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Birthday in a pirate style at home program. Scenario of a child's birthday in a pirate style (Chocolate Island). Contests for a pirate party for children in nature

Yo-ho-hooo! Hi all! The ShkolaLa blog continues to push ideas for organizing children's birthdays to the masses! We have already managed to consider the holiday organized. And today we will try to create a birthday in a pirate style.

With a loud cry of "Board!" And good mood we start preparing.

Lesson plan:

How to invite guests?

"Black Mark"! And that's it. It was for real pirates that such a mark foreshadowed not very good events. And for children, it will become a harbinger of an unusual, dashing party full of dangerous adventures and romance!

The black mark looks like this.

You can make it yourself or, if possible, print it on a printer. The main thing is not to forget to write the text of the invitation.

It may sound like this.

We are waiting for: flocks of sharks, walking on a knife edge, and other dangerous adventures!

Come if you're not afraid!

For a while, we will leave our guests in joyful anticipation and start creating a festive menu.

By the way, do you know what pirates prefer for lunch?

Holiday menu

Rather you know what they drink! And of course it's rum!

If you are not embarrassed by the very thought of having rum, even fake, on the children's table, then I will tell you how it can be made. We take a bottle, pour some dark-colored drink quite suitable for kids (juice, fruit drink, etc.) into it, and glue a label with the word "ROM" on the bottle. All! Ready!

A few words about table decoration. The tablecloth with ruffles, cups with flowers and plates with ducklings are put away. Today, the rougher the better. Are we pirates, after all, or not?)

Large melted candles are suitable for decorating the table, and it is not at all necessary to light them. Figurines carved or made from various vegetables. For example, cannons or cucumber towers. We try to turn everything into boats and sails.

pirate table most appropriate place for seafood in all its manifestations. Turn on your culinary fantasy and create miracles! Just when fantasizing, do not forget that you are still cooking for children. And yes, it doesn't hurt to be safe. Fry in reserve ordinary, not at all pirate cutlets, in case one of the guests cannot stand the spirit of all fish.

It is necessary to provide not only main dishes, but also snacks. Suddenly, Big Harry or Crooked Bill wants to eat a little between competitions. Canapes will look great as a snack.

This is when pieces of something are fastened together with skewers, well, or toothpicks. For example, sausage + cucumber + tomato + bread. Or a fruity version, apple + orange + banana + grape. And on the tips of the skewers to give a pirate flavor, you can attach a small black flag with a skull.

Well, with the table, everything is more or less clear. And what about interior design? Any ideas? We have so many! Now we will share.

Festive interior

Let's start with what you can buy at the holiday paraphernalia store. Look at these balls!

Perfect for our idea, don't you think? We inflate and hang around the rooms. Already what no, but the design.

We stick posters on the walls with the image of the sea, uninhabited islands, Jack Sparrow, and treasure maps.

Are there parrots in the house? So that's great! And nothing that they are small and wavy! They will be only welcome at the pirate holiday!

Under the ceiling we stretch festive pirate streamers. We glue small black flags with a Jolly Roger onto the rope and tie them either around the perimeter of the room or diagonally.

On sofas, chairs, armchairs we throw nets (if any, of course), burlap, any coarse fabrics. A real rope ladder can be woven from the ropes by the skillful hands of the pope; it will also fit perfectly into the interior.

You can cut out a steering wheel from whatman paper and hang it on the wall.

Well, put a treasure chest in a place of honor.

Just keep it closed for now. It must be wrapped with chains, which can be easily purchased at hardware stores. And close these chains with several padlocks. And the task of the whole competitive program will be getting the keys to the locks in order to open the chest at the end and find out what kind of treasures are stored there.

Oh, and don't forget the photo zone! You can set a table in it, and put a bottle of rum on it, a cage with parrots, throw old scrolls, feathers, and a treasure map, of course.

My own screenwriter

Let's start writing the script!

Pirate party - it's just expanse for fantasy. Here you can think of something like this. Which is exactly what we were doing. Now we will tell you what happened.

So, the guests have arrived and are ready to have fun. Traditionally, one of the parents takes on the role of leader. And at the same time he takes a new name for himself, for example, Billy Bones. Suddenly, a letter from John Silver appears, which is read aloud to everyone.

Letter from John Silver

To begin with, we all need to transform into pirates. You need a pirate wardrobe. Various vests, bandanas, belts, pistols, blindfolds will do. All this needs to be prepared in advance by thoroughly turning grandmother's chests so that there is enough for everyone, or you can ask the guests to take care of their pirate outfit themselves.

You can use face painting to depict mustaches, beards, eyebrows, as well as scars and bruises on faces.

When the team looks right, the facilitator reads out the code of the pirates.

Pirate Code

Each item of this code is nothing more than a small mini-competition or mini-fun.

So let's go point by point.

Leave your name on dry land

Well, a pirate cannot be called Vasya Ivanov or Timofey Ryzhikov. Pirates have sonorous, speaking names. So the children will have to come up with new pirate names for themselves and address each other in a new way all evening.

rough voice

Pirates are invited to use a rough, sea-wind-salted voice to loudly shout “Yo-ho-ho!”

Wash away the dust of the earth

This is a kind of rite of passage into the pirates. We play the game "Wave".

Parents take a large sheet or curtain, or just some piece of fabric and begin to raise and lower it. It's such a wave. And the pirates are invited to slip under this fabric so as not to be covered.

You will walk on the edge of fate

A rope is laid out on the floor. This will be the rope. You need to go through it. In order to complicate the task, the children are blindfolded, and the rope is not laid evenly, but in some kind of loops and zigzags.

Don't forget the sharks

We play the game "Sharks and fishes". Leading "shark", and all the rest "fish". When the leader says “Day”, everyone runs and has fun, as soon as the word “Night” is said, everyone should freeze. Whoever doesn't stop is out of the game.

We lower the loot

Props are required for the contest. An old hat, if there is no hat, then some kind of bucket and coins, for example, five rubles. Coins are given to children. A hat (bucket) is placed at a distance from the participants. The task is to get the coins in the hat.

We load the head

Will be required matchboxes, or rather, not the boxes themselves, but only their outer parts. These boxes are put on the noses of the participants. The task is without hands, using only facial muscles, to free your nose from the box.

Friends, do not forget to bring your camera) Such funny pirate faces, you are unlikely to ever see again) I found a photo that shows exactly how to put on the boxes.

Pirates are awarded small interesting prizes for active participation in competitions and courage. Don't forget to purchase them.

So, let's loosen up a bit. Now you can sit down at the table, congratulate the birthday man, eat, consider gifts.

Well, after "in the arena" a treasure map appears!

Treasure map

As you can see, there are markers on the map. Each of these marks denotes a competition. For each successfully completed task, the team of sea wolves receives a key to the lock, on which our chest is closed.

Cape Jobs

Host's words: "Hey, pirates! We have arrived at the Cape of Tasks! At sea, it is very important to listen to the captain and correctly follow all his commands! Shall we try?"

Naturally, everyone shouts: “Yeah!!!”

Children are distributed around the room so as not to interfere with each other. The host says: “Dream the deck!” Children pretend they are cleaning the floor.

  • Leading: "Left rudder!" Children run to the left.
  • Leading: "Right rudder!" Everyone runs to the right.
  • "Karma!" We run back.
  • "Nose!" We run forward.
  • "Shoaled!" Everyone sits on the floor.
  • "Admiral on board" Everyone stands at attention.

The leader pronounces phrases, the pirates perform tasks. Phrases are spoken quickly and in any order. I warn you, this is a very fun and noisy competition)

Mystery Peak

At the Peak of Mystery, you can make riddles for the guys on pirate theme. For example, here are.

And then have a competition.

Preparation required. You need to inflate the balloons, but not transparent ones. Put the key to one of the locks in one of the balls.

Host: “Peak of Mystery is called so because there are solid secrets all around. I don't even know where the other treasure chest key is. Because it's a secret! He might be in one of those balls, find him!”

The balls are placed on the floor, the children use their pops to pop the balls and look for the key)

Sea of ​​Spectacles

Host: “We have entered the Sea of ​​Spectacles! The key will be given only to those who are well acquainted with the sea. How well do you know the sea? Can you show me how you know him?"

The good old game "The sea is worried" is quite suitable here. I hope you remember how to play it. If the memory is already on that one, then you can refresh it by reading.

Bay of Wonders

Host: “Do you know why this bay is called the Bay of Miracles?”

Pirates express their assumptions.

“Hey, no! This bay is so called, because if the ship manages to pass it all, then this is a real miracle! After all, there are solid reefs all around! Can you navigate your ship through them?"

We start the competition "Reefs".

Objects are laid out on the floor in front of the participants, these can be Stuffed Toys or cubes. These will be reefs. Then one of the participants is blindfolded and he needs to overcome all the way and not stumble upon a reef. Other participants help him, suggest where to go with the phrases:

  • "Left rudder!"
  • "Right of the rudder!"
  • "Full speed ahead!" and so on.

Any pirate can pass through the reefs.


And here we are at the finish line! And the treasure chest is so close! But suddenly a storm begins!

Host: "Palundra! Storm! Now we will be flooded and we will go to feed the fish! We urgently need to pump the water off the deck!”

We start the competition "Pumps".

All participants are divided into pairs. Players stand close to each other with their backs and grapple with their elbows. In this position, the young sailors lower themselves and sit on the floor with their legs stretched out - this means that the "pumps" are activated. Without outside help, they should get up, then lower again. Water pumping time - 1 minute.

And it just seems that the competition is simple. Try it yourself)

Pirates receive the last cherished key. The locks are opening! The chest is opening! And there… Treasures! Various sweets, sweets, mini-prizes, chocolate coins, lollipops! In general, everything that makes the life of a real pirate sweeter)

Well, at the end of the party, if the boys and girls, oh, sorry, the pirates and pirates have the strength, you can arrange a real pirate disco!

This is for inspiration!

Uffff, like everything) If there are additions, you are welcome to the section for commentators.

Here you can download the Code of Pirates, John Silver's Letter and flags for streamers and decorations of festive dishes.

Do not miss the release of new children's holiday scenarios, it is better to immediately subscribe to the blog news and then you will be in the know.

That's all for today!

Have a wonderful holidays!

Evgenia Klimkovich.

So my eldest son turned 4 years old, we celebrated this day in a pirate style, thanks for the ideas from SM, special thanks to Malika3, I took the script from her and even copied her pirate ship, I'm still the artist Children were satisfied, and this is the most important assessment.
this is our birthday

so decorated the table, however, it is not yet completely covered

Pirates' ship

flags both purchased and homemade

pirate rum - I glued ROM labels on all the liquid

treasure chest made by myself out of the box

our ship cake, I baked it myself, I tried mastic for the first and last time, I won’t do any more experiments in mastic, it didn’t work out, there were a lot of psychos, but the guests and the birthday boy were delighted, who is engaged in mastic - don’t throw slippers, I wanted how better

our pirate squad

The script was revised for myself and here is the result

I don’t know how to add a video here, but I can give a link to a contact, there is (if not, moderators, I’ll remove it) part 1 and part 2


Pirate birthday script.
Stepa is 4 years old.
1. Scenario
2. Rope/tape
3. Inflated balloons
4. Long balls
5. Chest with a note, lock, key
6. Bottle with a note
7. Charging song
8. Envelopes with tasks
9. Skittles with glued ships, balls to knock them down
10. Ship picture
11. Balls and buckets
12. Kinders - fish with a note
13. Pictures of animals
14. Parrot
15. Cards with the letters K L Yu V
16. Box for adults fant (
17. Felt pens for each
18. Ship picture

You know that real pirates are brave, courageous and resourceful! Now I'll check!
1) Walking on a tightrope (on the floor) - We check the balance, what if you can’t swim on the ship and will fall all the time. You need to walk along the rope (spread the tape or rope). Put your feet - strictly heel to toe!
2) Inflate the sail (to overtake the ball from one side of the carpet to the other with air) - The strength of the lungs, and suddenly calm.
3) Make a saber from balls (finished long balls) - Courage and bravery. Can you fight like a pirate? Show! (Kill the skeleton painted on a piece of wallpaper)
4) "POPULATE A DESERT ISLAND" Draw muzzles on the balls

Who wants to find treasure?
Those who wish to find treasures must go through the PIRATE INITIATION:

I swear to be a real pirate!
Don't listen to mom and dad today. I swear!
Today yell, jump, stomp, squeal. I swear!
Eat something sweet today. I swear!

We raise anchors, we go to the seas! We are fearless guys...
Children: Because we are pirates!
2. There is a formidable wave in the sea, Hurricanes and storms, Well, we are sailing somewhere ...
Children: Because we are pirates!
3. All animals are dearer to us Inhabitants of the seas: Octopus, dolphins, stingrays ...
Children: Because we are pirates!
4. We sharpened our knives, Who did not hide - tremble! Only we are not to blame
Children: Because we are pirates!
5. We are sailing straight to the island, We will find treasures there! Let's live richly, friends...
Children: Because we are pirates!

How are the pirates feeling?
And who has a birthday today?
So let's have fun and play? (Yes!)
Raise your mood even higher! (Yes?)
Well, birthday boy, it's your day
And we will not be too lazy to congratulate you!
We wish you great happiness
And we shout loudly, loudly: CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh, I can't hear you
Come on, louder again!

Take the chest in hand!

And today is my birthday
We are starting a great sea adventure!
To make everyone happy today
We're off to find the treasure!
(in the hands of a pirate a chest, addresses the birthday man):

Here the Old Pirate gave you, my friend, a gift, but it turned out that the chest was locked, but first you need to find the key! And to find it, you need to complete the tasks of the Old Pirate, which are in the bottle.
Did you hope to get treasures so easily?
I safely hid the keys to the chest!
But I agree to give you, my friend, the key, if you prove that you are worthy of the title.
To do this, you need to pass the test.
Do you agree? Then - GO! Assignments in envelopes!

Well, shall we complete the tasks of the Old Pirate?

But in order to prove our dexterity, we need to stretch our body, we will do exercises
(include the song "Forward 4 steps")

But before you look for the key, you need to become a real pirate !!!

1 Envelope. On a pirate schooner, agility is of the utmost importance. Sink the enemy ship!

We place several cardboard boats at a certain distance from the children and hold a competition: who will hit more ships with a ball. Replace with skittles
2 envelope
You can only sail with a ship.
I wanted to show you what a beautiful ship I managed to win back.
But the wind came up, tore the photo into pieces and scattered them in different directions.
There is only one part left. Your task is to find the rest of the fragments and build a ship out of them!
A piece of photograph falls out of the envelope along with the letter. The rest have to be found in the room. I printed out the ship, pasted it on cardboard and cut it into 6 parts, 5 of which are hidden in "hidden" places. We find all the pieces, collect the ship. Mission accomplished!

3 envelope
Any pirate can throw cannonballs, now we will check it.
"Throwing Cannonballs"

I put a wide bucket in the middle of the room and prepared several medium-sized balls. You can also play this game in this way: one team member (adult or child) takes a bucket and catches balls with it, which the second team member throws.

4 Envelope.
The next task was eaten by a fish.
You need to catch a fish and get a leaf from its stomach.
In one fish is a piece of paper with a task.
The children popped balloons. Pop the fish booty.

Task: Pirates must be able to keep the team. Make a round dance and run 1 circle.

5 envelope
Moms or dads are given pictures with animals and objects known to them, and they show or voice the picture (as anyone can, so that the child can recognize the image).

You did a great job and got to the last test!

6 envelope

You will find letters in the envelope. Make a word out of them and you will find out where the key to the chest is hidden!
(there are 4 letters in the letter: “U”, “L”, “K”, “V”. Of these, the children must add the word “BEAK”. When the word is guessed, all that remains is to find that same beak. To do this, leave in the room a toy parrot, in whose beak the very cherished key will stick out. The birthday boy takes it, is awarded a medal, etc. the children also open the chest. As gifts, you can put chocolate coins and medals, children's key chains, pens, notepads, etc. .)
There is a letter in the chest
And for the most valuable treasures, you will have to complete 1 more task!
dancing on deck! Pirate dances.

And now tasks for adults.
In a box (I pasted over the box with a napkin and smeared it with varnish) notes
You can sing the song in different ways:
Scream loudly and snort softly.
But don't you whisper it and don't shout it
And moo like a cow.
(Any song is chosen and “mumbles” on its motive.

I don't like to wrinkle my nose!
Laugh? No problem!
Come on, come on, prove it
How to laugh, show me!

3 - show how girls make up in the morning

You played well today
and, of course, tired!
Get on the window
Give us a little bite!

To make the whole crowd laugh
Do a belly dance!

To be sad no more
Top model portray!

Well, dear friend,
You sit in a corner.
Don't be sad, don't cry
And lay down a little!

Jump across the room on one leg, wave your arms and shout - I'M A BUTTERFLY!))

Act like an airplane and fly around the room with a buzz sound!!

Show the scene “a prisoner in solitary confinement leads a round dance

Not a difficult phantom, you should know
About this, do not go to a fortuneteller,
And now name five things,
Required for fishing

You are lucky, you got a simple phantom -
You must stand on your right foot,
And holding the left leg with your hand,
Raise a toast in honor of the hero of the day.

You must drink without a trace
For the birthday glass,
Build all the ladies in order
And dance the cancan together

Your phantom: in the art of achievement
Show your guests to everyone
Standing in the center of the hall, with an expression
Poem to tell!

Your phantom is successful, let's say in secret -
You must lift the weight many times!

Take a creative group photo.

A fair wind, a hold full of treasures and no dull everyday life - solid adventures. Yes, sometimes exciting, but even more fun! And after the screen acquaintance with Jack Sparrow, the pirate party for adults has become almost the most favorite holiday theme for Halloween, birthdays, corporate meetings and even weddings!


To start decide whether the design will be cartoonish or cinematic. In the first case, almost all the scenery will have to be drawn, cut, painted. Cartoon attributes for a pirate party are in stores - garlands, disposable tableware, flags, boats, etc.

This is a more economical option when you just want to have fun with friends without scrupulously thinking through decorations. Perfect for a family holiday with many children. Read more.

If we are talking about about a party in the style of pirates of the Caribbean, the decoration is supposed to be more realistic. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon the bright holiday paraphernalia. It’s just that the interior in the end should turn out more like a scene from a movie than like a kindergarten hall hung with colorful decorations.

The colors of the evening are black, white-red and white-blue stripes, red and blue, brown. Some attributes can be decorated with "precious" stones. The interior should have silver and gold - spray paint, sparkles.

Easy to implement ideas for a pirate party:

  • remove anything that obviously doesn't fit the theme. Close what is difficult to remove. For this print and glue on thick cardboard (or draw) ships, chests, etc. Replace inappropriate paintings with photos, movie posters, Jolly Roger flags, sails, fishing nets;
  • the ceiling can be closed with cuts of fabric, freely hanging in waves - the same imitation of nets and/or sails;
  • it is advisable to choose furniture rough, wooden or wicker. Instead of chairs, benches, backless stools and even drawers will fit perfectly.;

If the comfort of the guests is a priority, drape regular chairs-armchairs. For a pirate-style party, chiffon, tulle, burlap, nets - tulle, paint, mosquito are suitable.

  • tie marine knots from thick ropes, hang on walls, chair backs, ceiling. On the net here and there, attach seahorses and stars, crabs, fish, algae;

  • arrange barrels, roughly knocked together boxes, fake guns. On boxes-barrels, you can put forged lanterns, treats in large bowls, deliberately soiled bottles of rum;
  • certainly use candles in decoration, you can simulate battery-powered. "Vintage" candlesticks are easy to make with your own hands, for example, from aluminum cans (painted with silver/gold). Atmospheric look candles in "dirty" bowls, glass jars with shells and sand;

  • if you decide to organize a Halloween pirate party, do not skimp on gloomy details - skeletons, cobwebs and spiders, bats, creepy sea monsters, gravestones, ghosts (cardboard, figurines, silhouettes);
  • make anchors, life buoys out of cardboard / plywood, hang and lay out old maps. Great if you can find a marine compass, spyglass, sextant, barometer, telescope. If not, print the photo, cut it out and glue it onto a cardboard base;

  • use fake gems, pearls, silverware in compositions, coins and antique jewelry, symbolizing innumerable treasures. Put the most valuable loot into chests. A real pirate chest is still an anachronism, so it's better to spend time gluing a paper / cardboard template. Although, if desired, you can put together a pirate chest from a base-box or plywood, chipboard. Caskets are also suitable - carved wooden ones, without colorful drawings.

  • although this is an adult pirate party, but without bright festive accents, the decor will turn out to be too gloomy. Add colors:
    • garlands of recognizable paraphernalia and pirate accessories - ships, flags, anchors, skeletons, figurines of pirates, weapons, sea monsters;
    • knotted ribbon decoration on a clothesline or sisal rope (imitation of a rope) they will enliven the space (the fabric is better striped, blue or red and white, plus flags with a skull / bones);
    • buy stylized balloons or draw themed attributes on red, black, blue balloons.

photo zone

  • If you are having an outdoor party, build a "facade" of a pirate ship from improvised materials. Place stools at the back for guests to climb onto the deck. Cut out porthole windows in the board.

  • Tantamaresque- a brave company of pirates celebrates a successful trip, divides the loot, etc. Cardboard base, print over, windows for faces. Or organize a space - scenery for the selected scene.
  • Boat on a blue background with clouds. In the foreground of the photo zone are paper lambs of waves. We climb inside, take pirate accessories - a map, a spyglass, a bottle of rum (who cares).

  • Banner with photos of movie pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean is especially popular. You can print on the banner repeating photos of characters or your favorite movie scene.
  • Black Pearl cabin, captain's bridge, etc. More suitable for indoor party. Although it can be organized on the street, only the background will have to be covered with wooden shields or a photo zone should be placed against the wall of the house, barn, in front of the fence.


It's great if invitations to a pirate party reflect the level of preparation for the holiday. If the decorations are simple-cartoon, so should the invitations.

All at the highest level? Aged paper, elegant vintage font, pearls, silver.

  • rolled up message in a corked bottle with rock shells;
  • paper pirate schooner, matches, wooden modelka. Text on the sail or in the hold;
  • card with burnt, frayed edges. Schematically the road to the venue of the party (mark several main points on the way). Text over the background map;
  • Black Mark. Text on the spread of the postcard;
  • miniature paper chests. The text on the letter inside, in a placer of chocolate coins, sweets in foil.

Come up with pirate nicknames for guests if this moment is not included in the script. Include pirate slang and recognizable phrases in the invitation. Write the time, place, dress code and other official information in the bottom corner or on the card attached to the invitation.

On the sixth day, the company of the most notorious pirates gathers on the deck *Name of the ship, cafe*. And you are one of them, *Guest name*
There will be something to fill the holds and wet the throat. Shake the bones in the company of young and very generous girls. sea ​​urchin in your ass if you don't come!
P.S: Rumor has it that in addition to drinking to the devils, the old *Organizer's name* is preparing an exciting and profitable business for us!


Girls in the image of a lady - a dress and hairstyle are retro, elegant, with a needle. Or tomboys, seductive bandits - torn stockings, fishnet suspenders, a retro-style short skirt, a corset with a deep neckline, a creative mess on the head, bright makeup.

Just in time for a pirate party costumes in unisex style. Forgetting for a moment about the stupid bike about women on ships, the ladies can transform into the most charming members of the crew. In this case, the clothes only differ in execution from the men's pirate costume - more open and not so baggy.


  • vest in blue or red stripes. For girls - with a deep neckline, lowered on one shoulder, tied under the bust with a knot, etc .;
  • The image of a pirate girl It is easy to recreate from a couple of elements of clothing: a short dress with a deep neckline, fluffy skirt and wide sleeves, over which a fitted leather tank top is thrown over or a miniature corset is put on. Themed accessories complete the look.
  • white or cream shirt. The sleeves are loose, better with puffy cuffs. "Pirate" cuffs and frills are easy to sew with your own hands or assemble with an elastic band (put on like a bracelet, fasten with buttons, on eyelets, etc.);

  • not in the heat in nature is appropriate pirate frock coat, camisole, vest, leather cloak. But indoors/in the sun they are burdensome. It is better to take a couple of photos and take off your outerwear. Or let this part of the costume be made of light fabric, fake;
  • cropped breeches, like Jack Sparrow. Baggy pants, loose, tucked into boots. Leather trousers, ladies - tight, close-fitting. Boots with high tops, fabric ones are more convenient: fake tops are sewn directly to the trousers. Short boots or high heels are suitable for girls. Tight stockings and closed shoes in color will pass for over the knee boots.

Clothes can be perforated in several places, disheveled, aged. So the image will turn out to be more natural - a battered camisole, an unwashed shirt, trampled boots. Transfer tattoos are also in the subject.

Enthusiasts willing to take the time to create an elaborate costume have plenty to choose from: William Turnet, Billy Bootstrap, Tia Dalma, Elizabeth Swan, Davy Jones, Mr. Cotton. And that's just Pirates of the Caribbean!

Accessories for a pirate-themed party are almost as important as costumes. It is they who make the chosen image unambiguous and recognizable:

  • pistols, saber or sword, knife. Harness over the shoulder, scabbard;
  • compass, spyglass, watch on a chain;
  • wide sling (a scarf is suitable, it can be deliberately bright, with a fringe);
  • leather belt, with a buckle (you can have two at once, like Jack Sparrow);
  • neckerchief, bandana, eye patch, cocked hat;
  • stylized jewelry (large rings, ring earrings, skull bones);
  • various little things in the hair, on the belt, wrists. Talismans, amulets made of skins, bones, fabric, beads.

Menu, serving

Easy Pirate Party Table Decoration Ideas:

  • General buffet table-ship. Close with a tablecloth, put on a net. Decorate the "skirt" of the tablecloth with steering wheels, anchors, ropes. Place the mast with sails in the center of the table or on the back wall, in the background. If there is no room for the mast, you can place the "sail" horizontally, in waves right above the table, under the ceiling.

  • Several garden tables with sticks for installing sun umbrellas. But instead of umbrellas, build masts-sails. Come up with a name for each table-ship, sew it on the tablecloth from the front side of the “board”.
  • Move a large table to the wall, close it to the floor with burlap or a thick cloth. Put boxes on top, barrels - several tiers, randomly. And on them - plates and dishes with snacks, bottles, jars instead of glasses(port surroundings or hold).

  • Choose dishes based on the level of preparation and the importance of the event. These can be stylized paper plates-glasses, glass and crystal, or "silver" - cups, trays, "antique" cutlery.
  • Use pirate flags and other recognizable paraphernalia to decorate skewers, tubules, serving molds. It’s easier to lay out / stick cards beautifully than to rack your brains over thematic design every meal.

  • Several barrels with taps and globe bar fit perfectly into the theme.
  • Buy ice molds - skulls, bones, balls, fish, boats, diamonds. You can replace them with molds for chocolate, baking.
  • Are you having a Halloween pirate party? Be sure to use watermelons, melons and pumpkins to decorate the hall and for serving any dishes (bowls of halves).

  • For a pirate birthday, order a cake in a recognizable style. Islands, treasure chests, ships, etc. An unforgettable surprise for the birthday boy and all the guests!
  • Place sweets in cardboard chests and boats, in decorated transparent jars, vases. Buy a lot of candies in multi-colored foil (gems, in bulk), chocolate bars (also in foil - ingots). Blind flags, anchors, steering wheels, etc. from mastic, decorate muffins, cakes, cookies.

For entourage, include a large whole baked fish and seafood in the pirate menu. And the rest - to your taste. Cutting, vegetables, fruits, any salads. The buffet is ideal when active fun, games, dances are in the plans. Canapes, miniature sandwiches, snacks in baskets and vases, kebabs themselves are a bright table decoration.

Any drinks, but for the atmosphere you can put a few bottles of rum on the table. Print "old" labels, reglue. You can “age” the bottles themselves - dust them, wrap the necks with twine, and glue themed decor.

Since this is an adult pirate party, there is no point in fiddling with each dish for a long time. But some of the appetizers from the menu can be served in "boats" and "sails" can be hoisted. Making a boat with your own hands is very simple. Need a skewer (mast), board and sail. A boat is an empty half of a cucumber, an orange, an egg, a rhombus bread, a basket, etc. Inside, any filling, a sail on a skewer - lettuce, shrimp, a thin slice of cheese, ham, cucumber.


When choosing a pirate party scenario for adults, consider the space available to guests. For example, it is better to organize a treasure hunt on a map in nature. Those. literally look for a place marked with a cross, walking nearby and completing quest after quest. Treasures can also be hidden indoors. But if there is not enough space, you won’t be able to walk around much. This means that the quest itself and the competitions must be doable on the spot.

Pirate scenario options:

  • with the invitation, each guest also receives a piece of a pirate map. Coming to the party guests put them together, into a map with marked points. Tags are games and contests that "lead" to a hidden chest;
  • the map is torn and lost. Guests perform tasks, receiving an award for each competition - another fragment. At the end, the card is folded and just go to the chest;

Theme songs and music for a pirate party will come in handy during competitions. Download several compositions from movies and cartoons, cut them. And you can dance and relax to any incendiary music, especially since there are not so many pirate songs really suitable for a party.

  • instead of a card for games, fragments of the message are given. For example, "The treasure is buried under a palm tree." Cut the text into as many pieces as provided by the competitions. The chest is placed in a box and in the far corner of the room. And above the box or in front of it is a cardboard “landmark”. In our example, this is a palm tree. You can come up with a riddle instead of a direct indication: "The treasure is where the two pirates anchored." In pirate slang, "anchored" - they fought, i.e. on the box you need to stick a picture of two fighting pirates.
  • Several teams are fighting for the right to open the treasury. Suitable for large-scale parties, when at least a couple of dozen "pirates" gathered;
  • in the chest are rewards with price tags. For each competition, the winners are awarded with gold coins, doubloons or black marks. At the end, the accumulated wealth can be spent on gifts from the "dead man's chest".

Regardless of the chosen scenario, you can schedule both team and single competitions. If the plot does not provide for division into teams, just beat this moment, for example, as a training session for a close-knit pirate gang.

Any competitions for adults (paired, far from puritanical - according to the mood of the company) or children's, slightly modified in accordance with the theme, will fit into the scenario of a pirate party. Use pirate slang and nicknames to create an atmosphere:

Moor - sit down
Shake your bones - dance
Fill the hold - have a bite
Where can you whisper with the Jolly Roger? - where is the toilet?
It's storming in the hold - I'm drunk

Pirate Initiation

Leading: to become a real pirate, it’s not enough to be able to tear the throat, fill up the tonsils and drag everything that is badly lying into the hold. Anchor in my liver if I'm wrong! Each pirate is also obliged to keep order on the ship! We are not garbage rats!

Divide the floor in two with masking tape or another mark. scatter Balloons, crumpled newspapers. Give guests mops. Two teams, on either side of the dividing line. The goal is to throw "garbage" from your "deck" on board to your neighbors. For three minutes, the guests, accompanied by a cheerful song, are pushing "garbage" back and forth with mops. At the end, you need to evaluate the "cleanliness of the ship" of each of the teams.


IN: but it’s weak to board a combat frigate without preparation? No? Well, let's see if you are sea devils or boiled jellyfish!

Two chairs, two teams. The goal is to climb onto someone else's chair-ship in a minute. The team whose members were able to fit on the enemy "frigate" in greater numbers wins.

friendly duel

IN: Hey on deck! How many holds can be filled? Let's see how you draw with sabers. And then all the brave ones grind with their tongues, but when it comes down to it - inept fry!

Thin board or bench, sham weapon. Two of them swing their sabers, trying to throw the enemy to the floor. The loser gives way to the next pirate.

Not a single battle

IN: You know how to swing mops and sabers, I admit it. Well, how will there be nothing to scrub and no one to measure the length of the knives with? Suddenly, Fortune will turn around to you as a stern, and will throw you onto an uninhabited island?

For a pirate-style birthday party, you can rent equipment and play Pirates VS Savages paintball. An easier option is to get food on a desert island:

  • spear darts at the target;
  • rings on hooks suspended on a shield;
  • from a bow with sucker arrows into prey (the gunpowder got wet, it has to be done in the “grandfather’s” way);
  • throw a lasso on mops in a bucket (glue a fake deer head to the mop);
  • any other way to test the accuracy of a pirate, depending on the location of the party.

close elbow

IN: It's not for me to tell you how often several worthy teams of thugs and notorious rogues go along the same route. Competition, so that it is torn apart ... But there are fewer treasures that have not been dug out than worthy young ladies in the port at night ... I grind something with my tongue like a drunken boatswain, thunder strikes me! Come on, dig out!

A large basin with sand and buried treasure - any shiny nonsense. The goal is for a minute a teaspoon (or Chinese chopsticks?) get more treasures than rivals. Can be done in teams or every man for himself.

One leg is good!

IN: The pirate, not ready for any losses, has rotten cuttlefish ink instead of brains! There *pirate nickname of a guest in a blindfold* lost his eye, and nothing - hearty! And if the leg is opened with a core? Let's see how you handle this trick!

Relay, two teams racing or all together. At the finish line is a chair with a bottle and glasses. On the bottle is the label "Rum is a life-giving drink!". The guest bends one leg and jumps to the finish line, leaning on a crutch or cane (for entourage). Having reached the stool, he pours and drinks "life-giving swill" - the leg grows back! Back running, passed the crutch to the next. If you're having a pirate birthday, have all party guests toast before being "healed".

Regatta on frigates

IN: It remains to test the strength of the pirate spirit. Weak Davy Jones, an anchor in his throat, lets the fish feed in packs!

Miniature paper boats, start-finish on a smooth surface. It is necessary to blow on your boat so that it “sails” to the finish line before the rest. You can teams - two big ship and all together to blow into the "sails" of their frigate.

Where does the rum go all the time? (c) Jack Sparrow

IN: Yo-ho-ho, venerable pirates! I have no more doubts that only the most notorious swindlers, dodgers and other filibusters have gathered here! Let's drink to the bottom of this!

Two teams and two large bowls. Or every man for himself - great plastic cup. It is necessary to empty the container at speed (it’s funnier through a straw).

Quizzes, board games (minutes of rest)

  • to untie sea knots at speed;
  • guess riddles on the marine and pirate theme;
  • decipher pirate slang (phrases, turns, curses);
  • a test for knowledge of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" or just a pirate life;
  • funny questions and answers. Only one option is correct, the other two are absurd. What was the name of J. Sparrow's ship: Devil's Dozen, Black Pearl or Salty Beluzhin? Using the rhyme generator, it's easy to come up with as many questions/answers as you like.

At the end of the scenario - "open" and open the chest, share the treasures(thematic gifts, medals "The most notorious pirate"). If the party is in honor of a birthday, solemnly take out a pirate cake - a surprise from the cook. You can arrange an explosion in a powder warehouse (fireworks) or money rain (paper show).

Contest 1

At a sea or pirate birthday party for the little ones, a simple Water-Land game will be fun: an island circle is drawn on the floor, land is inside it, water is outside. The children stand inside the circle on land, and then follow the commands of the leader, saying either “Water!”, Then “Land!”. At the same time, children jump out of the circle, then jump again. The host can constantly confuse them by repeating the same command.

Contest 2

For older children, you can organize a winding game "Raising the Anchor". A long rope is taken, to which a cardboard anchor is attached exactly in the middle. Pencils or sticks are tied to the ends of the rope. Two children participate: each takes one end of the rope in his hands and, at the command of the leader, begins to wind it around a pencil. Whose pencil touches the anchor faster, he wins.

Contest 3

A game: " Shark. Day Night»

Shark sleeps during the day. Goes hunting at night. The star says: "Day", everyone swims. The star says: "Night", everyone freezes. Whoever moves, that Shark takes prisoner. The prisoner misses the game. You can change the Shark during the game.

Competition 4

A game: " Nautical words»

You need to name 10 or more words related to the sea.

Contest 5

A game " We dive to the bottom". You can simply blindfold the players, or you can take underwater goggles or a mask and cover the glass with something so that nothing can be seen through it. You will also need various items related to the marine theme: plastic fish, shells, pebbles, a small anchor, etc. and so on. All this can lie in a package in the hands of the presenter. In advance, children do not see objects. The player is put on a mask, one of the objects is placed on the floor and they are offered to find and guess it. The player, kneeling down, feels for an object on the floor by touch, and then also guesses by touch what it is. Each lucky "diver" is entitled to some kind of prize.

Competition 6

A game " Naval pasta". Props - large forks and long ropes. Several participants are called. Each is given a fork and a rope. Whoever wraps the pasta (rope) on the fork faster wins.

Competition 7

A game " sea ​​battle»

In the room on the floor lay out the border - the rope. Divide into two teams, throw the balls to the side of the enemy. The team with the most balls on their side loses. During the game, the balls burst, and each ball contains a phantom - a comic task. The losers must perform a phantom.

Competition 8

A game " gold fish". Children will receive balls and details for fish (eyes, cilia, fins, sponges, tail - all this is prepared in advance from colored paper), all that remains is to glue them to the ball.

Contest 9

Contest: " Who is who?»

Envelope with badges.

Pirates don't usually call each other by their first names. They all use nicknames. Write the first letters of your first and last name on a piece of paper. Within 2 minutes, everyone must come up with a nickname for themselves that begins with these letters. For example, Katya Smirnova can be called the Courageous Cat. The author of the most original nickname receives a prize.

Contest 10

Contest " KNOT»

Any pirate is simply obliged to possess the art of knitting sea knots. As far as beginner robbers can do it, the next contest will show. First you need to appoint a leader. It could be the birthday boy himself. The leader leaves the room. The rest of the participants hold hands tightly, forming a closed chain. This chain
required to tie in knot. Players can turn around, step over the player's hands, standing next to, climb anywhere without letting go of the neighbor's hand. After the sea knot is ready and the participants are twisted to the limit, the pirate crew shouts: Polundra! The host enters the room and unravels the knot without breaking the chain. The competition can be repeated several times. Those who unravel the sea knot can be awarded with commemorative medals, "Real Pirate". You can also reward desperate pirates who courageously endured an uncomfortable situation.

Competition 11

Contest blind sailor. The host (mother) announces: And now I want to know how friendly the team is and whether you recognize each other blindfolded by voice. A “blind” sailor is chosen among the players. The rest of the players, holding hands, stand around him. He claps his hands, and the participants in the game begin to walk in a circle. The blind man claps again and the players in the circle stop and freeze. After that, the "Blind" presenter points to one of the guys, trying to guess who it is. If he guesses the first time, then the one whom the leader guessed takes his place. If the “blind” presenter did not guess on the first try, then he can touch this participant and try to guess a second time, he can ask the participant to say a word, bark, meow, etc. In case of luck, the “blind” becomes the player who was recognized. This competition can be held two or three times. At the end of the competition, the host announces that the team is really friendly.

Competition 12

Contest Get in the bottle. Suitable for a scenario with a treasure hunt and compiling a cipher. In front of the children there is a sheet of drawing paper with frames for inserting letters (as in a field of miracles). Each team of children has a row of bottles with messages inside. The messages contain riddles, each letter of the answer to which is a letter of the hidden word. The team that writes the word the fastest wins.
