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How to sell sports nutrition online. How to open your own sports nutrition store. Choosing a taxation system

What makes an ordinary office worker, after an eight-hour working day, exhausted and tired, run to a workout in a fitness club or yoga? The answer to this question seems to be obvious... Everyone wants to be beautiful, healthy and strive to stay young as long as possible. For some, playing sports is an opportunity to maintain health. For others - nothing more than a fashion trend. In pursuit of beauty and youth, a person is ready to spend hours in the gym. And in between workouts, take special drugs - protein shakes, supplements or vitamins for best results.

Every year the industry sports nutrition is rapidly growing, giving rise to an innumerable stream of clients - professional athletes and amateurs. Only the lazy will not wish to build a business on this. True, and here there are "pitfalls". About what a beginner should pay attention to when starting a business, the site told readers Anastasia Gorelova. A couple of years ago, together with partners, she founded sports nutrition store "Olimp". Now the company is successfully developing, and famous Russian athletes are becoming its clients.

- Before you opened your business, were you somehow connected with sports?

No. Neither I nor my partners were professional sportsmen. But this is not necessary. You need to be well versed in dietetics, know the range, composition of products and the purpose of the components. All this comes with experience. Of course, I had to learn on my own, or by collaborating with professional athletes and coaches.

- Why then did you decide to start a business in the field of sports nutrition?

It's simple - I worked for a few years in a store sports nutrition. At one fine moment, I decided that I could run this business better, and went into “free swimming”. In addition, at that time this direction was new and still poorly mastered.

- Has anything changed by now?

Of course, there are much more competitors. Moreover, now this market is almost completely saturated, so it will be very difficult for beginners to survive. There is a tough price fight going on. And the one who wins gets a penny benefit.

In such conditions, one can survive only by constantly developing and expanding the range, or by offering new goods and services. And this requires some financial stability and customer base.

- Do I need a license to sell sports nutrition?

No, a sales license is not required.

- Where do you buy food and in what price segment do you work?

Food is purchased from official dealers in Russia. We try to sell products that are accessible to a person with absolutely any income.

- Do you prefer Russian or foreign manufacturers?

Imported food is much better than Russian food in quality. The fact is that the foreign market and production are much older than ours. As a result, foreigners practically do not encounter barriers in the form of domestic products.

Although there is an exception to this rule. This company "Aktiformula" from Krasnodar. They brought their products to the market recently, but have already managed to gain a foothold in the segment between the cheapest food from neighboring countries and more expensive - imported, but of better quality.

- Do you consult outside specialists, such as nutritionists?

As long as we do it ourselves. There are no specialists in this area in Chelyabinsk. Often, doctors, well versed in nutrition, have a poor idea of ​​​​what sports nutrition is. Although in other cities there are already private medical practices. They deal with issues dietetics and make up the diet of patients, taking into account sports nutrition. But so far these are isolated cases.

- Do you work with sports organizations?

We work with sports organizations. But more often with the athletes themselves. In the budget, such expenses are practically not provided.

We work more closely with fitness clubs. We supply food to fitness bars and offer discounts to their customers.

- How is product marketing organized?

We have on this moment one offline store in the center of Chelyabinsk. An online store is also successfully operating with free shipping anywhere in the city.

- Are there famous athletes among your clients?

Among our clients are world champion in kettlebell lifting Ivan Denisov, strongman and showman Dmitry Kononets, Igor Podelko and Evgeny Gulyaev.

- What advice would you give to those who want to build their own business? sports nutrition?

I’d rather say what exactly you shouldn’t start a business with. You should not start a business without knowing all its features thoroughly, and without having competitive advantage. Many people think that by lowering the price as much as possible and working practically at a loss, you can win customers over to your side.

But this is a dead end: everyone can lower the price, and in the end, the winner will be the one who has a more impressive financial “airbag” and a wide client base. And this is clearly not a newbie.

Ekaterina Gonova

Sports nutrition as a business is fashionable and interesting. We will describe the profitability of such a project and the feedback from entrepreneurs involved in the sale of special products for professionals.

Today, a healthy lifestyle and fitness clubs have become very popular, as people want to take care of their body and beautiful appearance. Thousands of men and women are trying to eat well, and those who visit sports facilities know the benefits of special nutritional supplements. Therefore, building a business on such a hobby is a very promising idea.

Features of trade in sports nutrition

The relevance of opening your own store for the sale of sports nutrition is confirmed by the following facts:

  1. Every year in our country the demand for such food additives only increases.
  2. The main consumers are young people aged 25-40, mostly men involved in sports at a professional level.
  3. For most of them, it is not necessary to explain and prove the benefits of sports nutrition, as fitness club visitors know this.
  4. Most often, this business is carried out by people with some experience in taking these drugs and they have a good idea of ​​​​the product range.

In the cities of Russia, every year the demand for sports nutrition and its use increases by 10%, which gives certain prospects for a novice businessman.


To open a sports nutrition store, you need to register your activity. To do this, choose one of the forms:

  • IP - individual entrepreneurship, is distinguished by small financial investments, simple accounting and ease of organization, but at the same time a person is responsible with all his property.
  • LLC is a legal entity that involves the maintenance of complex accounting and tax reporting, large investments, but such a firm will have more confidence on the part of suppliers and buyers.

It is up to you which form of business to choose. Each of the options has its pros and cons, but much depends on the expected scale of activity, sales volumes and the number of founders.

In addition to registering with tax service, you still need to get permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate. When buying a product, it is important to always monitor the availability of quality certificates for each type of product. If your clients are professional athletes, then you additionally need to be tested by the World Anti-Doping Organization.

Store Format

There are two ways to start selling sports nutrition:

  1. Via the Internet - by creating a website that contains the entire range of goods offered with detailed description. You can make your own delivery within the region, using courier services or postage. This method helps to significantly save on the rent of premises, its repair and wages to employees.
  2. Plain a store involves convenient placement of goods in front of the client and ample opportunities for its implementation, but only within the city.

Entrepreneurial businessmen combine both directions and get an increase in profits in short time.

Shop space

In order to arrange the entire range of products do not need large areas. Set up multiple racks for easy product placement, and provide a counter for the salesperson and cash register. A separate storage warehouse is also not required, because sports nutrition has a limited shelf life. It is better to buy it in small batches and immediately lay it out on the trading floor.

As such, equipment or complex repairs to the premises are not needed. Here's what to give Special attention so this is the location of the store. Of course, it can be opened in a crowded city street, rent a part shopping center etc. But the best solution is to place it near fitness clubs or even on their territory.

In order to save money, you can try to rent a small area in a sporting goods store or simply sell products through them. It also makes sense to cooperate with fitness trainers, gyms, professional athletes directly.

Product range

The production of sports nutrition today offers a wide variety of specialized products. The main food additives in this area are:

  • Proteins, that is, proteins, are the most demanded group of products that help to gain muscle mass.
  • Vitamin complexes - designed to replenish the body with essential trace elements, are especially needed when following a diet during weight loss.
  • Creatine - is responsible for the endurance of the body, helps to make training more intense and rewarding.
  • Amino acids - restore muscles at the cellular level after exercise.
  • Fat burners - contribute to the breakdown of fats and the release of the necessary energy for exercise.
  • Substances that improve the condition of ligaments and joints, their strengthening and proper functioning.

In addition, there are also various energy bars, drinks, cocktails, combination mixes and other products. It is important to be able to choose the right combination of goods for each client, depending on his needs, health status and goals.

Do not try to buy large volumes of goods at once, because it cannot be kept on the shelves for a long time, but it must be used for its intended purpose in a short time. Therefore, focus on the most popular and sought-after varieties, and offer rare nutritional supplements in the form of an individual order from the catalog.

The technology of their production is quite complex and is tested for quality and composition in specialized laboratories. You need to sell products only certified, complying with all standards and passed anti-doping control. Pay attention to what supplements are made of, whether they have a natural or synthetic base, etc. This often worries buyers when choosing a particular brand.

It is worth noting that professional athletes prefer expensive, but proven and popular foreign brands. Domestic manufacturers are distinguished by a low price, but also a slightly worse quality of the composition of additives. Therefore, they are purchased only by beginners or amateurs.

Supplier search

Please note that purchasing products through wholesalers or distributors is not the most the best way. Because their conditions will not give you the opportunity to establish a favorable price for the goods. It is advisable to cooperate directly with sports nutrition manufacturers and make a markup of 70%. Then the product will not seem too expensive for the buyer, and the store owner will be able to earn.


Pay special attention to finding consultants for the store. They must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have personal experience use of sports nutritional supplements and have a good understanding of the entire range of products offered.
  2. Be sociable and pay attention to each visitor, politely answer questions, help to choose the right product depending on the needs of the buyer.
  3. To have a pleasant attractive appearance of a sporty type. It should be clear from the person that he belongs to the same group of people as the main customers of the store.

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Marketing strategy

Since this business is closely related to in a healthy way life, then advertising should be aimed, respectively, at sports, weight loss, and maintaining health. Post ads in fitness clubs, on forums where athletes gather, register in relevant communities and groups, and establish contacts with coaches.

Today, promotions such as free goods for posting a post on a page, various bonuses, discounts for holidays are very popular. discount cards regular customers. In order to attract a client, it is possible to offer additional products in the form of catalogs, training courses, etc. to sports nutrition sets.

Do not be too lazy to design your website, where you can study in a relaxed atmosphere information about the composition and action of the proposed products, place an order online or by phone.

Another effective marketing move is to become a sponsor of any sports competition. You will present souvenirs to the participants, certificates for the purchase of goods to the winners, and at the same time you will get a large audience of potential buyers.

Financial part

In order to decide whether it is profitable or not to start a project for the sale of sports nutrition, it is advisable to draw up a store business plan with calculations in advance. This will give visual information about profitability and rate of return on investment.

If you hire staff for trading, then you will have to add to the costs every month wages. The level of profit is influenced by many factors - the number of customers, the proposed assortment, pricing policy, the cost of purchasing goods from suppliers, etc.

According to average estimates, the full payback of the business comes within six months, but with a competent approach and a good location of the store, you can count on a shorter time. The level of profitability in any case does not fall below 25-30%.

Video: how is sports nutrition produced in Europe?

Sports nutrition is a pretty interesting business idea. And not only because this market is not yet developed in Russia and is not overpopulated by competitors, but also because of its low cost. You can open a sports nutrition store with a relatively small amount of money.

But, nevertheless, with all the above advantages, the profitability of a sports nutrition store is a big question. First of all, because of the limited circle of potential customers.

The problem can be solved if you use the following tips:

  1. Choose the right place. Sports and recreation centers, gyms, sports clubs, fitness centers - this is where you will find your target audience. You can open your own store nearby, negotiate with the administration of the establishments, giving them a percentage of sales, or even do without offline representation altogether by opening your own online store and promoting it.
  2. Find the right suppliers. Suppliers should provide you with a good wholesale price, such that you can make a markup of 50% or more (this is the norm for sports nutrition). If you sell at a minimum margin, you will not increase the profitability of the store. Although the quality of products should not be forgotten in any case.
  3. Choose the hottest items. If you have a limited budget, you should only trade in the hottest items. For a sports nutrition store, this is primarily creatine and proteins, products for joints and ligaments, fat burners, gainers, vitamins and minerals. Over time, focusing on demand, the list of goods can be adjusted.
  4. Promote your product. Any successful business owner knows that advertising is an integral part of every successful business. Use all possible ways to convey information about your offer to target audience- announcements in places where athletes gather (not necessarily offline, these can be thematic sites or groups in in social networks), promotions, consultations.

What do people think

Speaking of a margin of 50% or more, you probably mean working with our eastern suppliers, in particular, with China, right? Here you have to be very careful, because Chinese salesmen have earned a reputation for being very unreliable. The next step is the clients. Here, too, there are many pitfalls associated, first of all, with the changeability of fashion trends in this area and the various tasks facing athletes. It is worth paying attention to the fact that many of the sports nutrition offered in other countries may be illegal in our country, even in our country. small town there have already been cases of sports shop closures due to such problems.

Well, in general, the article is useful, something like this I saw myself working with this new and, in general, quite profitable area of ​​our market!

Anton, it's correct that permissions are not required. In fact, this is the same food, enriched with the substances and components necessary for a particular athlete. But as for “figuring it out yourself” - this is certainly, since there are enough unscrupulous suppliers on this new market, in general, for Russia!

For me, the very phrase "sports nutrition" is associated with something unhealthy. And there are many like me, so you will need to somehow convince that your food is oh so useful.

Starover, Sports nutrition is not initially positioned as a medicine, it only helps to solve some of the problems facing athletes, more effectively and in a shorter time. With regard to their real effectiveness, this is of course correctly noted, because everything that is harmless can pass to domestic markets. Whether this will be useful is a big question.

This is not grocery store, and the product is for a narrow circle of people - athletes and who will go to such a store approximately or perfectly will know why they are going.
And about the fact that many people think that it is harmful, yes, of course, but these are usually people who do not understand anything and they do not need it.
"Protein is chemistry and it's not worth a ****."

Anton, the problem here is not only in relation to customers, but also in the vulnerability of products from all sorts of checks and “test purchases”. It is precisely because there are no uniform standards in sports nutrition that this confusion arises. And as a result, shops close and entrepreneurs burn out.

I can add two points: the choice of supplier and promotion.

  • need to find. For in partner stores the conditions are not very favorable, except to play on interest. The prices there are already with a cheat, yours can be from 10 to 60%. But the price is high, not the fact that they will buy. And no one will order from China. Quality above all;
  • if there is a product and you can put a normal wrap, promotion is not a problem. Thematic groups in VKontakte. It's going great. Not even quite famous brands. In addition, once a month (for starters) or once a week (for a more or less promoted store) you can make a draw - 6 kg of Cinta's bank as a gift for reposting.

For some reason, I have no doubt about the profitability of a sports nutrition store. And I support prolisk with his advice. You can also create a website or forum where local bodybuilders will hang out. There it is unobtrusive to advise certain products. It would be useful to have a “consultation” section for people to consult a nutritionist about this or that diet.

Polina, in my city with a population of 100 thousand people, there are only about ten people left. And they, apparently, are too lazy to even create their own forum: I have not seen anything like it in Runet. Of course, those who go in for fitness, swimming and even football can buy such food, but it will be quite difficult to convince them that they need to eat in some special way!

Ostrovitjanin, I agree with you. To create a sports nutrition store in a population that is not quite a sports center is stupidity. But here there is one "but". Sports nutrition is more than just protein supplements. There are a couple of sports nutrition stores in our block, they sell vitamins, dietary supplements, some cocktails. I myself prefer to buy my vitamins in these stores, rather than in a pharmacy. Once I ran into a couple of jocks in the store who just came in for a cocktail after a workout. I can see this store from the balcony and young people of athletic build always hang out there. Hence, by the way, and the opinion about profitability.

Now you understand how the dispute differs from the discussion on our forum. 😉 We have come to a common denominator. And how mistaken are those who believe that it is in a dispute that truth is born!

Regarding the profitability of the sports nutrition store, I thought precisely in the vein of " healthy eating". I was recently prescribed coenzyme Q-10 by my doctor. In all pharmacies, these pills are from some dubious manufacturers. It is understandable - distributors supply what is cheaper. And only in the sports nutrition store I found what I needed. Moreover, the seller recommended 2 more drugs for better absorption of the coenzyme. Pharmacists were "out of touch", can you imagine! And this guy knows almost everything about vitamins and dietary supplements. Miracles are just something.

I support. And more advice. No need to chase high prices. That is, you should not “soar” the goods more expensive. It is better to say something like this: “Here we have such a drug - Pusidron. Its price is 1000 rubles. He is the best. Here good quality. There is also MegaDRON, but it costs 6000. But you know, this is only a brand, they do not differ in quality.”

And be sure to mention cheap options and why they should not be taken: “There are proteins from Atlant, Buronon, Potatoes. They cost 500 rubles each, but then it’s better to just drink milk. They will not give any result. There are also packaged squirrels - but who knows what's in there, right? Therefore, I can advise Pusidron and similar in quality and price - Andron, Glutanchik, Kachek-Baby.

The main thing is to mention expensive and cheap goods, and note why you advise exactly what you advise.

In my city, I have not seen such stores, which means there is little competition. I know many guys and girls who are actively involved in sports and order sports nutrition in online stores.

50% price hike?? It seems to me that with such a pace, people will start looking for such goods on the Internet on the websites of suppliers where goods can be bought at a much cheaper price. Of course, I understand that for a store this is possible and the norm, but it still sounds too cool

karines, it's not so cool if the average trade turnover is at least 80%! Sports nutrition is still the “elite”, the “top layer”, so to speak, of goods for everyday consumption, there can be only a dozen points in the city where you can buy this product. Therefore, I think that a 50% markup is even a minuscule amount, selling sports nutrition with such a profit, you are selling it “at a discount”. And, mind you, even during a crisis in this area, not many people are dumping: yes, the number of sports nutrition consumers has decreased, but the “fans” have remained, and, presumably, they will now compensate for the lost profit from the departed customers!

Soon such stores will become more popular. People actively began to play sports and monitor their diet. Therefore, if the funds, why not open just such a shop.

With this legal form you can open a business with partners, for which it is not suitable.

Individuals who are the founders of an LLC should not be liable for its obligations with their own property - in case of problems, they lose only the contribution they made to the authorized capital.

There are other differences between individual entrepreneurs and LLCs related to the features and methods of management, lending and investing. To clarify complex issues and finally decide on the optimal organizational and legal form, you can use the advice of a specialist.

Registration as an individual entrepreneur

If you are going to open one small shop and do not have plans for further expansion, registration as an individual entrepreneur will be optimal. The application for registration can be downloaded on the website of the Federal Tax Service

Choosing a taxation system

Renting space for a sports nutrition store

Sports nutrition is a fairly compact product. Showcases for its placement will not take up much space, and, therefore, store space can be quite small.To start in30 sq. is enough. m.retail space.

For a million-plus city, the rent for such a room, which includes payment utilities, can be about 60 thousand rubles.

Two good locations for a sports nutrition store

  • a place with high traffic - for example, near the subway;
  • a point next to a large fitness club or near a sporting goods and sports equipment store - that is, a place where regulars frequent gyms and other athletes.

It is also possible in the same room with a fitness club, combined with its fitness bar - that is, a place where athletes can look before a workout, after it, or even in the middle of a workout to have a little rest, relax and drink a cup or two of protein, gainer or energy.

After the lease agreement for the premises is concluded, you need to go through the necessary approval procedures in the SES, the State Fire Supervision Service and the city administration.

Store equipment

If you are still not going to combine a store with a fitness bar, you will not need to purchase any special equipment. It will be enough to buy:

  • racks and shelves;
  • video surveillance if the store will work on a self-service system;
  • cash register.

Purchase of the initial batch of goods

The purchase of the initial batch of goods is the main item of expenditure. It will take about 15,000 rubles to purchase the minimum lot from wholesalers, and the minimum amount that it is desirable to spend on this is near200 000 rub. This money is already enough to create a good assortment - the more goods, the greater the turnover.

Most consumers prefer products from foreign brands such as the German Multipower and Weider. It is considered to be of higher quality and more effective than sports nutrition of domestic manufacturers, and studies show that this opinion is quite true.

At the same time, the products Russian companies there is an important advantage low price. For this reason, it is often preferred by novice athletes and just athletes who want to save money. When choosing an assortment, regional peculiarities should also be taken into account: as a rule, the preferences of athletes in different cities and regions differ.

It should also be noted that sports nutrition must have state registration, which confirms its safety and compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011.

Store staff

The best sales assistants will be people who play sports themselves and, therefore, are well versed in sports nutrition. good sellers who will be able to give the visitor competent advice on any issue - this is the main condition for successful trading.

Anotherimportant point -itappearance sellers.

If they look athletic and fit, and the male salespeople also have good muscle mass, you can expect customers to be imbued with confidence both in them and in the store as a whole.

Sports nutrition store business plan

Sports nutrition in the form of a small point - for example, on the territory of a shopping center - will require 300-400 thousand rubles or more. The exact amount varies by region.

Many factors influence the payback period, but on average, with the right organization of the business, you can get a plus within six months.

If the business has already gained momentum, a good customer base has been developed, and contracts with suppliers have been concluded for good conditions,monthly sports nutrition with an area of ​​30 sq. m. may look like this:

  • revenue 500,000 rubles;
  • net profit 50,000 rubles.

Nuances and possible problems when starting a business

Since sports nutrition is not an essential product, in times of crisis, its sales, as a rule, are significantly reduced. Therefore, the difficult situation in the economy - this is not the best background for starting such a business.

On the other hand, it was noted above that the number of people who take training seriously is quite large and is constantly growing, so the sports nutrition market is very promising, and if you have a good plan, you can successfully enter it even in difficult crisis years.

Since the share of domestic products in the sports nutrition market is low and does not exceed 10-15%, in conditions of a low exchange rate of the national currency or large fluctuations in the exchange rate, there may be problems with purchases that you need to be able to cope with.

And in conclusion, I would like to recall one simple thing: many people think about creating their own business, but only a few decide to get down to business. Meanwhile, opening a sports nutrition store can be the very step that will allow you to stop working "for your uncle" and lay a solid foundation for your financial well-being.

A well-thought-out plan of action, good knowledge of the topic, perseverance and determination will certainly make it possible to achieve success.

sports nutrition franchise you can find out in the following new video:
