters;
  • the average monthly turnover will be 450-540 thousand rubles.

As can be seen from the calculations, the payback period of the project will be 1-1.5 summer months.

Draft beer shop as a business: reviews

Beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who have managed to open a draft beer shop from scratch have generally received positive feedback. Most of them literally "live" in their business, highlighting the whole culture of consumption of live draft beer.

It is recommended not to be afraid of competition, which is now enough in every city. If such a large number of points are functioning, it means that there is a demand for the product, and you can push them out by finding new places (it only seems at first glance that there are no such places left) or by offering a wider range. “If there is beer, there will be buyers,” says Sergey Rozhkov, the owner of a draft beer store from Yekaterinburg.

It is also noteworthy that many managed to open a business without their own investments. If you build a competent business plan and be confident in the profitability of the project, you can get credit funds and quickly repay the loan.

Negative feedback about this business available only in winter. If from November to February (the most critical time) the point “goes to zero” - the profit received pays off the monthly expenses, it is better not to close the place. If the store is operating at a loss, activities can be stopped for a crisis period.

Save the article in 2 clicks:

Opening a draft beer shop is a profitable business if you approach everyone responsibly organizational moments. The profitability of the project largely depends on the choice of location. Despite the fact that the business is in the seasonal category, high demand during the warm season can quickly recoup the initial investment and provide work during the winter months. Also, when organizing, it is important to design the premises, the general style, the preparation and collection of permits and the search for a reliable supplier.

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