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Harvard Business Review – Russia. Work is fun Harvard business review magazine subscription

The Business and Design Review magazine is a regular scientific publication published by the Institute with the aim of developing research activities, supporting scientific and creative schools and the publication activity of undergraduates.

The frequency of publication is once a quarter.

The journal publishes the results of research by scientists on directions:

  • economics and Management
  • art and culture
  • story
  • pedagogical sciences

“Business and Design Review” is addressed to researchers, teaching staff educational institutions, graduate students and students who are interested in the latest results of fundamental and applied research in history, economics, graphic and environmental design, as well as modern fashion trends and teaching methods for higher education programs, additional education, problems of teaching children and adults.

Journal registered Federal service on supervision of compliance with legislation in the field of mass communications and protection of cultural heritage December 31, 2015 El No. FS77-64478.

Founder: ANO VO "Institute of Business and Design"

The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)

Editorial Board

Chief Editor– Yurov Sergey Serafimovich, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Rector of the Institute

Deputy editor-in-chief– Orishev Alexander Borisovich - Doctor of Historical Sciences

Members of the editorial board:

Dymova Svetlana Sergeevna– First Vice-Rector of the Institute, Candidate of Economic Sciences (Russia);

Gorlov Viktor Vladimirovich– Doctor of Economic Sciences (Russia);

Adrian Roberts(Adrien Yakimov Roberts), Academic Director of the Academy of Costume and Fashion (Rome).

Dembich Natalya Dmitrievna– Candidate of Art History (Russia);

Kozhanov Andrey Sergeevich– member of the Union of Artists of Russia, member of the Association of Branding Companies of Russia (Russia);

Campbell David Robert– Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Quality (Great Britain);

Maltseva Elena Sergeevna– Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor (Russia);

Rymshina Tatyana Alekseevna– member of the Union of Artists of Russia, candidate of art history (Russia);

Savinkin Vladislav Vladimirovich– laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art, member of the Union of Architects, Designers and Artists of Russia (Russia);

Sysoev Sergey Viktorovich— Member of the Association of High Fashion and Prêt-à-Porter of Russia, Member of the International Association “Union of Designers” (Russia);

Tolkachev Andrey Nikolaevich– Candidate of Legal Sciences (Russia);

Trofimov Boris Vladimirovich– member of the Moscow Union of Artists, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (Russia);

Uvarov Viktor Dmitrievich– Doctor of Art History, Honored Artist of Russia (Russia);

GullVladimir Borisovich- laureate of the State Prize in the field of literature and art. Member of the Union of Artists and Designers of Russia, international associations AGI (Russia);

Tsygankov Vasily Arkadevich– member of the Union of Designers of Russia, member of the Union of Journalists of Russia (Russia).

Terms of publication

The online journal “Business and Design Review” is an open access journal. The authors provide the results of their research as a full-text version scientific article for wide free distribution via the Internet. All visitors to the official website of the Institute have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the results of the authors’ works and use links to them.

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"Harvard Business Review- Russia" is the Russian edition of the magazine of the same name, which has been published by Harvard Business School for more than 85 years and is rightfully considered one of the most professional and respected sources of knowledge on the theory and practice of management. In Russia, the magazine has been published since 2004 by the publishing house Sanoma Independent Media. Readers and authors of the magazine are top managers of Russian and international companies, business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals and experts various fields business. Harvard Business Review articles cover the full range of issues that business owners and executives grapple with every day. The content of each issue helps them stay abreast of the latest technologies and tools used in key management areas. Each issue contains issues of leadership and personal effectiveness, strategic management and business development, human resources management, motivation, corporate strategy, marketing, branding and many others.

Harvard Business Review is the world's premier business magazine. New issue of the HBR series: 10 best articles» is dedicated to the issues of effective communications.

If you need to improve your own communication skills and build communication within your company, this book...

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Harvard Business Review is the world's premier business magazine. Each year, HBR releases a collection of the most important articles from the past season.

The 2017 edition contains publications on management issues, strategic planning and management...

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Harvard Business Review is the world's premier business magazine. The new edition of the HBR Top 10 Articles series is dedicated to team management.

If you need to improve the effectiveness of your team within your company, this book is for you. From hundreds of HBR articles,...

  • 29 June 2017, 04:02

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Harvard Business Review is the world's leading business magazine with a long history. Readers are offered ten of the best articles on leadership in the history of the magazine from specialists from leading business schools and practicing managers. As a leader's personality...

  • January 14, 2017, 10:10 pm

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Harvard Business Review is the world's premier business magazine. Every year, HBR sums up the results with a book in which it collects the most important articles. Here are the results of 2015. Here are selected publications on management, marketing, leadership and strategic planning, connected by one main idea: how to best allocate time and finances and attract the right people to solve problems. Is it worth investing in risky innovation? Do you need to spend money on improving the skills of your employees? What is more important: maintaining the status quo or constant development? How to manage a creative organization? The eternal dilemma: hire an experienced employee or a beginner? Here you will find answers to these and other important questions for every leader...

  • November 24, 2016, 20:10

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Harvard Business Review is the world's leading business magazine. Introducing new release series “HBR: 10 best articles”, dedicated to the problems of innovation management.

Every company sooner or later faces the need to introduce something new, otherwise it will inevitably face stagnation and loss to competitors. From hundreds of HBR articles, the editors of this series have selected the most useful and relevant.

In the book, you will learn how to create and manage innovation, how you can extract ideas for innovation from the daily routine of work, why standard financial indicators should not be used to evaluate the effectiveness of innovation, and what criteria should be used. Using examples from major players such as General Electrics, BMW and 3M, the authors explain how to integrate an innovation project team into a company's structure, and debunk myths and dispel fears associated with the innovation process...

  • 29 August 2016, 12:51

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Harvard Business Review is the world's premier business magazine. Introducing the latest installment in the HBR Top 10 series on change management.

If your company is going through major changes or you are just about to, then this book is for you. From hundreds of magazine articles on change management, HBR editors have selected the most useful and relevant.

From the book you will learn how to create a clear plan for implementing changes in a company and evaluate their effectiveness, why it is so important for a leader to be confident in the chosen course, how to make radical changes less painful and, perhaps most importantly: how to prepare employees and minimize natural resistance to any ...

  • August 29, 2016, 03:00

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Harvard Business Review is the world's premier business magazine. Introducing the latest edition of the HBR Top 10 Articles series, dedicated to strategic marketing issues.

If you're unhappy with your marketing department's performance and want to improve your company's sales performance, this book is for you. From hundreds of magazine articles on strategic marketing, HBR editors have selected the most useful and relevant today. From them you will learn what the advantages of a customer-oriented strategy are, how to use customers’ attachment to a brand throughout their lives with maximum efficiency, why it is so important to take into account the specifics of female psychology and, most importantly: how to build the right brand strategy and stop throwing away money...

In the first years of the institute, I read a lot of literature from business gurus. But over time, I had questions for all the Napoleon Hills, Brian Tracys and Tony Robbins (). Especially after the statistics course. I know for sure that one person’s experience cannot be generalized. Success may depend on various factors - and.

So now if I hear or see “this is how you should do it,” I want to check what this statement is based on. And if it’s a study, then what the study looked like and what specific results there were. Otherwise, it may turn out like with an article by university strategy teacher Steve Martin in the respected Harvard Business Review.

What qualities and behavior did he consider decisive?

  • People who succeed in sales are motivated by earnings and measure their success by how much they earn. It is also extremely important for them to respect their colleagues and be recognized as the best among them.
  • They consider themselves people who know how to please and create an atmosphere of comfort for clients, reliable and able to set priorities. It is the ability to please that they consider their strong feature compared to their competitors.
  • The best salespeople constantly set goals, think about them, and focus on achieving results.
  • Sometimes salespeople have to be provocative and point out what the client is doing incorrectly and declare that the king has no clothes.

    At first glance, it roughly confirms expectations, nothing surprising, many books have been written about this. Now let's try to visualize the characteristics Martin included in the portrait using the response percentages from his article. Dark blue is the percentage and characteristics from the article, light blue is the sum of all those who answered somehow differently.

    That is, one out of three very successful sales people do not measure their success by money. The next diagram looks more significant.

    But here too – 160 successful person They do not consider it important for themselves to be better than their colleagues and do not expect recognition from them. Not so little.

    Let me remind you that in blue is what Steve Martin passes off as the “portrait trait” of successful sales people. So what does this study actually tell us if we take a closer look at the numbers? What bullshit are these explanations? That there is no one path to success in sales. And you shouldn’t rely on these “characteristics.” Steve Martin is kind of good because he does mention it here and there. But only in some places.

    As a human being, he can be understood. Organizing interviews with 1000 successful people with given characteristics is quite a job. And when at the end you get “you can do it this way, but you can do it another way,” it’s awkward and offensive. Maybe you were asking the wrong questions? Maybe you should have asked at least their zodiac sign, or year of birth according to the Chinese horoscope, or, say, whether they are vegetarians? Because, as we see, from the data obtained, a single picture is not built.

    And the second catch. It’s good for me to argue here and mock. And Steve Martin makes money by teaching. And what will he teach if there is no recipe for success and you can do it this way and that, and this also happens? :)

    Morality? And you're right. In terms of, If you don’t like and don’t like mass-inspired sales techniques, look for your own path. So it is possible. If you like them and they suit you, you may well succeed. However, do not place too much hope on the techniques. What if it’s all about the horoscope? Or diet? :)

    Posted on Mar. 20th, 2017 | | | |

  • Magazine Harvard Business Review- the most famous and influential publication in the world on management. Covers the most pressing issues of business management, providing company managers with invaluable assistance in making the most effective and informed decisions.

    Thanks to the publication Harvard Business Review the reader has the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest Western business strategies; for them, this magazine is the most important source of extraordinary new ideas and knowledge.

    Authors of the publication's articles Harvard Business Review are representatives of the largest Western companies and internationally recognized management experts, professors from the world's leading business schools, experts and consultants.

    80% of published materials are translations of original articles, 20% are prepared by Russian and European business experts.

    Magazine Harvard Business Review- analytical publication. Most of the content is devoted to a description of world and Russian experience in the theory and practice of management and the search for new business models and strategies. Contains articles, reviews, forecasts, reviews related to business, economics and finance.

    On the pages of the publication - an interview with general directors largest foreign companies who express their point of view regarding problematic issues of doing business. Stories about how to achieve success, save competitive advantage and leadership positions; how to find and retain valuable personnel.

    One of the main topics of the magazine Harvard Business Review devoted to information technology. How to get necessary knowledge and use them skillfully. How to effectively implement innovative developments in various areas of business, and competently organize training for company specialists.

    Articles devoted to the art of negotiation and conflict resolution, as one of the key aspects of the competitiveness of companies, are also in demand among readers. As well as materials on the following topics: modern concepts of business transformation and recovery; corporate culture And corporate governance; the role of leaders in the modern business environment; creative thinking in business; how to balance work and personal life and much more.

    On the pages of the magazine Harvard Business Review- basic ideas and recommendations for getting out of difficult, crisis situations; tips on how to build successful career, secrets effective management company; results of long-term strategic research on business issues and ways of their implementation.

    Magazine Harvard Business Review Published since 1922 by Harvard Business School. It has been published in our country since 2004. The Russian version is based on the best materials original version HBR. The publication contains a lot practical advice and recommendations designed to help company managers in their daily work.
