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Pirate themed birthday. Scenario "Birthday in a pirate style. Pirate scenario options

All kids, without exception, love secrets, mysteries and treasures. That is why the pirate theme is so popular among children. So why not make it the basis of an exciting birthday scenario? What the little ones like inspires their parents, which means that the holiday will certainly turn out to be amazing and exciting.

Gathering guests

To gather the kid's friends for a birthday party pirate style, prepare special invitations. They can be made on artificially aged sheets, using kraft paper. The approximate number of guests is 8 people.

Decorate the place of celebration

You can organize a holiday in a pirate style both in the apartment and in the open air. The decorations will be: Balloons, flags with pirate symbols, empty glass bottles with notes inside, stones, shells, small boats, pictures of seascapes.

Thinking over treats

For a pirate holiday, you can cook meat chops, boiled potatoes, cut fresh vegetables. From the sweet, chocolates and cookies, various fruits will be quite appropriate. You can attach small “sails” made of paper to toothpicks and decorate dishes with them. A cake in the form of a pirate ship will be an excellent final chord for a themed birthday.

We prepare the necessary props

The game program requires some preliminary preparation. For competitions you will need:

  1. Pirate card. It can be made on a sheet of kraft paper, or on plain, aged with tea.
  2. Face painting, vests, blindfolds, pirate hats.
  3. Sword for catching rings (in cardboard box a toy sword is inserted with the blade up).
  4. Ten rings with a diameter of approximately 15 cm.
  5. Ropes with cardboard anchors at one end and pencils at the other.
  6. Yellow balloons, as well as eyes, mouths, fins, tails to create fish.
  7. Various cans and cubes from which "ships" and balls will be built.
  8. Basin with water, apples.
  9. Treasure chest. This is a small box or casket containing chocolate coins.
  10. Gifts for participants: bags with souvenirs and sweets.

Pirate style birthday script

The leader of the celebration is one of the adults in the form of a pirate.

Leading: Yo-ho-ho! Hello guys! I'm an old pirate named Jack, and I didn't just come here today. Long ago, a sailor named Sam confided to me the secret of where the treasure was hidden. He said that I could only find them with the help of brave kids who dreamed of becoming pirates. And now that day has come! Will you help me find the treasure?

The children answer in chorus: “Yes!”

Leading: Do you know what I have? Treasure map! Yes, yes, a real map, with its help we will find the chest. But first, I want to embellish you a little.

With the help of face painting, the children are drawn with mustaches, beards, pirate marks. In addition, children are put on vests, hats and other pirate paraphernalia.

Leading: Well, it's time to hit the road! Let's look at the map... We are in for an exciting journey. In the meantime: "Raise the anchors!"

Children are given ropes with anchors and pencils. On command, the guys begin to race to wind the rope around the pencil.

Leading: So where are we sailing? The map shows "Quiet Bay", which means we need to go there. Let's make a small supply of provisions, because we will soon arrive on a desert island. Now we are going to fish!

The children are given inflated yellow balls, as well as various details for creating fish: tails, fins, eyes. The young pirates must each make a fish.

Leading: So we arrived at the coast of an uninhabited island. We need to go to the beach!

A circle is drawn on the floor, the space inside it is land, beyond the line is water. Children carefully listen to the leader and now and then jump out of the line, or come back. The host gives the commands “Water!” or "Land!".

Leading: Great, here we are on the beach. Where will the map take us, let's see? Yo-ho-ho! Yes, it's Pirate's Cave. Here we will have to linger a little to show ourselves properly. We are smart! We are strong!

Children repeat after the leader: “Dimble!”, “Strong!” etc.

Leading: Do you see this sword that was stuck here many years ago by the bravest of the bravest, the strongest of the strongest? Only the one who proves to be accurate enough will be able to go further.

In this test, you need to throw rings on a sticking sword from a distance of about two to three meters. Each child is given several attempts.

Leading: I'm glad you made it, and it wasn't easy, was it? After such a serious test, you need to refresh yourself. Look, and the map leads us to the "Mysterious Jungle". We'll find something to eat there. And, remember, a real pirate is able to get food even in the wild.

Apples are floating in a large bowl of water. Children should, without the help of their hands, that is, with their teeth, get a fruit for themselves.

Leading: We had a hearty dinner. But the most delicious is still waiting for us ahead, we are almost at the goal, and we are moving along the map to the “Beach of surprises”. Oh no! What I see? Enemy ships!

"Ships" were built from various materials at hand. Children have to break them all to one with the help of balls.

Leading: Oh my young pirates, I can't believe it! It seems that what I have been waiting for all my life is about to happen. Treasures are hidden somewhere here. But I can't guess what's written on the map.

The facilitator reads the riddle:

“I am a huge machine!

Everyone is happy to entrust me

Make a clean vest

Pants, t-shirt and shirt.

The door needs to be opened

To get the treasure.

Leading: I have no idea what are you talking about? I have sailed in the seas for so many years, but I have not heard of such a thing. Children, do you understand what is encrypted in these incomprehensible verses?

Participants answer "Washing machine"

Leading: So what are we waiting for? Run to her!

Everyone heads to the washing machine, which contains a chest of coins.

Leading: Oh no happier than me! My lifelong dream come true! And now I'm ready to give you the proper gift.

The pirate distributes bags with memorable gifts to everyone and invites the kids to the table. When everyone is seated, a birthday cake is brought in. The event ends with a feast and tea.

Pirate cake can be like this:

Lilia Zadorozhnaya

Under pirate music appears Pirate(waving the flag and running around the room).

Pirate: Yo-ho-ho! Hi all! Feels mine pirate flair I didn't just end up here! Well, you are welcomed by the bravest, fastest and most courageous Pirate John Reed! And you, why are you here, how beautiful and smart everyone is? Perhaps an enemy ship was attacked? No! And then what? (guys say that birthday) .

Ahh! Birthday! Then why are you sitting there! Come out to me! Let's get acquainted!

Well, well, well, guys, I had a wonderful idea! Since today is your holiday, then I suggest you go on a trip with me to pirate island Madagascar! The road is full of dangerous adventures and difficult trials. But only the strongest, bravest and smartest of you will be able to pass these tests! But only the real ones can get on my ship pirates. Would you like to become pirates. But it's not as easy as you think...

What qualities do you think a real pirate)

Fine. Let's start with your appearance. (painting). Divide into pairs. Take turns painting each other.

Well, first I'll check how brave you are. I need 3 volunteers.

Contest 1. Test of courage and dexterity

We call the three most daring and offer to break an egg on the forehead, one of which is raw! (In fact, all three eggs are boiled, but the children do not know this).

Competition 2.

Pull out the rope for a count of three.

The following text is read:

Once we caught a pike

gutted, and inside

saw small fish

and not one, but as many as ... seven.

When you want to remember poetry

don't bite them until late at night.

Take and repeat at night

once - another, but better ... 10.

Dreaming guy hardened

become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

and wait for the command: one, two, march!

One day a train at the station

I had 3 hours wait…(if they do not have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it and finishes it)

Well, friends, you did not take the prize,

when it was possible to take.

Well, I checked how brave you are, now let's see how strong and well-aimed.

Contest 3.

Walk the tightrope

Competition 4. tug of war

To play, you need a rope with a beautiful bow in the middle. The competition can be both team and individual.

Props: rope or several tied belts.

5. « Pirate bowling» . (knock down the skittles with a ball)

6. quick wits.

And also, of course, pirates should be smart. So, now we will find out who will go with me to the island of Madagascar.

1. Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)

2. What is the scariest river? (River Tigris)

3. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)

4. What stands between the window and the door? (Letter "and")

5. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

6. What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet)

7. Which hand is better to stir the tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)

8. What question cannot be answered "yes"? (Are you sleeping now)

9. What kind of comb should not be combed? (Petushin)

10. What tree does a crow land on when it rains? (on wet)

11. What do we eat for? (At the table)

12. When the car is moving, which wheel does not spin? (Spare)

13. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

Well, now you are ready! I congratulate you, now you are all brave pirates!

So, since today is your holiday, I appoint you as the captain of your team! And like all captains, you must take an oath pirates. This will help you and your team to gain strength before the ordeal.

I, Pirate of the Seven Seas, in front of his entire team I swear:

Never leave a friend in need!

Protect the weak and help those in need!

My weapon is a smile, courage and honor!

(Also name their team).

P: Now we are going to pirate island Madagascar! (the track from the cartoon is included "Madagascar"). We pass on ship:

Left hand drive! - everyone should turn to the left and continue to dance;

Rudder right! - everyone should turn to the right and continue dancing;

Nose! - the circle of dancers narrows (converging towards the center);

Stern! - the circle, on the contrary, expands;

Raise the sails! - everyone raises their hands up, continuing to dance;

Clean up the deck! - everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;

Cannonball! - everyone squats;

Admiral on board! - everyone stands at attention and gives

And here is our first test on the way, I think I see reefs!

Skittles or cubes are placed on the floor in such a way that they display underwater reefs that the ship needs to overcome without deviating from the intended

course pilot. Young first pirates carefully study the location of the reefs. Then they are blindfolded and offered to "navigate the ship", bypassing all dangers, not losing their way.

the intended course and not touch a single pointer. (command prompts)

Props: skittles or cubes

A storm is starting. Old pirate appeals to all youth sailors: "Whistle everyone up! We are on the threshold of a storm. This is a real test for those who want to become a thunderstorm of the seas and oceans. Powerful waves one after another fall on our ship. We need to pump out water, or our ship will flood and we will go to the bottom. All participants are divided into pairs. The players stand close to each other with their backs and lock their elbows. In this position, the young sailors fall "on deck" with their "fifth points" - this means that the "pumps" are activated. Without outside help, they must stand up , then lower again.Draining time is 1 minute.Old pirate counts the number of "pumps" made by each team. The strongest and most dexterous replenish their wallet.


Each player is given a balloon and a marker. It is necessary to inflate the balloon and populate the “desert island” (ball) natives (show with an example)- quickly draw on

ball figures of men with felt-tip pens while the music is playing. Whoever has more natives is the winner. But here's another test! Looks like we're being attacked by another ship

P .: Guys, have you ever been to pirate battles? Then you have unique opportunity attend these battles! First we will throw the cores, and then they will explode. When the music ends, the balloons must burst.

9. Throwing shots (tossing balls).

10. Crush your opponent's ball!

12. Drawing pirate with the whole team

blindfolded (two teams, sharing consecutive choices). Each participant draws something different - torso, legs, arms, head.

Props: 2 sheets, felt-tip pens or pencils of different colors, 2 scarves, a table or 2 stools.


Any pirate simply must have the art of knitting sea knots. How much novice robbers can do this will be shown by the following contest. First you need to appoint a leader. It could be the birthday boy himself. The leader leaves the room. The rest of the participants hold hands tightly, forming a closed chain. This chain needs to be "tied" in knot. Players can turn around, step over the player's hands, standing next to, climb anywhere without letting go of the neighbor's hand. After the sea knot is ready, and the participants "twist" to the limit, pirate crew screaming: "Polundra!" The host enters the room and unravels the knot without breaking the chain. Contest can be repeated several times. The host receives the gold coins. You can also reward the desperate pirates who courageously endured an uncomfortable situation.

And here we are walking around the island, and someone told all the animals that Dima has a DR today! And now they all want to congratulate him) Are you ready? So now we'll sing a song.

A game: "Animal Choir"

For this game you need pictures with different animals and the melody of some song (although it is possible without it). We included the melody of Gena's crocodile song about birthday. Instead of words, you need to sing in the voice of the animal shown in the picture. Each group takes turns singing a few lines.

Well, now I'm sure that with me are real pirates and I can hand you a document that confirms that you are real pirates! (graduations)

P: Well done guys! Have you forgotten why we are all here?

Because today birthday at, and on birthday gifts to give! I think for pirate a beautiful ship will be a great gift. Will you help me? (Make a ship out of whatman paper, decorate).

Here is our gift and ready! Let's celebrate the birthday boy! Congratulations!

Guys, and you, real pirates I have a document - a diploma for everyone, which confirms that you have become real pirates!

Presentation of a gift.

P: Well, of course, everyone pirate should be able to have fun and have fun! To do this, we arrange a real pirate disco! (+ via rope).

Let's once again unitedly congratulate our birthday man HAPPY DAY BIRTH! (3 times everyone screams). And now let's all take a photo for memory! We scream: KARAMBA! And it's time for me to go on a long voyage!

Yo-ho-hooo! Hi all! The ShkolaLa blog continues to push ideas for organizing children's birthdays to the masses! We have already managed to consider the holiday organized. And today we will try to create a birthday in a pirate style.

With a loud cry of "Board!" And good mood we start preparing.

Lesson plan:

How to invite guests?

"Black Mark"! And that's it. It was for real pirates that such a mark foreshadowed not very good events. And for children, it will become a harbinger of an unusual, dashing party full of dangerous adventures and romance!

The black mark looks like this.

You can make it yourself or, if possible, print it on a printer. The main thing is not to forget to write the text of the invitation.

It may sound like this.

We are waiting for: flocks of sharks, walking on a knife edge, and other dangerous adventures!

Come if you're not afraid!

For a while, we will leave our guests in joyful anticipation and start creating a festive menu.

By the way, do you know what pirates prefer for dinner?

Holiday menu

Rather you know what they drink! And of course it's rum!

If you are not embarrassed by the very thought of having rum, even fake, on the children's table, then I will tell you how it can be made. We take a bottle, pour some dark-colored drink quite suitable for kids (juice, fruit drink, etc.) into it, and glue a label with the word "ROM" on the bottle. All! Ready!

A few words about table decoration. The tablecloth with ruffles, cups with flowers and plates with ducklings are put away. Today, the rougher the better. Are we pirates, after all, or not?)

Large melted candles are suitable for decorating the table, and it is not at all necessary to light them. Figurines carved or made from various vegetables. For example, cannons or cucumber towers. We try to turn everything into boats and sails.

pirate table most appropriate place for seafood in all its manifestations. Turn on your culinary fantasy and create miracles! Just when fantasizing, do not forget that you are still cooking for children. And yes, it doesn't hurt to be safe. Fry in reserve ordinary, not at all pirate cutlets, in case one of the guests cannot stand the spirit of all fish.

It is necessary to provide not only main dishes, but also snacks. Suddenly, Big Harry or Crooked Bill wants to eat a little between competitions. Canapes will look great as a snack.

This is when pieces of something are fastened together with skewers, well, or toothpicks. For example, sausage + cucumber + tomato + bread. Or a fruity version, apple + orange + banana + grape. And on the tips of the skewers to give a pirate flavor, you can attach a small black flag with a skull.

Well, with the table, everything is more or less clear. And what about interior design? Any ideas? We have so many! Now we will share.

Festive interior

Let's start with what you can buy at the holiday paraphernalia store. Look at these balls!

Perfect for our idea, don't you think? We inflate and hang around the rooms. Already what no, but the design.

We stick posters on the walls with the image of the sea, uninhabited islands, Jack Sparrow, and treasure maps.

Are there parrots in the house? So that's great! And nothing that they are small and wavy! They will be only welcome at the pirate holiday!

Under the ceiling we stretch festive pirate streamers. We glue small black flags with a Jolly Roger onto the rope and tie them either around the perimeter of the room or diagonally.

On sofas, chairs, armchairs we throw nets (if any, of course), burlap, any coarse fabrics. A real rope ladder can be woven from the ropes by the skillful hands of the pope; it will also fit perfectly into the interior.

You can cut out a steering wheel from whatman paper and hang it on the wall.

Well, put a treasure chest in a place of honor.

Just keep it closed for now. It must be wrapped with chains, which can be easily purchased at hardware stores. And close these chains with several padlocks. And the task of the entire competition program will be to get the keys to the locks in order to open the chest at the end and find out what kind of treasures are stored there.

Oh, and don't forget the photo zone! You can set a table in it, and put a bottle of rum on it, a cage with parrots, throw old scrolls, feathers, and a treasure map, of course.

My own screenwriter

Let's start writing the script!

Pirate party - it's just expanse for fantasy. Here you can think of something like this. Which is exactly what we were doing. Now we will tell you what happened.

So, the guests have arrived and are ready to have fun. Traditionally, one of the parents takes on the role of leader. And at the same time he takes a new name for himself, for example, Billy Bones. Suddenly, a letter from John Silver appears, which is read aloud to everyone.

Letter from John Silver

To begin with, we all need to transform into pirates. You need a pirate wardrobe. Various vests, bandanas, belts, pistols, blindfolds will do. All this needs to be prepared in advance by thoroughly turning grandmother's chests so that there is enough for everyone, or you can ask the guests to take care of their pirate outfit themselves.

You can use face painting to depict mustaches, beards, eyebrows, as well as scars and bruises on faces.

When the team looks right, the facilitator reads out the code of the pirates.

Pirate Code

Each item of this code is nothing more than a small mini-competition or mini-fun.

So let's go point by point.

Leave your name on dry land

Well, a pirate cannot be called Vasya Ivanov or Timofey Ryzhikov. Pirates have sonorous, speaking names. So the children will have to come up with new pirate names for themselves and address each other in a new way all evening.

rough voice

Pirates are invited to use a rough, sea-wind-salted voice to loudly shout “Yo-ho-ho!”

Wash away the dust of the earth

This is a kind of rite of passage into the pirates. We play the game "Wave".

Parents take a large sheet or curtain, or just some piece of fabric and begin to raise and lower it. It's such a wave. And the pirates are invited to slip under this fabric so as not to be covered.

You will walk on the edge of fate

A rope is laid out on the floor. This will be the rope. You need to go through it. In order to complicate the task, the children are blindfolded, and the rope is not laid evenly, but in some kind of loops and zigzags.

Don't forget the sharks

We play the game "Sharks and fishes". Leading "shark", and all the rest "fish". When the leader says “Day”, everyone runs and has fun, as soon as the word “Night” is said, everyone should freeze. Whoever doesn't stop is out of the game.

We lower the loot

Props are required for the contest. An old hat, if there is no hat, then some kind of bucket and coins, for example, five rubles. Coins are given to children. A hat (bucket) is placed at a distance from the participants. The task is to get the coins in the hat.

We load the head

Will be required matchboxes, or rather, not the boxes themselves, but only their outer parts. These boxes are put on the noses of the participants. The task is without hands, using only facial muscles, to free your nose from the box.

Friends, do not forget to bring your camera) Such funny pirate faces, you are unlikely to ever see again) I found a photo that shows exactly how to put on the boxes.

Pirates are awarded small interesting prizes for active participation in competitions and courage. Don't forget to purchase them.

So, let's loosen up a bit. Now you can sit down at the table, congratulate the birthday man, eat, consider gifts.

Well, after "in the arena" a treasure map appears!

Treasure map

As you can see, there are markers on the map. Each of these marks denotes a competition. For each successfully completed task, the team of sea wolves receives a key to the lock, on which our chest is closed.

Cape Jobs

Host's words: "Hey, pirates! We have arrived at the Cape of Tasks! At sea, it is very important to listen to the captain and correctly follow all his commands! Shall we try?"

Naturally, everyone shouts: “Yeah!!!”

Children are distributed around the room so as not to interfere with each other. The host says: “Dream the deck!” Children pretend they are cleaning the floor.

  • Leading: "Left rudder!" Children run to the left.
  • Leading: "Right rudder!" Everyone runs to the right.
  • "Karma!" We run back.
  • "Nose!" We run forward.
  • "Shoaled!" Everyone sits on the floor.
  • "Admiral on board" Everyone stands at attention.

The leader pronounces phrases, the pirates perform tasks. Phrases are spoken quickly and in any order. I warn you, this is a very fun and noisy competition)

Mystery Peak

At the Peak of Mystery, you can tell the guys riddles on a pirate theme. For example, here are.

And then have a contest.

Preparation required. You need to inflate the balloons, but not transparent ones. Put the key to one of the locks in one of the balls.

Host: “Peak of Mystery is called so because there are solid secrets all around. I don't even know where the other treasure chest key is. Because it's a secret! He might be in one of those balls, find him!”

The balls are placed on the floor, the children use their pops to pop the balls and look for the key)

Sea of ​​Spectacles

Host: “We have entered the Sea of ​​Spectacles! The key will be given only to those who are well acquainted with the sea. How well do you know the sea? Can you show me how you know him?"

The good old game "The sea is worried" is quite suitable here. I hope you remember how to play it. If the memory is already on that one, then you can refresh it by reading.

Bay of Wonders

Host: “Do you know why this bay is called the Bay of Miracles?”

Pirates express their assumptions.

“Hey, no! This bay is so called, because if the ship manages to pass it all, then this is a real miracle! After all, there are solid reefs all around! Can you navigate your ship through them?"

We start the competition "Reefs".

Objects are laid out on the floor in front of the participants, these can be Stuffed Toys or cubes. These will be reefs. Then one of the participants is blindfolded and he needs to overcome all the way and not stumble upon a reef. Other participants help him, suggest where to go with the phrases:

  • "Left rudder!"
  • "Right of the rudder!"
  • "Full speed ahead!" and so on.

Any pirate can pass through the reefs.


And here we are at the finish line! And the treasure chest is so close! But suddenly a storm begins!

Host: "Palundra! Storm! Now we will be flooded and we will go to feed the fish! We urgently need to pump the water off the deck!”

We start the competition "Pumps".

All participants are divided into pairs. Players stand close to each other with their backs and grapple with their elbows. In this position, the young sailors lower themselves and sit on the floor with their legs stretched out - this means that the "pumps" are activated. Without outside help, they should get up, then lower again. Water pumping time - 1 minute.

And it just seems that the competition is simple. Try it yourself)

Pirates receive the last cherished key. The locks are opening! The chest is opening! And there… Treasures! Various sweets, sweets, mini-prizes, chocolate coins, lollipops! In general, everything that makes the life of a real pirate sweeter)

Well, at the end of the party, if the boys and girls, oh, sorry, the pirates and pirates have the strength, you can arrange a real pirate disco!

This is for inspiration!

Uffff, like everything) If there are additions, you are welcome to the section for commentators.

Here you can download the Code of Pirates, John Silver's Letter and flags for streamers and decorations of festive dishes.

Do not miss the release of new children's holiday scenarios, it is better to immediately subscribe to the blog news and then you will be in the know.

That's all for today!

Have a wonderful holidays!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

The birthday of a boy who loves to watch cartoons and movies about pirates can and should even be organized in a pirate style. Or maybe a girl wants a pirate birthday too. Let on this festive day the birthday boy or girl feel like a brave captain of a pirate ship celebrating her birthday in the circle of pirate friends, crew members. The age of the birthday boy is 6-9 years old.

Pirate birthday script designed for home event. However, if desired and with a little effort, the script can be adapted for a holiday in a cafe or in the courtyard of the house. Artists may be invited or clowns for kids, life-size puppets are rented, etc.

pirate birthday invitations

Any one starts, including pirate birthday from invitations. It is not difficult to make them: you can prepare invitations with your own hands or find pictures on the Internet, add text in Photoshop and print, and then multiply. Invitations can be made in the shape of a ship, a pirate flag, a pirate label, or a shell. The text of the pirate invitation might look something like this:

Dear friend!

I invite you to a pirate party in honor of my birthday, which will take place on board the ship "Courageous Corsair", moored at (address of the birthday boy). Waiting for you (date and time of the holiday) in full dress. It will be fun!

Thunderstorm of the seas and oceans (name of the birthday man).

Creating an entourage

We decorate one of the rooms (the one where the table will be laid) as captain's cabin or deck of a pirate ship- at the choice of the birthday boy.

Cabin. In this case, it will be enough to use all the marine accessories for decor that you can find at home and in the store: shells, boat models, fish, corals, etc.

In the cabin, of course, you need a porthole. To do this, you need any round frame of a sufficiently large diameter (for example, a plastic frame from an old round mirror). The frame can be painted in a color that contrasts with the color of the wall. Then you will need to cut out a round “window” from paper and draw the seabed on it. However, you can buy a fairly large poster with the image of a sea day or cheap wall murals of the same theme and cut a circle out of them. Glue the image to reverse side round frame and hang the resulting porthole on the wall.

Deck. If the room is the deck of a pirate ship, you will need a steering wheel - drawn on paper or made of cardboard. From white tulle you can create draperies-sails. In addition, lifebuoys, anchors, ropes, toy fish, a spyglass, binoculars can be used in the decor.

Both the captain's cabin and the deck should be decorated with a pirate flag. To do this, you need a piece of black fabric. With white fabric paint, you can draw a smiling face on it and make the inscription "Pirate's Birthday". A garland of paper flags will also be an excellent decoration.

It is worth using the table setting in nautical style: use a blue tablecloth or white with blue stripes. It's great if you can buy shell-shaped plates.

The final touch will be the sounds of the sea surf pouring from the speakers.

Dress code

Of course, the kids, having received a themed invitation, are likely to get ready and dress up like a pirate. But there is no guarantee of this, so you need to prepare pirate items of clothing for guests and at the entrance offer them a choice of a pirate hat, bandana, eye patch, ear clip, etc.

Event progress:

When all the guests have gathered, the captain of the pirate ship will invite them to the table. The host of the holiday in the image of, for example, Jack Sparrow will offer to drink children's champagne for the health of the captain. Champagne, by the way, this morning was thrown out of the sea by a wave. Very handy, considering that today we have a holiday.

Appetizers and salads can also be served at this time. After pouring champagne and saying a toast, the presenter will leave to “throw the bottle into the sea”, but, leaving the room, he will immediately replace it with another one prepared in advance. After that, the host will immediately return to the room and exclaim in surprise: “Pirates! Look: there is some kind of note in the bottle - and how did I not notice it right away? The note should look old - yellowed, with frayed edges. The facilitator will take out a note and read the contents:

My name is Klaus One-armed. The old pirate One-Eyed Jack, having drunk ale, told me that countless treasures were hidden on the island of Sladoland. I gathered a team and went on a trip. A month later we moored to the shore of the island. We searched for treasures for a very long time, dug up the whole island, explored all the caves, dived to the bottom of the lake, climbed the mountains, but did not find anything. We ran out of food, and nothing grew on the island but bananas. We were forced to return, but on the way home we got into a strong storm, and the ship crashed. We swam to a small island in the Caribbean and now we will never know what treasures were hidden on the island of Sladoland. If you find this note, go sailing and look for treasures, please send me an SMS to 8131313. I really want to know what kind of treasures are hidden on the island. Sincerely, the storm of the Caribbean, pirate Klaus One-armed. Favorable wind to you, colleagues!

P.S. A map of Sladoland Island is attached.

Children look at the map (it can be drawn on the back of the note). The map of Sladoland Island is actually a plan map of the apartment or house where the holiday is being held. The map should show the following places:

  • valley of wisdom(desk of the birthday boy)
  • coral bay(bathroom)
  • banana grove(kitchen)
  • Entrance to the cave(hallway)
  • Jungle(houseplants on the windowsill in a fairly spacious room)
  • sleepy hollow(sofa)
  • Glacier(fridge)

Of course, you need to depict these objects artistically by drawing real valleys, bays and groves. Make the appropriate signatures and, of course, arrange the objects exactly as they are located in the apartment. It is possible and even necessary to include in the map some other places for variety and confusion. For example: volcano (plate), waterfall (washbasin), mountain "Sportivnaya" (sports corner), bridge (corridor), plateau (balcony), etc.

Near the Valley of Wisdom on the map is number 1. Pirates conclude that it is necessary to start the search for treasures from this place. After light snacks, the presenter invites young pirates to go on a journey.

Path to the island. This moment can also be beaten without getting up from the table. The captain says loudly: “Raise the sails! Full speed ahead! At this point, you can turn on the fan directed at the sails to make them flutter.

It's great if you can record a short video and display it on the screen so that the children, looking at the TV, imagine that they are sailing to the island of Sladoland. The sounds of the blowing wind will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere. In the video, you can use footage of movement on the sea and approaching an island. When the island appears, the presenter will pause the video and say that the ship has landed on the island of Sladoland. "Arriving on the island", the children are directed to the valley of wisdom, although at first, of course, they need to understand what is meant by this geographical feature.

Stage 1: Valley of Wisdom. When the children come to the table, the facilitator suggests that they need to find something - maybe some kind of sign, label or note. Children find a long sheet of paper folded into a tube, on which sea riddles are written. The host reads riddles, the pirates guess. When the riddles are solved, the presenter reads the postscript under the riddles: “ Now that all the puzzles have been solved, you can move on. Next step - Coral Bay ».

Riddles about the sea and marine life for a pirate birthday:

1. For her, the wave is a swing,

And she swims aimlessly

Nowhere to nowhere

Everything is transparent like water.


2. Two brothers

Looking into the water

They will not converge in a century.


3. Which sea dweller blushes when he sees dinner? (Squid)

4. Which of the marine inhabitants has a mouth on its belly? (Shark)

5. There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking. (Salty Sea)

6. A giant swims across the ocean and releases a fountain of water. (Whale)

7. What rocks are not in the sea? (dry)

8. I grew up in the forest, in silent silence,

Now I carry you on a blue wave.


9. Lives between stones head with four legs.

10. She lives in the water, there is no beak, but she pecks.

11. In calm weather, we are nowhere,

And the wind blows - we run on the water.


12. If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run far.

13. The giant stands in the port, illuminating the darkness,

And signals to the ships: come visit us!


14. Are you not familiar with me? I live at the bottom of the sea.

Head and eight legs, that's all I am...


15. To a strong wave

Couldn't move us

Overboard we throw the chain

And let's dive into the water...


16. To see me in the distance

How the ships sail

I'll take a quick look at it.

And I'll tell all the guys.


17. Through binoculars I can see the evil

And report to the captain.

They all know very well

It's dangerous to play with her.

Teeth sharp as a knife

You better not touch her!


18. What will happen to the ball if it falls into the Red Sea? (ball gets wet)

2nd stage: Coral bay. On the bathroom door, the children find a note. It says that you need to pass a test for knowledge of marine terms - in other words, you need to remember and name at least 30 words related to the sea and pirates. Children remember and name words. When 30 words are named, the facilitator will offer the guys to find something else that will help determine the next waypoint. Looking into the bathroom, the children see a banana painted on the wall. Where to go? Children must guess that the next point is a banana grove.

3rd stage: Banana grove. In the kitchen, you need to stretch the rope from wall to wall and secure. Hang bananas and numerous boxes on threads to a rope (plastic containers for chocolate eggs are also suitable). Some of them are empty, some contain dragees, and some contain black pirate marks. There is also a note hanging on a thread.

First, the children need to cut the note. It gives the task - to find (that is, cut off) 6 pirate marks. Each label has one letter. Having collected all the marks, you need to add a word from the letters - and then it will become clear where to go next. The children cut the boxes and check what's inside. When all the tags are collected, it is compiled word p-e-shch-e-r-a. Further, having studied the map, the pirates conclude that they need to go to the entrance to the cave.

4th stage: Entrance to the cave. The note is hidden in a black box with a label. The box is in plain sight. Children take out a note and realize that it has been cut into pieces. First you need to assemble it like a puzzle and read the contents.

The note says: “It is impossible to enter the cave, as it is guarded by bats. First, find 10 bats, put them in a bag, and then look into the cave."

Children look for 10 bats in the hallway and put them in a bag lying right there. Bats can be very different: paper, soft, plastic, etc. When all the hidden bats are found, the host will offer to look into the cave (the cave can be an entrance or a large closet), where in the most visible place there is a piece of paper with a palm tree image. Children look at the map and understand: the palm tree symbolizes the jungle.

5th stage: Jungle. The jungle is houseplants collected in one place. On one of them is a note: “Coconuts grow on palm trees. Falling, coconuts break. Don't let them crash. Catch 10 falling coconuts."

Near the plants is a basket with small balls. The host explains how to play. Children take turns trying to throw the ball into the basket, standing at a certain distance (at least 2 m). When 10 balls are in the basket, the host will offer to carefully examine all the coconuts and find letters on them. Three balls have one letter each, from which the children must make the word "Dream". It is concluded that the next point of the route is sleepy hollow.

Stage 6: Sleepy Hollow. There are skittles on the sofa (or a bag of empty plastic bottles, instead of labels on which there are pirate marks) and a scarf (shawl, blindfold, etc.).

Under the pins is a note: “Everyone falls asleep in the sleepy hollow: both people and animals. Here you can fall asleep forever and never wake up again. Many tried to leave the hollow in a sleeping state, but they did not succeed. Will you be able to pass through the hollow in a sleeping state and come out of it safe and sound?

The facilitator places the skittles as the border of a winding path. The children take turns trying to walk this path blindfolded without knocking over a single skittle. Anyone can play. When at least someone manages to pass without hitting the pin, you can start looking for the mark. Somewhere near the sofa you need to hide a paper snowflake with a pirate mark. After finding the snowflake, the children will conclude that the next destination is a glacier.

7th stage and last: Glacier. A glacier is a refrigerator. Letters are hanging on magnets on the refrigerator. The host says that you probably need to put together a word from the letters. Children add up the word "Treasures". After that, you can look into the refrigerator. And here are the treasures! Treasure is a big beautiful pirate-themed cake and a box of gold (with chocolate coins wrapped in gold-colored foil).

Leading: « That's luck! We have found a treasure that dozens of the best pirates have tried to find before us. But it turned out only for you - the most dexterous, smart and courageous! And what luck that the treasure is the cake! This is so opportune, because today is the birthday of our captain! Let's go celebrate?"

The cake is placed in the center of the festive table, the children eat hot. The presenter at this time sends from mobile phone SMS to the pirate Klaus One-armed and soon receives a response: “Congratulations to the pirate (name of the birthday man) on his birthday and on the treasure found. Now (name of the birthday boy) and his glorious team have become a thunderstorm of all seas and oceans! You are our idols!" Of course, an SMS will be sent to the phone of one of the relatives, and he must immediately send an already prepared answer. SMS should be given to the birthday man and his guests to read, so that the adventures seem even more real to them. After hot you can play.

Pirate birthday: games, contests, entertainment

Table card game "Thunderstorm of the Seas". Pirates love to play cards! In advance, you need to prepare cards of the same size with different images on one side and with the same shirts. There should be 6 cards in total for each player. Images on cards:

  • pirate label
  • Neptune (defeats everyone except Prawn)
  • Mermaid (defeats everyone except Neptune)
  • Shark (defeats fish and shrimp)
  • Fish (defeats shrimp)
  • Shrimp (only Neptune wins - "Neptune ate too much shrimp and his stomach hurt")

For ten shrimp cards, you need 7 fish cards, 5 shark cards, 3 mermaid cards, 2 Neptune cards, and 1 pirate mark card. The cards are shuffled and laid out six in a pile, face down, next to each player.

Rules of the game: The birthday boy starts. He takes the top card from his pile and flips it over. The player to the left also takes the top card from his pile and flips it over. Depending on the image, it is determined whose card won. The one whose card won takes both cards for himself and puts them next to him in a second pile, shirts up. Next, the player who was to the left of the birthday boy takes the top card from the first pile and shows it to the player to his left. He raises his top card and again the participants determine whose card won.

If the cards are the same, everyone keeps their card, but puts it face down on top of the second pile. When a player runs out of the first pile, he begins to take cards from the second, and puts the newly earned cards into a new pile. And so the game goes around. If you get a black mark - lucky! If a player took a card from his pile and it turned out to be a Pirate Mark, all players must give him one of their cards from the top of the pile. When five to ten laps have passed, you can invite the players to count the cards they have. Whoever has the most cards wins.

The game "Dive to the bottom." You can simply blindfold the players, or you can take underwater goggles or a mask and cover the glass with something so that nothing can be seen through it. You will also need various items related to the marine theme: plastic fish, shells, pebbles, a small anchor, etc. and so on. All this can lie in a package in the hands of the presenter. In advance, children do not see objects. The player is put on a mask, one of the objects is placed on the floor and they are offered to find and guess it. The player, kneeling down, feels for an object on the floor by touch, and then also guesses by touch what it is. Each lucky "diver" is entitled to some kind of prize.

The game "Navy pasta". Props - large forks and long ropes. Several participants are called. Each is given a fork and a rope. Whoever wraps the pasta (rope) on the fork faster wins.

Dance game "Captain's teams". Boys don't really like to dance, but you can entice them with a dance game. Children stand in a circle and dance. Songs are better to choose about the sea. The captain (in this case, the leader will be Jack Sparrow) gives orders - not in order, but as it should. The kids should do it right away.


Left hand drive!- everyone should turn to the left and continue to dance;
Rudder right!- everyone should turn to the right and continue dancing;
Nose!- the circle of dancers narrows (converges towards the center);
Stern!- the circle, on the contrary, expands;
Raise the sails!- everyone raises their hands up, continuing to dance;
Clean up the deck!- everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;
Cannonball!- everyone squats;
Admiral on board!- everyone stands at attention and gives

First you need to introduce the children to the commands and explain how to respond to them. Then it's worth a little practice, and then start playing. Whoever did not realize and executed the command incorrectly, is eliminated. No need to give frequent commands - let the boys dance!

The final part of the birthday in pirate style

Next is dessert, that is, eating treasures. Then the children themselves will find something to do. You can invite them to sing a little pirate songs under karaoke, but with their own texts (they must first be printed in several copies).

The song "We are a pirate, devilish" to the motive of the song "We are a bandito, a gangster"

We are pirate, devilish,

We trade at sea.

We are not afraid of the storm,

And we ukrashchanto wave!

The sea is our cladovanto -

many davanto values,

And for this we are recognized

Kings in the ocean.

We are pirates, we are rich

And we fired cannons.

The islands we find

And take treasures.

We are pirate appetizing -

All treasures eaten!

And for this we are nicknamed

gorged in the ocean!

The song "We are pirates" to the motive of the song "Chunga-changa"

We are pirates - we are a brave people!

We are pirates - at sea all year round!

We are pirates - we live happily!

We are pirates - we sing songs!

Our ship Our ship

The best in the ocean

The best in the ocean

our ship!

Our life is full of courage

We are not afraid of abortion

And the kernels of a large even

We are not afraid!

We are pirates - we have sabers,

We are pirates - weapons can not be counted,

We are pirates - we will not bring harm,

We are pirates - if we find the treasure.

Our ship Our ship

The strongest and most reliable

The strongest and most reliable

our ship.

We are not afraid of scribbles,

huge sharks,

We do not shout guards,

We are pirates!

We are pirates - it's time to go again,

We are pirates - weigh anchor.

We are pirates - we are going to sail,

We are pirates - we will find treasures!

Our ship Our ship

The fastest and most agile

The fastest and most agile

our ship.

We are not afraid of the trade winds

And the enemies of their pirates

Protect from all attacks

Our ship.

Well, in the end, the host will bring out a large black box, and in the box - bonbonnieres (small boxes) with gifts for each guest. You can put small souvenirs made of shells, a pirate mark and sweets into bonbonnieres.

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Pirates are a favorite topic for many children, especially boys. That's why we wrote the script children's day birth in a pirate style. In our scenario, everything is pirate-like: from the meeting near the house to the very end of the holiday. And what is the main thing for pirates? Find treasure! And we will also look for our treasure, and when we find it, we will definitely eat it. We also made templates for you to design and decorate your home in a pirate style. To make everything real and grown-up!

Children are greeted at the door by parents dressed as pirates.

You have arrived at your destination
The adventure will start soon!
But in order for you to get on deck,
The code word must be spoken!
(The child pronounces the word that is given in)

Now solve the riddle
And get a pirate certificate.

Most likely, the children will not all come at once, so the riddles can be alternated.

1. It happens to be calm,
It happens the other way around.
But if you are brave
That its waves are not afraid of you!

2. The ship is sailing on the sea.
Who will call me?

3. It flutters in the wind.
Anyone who sees him gets scared.
Everyone immediately shouts: “Pirate !!”
After all, black is fluttering over the ship ....

4. On the ship, he is the most important,
He manages the team!
Everyone fears and respects him
So what is everyone calling him?

5. On the shoulder of the captain.
The wonderful bird sits
He serves as a talisman for him,
He speaks like a human.

6. The excitement began,
Take the ship to…..

7. When the enemy is completely defeated,
Everyone is celebrating...

8. Waves are whipping, thunder has struck!
Broke into the sea…..

After the children passed the tests with riddles and received

, they are offered to go to the “deck of the ship” and present gifts (gifts) to the captain (birthday boy) that they were taken to the team.
Same on this stage you can distribute ship ranks. To do this, pieces of paper with the following ranks are put in a black bag: boatswain, helmsman, navigator, cook, first mate, second mate, third mate, cabin boy (several possible), gunner, ship's doctor, carpenter - and then the children take turns pulling out without looking a piece of paper, and what title they got, they attach a badge with this “title”.
As soon as all the guests arrive, it will be possible to begin.

The right hand of the captain (mother):
Well, well, here we have a team. Now you can safely go sailing. But just before the start, you must definitely refresh yourself - do not fight on an empty stomach!

The children sit at the table. After a small snack, loud music turns on and Bluebeard (dad) runs in.

E-ho-ho and a bottle of cola!
I think you know me!
And if not, then head off!
I'm called blue beard!
And now I am you and your entire crew,
I'll take you for an abortion!
Ahaha! Give up quickly
Or say goodbye to lives!

The right hand of the captain (mother) comes forward.

No, beard! You can't break us
And we are ready to defend the honor in competitions!

Blue Beard:
Well, contests (scratching his beard) are great!
I'll look at your defeat personally!

There are competitions.
1 Competition.
One of the children competes with Bluebeard.
2 chairs are placed. Basins (deep plates) with flour are placed on the chairs. At the bottom of the basin is a prize. You need to find a prize in a bowl of flour without hands.

2 competition.
One of the children with Bluebeard also competes.
There are also two chairs. They have plates on them. And on the plates are chewing marmalade in the form of worms.
Whoever eats their "worms" faster will win.

3 competition.
Again one of the children with a beard competes.
You need to jump on one leg and with one eye closed from one chair to another and back. The first one to return to its original position wins.

At will, competitions can be repeated.

Blue Beard:
Okay, you got me through! But, KARAMBA - you will not see treasure maps! I will hide it so far away that it will never be found. HAHAHA!!! (runs away, but loses a small piece of the map).
On the back of the found piece is written:
To collect the whole map,
All parts must be found.
And if you are reading this
So, collect the card.
Here is the first tip for you:
This eye sees the map
You have enough of everything
Look into it.

(Children are looking for something to look into: a peephole (a piece of the card will be attached to the peephole on the other side of the door), a telescope (a piece of the card will be inside or also attached outside.)

On the second piece of the map:

You are on the right track
We need to find the third part.
She is hidden from everyone
But in front of everyone.
Raise your eyes higher
And find this piece of the map!
(A piece is attached to the ceiling or somewhere high under the ceiling)

Third piece:

Only one piece left
You need to find it in time.
But it won't be easy
He is hidden deep in the bowels,
And at the same time he was under your nose,
More precisely, under something else!
(the last piece of the map is hidden in the sofa where the guests were sitting)

When all the pieces are assembled, the children put the card back together. And the map shows the route to the treasure.
The route leads to the kitchen or to some room where mom and dad have already lit candles on the cake. The treasure will be the cake. The birthday boy blows out the candles, and then everyone returns to the table with the “treasure”.
Next comes tea. You can play some more games, fight on toy sabers, throw “balls” (soft toy balls) at each other and just arrange a real pirate disco.

And you can decorate the holiday with such patterns.
