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Pig breeding as a business profitability. All the nuances of the pig breeding business. The best building materials

Most people who have a plot and a house in rural areas, sooner or later they begin to think about getting a certain stable income from existing buildings and land area, that is, starting their own business. Often the first idea that comes to mind is to keep pigs to sell meat.

Let's consider all the subtleties to understand the likely difficulties of the organization profitable business based on pig farming.

Is it profitable to keep pigs to sell meat?

Pig breeding as a business has huge prospects. High-quality meat is constantly in demand on the market and has a fairly high pricing policy. Another reason for the popularity of a pig farm as a business is its simplicity. technological process– you just need to raise the animal and sell the resulting products.

When you are determined to consider pig farming as a business, you need to initially realize one thing - you need to regularly deal with physical and financial investments in this activity, pay attention to your household all the time, and radically restructure your routine.

At the development stage business plan When breeding pigs, you need to realistically assess your capabilities for selling the product you produce. When do you plan to organize relatively small business to raise and breed pigs, and you can sell all the meat yourself at agricultural fairs or to your friends, then it is quite enough to register your own private household plot.

But in the case of fairly significant pork production, individual status will provide more opportunities for the sale of lard and meat entrepreneur. Moreover, it will be necessary to constantly operate with a large number of permits and pay taxes, but you can safely increase the pig farm to the required number.

First of all, carefully think over the business plan according to which your pig breeding farm will develop and be formed. You can easily start with 2-3 sows and increase the required number over time.

It is necessary to provide for the use of personal breeding sires, first choosing a specific one breed. Of the two possible directions for the development of the organization of raising pigs at home as a business, the main emphasis should be on the production and sale of meat. The selective direction in keeping pigs should be supported only for your own needs for the reproduction of livestock, since the sale of young animals to the population does not always recoup the funds spent.

Is it profitable to raise pigs: sources of income

In addition to selling the main products of pig farming (meat and lard), select possibilities sales of by-products (blood, skins, etc.). A smokehouse can be an excellent help for larger-scale maintenance of a home pig farm - smoked meats are also in great demand on the market, and their shelf life is much longer than that of fresh products.

All of the above must be combined into general business plan on breeding pigs at home and raising them, you need to add here:

  • expenses for maintenance and organization life cycle pig farms;
  • probable feed purchase markets;
  • the opportunity to use the services of specialists – livestock specialists and veterinarians;
  • minimizing and identifying all risks in pig farming.

Required documents

Business on pigs is a responsible and serious step, implying that the entrepreneur has all the packages of documents that permit and regulate the activity. At the same time, the main question “how to open a pig farm” confuses most people. But not everything is as complicated as it might seem.

To obtain documents, you need to decide on the choice of a specific region where the pig farm will develop and your activities will take place, since it is in this area that you will need to communicate with officials. Initially you need approve with the administration of the selected region, the possibility of pig farming on their site and the specific location of your future pig farm. Already on at this stage It is best to have a business plan to prove the seriousness of your intentions, as well as your competence in this project.

It is no secret that, as a rule, officials view positively the issues of organizing new jobs, which naturally begin to appear after the organization of a new business and the construction of a pig-breeding enterprise.

In this case, the administration provides the entrepreneur with all kinds of options registration of land and opening a pig farm. It is also possible that you will be given an assistant to prepare all the documents: from papers that register your activities and enterprise, to assistance in obtaining various government investments to create a pig farm.

Equipment and premises

Having received all the required documents for running a business, you need to pay maximum attention to the premises, its preparation and construction for moving animals. You may be given an old building that needs to be restored and equipped to meet the needs of your pig farm. A little expensive It will cost you to build a pigsty from scratch, but in this case you can install all communications taking into account your business plan.

Creating a pig farm for 100 or more heads means hiring workers who will begin caring for the pigs. Therefore, when drawing up a layout of the premises of a pig farm, it is necessary to include in the plan the allocation of household, office, utility and production premises, laboratories, etc. For a herd of 500 pigs, the optimal area of ​​all premises will be approximately 6000 m².

How to raise pigs

The premises of the pig farm must meet all sanitary standards, be bright and clean, great attention must be paid to getting rid of drafts.

Particular attention should also be paid to equipping the pig farm and installing equipment. The costs of purchasing modern equipment will pay off fairly quickly, as it will make it possible to organize best conditions for keeping each pig and minimizing the material costs of organizing a business.

Many pig farms in our country they have equipment that has already served its time and is considered obsolete. Often its age is more than 25 years, a lot of it is in a broken state, which inevitably leads to losses: wasted feed, high morbidity among animals, and so on.

During modern organization Keeping pigs and piglets as a business implies almost absolute automation of the life support process of a pig farm. This is what we need to strive for.

How to choose a pig breed

Today in the world there are more than a hundred breeds of pigs of varying productivity. Therefore, before choosing the livestock of the future herd, decide and carefully think about the choice breeds, which will be the only or predominant basis for pig farming of your individual entrepreneur or private household plot.

Experts who have already gone through the process of developing and starting the business of their pig farm advise to start by purchasing up to 300-400 heads of piglets and pigs. Of which approximately 17 sows and 3 boars. Purchase the remaining piglets for fattening and further implementation so that the business initially has income. The business plan of a pig farm must provide for this possibility, but when there is not enough money for a one-time purchase of a significant number of pigs, you can start with a small enterprise, developing thanks to your own producers.

Even before purchasing breeding animals, it is best to visit a couple of farms that are engaged in pig breeding, find out all the characteristics of a particular individual, study pedigrees in several generations, and take a closer look at the young stock on offer.

  • As a result of this study, you will not allow inbreeding of animals.
  • Productive qualities are inherited, and you can only get high-quality offspring from healthy and highly productive pigs.
  • By purchasing pigs for a breed, you will make an investment in your business for several years to come. How your investment will pay off will depend on what breed you buy.

Today, domestic farmers often choose to run a business in fattening and breeding Vietnamese pigs; highly productive breeds are the basis of their business plan. In fact, these animals have all the required qualities to be included in a profitable and successful business plan for a pig farm:

  • high profitability of keeping Vietnamese breed animals;
  • multiple births of sows;
  • resistance to diseases;
  • popularity among amateurs - this helps excellent sales of young animals and meat products, as well as high business profitability;
  • bacon performance direction.

Keeping pot-bellied Vietnamese herbivorous pigs as a business brings excellent profits, provided that the required conditions are created for these pigs (spacious walking and a warm pigsty).

Northern Siberian and Large White pigs are also popular among pig farmers due to their numerous advantages and excellent adaptability to local climatic conditions.

Breeding and feeding

To ensure that the economics of your pig farm do not cause you great disappointments, the farm quickly became profitable and brought income, already at the stage of creating a business plan for a pig farm, you need to think carefully about the possibility of reducing the cost of feeding animals.

Only carefully balanced feed mixtures, as well as feed developed in the correct ratio and of high quality for each specific age group of pigs, will lead to the prosperity of your business and stable high income.

The same principle must be adhered to during reproduction and breeding of livestock. In this direction it is necessary to carry out activities at a high level, purposefully, systematically and constantly.

To work with newborn piglets and sows, choose someone who is responsible and familiar with all the nuances staff. In this case, it is best to hire a livestock specialist for the job.

It is the specialists who have necessary knowledge and experience in the field of pig farming will be able to help avoid mistakes when choosing the timing of mating of pigs, assisting animals during childbirth, and caring for sows during pregnancy. And this will reduce the mortality of young animals and, accordingly, increase the profitability of your business.

Business plan financing calculation

To calculate the profitability of a pig farm, we assume that the number of animals will be 300-400 pigs. For this livestock it will be necessary to prepare for a year approximately 32-37 tons of grain and 200-300 kg of various additives. A staff of 5-6 people is also required.

To reduce the cost of feed, you can use your own crop areas to grow potatoes, root crops, grain crops and other additives. Consider registration and receipt of these plots at the very beginning in business plan organizing your farm.

Calculating financial costs and detailed business plan pig farm, let us assume that from 20 sows of a given herd, on average, 200 piglets can be obtained per farrowing. Farrowing occurs twice a year, resulting in approximately 400 finishing piglets annually.

To maintain them up to a live weight of 100 kg, you will incur expenses for fattening for up to one year, taking into account the breed and the created conditions. In this case clean output products will be 55-70 kg. Let's multiply this figure by the market value of 1 kg of meat and the number of piglets raised, and we will get the income of your business. Approximately it will be 3,200,000 rubles annually.

From this amount it is necessary to subtract the expenditure part (cost utilities, feed, transportation costs, workers’ wages, etc.) - we obtain an amount indicating the net profit of the pig farm. Approximately it will be about 1 million rubles annually. With this profit business will pay for itself within 2-3 years, and subsequently will begin to generate quite a good income.

Naturally, any pig breeder who has decided to organize a business for breeding and fattening artiodactyls is obliged to carry out the above calculations himself, taking into account the prices and characteristics of the region where it will be founded. pig farm. Having received certain numbers, it is much easier to answer such a pressing question: whether it is worth and whether it is profitable to engage in pig farming.

Attention, TODAY only!

In the case when you are just deciding what kind of business to start, it is best to choose the area of ​​activity that is considered the most profitable from year to year.

In the national economy this is pig farming. Its profitability averages twenty-five percent. At the same time, it is worth taking into account the interest of Russian governing bodies in the development of agriculture.

Such a venture is a good idea for a novice businessman. Initially, the invested capital will bring a high constant income. However, the success of any pig farm will be possible with a well-thought-out and drawn up business plan.

Sales of products

The business plan of a pig farm must reflect the ways of marketing the products produced. Only after thinking through the sales channels should you start investing your funds in the development of the business. The capital will begin to generate its first profit only after three generations of pigs have been sold.

Selling adults is not difficult. Problems arise only with the sale of young animals. The most optimal solution, which should be reflected in the business plan of a pig farm, is the sale of livestock through small private farms.


Before you organize own business, you will need to find the necessary premises for a pigsty. It is not easy to build such a building. In this regard, it is more profitable to rent or simply buy ready-made premises that remain after the closure of farms.

Be that as it may, before starting work in the pigsty, disinfection will be required. In the room where animals will be kept, it is important to organize proper heat exchange. This indicator will depend on many factors. Heat exchange processes are influenced by the age category and gender of the pigs, the layout of the premises, as well as the available energy resources.

The business plan of a pig farm may include the installation of devices in which direct combustion of fuel will be carried out. This will significantly reduce costs. In addition, to create the best climatic conditions in the pigsty, you will need to organize a ventilation system. If possible, it is advisable to purchase equipment for manure removal. This is also important for creating favorable conditions for keeping animals.

Slotted floors

The business plan for a pig farm must contain a description of the arrangement of the premises in which it is planned to keep the animals. It should be taken into account that energy saving indicators will largely depend on the quality and type of floors that serve as part of the heating system in the room.

Their future reproduction depends on the conditions in which piglets are kept. That is why it is recommended to install slatted floors for growing. This will facilitate the work of staff, effectively remove manure and save a significant amount of energy.

Slotted floors help reduce the number of colds and intestinal diseases in animals. Consequently, less capital investment will be required for the purchase of veterinary drugs.

Slotted floors can be concrete, plastic or cast iron. They make keeping pigs much easier and are used throughout the entire rearing process. This equipment must provide good conditions for animals, which will allow the company to receive economic benefits from its work.

Water supply

Equipment for a pig farm must include drinking bowls for animals in its list. They must be installed next to the feeders. Then the pigs will be able to regulate the consistency of the feed they consume.

Installed drinkers can be of two types. They are produced in nipple and cup sizes. At the same time, according to the type of material, drinkers are made of PVC, stainless steel or brass. For each group of fattening pigs, piglets and sows, this equipment has its own differences. Drinkers have their own nipple dimensions and connection diameter.

Ventilation and manure removal systems

Roof diffuse ventilation can be used. With this scheme, the inflow and outflow of air is carried out through the roof. To create comfortable conditions for animals, ventilation through supply and exhaust shafts will also be effective.

A necessary equipment for a pig farm will be a manure removal system. Its self-alloying type eliminates the need for additional flushing with water and eliminates drafts in the room. This is important when raising piglets. The main advantages of the self-alloying system are low investment, quick installation, reliability and durability.

Such equipment is a network of sewer pipes with manure storage tanks installed above them. The operating principle of this system is quite simple. The manure flows through the drain hole into the sewer pipes and is removed from the premises through them into special containers.

Feed delivery systems

The pig farm equipment must include a system for feeding the animals. It includes various accessories. Thus, with the help of this equipment, dry feed is distributed and liquid feeding of pigs is carried out.
One of the elements of this system is a plate-type device with a built-in nipple. It is installed in the center of the room. The design of such a feeder allows for dosed or constant supply of feed.

The operating principle of this equipment is very simple. From a thick-walled galvanized bunker, which is located outside the pig farm, the feed flows through a conveyor into a special separating device located indoors. After this, it is transported to the feeders. For dosing, an opening device with divisions is installed.

A special approach is required when feeding sows with piglets. No special equipment is required to organize their nutrition. It is enough to arrange the simplest feeders, into which food should be supplied at certain intervals.


A business plan for pig breeding must contain requirements that will be presented when staffing. To care for animals, you will need to select specially trained people.

Moreover, their number will directly depend on the equipping of the pig farm with mechanized equipment. The staff must include a livestock specialist and a veterinarian. An enterprise cannot manage without a manager and an accountant.

Purchase of pigs

It is necessary to approach the purchase of animals with special responsibility. As a rule, pig farming as a small business begins with raising three hundred to three hundred and fifty heads. Before purchasing animals, you should first study all the nuances of this issue.

Initially, the livestock is recommended to consist of one hundred and fifty sows, ten boars, and the remainder should include pigs for sale and fattening. It should be remembered that the purchase of individuals of different sexes cannot be made from one supplier. Only in this case there will be no problems with related pairs producing weak offspring.

IN Lately Vietnamese is very popular among manufacturers pot-bellied pig. Profitable business Many entrepreneurs have already liked this breed. What are the advantages? The pot-bellied Vietnamese pig grows to the weight required for slaughter in just four months. Grass is used as feed. This pig is ready to breed at the age of six months. It is also beneficial that the animal is extremely unpretentious in care.

Purchase of feed

Pigs are omnivorous animals. That is why for their cultivation you should purchase different kinds feed The daily diet should include components of both plant and animal origin. This will have a beneficial effect on the entire process of raising pigs.

Proteins are of great importance in nutrition. However, it should not be in excess in animal feed, as this can cause disease. However, lack of protein also negatively affects livestock productivity. Carbohydrates are also important for animals. Their main role in the body is to maintain body temperature and produce fat.

Various types of feed are purchased for fattening and raising pigs. Their list includes the following:

Concentrated (bran, grain of corn, barley, rice, as well as grain feed);
- green (mass of alfalfa, clover and peas, as well as nettles and tops of garden crops);
- juicy (beets, potatoes and carrots);
- rude;
- animal origin;
- additional.

A starting business with a livestock of three hundred to three hundred and fifty pigs will require about thirty-five tons of grain and three hundred kilograms of various additives annually. Much attention needs to be paid to the quality of the purchased feed. The weight and health of the pigs will depend on this. Particular attention should be paid to feeding sows and small piglets. Experienced farmers advise purchasing feed for such animals not from factories, but from pig breeders who have positively proven their products.

Financial indicators

Calculating the income portion of a pig farm business plan is quite difficult. It depends not only on the number of pigs, but also on the installed equipment. One of the conditions for profitability is qualified personnel.

A mini-pig farm, according to experts, pays for itself in three to four years. This is facilitated by the stable demand for meat, which makes it possible to set a high price. Production is accompanied by the possibility of selling by-products - skins, bones, fat and lard. The success of the business also depends on the growth rate of pigs, which allows as soon as possible carry out their implementation.

348 04/03/2019 6 min.

A stable business is inextricably linked with the needs of consumers and can bring good profits to its owner. This review will focus on raising pigs for sale. Meat has an ideal ratio of demand and cost, second only to bread in this indicator. Price for meat products is constantly growing, which means that companies involved in its sales remain in constant profit. Pork sells well, in its segment it belongs to the “golden mean” category of goods, and the business itself does not lose relevance over time. Of course, there are risks, but they can be planned for. More details below.

What to consider in the first stages

Raising pigs is the most profitable meat direction. Pigs quickly gain weight, reproduce well, and are fertile. One sow gives about 20-30 babies (12-15 kg), this figure can be much higher if certain conditions. The gestation period is 3 months, breastfeeding is 1-2 months, after which the piglets become completely independent. Read about pig farming at home.

Piglets gain weight very quickly - you can eventually get 4 times more meat from them than from cattle.

The pig's body absorbs feed as much as possible (for example, a chicken only accepts a third of it). The slaughter yield of meat is high, there is little waste. Disadvantages of the direction are labor intensity, complex care, significant capital investments and certain production risks. Profitability indicators will be discussed at the end of this review. The main risks are the high level of morbidity in animals. Be sure to take into account costs such as hiring livestock specialists and veterinarians. Even before opening a SPD, it is advisable to find sources of sales - at least the main ones; later the partner network can be expanded.


To organize a home pig farm, you will need not only piglets, feed, special equipment, equipment, machinery, but also relevant documents. First, go through a check at the SES (the animals must be examined by a veterinarian) and receive an expert opinion. The cost of the examination varies and ranges from 150 rubles. You will also need to register the SOP and issue a certificate of conformity. Certificates are issued for each batch separately and cost 4,000 rubles. Other authorities that you will have to deal with when starting a business are fire department, veterinary control, Rospotrebnadzor.

Before opening a business, you must obtain a certificate from the SES, for this you need to undergo a veterinary examination

Helpful advice. If production volumes are planned to be small, register as private household plots. In other cases you need an IP. important

Production part

Agricultural machinery

An electric mower and a tractor with a trailer are needed to maintain a large herd. There is no need to buy equipment - rental services are available. If the pig farm is small, it is even more profitable. Some livestock farmers manage without equipment at all.


Running a large farm can be difficult, even for families. Therefore, we recommend that you consider the possibility of hiring professional personnel - a cleaner, a janitor, a tractor driver. You can also hire specialists to care for animals, slaughterers.

What breeds are suitable

The main breeds are meat, tallow and universal. Let's consider the features of each direction.


Pigs of this direction provide meat High Quality, quickly gain weight. The fat content in the carcass is 29-37% depending on the breed. T the catch is long, the sternum is not very deep. Find out about the scheme for cutting up a pig carcass.

In pigs of the bacon breed, muscle tissue develops well, and fats are deposited slowly.


This video is intended for beginning farmers: how to raise piglets for meat.


  1. Pig farming– the business is labor-intensive, but profitable. It involves significant investments and risks of illness and livestock deaths.
  2. Choose young animals that are healthy and strong– there will be much fewer problems with it.
  3. Not all farmers use agricultural machinery, some manage without additional staff. But in most cases you need both.
  4. Monitor the diet and living conditions of animals– in this case, the profitability of the business will be maximum.
  5. Main breeds that can be grown at home– meat, universal.

Pig farming is considered to be the most profitable area in livestock farming. This is due to the fact that these animals gain weight quite quickly and are unpretentious in food. However, do not forget that, like any business, this one will require investments, risk and constant participation in the business.

Where do you start breeding pigs?

Pig farming as a business can only be considered by those who have prepared a specific plan and are ready to engage in raising animals every day. Despite the fact that the business started will require huge investments and patience, the results that it can bring will fully compensate for all the efforts. Pig farming is divided into two areas: raising animals for meat and selection, which is not considered as an independent business. In itself it is unprofitable. Pork is always a popular product. The result of production is meat, fat, skin and blood. They are purchased by sausage factories, workshops, chains grocery stores and resellers in the market. Smoked sausages and lard can be stored for a long time, which allows you to increase the duration of product sales without compromising its taste. What makes this business profitable is the sale of meat.

If we're talking about For the needs of your family within one shed, you can do without complex calculations. But you still have to invest time and money.

Pig farming for aspiring livestock farmers should start with a business plan. It should take into account such aspects as farm organization, possible sales markets, feed purchases, breeds of pigs and their cost, and maintenance costs. Separately, it is necessary to identify all possible risks and ways to reduce them. To effectively start a business, it is recommended to attract experienced specialists, among whom should be a livestock specialist.

Farm organization

When considering pig farming as a business, the main focus must be on the farm. The room should be bright, clean and draft-free. The optimal area for a 300-head herd is 5000 square meters. meters. This will allow it to accommodate household, office and industrial offices, as well as a laboratory.

Particular attention should be paid to the removal of manure in various farm design options. This is a very important factor for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, and therefore for healthy growth of the livestock.

Equally important is what equipment will be installed on the farm. Equipment for pig farming must meet the latest requirements to prevent animal diseases. The success of the business depends on how modern it is. European companies remain leaders in the production and development of such equipment. Modern farms are set up in such a way that most of the process takes place in automatic mode. These include electronic feeding systems and separate areas for sow insemination, farrowing, growing piglets and fattening. In Russia, such farms are still very rare. The equipment used here is 15-20 years old. Half of it is not functioning. The result of such activities is losses.

Purchasing pigs

To organize a farm, experts recommend purchasing a herd of 300 heads for a novice pig breeder. There should be no more than 10 producers in the herd, and no less than 150 sows. This will be the main potential for replenishing the herd. Almost half of the livestock will need to be fattened and sold to generate funds. It is better to buy dozens of pigs from different owners in order to prevent mating of animals that are close in pedigree. The choice must be made with an experienced livestock specialist or veterinarian, who will immediately determine the health status of the animal. If the farm where you plan to purchase piglets has many unhealthy-looking piglets, it is better not to risk it. And look for another farmer. In any case, this must be done in breeding farms.

Pig breeds

There are about 100 breeds of pigs in the world. To select livestock, you need to carefully study them. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Pigs are raised for meat, lard and bacon. Pig breeds differ based on what more can be obtained from them. There are differences in their fertility and resistance to change temperature regime. They differ in skin color and temperament.

In Russia, 32 breeds of pigs are actively used. Photos of some of them are presented below.

1. Large white. The most common breed in Russia and the CIS.

2. Landrace.

Even outwardly you can see how different all these representatives are.

Pig farming as a business has the main goal of growing the existing livestock and providing offspring to replenish the herd. To do this, it is necessary to take into account all factors, including the time of year.

It is better to start raising pigs in early spring. These animals are very thermophilic. During the warm season, a pig weighing 25 kg grows into a pig weighing 115 kg. With such a mass, they are already ready for sale. Piglets that were born during the warm period will get stronger and gain weight faster.

To grow properly, pigs must drink a lot. If the water supply is not automated, then it must be provided in another way. It is not recommended to leave a trough with water, since it can easily be overturned. Animals will be left without water.

Pigs are very positive about feeding. The food should be balanced according to their age. Normal weight gain should be 0.5 kg per day.

Pig rearing technologies

The technologies for breeding these animals have many differences. But they all relate to feeding and maintaining the herd. Each farmer chooses the one that is most economically acceptable for him and meets his goals.

Technologies differ in their approach. Some are designed for free movement of the herd. Others completely block it and are aimed at keeping the animal in a narrow cage.

There are various Danish, Brazilian, German, Canadian, Finnish technologies in the world. Each of them has its opponents and supporters. The technology of breeding pigs in hangars is gaining popularity in Russia. This is very economical in terms of constructing a farm.

Those who have already started this business unanimously say that with any technology, the important factors for making a profit are the source material (piglets), quality investments in their cultivation and market prices at the time of delivery of the products.

Development of pig farming in Russia

Pig farming is poorly developed in Russia. As a business, this type of livestock farming is unprofitable for small farms. This is due to the fact that new technologies, which are based on the capabilities of modern equipment, are not being implemented in most farms. Russian factories, which produced equipment for pig farming, have almost completely stopped. Which leads to the use of old energy-intensive technologies for keeping animals. This affects costs and reduces production profitability.

Pig farming in Russia is represented by a number of largest companies, which have not given up their positions for several years.

TOP 5 most successful pork producers in Russia

As can be seen from the table, production growth is obvious. But on a national scale this figure is very small. Recently, the development of pig farming has begun to be given Special attention. This is due to Russia’s reorientation towards the domestic market and the ban on the import of meat from European countries and the USA. The government plans to allocate special subsidies for the development of farms.

Pork production is beneficial both for the family and for business development. In any economic situation, there will be a piece of meat on the table. With a small investment, you can start a pig breeding business in your own backyard. The unique animal will provide a stable income both when raising livestock for meat and when keeping sows for the sale of offspring.

Objective data on the effectiveness of keeping pigs:

  • rapid increase in marketable weight, during the year of keeping the live weight of a newborn piglet increases 140 times;
  • carcass weight compared to live weight is 85%, while for cattle it is 50-60%;
  • per farrowing, the queen brings up to 14 piglets, depending on the breed, each of which will bring 100-200 dollars in a month;
  • Pigs absorb up to 30% of the feed composition; in other domestic animals this figure does not exceed 20%.

Choosing the right breed and small investment will allow beginners to breed pigs at home to create successful business. To meet the family's needs for meat and lard, it is enough to buy two piglets in early spring. Kids don't need a lot of space to keep them. In summer, animals grow quickly. With the onset of autumn, there is a lot of plant residues in the yard, which are a good food source. For intensive feeding of pigs for two months before slaughter, it will be necessary to increase the consumption of protein feed. Apart from the labor of caring for the pigs, a year's supply of pork is cheap. You don't need a warm pigsty. But there are pig fattening requirements that must be met.

Keeping pigs at home requires the right approach to food selection. So a baby at the age of one month needs:

  • the predominance of dairy products and cereals based on milk or its substitutes;
  • the use of special premixes for piglets containing special sets of vitamins and antibiotics so that the babies grow up healthy;
  • maintain a feeding frequency appropriate to the age and size of the piglet’s stomach.

When fattening a pig from 2 to 4 months, do not include raw puree or jerky in the diet. It is better to give root vegetables boiled and chopped. It is healthier to feed raw grated carrots; the grass should be finely chopped and brewed with boiling water.

After slaughter, the pig carcass is treated with a blowtorch to remove bristles. A high pressure washer will help remove the deposits. Car owners have a compact car wash. The use of this processing method improves the presentation of the product.

Entrepreneurial activities for breeding and fattening pigs

Any business requires planning. A business plan for breeding pigs must include expenditure and income parts. Pig farming is a profitable business only if the requirements for the conditions of keeping and feeding the animals are met.

Therefore, the main item in the cost estimate is the construction of a pigsty based on an area of ​​4 square meters. m per fattening unit and 6 square meters per sow. The premises should include a den, a walking area and a sun canopy. A bathing area must be provided for pigs. If feeding is carried out in a common trough, there should be enough space for each animal to approach.

The barn must be durable so that the pig does not escape into the wild as a result of digging. In the pigsty, provide:

  • a roof that prevents leakage;
  • natural and combined lighting;
  • capital walls that prevent freezing;
  • floor with waste disposal chutes and clean, dry bedding;
  • ventilation of the room.

There should be a walking area at the premises; in the summer, pigs spend most of their time there. In the fresh air, muscle mass increases faster and animals get sick less.

The expense portion includes the purchase of purebred animals. For commercial meat production, breeding pigs of the required breed must be carried out on the farm. This will reduce the cost of purchasing piglets externally and will allow you to obtain healthy offspring for the herd.

If piglets are purchased from other farms, they must be quarantined before the herd is formed. It is necessary to include in the cost estimate the vaccination of the herd at each stage of development. Without a certificate of veterinary control of the livestock, the legal sale of meat will be impossible.

The current cost item will be the purchase of special feed for pigs, premixes and vitamin complexes. However, food costs much less than meat. The cost of production is traditionally high. And if the cultivation technology is followed, the business risk is minimized, but this expense item needs to be planned.

With a large number of pigs, dry feeding is preferable. Increased feed costs will be compensated by greater weight gain and lower maintenance costs during fattening. It is important to provide animals with 6-8 liters of water per head per day.

The income part takes into account that one sow can give birth to up to 14 piglets, the fattening of which will provide up to 3 tons of marketable products. Distribute profits according to the time of receipt of products. If the resulting balance does not give the expected profit, the business plan for breeding pigs needs to be optimized. That is, find cheaper ones or suckers. Successful backyard pig farmers receive up to 1000% profit in 2-3 years.

In order for raising pigs at home as a business to be successful, you must follow the following rules:

  • observe hygienic conditions for keeping pigs;
  • do not miss the time of castration of wild boars;
  • carry out preventive measures against diseases and vitamin deficiency of livestock;
  • observe the time and frequency of feeding animals, ensure constant access to water.

You should not feed food with mold or signs of souring of the liquid food. Feeders should be periodically treated with boiling water.

When buying offspring from purebred pigs, you need to know about the structural features of the animals. You can get pork with a predominance of lard, bacon or meat from a specific breed.

Is it profitable to keep pigs? There is no other way to provide the family with meat at cost. To organize a business with a small number of heads, meat sales will occur without traveling to trading platforms. Neighbors will become buyers. Livestock products are always in strong demand.

Revolution in agriculture - video
