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Men's classics in the “do-it-yourself” section: making birdhouses from wood. Features of manufacturing from different materials

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Small birds have always been held in high esteem by people. It's nice to have helpful neighbors who sing and fuss, catch insects and delight the ears with their singing. True, they thought of building houses for them quite recently, about 300 years ago.

No one is building large-scale housing complexes for birds, and no one needs it. In nature, everything should be in moderation, including comfort. If we talk about birdhouses, then there are certain subtleties of their construction.

DIY birdhouse

The bird house needs disinfection. And a person can help with this. Having made a removable roof for the birdhouse, you can always remove it and pour boiling water over the inside of the wall. After waiting for the chicks to fly out, and emptying the contents of the house.

People have thought of making more than fifty varieties bird houses. But today’s publication is about a classic house – a birdhouse.

He came to us from Western Europe. And the reason for its creation is banal - food should be at hand. In Europe they ate starlings and their eggs. Peter the Great saw them and ordered, without fail, to start making and hanging houses for birds, for fun.

When building a birdhouse, there is no need to tinker very spacious house. It should be crowded; starlings will only feed two or three chicks. In this case, each chick will be healthy and strong. In spacious apartments, starlings will hatch five chicks, but will not be able to feed them. They will be sick and weak carriers of epizootics.

There is no need to be zealous and hang a lot of birdhouses, it is enough to hang one next to the house, or another one within sight. If there will be a lot of birds, the balance will be disrupted and they will not have enough food, as a result, all the birds will leave your area.

One more thing: it is necessary to protect the house from cats, they climb everywhere. You can protect it in two ways:

  1. A tall birdhouse, the entrance is on top, the cat’s paw cannot reach the chicks.
  2. The birdhouse is hung on a pole, in the middle of the pole there is a plywood circle with a diameter of 50 cm, the cat does not overcome the obstacle.

Cozy house made from a bottle

In winter, the cold weather has a hard time for feathered friends. Increasingly, small birds fly to a person’s home and knock on the window, asking for crumbs. Even in winter, a warm bird house will be in demand.

The time to take care of the birds is in the spring. Birds return from warm countries, looking for a mate and a suitable place for a brood.

Let's get started

We make a birdhouse for birds with our own hands from wood.

Step one. Let's prepare

You will need boards 20 mm thick, the birdhouse will have seven elements and a perch. We take a drawing of a birdhouse, a pencil and mark each part of the house on the boards: the canopy and bottom of the lid, bottom, back, front and two side walls.

The bottom of the lid and the bottom are the same, 13 cm square perimeter. The front wall and rear walls differ in height by 4 cm, creating an angle of inclination of the roof canopy. For this reason bevels are made on the side walls. Two different sized parts are made for the roof.

Step two. We cut it out.

It is advisable to cut out the elements together to ensure consistency sizes of paired parts. Plan the front part of the house with a plane or on a machine; it will look more beautiful. Carefully, using a drill or chisel, make a hole in the front part. Its diameter is 3.8 cm, an increase of up to 5 cm is allowed.

Under the entrance, we drill a through hole 3 cm, this is where the arrival perch will be placed.

In nature, the entrance is a natural hollow; it is round in shape. Based on this, preference is given to a round hole, but if there is no choice, then make it square. We place it 5 cm below the top point of the facade.

Step three. We collect.

To avoid drafts, glue three sides with carpentry or PVA glue, without the back wall. We knock down the sides of the birdhouse with nails or screws. We glue and nail the bottom to the walls, and lastly we attach the back side. This assembly eliminates the appearance of cracks.

We insert arrival perch, pencil or just a long stick. A two-sided ledge of 5 cm will be very comfortable for the bird.

We make the roof removable, this will make it easier to clean the birdhouse after hatching. As already mentioned, pour out the contents and pour boiling water over it, you can treat it with potassium permanganate. Temporarily attaching it with self-tapping screws will protect it from the wind and cats. Two roof parts fasten together.

Step four. We install.

The structure is secured nails or wire. If you are fastening it with nails, you must first nail a plank to the back of the house, 50 cm longer than the birdhouse itself, and then nail it to the tree.

It is easier to secure the birdhouse with wire. The wire does not harm the trees, for bark protection is needed place wooden pads under the wire. Place the birdhouse with the entrance to the east or south, at a height of 3–5 meters.

Build a birdhouse do it yourself from wood or plywood is easy. It is necessary to have the mood, desire and have a drawing of the object itself.

If you decide to hang a birdhouse on your property, then you should think about its decorative design. Let it look nice from the outside. Any birds feel good even in painted houses.

As a rule, a standard birdhouse is taken as a basis, and only then it is painted and decorated as desired. Craftsmen put up a fence with feeder in shape verandas.

I once saw a master’s work in the garden: a two-story house with a dining room and feeding trough on the ground floor. There is a bird house on the second floor. This entire structure, the feeder and birdhouse, is made of plywood.

It happens that the birds do not immediately like the “apartment”. We'll have to wait a year, and next spring everyone will be happy. The birds will settle in and merrily run around the area in search of food.

We invite the birds

By building and hanging birdhouses, we make life easier for birds and help them find shelter for a while. By hanging a house in the garden, we provide security for the residents and add joy to ourselves observations of natural life.

The birds thank us for this, catch midges and mosquitoes, and collect pests from the beds. But different birds are looking for completely different housing, the size of the bottom and the height of the wall, the size of the entrance, and much more matter.

They carefully study the location of the future nest. At what altitude is the house located, what’s inside and what does it smell like. If all elements are taken into account by us, done DIY apartments filled with bird life.

It is important to make them comfortable for birds, not only beautiful for our eyes, otherwise they will remain empty.

Different birds - different houses

Small birds live in small houses. Tit sparrow, flycatcher, choose a small hole for entry 2.7–3.5 cm. The bottom is small, compressed 10–13 cm. In the absence of a perch jump from the bottom to a height of up to 15 cm.

Starling, wagtail, hoopoe, whirligig or woodpecker prefer an entrance hole of 5–5.5 cm, the bottom is also wider than 13–15 cm. The entrance is located at a height of 25 cm from the floor, and the front wall is 32 cm. Swifts and swallows look for special structures . They need a rectangular bottom 18 x 13 cm. An oval entrance under the roof itself is 6 x 3.7 cm; the front wall is up to 13 cm high.

An interesting fact: if a small bird inhabits a large house, then over time it will have to give way to a larger bird. If this happens on your site, you should cover the entrance hole with clay and give it the desired size.

How to place birdhouses

A safe height of four meters is considered. It is good when the birdhouse is in the shade and faces east. The distance between the houses is at least 30 meters. Starlings social birds, they can be placed closer, but other birds require territoriality.

You can find an interesting solution without wasting time and money on materials. It’s pretty quick to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle, and if you decorate it, it turns out pretty good.

Plastic houses

Large plastic house

A large five-liter water bottle will make an excellent summer home for small birds and for larger friends.

On top of the bottle you need to make a hole suitable in size for the bird. You will have to paint the entire bottle with paints; sunlight should not get inside. Cats will not be able to stay on plastic, so there is no need to be afraid of them.

If you make a through hole with an awl, you can insert a perch for the convenience of the birds. The same bottle makes very good feeders.

A square hole is made on both sides, the plastic is cut on three sides. The plastic is bent upward, creating a canopy over the entrance. Such a house or feeder can easily be hung from the branches by the handle.

Device inside the house

You can make such houses from bottles, just like from wood, together with your children. Children will quietly get used to the idea of ​​nature and take care of the world around them. Have a great time.

The house can be decorated with paints, but you can simply decorate it with bright ribbons or leave it transparent. It is worth sprinkling the bottom of the bottle with sand, putting hay and dry twigs on top. So, it will become much more comfortable and attractive for birds.

The tenants themselves will figure out what will be useful to them. It is worth thinking about the quiet life of birds and hanging the house higher.

DIY birdhouse

We take a two-liter drink bottle, this will be the basis for the house, then:

  • Pliers;
  • Drill and two different drills;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Paint brush or piece of sponge;
  • Old CDs;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Glue for plastic;
  • Scotch tape, or maybe electrical tape;
  • Dowel and screw.

In addition to all this, you need acrylic paint:

  • black;
  • beige;
  • green;
  • brown;
  • light brown.

All this can practically be found at home or in the garage.

How to build a birdhouse with your own hands

In a two-liter plastic bottle, at a height of 6 cm from the bottom, cut out a round hole for the tap hole with a stationery knife.

We drill a 3 mm hole two cm below and screw the plastic dowel with a screw from the inside. It turned out to be an excellent perch for the starling. He will greet others by singing, sitting in front of the entrance to the house.

We cover the bottle with brown paint twice, paint carefully, without gaps. We create comfort and darkness in the house.

Use a thin drill to drill through the neck of the bottle horizontally. A wire is threaded through the hole and twisted. It makes a good loop for hanging a bottle.

The finished home can be left and hung in the garden, but a couple more operations can be performed for beauty.

Decoration bird house

We cut out a window model from paper and glue it onto the bottle.

We heat the CD, so it’s easier to cut it, and divide it into parts like a cake. This is what we got as tiles for the house. You can paint the tiles brown or decorate them with all colors, making the roof multi-colored.

We begin to cover the bottle with tiles from the bottom row; you can also secure it with tape for strength. Each subsequent layer is attached only with glue.

The house is ready!

We arrange your home comfortably

Is it possible to make a plastic house more comfortable? A starling is a bird that independently searches for suitable material for its nest.

And who told you that the starling is the only representative of birds that can live in a built house. That is why you should worry about the comfort of future guests.

The bottom of the home can be lined with rags, cotton wool, hay and down. Any birds will not refuse such help in arranging a nest. They will delight others with their singing and chirping.

Where are birdhouses hung?

The higher above the ground, the safer it is, so the birds think. The first requirement that birds need is safety. We go into the garden, hang it higher, securely fasten it to good trees.

It is better to place it so that it is not particularly visible. Extra eyes can interfere with the growth of chicks. The main destroyers of bird nests are cats and children, and we hide bird nests from them.

Be sure to try making such a house with your children. Good activity for kindergarten, simple execution and helps develop love for the world.

Birds are indispensable helpers in the fight against pests of green spaces. The best way call on them for help and attract them to your site - make a birdhouse with your own hands. By giving the birds comfortable houses, the owner of a country plot ensures peace of mind for the harvest and great mood from a pleasant neighborhood. The birdhouse will be in demand in any case: swifts, nigellas, flycatchers, tits and sparrows are also happy to settle in comfortable apartments.

When thinking about how to make a birdhouse with your own hands, you should first of all worry about procuring the material for building the house.

The material for making a birdhouse can be hardwood boards, for example: aspen, maple, oak, birch, alder

Coniferous wood is absolutely not suitable for building a birdhouse, since it can secrete resin, which makes the inside surface of the birdhouse sticky.

To build a birdhouse, it is also not advisable to use chipboard and fiberboard, which emit toxins harmful to birds. Plywood is far from the best choice: the material does not transmit sounds well, the sufficient audibility of which is necessary for birds in case of danger, and does not retain heat well, making it difficult for birds to care for their helpless chicks. The inner surface of the wooden boards should be slightly rough. You can add unevenness to a smooth surface by applying horizontal notches with a chisel, which will make it easier for the birds and their chicks to get out of the house.

Before making a birdhouse, you should decide on the dimensions of the future structure. Standard dimensions of a birdhouse: 13-15 cm bottom width and 30 cm height of the birdhouse, and the diameter of the entrance is 3.8-5 cm. Spacious apartments are not always good: in a large house you can shelter more chicks, but will their birds be able to do this? parents?!

Numerous offspring are much more difficult to go out and feed. The chicks, weakened by insufficient food, grow up sick and unable to withstand long-distance flights in the fall to warmer climes. In a compact house, capable of accommodating only two or three chicks, the offspring grow up healthy, capable of further maintaining the strength of the species population.

Ornithologists say that the interior space of bird houses should not be too spacious, but at the same time too cramped

The simplest version of a wooden bird house

The configuration of the birdhouse depends on where it will be attached. If the house will be suspended under the roof of the house, to a balcony or pole, then the design should include additional perches in the form of a thin stick or a triangular shelf, necessary for the “walk” of the feathered owners.

When deciding how to make a birdhouse from wood, which will be placed in natural conditions and suspended on a tree, you can do without arranging a “walking” perch. On the branches adjacent to the nesting site, the starling will rest, delighting others with the pleasant tints of its singing.

When making the simplest birdhouse, you can use the given drawing of a birdhouse with dimensions, which even a schoolchild can figure out

To build a compact and convenient house for the bird family you will need:

  • edged unplaned boards;
  • two blocks (for hanging the birdhouse on a tree);
  • screws or nails;
  • steel wire d=1mm (for hanging the house);
  • wood glue.

Tools you will need:

  • a simple pencil with a ruler;
  • (with middle tooth);
  • drill, wood drill;
  • hammer;
  • chisel.

The work is carried out in several stages:

Stage #1 – preparation of wooden elements

Using a simple pencil on the boards according to the drawing, the dimensions of all wooden elements are noted: bottom, walls, roof and perches.

As a result, you should get 7 blanks

The bottom is made in the shape of a square with a side of 13 cm. The difference in the heights of the front and rear walls is 4 cm, this allows you to create an angle of inclination of the roof. For the same purpose, bevels are provided on the upper cut of the side walls. To arrange the roof, you should prepare two parts of different sizes: the first part is shaped like the bottom of the house, the second is a large rectangle to create a canopy.

Some craftsmen believe that a more successful option in arranging a house is a roof tilted forward, which is formed by a shorter front wall.

Stage #2 – cutting out structural parts

Sawing off elements should be done sequentially so that paired parts have the same dimensions. To add beauty to the product, the outer surface of the boards can be additionally planed.

Using a drill or chisel, a hole is made for the flight of birds d = 3.8 cm (can be increased to 5 cm)

A round hole for the entrance to a house is more preferable than a rectangular one, since in nature birds prefer a round hollow, and they are more likely to settle in a house with a round entrance. The location of the hole 5 cm from the top edge allows you to protect the chicks from the grasping paws of cats.

Stage #3 – assembling the birdhouse

The side walls and front façade of the structure are first fastened with wood glue. As the glue dries, the parts are fixed with nails or screws. Using the same principle, the side ends of the bottom are connected to the front and side walls. Lastly, the back wall of the birdhouse is glued and hammered. There should be no gaps.

The roof parts are fastened together. There is no need to attach a roof to the house itself.

Stage #4 – installation of a bird “apartment”

The finished birdhouse can be nailed or tied with wire. For additional protection and to make it easier for the chicks to exit along the surface at a slight angle to the outside, the structure should be tilted slightly forward.

When placing a birdhouse on a tree, it is preferable to use wire to hang the structure, which, unlike nails, will not damage the tree. Additional protection for the tree bark can be provided by wooden blocks, which will act as a kind of lining that absorbs the tension force of the wire.

The house should “look” towards the east or southeast. The optimal placement height is from 3 to 5 meters

Decorative birdhouses

When planning how to build a birdhouse with your own hands, you want to get not only a functional design that is convenient for birds, but an attractive house that will become a bright touch in the design of the site.

There is a misconception that starlings do not occupy houses painted with bright oil paint. But as practice shows, the bird family feels very comfortable in such colorful apartments.

Material on how to build a decorative windmill for the garden may also be useful:

Houses decorated with decorative details look interesting. Some craftsmen create real palaces for birds with balconies and fences

Fantasizing about how to build a birdhouse that will become a real decoration landscape design, the basic design can be based on the simplest version of the house, which is only complemented by original decorative elements and played up with color schemes.

Birds may not immediately inhabit the “apartment” they have prepared. It can take a year or even more to settle into new housing. Don’t worry and be patient: your good deeds will definitely be rewarded over time.

A love for birds or a simple desire to get rid of pests on their property makes many summer residents think about making a birdhouse. Not everyone knows that not only starlings, but also many other birds can live in a birdhouse. For example, small owls can live in a birdhouse and will hunt for small rodents, and if you manage to place singing birds in your dacha, then you will be able to enjoy their beautiful trills throughout the warm season. In addition to practical and aesthetic benefits, making a birdhouse together with your children will help develop their love of nature and work.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands, and what types of birdhouses there are, you can find out by reading our article.

Materials and tools for manufacturing

Professional ornithologists advise using hardwood boards to build a birdhouse:

  • Alders.
  • Aspens.
  • Birches.

Softwood boards are not recommended because they release resin that can harm birds. There is also no need to make a birdhouse from plywood, because it has poor thermal insulation properties and the birds will be cold in such a house. In addition, plywood does not transmit sounds well, and this negatively affects the reaction of birds when predators appear. You should absolutely not build a birdhouse from chipboard or fiberboard; first of all, such a birdhouse will fall apart after the first heavy rain, and secondly, particle boards are made using toxic substances that can harm the health of birds.

Larch boards

In addition to hardwood boards, you will also need:

  • Hand saw or electric jigsaw.
  • Hammer.
  • Drill.
  • Chisel.
  • Measuring tape and ruler.
  • Pencil.
  • Nails.
  • Wood glue.
  • Water-based paint (if you want to paint the birdhouse).

Take into account one more important point: no matter how much you want to build the most beautiful birdhouse, do not under any circumstances treat the surface of the boards with a plane! The boards should not be planed; this is necessary for the chicks to be able to climb up the walls of the birdhouse.

Making a birdhouse

Referring to the drawing below, perform the following procedure:

  1. Make markings by transferring the dimensions of the parts from the drawing to the boards.
  2. Using a jigsaw or hacksaw, cut out the parts according to the markings.
  3. Using a drill or chisel, make a hole with a diameter of 40 millimeters in the front wall of the birdhouse.
  4. Place the side walls in a vertical position and glue the front wall with the manufactured tap hole to them. It is very important to avoid gaps when gluing.
  5. After the glue has dried, strengthen the connections of the side and front walls with nails.
  6. Coat the lower ends of the connected walls with glue and glue the bottom of the birdhouse to them. After the glue has dried, also nail the bottom to the walls.
  7. Attach the back wall in the same way.
  8. Make the roof of the birdhouse by connecting the holding spike and the lid.
  9. Place the roof on the birdhouse. There is no need to nail or glue the roof, since it must be removable so that the birdhouse can be cleaned.
  10. Additionally, for the convenience of the birds, you can install a bar or pole in front of the hole.

A simple birdhouse made of boards is ready! All that remains is to hang it correctly on a tree or pole.

Simple birdhouse

How to make a simple birdhouse, see also in the video:

Birdhouse placement

In order not to harm the trees, you should not nail the birdhouse to a trunk or branch. Many people hang birdhouses on metal wire, but this method also harms the trees, because over time the wire damages the bark and the wood begins to rot. It is best to hang the birdhouse from a thick rope made of organic material or from a wooden crossbar sandwiched between branches.

Methods for installing a birdhouse

When placing a birdhouse, take into account the height; if you hang it very low (less than two meters), then wild and domestic predators can easily reach the clutch or chicks.

When hanging a house for birds, take care of their comfort, give the birdhouse a slightly tilted forward position, this will allow the birds to easily move from the bottom to the entrance.

When choosing a place for a birdhouse, do not place it near thick branches, which in windy weather can damage the structure of the house.

Install a birdhouse with a partner

Since the work of attaching the birdhouse takes place at a fairly high altitude, be sure to work with a partner who will insure and help you on the ground. It is also advisable that you have a mounting belt tied to the tree.

Birdhouses made from scrap materials

You can make an original birdhouse not only from wood. There are many objects from which wild human imagination can create a house for birds, let's look at some of them:

Birdhouse made from a plastic bottle

You can make both a large and a small birdhouse from a plastic bottle, everything depends on the volume. A plastic birdhouse is not suitable as a permanent home for birds, but as a winter feeder it is quite suitable.

To make a birdhouse:

  1. Take a five liter plastic bottle.
  2. Cut a hole with a diameter of 3-4 centimeters at the bottom of the bottle.
  3. Cover the edges of the hole with tape or adhesive tape to prevent birds from getting hurt by the sharp edges.
  4. The fastening of the birdhouse-bottle can be made in the form of a loop protruding from the neck and clamped with a lid.
  5. Additionally, you can insulate the birdhouse by wrapping it with felt and tape.
  6. Finally, you can place dry straw at the bottom of the birdhouse or simply sprinkle bird food.

If you are a creative person, you can also paint the bottle or decorate it with decorative elements.

There are many options for feeders and birdhouses from plastic bottles, but the manufacturing principle is the same for everyone, this is cutting out the taphole, fastening device and your imagination for the design.

Instructions for making a birdhouse from a plastic bottle are also in the video:

Birdhouse made of cardboard

Despite the absolute lack of resistance of cardboard to water, it is quite possible to make a birdhouse out of it that will last at least a year. Below are a drawing and instructions for making a birdhouse out of cardboard.

To make a cardboard birdhouse:

  1. Take a sheet of cardboard or disassemble one or more cardboard boxes. The denser and thicker the cardboard, the longer the birdhouse will last.
  2. Draw on the sheet the pattern you see in the picture.
  3. Cut out the drawn parts.
  4. Bend the pieces along the fold lines.
  5. Take wide tape and cover the inside and outside of the parts with it. Also, instead of tape, you can use any waterproof material and glue. On the inside of the front wall, under the hole, stick a piece of coarse fabric so that the birds can easily climb from the nest to the entrance.
  6. Glue the gluing areas with universal glue.
  7. Reinforce the glued corners by placing strips of tape on them.
  8. Use scissors to cut a hole for the tap hole.
  9. Cover the inside of the tap hole with tape.
  10. Make a hole and insert the pole.
  11. Paint the birdhouse with paints or decorate it with decorations.

It is worth noting that it is better to glue the roof in such a birdhouse using tape and, as needed for cleaning, cut the tape with a knife and remove the roof.

Birdhouse made of cardboard

The birdhouse is made of cardboard and is very light in weight, so if it is not fastened well it can be blown away by the wind.

You can also learn how to make a birdhouse out of cardboard from the video:

Shoebox birdhouse

A birdhouse made from a shoebox is made according to the same principle as a birdhouse made from cardboard. the main task is to make the parts of the birdhouse absolutely waterproof. This can be achieved either by gluing a waterproof film, or by coating the parts with water-repellent paint.

Birdhouse made of thick logs

This type of birdhouse is closest to natural environment habitat of birds living in tree hollows. To make it you will need:

  • A piece of log with a diameter of 20-3 centimeters and a length of 40-50 centimeters.
  • Chainsaw or two-handed saw.
  • Powerful drill with wide drill bit.
  • Large wide chisel.
  • Hammer.
  • Clamps (for clamping logs during cutting and drilling).
  • Nails.

Leave the walls 3-4 centimeters.

The technology for making a birdhouse from a log is quite labor-intensive, so it is advisable to produce this work with a partner.

  1. Clamp the log with clamps.
  2. Cut two dies of 4-5 centimeters thick from the log; they will serve as the roof and bottom of the birdhouse.
  3. Take a drill and start drilling out the inside of the log. When drilling, leave walls 3-4 centimeters thick along the edges of the log.
  4. If the drill length is not enough for through holes, drill from both sides.
  5. Using a chisel and hammer, shape the inside walls of the birdhouse into their final, round shape.
  6. Drill a hole for the tap hole and install a pole or strip underneath it.
  7. Nail the bottom of the birdhouse.
  8. The roof of the birdhouse can simply be attached to a few nails so that it can be easily removed if necessary.

Birdhouse made of logs

Never make a birdhouse from wet wood, otherwise, after drying, it may crack and fall apart. It is also advisable to treat the bottom, roof and areas of the birdhouse unprotected by bark with water-repellent paint.

You can see another option for making a birdhouse from a log in the video:

Birdhouse made from wine corks

The name of the birdhouse is not entirely correct, since wine corks serve only as decoration. The name would be more correct: a birdhouse decorated with wine corks. In addition to decorative properties, a wine cork has good thermal insulation characteristics, therefore, in a birdhouse decorated with such in an unusual way the birds will be warm.

Birdhouse decorated with wine corks

If you decide to decorate your birdhouse with wine corks, then prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Glue.
  • Glue gun.
  • Lots of wine corks.

There are three ways to decorate with wine corks:

  • The first method involves cutting the cork into several round dies. After which, the dies are glued to the roof and walls of the birdhouse.
  • The second method is to cut the cork longitudinally into two semicircular parts and then decorate the walls of the birdhouse with them.
  • The third method eliminates cutting. The cork is glued in its entirety.

Multi-apartment birdhouse decorated with corks

There is no point in choosing just one way to decorate; the birdhouse will look more beautiful if you decorate it in all three ways. For example: the roof - with dies, the side walls - longitudinally cut, and the front wall - with whole plugs.

Options, design and decorative elements of birdhouses

There are many options for birdhouses of unusual shape and design, we offer you photographs of some of them:

    • Birdhouse - “barrel”. It is made from half-bent slats and round blanks glued together. Plastic elements imitating vines and hemp rope were used as decoration. Such a birdhouse is difficult to make and is not recommended for making by people who do not have experience in carpentry.

    • The “three-room” birdhouse is made of three sections of different shapes, connected to each other. The peculiarity of the birdhouse is that it uses the front wall as a removable element, and not the roof as in conventional models.

    • Birdhouse - “shoe”. A budget option birdhouse from an old shoe. Boards and galvanized iron were used as protection against precipitation.

    • Birdhouse from the body of an old rotary telephone. The birdhouse is not environmentally safe, since substances harmful to birds can be released from the plastic body when heated in salt licks.

    • Birdhouse from an old canister. A successful design solution, but the use of metal products for nesting birds is not recommended by ornithologists, because in the summer it is hot in such birdhouses, and in the cold season the birds can freeze.

    • Birdhouses decorated with stones. A beautiful option for birdhouses, but a significant drawback can be the weight of the product, especially when installed at a height.

  • The birdhouse - “hut”, is made of laminated veneer lumber, folded together from a rustic log house. A beautiful birdhouse, but very difficult to make.

Thanks to human imagination, houses for birds will always be replenished with new options; it may turn out that you will become one of the authors of the new birdhouse design!

Instead of questionable chemical compounds, you can use safe “environmentally friendly” products. To effectively combat caterpillars, beetles and other pests, it is enough to attract starlings. These and some other bird species are capable of destroying not only insects, but also larvae. The only thing you need is a high-quality, hand-made birdhouse. Design drawings and dimensions, manufacturing technologies and useful tips you will find in this article.

Read in the article

What to make a birdhouse from: the best materials

To clarify the dimensions of the birdhouse, a drawing for starlings must be created taking into account the characteristics of their habitat in natural conditions. It is recommended to take into account the following facts:

  • Usually these birds make nests or use a hollow hollowed out by a woodpecker in a tree. They do not need excessive space, so it is enough to create a small interior space for the home.
  • To raise chicks, you will need the absence of drafts, good heat and.
  • We should not forget about natural enemies. Sufficient protection against .
  • It is necessary to ensure ease of entry into the birdhouse and free flight.
  • Unpleasant odors and fumes harmful to biological organisms should be avoided.
  • The design should not contain sharp protrusions or defects that could injure the bird.

This photo shows that the birds like the unsightly-looking structure. It is made from natural materials, without varnishes or paints. In terms of its parameters, the housing turned out to be close to natural conditions, which is why the corresponding structures are called “loops”. Manufacturing is not accompanied by unnecessary difficulties. In a suitable log, remove the core and cut out a hole for the tap hole. Boards are nailed from below and above.

Birdhouse made of wood: in harmony with nature

This material is used most often, since its parameters are well suited for bird housing. However, please be aware of the following limitations.

  • To obtain acceptable results, it is necessary to use sufficiently thick sheets (from 20 mm or more). It is permissible to create type-setting walls.
  • Moisture-resistant varieties are suitable for outdoor use. These materials are more expensive than standard ones. But products made from them will retain their shape for a long service life.
  • You should make sure that there are no adhesives or other chemical compounds that are harmful to birds or create unpleasant odors.

Birdhouse out of the box: a ready-made solution

This kit contains wooden blanks made using factory techniques. They differ high quality processing, precise dimensions. Paints and a special decorative overlay are useful for creating an aesthetic appearance. The assembly instructions will help you perform the necessary steps correctly.

Important! As a rule, such kits do not include tools. They will have to be purchased separately.

This cardboard birdhouse can be assembled in just a few minutes. Special cutouts are designed to create connections. The advantages include low cost, speed of installation operations, and the possibility of disassembly. To determine the shortcomings of such a model, it is enough to carefully study the picture:

  • Lack of an additional layer that protects against moisture.
  • The bird hole is too big.
  • Low strength of connecting nodes.
  • Overly modest appearance.

Birdhouse dimensions: what you need to consider

Above we discussed in detail questions about how to properly make a structure using different materials. After comprehensive analysis It’s not difficult to conclude about the advantages of natural wood:

  • it is an environmentally friendly, inexpensive material;
  • it has high strength and good insulating characteristics;
  • it is not too difficult to process it at home with your own hands using simple tools.

The last item on this list deserves special attention. Prudent owners make their homes attractive to certain species of birds. That is why it is necessary to take into account not only the physiological differences between starlings and tits, their special habits and preferences.

It should be noted right away that it will not be possible to build such a miniature object according to GOST. There are no standard reference parameters developed for the birdhouse.

Important! What dimensions of products should be are discussed below. Requirements for other parameters, taking into account behavioral characteristics, are also given there. different birds. Individual changes can be made to any drawing. But it is better if they relate only to the aesthetic parameters of the products.

Dimensions of a birdhouse for starlings

Typical design parameters are given in the following table:

When the feathered neighbors have mastered the new home, this one is removed. After this, the birds will begin to destroy harmful insects.

Titmouse: drawing and dimensions

The dimensions of the birdhouse for tits are slightly different from the previous version:

House for a wagtail: drawing and dimensions

To make the birds comfortable, the following parameters must be taken into account:

You can create drawings yourself based on the data provided in the table. But we must remember that the wagtail’s legs are better suited for running than for clinging to vertical surfaces. It is difficult for this bird to penetrate the entrance of a standard birdhouse. For this purpose, the structure is supplemented with a “threshold”, a special platform with a width of 80 to 120 mm.

How to make a birdhouse step by step

After familiarizing yourself with the theory, you can move on to practice. This table shows an algorithm that will help you correctly create birdhouses for birds with your own hands. Drawings, consumables, and tools must be prepared in advance.

Photo Procedure and Important Notes

To make a relatively simple house for birds at home with your own hands, the following drawing of a birdhouse with dimensions is suitable.

In accordance with the design documentation data, the dimensions are transferred to .

Wooden blanks are cut using or with an electric drive.

To make it easier for birds to move, the internal surfaces are made rough. If necessary, special notches are applied in the taphole area.

The hole is made using an electric drill. Use a cutter attachment of the required size.

To simplify the assembly process, thin holes are drilled at the marked points or small recesses are made. Screws are screwed into them. With the help of such fasteners, reliable connections are obtained.

Assembly is performed sequentially. The workpieces are installed so that during the process of fastening them they do not create additional loads on the structure. For the product in the example, three screws on one connection line are sufficient. This is not indicated in the photo, but some craftsmen install special inserts in the inner corners. With their help, the shape of the internal space is rounded, making it similar to an ordinary hollow.

A wooden rectangle with dimensions slightly smaller than the free part of the inner contour of the walls is fixed in the central part of the lid. It is fixed with five screws.

Check the ease of installation and removal of the cover. If necessary, use a chisel to give the optimal shape to the parts.

If you create several birdhouses, the garden will be better protected from harmful insects. To extend its service life, the product is impregnated on the outside with specialized compounds.

Using this video, you can find out how to make a functional and beautiful birdhouse yourself:

Important! When creating any type of house, it is necessary to seal the cracks. You can use hemp for this. Working operations are performed using specialized tools and blades.

How to build a birdhouse with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

If you buy a ready-made kit, you can make your own birdhouse for birds quickly and accurately. Such kits contain precisely fitted blanks and consumables. Detailed instructions manufacturers explain how to make a birdhouse correctly. But much more interesting are the original designs.

Detailed drawings will not be needed to implement this project. You just need to comply with the above requirements for the size of houses for different types of birds. First you need to find the necessary raw materials. Aspen works well. In this wood, the core often becomes rotten while maintaining the integrity of the outer layers.
After the log is delivered home, it is cut to the required size. Remove rotted bark. One of the cuts is made at a slight angle. The roof will subsequently be attached to this end. The tilt will ensure automatic removal of sediment. You need to make a hole in the workpiece (along its entire length). To speed up the process, use a power tool with a long drill or chisel.
If there is a through hole, even strong wood will not be too difficult to remove.
Next, excess material is sampled until uniform walls with a thickness of 20 to 30 mm are formed. Chips and sharp burrs are removed from the inside. The hole for the tap hole is drilled using an electric drill equipped with a toothed bit of the appropriate diameter.
A board (20-25 mm) is suitable for the bottom. It is cut so that the excess parts do not protrude beyond the level of the contour of the lower part.
The roof in a stationary version, like the bottom, is secured with screws. To avoid splitting the wood, holes are first created with a small diameter drill. How to make a removable roof option is described above.

How to decorate a birdhouse with your own hands

Questions often arise: is it possible to paint such structures? The application of impregnations and decorative coatings protects the wood from moisture and harmful bark beetles. This treatment allows the same design to be used for many years without repair. But be sure to make sure that the paints do not contain bird-repellent odors. On the other hand, they should not be overly bright so as not to attract predators.

With the correct application of original ideas, it will be possible to turn a functional object into an expressive design element. It’s easier to figure out how to decorate a bird house using a photo. specific examples.

1 of 6

Unusual birdhouses (pictured) can be created using relatively complex technologies (1) and available materials (2) An unusual option is a good illustration of the widest possibilities creative person. Metal linings, like the stones in the previous version, perform certain protective functions. In order not to think about how to paint the walls, you can use ready-made images or photo printing for decoration


If you have your own plot, then attracting birds that destroy harmful insects is a great solution. For these purposes, a birdhouse will be very useful to you. It can even be made from various available materials. To do this you will need the dimensions of the birdhouse and a drawing. For starlings and other birds, the dimensions of the product will be different. And it is important to take this into account in your construction work. Let's look at design options for such products, and also select the right materials.

You can make a beautiful birdhouse with your own hands from various available materials. But the most the best option, of course, wood. But only deciduous trees will do, because conifers are too resinous. In this case, the resin can stain the feathers of birds, which will provoke their death. It is not the best solution to use plywood, OSB or. Birds rarely live in such structures. It is better to assemble blanks using screws and nails. Adhesives should not be used.

You can make the structure from boards or from logs. The photo shows what such products look like. It is important to take into account the dimensions of the birdhouse and the drawings and model of the product.

Manufactured from boards with a thickness of at least 20 mm. Such parameters are important for maintaining the required temperature for breeding. It is recommended to use unplaned boards. In this case, the inner surface should be rough. It is recommended to specifically scratch the front part under the tap hole. This will make it easier to lift the birds up.


You can build a structure from scrap materials, but it is important to follow certain rules.

The birdhouse device must have an elongated cavity, with a solid bottom and a removable lid. Under the roof there is an entrance, a special hole for birds.

The cover should be removable for easy inspection and cleaning of the product. In addition, unwanted animals can get inside.

The bird house must meet the following requirements:

  • be opaque and durable;
  • the walls must be rough so that the chicks can move for food brought by their parents;
  • the material should retain heat well, be moderately sound-permeable and there should be no cracks in it.

The table shows standard and original materials for making a bird house.

Image Material Peculiarities
Plastic bottlesIt looks original, but not the best solution. Birds do not like such smooth, transparent and unnatural material. You can only make a feeder out of bottles.

PumpkinAn unusual option is a pumpkin house. It is hung from branches or placed on special stands. This option will not last more than 1 season.

BranchesFrom thin shoots you can weave a small basket with a lid. You need to leave a hole in it. Thick and massive branches can be connected using self-tapping screws.

LogNot a bad option. The structure can be made from a single log or from separate parts.

Box or cardboardThis option is very unreliable. It is intended rather for decorative purposes. Before use, such a product is treated with special impregnations.

Plywood and chipboardSuch materials can be harmful to birds and also do not retain heat well. It is better to make decorative structures from plywood.

TreeAn ideal solution, but only hardwood. Coniferous varieties cannot be used.

Birdhouse made of wood: naturalness and reliability

In nature, many birds settle in hollows made by woodpeckers, so artificial dwellings should not be large.

When deciding how to make a structure with your own hands, first of all, you need to choose the right material. Hardwood boards are most often used. The best option: alder, birch or aspen.

Other materials have different disadvantages. For example, fiberboard and chipboard can emit toxic substances, and plywood does not hold heat well.

In the photo you can see how to make a simple design. Before work, make a drawing with dimensions. You can find high-quality and simple diagrams and drawings on the Internet. This will reduce the consumption of materials, as well as perform correct cutting.

The diagram can be transferred to wooden blanks. Then prepare the following materials:

  • untreated hardwood boards;
  • long and thin nails;
  • special impregnations and safe paints;
  • The tools you will need are a hacksaw, a tape measure, a pencil and a brush.

All blanks are cut according to drawings. The boards should only be planed on the outside, leaving the inside rough. A hole is drilled in the front wall. A plank is mounted to the rear wall, onto which the house is attached in suitable place.

For your information! The roof needs to be made protruding so that it protects the entrance from rainwater.


Birdhouse made of cardboard: ease of manufacture

This option is often used as a decorative house. This is more of a toy for children. A cardboard house is good for one season. It is better to choose thick corrugated cardboard to create it.

So, let's find out how to make such a design with your own hands. In addition to corrugated, you will need twine, starch and laminated paper. A pre-made template with dimensions will greatly facilitate the work.

The order of assembly of the product has its own characteristics:

  • The blanks are marked, and then the parts are cut out in double quantities;
  • made from starch;
  • All parts are glued together in pairs. A hole is made in the front part. And holes are cut in the back wall for twine;
  • all walls are glued end to end;
  • the roof is made of two elements.

Birdhouse made of paper: decorative functions

Many people are interested in how to make a simple birdhouse out of paper with their own hands. This material is only suitable for decorative ideas. There are different schemes of unusual models.

Such houses are decorated acrylic paints. You can make a whole composition, for example “seasons”. In addition to drawing, you can use techniques or applications. All this beauty can be varnished.

The Christmas theme is suitable for the January holidays. This can be a wonderful garden decoration. You can make feeders this way, but not housing for birds.

Birdhouse from a bottle: an option for temporary housing

To make any birdhouse, the drawing and dimensions must be learned and prepared in advance. A handmade product made from a plastic bottle is considered the most affordable.

This option is best used as a feeder or as a decorative garden decoration. The choice of options for how to make such a device is not varied. Two holes are made in the lid for the wire. The outside of the plastic surface can be pasted over or painted.

You can see the designs of models made from plastic bottles in the photo.

Birdhouse made of plywood: is it a good option?

You can make a bird house with your own hands from plywood. This option is suitable as a temporary home or as garden decor. When deciding how to make such a structure, first think about the drawings and size of the product. All elements are transferred from the diagram to plywood. In this case, the upper part should act as a visor. All cuts need to be sanded. The elements are connected using self-tapping screws and glue. In this case, it is necessary to glue the side walls and the facade, and then additionally fasten the product with self-tapping screws. The roof must be removable, since the internal cavities must be cleaned periodically.

The product can then be decorated to your liking.

Birdhouse out of the box: convenience and simplicity

How to make a structure out of a box with your own hands will be interesting to learn for those who do not want to spend a lot of time on work. This is a simple option, but it doesn’t last long and it’s better to use it as a... You can buy materials or just take a small box.

First you need to secure a strong roof, and then cut the necessary hole. Its edges can be covered with tape. You can use plywood as the back wall, as it should be especially durable. The product should be painted with moisture-proof paint, but odorless. Then the product is attached to the base.

Choosing the right birdhouse sizes

If you don’t know how to properly make a bird house, then first you need to find out what the dimensions of the structure should be according to GOST. We make the product taking into account the fact that the dimensions of the structure will differ for different birds.

When deciding how to build a product with your own hands, first choose a simple design that has standard dimensions for a birdhouse.

Before making drawings and dimensions, consider a number of certain conditions:

  • the diameter of the hole in the birdhouse should be about 50 mm;
  • the height of the structure varies between 30-35 cm;
  • the length from the hole to the bottom must be at least 20 cm;
  • the bottom must be at least 15*15 cm.

Using these parameters, you can build strong birdhouses for birds with your own hands. The drawings assume the designation of all elements. The sizes given are more suitable for birds such as sparrows and starlings. It is also necessary to indicate the dimensions of the tap hole on the drawing. In the photo you can see what similar structures look like.

Dimensions of a birdhouse for starlings

When making a birdhouse with your own hands for starlings, you need to take into account that this is a fairly large bird. This design should be deeper and larger than other options. To correctly complete the drawing, you need to find out the main dimensions of the product.

The size of the hole in the birdhouse is of great importance. It should be about 5 cm. The height of the feeder or birdhouse should be 35-40 cm. The bottom dimensions should be about 15*15cm. It is better to make the entrance round in shape. In this case, the diameter of the hole in the birdhouse for a starling depends on the overall dimensions of the structure.

Titmouse: drawing and dimensions, some features

How to make the design of a titmouse depends on the selected materials and its size. There are standard birdhouse sizes for tits. The bottom should have dimensions of 10*12 cm, the height of the structure should be 25-35 cm, and the dimensions of the taphole should be about 30-35 mm. The depth of the product should be about 50 cm. Using this data, drawings are made.

For your information! Such a house must be mounted on deciduous trees with a dense crown. This should be done at a height of 3-4 meters.

House for a wagtail: drawing and dimensions

When making a house for wagtail birds with your own hands, you will also need to know the recommended dimensions. The bottom must be made with dimensions of 10*8 cm, and the height of such a structure is within 20 cm. The taphole has dimensions of about 35-40 mm. When deciding how to make such a design, it is worth considering that the taphole should have the form of a slot, the width of which is no more than 40 mm.

The kids make similar products during labor lessons. In this case, special drawings are used. A special feature of this design is the presence of a platform at the entrance, the width of which is about 10 cm.

For your information! You can place such buildings not only on a tree, but also on the roof of a house or on the top of a fence.

How to make a birdhouse yourself

You can see how to make the simplest version for birds in the video below.

You can try making a simple, beautiful DIY birdhouse with a flat roof.

For this you will need unplaned boards. We make this design only with gloves. This will prevent splinters from appearing. The cuts must be smooth and there should be no gaps. Remember that hatched chicks do not have feathers, so they can die from a draft. To prevent the manufacturing process from taking much time, it is recommended to make a drawing of the birdhouse with dimensions in advance. A flat roof does not require much effort. It just needs to fit tightly.

At home, you can make a nest box or bird house from a log. This option is more like regular housing for birds. This can be seen in the photo. In addition, such structures are practically invisible on the tree, which makes them safer for living. Such a product can also be made according to the scheme. To do this, you can use a piece of dead wood. In this case, the core will have to be picked out by hand. It’s good if you come across a log with intact edges and a rotten middle. This will speed up the work.

Such wood has rotten bark that needs to be cleaned. The log is then sawn into suitable logs. For a bird house, the internal diameter should be 25-30 cm, and the external one 30-36 cm. For a titmouse, the internal size of the hollow should be 15-25 cm, and the external one – 20-30 cm. When sawing, the bevel at the bottom should be made even, and at the top parts at a slight angle. This will allow precipitation to drain from the roof. For the roof, use scraps from the boards. The middle of the log can be picked out with a chisel. To make the job easier, drill a few holes and then pick out the jumpers. The walls should remain 1.5-3 cm thick. The insides should be smooth without large chips. The bottom consists of pieces 2.5 cm thick. It is screwed on. Finally, the lid is nailed on.

For your information! Perches are not always a good solution for poultry houses, as cats can lean on them to reach the chicks with their paws.

How to build a birdhouse with your own hands

Let's find out how to make a birdhouse correctly. You can watch the working process in the video below.

How to make a birdhouse yourself and its design depends on where it will be hung. If the mounting will be carried out on a pole, under the roof of a house or, then it is worth planning special perches. If the structure is attached to a tree, then birds can walk along the branches.

To build a wooden house with your own hands, you will need certain materials. By the way, you can buy a birdhouse set with your own hands in a specialized store.

Here are the tools and materials you will need:

  • boards and bars;
  • carpentry glue, screws and nails;
  • hammer, chisel, drill, hacksaw and drill;
  • pencil and ruler.

You can see how to make a simple design in the photo. Drawings and diagrams will also help you make beautiful bird houses.

Before making such a design, you need to complete the blanks. To do this, markings are made on the boards according to the drawings. The correct house involves marking the dimensions of the roof, walls, bottom and holes. The following recommendations will help you when making preparations:

  • since the roof is made with a slope, the front wall is made 4 cm longer than the others, and the side walls are cut with a bevel;
  • the bottom is made in the form of a square with sides of 13 cm;
  • the roof is made of two different elements. One part is made like the bottom, and with the help of the second a canopy is created.

Sawing is done carefully. All paired parts must be the same size. The outside of the house had a decorative appearance; the boards needed to be planed. It is better to make the hole round so that it resembles a hollow.

Then the structure is assembled. To do this, you need to fasten the side walls and the front facade. This is done using wood glue. Nails and screws are used as additional reinforcement. Then the bottom of the birdhouse is attached. Finally, the back wall is attached. It is important to ensure that there are no gaps between the elements. If the roof is removable, then the parts are fixed only to each other. In this case, the roof is mounted using rubber or special hinges.

The finished product can be nailed to a suitable surface or tied with wire. To make it easier for the chicks to exit, it is recommended to attach the structure with a slight forward tilt.

There are also unusual types of birdhouses. Decorative options can be used to decorate the garden, and even taken to kindergarten.

Here are some original solutions:

  • An unusual bird house can be made from an old barrel. In this case, you can make a hole and then decorate the structure;

  • You can weave beautiful products from willow growth. The weaving technique is identical to the method of weaving baskets. But the house at the top should narrow. The roof should protrude 3-5 cm at the edges;

  • For an unusual-looking nest, you can use plugs. They are dense, fit perfectly and retain heat. They can be used to finish the finished frame. You can glue the elements using hot glue;

  • a decorative house can be made from a pumpkin. In this case, it is necessary to pull out the pulp, cut the necessary hole, and attach a canopy on top;

  • a beautiful and decorative option is obtained from a flowerpot. To do this, you need to braid it with a strong rope;

  • Among the most unusual options, we can mention a product made from old shoes;

  • used vessels with necks. In this case, the neck turns down;
  • It's a good idea to use tubes.

How to decorate a birdhouse with your own hands

A birdhouse can become not only a useful item, but also a wonderful one. Let's look at how you can decorate a bird's house.

Photos show how unusual birdhouses look. You can make similar products with your whole family. For children you can make a product with a picture. For example, beautiful flowers, ornaments will do, or you can depict how a starling looks out in a birdhouse.

Using original ideas, it must be remembered that such a product should not attract the attention of various predators. You should also not overuse with various shiny and rustling parts that can frighten your feathered friends.

Unusual decor can be made using wine corks. This material It has a porous but durable structure, which protects the structure well from moisture. In addition, such a coating allows you to retain heat. Cork is also easy and simple to process.

To make this option, you will need corks, a finished frame, a device with hot melt glue and twigs. You should not nail or screw such elements. Because the tips of the screws can penetrate the walls and injure the birds.

The work is carried out like this:

  • the adhesive composition is applied to the plugs, which are glued in rows to the wall;
  • the plugs are glued all the way to the roof. In narrow places you can use parts of plugs;
  • on the front side, the central row can be laid out vertically;
  • for the roof, you can cut the corks in half and lay them on the surface like tiles.

The sides of the structure and joints can be decorated with twigs, moss or pieces of cork. You can see in the photo how beautiful the birdhouses are.

Not everyone knows whether such structures can be painted. It is better to use odorless, moisture-resistant compounds. You can see in the photo how to paint surfaces with acrylic paints.

