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How to breed worms for sale. Californian worms: breeding as a business. Features of the nutrition of the inhabitants of the farm

Fishing enthusiasts are well aware that an indispensable condition for a good bite is the right bait, which today can be purchased in specialized stores. Professionals use Californian worms for this purpose. However, not everyone knows that they can be used not only as bait.

Earthworms: varieties

Worms are the most common type of invertebrates. Their habitat excludes only Antarctica. There are many types and subspecies of these creatures.

Depending on the behavior natural environment Habitats biologists distinguish three types:

  • epigeic.
  • endogeic.
  • Anecic.

Worms, which belong to the latter type, live on the surface of the soil. They dig holes only vertically, and feed on organic matter. The activity of this category instantly fades away in case of moving from the habitual habitat. That is why they are difficult to breed. This type of worm plays an extremely important role in the process of soil formation. Their practical use is limited to soil formation. They can also be used as bait for fishing.

Worms of the second type live in soil rich in minerals. To ensure their vital activity, they require less organic matter. Burrows dig horizontally, but do not like to be on the surface. They process the soil and thus saturate it with various nutrients, and also enrich it with oxygen.

Epigeic worms are very tolerant of artificial living conditions, so they are most often used for breeding for economic gain. This type of worm prefers topsoil rich in organic matter. They thrive in the remains of bark, trees and leaves. The conditions for breeding the California worm provide for a number of subtle points.

Worm farming business

To understand the basics of worm breeding, you must first understand the main concepts used by professionals. Compost is a fertilizer made from organic waste. It is obtained with the participation of microorganisms. The most common sources for the production of this fertilizer are manure, peat, foliage and bird droppings. The product of compost processing by earthworms is called biohumus. California worm at home can be used just to improve the quality of fertilizers.

Worms breeding: main activities

One of the main business areas for breeding the Californian worm is the creation of biohumus. This product is in high demand among both farmers and private households. This type fertilizers are in demand even abroad. Agree, there is something to think about if you plan to expand your business in this area. Biohumus today is quite profitable investment investment.


This fertilizer is actively used for growing various vegetable crops. This applies not only to greenhouse vegetables, but also to root crops, such as carrots or potatoes. When using vermicompost, you can increase the yield by 40%. Biohumus is incredibly effective when growing berries such as wild strawberries or strawberries. This fertilizer is in high demand today. This means that you can make a good business on its sale. Biohumus importers are currently quite rich countries, such as the United Arab Emirates.

The use of this fertilizer allows even in fairly aggressive climatic conditions to obtain a high yield several times a year. Quality fertilizer is appreciated. For a ton of products today they can offer about $ 2,000. Of course, in Europe it costs not so much, but the price of 600 euros is also pretty good. This means that with a competent approach, you can make good money selling vermicompost. In order not only to get into this market, but also to gain a foothold in it, you will have to try hard.

Economic expediency

This review mainly deals with how to breed California worms. First of all, you should study the main advantages of using this type from an economic point of view.

Many believe that Californian worms have some incredible characteristics that distinguish them from other varieties. It is believed that they can live for 15-16 years. This is not true. Life expectancy is exactly the same as that of their domestic relatives, and the maximum is 6 years. There is also an opinion that California worms are able to survive at extreme temperatures (from 2 to 40 degrees). This is also not true: the worms begin to die when it gets below 4 degrees outside, and in hot climatic conditions over 35 they lose activity. However, despite great amount false information, this type has certain advantages.

Positive points

The real pluses that distinguish California worms include the fact that they remain active even in the cold season. It is also worth emphasizing the compactness of the populations and the high level of reproduction compared to simple earthworms. Here, the numbers indicated in the advertisement do not lie at all. So there are obvious advantages to using this kind.


Why are Californian worms so good? Breeding at home usually takes place on the territory of a simple garden plot. In this case, this work can be a good source of additional income. In order to properly breed worms, it is necessary to organize activities in a certain way and strictly follow the instructions. Consider the main features of creating a business within the framework of a private economy.

How to breed worms in a summer cottage?

Many today are interested in such a topic as breeding Californian worms. Households will be quite enough to start this kind of business. You must first purchase adult worms or fry. It all depends on your financial situation for the most part. For breeding on the site, it is necessary to prepare a square-shaped pit. Its depth should reach approximately 70 cm, and dimensions - a meter per meter. So that the worms do not spread to the rest of the dacha society, the lower part of the pit is covered with boards and well tamped. After that, the nutrient medium falls into the pit. To obtain vermicompost, extract the worms. In order for them to process the nutrient medium, several weeks must pass.

Under the hood they mean the introduction of a layer of substrate and its loosening. The worms will then crawl out to the top layer. This saturated material must then be transferred to a new pit to continue the vermicompost cycle. On average, it takes about 3-4 weeks. The compost processed in this way is sifted and dried. In this form, it can be sold. At the same time, the worms can safely continue their work in the next hole.

What is the substrate made from?

For this purpose, any waste at hand is suitable: straw, paper, tops, organic filler. This mass must be placed near the pit with worms and poured with liquid manure. Loosen the substrate once every two weeks.

The California worm, whose photo is probably familiar to many, has a special investment appeal. It does not require large investments to breed it. It is enough to show a little patience and interest in this activity. After all, not everyone will like to deal with unpleasant smells and creatures swarming in the ground.

Breeding on an industrial scale

When it comes to the preparation of biohumus in large volumes, a number of nuances appear. If for a private economy you need Californian worms in the amount of 10-20 thousand individuals, then on an industrial scale, a population of at least a million is usually taken. Also in this case, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​10 to 15 squares, with artificial lighting and a constant temperature of 15 to 30 degrees. It is also desirable that the room has a natural water supply system. Particular attention should also be paid to protection against rodents. To accommodate colonies of worms, you will need to organize racks.


Breeding Californian worms is profitable business, which has a number of features. Even though it requires minimum investment, you will still need some degree of preparation and a desire to be directly involved in the production process itself.

Fishing uses both artificial and natural species baits. Regardless of the season and fishing method, the worm is not inferior to artificial bait. It is not always possible to buy the necessary worm in the store, and the price of such a purchase can be too high.

Breeding worms at home is not a very difficult task, it is enough to have the necessary information.

Rules and features of breeding

Varieties and characteristics of worms:

The most popular in the field of worm breeding is the "prospector". This is a representative of one of the species of Californian red worms. It differs from its counterparts in a high level of productivity and fertility. He has a well-developed instinct for self-preservation. At low temperatures, the "prospector" burrows to a safe depth. The breeding temperature range is from +8 to +29 °C. An adult is capable of producing about 1,500 worms per year. The worm is unpretentious in food, quickly gets used to a different type of food. Resistant to many types of diseases.

The California red worm is easy to grow at home. He is less prolific than his fellows. On average, 400 new individuals appear per year. An adult worm reaches 8 cm in length, with a weight of 1 g. Like the "prospector", the main advantage is the speed of biomass production. The resulting biohumus has saturated enzymes, the maximum amount of microelements and active substances. Comfortable conditions for the successful life of the red worm will be a temperature of 15-25 degrees and a relative humidity of the habitat of 60%. In such conditions, he is able to live for about 16 years. The disadvantages of the Californian worm include pickiness in the choice of food, increased thermophilicity and the negative impact of direct sunlight.

The advantage of common earthworms is their good adaptation to environment. This type of worm is considered a universal bait - more than a dozen different types of fish bite perfectly on it. The length of the grown worm reaches 15-30 cm, specimens that have reached 40 cm are often found. The main disadvantages are low life expectancy (up to 4 years), passivity in reproduction. Despite the shortcomings, earthworms are unpretentious in nutrition and have a fairly active growth.

The flour worm is the larva of the beetle. It is resistant to temperature fluctuations and is high speed breeding at home. For development, a comfortable temperature is considered to be 28 degrees, while the humidity should not fall below 50%. In the choice of food, they are not whimsical.

This worm is a favorite delicacy of many fish. The yellow liquid inside it has a specific smell that drives the fish crazy. These worms outward signs similar to red. The difference lies in the conditions of detention. To create a habitat, you need: sawdust, manure, rotten hay or straw, black soil, wet leaves. All this is mixed and well pressed. The greater the soil pressure, the more comfortable the worms live there. They have no preferences for temperature and high humidity.

In the selection, there are also specially bred worms for fishing - This type of worm breeds sluggishly, but it has a very fleshy body structure. Care on them has certain difficulties associated with the constant maintenance of increased optimal living conditions.

Worms feeding

Worms feed on rotten or dead plant remains. It is recommended to add potato peelings, stale bread, cabbage leaves, banana skins, kefir diluted with water, grass, rotting straw, the remains of the thick of used tea or coffee, chicken droppings, manure, boiled vegetables to their diet.

It is forbidden to add the following ingredients to the food of worms:

  • meat-containing waste;
  • citrus peel;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products (the acidity of the environment increases);
  • fresh manure (gives off destructive heat up to 70 ° C).

Before serving food, it is well ground in a meat grinder. The composition of the feed must be constant. When changing nutrition, individuals must undergo adaptation for several weeks.

Putting a new serving of food is necessary 2-3 times a month. It all depends on the temperature regime - the warmer, the more often and more worms eat food. Remember, too much food will ferment the soil, making it more acidic.

Worms for breeding

Worms are more often purchased at pet stores, the Internet, and fishing stores. When making a purchase, you should Special attention draw on them appearance and general condition. They must be active and solid color.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone additive lures fish the most in cold and warm water. .
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Settlement technology and rules for caring for worms

You can breed worms not only in the village or in the country. Any place without noise and excess vibration is suitable for this: in an apartment on a balcony or a “dark” room, in a garage, in a garden or other utility room. The main condition is the observance of the optimal temperature regime and sufficient humidity (70%). Unpleasant odors can be avoided by sprinkling the feed with earth or biohumus.

To breed worms at home, you need to buy a vermicomposter or make a worm hive with your own hands. This design is a plastic or wooden box (box), about 40cm high. Breeding containers must have ventilation holes.

Holes are drilled in the top of the box or lid. The structure is installed at a slight slope so that through a hole drilled in the bottom to drain the worms formed during the life of the worms. An old refrigerator can act as a worm. It is placed with the doors up, pre-drilling holes.

If there is no desire to make a worm, you can purchase a ready-made special product for growing worms - a vermicomposter. It is made in the form of two plastic boxes, installed one on top of the other. Both have holes for ventilation and special slots at the bottom. A tap is mounted in the lower drawer, located on legs. It is used to drain the resulting vermicai.

After preparing the soil mixture, for 2-3 days a deepening is made in it and the first tenants are settled in the wormhole. After evenly distribute the soil and cover with a lid. Feed is added two days after settlement.

To know the required level of soil acidity, we make a trial settlement in a smaller container. For breeding worms, the optimal acidity of the soil sweep will fluctuate in the range of 6.6-7.7 pH. With more acidity, the worms begin to die. Reduce its level by adding to the soil eggshell, chalk or limestone. To increase the acidity, sawdust, straw or plant remains are used.

If within a week the surface of the substrate is clean, and the worms are actively mobile, then the colonization was successful.

Worms are fed every 1.5-2 weeks. The food is applied evenly to the entire surface of the box with a thickness of 5-7 cm. Under favorable conditions, the worms multiply very quickly, so it is necessary to have prepared wormholes for relocation. Monitor humidity constantly. The watering procedure is carried out with warm (room temperature +24 ° C) water, using a watering can with small holes.

With a substrate layer of more than 20 cm, loosening is necessary to enrich the soil with oxygen. Mixing is carried out with a special fork or other tool with rounded ends. This procedure should be carried out twice a week.

As a result of the activity of the worms, the soil, which is located in the box, is divided into three zones. The top layer contains nutrients. The layer in the middle is used by adults for housing. All the products of their active processing are collected in the lower layer, which is why it is so important. This layer grows over time. After 3-4 months, the worms are transplanted into a new container, along with a small part of the substrate of the lower layer. And the process starts all over again.

Reproduction of worms

A new generation of worms emerge from cocoons. One female can lay only one cocoon per week. A month later, newborn worms appear. An average of 20 worms hatch from a cocoon. In two months, they grow to the size of an adult. During the year, the worm lays up to 24 cocoons. During the growth period, the worms actively feed, so you will have to feed more often.

Comfortable conditions for reproduction: temperature in the range from +20 to +24 degrees, humidity 70%. It is desirable to keep different types of worms in separate boxes.

  1. It is better to cover the bottom of the box with a mesh, so it is more convenient to weed out biohumus.
  2. In one wormhole, you can keep earthworms and red worms together.
  3. Cow dung becomes suitable for nutrition only after 6 months.
  4. The resulting biohumus is effectively used for fertilizing strawberries, vegetables in the greenhouse and indoor plants.
  5. Some types of worms are used to obtain medicines.

Today, a whole host of business ideas have become widespread. Among them are the breeding of worms as a business at home, the breeding of Californian worms and a number of other breeds.

This option refers to those that require minimal initial investment, but at the same time are able to give a good income. A worm business does not require hiring employees (at least at first), expensive equipment, or any special permits.

General overview of the project

Today, vermiferm products are in demand in various fields. Implement finished products it is possible both among private farmers, and to rent it to large ones.

The fact that it does not require any large investments gives a special charm to the business. Maintenance and monthly expenses are completely cheap.

The success of any business lies in the competent planning of the strategy and the study of all aspects of the enterprise in advance. The business plan of the enterprise helps in this. It is very important to find out how much the farm products are in demand in your region and whether they will have to be transported to the neighboring one.

First of all, you will need to find and prepare the area for the start of work. Depending on this, the scale of the entire enterprise is allocated. After that, it is necessary to purchase the first batch of worms that will multiply. All that remains is to lay the compost and send the purchased worms into it. After a while, you can collect the first batch of "harvest" for sale.

Most often, the profitability of this business directly depends on its scale. If big business is not planned, then the worms can be sold to acquaintances, as well as for personal purposes.


Before you start any business, you should find out and preferably find potential distribution channels. In the case of worm farming, this will be several different organizations at once, targeting different products:

  1. Biohumus is a fertilizer of organic nature, which is in demand today not only by large agricultural enterprises, but also by small summer residents. Fertilizer is used to improve soil fertility and enrich it with nutrients. Biohumus production is recommended to start with relatively small volumes in order to try your hand at this business. At first, you can sell products simply to neighboring holiday villages.
  2. Fishing bait - Instead of spending a long time looking for fishing bait, many fans of this type of leisure simply buy worms in specialized stores. Given the longevity of some types of worms and the continued demand, worm farming as a business could very well be commercially successful.
  3. Food product for animals and fish - many inhabitants of pet stores use worms as food, a kind of live food. The main thing is to offer a product at an affordable price and they will definitely start buying it, and in large quantities. The same is true for fisheries. They also often buy products from a worm farm. The reason for this popularity is simple: these organisms have an increased nutritional value.
  4. For agricultural purposes - to increase crop yields, a tool called worm tea is actively used today. It is especially in demand among strawberry sellers, who will quickly become customers. This natural fertilizer can also be used to feed indoor plants and in greenhouses.


It is worth noting that just going and digging up dung worms on your own for a worm farm will not be enough. Commercial success can only be achieved by working with certain breeds:

  • The earthworm is perfectly adapted to its environment. It has excellent adaptability to living conditions in captivity, so that reproduction begins as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the vital activity of this species is noticeably lower than that of other selective breeds.
  • Dendrobena - this breed was artificially grown specifically for use as bait. Individuals are large and fleshy, but have significant drawbacks: they do not live long, but they reproduce poorly. The breed is suitable for reproduction in order to increase the fertility of the soil. The breed is most in demand in the field of agriculture - representatives of firms engaged in this field are interested in it.
  • Red California worm - breeds quickly, the breed is able to produce high-quality humus. Differs in undemanding to food, but at the same time it does not tolerate a drop in temperature below +10 degrees Celsius. Breeding California worms at home will require up to 3 families, each of which has from 1.5 thousand individuals.
  • Prospectors - this breed can compete with the previous one in many ways. Differs in high activity and perfectly processes a forage. Biomass growth is rapid, but also does not tolerate temperature drops very well.

If we are talking about large enterprise, then preference should be given to the last two breeds. Their productivity and, accordingly, the final profit of the enterprise, is noticeably higher.


Small boxes made of plastic or wood up to 40 cm high are used for breeding. You can also equip a farm in an open area, but in this case you will need to additionally concrete the site or at least install a protective net to avoid the invasion of moles, as well as other garden pests.

Many people prefer to place crates of worms in sheds, warehouses, and cellars. With proper heating, this approach will allow you to breed worms. all year round. If you plan to deal with white worms, then aquariums, jars and similar containers are useful for the farm, in which you need to add water to a layer of several centimeters. You can pour water directly from the water supply, it will need to be changed daily.

Care rules

One of the key rules is the need to comply with a certain temperature and humidity regime. The first is 15-25 degrees Celsius, the second should be in the range of 75-80%. It is also desirable to make sure that the soil for cultivation has the proper acidity of the order of 7 pH. To protect from excess sunlight and drying of the soil, the boxes are covered with hay, burlap or just a lid on top.

To feed the worms, goat, cow, pig or rabbit manure, a variety of food waste from vegetables, as well as paper, which is pre-shredded and soaked, are used. In some cases, brewing (tea or coffee) can also be used. There are a number of restrictions regarding manure.

First of all, it should be no older than 2 years, as it loses nutrients over time. Goat and rabbit manure can be used immediately after receipt, but pig or cow manure should first be postponed for up to six months.

To accelerate fermentation, you can additionally use special preparations, which include active microorganisms. Food waste of animal origin is strictly prohibited for feeding worms. In the case of solid food, it will need to be ground in a blender beforehand.

Feeding on the farm should be done every 10-15 days. The specific period is selected depending on the number of individuals and the conditions of their maintenance. For example, at a higher temperature, you need to feed the worms more often due to an increase in their activity. It is also important to water and loosen the compost laid out in boxes in a timely manner.

Watering is carried out using a conventional watering can (the main thing is that the holes are not too large), loosening is done with a pitchfork, the ends of which are somewhat bent. Important: when loosening, you should not touch all layers, you need to work only with the topmost one.

When a new batch arrives on the farm, it should be placed in moist compost. It should be prepared at least a week in advance, during which it should be properly watered. Worms should be distributed as evenly as possible in the compost. On the third day, it is necessary to feed them by pouring food on top with a layer of up to 5 cm.

The activity of worms in the boxes must be checked regularly - this is the main guarantee of business success. This is doubly typical for fresh sowing. If they become too lethargic, move them to new biomass.

In winter, the conditions of detention may be different: the worms are stored outdoors, covering the boxes with a layer of manure up to 30 cm, on top of which a layer of hay is applied to a total height of 1-1.3 meters, or they are transferred to a heated room. The first option is preferable, as it allows the worms to start eating as soon as they wake up in the spring.

Possible problems

Often troubles arise when it becomes necessary to extract the worms from the substrate. It is important not to damage the individuals so that they can survive. There are several basic ways to do this. According to the first, it is desirable to completely stop feeding for a couple of days.

After this period, feed is placed on part of the biomass. Over the next two days, live individuals will move to this area, which will then be removed along with a layer of food. This procedure is carried out several times a week.


Consider this issue using the example of the two most commonly used breeds, that is, prospectors and Californians. The former will be the best choice if the business is planned to be built, focusing on high demand from fishermen.

According to statistics, each individual of the worm is capable of bringing up to 1.5 thousand worms per year. The maximum price of one worm is about 1 ruble. Thus, the income from each especially is 1.5 thousand rubles a year.

At the same time, the profitability of the farm can reach up to 700%. Of course, only with the right organization. As a result, profitability can reach 200 thousand rubles per month, provided the enterprise is large-scale.

For extra income biohumus can be sold to growers and gardeners.

Access to the market

Complex analysis sales market in Russia or Ukraine should be carried out even before the start of work and any investment in the business. It is very important to find in advance the customers to whom the final product will be supplied.

It is important to remember that a successful enterprise is not the one that prepares best product and not one that has great power. The one who advertises and has the most customers wins in the market.

The main method will be targeted marketing of potential buyers. You can also spread information through friends, hoping for word of mouth.

It will be sufficient to limit advertising in the media to advertisements in newspapers, investments in promotion through TV will not bring the desired effect. The most costly, but effective way is the organization of the sales network.

The specifics of a wormy business is such that in its case the main expenses fall not at all on starting a business, but on its advertising and distribution of goods.

Business plan

More detailed business plan with calculations can be downloaded from .

As you can see, the initial investment is limited to 10 thousand rubles. In fact, this figure can be further reduced if you make the boxes yourself and buy the first batch of worms cheaper. In any case, the payback period (if it is possible to achieve the proper level of demand) is 6-8 months.

Video: breeding worms at home.

Breeding earthworms for processing organic waste, obtaining organic fertilizers and biologically active substances has long gone beyond the experimental development stage and has become a large-scale business. Many companies of various sizes have been created and successfully operate around the world.

Before you start a worm business, you need to understand the essence of vermicultivation, study their life in nature, understand the best conditions for reproduction and have access to a constant source of organic waste.

What you need to know about California worms

Earthworms are very ancient soil invertebrates, the most numerous on earth. The most popular and widespread type of earthworm that people cultivate in non-hot countries is the dung worm Eisenia fetida. The "Red California Worm" (Eisenia Andrei) is its subspecies (Eisenia fetida Andrei). Other species grow and reproduce more slowly, and therefore are rarely used in vermiculture.

Red California worms are able to process any organic matter (manure, kitchen waste, sediment Wastewater, last year's foliage, paper, and more), reproduce very quickly (100 times faster than other species) and live 4 times longer than wild worms. Californian, like other earthworms, do not get sick with anything, they are not subject to epidemics. The life expectancy of Californian worms is at least 16 years.

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Factors affecting the rate of reproduction of worms in an artificially created environment

California worms are bought only with the substrate. The seller should definitely ask what served as food for the worms before selling. Approximately such top dressing should be given for the first time, smoothly transferring to new types of feed. It is necessary to provide the worms with normal nutrition and the necessary humidity, and they will not leave the substrate. The required amount of feed is determined from the following calculation: 1 kg of worms eats 1 kg of waste per day.

In vermitechnology, the correct preparation of the substrate for worms is very important. Waste is pre-fermented in heaps on a flat area. The size of the collars depends on whether mechanization means are used, and they are: width - from 1.7 to 2 m, height - from 1.5 to 2 m, the length of the collars depends on the size of the plot for the worm farm.

The key factors that affect the rate of worm reproduction are temperature, humidity, acidity, and oxygen saturation of the substrate. The optimum temperature for commercial breeding of worms ranges from 15 to 21 degrees C. If the temperature of the substrate rises to a critical level of 30 degrees C, it is necessary to cool the substrate with water, otherwise the worms may die. The complete absence of oxygen in the substrate can lead to the death of worms. The humidity of the substrate must be maintained in the range of 60 to 80%. It is necessary to remember about acidity: for the best growth rates, ensure the acidity of the substrate in the range of 6.2-7.2 pH.

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Directions in breeding earthworms

Technological worms in the process of life process the substrate into two valuable products: into the biomass of live worms and into biohumus (granulated organic fertilizer). Based on this, the industrial breeding of earthworms has two directions: vermicomposting and vermicultivation.

Vermicultivation - breeding of earthworms in artificially created conditions. Grown worms can be sold as:

  • natural food for some domestic animals;
  • very high-calorie food with a high protein content - a valuable supplement for aquarium fish;
  • bait for fishing;
  • a mixture of biologically active substances for the enrichment of animal feed. The dry matter contains up to 60% of complete protein, the level of essential amino acids of which is very high, 20-25% of fat with a high iodine content, many vitamins and microelements;
  • raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.

As a result of research on earthworms, enzymes have been isolated from tissues that have powerful cleansing and disinfecting properties.

Vermicomposting is the use of the vital activity of earthworms for the purpose of high-quality processing of organic matter. As a result of such processing, biohumus is formed - the most valuable fertilizer for plants.

Biohumus is used both by itself and its derivatives: liquid organic fertilizers and humic preparations. They can be used in agriculture to stimulate plant growth, to protect plants from diseases, to relieve soil fatigue, as nutritious and very useful additives to feed mixtures and substrates.

Vermiculture and vermicomposting are so closely related that they form a single process. Vermi production or earthworm business are simple and attractive technologies for both farmers and rural residents, as well as city dwellers. The biggest advantage of a worm business is that you can start with minimal capital investment. Having learned how to properly handle several hundred worms and having offspring from them, you can acquire a large batch of worms. Creation and maintenance good conditions for the life of the worm will allow as soon as possible(no more than six months) to increase production volumes several times.

Another line of business on worms is the cultivation of an environmentally friendly crop. Vegetables grown on biohumus are valued much higher than those grown on manure, and even more so on mineral fertilizers. More and more people are choosing organic food.

The development of vermifarming is a fairly promising area of ​​business, since now there is little competition and there is a constant demand for such products.

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Suitable types of worms

In a home worm farm, you can breed different types of worms. They should be chosen from the possible directions for the sale of both the products of their vital activity and the worms themselves.

The most common cultivation of such species:

  1. Red California worm. This is the perfect solution for home growing. This type quickly adapts to any conditions. The California worm is a hermaphrodite, so even one worm can produce offspring. On average, the number of offspring per year from one individual reaches 1,500 copies. This species is also not selective in nutrition - it consumes almost all organic waste. Cultivation of the California worm makes it possible to sell it also to amateur fishermen. In addition, the manure that remains after such individuals perfectly fertilizes the soil.
  2. pipe maker- a reddish worm that lives in water bodies. This species feeds on organic matter, and you can find it in a muddy bottom. Individuals of this species are in demand among aquarists, as they are used as food for fish.
  3. Enchitreya- These are white worms that live in the upper layer of the soil. Their main advantage is a large size from 10 to 20 mm in length. Their breeding is quite simple, but requires maintaining the temperature regime and nutritional rules. As a feed, cereals, leftover vegetables, flour, berries, root crops, as well as fodder yeast diluted with water are excellent for this species. Enchitreya, in the majority, are used as food for fish. For feeding to fry, the worm is crushed into small pieces. When feeding a whole specimen of enchitreya, the fish will get fat.

All documents for opening such a business are absolutely identical to other areas of PE. For official business, you should contact the tax office with the following documents: a copy and original of your passport, a completed application for, a receipt for payment of state duty,. Before submitting the application, the name of this type of activity follows, since this affects the tax system.

The necessary conditions

Home vermifarm- This is a simple undertaking, but requires some conditions.

For successful breeding worms, you should familiarize yourself with the features of preparing all the necessary components.


Almost any property is suitable for breeding worms: a cellar, a garage, a balcony, an attic. The main requirements for it: heating and normal humidity. An important factor is also temperature regime. It is worth remembering that at + 4C - worms hibernate, and +36 C individuals die.

For self-cultivation suitable for different types of worms. Choose from their nutritional and habitat requirements. For example, an earthworm quickly adapts to new living conditions and gives offspring. Main disadvantage- low vital activity, that is, such individuals have a short life cycle.

The California red worm also adapts quickly and produces large offspring. In nutrition, he uses almost all organic products, respectively, gives vermicompost good quality. The disadvantage of its cultivation is that it cannot withstand temperatures less than + 10C.

Another option is the prospector worm. It is characterized by high activity and high feed processing. In addition, its individuals normally withstand temperatures from + 9C to + 28C. In general, it is recommended to choose worms for cultivation industrial type. Because their productivity is much higher.


When creating a home vermifarm, the amount of inventory can be minimal: scales; bucket, racks, room thermometer, as well as devices for measuring acidity and soil temperature.

For breeding worms, it is quite possible to use several types of containers:

  1. Wooden box. It should have holes in the bottom, which is necessary to collect the liquid - vermichaya. For ventilation, it is recommended to make holes in the lid. Appliances should be placed with the door up, and holes should be made in them for ventilation. It should be placed at a slight slope.
  2. Cardboard box. This option is more suitable at the beginning of worm farming. On average, its dimensions should be 400 mm x 300 mm. The box should be chosen from natural materials, since they pass air well, in addition, the worms will also feed on pieces of cardboard.
  3. Plastic container. You can choose any option, but the main requirement is air access. It is recommended to make holes for ventilation in the walls and lid of the plastic container. Under the bottom should be placed a pallet for the accumulation of vermicai.
  4. Vermicomposter. This is a professional device that will cost more than other options. It is fully designed for growing worms and has all the necessary accessories.


The quality of the soil affects the duration of their life and reproduction.

It is very important to follow all the rules for such soil:

  1. The humidity level is not more than 80%.
  2. The optimal acidity indicator is 6 to 7PH. Sawdust, tops of plants or straw can increase its level. You can reduce acidity by using chalk, limestone, finely ground shells.


One of the advantages of growing worms is that they are undemanding in terms of nutrition. All species use almost any organic matter. It is strictly forbidden to give meat waste and citrus fruits. The level of acidity will increase if you give undiluted kefir.

If you do not follow the rules for feeding worms, this will also lead to mold. The remains of fruits and vegetables should be crushed as much as possible to destroy fiber. Otherwise, during the decay of such products, heat will be released, which will increase the overall temperature and lead to the death of worms.

It is worth remembering that a new portion of food should be given only after the previous portion has been eaten, otherwise the acidity of the soil will change.

Growing technology

The creation of a vermifarm involves the following steps:

  1. Preparation of the place of settlement.
  2. Livestock acquisition. It is very important that it includes adults, fry and cocoons.
  3. Settlement of worms. They should be placed along with the soil in which they were purchased. In this case, adaptation will be faster.

The next steps are related to the life process. This is the processing of compost and the creation of biohumus. After collecting the worm and fertile layer, it is necessary to add a new nutrient bedding.

  1. First- for nutrition: the earth is rich in mineral components.
  2. Middle- the habitat of most individuals.
  3. The third, the lower layer accumulates all the waste products of the worms.

Naturally, it is very important to control the acidity of the soil and its temperature.

Business Advantages and Disadvantages

Home vermifarm has its own characteristics in comparison with other business options.

The disadvantages of such ideas include the following:

  • the need for free space;
  • constant monitoring of the living conditions of worms;

Despite this, the vermifarm has more positive aspects:

  • minimum investment during the entire cultivation of worms;
  • low competition among other manufacturers;
  • a wide range of product sales;
  • ease of creation;

The benefits of breeding worms are quite obvious, since this is a practically waste-free production. So, if you create a nursery with a size of 2 cubic meters, then for a year of work you can get about 15-20 thousand individuals for sale, as well as a ton of biohumus. On average, the profitability of a vermifarm is about 150%. It should be noted that this is also affected by low production costs and a wide range of marketing opportunities.

Areas of implementation

The profitability of the vermifarm, first of all, depends on the sale of products, that is, the attraction of potential buyers.

Products can be sold through direct sales.

To do this, you can use the following approaches:

  • establishing contacts with pet stores, outlets for fishing, for direct sale of goods;
  • placement of information on the Internet: on a personal website, in the form of advertisements on trading floors, in social networks;
  • distribution of printed materials: leaflets, booklets, announcements;

Before developing a vermi farm, you should carefully study both the possible points of sale and the possibilities of your products. The fact is that the cultivation of worms allows you to get additional products, which are perfectly sold as fertilizer.

Thus, the vermiferm gives several directions for implementation:

  1. As a fertilizer - biohumus. Such a component increases the fertility of the earth, fills it with microelements.
  2. For fishing. Anglers prefer to buy ready-made bait than to look for worms on their own. Since, on average, about 30 worms are used per fishing trip, by selling several packs per day, you can get a good income.
  3. For food in pet stores. This option is the most efficient in implementation. Hearts are great for feeding birds, fish and some other animals.
  4. For fodder for farms. Since this requires a lot of live food, vermifarm products will be an excellent solution.
  5. For nourishing plants. Worm tea is in the greatest demand. This is a unique tool that increases the yield by more than 3 times. Especially such a fertilizer will be relevant for societies that are engaged in the cultivation of fruit crops for sale.