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Make an ad layout online. How to make a flyer? Flyer layout. Online flyer maker: how it works

There are many different ways to promote products or services. Some of them cost a lot. So, you will have to shell out a round sum for placing your poster on a billboard or broadcasting a video on television. Of course, not all organizations, firms and shops can afford such costs. That is why perhaps the most popular method of promotion is the distribution of special promotional materials - bright and enticing leaflets.

What is a flyer

A leaflet is a piece of paper, usually A5 format, which contains information about a promoted product, service, special promotions or discounts. As a rule, such flyers also contain catchy color images, company logos, brand names, etc. Leaflets can have a variety of forms and content, depending on the wishes of the entrepreneur and the specialization of a particular organization, company or outlet. Such advertising materials, as a rule, are handed out to passers-by, distributed by mailboxes or glued to special advertising stands.

Pros and cons of flyers

  1. Low cost. Compared to other types of advertising, leaflet printing costs entrepreneurs very little. However, remember that if an advertising agency already offers a very small price for such a service, you should check the quality of the products before you receive a finished batch.
  2. Availability. In fact, such promotional materials can be made at home by printing them on a regular printer. However, it is still better to entrust this task to professionals who can not only design and print leaflets, but also process them correctly after printing.
  3. Ability to reach a wide audience. Leaflets can be distributed almost anywhere, near metro stations, shopping centers and complexes, leave them in mailboxes and under the car wipers.
  4. Small size and compact. These promotional materials are also good because after a person reads the text, he can put the leaflet in his bag or pocket. Of course, the consumer does this only if he is interested in the offer. Otherwise, the leaflet will most likely go to the nearest trash can.
  5. Manufacturing speed. If advertising campaign you urgently need, you can order leaflets from an advertising agency, and then properly organize the work of promoters. This will be enough to distribute advertising material throughout the city within one day. However, for this you need to ensure that your employees do not violate the established rules.

However, leaflets have their drawbacks, namely:

  1. A lot of pre-work. If you do not go through all the necessary preparatory stages, do not pay due attention to design, layout, printing features, you will not get a quality product, and an attractive appearance is the key to the effectiveness of a leaflet.
  2. The inefficiency of leaflets as an independent advertising tool. To prevent flyers from being sent to the trash immediately upon receipt, it is better to accompany their distribution with music, give promoters a special form with the logo of the company or outlet. In other words, flyers need to be supported in other attention-grabbing ways as well.
  3. Lack of information. The need to quickly "hook" the attention of the consumer greatly affects the size and content of the message. So you can't describe your offer in detail, but it's a sacrifice that will have to be made anyway.
  4. The quality of the staff. Promoters do not always look friendly or cheerful, and sullenness scares off buyers. Try to supervise your employees, at least as much as possible.

Thus, despite the presence of certain disadvantages, with the right and reasonable approach, you can get the most out of this promotional material.

The effectiveness of leaflets, taking into account the profile of the enterprise

Leaflets are an effective means of promotion for almost any company, outlets and organizations. These include:

  • Institutions Catering: cafes, restaurants, fast food outlets;
  • Shops of various profiles, ranging from pet stores to grocery stores;
  • Beauty salons, hairdressers, nail salons, barbershops;
  • Wedding salons, clothing and footwear stores;
  • Real estate agencies and travel companies;
  • Educational institutions - kindergartens, private schools;
  • Atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes;
  • Jewelry stores.

However, flyers will not be effective for the following businesses:

  • Hostels and hotels;
  • petrol stations;
  • Manufacturing enterprises.

Types of flyers, their differences

Leaflets can have a different design, shape and text. However, they differ precisely in the method of distribution, as well as in their main functions. Yes, there are the following types these promotional materials:

  1. Leaflets accompanying the product. Such products are included in the packaging of an already purchased item or issued separately. Such flyers can be purely promotional, or inform the client about any promotion, discount or special event.
  2. Leaflets for presentation. Such materials usually contain information that the client or buyer who presented the leaflet will receive special discount or bonus. Such materials are least likely to be sent to the trash can, because they promise a person a very real benefit. Often such flyers are used to attract customers to various establishments.
  3. Leaflets-invitations. Such materials do not necessarily have to confer any privileges on the bearer. Their main goal is an event notification. Such flyers can be distributed on the tables of cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, etc.
  4. Adhesive flyers. Similar materials can be found near entrances, on advertising stands, lampposts, etc. In general, such materials can be very effective, but you will have to coordinate their placement with municipal authorities or advertising space owners.
  5. Leaflets for mass distribution. This is the most popular type of such products. As a rule, promoters with such advertising materials can be found near all crowded places.

flyer price

The cost of leaflets will depend on many factors, including:

  • Type of material used;
  • Number of copies;
  • Processing after printing;
  • Brightness of colors;
  • Flyer format (single-sided or double-sided);
  • Design development;
  • Sheet size.

In general, leaflet printing is one of the most inexpensive types of advertising. So, prices for a batch of 100 pieces can vary from 500 to 4,000 rubles.

How to draw attention to a flyer

Remember, in order for your money not to be wasted, you need to follow a few simple rules which will make the leaflet bright and attractive.

  1. Try to stand out, “hook” the attention of a potential client, using large photos that should attract exactly your audience (for example, if a flyer is designed to advertise products for men, you can use photos of attractive women), as well as a large and easy to read font.
  2. Do not limit your imagination, use non-standard options. So, for example, you can order leaflets of an unusual shape, for example, round, triangular, etc.
  3. Make sure that the essence of your promotional offer is evident even with a cursory glance at the flyer. Focus on keywords such as "children's clothing," "building materials," "beer on tap," and so on. However, just highlighting keywords is not enough. You need to briefly and bitingly explain why your offer is unique, and what is its advantage compared to offers from other enterprises of the same profile. Such "signal" sentences should be written in large print. It does not matter if they are at the top, bottom or in the middle of the leaflet, as it will be read from large text.
  4. Use the so-called "eye-stoppers" - eye-catching elements and bright, contrasting colors.
  5. Stylize leaflets under the promoted object - use corporate colors, emblems.
  6. Remember, you should not write entire passages about your product or service. The smaller the text, the easier and faster it is read and perceived. The sentence should be no more than 6 words, and its meaning should be clear even to a child. So, you should not use too complicated words or expressions, because your potential client may not understand the message the first time, and he will definitely not read the text for a long time.
  7. Humor can greatly increase the effectiveness of a flyer as a promotional tool. Many entrepreneurs consciously rely on funny and even eccentric slogans or slogans, knowing full well that they are great at attracting attention.
  8. Use specific numbers. So, if you, for example, organize a seasonal sale of shoes, the “flashy” 50% are able to attract more customers.
  9. Use attention-grabbing marker words like “first time”, “urgent”, “stop”, etc. For greater effect, exclamation marks should be placed after such words.
  10. Remember, the text on the leaflet must be affirmative. Completely exclude all denials, because they are poorly perceived by consciousness. So, a person can “omit” the “not” particle, and this, of course, will greatly change your informational message. Moreover, phrases such as "you can not be afraid of deception" - do not the best option to attract customers.
  11. Try to put yourself in the place of the consumer, and develop a text that would attract you personally.

Where to order flyers

You can order a batch of leaflets in advertising agency or printing house. In advertising companies, in addition to printing, the design of the flyer is usually developed, while in the printing house only printing of the material is carried out. In general, you can save a lot by selecting the text and images yourself, designing the flyer layout on a PC, and printing a batch on a printer, but in this case, the flyers will most likely look less attractive than products created on special equipment.

Where and how to distribute flyers

In order for your advertising to be truly effective, you need to carefully consider all the places for distributing flyers. In most cases, entrepreneurs should not try to inform all passers-by, but only those who are representatives of their business. target audience. If, for example, you are trying to increase the number of clients of a wedding salon, leaflets should be distributed at registry offices, youth institutions, shopping centers and shopping malls, near institutes and universities of the city. If advertised tour operator, promotional material should be handed out in parks and other places where people spend their free time.

Also, leaflets can be distributed by mailboxes (this is especially true if you sell mass-market products), glued to special advertising stands. However, you should not organize sticking materials on fences and other unattractive surfaces - this is more likely to harm than benefit the business.

Before distributing leaflets, it is better to conduct a detailed analysis that will help you find out in which places certain groups of people. Study the city press, ask friends and acquaintances or even experts - knowing the locations of your target audience will significantly increase the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

In addition, in order for the distribution of flyers to bring tangible benefits to the business, your promoters need to follow a few simple guidelines and rules, each of which is described below.

  1. Smile. This makes a good impression on passers-by and often encourages them to pick up the leaflet.
  2. Do not try to distribute materials to all people without exception. Sharp and unsystematic movements and jerks only scare away passers-by. You need to give leaflets calmly, as if you were giving something to your old friend.
  3. Men passing by should hold out a piece of paper with their right hand. Such a gesture is subconsciously perceived as a handshake and prompts to take the materials.
  4. For women, it is better to give a leaflet with your left hand and as smoothly as possible. In this case, it is better to hide the text, i.e. submit the sheet text down - this stimulates curiosity.
  5. After the leaflet is given away, it is worth removing your hand smoothly. At the same time, you can gently pronounce the advertising slogan and thank the passerby.

Examples of flyers by type of business

To see examples of leaflets of the business you are interested in, use the search form or follow the link below.

Original, informative leaflets and booklets with company logo and slogan - one of the most effective ways convey a message to the consumer about your product.

Last but not least is the quality and artistic solution of the print. The quality printing of our products is guaranteed by paper and dyes from the best manufacturers Italy and Germany, and the creation on our website of an individual, attractive design for customers, thanks to the latest technologies is now available to everyone.

Opportunities of the online service for ordering leaflets

Here you can create an individual flyer design in an online designer in a few minutes.

A simple and convenient interface gives confidence even to beginners and makes it possible to implement their own ideas. creative fantasies at a professional level.

The constructor toolkit allows you to:

  • choose a color palette;
  • insert your author's prints and photographs;
  • add original inscriptions and drawings;
  • use individual images or apply a complete booklet seal;
  • take advantage of various designer effects to create flyers online.

Those who do not have time to create custom booklets with their own designs can use ready-made booklet maker templates or turn to the professional help of our creators.

When placing a large order, you can count on a significant discount.

Ordering, payment and delivery

To place an order, choose a ready-made layout or upload your own version of the leaflet to the online designer. After confirming the readiness of the leaflet for printing, enter the contact details and address for the delivery service. Now it remains only to pay in any available way and wait a bit.

Nothing compares to the pleasure of holding your own creation in your hands. With all questions, you can contact our managers at any convenient time.

We do not want to say at all that professional graphic design of layouts is last century. In many cases, the cost of a highly paid specialist is really necessary and justified. But if you need a simple, not too complicated layout of leaflets, then you can easily handle this task yourself. This option will allow you not only to save time and money, but also to get exactly the result that you expected. To make sure everything goes perfectly, use our tips before you create a flyer.


  • Collect samples. Do not dismiss promoters on the streets, take other people's leaflets at exhibitions and stands, look at the ads in elevators and at street stops. The more flyers you see, the easier it will be for you to formulate your own ideas about how they should look. And getting what you want is much easier when you know exactly what you want.
  • Make enough time to create a flyer. Yes, you may be able to complete the task much faster, but it will still be optimal to leave time not only for proofreading the text and checking spelling, but also for checking for a “delusional level”. Try to leave the flyer alone for at least an hour. Looking at it with a “fresh” look, you will be able to notice those inaccuracies and absurdities that can completely slip away in the heat of work.
  • Consider distribution method leaflets. Double-sided printing is useful if you will hand out flyers on the street or place them in special transparent folders (for example, in restaurants). One-sided will be enough to stick a leaflet on a special board. By the way, in this case it is better to choose matte paper - so the image will not shine.

Our online flyer maker is the perfect complement to these tips. After all, armed with knowledge, you can easily master this simple and easy-to-use tool. We hope that you will be able to create flyers online in our constructor in a matter of minutes.

Printing program " low prices» is designed just so that you can create a flyer online without significant costs and in short time. But before drawing a leaflet, let's take a closer look at the work of our designer. We promise that this information will be very useful to you.


Flyer development: where to start

Despite the fact that Yekaterinburg is the birthplace of our design layouts, it does not matter. Thanks to the fact that our online flyer designer works, you can create your own layout from any corner of the Earth - the main thing is that there is an Internet connection. Use our algorithm in your work.

    Enter the constructor and choose the appropriate template. The template database is located to the right of the working field. We advise you not to take the first one that comes across, but first, how to study all the options presented. Of course, in the process of work, you can replace one template with another. But in most cases, this will require additional revision of the entire layout. In order not to waste time in vain and not to do the same job twice, approach the choice of a template with all seriousness. This way you can create the best flyer layout design on the first try.

    Enter all required data. In the upper left corner, you will see several functional icons. They allow you to add and edit various elements of your flyer: text, logo, illustrations, and more.


Work with text:
When you click the icon with the letter T at the top of the working field, a functional ruler for working with text will open. You can enter the necessary data, change the font and size, change the location on the page or transfer the text to reverse side leaflets. In a word, everything that you probably already know how to do when working with any Word document.

Working with images:
You can insert an image in two ways - take a ready-made image from our gallery (here they are structured by subject) or upload your own image from your computer. After the image appears on the layout, you can also edit it - resize it, mirror it, apply one of the other visual effects.

Additional features:
In addition, you can create a flyer layout online and add your QR code to it, use one of the geometric shapes in the design of the flyer (we provided a fairly large selection) or experiment with backgrounds.

Thus, the creation of flyers online from a boring and monotonous activity turns into a real creative process. This program allows you to make a leaflet not only informative, but also visually attractive.

Flyer Design: Common Mistakes

Developing a print design requires the artist to have some understanding of how a print shop works. But we decided not to fill your head with technical subtleties and complex details. Everything that requires special knowledge, our designer takes over. And if necessary, the managers of the printing house "Low Prices" will answer your questions. Therefore, the probability of technical errors in our constructor is reduced to zero. But even experienced designers are not immune from failure. Before you issue a leaflet, read this text so as not to repeat the mistakes of others:

The text color and background blend into each other. Since making a flyer on a computer seems like a fairly simple task, you will most likely be working on it from your home or office device. Please note that the colors of your monitor may differ from the actual. And if now it seems to you that light gray letters look great on a graphite background, then when you receive the finished edition, you may be severely disappointed. Deciding to design the layout yourself, it is better to stick to the classics and choose contrasting combinations. Otherwise, the entire circulation will have to be handed over to waste paper.

The design does not suit your product, company or target audience. Perhaps the image of Milla Jovovich running away from zombies with a grocery basket in her hands instead of a blaster looks quite impressive and even funny. But pensioners - the main visitors to your store "Vosmerochka" - are unlikely to appreciate your creativity with delight. Sometimes it's better to forget about creativity and remember your customers by making flyers with your own hands.

factual inaccuracies. Perhaps this is the worst thing that can be. Wrong address, mixed up numbers in the phone number, a promotion with an expired period of validity - you can list such errors indefinitely. Sometimes they can nullify all your efforts to attract customers. Therefore, before you begin, collect and double-check all the information that you are going to provide. And check again!

Create flyer online for free:
5 reasons for

We have covered quite a lot on this page about how to get a flyer layout online. But they forgot to mention why you need it.


Welcome to our convenient website, an online printing shop, where you can easily and easily choose a ready-made one or create your own design and print business cards, invitations, postcards, calendars, photo collages, flyers, leaflets, booklets and other printing products online. . Ready-made layouts can be sent for printing to the Print Center closest to you in order to pick up the order in person. Or order delivery! Don't waste time searching for pictures, layouts on the Internet or a designer, do it yourself - it's easy and simple! Three steps and the business card is ready!

We have over 5,000 free templates on our website! Choose a ready template business card, certificate, diploma or diploma, add your text, company logo, drawing, photo, location map and send to print! Create a fun invitation for a child, party or anniversary. Choose a romantic wedding invitation. We print fast and high quality! See for yourself!

Telling about your company, store or enterprise to as many potential customers as possible in a short time can be done very quickly - by making and distributing a sufficient number of leaflets. By contacting LemonPrint for this, you will receive the finished product promptly, without spending a lot of money. So that you can get the desired result as quickly as possible and clearly imagine how it will look finished products, we have developed original flyer templates: themed, festive, standard, designed in different colors...

By choosing the most suitable of the proposed templates, you will be able to independently place on it all important information: working hours of your company, its address and coordinates, if necessary - an announcement of ongoing promotions or a system of discounts. At the same time, the layout of the leaflet does not need to be downloaded to a computer and opened using special programs. You can work with it directly on the site, saving it for the opportunity further use on your next order. Another advantage of our layouts is their simplicity, because it is very easy to choose the required design, types and colors of fonts, and place an image on them even for those who have not been engaged in design before.

In addition, in LemonPrint you can order other printing products necessary for your company: for example, we offer services for creating business cards, which you can also develop yourself by selecting the proposed blanks and editing them at your discretion.

With LemonPrint, the production of printed products becomes really fast, simple and economical, and each of our customers knows in advance what the result will look like!
