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Sample job description for a safety engineer. Labor protection engineer: responsibilities, job description and instructions. Workplace of an OT engineer

This article collects the main responsibilities of a labor protection specialist, provides a list of sections that make up his job description, the necessity and procedure for its preparation, as well as the procedure for familiarizing employees with it, are explained.

So, let's begin …

Why create a job description for an occupational safety specialist in 2019?

It is necessary to draw up a job description in order to describe in detail all the responsibilities of a labor protection specialist in the organization. This is done to:

1. Create a list of work that needs to be performed by a specialist. This document lists functional responsibilities occupational safety engineer, the strict implementation of which is going to be paid by the employer.

2. Designate the boundaries of the area of ​​responsibility. A detailed job description for an occupational safety specialist allows him to be freed from doing someone else’s work and gives him the opportunity to focus exclusively on his own professional responsibilities.

3. Determine the requirements for a specialist. The instructions contain instructions on what a labor protection engineer should know, what education and work experience to have, what equipment to work with, what production processes It’s good to know what reports to write, etc.

4. Coordinate the work of departments. The instructions list which departments, in what situations and on what issues the occupational safety engineer collaborates. This will help him to easily access the information necessary for his work, include representatives of various departments in the commissions, and take part in the work of the commissions and events. Lists of persons who report to the occupational safety engineer, and persons to whom he himself reports, also significantly simplify the joint work of specialists in different areas.

5. Quickly convey information. In order not to waste time explaining his job responsibilities, a labor protection specialist can simply offer to read his job description.

6. Quickly bring a new employee up to speed. By inviting the applicant to read the instructions for the position he is interested in during the interview, the employer insures himself against claims like: “But they didn’t tell me anything about this.”

7. Justify the correctness of a fine or other punishment. If a labor safety specialist performs his job duties poorly or does not perform them at all, the easiest way to prove this fact is by comparing the amount of quality work actually performed with what the instructions require.

Occupational safety specialist and his job responsibilities

The main responsibilities of an occupational safety specialist are spelled out in, as well as in the professional standard for an occupational safety specialist. These two documents complement (and in some cases duplicate) each other. Taking into account the specifics of their activities, organizations supplement the job descriptions of occupational safety specialists with new requirements, and, on the contrary, remove some of the requirements given in the handbook. Therefore, the job descriptions of occupational safety engineers working, for example, in a school, a cement plant or a supermarket chain, differ significantly.

The main functional responsibilities of a labor protection engineer include:

Regular checks to ensure that labor safety requirements are met at his site or department. To do this, the specialist needs to draw up an inspection schedule in advance, which will indicate when and what exactly will be checked. From time to time it is useful to “delight” your colleagues with unscheduled checks.

Organization of certification and certification of workplaces of “your” site, division, organization. After carrying out these procedures, it is necessary to implement the recommended measures (organize the distribution of milk or additional personal protective equipment, increase the duration of leave).

Monitoring the serviceability of equipment and availability necessary documents, compliance with verification deadlines.

Work as a member of commissions for various purposes. Most often these are commissions for testing knowledge, investigating accidents, monitoring technical condition production facilities owned by the organization (equipment, buildings).

Making proposals regarding reducing production risks, improving working conditions, bringing them to the level international standards, implementation of initiatives approved by management.

➤ Systematic control of the provision of workers with special clothing, safety footwear, and personal protective equipment (checking issue cards, actual availability and use).

➤ Conducting induction training. Conducting other types of briefings is not the responsibility of a labor protection specialist in an organization. However, he should monitor the timeliness and quality of their implementation, and prevent formal filling out of logs without actual training.

➤ Providing department heads with information on OT instructions necessary for their preparation, adjustment and revision.

➤ Preparing lists of employees who need to undergo periodic, as well as pre-shift or pre-trip medical examinations.

➤ Generating reports and submitting them on time.

How is a job description for an occupational safety specialist drawn up?

The biggest “helpers” in developing instructions for a labor protection specialist are the following regulatory documents:

, approved by Order of the Ministry of Social Health Development 559n dated May 17, 2012
Professional standard for a specialist in the field of labor protection, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor 524n dated 08/04/2014.

The job description of a labor protection specialist in 2019, as before, consists of the following sections:

1. General provisions. Here are the following:

category of employee – managers, specialists;
➤ how a new specialist is appointed, as well as his dismissal;
➤ persons to whom the safety engineer reports, as well as persons to whom he himself reports;
➤ requirements for level of education, specialization, experience;
➤ what a labor protection engineer should know (nuances of technological processes, regulatory documentation, working with regulatory authorities, etc.);
➤ who and on what basis (order, instruction) replaces him during his absence (sick leave, vacation);
➤ other requirements at the discretion of the employer. These may be the nuances of reporting, possession of communication means, instruments, computer equipment, availability driver's license and etc.

2. Functional responsibilities. This section provides the functional responsibilities of an occupational safety engineer selected from the CEN and the professional standard for an occupational safety specialist under specific position. They are supplemented by the company's own requirements. For example, you can provide for the obligation to replace a specialist with similar functions during his absence, to participate in the development of business plans, projects, equipment orders (check that the selected models comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, are equipped with the appropriate certificates, and can be easily verified in the enterprise conditions and etc.).

3. Rights. Here is a detailed list of the rights of a labor protection specialist necessary for the implementation of his job responsibilities:

➤ use round-the-clock access to any of the production areas entrusted to him in order to be able to fully monitor compliance by employees with labor protection requirements;
➤ receive any information that he needs to complete production tasks;
➤ study orders, orders, resolutions, instructions, any technical documentation that he needs to perform the work;
➤ have the right to sign or endorse documents (within the limits of their powers);
➤ improve your qualifications, undergo training necessary for work, etc.

4. Responsibility. Here are the instruments of influence that the employer has the right to use for improper performance of job duties by a labor protection specialist. They are regulated by the following types of legislation:

➤ dishonest performance of work – by Trudov;
➤ offenses (theft, fights, forgery of documents, etc.) – Civil, Criminal and Administrative;
material damage(the property of the enterprise was damaged or lost, due to the fault of the fire safety engineer, the enterprise was fined) – Labor, Civil.

The employer can also punish for violations of the charter and internal rules of the organization, as well as other omissions.

Job descriptions of occupational safety specialists in 2019 are drawn up by their managers, personnel officers or other persons authorized by employers. If this is required by the established procedure in the organization, they are endorsed by lawyers, the head of the personnel department or other specialists. The instructions signed by the originator and endorsed are approved by the first person of the organization or his deputy. Job descriptions are not drawn up for each employee individually, but for specific professions.

Job responsibilities of a labor protection specialist: familiarization with the instructions

Before starting work, the specialist studies his job description and, at the employer’s option, signs:

1) on the familiarization sheet (attached to a copy of the instructions, which is kept by the employer);

2) in the Journal of familiarization with job descriptions or the Journal of familiarization with internal acts of the organization;

3) in copy employment contract, which is kept by the employer.

This signature is confirmation that the newcomer has actually become familiar with the responsibilities of an occupational safety specialist in the organization. If a specialist refuses to sign or does not want to read the instructions, you need to draw up a report regarding this. This protects the employer from possible accusations that the responsibilities of the occupational safety specialist were not brought to his attention at the time of employment.

As a rule, one copy of the instruction is given to the employee. He signs his receipt in the Instruction Issuing Journal. On this copy you can write the last name, first name and patronymic of the specialist to whom it was issued.

In this article you have become acquainted with the job responsibilities of an occupational safety specialist, collected information about what an occupational safety engineer should know, what responsibilities he may have, what is included in his job description, who draws it up, how it is approved and in what order it is issued to the employee in your arms. The development of labor protection instructions and the regulatory document that should be used during development are described.

The employer has the opportunity to control the safe work in the institution by adding staffing table the position of “occupational safety specialist (traffic safety)”.

As a rule, the head of the occupational health and safety service, as well as the occupational safety and health engineer, are directly subordinate to the director of the enterprise. Employees who have experience in performing such functionality are confident that the duties of an occupational health and safety engineer are performed by a person developed in various fields, who understands both the work of the organization as a whole and the processes of individual structures.

Is it necessary to have on staff

Let’s first figure out whether a person responsible for labor protection and industrial safety is needed in every institution. The employer is obliged to comply with security requirements in the organization. He is obliged not only to monitor their implementation, but also to form a unit called the service of occupational safety specialists. Sometimes a special position is included in the staffing table of an enterprise. This provision, provided for in Part 1 of Art. 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is used when the organization has more than 50 employees and carries out production activities. This activity is implemented in various economic sectors; it relates to the production of goods, performance of work, and provision of services.

Thus, the legislation in this area applies to fairly large institutions that perform a wide range of production functions.

Qualification requirements

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated 02/08/2000 No. 14 approved clarifications on how to establish occupational safety activities, how to organize training to become an occupational safety engineer, and what qualifications an occupational health and safety inspector must have.

Current legislation contains the concept “ professional standard" Thus, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 195.1 contains a definition of the concept that establishes a set of indicators of the employee’s skill level necessary to perform the established type of work (labor function). For an OT specialist, this is professional standard 192, which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 4, 2014 No. 524n.

From July 1, 2016, the use of the standard is mandatory both when naming a position and when determining requirements for the level of education and labor skills.

A person appointed to such a vacancy must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Of Education:
    • higher education in the field of “Technosphere Safety” or similar specialties;
    • higher education and the presence of additional vocational education (vocational retraining) in occupational safety;
    • secondary and additional vocational education (professional retraining) in occupational safety.
  2. Based on work experience:
    • no requirements for work experience;
    • If you have secondary vocational education, you must have more than 3 years of experience in this field.

If the employer has hazardous facilities, special training in the field of industrial safety and certification are required.

The main area in which these workers are required to study is the specialty “occupational safety”.

Conclude an agreement with an organization or take part-time work

Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that the head of an institution ensures safe operating conditions.

Article 217 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the conditions under which an institution must have a labor protection and industrial safety specialist who ensures proper working conditions and processes if the number of employees is more than 50. If the staff has less than 50 people, the employer independently decides on the issue of creating a security service or introducing staffing unit. This means that the company under such conditions is not obliged to have a full-time employee.

If there is no service (or engineer) on staff, the director of the enterprise takes over the functions. The manager has the right to enter into an agreement of a civil nature with an institution or specialist providing services in the field of occupational safety.

If there are more than 50 units on staff (i.e., the employer is obliged to introduce a specialist position), the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not force the identification of an individual employee for whom such work will become the main one. This means that job responsibilities will be divided among other part-time employees in the event that their qualification characteristics correspond to the necessary ones.


The occupational health and industrial safety engineer is responsible for organizing work in the following areas:

  • ensuring that employees comply with current occupational safety requirements;
  • monitoring compliance by employees with current legislation in the area of ​​activity;
  • implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing violations of standards and injuries at work;
  • conducting consultations with employees on occupational safety processes;
  • implementation of innovative methods of provision;
  • conducting briefings and training in this area;
  • participation in accident investigations.

Job responsibilities employee are established in detail by Order of the Ministry of Health dated May 17, 2012 No. 559n.

Employee Responsibility

Article 419 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation determined that those who are guilty of non-compliance with legislation, regulations, which include provisions labor law, are subject to different types of liability:

  • disciplinary;
  • material;
  • civil law;
  • administrative;
  • criminal

Thus, an employee performing functions in the safety department of an enterprise is responsible for:

  1. Within the scope of the job description:
    • in case of poor performance or failure to fully fulfill assigned duties;
    • for violation of the current legislation in the field of competence;
    • for causing material damage.
  2. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:
    • in accordance with Chapter 5, sanctions are provided, ranging from a fine of up to 200,000 rubles to suspension of the enterprise for a period of three months.
  3. According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:
    • Art. 143 protects the standards that must be observed in all industries;
    • Art. 215, 216, 217 - special, aimed at protecting standards in certain industries.

Punishment under the Criminal Code, depending on the circumstances, ranges from a fine of 400,000 rubles to imprisonment for 5 years.

occupational health and safety engineer

Monitors compliance in the organization (its divisions) with current legislation, instructions, rules and regulations on labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, and the provision of established benefits and compensation to employees for working conditions.

Participates in the development of promising projects and annual plans to improve working conditions and safety, strengthen the health of workers. Studying working conditions in the workplace.

Participates in the introduction of more advanced designs of fencing equipment, safety devices and other protective equipment, measures to create safe and healthy working conditions, rational work and rest regimes, taking into account the specifics of production, the dynamics of performance, the frequency of human physiological functions, as well as the development of recommendations for the organization of work in order to preserve the health and performance of the organization’s employees, increase the content and attractiveness of work.

Participates in checking the technical condition of equipment, determining its compliance with the requirements for safe work, and, if necessary, in the prescribed manner, takes measures to stop the operation of this equipment.

Monitors the efficiency of ventilation and aspiration systems, the condition of safety devices and protective devices. Monitors the timeliness of inspection tests and the correct operation of steam boilers, compressed gas cylinders, control equipment, cranes, lifts and other equipment, compliance with measurement schedules of industrial noise, air environment, vibration, etc., compliance with the instructions of state supervision bodies, interdepartmental and departmental monitoring compliance current rules on labor protection and labor safety standards in the production process, as well as the implementation of projects for production facilities under construction and reconstruction, participates in their acceptance into operation.

Provides organizational units with methodological assistance in developing occupational health and safety instructions. Participates in the development of training programs for employees of the organization in safe working methods.

Organizes the promotion and study by employees of safety rules and industrial sanitation, promotes the introduction of special industrial gymnastics complexes, the creation of comfortable zones and recreation areas. Participates in the drafting of the section of the collective agreement concerning issues of improving working conditions and improving the health of workers.

Participates in case investigations industrial injuries, occupational diseases, studies the causes that caused them, analyzes the effectiveness of measures taken to prevent them.

Monitors the correctness of applications for workwear, special food, protective devices, etc., and the timely issuance of personal protective equipment to employees.

To properly perform job duties, you must know:

  • decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to issues of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation;
  • basic technological processes production;
  • methods for studying working conditions in the workplace;
  • organization of work on labor protection, safety precautions and industrial sanitation;
  • system of labor safety standards;
  • psychophysiological requirements for workers, based on their category of work severity, restrictions on the use of labor by women, adolescents and other workers transferred to light work;
  • features of operation of equipment used in the organization;
  • rules and means of monitoring compliance of the technical condition of equipment with the requirements for safe work;
  • advanced domestic and Foreign experience on occupational health and safety;
  • methods and forms of propaganda and information on labor protection and safety;
  • the procedure and timing for reporting on the implementation of occupational health, safety and industrial sanitation measures;
  • fundamentals of economics, labor organization and management;
  • legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

At enterprises whose activities involve hazardous production, there must be a person responsible for safety when performing work. Such a person is an occupational safety and health engineer (hereinafter referred to as a health and safety engineer). This position can be included in the staffing table of other organizations - internal control over the implementation of labor protection standards must be carried out in any production.

Labor functions of a safety and health engineer

The job description of this employee specifies the following responsibilities:

  • control over compliance at the enterprise with regulatory legal and local acts that contain labor protection rules;
  • conducting training, examinations and briefings on labor protection;
  • assistance to department heads in the development of labor protection instructions for all positions, rules and safety precautions;
  • investigation of industrial accidents and analysis of occupational morbidity;
  • monitoring the condition of production equipment and electrical equipment;
  • inspection of workplaces and study of working conditions of workers in order to improve the labor protection system;
  • search and implementation of safer production technologies;
  • participation in the compilation of a list of benefits and compensations due to employees of hazardous and hazardous industries, and lists of employees who should receive these benefits and compensations and who are responsible for passing medical examinations, and etc.

Requirements for a safety and health engineer

Given the responsibilities assigned to a safety engineer, the employer should carefully and seriously select a candidate for this position. From professionalism this specialist The safety of production, as well as the life and health of workers involved in this production, depend.

Qualification characteristics(Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 17, 2012 N 559n)
Job title Category Education Experience in the field of labor protection
Occupational Safety Specialist I
Specialist of the second category for at least two years
II Specialist for at least one year
Uncategorized Without experience
Secondary vocational and additional in the field of labor protection At least five years
Head of Labor Safety Service Higher professional (direction “Technosphere safety” or corresponding to it)
or higher and additional in the field of labor protection
At least five years

In addition to qualifications, other requirements are imposed on the candidate:

  • knowledge of regulatory documentation in the field of labor protection;
  • experience in conducting labor safety inspections;
  • experience in conducting safety training;
  • confident use of a computer;
  • experience in conducting safety training, etc.

To carry out the functions of a safety and health engineer, it is important not only and not so much professional education, but practical skills and abilities. The occupational safety specialist must respond promptly in cases of non-compliance with safety regulations by workers and be able to quickly make decisions in emergency situations. A safety and health engineer is directly responsible for violations of labor protection requirements in an organization, which means he must have the appropriate professional personal qualities: attentiveness, discipline, responsibility, and organizational skills.

A labor safety engineer is a person who monitors compliance with the safety rules for the life and health of enterprise employees in the process of labor activity. The profession of an engineer (specialist) in labor protection involves monitoring compliance with rules fire safety at the enterprise and prevention of accidents at work.

Places of work

The position of occupational safety engineer is primarily in demand at manufacturing, industrial and agricultural enterprises, whose employees work with dangerous mechanisms or perform tasks that are dangerous to their life and health.

Responsibilities of a labor safety engineer

Main job responsibilities of a labor protection engineer:

  • Development and implementation of local regulatory framework on labor protection.
  • Preparation of presentations and seminars on labor protection for company employees.
  • Organization of medical examinations and control of their implementation.
  • Investigation of industrial accidents.
  • Preparation and certification of workplaces.
  • Working with inspectors government agencies(Rostechnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection, labor inspection).

Additional job responsibilities of a labor protection specialist:

  • Preparation of statistical reporting.
  • Participation in the work of commissions to test knowledge of occupational safety and health.

Requirements for a labor protection engineer

Main requirements for a labor protection engineer:

  • Higher professional education.
  • Knowledge of legislative and regulatory acts in the field of labor protection.
  • Experience of successfully passing occupational safety and health inspections.
  • Experience interacting with inspection authorities.
  • Confident use of PC and office equipment.

Additional (sometimes encountered) requirements for a labor protection specialist:

  • Knowledge of the procedure for investigating industrial accidents.
  • Experience in employee safety training.

Sample resume for occupational safety engineer

How to become a labor protection engineer

A person with a higher technical or special education in the field of “Life Safety” can become an occupational safety engineer. Although for this position not only special knowledge is important, but also practical skills. If available, the functions of a labor protection engineer can also be performed by a person with incomplete specialized education.

Labor safety engineer salary

The salary of a labor protection engineer varies from 18 to 70 thousand rubles per month. If the enterprise is large and employs several occupational safety specialists, the salary of the chief specialist may exceed 100 thousand rubles per month. The average salary of a labor protection engineer (specialist) is 45 thousand rubles per month.

Where to get training

Besides higher education There are a number of short-term training programs on the market, typically lasting from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Construction and industrial complex and her direction courses "".

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